The BEST Bible proof, KEYS to prophecy & not-so-blind faith

  • čas přidán 26. 09. 2015
  • Re: Prophecy fulfilled in Jesus and it's implications. Dispelling the idea that faith means "belief for no reason".
    This message is part of a series through the book of 1 Peter in an exegetical, verse by verse study. Each week a new video will be uploaded. Subscribe to my channel to get updates as they come out.

Komentáře • 65

  • @yona1960bear
    @yona1960bear Před 3 lety +11

    I've been suffering from a blood disorder that causes chronic fatigue. Every day is a battle. Since I am still working, though only a couple of hours a day, I am afraid my disability claim will be denied, which is the only way I can qualify for Medicaid. I already owe thousands of dollars for treatments. I sure don't "feel" like a child of God many days! It has been a great source of strength to know that my salvation and God's love for me doesn't rest on my feelings! Thank you pastor Mike!

    • @geraldcortez826
      @geraldcortez826 Před 3 lety +2

      The narrow way is the only way to be saved through Christ. And that word narrow in Greek comes from the root Thlibo meaning tribulation. We will suffer in this life. Let me share my story with you. My mama had a stroke in 2013. And she was my everything my best friend, i took care of her. She was sick for a long time. And i was like a child. Thinking she just would be here forever. So never spent time with her and even treated her bad because I work long hours and i was selfish, and was a brat truthful, and was depressed and wanted to end my life for year's, but wouldn't because she needed me. I even had resentment because I had to live. Back then i believe that hell destroyed the soul. So i look forward to peacefully not existing anymore. Then my mama had the stroke and she couldn't talk or move for 14 months, i would go see her every day but only for 30 minutes or a hour at most. I was still in denial that God would heal her. She suffered greatly in there. Surgeries because of her back bone made bed sores. Had to take out the bone. And in and out of the hospital and icu near death, i hated she had to be in a nursing home after all that was her greatest fear. She was set to cut off both her legs before she died. When she died in 2014 August 13. I was in the darkest place i had ever been. I would cry to the LORD to kill me everyday and destroy my soul. I never cursed God but i couldn't see color in the world anymore. I worked a few more months before I made the decision to kill myself. I planned it out how and said I'd cash in my 401k and the life insurance policy of 10.000 and live on it until I was broke then end it. And go into hell fire to be destroyed, and have peace. As i foolishly believe in such a thing. Lying preacher Sheaperd Chapel. But i begged everyday without end for God to do it. Hoping I'd go to heaven if He did it. Well went to see my niece that is like my own daughter. I told her and my brother what I planned to do. And told them there was no talking me out of it. They tried to though. Also tried to guilt me into hanging on. Saay do it for me and i need you and stuff. I got mad lol like what did I expect :P i was like how dare you try to make me stay in this evil world, still a bit of a brat. I was going to quit my job in January something 2015. But told people i was plus I miss a lot of work me visiting my mama. They hated me so got fired in December 2014 cheated out of my vacation pay. Went in the office laughing at them. Telling them how much I hated the job and was quitting anyway lol Anyway went to see my niece said my good byes. In January came home and made it till June till i spent all my money. Was going to end it. And ended up in the hospital instead. My apedx busted 2 weeks before I ended up in the ER. I was out most the 1st mouth in the ICU. I had 9 surgeries and spent 3 months in the hospital. I had so many problems. And was in a lot of pain. But my uncle paid my bills and got temporary disability. So i choose to live till it ran out in January 2016. I had many health problems i didn't know about like nerve damage in both legs and feet and hands. Then thanks to the surgeries i got gastroperese. I had big problems with dejection my food and a lot of pain everytime i ate. Well disability ran out. But my uncle came in and sent me 500 a month for years then he got me a lawyer. And long story short, I knew they wasn't going to give me disability. Because I look in great shape but sick thanks to diabetes destroying my body for sense i was 18 now 43 was 41 then. And took years off from managing it right. But the woman who always tells the judge you can work and do something. Said they was no way i could do anything. So got my disability. In September 2017. But after this i start to live again when i got my check in December 2017. So started to see color again, idk if you ever played video games but zelda majoras mask. On the last day when the moon is crashing into the earth. That's the way i looked at life after my mama died. That's the best way for me to explain it. Anyway started to live and went to see a girl in Florida and i live in Mississippi was 700 miles. But i was happy for a little while. And started fixing my shack up. Holes in the floor bugs everywhere raining in every room. Put a new roof on it. Remodeled my room. Did a bunch. I was lonely so the girl made me happy until we broke up. We was just never going to work. To faraway, and she didn't want to move and me with a disability check couldn't live without owning my own place like i do here. Sad over it but no wanting to die anymore. I was sinning and lived a false Christianity. I was out there and God carried me through all that even though I begged Him to kill me from August 2014 until September 2017 3 years of ever day. And the Lord said no I have a place for you. Because I spent all of my time getting into the bible and i started to see such trash as once save always saved and just grace wasn't biblical. And i didn't like the truth i seen and i ran away from it back to my fake Christianity. And God didn't like it at all. And I stepped on a nail. In around 2017 July and i couldn't feel it. So walked on it all day. It being stuck in my shoe. So it was stabbing me all day. Took it off that night. And found it. Had leg problems before. When i had a hole in between my big toe and next toe. Leg was swollen and couldn't get much blood to toe. So took over a year to heal. This was before i got my disability. But it got better back then and saved my foot. But this time it got infected and they cut a V out the side of my foot. I was on cruches for over a year as tried to heal but had infection in the bone with poor blood flow to the foot. So then they cut off mya 3rd of my foot. I cried over it. Still it didn't heal. And i got something sharkfoot or something it's where all the little bones in your foot break hundreds of bones. No fixing it and it was all infected so off with my foot. In February of 2019 worse pain i ever felt worse than the doctor stuffing my belly full of gals every day without my delottion ( pain medication stronger than morthfiend) back in 2015 anyway went through rehab 3 hours every day for two weeks and back to cruches, i fell down a lot lol suck without two legs. But after months right before I got my prosthetic leg. I found something called the Iwalk 2.0. Let me walk. Then i had to break in my fake leg. And got back on my feet for a few months. I didn't see God was beating me yet to get me in line I had to died first to see that lol well in June again lol i had my gallbladder throw a stone that nearly killed me and i laid in bed 3 days not moving before I got up put on my leg. And fell down many times before I got to my truck. Then i drove to the er having trouble seeing too. But got in there and they put me on oxygen because everyday my body was not getting enough oxygen. Till i was in the icu. They had no clue what was wrong with me. Well i passed out. And i woke up in another hospital. They said my gallbladder through a stone and my gallbladder had to come out. I woke up with yellow jondis, they said my whole body was yellow but i have no memory of it. But they called my niece because i was dying she sign what had to be done. When i first woke up i was tied up with a breathing tub in my mouth. And was thinking everybody was against me not thinking to good to say the least. Anyway got back to myself tell told me that gallbladder had to come out or it happen again. So took it out had too much meds almost died. Then then i couldn't eat because of my gastroperese i think. I went without food to long so my dejection system had problems getting back going. Some reason they had to put a tube down my nose to pump out things in my belly. Was fine but it did something that killed me for 8 minutes. I was gone they told me. I didn't see heaven or anything. But the light were super bright and almost unreal i was thinking they had me in VR i was imaging things because I was dead with out oxygen to my brain for so long. But sadly God didn't give me a vision of heaven lol anyway was swollen with fluid and unable to get up at all. So after about a month. I spent the rest of my time in a nursing home and rehabilitation. Was horrible. Without a gallbladder i had runny diarrhea, and the CNA'S would be hiding while it ran up to my neck. Laying in my own popo for 30 minutes is a very humbling experience. Plus having people clean you,wash you dress you. For months crazy people stealing your stuff. Then the cursing and screaming. No fun. I hated it there the times they took me to the hospital. Because still having trouble eating so in and out the hospital. If it wasn't for my loving niece idk what I would had done. Because i no one that is around. But she came down a few times to be there for me. Thank Jesus for her. Anyway the nursing home lost my socks for my fake leg to pad it out. So i couldn't wear my leg so took longer to get back strong enough to get out. We got out in October 2019. Was so happy but still very weak. And i finally excepted the truth I ran from. And understood this was to put me in His narrow way. And I am more at peace than i ever been

    • @geraldcortez826
      @geraldcortez826 Před 3 lety +1

      My post was too long. Here is the rest.
      I don't even want a woman anymore, I just want to serve my Master my LORD my everything. I still fall short but i will kill my flesh off sooner or later. Death to self. And not running away from Christ words. Is what matters and being a doer of the word. We live in mystery Babylon usa. The American dream, get as much as you can and live it up. Hoarding riches is evil. When people are hungry homeless and broken. The love of money is the root of all evil. Christ tells us , I was thrsty and you gave Me nothing to drink. I was hungry and you gave Me nothing to eat. Etc depart from Me into hell fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 666 did you know Solomon got 666 talons of gold in one year. Christ said forsake all and follow Me. We value the wrong things. And people aren't going to like this. But Christ said you will be hated for My name sake. Friendship with the world is enmity with God that is wrath from God. Blessed are you when they curse you for My name sake. The biggest miracle God ever has done is this. Is that people believe that they can be saved by Christ without obeying HIS commandments, The bible tells us that the whole world will be deceived . And I even I will send them strong delusion so they will believe the lie. Because they loved not the truth. Build on the rock Christ with them four strong beams Matthew Mark Luke John. Lay your foundation first then put up your walls and roof. Without getting that right. We will hear those terrible words from Christ. Depart from Me I never knew you. You workers of lawlessness. They were so called CHRISTian's that took His name in vain. Why call Me Lord Lord and do not what I say? Know not who ye yield to is who you serve. We are all lulled to sleep with Satan's lullaby. And the image of the beast. Tell-a-vision-programming, TV. It has lowered our morals little by little, it tells people what to believe. They worship it daliy. I worshipped all of season 3 today. What you give your time to is what you worship. Well not going to preach a lot. But we must see the world for what it is. We think we are good. But all of us are wicked worms my friends, we must see ourselves through how God see us. Anyway i hope you get your disability man. Just know your blessed when you suffer. This is what true Christian's do is go through tribulation. If not and you have get everything you want. The wicked get that because they have just this life. So be happy your having a hard time. I'm so happy now because I have peace with God. I feel the Holy Spirit. Unlike most my life. I believe i was a Christian but was not. We all need tribulation to wake us up. I'm glad all that happened to make me walk with God. Thank you Jesus Christ for whipping and putting me through the fire to make me pure Gold. And burn away the slag.

    • @antonioortega8352
      @antonioortega8352 Před 2 lety +1

      @@geraldcortez826 Thank you for your testimony. Need a reminder every now and then. God bless you

  • @ryuhalto2
    @ryuhalto2 Před 8 lety +22

    Truth is there to those who seek it; who thirst for it. There will be those who don't believe, or rather choose not to. Grace be upon you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Awesome video!

  • @Ian-ve9xc
    @Ian-ve9xc Před 4 lety +16

    Some of the best worship is when you are going through your worst trials, poured out and wrecked but you choose to worship GOD and appreciate who he is and how great he is, that's when I have enjoyed worship at it's best. It's an opportunity to worship and give offerings to GOD.

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 Před rokem

      Amen! God inhabits the praises of His people. (See Psalm 22:3)
      He’s also near to the broken-hearted. (See Psalm 34:18)

    • @josephjimorris
      @josephjimorris Před rokem

      If we share in His sufferings, then we will share in His life. We learn love through suffering.

  • @carlidoepke5131
    @carlidoepke5131 Před rokem +2

    Thanks, as always, Mike! Peter’s letters are my favorite. Your teaching always makes me yearn for Heaven more. Thank you!

  • @ngerstner753
    @ngerstner753 Před rokem +2

    I love your verse by verse teaching.

  • @9pt9
    @9pt9 Před 8 lety +12

    Excellently articulated Mike. Love your videos!

  • @dco8886
    @dco8886 Před 5 lety +6

    One of my favorite videos. Awesome word 🙏🏽

  • @allthethingsyouwillsee1081

    Thanks Pastor Mike

  • @lindawarner7496
    @lindawarner7496 Před 2 lety +1

    My favorite on line pastor

  • @joshuasalcedo3630
    @joshuasalcedo3630 Před 4 měsíci

    Great study!

  • @mspamela2008
    @mspamela2008 Před 8 lety +4

    Love you brother Mike! But you said we don't know what God is doing. :-( Just off the top of my head, it says somewhere that God's will is our sanctification. He's working in and through us to accomplish His purpose. We are being conformed to the image of Jesus. So we have some idea. ;-) And Yes and Amen, our Hope is in these things God is doing. By, through and for Christ Jesus! :-)

  • @goesthadistance
    @goesthadistance Před 2 lety

    Thank you.

  • @eddiesetera7998
    @eddiesetera7998 Před 5 lety +8

    What skeptics want for the Bible to be trustworthy is the disciples writing everything that happened as they were walking together with Jesus and at the end of each day having Jesus sign the bottom of each page, have it notarized by a Roman official then make photocopies of it and having those sent to various government officials for safe keeping. Even then they would probably make up some conspiracy theory about the guy at the Kinkos changing stuff for some reason

    • @chad969
      @chad969 Před 4 lety

      If the stories are true then Paul and doubting Thomas received better evidence than anything you just described. I don't see why it's too much to ask that we receive the same quality of evidence that they did, especially if God doesn't show favoritism as we're told in Galatians 2:6.

    • @kevinschaefer3945
      @kevinschaefer3945 Před 2 lety +1

      @@chad969 So kind of you to give advice to the Creator of the Universe as to how to reveal Himself to individuals within His creation. You might want to consider that Paul and Thomas didn't have a compilation of writings of those who Jesus revealed Himself to in the way he did to them. If you sincerely want to know and experience Him and are not merely making excuses not to submit to Him, then He will reveal Himself to you in the way that best suits you as an individual.

    • @chad969
      @chad969 Před 2 lety

      @@kevinschaefer3945 You clearly don’t understand what the word “advice” means so I’m curious as to why you would try to use it in a sentence.

    • @kevinschaefer3945
      @kevinschaefer3945 Před 2 lety

      @@chad969 Please, educate me. Being an ESL teacher and former paralegal, I would like to hear your definition. Perhaps it differs from those in the Miriam-Webster, Oxford and American Heritage dictionaries.

    • @chad969
      @chad969 Před 2 lety

      ​@@kevinschaefer3945 While I'm happy to go with Miriam-Webster, Oxford or any other dictionary, I would define "advice" as a recommendation about the best course of action, or the course of action one ought to take. Now notice the difference in meaning between the following two sentences:
      1. David said to his friend, you should go to college and continue your education.
      2. David said to his friend, I don't understand why you don't go to college and continue your education.
      The former is a statement of advice whereas the latter is not. In statement 2, David is speaking about the limits of his own knowledge or understanding about his friend's reluctance to go to college. That's not the same thing as telling his friend what he ought to do. Similarly, when I said two years ago, "I don't see why it's too much to ask that we receive the same quality of evidence that they did, especially if God doesn't show favoritism as we're told in Galatians 2:6." I was speaking about the limitations of my own understanding regarding the decisions of the biblical God (if he exists), in light of the desires and motivations that are ascribed to him in scripture. I wasn't saying anything about what the biblical God ought to do. Rather, I was seeking understanding. I was not giving God advice.

  • @margahe9157
    @margahe9157 Před 5 lety +5

    I would like to see a conversation between Mike Winger and Michael Heiser!!!!!!!

  • @toplobster1040
    @toplobster1040 Před 3 lety


  • @jamesjahavey1681
    @jamesjahavey1681 Před 7 lety +1

    The vowels in the name of the Almighty matter little, not even the Jew has yet come to realise that, but the four letters do if you go back to the original hieroglyphs.
    (Exodus 3:15
    This is my name forever, and this is how I am to be remembered from generation to generation.

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 Před 4 lety

      YHWH = behold the hand behold the nail reading the pictograph form of paleo hebrew.

  • @tawandachristopher
    @tawandachristopher Před 2 lety


  • @hadleybee9710
    @hadleybee9710 Před 4 lety +2


  • @kevinwynn6582
    @kevinwynn6582 Před 8 lety +3

    I really liked this video. The passage from Isaiah you were talking about was the one that Philip helped the Ethiopian eunuch understand in the book of Acts. Christians have been making converts with that one for 2000 years :-)

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  Před 8 lety

      +kevin wynn Great point Kevin.

    • @kevinwynn6582
      @kevinwynn6582 Před 8 lety

      Mike, I was wondering about the verses from John chapter 20 that you quoted. I know you said there was allot in that passage, and you were mainly talking about how they related to Thomas. What do you think Jesus was talking about in verses 22 and 23? How do you understand verse 23?
      Thanks YBIC Kevin.

  • @gavart4509
    @gavart4509 Před 2 lety +1

    41:47 was really funny

  • @bimosunupoernomo7120
    @bimosunupoernomo7120 Před 5 lety

    Are you Fuller Seminarys graduate?

  • @mrrocketgrunt
    @mrrocketgrunt Před 7 lety +2

    Pastor, where did you go to college?

    • @MikeWinger
      @MikeWinger  Před 7 lety +12

      +mrrocketgrunt I haven't done a lot of college in secular schools. What I have done is the 2 year program at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa's School of Ministry. I do a lot of independent research as well as look for experts in these fields and I hope that my work can stand on the facts alone since I wouldn't try and put myself up as the authority on these things. Feel free to fact check me (as we should anyone).

  • @toplobster1040
    @toplobster1040 Před 3 lety

    54:04 What is meant here by "second watch?"

    • @friedrichrubinstein2346
      @friedrichrubinstein2346 Před 2 lety +1

      Back in the days people had to keep watch at night (guards on night duty). Second watch: Midnight to 3am, Third watch: 3am to sun rise.

  • @jesusalwayswithyou283
    @jesusalwayswithyou283 Před 4 lety +3

    Hey man. Thor is a super hero. I have all of his comics except for 4 of the early ones. He is not a god. Like captain america says. There is only one God and He doesnt dress like that

  • @ibelieve3111
    @ibelieve3111 Před rokem


  • @thor4594
    @thor4594 Před 4 lety

    How can we store up treasures in heaven? He clearly says what NOT to store and what to do, but doesn't say what it is.

    • @computergamescritical6917
      @computergamescritical6917 Před 2 lety +1

      There is a Day of the LORD that will come at a future time, in which not only sinners, but even Christians will be judged.
      The unrighteous will be judged based on the wickedness they did, with each sinful thing they did being given its appropriate punishment.
      The Christians will be judged according to how faithful they had been, with their faithfulness being given a reward, all the moments of sinfulness or unfaithfulness will simply be omitted, without any reward being given.
      So, to store up treasures in Heaven, simply don’t focus on rewards at all, but instead, serve and glorify God to your pinnacle, and be a blessing to other people, even if it incredibly hard to do so.
      Don’t do this with the motive of receiving a reward, but do so out of your will to glorify and love God and to love others as yourself, remember that Christians are judged by their FAITHFULNESS, not their good works, it is said within the Bible that if you even just offer a cup of water because someone is of Christ, you will not lose your everlasting reward.

  • @joshuasalcedo3630
    @joshuasalcedo3630 Před 4 měsíci


  • @toplobster1040
    @toplobster1040 Před 3 lety +1

    21:51 How do we know for a fact that all those testimonies aren't just made up?

  • @daleval2182
    @daleval2182 Před 4 lety

    Why do you say all through the Karahn, or Karan , like a beating drum , you repeated it 2 times during your sermon, it's a word I can't get comfortable with , I know your Christian brother just don't get it ?

  • @jamesjahavey1681
    @jamesjahavey1681 Před 7 lety

    How can some one with such a knowledge of scripture say that the bible forces us to believe that there is a trinity taught there? The trinity sais that Jesus is equal in power substance and glory when Jesus homers the Father as the Almighty God not the mighty God>>>>>>>>>
    1 Corinthians 15:24-28
    Next, the end, when he hands over the Kingdom to his God and Father, when he has brought to nothing all government and all authority and power. 25 For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet.  And the last enemy, death, is to be brought to nothing.  For God “subjected all things under his feet.” But when he says that ‘all things have been subjected,’ it is evident that this does not include the One who subjected all things to him.  But when all things will have been subjected to him, then the Son himself will also subject himself to the One who subjected all things to him, that God may be all things to everyone.
    Looked up the seven spirits of God yet Mike?

    • @jamespong6588
      @jamespong6588 Před 4 lety +4

      James JAH Avey you have to look at it as a whole, you can't pick and choose.
      Christ said he was God, you have to accept it.
      Christ said the holy spirit is God, you have to accept it.
      Christ said his father is God. You have to accept it.
      Yet Christ said there is only one God.
      Trinity is what appears to you if you accept the Bible. All, as a whole,
      In layman's terms
      God can have many expressions, many parts.
      Just like you have hands legs and a head.
      God appeared to us in human flesh through Jesus,
      God gives grace to those who seek him through the holy spirit.
      God of love , God who forgives, god who also judges the guilty.
      It's a really simple concept

    • @rickhuntling7338
      @rickhuntling7338 Před 4 lety +1

      An echad GOD in agreement there is no subjections.