I Am That Bꝛead of Life - "Ego Sum Panis Vivus" Coꝛrected w/ KJV Scripture - True Intonation

  • čas přidán 27. 06. 2024
  • "48 I am that bꝛead of life.
    49 Your fathers did eate Manna in the wilderneſſe, and are dead.
    50 This is the bꝛead which commeth downe from heauen , that a man may eate thereof, and not die."
    - Iohn 6:48-50 AV (KJV)
    This ſong is not about the ſatanic Catholic Euchariſt. The bꝛead of life is Ieſus Chꝛiſt and his atonement which he made ONCE on the croſſe to pay foꝛ the ſinnes of the woꝛld. To eate his fleſh and dꝛink his blood is to receiue him and his atonement via his woꝛd by faith.
    This is the verſion I ſang in high ſchool which is in A maioꝛ though the oꝛiginall was in F maioꝛ.
    The oꝛiginal Latin text from a peruerted verſon of Scripture hath here bene replaced by the woꝛds of God in Engliſh from the Authoꝛized Verſon (KJV).
    The tuning of the piece here is in True Intonation which the woꝛld calleth Pythagoꝛean Iuſt Intonation. The note A is alſo ſet at 432Hz.
    If thou knoweſt not the Loꝛd Ieſus and haue not been boꝛne againe by his Spirit thꝛough faith in him and his woꝛd, pleaſe get a paper KJV and look them vp and beleeue and heed what is wꝛitten:
    1 Corinthians 15:1-8 KJV
    Romans 10:2-13 KJV
    Proverbs 30:4-6 KJV
    John 14:6 KJV
    John 14:22-24 KJV
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