UNCENSORED: What Are We to Make Of the Recent Chaos in 770?

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 43

  • @rebeccacastillo4789
    @rebeccacastillo4789 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Thank you Rabbi Friedman

  • @russbianchi8120
    @russbianchi8120 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Ask not what HE can do for you, but rather what you can do for HIM

  • @sofiayudelzon4830
    @sofiayudelzon4830 Před 7 měsíci +6

    Thank you very much for sharing. I was waiting for Rabbi Fridman's statement on this issue. 🙏

  • @kay12339
    @kay12339 Před 7 měsíci +5

    If this has been going on for close to 30 years and 770 has been hijacked for so long, it's a shame it took so long for Rabbis to make public statements like these denouncing what was happening in 770. A lot of rational and 'sane' Baal teshuvahs and geirim have been majorly turned off of Lubavitch version of Yiddishkeit. It's really a shame it took this event to finally come out a make a statement. Too bad.

  • @jacksaranta7574
    @jacksaranta7574 Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you for bringing clarity , rabbi Friedman.
    I did not know this.
    May Hashem bless you with many days more... health and material/spiritual blessings.
    Baruch Hashem ❤
    Am Yisrael Chaim!❤

  • @russbianchi8120
    @russbianchi8120 Před 7 měsíci +3

    "To be a realist in Isreal, you have to believe in Miracles" David Ben Gurion

  • @romulolmattos
    @romulolmattos Před 7 měsíci +1

    We need leadership, we need rebbe

  • @jeangophile
    @jeangophile Před 7 měsíci +11

    As a Jew, but still an outsider, who has been watching Rabbi Manis Friedman for a while, I say he is one of the few sane non-meshichistic voices I hear coming from the Lubavitch community. Honorable mention should go to Rabbi Yossi Paltiel and Rabbi Chaim Dalfin too (although they seem a bit too sympathetic to the meshichists).

    • @anikomattison7568
      @anikomattison7568 Před 7 měsíci +1

      What is meshichist?

    • @---tx9xx
      @---tx9xx Před 7 měsíci

      אמת. אבל הרב שניאורסון זצוללה״ה, אחד גדולי דור וגדולי חכמינו בכלל, לא היה ובטח לא ״חוזר להיות משיח״ או מתחבא״ או כל דבר אחר

  • @ahmetunsal3283
    @ahmetunsal3283 Před 7 měsíci +3

    as proud of a gentile, I can say that Rabbi Friedman plays the perception game. First, the Corridor underground is called a tunnel. The Corridor and Tunnel are also synonyms. Second, Lubavitcher Rebbe M.M.Schneerson, after being gone, insisted on staying outside of the garden of paradise, bargaining with G-D immediately to send Mosiah to the earth means that he is not Mosiah.

    • @avertingapathy3052
      @avertingapathy3052 Před 7 měsíci

      Similar thoughts regarding the perception game. An underground corridor is a tunnel, unless they build structural supports in and made it part of the actual building.Considering the likes or Russel Brand an many much more nefarious others who can spend all of five seconds to do some research throwing out wild theories to capitalize on the fact that insular Jewish community is finally "exposed", Manis is being pretty upfront and civil. Fair game.

  • @stinkeye460
    @stinkeye460 Před 7 měsíci +4

    Something that angers me about certain Haredi groups in Israel is the reasons they are against serving in the IDF. I understand how some think Israel can not exist as a nation until the Moshiach arrives but until that times comes we Jews need a country of our own. History shows that we aren't safe living amongst the Nations, especially Christian ones. Since there are certain Laws that can be put aside during times of war or when a person's life is in danger or to save another person's life, shouldn't this apply to defending the lives of one's family and fellow Jews also? Regardless of one's beliefs as to whether Israel should exist before of after the Moshiach arrives, are we not required to protect the lives of our people no matter where we live? During WW2 weren't observant Jews given some sort of dispensation in order to serve in the U.S. military? Doesn't the same logic apply to protecting your fellow Jews against those who wish to eradicate them trump ones interpretation of prophecy? Any Jew who thinks they should be permitted to live in Israel, yet not have to serve in its military to protect their life, their loved ones lives or the lives of their fellow Israelis should not be permitted to live their. There are certain Christian denominations in the U.S. who are pacifist and believe that it is sinful to take the life of another human being regardless of the reason. but in time of war many of them serve in non combative parts of the military. During WW2 there was a young man from the mountains of Virginia who belonged to one of these denominations. He was drafted and was abused by his fellow soldiers because of his religious beliefs. They labeled him a coward and was constantly ridiculed and beaten for this. He became a medic and was awarded the Medal of Honor for repeatedly going back under immense fire to rescue over twenty of his comrades by dragging them back to their lines. I'm not a great Torah scholar but I don't believe there are any prohibitions in the Torah against fighting to save Jewish lives regardless if the Moshiach has arrived or not.

    • @plnbdy
      @plnbdy Před 7 měsíci +1

      I'm with you a lot in there except for the idea that "to heck with prophecy defend your life!".... Prophecy might require your life..... And will have been worth it in the end...... I do think it is somewhat pig-headed and politically driven, "holier than thou" as opposed to "holy for the sake of being holy" .... Its rooted in some truth that needs recognized .... And serving as a medic or HVAC tech..... Should be allowable exactly as you stated..... Although! I'm not there....
      I do think their stance is necessary for prophecy though, and will have been worth it....
      If they are wrong? they will hopefully live long lives with it....
      For me? This whole "everyday bigger than the last" thing that's been going on for so long? could slow down and I would be okay with that! Lol But again that is profoundly not the point....
      NOT being there helping is bothering me... Being there and refusing to help?
      There must be some big enough reason for it that it will have been worth it... either as a mistake? or as a saving Grace.....
      Baruch HaShem 🙏✡️🪔

    • @stacygardner3084
      @stacygardner3084 Před 7 měsíci +1

      I want to reply with respect to your pain for this! I do think Desmond Doss is a great example of what happens when we let the Lord do the fighting for us, when we truly put our heart in relying on Him. I am not saying He will not lead Israel to fight. Though I do think Jehoshaphat 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 is a great example of leaning on prayer and guidance and leaning on the Lord. I am one of those pacifists, and I do struggle myself with that, but in that I remember how Jacob got the name Israel.

    • @Yosef_Morrison
      @Yosef_Morrison Před 7 měsíci

      History is history. Times are changing and knowledge is being increased. A new history is being written for Jews. Torah observant Christianity with support for Jews is spreading like wildfire. Today's Christian nations are safer than ever for Jews.

  • @bladimirbetancur327
    @bladimirbetancur327 Před 7 měsíci +1

    There are endless opinions regarding 770 parkway synagogue, embarrassment, shame , foolishness, dishonor for the name of the holiest place on earth , also a scream to make their voice heard for expansion of the shull so it can make things easier for an overcrowded site. But let's define embarrassment, what is embarrassment? Embarrassment means to shame a place of person with inappropriate behavior. Now we have to learn and define embarrassing behavior, should gaza be embarrassed for the perpetrated massacre of israel on oct 7th 2023 ,or should the young orthodox jews be embarrassed by their voice loudly spoken for expansion without violence, and evil? No onr there died nor was hurt even offended serious enough and when they were arrested no one resisted arrest .theh all respected the authorities. Whatever happened at 770 shouldn't be of concern at all because is nothing in comparison to what Gaza did 5 months ago. The omes that should be embarrassed and ashamed are those that massacred 1600 israelites. No the decent torah abiding holy orthodox jews ar 770. This goes to show that whatever we do is never in the likes of Gaza.
    We shouldn't further humiliate decent people over some ridiculous innocent behavior. Although is somewhat wrong, is never justified to be treated like the gaza is being treated now for the mass murder of so mamy innocent people. People should be more concerned about worst things than this on 770. Is offensive enough to garner so much attention over some ridiculous behavior that woiuld never match what hamas did. It shouldn't we wasted all this time focusing on innocent simple misbehavior, non violent ,non criminal. Nor anything of the likes . My point is don't mind them let's waste our energies on bigger matters rather on something that hurted no one .

  • @russbianchi8120
    @russbianchi8120 Před 7 měsíci +1

    "Next time, let HIM choose someone else " Golda Meir

  • @russbianchi8120
    @russbianchi8120 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Rewatch the movie PAINT YOUR WAGON

  • @russbianchi8120
    @russbianchi8120 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Reread THE GUIDE FOR THE PERPLEXED by Moses Maimonides

    • @DrKaii
      @DrKaii Před 7 měsíci

      Definitely not. Rambam said only 1 in 1000 will not be harmed by it in the introduction

  • @johndaarteest
    @johndaarteest Před 7 měsíci

    5:25 "It wasn't a tunnel"
    noun: tunnel; plural noun: tunnels
    an artificial underground passage, especially one built through a hill or under a building, road, or river.

  • @memyself8285
    @memyself8285 Před 7 měsíci

    Where in the Scriptures or the Bible it says that Jewish people have to bring HaMashiach? Not talking about traditional literature sources. Thank you.

  • @mymonkeysfinger
    @mymonkeysfinger Před 7 měsíci

    Sammy the moshiach talked all about this 3 years ago how are you guys just finding out. ? Good video ,we also hope sammy gets his throne. Shalom

  • @nicolenunes3739
    @nicolenunes3739 Před 7 měsíci

    What on earth is 770?

  • @benyaakov6453
    @benyaakov6453 Před 7 měsíci +1

    After 3 Tammuz 770 became a zoo & being that the Rebbe,ZT"LZY"A is not physically there anymore there is no reason for me to go there anymore & I will not do so until yechi comes off the paroches & off the walls!!

    • @joyabramson3327
      @joyabramson3327 Před 7 měsíci

      So don't go..does anyone care if you go or not? Just asking..

  • @RFSIsraelStarEarth
    @RFSIsraelStarEarth Před 7 měsíci

    Peace Love Cool RFS Israel *.

  • @user-ij3je7zi3z
    @user-ij3je7zi3z Před 7 měsíci

    Precise question every Jew and every individual should ask? "What should we learn from this?"

    • @johndaarteest
      @johndaarteest Před 7 měsíci +2

      Get planning permission before you start digging?

  • @MikeHoughtonasUnit8720
    @MikeHoughtonasUnit8720 Před 7 měsíci +3

    I doubt the Mesiah wants disorder in his name. _

  • @_Iam777_
    @_Iam777_ Před 7 měsíci


  • @YOliver
    @YOliver Před 7 měsíci

    This is a crude, straw man, false representation of the concept of kabolas hamalchus, which RMF should know very well is not "forcing" but showing collective willingness to accept the king/leader so he will *want* to accept the position.
    Nor does he mention that the officials in charge, Merkos, have been woefully negligent in expanding, which spurred this unauthorized initiative.
    Maybe after this, the expansion will finally take place? This is not a wish RMF expresses.

  • @simplyme475
    @simplyme475 Před 7 měsíci

    The Rabbi looks weary, is it because you are talking to a "stiff necked people"
    😉☺️😉 for a very long time bli ayin hora

  • @avertingapathy3052
    @avertingapathy3052 Před 7 měsíci

    As an unaffiliated Jew only vaguely aware of interdenominational politics of the frum world, Manis aka Jewish Thomas Merton aka Merlin while generally an an admirable presence in popularizing a therapized version of Yiddishkite is just using some pretty bs reframes like calling a tunnel a corridor as though they differ in meaning. An underground corridor is literally a synonym for a tunnel. I suppose considering the likes of Russel Brand who can spend five seconds to get the story use this to harness obsession with Jews for clicks, it's fair game.

    • @ajarnwordsmith628
      @ajarnwordsmith628 Před 7 měsíci

      I'll be able to avert apathy if you cease to write unintelligible English.

    • @avertingapathy3052
      @avertingapathy3052 Před 7 měsíci

      A Manis stan who can't read? No wonder you can compare him to Jonathan Sacks with a straight face.@@ajarnwordsmith628