The Conscious Universe with Rupert Sheldrake Ph.D. | Waking Cosmos

  • čas přidán 8. 05. 2019
  • I recently had the pleasure of interviewing the biologist Rupert Sheldrake, a brilliant and original thinker who has gained significant attention for his controversial theory that there exists an evolving memory behind nature which shapes the development of life, mind, and the entire universe. As we discuss, there is a surprising amount of evidence in support of his hypothesis, which Rupert calls Morphic Resonance.
    After following Rupert’s work for many years, it was an honor for me to speak with him. We discussed many subjects in our conversation, including among others, the fundamental nature of consciousness, the science behind telepathy, a need for a more open-minded science, collective consciousness, the power of psychedelics, and mystical experiences.
    I hope you enjoy this episode of Waking Cosmos. If you find value in these conversations, please consider becoming a Patreon supporter, and helping me to continue producing this content. Thank you!
    / wakingcosmos
    Rupert Sheldrake's website:
    Rupert Sheldrake Interview
    Morphic Resonance
    Paranormal Podcast
    Parapsychology Podcast
    Consciousness Podcast
    Philosophy Podcast
    Rupert Sheldrake London Real
    Unexplained Mysteries
    Terence McKenna

Komentáře • 404

  • @lightrevolutionsdotcom9415

    Such valuable insights. The striking irony of "science culture being so maniacally closed minded & blindly assumptive" is one of the key illuminations here.

  • @farceadentus
    @farceadentus Před 4 lety +80

    A couple of decades ago when I was 23 in Nepal. I experienced a spontaneous Cosmic Consciousness experience. I had been practicing meditation for nine years to this point. It was as if magic spectacles were placed over my eyes. And I could feel and experience the living consciousness of all things within the environment around me. From the ground and the people walking upon it to the mass of atmosphere above and around me. EVERYTHING was ALIVE Possessed with feeling and Being.
    The only way to gain insight into these eternal truths is by exploring and diving deep into your own consciousness. No amount of objective study will ever reveal these insights. Investigating your own consciousness itself through meditation will lead you to expanded states of realization and being.
    The Nature of existence is life within life, worlds within worlds, consciousness within consciousness. There is nothing that is not conscious and alive and possessed with degrees of feeling and sensation, no matter what it’s form. Existence as we know it is consciousness adopting different forms. Consciousness adopting different postures of being.

    • @bigbadjoshfried1841
      @bigbadjoshfried1841 Před 4 lety +11

      Believe it or not, you can experience EXACTLY what youre talking about by taking a good dose of mushrooms. Ive been there, seen it, felt it, heard it. And this is a repeatable experiment you can have as many times as you wish.
      There isnt anything more beautiful or profound that ive encountered

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Před 4 lety +5

      That sounds like a panpsychic view of the universe. The problem I have with Panpsychism is that we have a lot of evidence that consciousness does not need the body to survive and precieve (near death experiences). That makes me believe that the material world is an illusion created by a universal consciesnes (god?), and rocks, planets etc are the images of this mind. Humans and other life on the other hand are parts of the Universal Mind that experiences itself in these limiting material life forms. So, everything we see including ourselves are One.

    • @farceadentus
      @farceadentus Před 4 lety +9

      info addict When I got back from Nepal and India, I started cultivating the sacred mushrooms. And I had reached a plateau in my meditations, so I decided to take a x4 dose of dry shrooms. Or 12g in total. A huge amount to see if I could reach some breakthrough. I would not recommend this. I only did it because at this point I’d been meditating for 10 years and felt strong enough to take whatever I encountered.
      I went on to have a profound enlightenment experience.
      In which, this Ultimate Truth was revealed to me.
      ... That it was all a dream... And that I am the God that was doing the dreaming.
      Close to the end of my experience, with my eyes closed, I began to sense all of existence begin to spin in a vortex above me. The sun, stars, planets, everything began to spin and spin, a Big Crunch was occurring now that I had realised this Ultimate of Truths and it was all spinning BACK into me, into my heart, from where it had all originated.
      I realised that what we call life from this perspective is nothing but the Ultimate Adventure the Supreme, immortal, magnificent and ingenious super consciousness that we are, does to keep itself eternally and infinitely amused. It is the ultimate method of play. To purposefully forget your true nature and immerse yourself within the most supremely vivid experience and world IMAGINED within your own supreme consciousness.
      To live anew, in new forms. New experiences. Purposefully temporarily forgetting your true nature so that you can embark upon new adventures within your own imagined dream world. The realisation of my true identity was met by the most magnificent surprise, laughter and illumination. No words can truly describe this most Holy of realisations.
      But in my experience this is the Ultimate Truth.
      The panpsychic truth I feel is a smaller truth within this Ultimate Truth.
      Truth is like an onion, there are multiple layers to it according to your perspective.

    • @GJ-dj4jx
      @GJ-dj4jx Před 4 lety +5

      @@farceadentus Wow, that's an amazing experience! I've come to the same conclusion through logic, but am turning around from being an atheist, for almost all my life (2 generations on both sides of the family) to truly believing in what you described that our true nature and reality is: God. I got so much to explore.

    • @vvv2k12
      @vvv2k12 Před 4 lety

      @@farceadentus have you self actualised/realised?

  • @rodnorris9532
    @rodnorris9532 Před 5 lety +139

    Rupert eloquently points out the absurdity of the materialist scientific experts who confidently discuss quantum entanglement across galaxies and consciousness determining quantum 'reality', but refuse to accept that the universe is conscious.

    • @AspergersversusNeurotypicals
      @AspergersversusNeurotypicals Před 5 lety +6

      @@strangelittlegirl while I agree with the phrase, "There is only consciousness," -- still, it is as speculative as all the other statements. I guess all points are up for debate.

    • @AspergersversusNeurotypicals
      @AspergersversusNeurotypicals Před 5 lety +1

      I have ongoingly thought that the flow of accelerating "Aether" was one and the same with consciousness.

    • @richardm4617
      @richardm4617 Před 4 lety +1

      Aspergers versus Neurotypicals I think they both probably have a foundation in a human failure to really understand the idea of nothing / zero / emptiness. We can't see a space between two objects if the objects are removed, thus we never understood zero, only that there were two objects. As a result we are doomed to search for a way to define nothing as something, even if it is unseen and unmeasurable. It is nice to think of all consciousness as a collective whole, that one day we might ascend to part of a greater whole. But I think it just as likely that we are isolated, cut off from other intelligences, and in the end simply blink out into the darkness, extinguished with nothing to follow us. Our minds are truly limited, as is our language. Our understanding of consciousness and the nature of our reality is as lacking today as it was a thousand years ago. We still have nothing but speculation and may never discover a method of learning more.

    • @santhoshkumarveliyath8810
      @santhoshkumarveliyath8810 Před 4 lety

      if matter is not divisible how can one say its virtual reality

    • @indream6318
      @indream6318 Před 4 lety +3

      You have to take into account that quantum entanglement can be observed, thus speaking of it isn't actually comparable with a beautifully wild theory that you cant measure (haven't yet watched this vid though). And I don't think it's popular among serious scientists to think conscious observation determines the quantum state. It's a question of "known path/information" not conscious observation imho. The measurement problem is just when exactly wave collapses in the system. But probably it happens in the detector, but in which part or moment exactly no-one knows. Idk why you need to go all the way through visual receptors of observer and to neurons firing making the wave collapse. And I'm talking through my ass, feel free to correct me

  • @GrahaminKorea
    @GrahaminKorea Před 5 lety +79

    This is superb - the quality of your guests on this channel is extraordinary, and you ask all the right questions! Morphic resonance is certainly a fascinating concept, but however you term it Rupert raises some really interesting questions and challenges to materialistic science. Keep up the great work Adrian!

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 5 lety +3

      Hey! Thanks a lot Graham!

    • @Vlogs_Dharma
      @Vlogs_Dharma Před 4 lety +1

      Daniel White My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?…Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too-for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies.1 -C.S. Lewis
      Philosophers and scientists, dedicated to spreading the Word of Atheism, find no greater sport than to ponder upon the deficiencies of the universe. Congratulating one another for having transcended the magic spell, they make grand plans to enlighten the gullible ones.
      Militant atheists have concluded the best cure for the gullible is to expose and broadcast the inherent flaws of the world we see around us. This is a line of attack known as the argument by negative theology. Eager to settle the war of worldviews in their favour, many evangelical atheists have unleashed the argument with the smug satisfaction of a prizefighter administering his coup de grâce.
      And if atheism is to be championed, can the Darwin-toting brigade be far behind? Though Darwinists can hardly agree with one another on the details of their doctrine, they are in complete agreement upon one thing-an omnipotent and benevolent being could not have created the world that we see around us. In an effort to raise public consciousness, Darwinists use the argument by negative theology often. So often that a dispassionate observer could hardly be blamed for thinking that Darwinism is more a diatribe against a theological system than a scientific theory.
      In his classic book Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, mathematician Richard L. Thompson summarised the general form of the negative theological argument thus: “God must have certain characteristics, X, and therefore He would have created a certain sort of world. Since the world as we see it is very different from this, it must be that there is no God.”2 (Italics mine) The argument can be further classified into two categories:
      Category I: The existence of evil and suffering is incompatible with the idea that the world is created by an omnipotent, benevolent being and seems to be accommodated more readily by Darwin’s view of the world.
      Category II: Many features of living organisms would not be designed by a “sensible” God and must therefore have arisen through a process of Darwinian evolution.
      Darwin liberally availed himself of such arguments. He wrote that if species have evolved, “we need not marvel at the sting of the bee causing the bee’s own death; at drones being produced in such vast numbers for one single act, and being then slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae [wasps] feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.”3
      Where Darwin went, generations of biologists, psychologists, and physicists have followed. On the altar of atheism, the argument by negative theology occupies pride of place. Atheists of all stripes and colours have been brought to their knees by its persuasive aura.
      Read entire Article:,4988/

    • @andromega5545
      @andromega5545 Před 3 lety

      So i guess morphic resonance can back up the idea of Lamarckism..
      Fill in the gap of Darwinism..
      You shouldn't just cut off tail of mouse..
      Maybe conscious intention has to be aroused in mouses morphic resonance.

  • @corv1d770
    @corv1d770 Před 3 lety +4

    This conversation about telepathy in particular brought to mind the amount of times that myself and my long distance partner, who is also my fiance, have finished each others' sentences, said the same thing at the same time, thought of one another just before the other sent a message or called, and have even had shared dream experiences from over 1000 miles away. We've said it happens too much to be coincidence, and I'm glad we're not alone in this strange phenomenon. And he isn't the first I've developed this connection with, just the strongest yet.
    I'm so glad consciousness as a field of study is finally being embraced.

  • @mau_lopez
    @mau_lopez Před 4 lety +14

    Great interview. Mr Sheldrake is without a doubt a thinker far beyond the assumptions imposed by culture, history and society upon must of us. Thanks for sharing!

  • @ibodhidogma
    @ibodhidogma Před 5 lety +54

    I would argue that Consciousness is not just a fundamental feature of reality-it /is/ reality.

    • @dldudley61
      @dldudley61 Před 4 lety +5

      I agree like looking at itself through infinity mirrors

    • @scottreday9377
      @scottreday9377 Před 4 lety

      How about that

    • @scottreday9377
      @scottreday9377 Před 4 lety +1

      @@dldudley61 damn! You and I both have the same observation. I've never heard of anyone express it exactly the same way I do. Maybe not exactly, but exactly one thing, that is the definition to the phrase.

    • @scottreday9377
      @scottreday9377 Před 4 lety +1

      Not to mention, I can prove it only myself, but I'm the only one I need to prove it to.

    • @graydon78
      @graydon78 Před 3 lety

      I would argue the same. I study forest ecology and the role of mycelium and what I’ve found in the forests of the pnw has convinced me that Rupert Sheldrake is right on the money. Mind and consciousness and the ability to self organize exist at all levels of nature. His idea that stars communicate with each other via their magnetic fields and dark matter hallways is not that far fetched at all, coniferous forests already do the exact same thing through mycelium. A section of forest under attack by a particular parasite will send information to the surrounding trees/forest with the necessary information on how to protect themselves.

  • @jamminwithjambo7729
    @jamminwithjambo7729 Před 4 lety +3

    Rupert Sheldrake is so poised and eloquent, truly classic and a real pleasure to listen to. A deep thinker who points out relevant questions and probabilities that provokes one to consider or reconsider ones observations and beliefs concerning the common accepted knowledge and the inexplicable mysteries and magnificence of life. Sheldrake excites our exploratory nature to discover better solutions and experiences.

  • @ZolekaMncwabe
    @ZolekaMncwabe Před 4 lety +1

    As a scientist and a person that discovered the spiritual world a few years ago. All I can say is...keeping an open mind is always going to lead to more discoveries. It is disturbingly mind blowing to realize how much spirituality and the physical world actually are the same thing. Experiments aim to measure, quantify. Whilst that is reasonable, in a new concept in science it is helpful to keep an open mind first before concluding things based on traditional mathematical concepts.

  • @emporeraizen1695
    @emporeraizen1695 Před 4 lety +12

    This was an insanely high level philosophical conversation. Brilliant!!!

  • @Sethan777
    @Sethan777 Před 4 lety +10

    Sheldrake, a true und intelligent Scientist. Thank you 👍👍👍🕊🍀

  • @effingright3045
    @effingright3045 Před 5 lety +46

    Bees and ants other organisms that display a collective form of consciousness is, for me, a very strong point in Rupert's favor.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 5 lety +3

      I think so too.

    • @Lisa_Polikeit
      @Lisa_Polikeit Před 4 lety


    • @christopherdirham8340
      @christopherdirham8340 Před 4 lety +1

      If people only knew how amazing it is to trigger yourself to have profound visions, with absolutely no drugs whatsoever. All you need is what you've got, nothing else.

    • @eddieed248
      @eddieed248 Před 4 lety +4

      Yessss sure. Since 2010 I am a beekeeper and I have completely changed the vision of the entire universe. everything is connected to a very deep level of matter, (under deep observation with silence of the brain with no tought, u can watch bees talks with plants,plants speak with the wind, river display energy at rocks and in the same time sea expresses conscience if you can look without eyes ) a universal consciousness exists, and beyond that there is infinite creational energy like a river.
      Every human being can tap into it, but ego and thought prevent this connection.

    • @raphaelmoraczewski1106
      @raphaelmoraczewski1106 Před 4 lety

      @@christopherdirham8340 what trigger do you use

  • @Thomasp671
    @Thomasp671 Před 5 lety +32

    Think about it long enough and you begin to understand a lot about life.
    I was over at a friends house one day and we were talking about a friend who had just past away. I was thinking, and said, when I die I wonder who I will become after my death ? Will there be hate, war, and bigotry, will there be sorrow, sickness, pain, hunger and sadness, and in between, will there be love, happiness, respect, and fulfillment ? Will I meet my friend again ? My friend looked at me, and said, Tom once you are dead you stay dead and you never come back. I looked back at my friend with a smile and said, the same can be said before I was born, but, here I am . lol

    • @whitewing9963
      @whitewing9963 Před 5 lety +6

      Brilliant! "The same can be said before I was born, but here I am". I'm going to use that.

    • @K1LoFoX
      @K1LoFoX Před 4 lety +3

      Well spoken.. I can dig it!

    • @hellooutthere8956
      @hellooutthere8956 Před 4 lety +2

      I try not to focus on it. I have a friend who is also athiest. I am so glad there are some scientists exploring this.

    • @Robb3348
      @Robb3348 Před 4 lety +3

      so you've read Alan Watts

    • @martinarreguy7789
      @martinarreguy7789 Před 3 lety

      Who knows the time or moment of time before you were born or having the luck of one in a 75 millon chance of your conception , other than it would be the same after you die. You don't! Stoic philosophy is beautiful and certainly strikes upon the same point, why fear what you don't know or project some form of existence that has not yet come to be. I guess we will know once we die or not. Being is pretty cool I must add even with all the pain. Why cry for some certain moments in life; when the whole part of it deserves tears. Senaca

  • @mamarama5174
    @mamarama5174 Před 3 lety

    What I find the most interesting about Mr. Sheldrake's ideas is how they coincide with the premise of pre-scientific nature based religions, particularly in how we are able to not only observe nature from a distance, but can relate with it directly. I also admire the way in which he validates the intelligence of everyday people and their experiences.

  • @appelliefieaudiobooks1410

    I have to commend the interviewer for his superb knowledge in this area. Very very good interview.

  • @cynthiaennis3107
    @cynthiaennis3107 Před 4 lety +6

    Love listening to Rupert! He’s one man who really seems very genuine & I find that so very refreshing!

  • @OnceTheyNamedMeiWasnt
    @OnceTheyNamedMeiWasnt Před 4 lety +11

    This is rupertly brilliant, sheldrakingly superb, I knew I was going to listen to this before it was created

    • @Vlogs_Dharma
      @Vlogs_Dharma Před 4 lety

      Daniel White My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?…Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too-for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies.1 -C.S. Lewis
      Philosophers and scientists, dedicated to spreading the Word of Atheism, find no greater sport than to ponder upon the deficiencies of the universe. Congratulating one another for having transcended the magic spell, they make grand plans to enlighten the gullible ones.
      Militant atheists have concluded the best cure for the gullible is to expose and broadcast the inherent flaws of the world we see around us. This is a line of attack known as the argument by negative theology. Eager to settle the war of worldviews in their favour, many evangelical atheists have unleashed the argument with the smug satisfaction of a prizefighter administering his coup de grâce.
      And if atheism is to be championed, can the Darwin-toting brigade be far behind? Though Darwinists can hardly agree with one another on the details of their doctrine, they are in complete agreement upon one thing-an omnipotent and benevolent being could not have created the world that we see around us. In an effort to raise public consciousness, Darwinists use the argument by negative theology often. So often that a dispassionate observer could hardly be blamed for thinking that Darwinism is more a diatribe against a theological system than a scientific theory.
      In his classic book Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, mathematician Richard L. Thompson summarised the general form of the negative theological argument thus: “God must have certain characteristics, X, and therefore He would have created a certain sort of world. Since the world as we see it is very different from this, it must be that there is no God.”2 (Italics mine) The argument can be further classified into two categories:
      Category I: The existence of evil and suffering is incompatible with the idea that the world is created by an omnipotent, benevolent being and seems to be accommodated more readily by Darwin’s view of the world.
      Category II: Many features of living organisms would not be designed by a “sensible” God and must therefore have arisen through a process of Darwinian evolution.
      Darwin liberally availed himself of such arguments. He wrote that if species have evolved, “we need not marvel at the sting of the bee causing the bee’s own death; at drones being produced in such vast numbers for one single act, and being then slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae [wasps] feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.”3
      Where Darwin went, generations of biologists, psychologists, and physicists have followed. On the altar of atheism, the argument by negative theology occupies pride of place. Atheists of all stripes and colours have been brought to their knees by its persuasive aura.
      Read entire Article:,4988/

  • @simonhanson5990
    @simonhanson5990 Před 5 lety +3

    We need more of this kind of informed yet adventurous thinking. Orthodoxy by definition belongs in the past, this kind of imaginative thought carries us forward . . .

  • @bookingnewtechdive6348
    @bookingnewtechdive6348 Před 2 lety +1

    Gosh!...pretty well done! The interviewer has knowledge far above the average of CZcamsrs...especiallly the Italian ones, in my country...he has handled it calmly, softly, and with a well grounded speech.... best turn taking...highest respect for the guest, no Ego... and above all ...he read Rupert's books! Good job! I subscribe!

  • @galaxysurfer1122
    @galaxysurfer1122 Před 5 lety +12

    There was a news report/documentary a while back, (maybe 10 years ago or even more, and possibly on the BBC) , showing this experiment of a dog which could predict the actual MOMENT when his/her owner (a woman) had DECIDED to head for home when she was miles away. The dog immediately went to the window to wait for her. They did an experiment giving the woman an envelope which she was to open at a set time and which told her when to start heading home. There was a camera on the dog at the same time as the woman. Sure enough, the moment she decided to head home (from a location miles away) the dog knew immediately and went to the window to wait for her. (the woman and her family had noticed this on many occasions previously, and hence why they reached out to the documentary/film/news people).
    So yes, there is film evidence of this
    PS Not sure, but it could have been on that programme Esther Rantzen hosted, as I said, not sure.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 5 lety +3

      I think I saw this. It was a long time ago. I think Rupert was involved in the documentary. Afterall, he designed this experiment.

    • @galaxysurfer1122
      @galaxysurfer1122 Před 5 lety +1

      @@metaRising You're probably correct, it was a long time ago, (well to me anyway) and I don't remember the specifics, only what the experiment /results were. Thanks!

    • @anthonysircar7082
      @anthonysircar7082 Před 5 lety +2

      Galaxysurfer 1 it was Rupert the film and experiment is on you tube somewhere 😊

    • @joebananas37
      @joebananas37 Před 5 lety +2

      Rupert wrote a very interesting book about it called "Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home: And Other Unexplained Powers of Animals".

    • @spinny2010
      @spinny2010 Před 4 lety +1

      I saw that too. It was very affirmative for any owners of doggos who already knew there was an intense connection between them and their furry friend.
      During WW2 or WW1 there was a case whereby a man left England to finght in France. His terrier (I think it was) upped and left one day and not only did the dog manage to get accross the channel, he found his master in the trenches. This sweet and amazind tale might have been mentioned in the doc you are talking about. Can't remember.

  • @jessemontano6399
    @jessemontano6399 Před 5 lety +26

    Rupert is such a brilliant dude. Thanks for this video

  • @manolingz
    @manolingz Před 4 lety +3

    thank you for interviewing dr. sheldrake. i have avidly followed him for many years. and i am so glad he pointed out that genes are grossly overrated and there is indeed a missing heritability problem.

  • @corv1d770
    @corv1d770 Před 3 lety +1

    Rupert Sheldrake has been among my favorite speakers for several years now and seeing his name on your channel is a perfect fit!

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 3 lety

      Haha. Glad you're enjoying the channel :)

  • @Bix12
    @Bix12 Před 4 lety

    I find Dr Sheldrake's views extremely compelling, and the more I hear from him, the more convinced I am that he is truly on to something very important.

  • @paristremayne9820
    @paristremayne9820 Před 4 lety +18

    Atoms are not things, they're tendencies - Werner Heisenberg

    • @Ron4885
      @Ron4885 Před 4 lety +6

      Paris Tremayne, I couldn't agree more. And following that line. . . If there were no one here at all to 'see' the universe into physical existence, it would or could be nothing more than waves of probability. Just a thought ;)

  • @integralsun
    @integralsun Před 4 lety +6

    Nature has memory because Natue is pure Creative Intelligence at its Source

    • @ahmetakgun7709
      @ahmetakgun7709 Před 2 lety

      It is also a pure destructive intelligence. Dinasours were the last ones en masse to find out the hard the way. Before them there were four or five more major extinctions and many minor extinctions

  • @cynthiaennis3107
    @cynthiaennis3107 Před 4 lety +4

    So many times I’ve gone to call friends & they’re already on the other end of the phone without even a we had called each other at the same time...too many times to NOT be considered some sort of telepathy! And yes...more so between close friends/relatives!
    Also...pack animals are said to have a group soul and have that amazing telepathic-type connection! Really very interesting!

  • @shilpashivadasan5115
    @shilpashivadasan5115 Před 4 lety +7

    His voice is ;_; like an epic fantasy novel, like an ancient king, like a wise old man, like Michael Caine

    • @silentgrove7670
      @silentgrove7670 Před 3 lety

      I began to imagine Caine playing the role of Gandalf but with the persona of Alfie.
      "Now listen here you bloody hobbits. We are going into Mordor and we are going to throw that blasted ring into the fire. And you two , don't give me those long faces about it neither."

  • @marilynstrube4970
    @marilynstrube4970 Před 3 lety

    What a brilliant interview. The ideas of Rupert Sheldake are amazing. Morphic resonance can help understand how animal instinct works. I've always thought that if we could understand how animals are born with innate knowledge, so much would be explained. The concept of morphic resonance does that and more.

  • @christopherdirham8340
    @christopherdirham8340 Před 4 lety +4

    I love consciousness. It's so so fun when you get better at working with it.

  • @bobmccall9725
    @bobmccall9725 Před 4 lety +1

    Brilliant conversation. I am stunned by the scale of the universe and within the context of this discussion how extraordinary humanity and nature are. A brilliant and complex reflection of universal consciousness. Nurture, let grow...and be beautiful.

  • @johnnielawson
    @johnnielawson Před 3 lety +4

    Another wonderful interview.
    Take good care and stay safe.
    Johnnie Lawson

  • @kokolanza7543
    @kokolanza7543 Před 4 lety +1

    Wonderful program, good questions by the interviewer. Thanks!

  • @CryptoMusical
    @CryptoMusical Před 5 lety +21

    Wow, what a thoughtful and compelling conversation! Certainly one which will continue to reward and enrich with multiple listen-throughs!!

  • @AdventureswithAixe596
    @AdventureswithAixe596 Před 4 lety +3

    How inspiring and enlightening! My humble salutations and thank you for enriching my humble search for sense.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 4 lety +1

      Glad you found it interesting :)

  • @juliekemp419
    @juliekemp419 Před 4 lety +2

    Super chap! I 'love' his Englishness, wry humour and brilliant insightfulness.

  • @juliawild5173
    @juliawild5173 Před 3 lety

    After writing down my thoughts...something I always do after a podcast of interest...I realized that I very much wanted to share then with those of you in the comment experience that I had with my cat Scarlet, one that bears witness to. Rupert Sheldrakes' concept of morphic resonance, and one that occurred long before he became published. Scarlet...a beautiful, pale orange cat with white tuxedo features was my study buddy. I was in college...hitting the books and it was his wont to curl up in my lap as I did so....but only for so long. Eventually he would need some " us " time...pull himself upon my desk and flatten himself across my book(s) and notes.I couldn' t say NO and he knew it. After ear rubs, head scratches and belly rubs my reward was sloppy kitty kisses, and once more he would ease back into my lap..........He loved the outdoors, hid natural environment. I was loathe to deprive him of his natural environment..thus I would open the door for him in the afternoons when he signaled to me that " Hey...I need some ME time." He always came back before dark. But this time, he didn't. This had been our pattern for three years, our schedule. I knew something was very wrong.I went to bed, but couldn' t sleep. Then, around 10 pm a horrifying image appeared on my minds' s eye...I could see a truck bearing down on me, too late for escape. I grabbed a flashlight and walked the highway in front of my home..flashing the light from side to side. Nothing. It was not until I awoke early the next morning and drove slowly down the road that I found him. I never knew who hit him...but I knew that he had been hit by a truck traveling at a high rate of speed and that it was red. I know also that in those last few seconds of his life, we shared the moment of his departure. Morphic resonance exists and it' s not species specific. Hope all of you will delve more deeply into the realm of possibilities. Some wonderful things exist there. In knows no bounds.

  • @petercumberland
    @petercumberland Před 2 lety

    Brilliant to have such a visionary guest. Well done for a great interview.

  • @troymorley272
    @troymorley272 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank You for Sharing this information. Cheers!!!!

  • @realcygnus
    @realcygnus Před 5 lety +33

    Superb ! Rupert certainly is an interesting cat imo.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 5 lety +1

      Thank you :) I agree!

    • @cynthiaennis3107
      @cynthiaennis3107 Před 4 lety

      metaRising I do too!

    • @Vlogs_Dharma
      @Vlogs_Dharma Před 4 lety

      Daniel White My argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?…Of course I could have given up my idea of justice by saying it was nothing but a private idea of my own. But if I did that, then my argument against God collapsed too-for the argument depended on saying the world was really unjust, not simply that it did not happen to please my fancies.1 -C.S. Lewis
      Philosophers and scientists, dedicated to spreading the Word of Atheism, find no greater sport than to ponder upon the deficiencies of the universe. Congratulating one another for having transcended the magic spell, they make grand plans to enlighten the gullible ones.
      Militant atheists have concluded the best cure for the gullible is to expose and broadcast the inherent flaws of the world we see around us. This is a line of attack known as the argument by negative theology. Eager to settle the war of worldviews in their favour, many evangelical atheists have unleashed the argument with the smug satisfaction of a prizefighter administering his coup de grâce.
      And if atheism is to be championed, can the Darwin-toting brigade be far behind? Though Darwinists can hardly agree with one another on the details of their doctrine, they are in complete agreement upon one thing-an omnipotent and benevolent being could not have created the world that we see around us. In an effort to raise public consciousness, Darwinists use the argument by negative theology often. So often that a dispassionate observer could hardly be blamed for thinking that Darwinism is more a diatribe against a theological system than a scientific theory.
      In his classic book Mechanistic and Nonmechanistic Science, mathematician Richard L. Thompson summarised the general form of the negative theological argument thus: “God must have certain characteristics, X, and therefore He would have created a certain sort of world. Since the world as we see it is very different from this, it must be that there is no God.”2 (Italics mine) The argument can be further classified into two categories:
      Category I: The existence of evil and suffering is incompatible with the idea that the world is created by an omnipotent, benevolent being and seems to be accommodated more readily by Darwin’s view of the world.
      Category II: Many features of living organisms would not be designed by a “sensible” God and must therefore have arisen through a process of Darwinian evolution.
      Darwin liberally availed himself of such arguments. He wrote that if species have evolved, “we need not marvel at the sting of the bee causing the bee’s own death; at drones being produced in such vast numbers for one single act, and being then slaughtered by their sterile sisters; at the astonishing waste of pollen by our fir trees; at the instinctive hatred of the queen bee for her own fertile daughters; at ichneumonidae [wasps] feeding within the live bodies of caterpillars; and at other such cases.”3
      Where Darwin went, generations of biologists, psychologists, and physicists have followed. On the altar of atheism, the argument by negative theology occupies pride of place. Atheists of all stripes and colours have been brought to their knees by its persuasive aura.
      Read entire Article:,4988/

  • @jasmats
    @jasmats Před 4 lety +3

    I don't know what's really going on but, I know that after reading some books on conciousness and practicing mindfulness for awhile now I do not see my reality the same way, And perhaps as a result my life has been improving in many ways, I am aware of my body as a point of concentrated awareness all other matter is mind dissociated.

  • @foxonoxengames757
    @foxonoxengames757 Před 3 lety

    I've been a subscriber for some time and I don't know how I never listened to this interview before. Amazing work my friend. Your a great interviewer and he's a great interviewe. You let people respond and not cut people off and interupt. Patience ad comfort are keys in the interview process. Great work speaking with some of the most intelligent and open minds of today. I wish you great success. I always wondered many different things...with death comes life and what if when we die....we actually wake up. This maybe the dream world and the waking world is still come. Or if we live a life time of time, but really when it's over only a few hours of real-time went by in our true reality. As if we plug ourselves or tricked our mind. Not the same as simulation theory. But people may put this thought in the same category. well friend and be safe....your leading into information THEY don't want you to know. Solving is the key. 🔑---->🚪

  • @chrisjarmain
    @chrisjarmain Před 9 měsíci

    Fascinating!!! Really puts personal hope in my own theory of Dàoism, and quantum gravity. But most importantly, how these two rise mutually and factoring in consciousness into integrated information theory is mind-blowing, when considering the universe as an organism.
    Brilliant interview!

  • @jessemontano6399
    @jessemontano6399 Před 4 lety +3

    When I'm driving on the freeway at 90 mph, hauling ass, minding my own business, I will suddenly, for no reason, look two lanes across, and sure enough, someone is looking at me, and we make eye contact.. and I can look at someone and they suddenly make eye contact with me... There is something going on with that...if in fact we did arise from the big bang, all electrons and all protons, etc, are entangled. There is no separation....

    • @quantumpotential7639
      @quantumpotential7639 Před 3 lety

      Slow the hell down before you take someone's life. 90 is too fast. Go 40 and the life you save might be your own. Thanks

  • @Anu-uv4is
    @Anu-uv4is Před 4 lety +3

    Thanks for the upload. Rupert Sheldrake is one of the world's most interesting men. Great interview.

  • @appelliefieaudiobooks1410

    What a profound discussion.

  • @goygoddess2822
    @goygoddess2822 Před 4 lety +3

    I throughly enjoyed this, thank you!

  • @ddowusmc1970
    @ddowusmc1970 Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you 🙏

  • @johnherman2195
    @johnherman2195 Před 4 lety +1

    love your work Adrian

  • @mobimeta2108
    @mobimeta2108 Před 5 lety +19

    God waking up to itself through us, is an Hegelian idea adapted, perhaps, by Nagel and others.

  • @pillettadoinswartsh4974
    @pillettadoinswartsh4974 Před 4 lety +2

    Rupert is one of the best critics of the arrogance of scientists, while still promoting the continued potential of science itself.
    Although, he does criticize people for having views without evidence, and then multiple times makes conjectures without evidence, himself. EG "Twins have more telepathic ability with each other"

  • @frankwestphal8532
    @frankwestphal8532 Před 2 lety

    Great stuff! I'm so happy to find there are others asking these questions, and who have made similar observations. Could it be that the key to the unified theory of everything is so obvious that we have failed to see it all around us, in everything that exists? Conscious intent? And the morphic resonance idea is fascinating to me. When Rupert described it I instantly thought of it like neuropathways of the universe's brain.... the more often they are used, the more easily they are available for use. We know this is true of humans and other animals. And we know that our neuropathways can/do change, and old ones go away and new ones are formed. Does this sound like a mechanism that would apply in a highly dynamic and expanding universe? It sure does to me. I love this stuff!
    I'm beginning to think that every iteration of human existence learned this stuff, and expressed it in their own ways, in their own times. I think a common mistake of modern science is to think that we are the first ones figuring stuff out. Maybe we're just the first ones figuring it out in our time? Or maybe, it was never forgotten to begin with. Maybe we've just been looking in the wrong places for the answers.

  • @metropcs1988
    @metropcs1988 Před 3 lety

    What I have come to understand is the more you look the more you find and the more complex things become. Like I stated earlier as a child trying to understand how balancing the bank book and household bills only touches the surface of understanding how my parents met, where they were born, how did they meet and how are children born. Even after those things were answered, it led me into a bigger question, where do we came from as a species and where do we go after death?

  • @carlpope6541
    @carlpope6541 Před 4 lety +2

    This interview is just what I needed to hear! Thanks!!

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 4 lety

      Great! Glad you found it helpful Carl!

    • @carlpope6541
      @carlpope6541 Před 4 lety +1

      Yes, there has been a movement against scientific materialism for the last 100 years going as far back as Rudolf Steiner. It is fitting during this Information Age that we start to see more unifying approaches and patterns where we will experience a continuum between ancient knowledge and contemporary scientific, scholastic and creative discovery. My hope is that we will experience a progressive evolutionary leap with this link between the wisdom from the past and our current insights into ourselves and the Cosmos. I’ve had enough of the retrograde phase of our collective evolutionary process.

    • @carlpope6541
      @carlpope6541 Před 4 lety +1

      Also, the interviewer was fantastic. How many times have there been an interview where the guest that’s as brilliant as Sheldrake revises his position because of a penetrating insight from an interviewer. I will be listening to more interviews on this channel. And yes, I just subscribed.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 4 lety +1

      @@carlpope6541 Thank you! Are you referring to when we were talking about Thomas Nagel?

  • @quickquiz4217
    @quickquiz4217 Před 4 lety

    Love this guy, well worth watching!

  • @MadderMel
    @MadderMel Před 4 lety +4

    The Universe has quite clearly evolved , so the " constants " have evolved along with it ! ... Sounds logical .

  • @annebronte4
    @annebronte4 Před 4 lety

    Thank you!

  • @lessandra602
    @lessandra602 Před 4 lety +1

    Thank you

  • @mariawirth4667
    @mariawirth4667 Před 3 lety

    Rupert Sheldrake was at the conference in Bombay in 1982 on "convergence of Eastern (Indian) wisdom and modern science". He and others know that Vedas claim that the basis of all is consciousness but they won't mention from where they take their ideas. Why? Indian wisdom is solid.

  • @lindacianchetti3599
    @lindacianchetti3599 Před 4 lety

    I enjoyed listening to this hour.

  • @rabbilampshadeberg
    @rabbilampshadeberg Před 4 lety +2

    Reality truly is stranger than fiction. Immensely more mysterious and mind boggling.

  • @PaulOutdoors
    @PaulOutdoors Před 4 lety

    Superb. Thank you 😊

  • @paulukjames7799
    @paulukjames7799 Před 4 lety +1

    Great subject and speaker

  • @hellooutthere8956
    @hellooutthere8956 Před 4 lety +4

    I remember doing some LED and getting the moment of clarity tht I was connected as one with the cosmos. It was amazing.

  • @MattyOfPassion
    @MattyOfPassion Před 4 lety +1

    Of all the possible answers to the Fermi Paradox, I would bet on this explanation or a version of it to be the correct one. It is the one I have felt intuitively is probably correct - that the universe has needed to reach a certain level of complexity, a dispositional state in the evolution of the universe, where life is ready to emerge more or less at the same time in universe era timeline terms in all places all at once. And through these principles of morphic resonance, as an emergent cosmic holistic feature of non local entanglement, reinforces and accellerates the evolution of life everywhere in the universe simultaneously.

  • @oldgaffer9212
    @oldgaffer9212 Před 4 lety +1

    Great interview as always

  • @Devachandra9
    @Devachandra9 Před 4 lety +1

    Thank you, Adrian, for this in-depth dialogue with Rupert Sheldrake.
    Although my familiarity with Rupert's work is cursory, your presentation filled in some gaps that might otherwise be surmised only by extrapolation from my earlier exposure to his work.

  • @piimpswaggins8837
    @piimpswaggins8837 Před 4 lety

    Love your channel and all you talk about 💛

  • @candymandan
    @candymandan Před 3 lety

    While I am fascinated by what Sheldrake is proposing, the spectacle in the comments here quickly show why so many scientists might have trouble accepting the possibility of Morphic resonance or just the possibility of non-mechanical processes, whatever they may be.

  • @JG-dl4ju
    @JG-dl4ju Před 4 lety +1

    Meaning of name Maninder. Etymology : Means "lord of the mind". DescriptionThe Maunder Minimum, also known as the "prolonged sunspot minimum", is the name used for the period around 1645 to 1715 during which sunspots became exceedingly rare, as was then noted by solar observers.

  • @magpiecity
    @magpiecity Před 4 lety +1

    Rupert Sheldrake is The Man

  • @Johnnygiroux
    @Johnnygiroux Před 4 lety

    Hey mate, great content. Am having technical difficulties accessing Patreon page - is it still active?

  • @astroking3043
    @astroking3043 Před 4 lety +1

    I have spoken & listen to people via telepathic means. Given instructions and they have followed. Had whole conversations too. After fasting for 6 months.

    • @vvv2k12
      @vvv2k12 Před 4 lety

      Does fasting unlock these abilities?

    • @astroking3043
      @astroking3043 Před 4 lety

      @@vvv2k12 Appears so, maybe because it cleared all the bad chemicals out too. I see the future several times per week now - you have to listen to the subtle thoughts you have - its very easy to miss. Normally the more powerful the emotion the more powerful the signal you get. And very strong emotion you can get several signals per day all telling you the same. For example I have been trying to astral plane for many months, the night i succeeded I got 4 tugs about it saying it would happen later that night. It was a massive shock seeing myself from 30 feet up.

    • @vvv2k12
      @vvv2k12 Před 4 lety

      @@astroking3043 what kind of fasting? eating nothing at all for 6 months?
      Interesting what kind of future events do you see?

    • @astroking3043
      @astroking3043 Před 4 lety

      @@vvv2k12 Lost 190 (7 stone) pounds in 6 months. Things that are general useful. I get back to later.

    • @astroking3043
      @astroking3043 Před 4 lety

      @@vvv2k12 I am watching Stellium7
      Heart stones now - Live now

  • @cvestick
    @cvestick Před 2 lety

    We are related to the universe, the matter that we are was present in the big bang. The stars are our siblings, as is everything.

  • @JC1993COOL
    @JC1993COOL Před 5 lety

    I belive he might be talking about water. Would love to share more with you and your knowledge. Thanks!

  • @pikiwiki
    @pikiwiki Před 3 lety

    Enjoy your videos much. Is there a chance the videos could be time stamped in terms of content?

  • @jeffreylong1478
    @jeffreylong1478 Před 8 dny


  • @lindaklase3821
    @lindaklase3821 Před 4 lety


  • @Jerrytheworm
    @Jerrytheworm Před 4 lety +1

    Wow this is really interesting

  • @coudry1
    @coudry1 Před 3 lety

    My Personal Conclusions about who we are all from many sources "We Are All One Consciousness" for the following reasons:
    1. In this world everything must have a cause, so that something exists because of something else, as well as ourselves.
    2. It will be very saturating / boring if we have only one physical form in this world.

    3. It will be very saturating / boring if all human beings have the exact same physical form behavior.
    4. Try to imagine emptying all the physical things around us only the remnants of humanity, then eliminating all human beings leaving only their memories, then removing all their memories leaving only their consciousness, then connecting that consciousness, feel who we are ??.
    5. Body, mind, feelings, emotions and everything in this world is always changing, so what never changes ??, that is our true self, which is true consciousness. If everything changes2 / moves who observes, there must be something fixed to be able to observe.
    6. All human beings communicate with each other is the beginning of the beginning / the future of human beings unite, only electronic devices today can unite all human beings, one day the device is implanted in the human mind and eventually man will open all access to his mind.
    7. Our body is a group / accumulation of memory accumulated brought from the beginning of the birth of the first human in the world through continuous DNA binding.

    8. Twins are born at the same time, what if all human beings are born at the same time ??. What happens if the birth of all human beings is not influenced by the dimensions of space and time ??

    9. The twins are identical to A and B, if the whole memory of A is copied to B, what is the difference ??
    10. The law of attraction (law of attraction) that our minds will attract whatever we think, because we are all like one part of the body.
    11. Like some of the video recordings of ourselves there is a video as a vocalist, a video as a violinist, as a pianist, as a drummer, etc. The video2 is made into one in one video then it will produce a more interesting orchestra, something new and more productive. our world.
    12. Man's greatest enemy is himself, at this time man is fighting against himself. By believing that we are all one, then the ego will fade because there is no difference between us.
    13. That is why the teachings of religion command us to be grateful and beneficial to many, If you are hurting others you are actually hurting yourself, just as if you are doing good to others you are actually doing good to yourself.
    14. Could it be that we are all dreaming and our dreams meet each other at the same frequency in parallel. Have you ever, when sleeping dreamed of moving roles as someone else, it is because we are all one.
    15. We are not immortal as human beings so that we have time for us to scroll through all of life.

    16. "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience" ~ Stephen Covey, Have you ever felt that our age is too short, could our consciousness be immortal ?.
    17. We are one, only the role is different, the memory block between life is what makes people feel different / separate. Just by brainwashing / erasing his memory then someone will be a different person but his consciousness actually remains the same. One consciousness experiences various perspectives of reality.
    18. The lucky thing for us is ... awareness is always towards / seeking / having intentions / desires towards good / positive / happiness despite experiencing various mistakes.
    19. When we die the body and memory are destroyed, how can we remember ever being dead. Even a few years ago your real body was lost by being replaced by new cells you don't remember.
    20. Why do we have to die? ", When we are told to die, later this eternal question will be asked again and we will always be there." The world is a sustainable life".
    21. In the beginning we were one, but split through a big explosion or bigbang to become different and separate as it is now, but we are provided with a sense of love for us to be able to be reunited later.
    22. There is only us and the mirror of ourselves in this world, yet there is another world out there.
    23. We will always smile happily seeing each other as ourselves "How beautiful I am" seeing a different self.
    24. If all consciousness is told now that they are all one if the experience gained is enough, the consciousness designed from the beginning is so different that there is so much intrigue, consciousness is created differently so that when it comes together it has an incredible consciousness experience.
    25. We are indeed alone in this universe, but there are still many other universes with their own laws of nature.
    26. Have you ever felt to come to a place that has never been visited but feel familiar with that place, as if we have lived in that place sometime.
    27. The world is like a script of a story that is being written by the author, sometimes changed at the beginning, sometimes changed in the middle, sometimes changed at the end it all depends on us as writers, and every story has wisdom that can be taken as a lesson.
    28. Hair grows on its own, heart beats on its own, blood flows on its own, ideas emerge on its own, etc., are we involved ??.
    29. Imagine today there was an event that caused only you to live in this world, then who are all the people yesterday ??.
    30. "If Quantum Mechanism cannot surprise you, then you do not yet understand Quantum Physics. Everything we have considered real all this time, turns out to be unreal." ~ Niels Bohr.
    31. In the scale of quantum physics we are all connected to each other, even in double gap experiments proving that particles change when observed or in other words awareness is able to change reality, this has been repeatedly proven by Nobel laureate in Physics.
    32. Everything we experience by our senses will eventually only be an electrical impulse in the brain, is it all real ??. We are beings who realize that we are conscious.
    33. We are closer than the veins of his neck.
    He breathes some of His spirit on you.
    Knowing oneself means knowing one's God.
    Indeed, we will return to HIM. You are far I am far, you are near I am near.
    I am everywhere.
    Before the existence of this world there was no material other than Him.
    The True Spirit is only One, the Creator.
    I agree with your prejudice.
    34. Whether the Creator is only tasked with creating, is it possible that the creator does not want to try the results of his creation through another perspective.
    35. There is no reincarnation, it is possible that our consciousness is synchronized and evenly distributed at the speed of light through energy, and that is why we need sleep, that is why we are often not aware of something, ourselves are like some chess pieces played by a player, that's why if we moving at the speed of light we can penetrate the dimensions of space and time, when we die then wake up and we will regain consciousness as humans.
    36. Have we ever had a problem and suddenly someone came to provide a solution to the problem we are experiencing, as if someone was sent by the universe to help us in solving the problem, which is actually our own awareness that sends that person to us.
    37. A thousand years ago did human beings see, hear and be trapped in their hearts about current technological advances ??. If we all tend to sin (damage) then it will be the world of hell, if we all tend to do good then it will be the world of heaven.
    38. Knowledge learns objects, God who created our consciousness, it is impossible for God to be the object of knowledge.
    39. It is not possible for human creation which is only in the form of words / symbols to represent true truth.
    40. Is there a meaning of being without consciousness ?? then we are adventurers of this existence.
    41. The life of the world is just a game and a joke, the one who wins the game of the world is the one who finds his true self.
    42. When the existence of the world ends we will know everything.
    43. My consciousness undergoes a very extraordinary life experience, feeling life experience with different forms and different places even though in fact my consciousness is always the same, wow .. I was surprised !! how wide I am.
    44. Consciousness in fact does not know the concept of time, consciousness can experience / undergo into another physical form because the dimension of time can be penetrated by consciousness, as when we imagine we can act as anyone without time bound, because in this universe time can in fact materialize free, time can move straight, curved, rotate, etc. Our time travel is when our consciousness moves to a new physical experience.
    45. We are an awareness, a concept that is able to answer various things.
    46. ​​Remember when you were going to leave, you were worried about losing me ??, calm down .. I was everywhere and we would always be able to meet again, believe me.
    47. Without searching what is the difference between us in this world and us in a dream while sleeping just passing by without meaning.
    48. In conclusion, whatever role we play, it is all our own design, so just enjoy.
    49. I never said that self is God, I thought that self is one consciousness, God should be higher and perfect than consciousness.
    50. God created us to be Happy, so do not disappoint God. Understand it and be Shining.
    inspired of :

  • @lindaklase3821
    @lindaklase3821 Před 3 lety


  • @petarjagust1850
    @petarjagust1850 Před 4 lety +1

    I would say only reality is consciousness and unconditional love

  • @metropcs1988
    @metropcs1988 Před 3 lety

    It is easy to to get engulf in the microscopic laboratory world of biology and just as easy to get engulf in the mindset of trying to understand the universe specially once expose to the grandeur of it all, it imprisoned the mind, by trying to know everything about it. Is easy to spend your whole life pondering its meaning and existence.

  • @andrewsnowmon2586
    @andrewsnowmon2586 Před 4 lety

    🤗 vastly mind filling.

  • @patrickbrown2075
    @patrickbrown2075 Před 4 lety

    The universe coming to know itself through form.

  • @crazyeyedme4685
    @crazyeyedme4685 Před 4 lety

    If morphic resonance is real, we could eventually apply it in a way that would allows faster than light information travel. So interesting

  • @ollywright
    @ollywright Před 5 lety

    Thank's for the interview, Rupert Sheldrake's ideas and approach are very interesting! Have you looked into Roger Penrose's and Stuart Hameroff's ORCH-OR theory of consciousness? There's imho a few areas where they inform each other very well.

    • @metaRising
      @metaRising  Před 5 lety +2

      Thanks Olly. I am familiar with their theory. Either would be a great guest. I'll see what I can do!

  • @hellavadeal
    @hellavadeal Před 4 lety +1

    Some try to create their purpose. To what purpose?
    If there is a high purpose, it should be sought on purpose.

  • @0ptimal
    @0ptimal Před 3 lety

    Even ideas seem to surface around the world at the same time. Maybe it's not only an indication of universal consciousness, but a part of the evolution of that consciousness. We know that as mind expands it unlocks new possibilities, because evolution is like a block wall, each layer built on top of the one below, or each new branch of a fractal stems from a prior branch, and would not be able to create a new branch without the prior. So consciousness as it expands it opens up new possibilities for new realities. Which I think is what happens with humanity as a whole, we reach a certain point in consciousness and new ideas, thoughts spark in unison. So you see these new thoughts and ideas sprinkled around the world.

  • @grayarcana
    @grayarcana Před 4 lety +6

    There’s no such thing as natural selection, unless the Goddess Gaia sits in judgement upon us. What you have is the natural elimination of non-viable mutations. Random mutations are, for rigorous genetic and probabilistic reasons, practically always dysfunctional.
    Random mutation was significant in the pre-biotic and pre-RNA phases. RNA introduced a degree of error correction, and DNA refined this to a highly efficient corrective mechanism.
    Non-random or epigeneticslly biased mutation may well have accounted for the cumulative intelligence of the generic genome, and genomes as the kingdoms of life fissured. By the ediacaran, the field was largely set for the Cambrian explosion, the generic genomes of the animal phyla quite possibly cracking most of the requisite code by this time, at a microscopic level.
    By this time, or by the Cambrian at the latest, or perhaps as early as early eukaryotic phase, the generic genomes were by then too complex to bear random mutation without causing morphological or functional failure.
    Sheldrake’s concept of morphic resonance has a clear affinity to the subsequently developing theory of epigenetics.

  • @abc-yg6tk
    @abc-yg6tk Před 4 lety

    The problem is also a cultural and anthropocentric one. The word 'conscious' itself conjures images of human emotions and memory. When you say the sun has some form of consciousness, it only seems outlandish because we project an anthropocentric image of consciousness into the sun or matter. I think consciousness is more than what human think it is.

  • @jeromebullard6123
    @jeromebullard6123 Před 3 lety

    An interesting experiment:
    Find a natural bee hive. Separate the Queen, and about 10% of the workers. Separate them in sound insulated rooms by over a mile, and disturb them queen, and small population of drones. See how the other 90% at a distance respond.

  • @Csilla417
    @Csilla417 Před 4 lety +2

    Super ideas! Pls find also a great lecture reagrding the living universe: “ Dr. Attila Grandpierre: From the living Universe” - a Hungarian scientist with unortodox ideas. (Hungarian speaking but subtitles can be choosen )

  • @ChrisOakesCO
    @ChrisOakesCO Před 4 lety

    The Universe does everything you do because you do what you do because you are the Universe and the Universe is you. The Universe Breaths, circulates Water, is Conscious and Everything..

  • @scientifico
    @scientifico Před 4 lety +1

    His "rat learning experiment" piqued my interest and I find myself less than convinced that there is a shared cosmic consciousness between rats. More likely, in an experimentation that took 30 years with multiple generations of the same rats, what has been implanted is epigenetic memory. Stressed rats have been taught over generations to fear certain situations and cues, making it easier for subsequent rats to avoid those situations and cues.

  • @tonydubshot
    @tonydubshot Před 4 lety


  • @terryfonte3655
    @terryfonte3655 Před 4 lety

    MORPHIC RESONACE- "Habits that build up within nature as a kind of memory" "Once it's formed, then the next time you make it there should be influence from the first time by the process I call morphic resonance. And the more often you do it, the more influence from the past there will be. The habit will build up and result will be that the compound will crystalize more quickly and more easily."

  • @bajajones5093
    @bajajones5093 Před 4 lety +3

    a beautiful interview! so wonderfully intuitive and explanative . please bring on an "idealist". not Bernardo.

  • @hellavadeal
    @hellavadeal Před 4 lety

    Will black holes evaporate from loss of information?

  • @dingo1666
    @dingo1666 Před 4 lety +1

    Can I just say [I am also a scientist and I do not believe in gods as described in religion]. However that does not exclude me from believing that there are other conscious 'things' or 'beings' that are either higher evolved than us or even in a completely different dimension. Gods described in holy books are rulers of humans and often interact and punish and yet they are described as absolutely omnipresent and highly mystical beings. My stance is that, if there are conscious beings or things, they will be slaves to the natural laws in the universe/dimension in which they dwell too. Therefore being not at all mystical or 'better' than other conscious beings, but only different. That we then start to idolise them and live our whole lives according to a 'hyped up' being shows how naive we still are [Cargo cult]. As a non believer who is very spiritual, I sometimes feel I have to explain that some Atheists can still be spiritual, they just do not cowtow to idolised and hyped up beings, but see them as only 'others'. Some may say I am agnostic then but that's also wrong as I 100% do not believe in any gods. There are no gods. There are only a variety of conscious beings or things, maybe more advanced than us. To call something a god implies it is automatically our master and most Atheists just won't go there. Just to clear that up.