White statues from ancient Greece? Where’s the diversity?

  • čas přidán 22. 08. 2021
  • The Museum of Classical Archaeology in Cambridge is worried that all the white statues on display will give visitors what they describe as, ‘a misleading impression of an absence of diversity’ in the ancient world. Plans are accordingly afoot to apologise for the impression of ‘whiteness’ which a walk around the statues might give.
    Zuckerberg, Donna (2019) Not All Dead White Men: Classics and Misogyny in the Digital Age, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
    Bond, Sarah E. (2017) Why we need to start seeing the classical world in colour, New York: Hyperallergic.

Komentáře • 757

  • @kalanos4660
    @kalanos4660 Před 2 lety +275

    We are expected to apologise for the success of our ancestors.
    And we are expected to apologise to the people whose ancestors failed.

  • @catsamazing338
    @catsamazing338 Před 2 lety +228

    Having a problem with my chickens. They do insist on laying white eggs. No matter how many times I tell them this could be interpreted as white supremacy and a distinct lack of diversity. They just don’t seem to get the larger cultural impact this could have.
    I just know that some poor sensitive soul is going to open a box in the supermarket and suddenly be face to face with 12 white globes looking up at them. A justified reason for PTSD and a lifetime of disability payments.
    The complete horror does not bear thinking about.
    Have tried painting them but the whiteness still lurks beneath😱
    Am at my wits end.
    Is that a police car outside.......?

    • @janeannkilgour6853
      @janeannkilgour6853 Před 2 lety +13


    • @dustthatsings6406
      @dustthatsings6406 Před 2 lety +7

      Chicken fragility.

    • @PorchBass
      @PorchBass Před 2 lety +4

      @@jimmyallen8516 lol so edgy it must be fact!

    • @peterstaples1
      @peterstaples1 Před 2 lety +8

      That was seriously funny. My laugh of the week ! Thank you

    • @manofkent4472
      @manofkent4472 Před 2 lety +11

      you should know you can't reason with the recalcitrants - make it difficult for them to breed, give their coop to any new birds that just fly in (even if unproductive crows).

  • @copyrightcharacter1166
    @copyrightcharacter1166 Před 2 lety +280

    It's absolutely mental. It's just a joke that people get paid for this.

    • @davidsharpe7869
      @davidsharpe7869 Před 2 lety +19

      And paid very well with our Taxes, the more silly and stupid they rant the more money they get

    • @davidcahill7719
      @davidcahill7719 Před 2 lety +4

      And I think most people miss an important point. Simon has seen so many of these race grifters turning a nice little side hustle into a full time career he's thought "why don't I get a piece of the pie as well" by exposing these lot for what they are! Kerching.

    • @brianterence3211
      @brianterence3211 Před 2 lety +1

      @@davidcahill7719 It was you that missed the point

    • @crazywazydoublehazy
      @crazywazydoublehazy Před 2 lety +3

      It’s no joke. It is the systematic cancelling of European civilisation.

    • @user-ko3tv7jl2r
      @user-ko3tv7jl2r Před 2 lety +1

      It's silly, but also incredibly dangerous. Laughing isn't the right response.

  • @steveg845
    @steveg845 Před 2 lety +200

    An on a similar note the terracotta warriors all seem to be Chinese.

    • @GenMaster
      @GenMaster Před 2 lety +9

      Interestingly enough, the terracotta army was made by ancient Hellenes (a.k.a. "Greeks").

    • @ulrichenevoldsen8371
      @ulrichenevoldsen8371 Před 2 lety +13

      @@GenMaster do you mind to expand a bit on that? Please don't tell me to do my own research. I did that and found nothing to verify your claim. Not having a go or saying it's not true but just asking an honest question.

    • @GenMaster
      @GenMaster Před 2 lety +1

      @@BluntofHwicce It is also worth noting that Dionysus' campaign to the East predated that of Alexander the Great by thousands of years (1,700 years, to be precise).
      To the person above who asked, my sources are Diodoros and Nonnos, both ancient Hellene historians.

    • @jamiewarne9066
      @jamiewarne9066 Před 2 lety +10

      Don't forget that there are at least 40 known pyramids in China. I'm wondering if this demonstrates their first attempts of intellectual theft.

    • @GenMaster
      @GenMaster Před 2 lety +2

      @@jamiewarne9066 From what I've been reading, those pyramids were built by an even older (advanced) civilization. The Lemurians, perhaps?

  • @papagolf2355
    @papagolf2355 Před 2 lety +24

    The stupid! It burns!!!

    • @ianfindly3257
      @ianfindly3257 Před 2 lety +2

      The power of Stupid COMPELLLLLLLLSSSS you!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @dickturban8706
    @dickturban8706 Před 2 lety +120

    im sorry since when did we owe black people a living. we seem to be changing history and the world and just about every-thing else to pamper to black people

    • @sidsnot6952
      @sidsnot6952 Před 2 lety +8

      They built everything 👍🏻👍🏻

    • @markstarmer3677
      @markstarmer3677 Před 2 lety +16

      Agree DickTurban - the lefty woke melts seem to panda to them. For God's sake grow a pair. They certainly don't get any preferential treatment from my company.

    • @jayh9529
      @jayh9529 Před 2 lety +14

      It's a divide and conquer tactic that some are falling for

    • @sidsnot6952
      @sidsnot6952 Před 2 lety +11

      @Ario James3 they built stone henge and the tower of London. According to woke history lessons

    • @jumblestiltskin1365
      @jumblestiltskin1365 Před 2 lety +7

      Agreed I dont expect anyone to do me favours and never recieved any beyond that which my own work produced.

  • @johnturner1073
    @johnturner1073 Před 2 lety +101

    Higher Education started going wrong when students swapped learning for protesting and dictating...

    • @Marvin-dg8vj
      @Marvin-dg8vj Před 2 lety +3

      They weren't doing a lot of learning to be honest even in the first place

    • @chriscoffee9070
      @chriscoffee9070 Před 2 lety +3

      It was when our mate Tony decided that half the population needed to study some flavour of 'ology' or some kind of 'studies' at university instead of learning a trade in a skill that was useful; thus the need for inventing a load of faux-academic nonsense courses for them to do, thus legitimizing faux-academic nonsense in general and requiring a huge increase of the importation of people who knew how to, or were prepared to do things that were useful.
      I have to say, it's all worked out absolutely spiffingly, and people have the temerity to call him an empty-suited, short-sighted sociopathic warmongering lying weapons-grade tosspot, the fools !!

  • @NRALifer1
    @NRALifer1 Před 2 lety +99

    History is what history is, Color Blind. If Blacks weren't there, they didn't matter. How many white African tribal mask have you seen?
    African art was made out of straw & wood European art was Marble & Stone. Which is the better and longer lasting art material? Raciest Rock?

    • @cerneuffington2656
      @cerneuffington2656 Před 2 lety +2

      I do have a wooden Hopi Indian Mudhead Kachina Doll, I bought on ebay... I think it was made fairly recently tho.

    • @historyonthego
      @historyonthego Před 2 lety +4

      The sculpture if Ife a Yoruba City was made out of brass a metal used in a lot of art from the regions in West Africa. Even the art of the Igbo’s of South Eastern Nigeria are of metal. This warning about white statures is ridiculous, but we need to be careful that we don’t reject new historical findings or reject the revealing of history that was purposely hidden because of racism and we know that has happened to support people world view. As a black man I’m not so sensitive as these museums make out. Been looking at white Greek statue in British museum for decades.

    • @gort5583
      @gort5583 Před 2 lety +2

      Don't look for logic or sense it does not exist in any of this thinking!

    • @katielain6519
      @katielain6519 Před 2 lety +2

      I think this could be the start of the downfall of our so called elite universities. They seem to be leading the charge towards obscurity.

    • @coleslaw9181
      @coleslaw9181 Před 2 lety

      Well now, wouldn’t YOU want to claim another people’s heritage and culture too if your OWN REAL one was this czcams.com/video/YQjec7Pohgo/video.html ?

  • @SteveInsidious
    @SteveInsidious Před 2 lety +89

    The demand for racism exceeds supply, so they have to create it.

    • @trappedinroom1014
      @trappedinroom1014 Před 2 lety +6

      When you have rabbi’s stating things like “We will have to forbid all-white couples having children and only permit mixed race couples” and “It will just be us, ruling over a sea of brown faces”….then you start to grasp who is behind the demonising of all white peoples!
      And as for these rabbis being white themselves….that is offensive apparently, because they’re not white, they’re actually a different (and divine) superior species. They get very offended when you call them white!
      They want another caste system where it’s just them in charge like gods, and a world of homogenous brown faces!!!
      And when they’ve hidden away when they try and incite a Rwandan genocide event against white peoples, they can emerge and put all the brown faces into a perpetual guilt cycle!!! A bit like what they’ve reduced Germany to!
      It’s evil is what it is!

    • @ottosump3356
      @ottosump3356 Před 2 lety +1

      trappedinroom 101 🎯

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba Před 2 lety +3

      @@trappedinroom1014 they would love to be whyte but they never will.

  • @automotivel3501
    @automotivel3501 Před 2 lety +64

    Simon I wrote to the Greenwich Maritime Museum to complain about their fictitious account of Sir Francis Drakes involvement in the Atlantic Slave Trade, their reply was they would pass my comments on to the correct department, in other words they binned it.
    Shame because I grew up in Greenwich and spent a lot of time inside museum - it was free, long school holidays, little money etc - and the purpose of these places is to celebrate the good these people (Drake, Captain Cook, Horatio Nelson etc) achieved, not to slander them with this racist bullshit.
    What next claiming that the Cutty Sark culturally stole it's identity from a Scotsman's play?

    • @johnnyhollis9977
      @johnnyhollis9977 Před 2 lety +4

      The obvious answer is to boycott the place until they remove this stupid agenda but the tourists will still turn up for their indoctrination into this current woke madness.
      I too used to make frequent visits for research etc but I wouldn't go now!

    • @cerneuffington2656
      @cerneuffington2656 Před 2 lety +3

      Probably passed it on to Diane Abacus.

    • @Rosshannah1695
      @Rosshannah1695 Před 2 lety +2

      You're not far off the mark, Nanny Dee, the witch of the poem is wearing a Cutty Sark (garment) of Paisley harn (course material) an Indian female "historian" has bewailed the Paisley made material as it was cheaper to produce than that from India, so struggling Paisley workers took jobs/money from the Indian market...it's all about decolonising our history and making us out to be bad....they just can't help themselves. I think she's in Dundee's V+A Museum if memory serves....give foreigners control of your history and they destroy it, to the glee of SNP, Labour, etc. Scotland is just a name at this point, no history, patriotism or longing to keep our traditions to pass on, just 3rd world ideas and Sharia.

    • @katielain6519
      @katielain6519 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Rosshannah1695 That, unfortunately goes for our cities as well, where streets are renamed because their history does not suit them.

  • @ballshippin3809
    @ballshippin3809 Před 2 lety +21

    The communist cultural revolution 2.0 only this time it's happening in the west and not China...

  • @vaunmalone3064
    @vaunmalone3064 Před 2 lety +46

    Latin and Greek no longer required in the Ivy League Universities - too hard ....

    • @asimian8500
      @asimian8500 Před 2 lety +3

      They are hard...
      Homeric or Attic Greek is much harder than Latin which is why you rarely see those taught. If you went to a Catholic school, you may have learned Latin and even Greek.
      I'm all for classics, but at this point in time, unless you have a special interest in history, or reading the Iliad or Odyssey in the original Homeric Greek or reading Roman and Greek inscriptions, it's not necessary.

  • @colinjames2346
    @colinjames2346 Před 2 lety +78

    In The Iliad, the characters are described as having Nordic features, blond hair, blue eyes etc. How inconvenient!

    • @asimian8500
      @asimian8500 Před 2 lety +5

      Which is why Brad Pitt truly looked like Achilles. Both the Mycenaeans (Greeks) and Trojans (Hittites) were descended from Indo-Europeans, originating from the Steppes near the Black Sea. Many were blonde-haired with blue eyes.
      Genetic testing of Egyptian Pharaohs including Ramses II (who had red hair) and Tutankhamen indicated they were primarily of Nordic origins. There was a Nubian dynasty near the end of the Egyptian Dynastic Period, but those pharaohs were Nordic too. The "Nubians" who conquered Egypt were primarily Egyptians who lived there. Without a doubt they used the famed Nubian archers in their army, but the elite were Nordic Egyptians.
      This differentiation of the elite from the masses was not unique to ancient Egypt. For instance, in ancient Japan, the Samurai elite were genetically different from the farmers they ruled over. Genetic testing from mass graves of dead Samurai indicated they were primarily of Ainu origins. Ainus were called Pacific Whites as they shared many Caucasian traits.

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj Před 2 lety +3

      According to history, spartans of that time,being "dories" were a bit like latinos,darckhair dark eyes,and "ahcaioi", (athenians e.t.c.)were blondish with blue eyes,like Pallas Athene,,,,,,so ther is quite difficult to imagine black Greeks.

    • @derekowens1817
      @derekowens1817 Před 2 lety

      @@Irene-iu9sj do you mean Dorian Spartans, and Ionian Athenians? Achaeans were from elsewhere in Hellas. D

    • @phanomfoxxy4453
      @phanomfoxxy4453 Před 2 lety +12

      You mean Achilles wasn't black? But I just saw a tv show and he was black. They would not lie to push an agenda would they? Plus that would be cultural appropriation and they would never do that…

    • @george-stathopoulos
      @george-stathopoulos Před 2 lety +1

      @@asimian8500 no

  • @musashidanmcgrath
    @musashidanmcgrath Před 2 lety +41

    Maybe when Africans reach the pinnacle of genius that Europeans did in sculpture, they will be more than welcome to display them... Absolutely sick of this nonsense.

  • @ckrisk
    @ckrisk Před 2 lety +83

    The classics is a contradiction to the new archeologist who have been Africanizing stone age culture in Europe.

    • @brianterence3211
      @brianterence3211 Před 2 lety +2

      You mean Egypt is Africa ? Like Mexico is America ?
      It's whatever suits your convenience apparently.

  • @johnmac8084
    @johnmac8084 Před 2 lety +56

    When history doesn't support the narrative

  • @jonnyfrench19
    @jonnyfrench19 Před 2 lety +45

    Apart from the paint eroding off white marble statues, white marble is known - to the still sane - for being white.

    • @evastephan9441
      @evastephan9441 Před 2 lety

      And what to say about the Roman paintings of Pompei portraying all those people that look like Europeans....

  • @nuttysquirrel8574
    @nuttysquirrel8574 Před 2 lety +96

    I don't hear too many pale coloured people complaining about the lack of white characters in the great, ancient, plays from Africa. Oops, I forgot, there aren't any!!!

    • @asimian8500
      @asimian8500 Před 2 lety +13

      I'm waiting for a movie based on the British defeat by Zulus (Battle of Isandlwana in 1879) where the Zulus are depicted by angry, white, unkempt Celtic warriors, wearing kilts, and the British Redcoats depicted by noble African warriors from Wakanda, wearing Vibranium armor and shooting energy beams. In this version, the white Celts are annihilated by British Wakanda.

    • @thor4164
      @thor4164 Před 2 lety +6

      @@asimian8500 I'll forward your idea onto the writers

    • @markstarmer3677
      @markstarmer3677 Před 2 lety +2

      @@asimian8500 plank

    • @oldboygeorge7688
      @oldboygeorge7688 Před 2 lety

      There were quite alot actually. Stop showing your ignorance it's 😳 embarrassing.

    • @nuttysquirrel8574
      @nuttysquirrel8574 Před 2 lety +4

      @@oldboygeorge7688 Name some then! I don't see a list accompanying your comment. I left school a long time ago, aged 14, but I could name you a minimum of 20 'top' plays/white writers/philosophers without using google. I have just googled Great African Plays and, guess what, none come up! There are African-American plays, and there are (of course) African playwrights/writers but all are contemporary and none shown pre-1900. If you're going to accuse me of ignorance at least back up your claim.

  • @janeannkilgour6853
    @janeannkilgour6853 Před 2 lety +20

    Oh dear! 🙄

  • @miotyuori7331
    @miotyuori7331 Před 2 lety +39

    As if colour isonly skin or one pain layer deep. Anyone familiar with Greek pottery knows how they portreyed Ethiopians. If you dig a little bit deeper you’d know that males due to working the field and other outdoor duties were always portrayed as darker than their female counterparts. I’m outright disgusted with our modern “historians” using the possibility of Cheddar man being more swarthy than our current pale faces as evidence for black ethno-nationalist causes.

    • @gracecollins8415
      @gracecollins8415 Před 2 lety

      I had an uncle, a pure blooded Irishman from a very old family who all had very black hair, black hazel-green eyes and dark complexions.

  • @MaxZagar
    @MaxZagar Před 2 lety +17

    Do your own Statues in black stone, if you are so keen to have black statues. I'm starting to get pretty fed up with this racist crap.

    • @Ryan-gz6ym
      @Ryan-gz6ym Před 2 lety +8

      I don't care if I'm 'racist'. I am. So is every human. It's called tribalism, and it's natural.

  • @tsr6220
    @tsr6220 Před 2 lety +51

    what a joke europe is becoming and its all due to the poeple who you cant criticise

    • @maximog87
      @maximog87 Před 2 lety +8

      Mostly unelected EU elites.

    • @Ravishrex1
      @Ravishrex1 Před 2 lety +11

      Its due to the deliberate mixing of cultures .

    • @tsr6220
      @tsr6220 Před 2 lety +16

      @@Ravishrex1 yes which is being pushed by the people you cant criticise

    • @perryanderson5642
      @perryanderson5642 Před 2 lety +1

      @Sean T Exactly Sean!!!! We have to Rise together. One of these days that Parasite class is going to be Surprised by us collectively. And They Will Not Like What They have caused. STAY STRONG!

  • @byronlivingstone8320
    @byronlivingstone8320 Před 2 lety +19

    Ancient history so white lol

  • @forthfarean
    @forthfarean Před 2 lety +17

    Are these people trouble makers or just terminally thick?

  • @onlybugwit
    @onlybugwit Před 2 lety +10

    Gobsmacked,,, as usual,,, why are these people so preoccupied with colour when no one else is. They're making a problem where there wasn't one.

  • @theredbaron5117
    @theredbaron5117 Před 2 lety +18

    "Where are all the statues from Wakanda" - 20 yr old black Twitter scholar from Chicago

  • @charlytaylor1748
    @charlytaylor1748 Před 2 lety +12

    Time the Taj Mahal got a makeover as well

  • @akashahuja2346
    @akashahuja2346 Před 2 lety +9

    Stick a Diane Abbott wig on the statue, job done

  • @zerofull6936
    @zerofull6936 Před 2 lety +48

    They wouldn't have a clue how to hold a hammer far less a chisel.

    • @American-Plague
      @American-Plague Před 2 lety +4

      This is true still today. Go look at some construction sites.

    • @Portekberm
      @Portekberm Před 2 lety +2

      Hammer and sickle…

    • @mihabolil4o
      @mihabolil4o Před 2 lety +1

      @@Portekberm Yes, comrade

    • @hairyape3935
      @hairyape3935 Před 2 lety

      Hold a hammer? Who build it? Slave labor! Get a clue...oh yeah... and some sun screen

    • @American-Plague
      @American-Plague Před 2 lety +5

      @@hairyape3935 No, slaves did not carve Roman or Greek statues. They also didn't build America. They worked in fields and kitchens. You STILL can't build anything. Get a clue...oh yeah...and an education.

  • @angelmoon1959
    @angelmoon1959 Před 2 lety +36

    I am surprised Michael Angelo's David is till standing, it being a statue of a white male , in white marble, "note to self, don't give them ideas"

    • @American-Plague
      @American-Plague Před 2 lety +3

      Not trying to be a grammar "not see": Michelangelo is one word. Michelangelo Buonarroti.

    • @dustthatsings6406
      @dustthatsings6406 Před 2 lety +4

      The public statue is a dummy. The original lies beyond the clutches of jackasses.

    • @thekingsdaughter4233
      @thekingsdaughter4233 Před 2 lety +4

      @@American-Plague that was probably automatically corrected. Sometimes I am surprised when I look at what the spellchecker doesn't know/recognize. :-D

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj Před 2 lety

      @@dustthatsings6406 Good !!!!!! Remember when some loco brock Pieta's Madona's nose with a hamer ??????

    • @cerneuffington2656
      @cerneuffington2656 Před 2 lety

      Angelo was a hit for The Brotherhood of Man in 1977.

  • @paulking8055
    @paulking8055 Před 2 lety +120

    You can buy the box set of "Out of Town" with Jack Hargreaves, It contains every tv show covering two decades in the late 70s and 80s. Very informative and enjoyable, giving a lovely insight into wildlife, country ways and our natural history. For those that push "We've always been multicultural".....doesn't back that up !!

    • @stoptheworldiwannagetoff4780
      @stoptheworldiwannagetoff4780 Před 2 lety +9

      I used to watch that with my Nan........brilliant.

    • @johnnyhollis9977
      @johnnyhollis9977 Před 2 lety +6

      Loved that programme and the innocent soft tranquil chit chat on country ways etc! So much so, that I moved to the country as soon as I could, now very rural thank goodness!!!

    • @jayturner3397
      @jayturner3397 Před 2 lety +2

      Lived it. Wasn't there a '60s series too ?

    • @johnnyhollis9977
      @johnnyhollis9977 Před 2 lety +3

      @@jayturner3397 Jack used to appear in 'How'!

    • @jayturner3397
      @jayturner3397 Před 2 lety +2

      @@johnnyhollis9977 ahh yes, just thought Out of town predated '70s lol..getting old m8t

  • @cuhurun
    @cuhurun Před 2 lety +19

    Lunacy has sadly become the default setting for contemporary 'normality'.

    • @mjones4083
      @mjones4083 Před 2 lety

      Especially in universities now - where you go to study to become a feeble-minded lunatic !

  • @deathcabforcutie3889
    @deathcabforcutie3889 Před 2 lety +18

    On a further note: some American "academics" have had the term "Anglo-Saxon" removed as it is considered racist! Next they'll want the term "English" removed.

    • @oliverpearson1577
      @oliverpearson1577 Před 2 lety +1

      That won't be too long in the future.

    • @mjones4083
      @mjones4083 Před 2 lety +3

      The "colour " they have the real problem with is green ,the colour of envy . Do not have what it takes to compete on a level playing field so they seek go destroy .

    • @porridgeandprunes
      @porridgeandprunes Před 2 lety +2

      A female academic in Australia has in fact suggested that the name for our language not be called English so as not to offend certain people!

  • @williamtell6750
    @williamtell6750 Před 2 lety +16

    I am running out of words to use. Ludicrous is what springs to mind.

  • @pledgestone
    @pledgestone Před 2 lety +16

    Did you say "white culture" I thought the orthodoxy states that there is no such thing as "white culture".
    Get with the programming... er... I mean program. Little slip there.

  • @olwens1368
    @olwens1368 Před 2 lety +24

    Beginning to think that the world would be a better place if we just closed all the universities for about 10 years, then started again from scratch. Could we start a rumour about some very nasty bug that only attacks academics and hangs around lecture theatres ??

    • @the_forbinproject2777
      @the_forbinproject2777 Před 2 lety +4

      well the grades would go up , they did when the schools shut. just think of the money we could save on wages , buildings ,etc

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj Před 2 lety +2

      They start from kindergarten nowadays. ...then,press down on elementary, in high school, all is lost. Have an eye on your children 's education, dont permit anyone to "enlight"them......

    • @chriscoffee9070
      @chriscoffee9070 Před 2 lety

      Just closing down every course that didn't exist 20 years ago would be a big step forward, no new fields of knowledge have been created, but lots of new 'subjects' have.
      ...or make them all pass the 'Old lady job justification hearings' test, that'd sort it out.

    • @jackdavidson2612
      @jackdavidson2612 Před 2 lety

      That's thinking in the right direction.

  • @orzorzelski1142
    @orzorzelski1142 Před 2 lety +12

    Way back, I heard people claiming that homosexualism was a part and parcel in the ancient Greece based on how many works of art depict homoerotic acts. Some time later I found a study that gave actual numbers. About 1% of cups and vases in some museum depicted homoerotic acts...

    • @asimian8500
      @asimian8500 Před 2 lety +4

      That 1% is about the estimate for today as well, but wildly fluctuates depending on who you speak with. Like today, the elites had a larger percentage. The poor Greek farmer could barely manage between plowing his fields, tending his livestock, and caring for his olive trees and simply didn't have time for the debauchery of the elites. In ancient times and until recently, the family unit and not the individual was the most important thing. The Greek farmers married for very practical reasons: the traditional duty of the wife was to manage the household. She was responsible for spinning thread, weaving fabric, making clothing, aging cheeses, baking bread, and taking care of the children. Meanwhile, the poor guy had to till the field, shovel manure, harvest the crop, and do all the back breaking, dirty work.

  • @simondavies5444
    @simondavies5444 Před 2 lety +7

    I’m sure the national museum of Botswana will label all their exhibits to explain why they are so……There’s a little thing, geographical evolutionary context - Europeans evolved to be white (actually it’s likely that Homoerectus was pale skinned when it first left Africa 1.6 million years ago - chimpanzees have pink skin and heavily pigmented skin evolved in Africa after hominids shed their pelt. Also pale marble and limestone appear to be more common and pale stone simply shows shading better than dark stone making it not only representative of the indigenous peoples but better for scultpingl

  • @michaelwhite8031
    @michaelwhite8031 Před 2 lety +18

    They've lost their marbles.

    • @EdMcF1
      @EdMcF1 Před 2 lety

      No, Elgin paid for them, and saved them.

  • @km4089
    @km4089 Před 2 lety +6

    I give up, this country is fked!

  • @jeffebdy
    @jeffebdy Před 2 lety +25

    This. Is. Sparta. Comes to mind

  • @TheVideoLounge
    @TheVideoLounge Před 2 lety +7

    🎵 _I see a red door
    , And I want it painted black, No colours anymore, I want them to turn black_ 🎵

  • @EdMcF1
    @EdMcF1 Před 2 lety +20

    Those whom the Gods wish to destroy, first they make mad.

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj Před 2 lety +1

      "Μωραινει Κύριος ον βούλεται απολεσαι"......

    • @cookiecat4058
      @cookiecat4058 Před 2 lety

      I take that's the Greek Gods?!

    • @jimjim8645
      @jimjim8645 Před 2 lety

      @@cookiecat4058 No and it's God not Gods.

  • @nanabijou62
    @nanabijou62 Před 2 lety +4

    I was shocked that the Terracotta statues of China did not have a single African soldier. Someone should have warned me. I have still not fully recovered.

  • @the_forbinproject2777
    @the_forbinproject2777 Před 2 lety +21

    why worry about ancient Greece when there's a lack of diveristy in Kenya? come on Kenya needs more Welsh !

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 Před 2 lety

      Our Kenyan US president was half white. Satisfied?

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba Před 2 lety

      @@kalburgy2114 name?

    • @perryanderson5642
      @perryanderson5642 Před 2 lety

      @@NacerDeArriba His name is O' Bastard, because that's what he is ! He wasn't born in America so his So called Presidency was Fully Illegal.

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 Před 2 lety

      @Nacer De Arriba Barack Obama. His father, also named Barack Obama, was born and died in Kenya.

    • @NacerDeArriba
      @NacerDeArriba Před 2 lety

      @@kalburgy2114 i thought you was saying he was kenya president , not USA.

  • @blueband8114
    @blueband8114 Před 2 lety +8

    Just when you think we have reached the bottom, new depths are found.

  • @russpaxman3660
    @russpaxman3660 Před 2 lety +8

    If you see carvings or statuettes from Nigeria or Benin, you will notice that there are not many Caucasians amongst them, this must surely be racism of the worst sort, a black African country or culture deliberately excluding people based on their skin colour and ethnicity?

  • @johnminshell7595
    @johnminshell7595 Před 2 lety +7

    Because The White Cliffs of Dover used to be Black so the Song must be Racist Sadiq Khan will have them painted Over or Thrown into the Sea.

  • @OblateSpheroid
    @OblateSpheroid Před 2 lety +15

    It’s wrong for them to do these things.

  • @georgecerulean5911
    @georgecerulean5911 Před 2 lety +6

    It's been said that _Political Correctness means _*_always_*_ having to say you're sorry._
    It's very sad Indeed that so much of our Western cultural heritage, in colleges, universities, museums, and libraries, is under the stewardship of people who are openly hostile towards it.

  • @deathcabforcutie3889
    @deathcabforcutie3889 Před 2 lety +6

    Right! That's the Classics cancelled, now let's start on Medieval litereature, followed by Shakespeare, the Romantic Poets, Jane Austin, Dickens and so on, and so on.

  • @christophernewman5027
    @christophernewman5027 Před 2 lety +9

    Written by Donna Zuckerberg?

  • @mariongranbruheim4090
    @mariongranbruheim4090 Před 2 lety +7

    What is wrong with the truth? We cant solve anything is the truth is not known.

  • @wjf0ne
    @wjf0ne Před 2 lety +11

    Don't worry, once the new arrivals gain their land legs after their arduous sea crossing they will have the statues smashed.

  • @penneyburgess5431
    @penneyburgess5431 Před 2 lety +12

    People need to educate themselves. Marble is easy to carve and weathers well. They also carved other stones, obsidian comes to mind, but the stone was rare in Greece and Rome. Ancient civilizations used those mediums that were readily available. That is all.

    • @Ravishrex1
      @Ravishrex1 Před 2 lety +3

      Also allot of these ancient times the demographics were diferent to now.

    • @musashidanmcgrath
      @musashidanmcgrath Před 2 lety

      Also, Greeks mostly casted to bronze.

  • @FranLuckyflute
    @FranLuckyflute Před 2 lety +4

    What next. Glory-bee...! I have just realised there are more white piano keys than black - quick cover up, then label as to why.

    • @American-Plague
      @American-Plague Před 2 lety +2

      There are people arguing that chess is racist because the white pieces move first.

  • @mickbmx
    @mickbmx Před 2 lety +7

    those who control the past control the future

  • @douglasparise3986
    @douglasparise3986 Před 2 lety +19

    Leif Ericson was African, as was Confucius

  • @DavidSmith-op8ix
    @DavidSmith-op8ix Před 2 lety +2

    These crazies have infested every institution, what a mad world we live in.

  • @utinam4041
    @utinam4041 Před 2 lety +4

    The Greeks and the Romans, who acquired many Greek ideas, were racist to the extent that they believed in geographical determinism. They regarded north Europeans as slow witted because of the cold and Africans as lethargic because of the heat, while they themselves, living mainly in areas of Mediterranean seasonality, saw themselves as both quick witted and energetic. Judging by the cultures of that time, they were quite right.

  • @ghenttoo
    @ghenttoo Před 2 lety +3

    Trump called it in his rally last night. " Everything woke turns to shit".

  • @thescarletandgrey2505
    @thescarletandgrey2505 Před 2 lety +5

    Hmmm. I feel more white & marbly already.

  • @sidiov3168
    @sidiov3168 Před 2 lety +2

    I went to a museum in Rome once. Was left shaken and crying in the ground by the white statues.

  • @ttblade
    @ttblade Před 2 lety +2

    While one continent remained in the 'stone age', Europeans created rich cultures and art over thousands of years. That's a serious problem for those arguing that the only reason for some ethnicities failing is systemic racism and discrimination.

  • @brianfeldz1797
    @brianfeldz1797 Před 2 lety +2

    So, part of the problem is that the demographics of the Northern Mid East, Levantine and North Africa have drastically changed since the classic period due to various expansions and conquests, particularly the Muslim expansion which brought masses of southern Arabians, Persians, and sub-Saharan Africans into these regions largely altering the phenotype variety of these regions. And now the people in those areas, in order to feel connected to the history of the regions, want that history to represent them and their various connected lineages. The populations in Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco etc.. look different now in regard to this specific color phenotype. Not too drastically as these regions are mostly still Eurasian in heritage, but there is greater variation in tone now. Since all these groups, other than sub-Saharan, are Eurasian, they have more in common in appearance than not. So you can look at a statue, without color and see that it’s Eurasian, just not exactly what variation. Up until fairly recently Eurasians were for the most part, all considered “white”, even though there’s obvious tonal variation by region. People in Italy, Lebanon, Morocco, and the rest of the Mediterranean and Persia, Afghanistan etc. are bit darker than say in Germany, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan and France etc. who are a bit darker than Scandinavians, Russian etc.. And this is the North to south tonal gradient you can see throughout much of the world. But they were still of Eurasian descent, all going back to post ice age migrations, with small variation in localized hunter gatherer heritage. So in those terms, these groups were and are all very close related. Now that has changed and it continues to change. Many have adopted this idea of “brown” which is just as irrelevant as “white”. And the larger Eurasian population is becoming divided along this one phenotype expression, skin tone. Which imo is totally nuts. In reality lineages that mostly connect within a 10000 year range can be considered a broader group. 10000 years isn’t very long in terms of evolution. Which is why without color you can’t really tell the difference between an Austrian and someone from Lebanon or Greece. And the majority of the entire Mediterranean population on any of the 3 continents, share way more than they don’t. This phenomenon reaches all the way from West North Africa and West Europe, all the way to Iran, Uzbekistan, North Pakistan, North India and the rest of Central Asia. Northern India and Pakistan and Uzbekistan, Kyrgistan is about the region where Eurasians start admixing with Dravidian and East Asian respectively. But you can still find plenty of blond hair and blue eyes in northern Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Uzbekistan, all the Stan’s really. But they can’t use present day diversity to represent historical diversity. The fact is there was far, far less sub-Saharan, southern Arabian and Turkic heritage in these regions prior to the rise of Islam. And they don’t care about that when talking about history. You can even see this in Turkey, Anatolia, which classically had a population no different than Greece really. And even today, with Turkic and Arab influx, this largely remains true, as people from Turkey still share a huge portion of their genome with Greeks and other Mediterranean groups, with a heavy Turkic admix, but not substantial enough to disappear the Mediterranean foundation. And no, I’m not using 14-20th century pseudo-scientific ethnic classifications like you’ll find online. Those are not based on population flow but strictly on phenotype expression which isn’t a very good marker for specific heritage. In summation, the words “white” and “black” are silly classifications. Because Eurasians, like sub-Saharan, like indigenous American, come in varying tones within a range. Eurasians can be anything from light, peach, beige, olive, tan etc.... And we are really all POC. Except for those suffering from Albinism. But this colorization of history based on modern population traits is very stupid of them. Egypt and now Mauritania have probably altered the most. West North Africa was a gathering point for Islam’s attempted European expansion and Atlantic coast trade, thus Muslims from Yemen, Arabia, Horn Africa etc.. migrated there in droves. In Egypt, the Nile connects the North African to the Horn African population and somewhat always has, however, again, with Islam came droves of sub-Saharan lineages into Egypt, which has again changed population traits in regard to appearance. Israel now probably looks more like it did 2000 years ago than it did 500 years ago. The Samaritans, one of the regions oldest continuous insular populations might be the best example of the ancient Levantine phenotype, along with Lebanon and North Syria which was mostly a Christian region up until Islam and even more recently.

  • @manofkent4472
    @manofkent4472 Před 2 lety +4

    Obviously they need to urgently buy some ancient african statues...

  • @pastorflaps6819
    @pastorflaps6819 Před 2 lety +10

    Time to take s good look at the fools and perhaps fire a few

  • @johnnieg3214
    @johnnieg3214 Před 2 lety +10

    What planet do we live on? 😰

  • @steveNCB7754
    @steveNCB7754 Před 2 lety +4

    More irony, in that North America should be the epicentre of the current Woke hysteria about minority and ethnic rights, whilst at the same time, don’t seem to be so agitated for the First Nation peoples of that same continent. ‘Go figure’ as they say. ☹️

    • @cookiecat4058
      @cookiecat4058 Před 2 lety +1

      Exactly. The blacks has got the same right to claim and influence North America as the whites and it's none as neither of them should actually be there in the first place.

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 Před 2 lety +1

      Yes. We should forget we have legs and put down roots and stay in one place.

  • @Charonupthekuiper
    @Charonupthekuiper Před 2 lety +4

    Some people have way too much time on their hands and the lockdown has made it worse.

    • @fromtheashes2555
      @fromtheashes2555 Před 2 lety

      This has been going on in academia for decades. Its just that its now spreading and getting more coverage

  • @dellingr23
    @dellingr23 Před 2 lety +6

    There's also universal (or nearly so) innate concepts of beauty despite what anthropology texts try to say about the bulbous breasted earth mother figurines.

  • @bareminimumbrother3980
    @bareminimumbrother3980 Před 2 lety +1

    I am now very concerned about the lack of diversity in the carved ornaments and figurines that my late father brought back when he worked on the oil rigs in Nigeria.

  • @AcidifiedMammoth
    @AcidifiedMammoth Před 2 lety +4

    This is a question that needs to be asked? This is an issue? Seriously, people need to stop demonizing the artists at least. This is sad. It's not their fault THEY LIVED IN EUROPE.

  • @margaretpepper3550
    @margaretpepper3550 Před 2 lety +1

    If I didn't know better I would have thought that this is all part of a Monty Python sketch!!

  • @carolramsey8457
    @carolramsey8457 Před 2 lety +4

    Where do they dream up this nonsense? Have they been on the opium pipe or the mushrooms?

    • @kalburgy2114
      @kalburgy2114 Před 2 lety

      There has been a long held belief that the "drug culture" was pushed to create more mentally elastic people who could see a bent world.

  • @_-.-_-_.._--.-_-_----_-.--_._-

    I'm telling y'all, we live in the age of mass psychosis described by St. Anthony the Great: “A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”

  • @davidgifford8112
    @davidgifford8112 Před 2 lety +4

    I’m guessing about 50% of stem students at Cambridge now are Far East Asian. By and large these students a as white or whiter than the undesirable Anglo-Celtish student. Colouring marble may backfire as that high profit student group from Asia is might well choose to spend their money elsewhere.

  • @Bergerons_Review
    @Bergerons_Review Před 2 lety +6

    White is a color.

    • @dellingr23
      @dellingr23 Před 2 lety +6

      In fact it's all the colors - Issac Newton

  • @Dani92670
    @Dani92670 Před 2 lety +2

    ARE U KIDDING ME? Wow, so this is what we have to look forward to in the U.S. They are mostly just removing/destroying our statues/sculptures/historical artwork, murals, etc., but I've not heard about any "re-touching" of the "coloring", yet. They must be too preoccupied with things like putting up George Floyd statues in airports, what a relief.

  • @ArwenUndomiel406
    @ArwenUndomiel406 Před 2 lety +2

    2001 wasn’t a great year, but society today is now dumber than it was 20 years ago.

  • @skulptor
    @skulptor Před 2 lety +8

    we will shortly learn Greeks were mostly black

    • @MrRourk
      @MrRourk Před 2 lety +3

      and all lgbtq

    • @fromtheashes2555
      @fromtheashes2555 Před 2 lety

      They already claimed that decades ago. Someone wrote a book called 'Black Athena' about 40 or 50 years ago. No one took it seriously at the time, but its probably taught as fact at Ivy league universities now

    • @fromtheashes2555
      @fromtheashes2555 Před 2 lety +4

      The history of the world is being rewritten to reflect the fantasies of Black people, particularly Black Americans with a huge chip on their shoulder

  • @abigailslade3824
    @abigailslade3824 Před 2 lety +3

    The statues in ancient times were painted to look as lifelike as possible.

  • @littlefishy6316
    @littlefishy6316 Před 2 lety +1

    Stirling Castle's great hall had a lot of time and money spent on it. When unveiled it jarred the eye as it looks brand new especially due to using the original style weather coating. Stirling Castle now looks like it has a new extension rather a finish in keeping with the weather aged unrestored parts

  • @mrsuperger5429
    @mrsuperger5429 Před 2 lety +12

    Middle class academia is driving this lunacy, which is now being drip-fed into popular culture.

  • @johnz8843
    @johnz8843 Před 2 lety +2

    I happen to believe that studying Plutarch's Lives, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Will Durant on the Life of Ancient Greece between 600 to 150 B.C. would be a wonderful start to an invaluable education in the humanities. Once you delved deeply into these studies you can then discuss diversity and historical oppression of women and anyone else since of course that definitely existed. It doesn't get anyone anywhere good to attack classical studies without understanding their riches before grappling with their limitations.

  • @gemimasaliva
    @gemimasaliva Před 2 lety +2

    "Zuckerberg" why am I not surprised?

  • @Mrjohnbigboy
    @Mrjohnbigboy Před 2 lety +4

    Why is it that the idiotic 1% are calling the shots for the other 99% ?

  • @petern1938
    @petern1938 Před 2 lety +10

    Perhaps they could put afro wigs on some of the statues to protect the feelings of the poor little darlings?

  • @supersonicsid5930
    @supersonicsid5930 Před 2 lety +6

    Dear oh Dear , stop the world I want to get off

  • @egverlander
    @egverlander Před 2 lety +8

    I like my race. Don't you like yours as well?

  • @persevere777
    @persevere777 Před 2 lety +6

    Better get the onyx quarry back on line

  • @harrying882
    @harrying882 Před 2 lety +2

    They would have been institutionalised not that Long ago, for goodness sake

  • @johnadams3730
    @johnadams3730 Před 2 lety +2

    What should we do about bronze “statues”.

  • @sebulreath7401
    @sebulreath7401 Před 2 lety +2

    Some people remain willingly bereft of understanding.

  • @ChalcedonXXX
    @ChalcedonXXX Před 2 lety +2

    Being all Europeans they were indeed white.

  • @chemskiesukvol.2covid19isbs

    Surely painting them black is cultural appropriation

  • @fiorentinobici6943
    @fiorentinobici6943 Před 2 lety +1

    I read classics at uni and I often thought how racist the Mediterranean cultures were towards us northern Europeans, whom the Romans classed as barbarians and uncivilized, I often wonder how we could survive without Roman plumbing, wine and interior design.

  • @mariongranbruheim4090
    @mariongranbruheim4090 Před 2 lety +3

    What is wrong with the plain truth anyway?

  • @darylmulwane3430
    @darylmulwane3430 Před 2 lety +3

    Need Muslim and black statues from ancient greece

    • @Irene-iu9sj
      @Irene-iu9sj Před 2 lety

      There are two dark statues in my knowledge, the Posidon-Neptune, and the "hyniohos"of Delphi. BUT!!!!!!!! They are both made of bronze, A!!!!! Ther is also the "discovolos "of Praxiteles.......

  • @ottosump3356
    @ottosump3356 Před 2 lety +3

    Zuckerberg , imagine my surprise ? 😐