  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 117

  • @TurquoiseIcy
    @TurquoiseIcy Před 8 měsíci +129

    I think there is a big problem when it comrs to balancing, there are never any people down at floors 1 and 2. Why not just lower everyone by two floors and make the AI placement from 1 through 3 instead of 4 through 6. Also there is a major difficulty spike at floor 9, where you have people who have already gone celestial go down and play against people who just got out of floor 8.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +27

      I didn't think floor 1 even existed my friend lost 15 games in a row in floor 2 and never got demoted but I did see someone on floor 1 once so it is possible, I agree 8-10 is probably twice as hard as floor 7 and tower lacks the smooth difficulty curve in most other games

    • @Melody1x23
      @Melody1x23 Před 8 měsíci +5

      ​@@Raynfgcdamn, i lost 2 games on the 2nd floor and it put me right down to floor 1 lol

    • @Storse
      @Storse Před 8 měsíci

      i was placed on floor 2 when i first started so it's definitely not only 4-6.

    • @Hajime_no_Jerma
      @Hajime_no_Jerma Před 8 měsíci

      Yeah I started when elphelt dropped and I had to climb straight from 1 cause i didnt know how to play against AI

    • @Azatosu
      @Azatosu Před 8 měsíci +4

      Even the gap between floor 10 and 9 feels immense. I win nearly all my floor 9 games and lose most of my floor 10 games. The floor system is also extremely inconsistent. I've made it to celestial one day, and the next day, I will be demoted to even floor 8.

  • @user-dd2qb3vl3v
    @user-dd2qb3vl3v Před 8 měsíci +105

    Bro this is exactly what is happening with me. I feel i can dominate most of my fights in floor 10 but the skill gap in celestial is too big and is the same players all day and im just a casual player that got there by accident lmao.

  • @arksine7373
    @arksine7373 Před 8 měsíci +64

    1:43 This reminded me of a silly story I have. When I queue up, I usually do so with the option to automatically accept the challenge. I do this because I like practicing stuff while waiting for a match. Last year, I was going about my business trying to get into Celestial for the nth time (Haven't been successful yet) when my queue popped. Imagine my surprise when I saw I was up against a Nagoriyuki named Hotashi.
    I got destroyed so hard. I'll never forget that day.

    • @Neko16gram
      @Neko16gram Před 8 měsíci +5

      I think I would've probably entered cardiac arrest if that happened to me

  • @hungryhedgehog4201
    @hungryhedgehog4201 Před 8 měsíci +20

    my current "ranked" experience: win 3 sets against the same person in floor 3 get moved to floor 4, loose 3 sets to one person there and you go back down.
    A good ranking system would take individual rounds into account, matchup difficulty, damage and be on a character per character basis.

    • @Leffrey
      @Leffrey Před měsícem +1

      I do really wish ranks were per character just like levels are. If I'm on floor ten and want to switch off of my main man pot, then I gotta get my ass kicked for 40 minutes straight before I'm at an appropriate rank.

  • @BigBait12
    @BigBait12 Před 8 měsíci +20

    I've never gotten Celestial, and I don't want to. There was a point where I tried, but found the experience draining and frustrating trying to do it through honest means.
    5/6 games is simply not enjoyable in a game as volatile as Strive, especially when you could randomly run into someone with way, way more experience than you.
    I'd rather play long sets in the park where it doesn't feel like the fate of my unborn child is on the line with every match and I can actually focus on learning rather than hyper fixating on the

  • @peacefulflower9468
    @peacefulflower9468 Před 8 měsíci +14

    The thing that is really killing it for me is that, just to briefly explain;
    I'm a Johnny main who has gotten to the Celestial challenge DOZENS of times. Only one time did I get into Celestial, and it was on the 24th of the month or something similar, so I only had like a week that I could be in Celestial before the monthly reset occurs and boots everyone but the top 5000 out. I have fought a good few different people in the challenge, came close SO many times, but I've found that 9/10 I've fought people that are like the top 20th in their character in North America during the challenge itself. And I don't wanna game the system, I wanna do it fairly. But oh GOD can I see why people would game it because it feels like there is such a HUGE valley of difference between 10 and Celestial.
    The skill difference feels so real that I honestly believe that Celestial should be split into 2 floors. People in Celestial 1 can dip down into 10 and People in Celestial 2 can dip into Celestial 1. Fixes the disparity problem of the challenge (although there is still a BIG standard to be met just to get in in the first place that should be lowered to like 4/6), and it also makes it so that people in rank 10 don't have people level 2000+ going into the 10th floor and making things hell even to try and stay there. It's like a combination of nerves and actual skill, and when you have such a high standard to meet just to even get in Celestial, of course someone is gonna be hard-pressed to remain calm trying to get in. Have I lost to people actually around my skill level when going for Celestial? Yes. I've counted at least 8-10 different times it's happened where I've gone up against another challenger to Celestial during said challenge, or someone around my level of experience in Celestial already during the challenge, and those losses have been fair and felt fine. But MAN does it hurt knowing that 9/10 there is almost like no chance I'll get into Celestial because the people that mainly are there are just so far above rank 10 it's ridiculous.

  • @azaraxis572
    @azaraxis572 Před 8 měsíci +19

    I got to celestial once about a half year ago with my main Chipp just to prove to myself that anyone could do it with enough time. Once I did it I never felt the urge to try again because I realized how broken the celestial challenge, lobby system, and Strive's ranking system as a whole is. Strive's whole tower system prioritizes farming win streaks, where in other fighting games have points based systems that reward you for improving and winning sets of 3. Even if you win 2 out of 3 matches your still making progress.
    Also Strive's tower system doesn't encourage you to get better, it just encourages you to use whatever is easiest to farm wins. Hell even the celestial challenge shows this because of how there's such little room to mess up. You could play 2 sets and win 2 matches in both of those sets but still fail. Even pro players don't win all the time, that's just how games are but Strive just seems to think otherwise. This isn't even taking into account the problems of match ducking, celestial players bullying lower floors, cherry picking matchups, smurfing, etc.
    I can't remember who said it but there was a pro player a while back during Strive's first year that said that most people in celestial are just there to farm as many wins as possible and they don't care about getting better. I love Guilty Gear and I've been playing since xrd but I just have so much more fun now with other games like Granblue VSR and Tekken because the ranked systems and matchmaking aren't infuriating.

    • @SrKimori
      @SrKimori Před 8 měsíci

      please give this man an award of the most based human on earth

    • @matmil5
      @matmil5 Před 8 měsíci

      Actually, the granblue vsr system has a very similar issue where winning streaks are the most rewarding for getting you up

  • @abyssaljoey7695
    @abyssaljoey7695 Před 8 měsíci +17

    Smurfs on lower floors are real. I got demoted to floor 3 due to buying an arcade stick for the 1st time, and I got the shit beat out of me by a Sin who clearly did not belong there, you seldom see someone even use RC on lower floors, and yet this guy was making perfect use of the dash-rc to make long ass combos.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +9

      yea they are there, a happy chaos is a coinflip if you are vsing someone who doesnt know how to reload or vsing leffen xD

    • @GriFFonRec4
      @GriFFonRec4 Před 8 měsíci +1

      Maybe that's the only combo he learned? I really can't believe you can smurf in the Tower, unless you keep making new accounts with the sole purpose of smurfing. The thing is, there is no reason to smurf in a fighting game. It's a 1v1, either you can beat the dude or you can't. If you can't just find another person you can beat and just keep 1v1ing them. If you lose then you'll get sent back down a floor and you can rinse and repeat. There is nothing to gain from being in a floor lower than the floor you are currently on, and it'd only last until you beat the guy a few times and they put you to your regular floor anyways. Closest thing to smurfing is playing on Floor 10 and never taking the celestial promo. But even that is pointless, unless you are smurfing to make your level as low as possible with the highest number of wins possible (since you get a ton more levels in celestial vs the tower floors).
      Basically I can't imagine someone actually smurfing. Maybe he just had a new account or maybe he really isn't that great and he learned 1 cool combo. I suppose there are just sickos out there who like to bully the weak, but they must be rare, right?

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +4

      @@GriFFonRec4 I definitely don't think they are the norm but it is very possible to intentionally keep an account low to stomp new players, my friend recently got into the game and was sharing his screen and I saw people id probably struggle to beat in celestial quite a number of times so they do exist

    • @hakageryu-hz7jz
      @hakageryu-hz7jz Před 8 měsíci +1

      @@GriFFonRec4 Are you being serious? The criteria for going up a floor is far as I know the same as the celestial challenge. You can utterly destroy two people and then go throw a match

    • @hakumenx1
      @hakumenx1 Před 8 měsíci

      ​@@GriFFonRec4you can easily make new accounts through the guest section on steam.
      Its really dumb.

  • @marcelmichels2925
    @marcelmichels2925 Před 8 měsíci +11

    This actually doesn't apply to me, since I'm hardstuck on floor 5 but I think the tower system itself is quite nice. I like that in theory someone with a much higher skill level can't stomp me as long as I stay on my floor, but I always have the option to face stronger players if I feel like it. If they would just add a working MMR system that makes sure people end up on the floor they should be and make sure you can't cheat the system the way you can now, then the tower might be the greatest ranking system in all of gaming but until then, it's just as shit as all other ones out there.

  • @brokenearth7079
    @brokenearth7079 Před 7 měsíci +3

    what makes the least sense to me is that going up against more skilled opponents can still make you drop floors. A level five against a level ten is expected to lose, in any reasonable matchmaking, so if they lose it doesn't mean that they're suddenly only level four level at the game

  • @hunterkinsella5303
    @hunterkinsella5303 Před 7 měsíci +1

    That elphelt "gameplay" in the background looks real... thought provoking.

  • @Owlsnerf
    @Owlsnerf Před 8 měsíci +1

    Hearing about the OCE park gives me horrible flashbacks to being floor 2 and getting stomped by a floor 10 ky.

  • @Hajime_no_Jerma
    @Hajime_no_Jerma Před 8 měsíci +6

    Whats funny is I started playing recently and after 30 hours I reached celestial. My first two matches was with Leffen on stream and I got dead instantly and dropped to level 10.

  • @AdeptusForge
    @AdeptusForge Před 8 měsíci +3

    To be frank, it smacks of laziness by arcsys, and it has for a loooong time. What a lot of players don't realize is that even on the same rank/floor/MMR range, there can and are wildly different skill levels.
    You can get players who are incredibly strong players who don't play very often. You can get players who abuse a gimmicky strategy that is easy to execute, but hard to counter online in order to get wins. You can get players who are below the correct rank because they recently fought a really strong opponent back-to-back and lost over and over. You can get scrubs who got winboosted as you mentioned.
    There are problems with MMR, just like there are problems with the tower/floor system that are fundamentally difficult to solve. In most cases, a player's skill will never perfectly match up with how they are viewed in game. There are solutions, but often times there's little reason to mess around with ranked MMR.
    The truly good players go to IRL or online tournaments, and don't even bother with ranked. The best of the best actively get invited to such events. Playing and winning those events goes a lot further toward showing a players' skill than anything going on with online MMR.

    • @mizutrie967
      @mizutrie967 Před 8 měsíci +1

      I donno about that last statement because pro players do roam around ranked constantly in most fighting games, especially Strive. While it's true that they constantly move to these tournaments and local scenes, they still manage to have time to play online sets in ranked often. Hell that's how most of them manage to keep their celestial ranks for so long, which requires constant attention.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      I think the tower system is a little bit more of a laidback approach to a ranked system, but pro players always want a rank to climb, if you look at street fighter everyone is trying to hit top ranks in legend to flex they are rank 1, where in strive it stops rather quickly for pros

  • @Adahnone1
    @Adahnone1 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I like how GG Strive in 2020s has the same problems as unofficial pirate server GGXX Online 15 years ago.

  • @migueeeelet
    @migueeeelet Před 8 měsíci +2

    Man I felt this when I tried the game, floors 7 and 8 are incredibly swingy in how skilled people are. I would consider myself a 5 or 6 outta 10 (basically don't know most characters' moves, matchups, combos, etc, just enjoy playing my one or two chars) and I keep getting matched with people that feel like they should be a whole bunch of floors above.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      Yeah a lot of people consider the floors a out of ten in skill with 10 being the best as you don't know celestial exists until floor 10 then you realise that it's the tip of the iceberg xD

  • @kennyblasberg3226
    @kennyblasberg3226 Před 8 měsíci +2

    The only thing I like about the tower is that you can pick what characters you want to play against. Like with an MMR system I could sometimes get matched with the same 7/3 MU multiple times and just getting tanked. Would love a Strive MMR system where you can reject or decline matches like you can currently and if they do implement it they should add a penalty for dodging matches so that people don’t exclusively play good MU’s and avoid all the bad ones.

  • @bignoob2726
    @bignoob2726 Před 4 měsíci

    I was just trying out the game and I couldn't help but notice that alot of players in the park between floor 6 to 9 didn't seem to understand neutral. It just felt like they memorized a few blockstrings, basic RC combos and mashing 5p or 6p. I was able to legitimately take some rounds or give ppl a hard time and I only have about 3 hours in the game. If I knew big combos, match up stuff and system mechanics I'm pretty sure I would have consistently won. Which makes me feel like only floor 10 and celestial players actually know what they are doing.
    Next time I try the game, I'll give an update on whether or not I can cook upper floor players with a few more hours of play

  • @unrighteous8745
    @unrighteous8745 Před 8 měsíci +2

    People have been telling the devs that ranked sucks since its inception, but somehow they've never made any improvements. I have nearly 250 hours in Strive and I made celestial twice in the first two months the game was out, but after that I couldn't be bothered and just played on floor 10 with the celestial challenge active. If moving between floors took a few seconds, it wouldn't be that bad, but it's like a full minute every time you fail the challenge or are able to attempt it.
    Amazing game, but the lobbies and ranked system are the worst I've seen in any game.

  • @SadToffee
    @SadToffee Před 8 měsíci +2

    Acrsys' system is a little goofy.
    I can absolutely wreck anybody on floor seven, and yet I go to floor eight and play a long set with one dude on floor eight, losing more than I win, and all of a sudden now i'm floor five.
    Doesn't make much sense to me.

  • @Me_When_A_Funny
    @Me_When_A_Funny Před 8 měsíci +1

    Man my Celestial Grind with Anji was something, was never a fan of cheesing so I dropped out of the challenge like 5 times fighting celestial players who would just murder me, before I ended up dodging every match that wasn’t against another celestial challenger and getting into celestial that way, felt terrible because I made like 3 people fail their challenges during the set

  • @h4rdtr
    @h4rdtr Před 8 měsíci +3

    I kinda like not knowing how good a celestial player is. I've played players double my level and players less than half and I never know what to expect. This makes me always respect my opponent at least for a match or 2.

  • @Dopameme
    @Dopameme Před 7 měsíci +2

    So much of this is fixed by just using an MMR system. Instead, we have this broken ass tower where players who are clearly better than floor 10 get yoyoed back and forth forever. It makes zero sense to require players to win 80% of their matches against Celestials to get into that rank; if you can go 50% against celestial players, you probably belong there. It's almost like you have to be significantly better than the average celestial player to fairly get into celestial, which is just not how any ranked system is supposed to work ever.

  • @magnusjackson6677
    @magnusjackson6677 Před 8 měsíci +1

    The biggest problem is no one plays tower in Oceania server. I've seen like maybe 4 people using the tower servers in the past year (not including when the new season came out) cause everyone just plays the park

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      impossible to do in OCE you gotta go to japan or US to do it but its 200 ping and rollbacks not pretty

  • @thekingofburritos3279
    @thekingofburritos3279 Před 8 měsíci +3

    I think the tower system in concept is really cool but in practice its trash. I remember when I was stuck on floor 8 for like a week. I'd win 5 games on floor 7 lose 3 immediately on floor 8 and get bumped back down, to then grill the kids on floor 7 and repeat. When I finally got bumped up to 9 I just said fuck it and stayed even if I got demoted.

  • @jpupper428
    @jpupper428 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Floor 10 in a nutshell playing a low/mid tier: people match you because they think it's an easy win then DC right before they lose game 1
    Floor 10 in a nutshell playing a high tier: people just don't match you.

  • @zalelionheart1163
    @zalelionheart1163 Před 8 měsíci +1

    It basically BBTAG rank system whenever someon RQ’s a rank match. I remember a ton of times (Back when the game was still popular) where I would play a rank match to go up in skill then would by against someone who I’ve never really seen their name with the same rank as mine and then when I beat their ass into submission they RQ and then it’s like it never happened. And the only punishment the game does for people like that is make their name red that’s it

  • @user-oi5er4vz7g
    @user-oi5er4vz7g Před 8 měsíci +3

    If you want to make it into celestial, my best advice is to play the system how it's designed. The tower system only cares about wins, so play to that and give yourself the best chance of winning. Don't play hard matchups, play lower level players, play against players trying out the latest DLC character, and so on. People think celestial is some showing of true skill when it's really not. It is terribly designed, and completing the challenge, usually just means you beat players that are way worse than you. If two top players had to fight each other for the challenge, they won't get in (Hotashi has a video struggling to get in)... and these are the best players in the country/world, but according to the tower logic, they aren't good enough...the tower is an absolute joke. Devs didn't spend more than 5 minutes thinking about it, so you shouldn't either. You can even disconnect if you're going to lose, and you won't get a loss, and the other player won't get a win... Sorry for the rant, but the tower/celestial challenge is by far one of the worst matchmaking/ranked systems I've ever seen in a fighting game, and it is mind-blowing that it even made it out of drafts, let alone the final version of the game.

  • @kitkatiecat
    @kitkatiecat Před 8 měsíci +3

    I've challenged Celestial an ungodly amount of times and the only time I've gotten in was when a Celestial friend of mine just let me beat him 5 times
    Such a good system truly

  • @GuyFromCanada
    @GuyFromCanada Před 8 měsíci +3

    Celestial in general is miserable. I’ve basically stopped trying to go for it because it made me way too competitive for a rank that doesn’t mean anything.
    I basically just stay in discord servers and brawl with people there, rather than grind tower. I got there a few times mid-season and legit to prove I can do it, but after that I stopped.
    I know I’m not upper-echelon of gamers, but I like thinking that I’m at least ‘gold’ rank with my mains, and getting to celestial legit helps with putting that in my brain.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      well its just a mishmash of average players vs some of the best in the world there isnt any coordinated matchmaking its their either better or worse very rare to have similar skilled game

  • @toastedfish1105
    @toastedfish1105 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Me on floor 3 taking notes about a position I will never realistically be in within the next 6 months

  • @theodorescontras5569
    @theodorescontras5569 Před 8 měsíci +1

    biggest issue to those who have maybe not played Strive is the celestial challenge and how lucky you have to be to get in to celestial, around 300/400 hours of playtime is usually when you will get in the first time but both my times making it into celestial have felt just lucky - but to Rayn's point it's because you're fighting people who are effectively floor 10 (I'd say these people usually have between 100 to 500 hours of gameplay) or literally EVO winners.

  • @ASmashedPumpkin7
    @ASmashedPumpkin7 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I always had the problem of ping ponging back and forth between 10 and Celestial and constantly having to go back and forth drained the fun for me. Even if I cleared the challenge finding people in there who were at that level that I could have good matches with felt extremely rare. But if I went back to 10 the only time I could have good matches were with other people who kept failing the challenge.

  • @NaoThings
    @NaoThings Před 8 měsíci +1

    Cool vid, also Pointed out 99% of how strive tower functions nowadays, cuz ngl when the game first launched, Floors actually were a good system, but now, 2 years later, its not really good at all, sadly the floor system encourages "not losing" and by that I mean, that even if u go on a 5 game losing streak, sometimes, you will not go down, while sometimes wining 2 to 3 games will rank u up in the tower, this just inflates higher floors and doesnt really reward learning.
    I really really really wish ArkSys could just "hard Reset" the tower and implement a mmr system to each floor. like idk 20 ish Tower Points per game, and floors being like 500 for F1, 1k for F2, 1.5K for F3 and so on till floor 6, then it should be F6 3k - F7 4K - F8 5K - F9 7.5K (yes hard spike so u can have a good prep for whats coming) F10 10K, and Celestial should be easly 15K - 20K. and then well, just make it like SF and give it an unlimited "Tower Points" system with a Celestial Points sub system to map the way on skill levels while on celestial. or even better if u wanna Separate the Gods from the mortals, just ad a Upper Heaven Floor and make it idk 100K Tower points or 10K celestial points to reach up idk...
    This idea comes from grinding not even Tower, or just Wins for an aura, but actual Fake mmr points in (fan made MMR system akin to chess) that actually tracks everything a good MMR system should: Points, Winrate, MatchUp eficiency, Game History and actual Rankings per Character and Overall in the playerbase.
    As of me writing this comment i had 2094 Points, placed as #5 Jack-o in the world and around 150th overall, and talking from experience in both Solo learning the game and teaching new players how to improve, I believe Strives Ranked System is FULLY FLAWLED.
    Id be glad to talk more but idk how far a YT comment can go out.
    if someone wants to play/learn/talk hit me up: naothings in Discord or if u see me in Strive as WA| Nao
    keep making this kind of videos, it does help people out understand stuff
    Also if u wanna cheese the challenge, just hit up a friend or someone u know who's up there, tell them to pick a character they dont use, and to let you win, and boom celestial.
    glhf and keep on learning.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      Thank you is appreciated I don't think arcsys is going to revamp tower anytime soon unfortunately :(

    @EPICSAWIKI Před 4 měsíci

    This is why I never really care about my rank #/ level/ badge or whatever. Just play for the fun of matches and you’ll naturally get to the point where you want to me. No stress = No mess dude. It’s also more freeing that way, people freak out over losing a bunch but losing is half the fun. You get to see new stuff and learn new things.

  • @rawrdino7046
    @rawrdino7046 Před 8 měsíci +2

    I hope next game copies the sf6 rank system, like granblue did

  • @beatrix4519
    @beatrix4519 Před 8 měsíci +1

    sometimes guilty gear can feel like a stomp or get stomped game too
    I feel like at least 50% of the time I'm not fighting even matches on the floor I'm assigned

  • @persontheguy
    @persontheguy Před 7 měsíci

    1:57 dang bro i have to promote to floor 4 or else it’ll be like some back to the future disappearing from the picture shit

  • @GhostIsAYandere
    @GhostIsAYandere Před 8 měsíci +1

    I'm getting a funny idea now after hearing about wintrading

  • @currentbear
    @currentbear Před 8 měsíci +1

    I get the feeling that Tower wasn't necessarily made to be a "ranked" gamemode.
    It's more like a loose attempt at skill based matchmaking.
    You don't really gain anything by boosting yourself or wintrading.
    Imo its two biggest issues are as mentioned, the skill gap in Celestial and players demoting in order to noobstomp.

  • @Corli-yb6sp
    @Corli-yb6sp Před 8 měsíci +1

    So I bought the game to a friend and after fighting Sol's AI (it was awful), the game did put him in floor 2, there was like 3 players, he lost a single fight and dropped to floor 1 there was 0 players

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      He would or had to get stomped 😲

  • @LuckyRaphi
    @LuckyRaphi Před 8 měsíci +1

    I ranked up to floor 10 and thought I was good before I played a few matches 😂

  • @overlordchemm3705
    @overlordchemm3705 Před 8 měsíci

    Tbh once I hit floor 10 for the first time I dipped on ranked entirely and just play park matches. I tried ranked ONCE recently just to see if I'd improved much and after like 3 sets went back to park.
    I've considered going back into ranked solely if I want to play Ram again though, trying to shake off my rust with her in park feels disrespectful lmao.

  • @BlackDT
    @BlackDT Před 8 měsíci

    You didn’t mention my biggest problem with the celestial challenge, and the thing that got me to quit strive. The monthly rank reset.
    Having a rank reset is a good thing, and I don’t think people should be able to get to celestial once and stay there, but they handled it in the worst possible way. Because the reset is on the 1st of every month, making it into celestial is literally less valuable the further into the month that you get it.
    It’s January 10 right now, and if I got into celestial today I’d have it for 3 weeks before I’d have to do the challenge all over again. If they’re going to do monthly rank resets, they should make it so that you lose celestial 1 month after you get it, rather than on the 1st of the month.
    Idk if they’ve changed this but knowing that even if I made it into celestial I’d barely get to enjoy it made me not want to even bother, and eventually I just quit the game. The last time I played the game enough to get into celestial was in march of last year, and when I did it was on like the 21st. Knowing I had barely a week and a half to enjoy being in celestial made the whole grind feel pointless.
    I play SF6 now and not having to worry about this (or the dogshit lobby system) is the biggest reason I’m not going back. GGST is a really fun game when you’re in a match, but it’s like arcsys were determined to make every other part of the experience as frustrating as possible.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      💯 it does suck for all the reasons you mentioned and like you said because it's easier to do later in the month lower skilled players trying to get in to celestial may only be able to do it in the last few days meaning they gotta do it all again even though they just got in

  • @shadowfire1500
    @shadowfire1500 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Honestly, I got into celestial when the game first came out, but the means to get in via whatever cheap tricks would allow for 5 out of 6 wins wasn’t worth it. Plus, every celestial player I met was pure toxicity, so I’ve stayed in the open parks and never went back to tower matches.

  • @OwainVEVO
    @OwainVEVO Před 8 měsíci +1

    i play bridget and guilty gear is the first fighting game i've really tried at and i love it. i often bounce between floors 9-10, sometimes when i play for longer i'll get to the celestial challenge and be really proud of myself. but the celestial challenge is just too much for me so in my 300+ hours of playtime i've never beaten it. i'm not one to put my self worth on a video game, but it is a little discouraging. i still love the game and i have tons of fun on floor 10 but sometimes i wish i could make it to celestial just to say that i did it

  • @NeverduskX
    @NeverduskX Před 8 měsíci +1

    From what I've heard, Celestial should have like ten floors of its own. Regular 1-10 and Celestial 11-20. I've heard many celestial regulars even complain about how strangely imbalanced it is up there.

  • @25nanometers
    @25nanometers Před 8 měsíci +1

    I honestly being in celestial is miserable, winning feels unsatisfactory and losing feels shallow, and honest idek why, maybe I suck or perhaps I’m playing the wrong character but as of season 3 every match individually drains any chance of fun

  • @zephyrorsomethinh1528
    @zephyrorsomethinh1528 Před 8 měsíci

    This isn't a problem exclusive to strive it's a thing in every arc game FighterZ has this exact problem and yeah it must suck to have that in the highest rank where like 4% of the playerbase is but in fighterz it's literally 50% of ranked games in any elo. Arc just needs to actually dish out punishments for dc's like auto losses or losing more points over a normal loss

  • @snickers2143
    @snickers2143 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I was put on flor 6 and got my ass demolished the proper spot for me was 3 and 4

  • @yoku_UwU
    @yoku_UwU Před 7 měsíci +1

    okay so i did something wrong, I placed floor 2

  • @mazali2455
    @mazali2455 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I have bee
    n to celestial and ı can't get to celestial because a lot of celestial quit after getting beaten and stays if ı get beaten that's why ı droped and repicked the game somemanytimes

  • @haoshydranoid9462
    @haoshydranoid9462 Před 8 měsíci +1

    I think the game should put you on a specific floor based on the character you're playing. Basically, I play my main and get up to floor 6 or 7 but then I feel like playing or getting use to another character and I HAVE to stick with other people who know what they're doing. Maybe it should rate something like around 50% of your rating is based on you're general play and experience, because some experience does carry over, and the rest of it is how good you are with said character, which is set to 0 to start with. Could also depend on the difficulty/stars the character has compared to others.
    I've had plenty of moments where I've been rated up or down even though I barely played with a certain character. Example: I do bad with one character but then I switch to my main, I happen to lose 1 out of 3 matches against one person with my main and now I'm getting kicked off the floor even though I only fought one person with my main that day and I won 2 out of 3. I don't think your wins & loses should very easily transition to all of your characters. It's not a good cycle where I get high with one character, and get low with another character. Makes me feel like I'm smurfing when I play my main on lower floors and overwhelmed when I play a character I'm not as experienced with on a high floor. This would also be good if you have someone else who plays the game on your console or account who plays their own characters that you never play. For example, my family member plays Naga and Happy Chaos while I would play Ramlethal, Asuka, ect.
    I think it needs to be tweaked in general cuz I get a lot of people on higher floors who don't even know how to overdrive, RC, barely combo, and rage quit when you beat them. Most of my games in general are one sided because of this and it's disappointing because this game is at it's best when you fight someone you're toe to toe with. I don't like one sided fights because you usually don't learn as much (At least if you're the one dominating) and it's just not fun whether I'm winning or losing. I once encountered a Testament who did nothing but jump attack when I was playing Potemkin one time. You can guess how that turned out. Yes I guess it's funny but thrill is more fun then beating someone holding the jump button on a high floor. I've had one of the most positive interactions in online gaming when I basically found my rival. This floor system especially kind of makes moments like that rare.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci

      Yeah for sure I agree with a lot of this a system similar to Street fighter 6 with individual character ranks and an mmr system would probably be best of course Street fighter has its own problems but it's a lot better than the tower imo

  • @DivineeTray
    @DivineeTray Před 8 měsíci +1

    I hate the tower yr 1 i played heavily made it to floor 8 got promoted to 9 and went on a losing streak fell to 7 then to 6 now im in eternal hell for 2 seasons so fuck the tower system tbh im happy i dont have to interact with it but i hope arc sys scraps this idea next game

  • @un_hinged
    @un_hinged Před 8 měsíci

    Wait whatt that's crazy. I have only played Strive for about 4 solid weeks now and I didn't know that people could just straight up boost their rank all the way from floor 1 to celestial. Is this still possible? Because I might just stop doing ranked altogether and move to open parks.

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Welcome to strive!! Unfortunately yea this is still possible playing tower for matches is basically same as park just more xp there isn't much of a ranked system behind it and celestial is basically park for decent players to pros

  • @slashrrwtf
    @slashrrwtf Před 8 měsíci

    love this video

  • @du_san
    @du_san Před 8 měsíci

    This video missing a important part of ggst match making system, you can choose your opponent, like if you intentionally choose to fight fab, ya bro you gonna lose your celestial challenge, you can choose to fight other celestial challenger if you want to win the challenge, and also lv represents how strong someone is pretty well, why do you think someone win in celestial floor despite it's their first game with that character, that's because they have really fuckin good fundamental, and you will have a hard time beating it.

  • @tronixchl2004
    @tronixchl2004 Před 8 měsíci


  • @ChibiRuah
    @ChibiRuah Před 8 měsíci +1

    Yea the alt f4 is a thing that is really not ok. By default, disconnects need to reward a game lost to the disconnecter.
    As for win trading, outside mmr I don’t see easy solutions.

  • @olinnus785
    @olinnus785 Před 8 měsíci +3

    Leaving matches when you start losing is a beta mindset, you should be able to accept that your enemy is stronger than you (or just play Zato, then you are automatically stronger then anyone you face no matter the match result #freeEDDIE)

    • @lessonman_3961
      @lessonman_3961 Před 8 měsíci

      Zattom-1 is pretty weak right now.

    • @olinnus785
      @olinnus785 Před 8 měsíci

      @@lessonman_3961 exactly, he's the weakest and the most difficult char, therefore the mere fact of playing him makes you better than the enemy

  • @M0HAK0
    @M0HAK0 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Personally i think the idea of celestial is terrible. So you mean to tell me a guy that gets up there has to literally win 5 times in a row vs evo top 8 / top 64 skilled players to STAY IN? Very stupid idea.
    Btw in case anyone tries to say anything i have been in celestial numerous times when i actually have time to sit down and grind it out assuming im not being vortexed by IRL stuff like working etc.

  • @mtsi21
    @mtsi21 Před 8 měsíci

    no social credit score for me thank you

  • @bananaleg82
    @bananaleg82 Před 8 měsíci

    1. 90% of players can't get into celestial unless it's the end of the month will put you in a lobby with nobody in it if you do quick play, forcing you to leave lobby, join a dumb habbo hotel lobby with actual players in it, then rejoin training matchmaking need to prove that you are actually 5x better than celestial players with pretty much no losses in order to even compete with them without being punished
    4.pretty much everyone just leaves match to prevent loss
    5.discourages rematches
    6.I can only stay in celestial with a vast time investment that doesn't really reflect skill
    It's an actual mystery how the visuals, gameplay, and net code were made so good but the matchmaking and ranking systems are actually the absolute worst in any fighting game ever made with an online mode, or even gem just video game in general

  • @PlumEXE
    @PlumEXE Před 8 měsíci +1

    0:46 as an axl/pot dual main I feel conflicted

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +1

      I have never heard of a axl/pot main that is incredible, you may be the rarest human being on the planet

  • @angel__king
    @angel__king Před 8 měsíci

    Can confirm floor 4-6 is not a thing bec I got placed floor 2 bec that sol stomped me (new to fighting games I’m floor 7 now)

  • @swag9950
    @swag9950 Před 8 měsíci +1

    at this point just delete the tower and put a similar ranking system like sf6

  • @MythSkull
    @MythSkull Před 8 měsíci

    I happen to force myself to play to get into the top 500 celestial just so i wont have to do the challenge again. After 2 years playing, it isnt as hard anymore, but it sucks doing it every month and can get easily discouraged. If i can feel this way, imagine a novice player

  • @NoomGaming
    @NoomGaming Před 8 měsíci

    SHEEESH look at that chad asuka at 5:19

  • @rctto6876
    @rctto6876 Před 8 měsíci

    Just bought the game last week, and it's my first fighting game. Started off on floor 6, now I'm on floor 3. 1:51 Kinda hurts 😂

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +1

      Ahahha don't be discouraged fighting games aren't easy give it time and you will be up there ggst is very fun welcome to fgc :)

    • @verxintRising
      @verxintRising Před 8 měsíci +1

      I fell down to floor two, but now I play on floor 8 and can at least put up a fight to floor 9 opponents. It was my first fighting game, and if it was yours too you have nothing to be ashamed of. Don't give up!

  • @ripswf
    @ripswf Před 8 měsíci +1

    Im going to US west to do my challenge because US is FREE

  • @vhex61
    @vhex61 Před 8 měsíci

    Sf6 was my first fighting game I played seriously. trying to jump into an arksys as a secondary, ggst vs granblue. Always been interested in ggst but hearing how matching is bad steers me towards gbvs instead :/. Maybe the next gg I guess, bigger pool of newbs with new games 🤔

  • @kostis1023
    @kostis1023 Před 8 měsíci +1

    Gigachads and AXL'S? What?
    Were not that bad

    • @Raynfgc
      @Raynfgc  Před 8 měsíci +1

      not bad, just seperate xD

  • @lessonman_3961
    @lessonman_3961 Před 8 měsíci

    I got into celestial first try every month recently and i haven't even played the game consistently. I feel like most people are just bad at this game.

  • @superchaosnova5910
    @superchaosnova5910 Před 8 měsíci

    Alt F4 baby

  • @D00ML0RD1
    @D00ML0RD1 Před 8 měsíci

    ranks 1-4 beginner bots and low skill players
    5-8 intermediate
    9-10 skilled
    celestial torny entry level
    once in celestial there should be a second ranking system from f to ex
    f rank in celestial should be the floor for entry
    c and d should be the last ranks were you can demote out of celestial
    b rank is the last rank that can demote down to f rank
    a cant be demoted out of a rank once your here your here
    against b-ex
    ex can only be paired a-ex
    you should only go up in rank if beat ops your current rank or better a 3/5 or 4/6 needed to promote up to each rank same to demote

  • @ori1721
    @ori1721 Před 8 měsíci

    I recently played vs an Anji in the park and he was really good like better than 95% of celestial players, after our set I went to check his Rcode to see if he's a park only player since he was only like lvl 120 and he wasn't celestial.
    This guy plays only floor 10, he had a 100% winrate aside from the matches with me, he was just playing floor 10 to bully weaker players and that just pisses me off especially since all his characters aren't above lvl 160 so the floor 10 players can't tell they're about to get destroyed.
    I'm assuming the only reason he went to the park is because it was early in the morning and there were no players in floor 10

  • @joaquindavidsantos8633
    @joaquindavidsantos8633 Před 7 měsíci +3

    skill issue

  • @sillyjobbernowl
    @sillyjobbernowl Před 8 měsíci +1

    This system is 100x better than an mmr system, rather have a variance in skill level then purely fighting people desperately trying to climb no matter the cheese they have to do.

    • @h4rdtr
      @h4rdtr Před 8 měsíci +1

      I agree, after I clear the challenge I go from "sweat_lord" to "vape_god". I play more how I want to play. I still want to win, but not by any means necessary, and I'll actually practice new things because I'm not so scared of losing.

  • @radiolarity
    @radiolarity Před 8 měsíci +1

    This may be just me but a massive problem with celestial is just the range of players you can find in that rank.
    On a good day I can easily stomp people in floor 10 as long as it's not HC and for the sake of argument let's say I dodged Leffen and Zando etc. and I went 5-1 against two little Timmies playing Volcanic Viper>Vortex.
    Finally, THE Celestial.
    But do I really belong in Celestial if these two little Timmies got stomped by me but the same way I stomped them the top 5 in the lobby stomp me? Even assuming I could go toe to toe against half the Celestial players, you don't really know how to feel about yourself because you either stomp somebody or you yourself don't even get to play against 64xXxZatoMasterxXx64 who plays a single player game and you didn't even learn anything because you didn't even get to press a button and there is hardly anybody inbetween to learn the game from.
    Not only the satisfaction from getting into the rank is short lived in the long term it gives you nothing bcs it just nullifies any way for you to learn the game.