Don't Poke Sleeping Lion's

  • čas přidán 26. 09. 2016
  • Hamza gets 'poked' whilst minding his own business by a Christian preacher. Hamza decides to test his belief only to be rudely interrupted by another Christian (Daniel) who claimed the Qur'an was not revealed through the Angel Gabriel. Daniel also said he will become a muslim if you can find a verse from the Qur'an that proves the prophet Muhammad (saw) reveived revelation through the Angel Gabriel..
    Well here is a verse for you Daniel...
    Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - it is [none but] he who has brought the Qur'an down upon your heart, [O Muhammad], by permission of Allah , confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers."
    Al-Baqarah 2.97
    Daniel should be ready to take his shahada now :)
    Please watch: "The Masked Arab Unveiled"
    • The Masked Arab Unveiled

Komentáře • 4,3K

  • @FoundationalThoughts
    @FoundationalThoughts Před 7 lety +261

    The Quran is the speech of Allah that was given to Muhammad (saw), it does not contain the words of the Angel Gabriel (as). But clearly, Allah says in the Quran that the Angel Gabriel (as) gave Muhammad (saw) the Quran:
    "Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - it is [none but] he who has brought the Qur'an down upon your heart, [O Muhammad], by permission of Allah , confirming that which was before it and as guidance and good tidings for the believers." Quran 2:97
    Is this man going to become Muslim now?

    • @hellboy7410
      @hellboy7410 Před 7 lety +7

      Thanks, i was looking for it.

    • @FoundationalThoughts
      @FoundationalThoughts Před 7 lety +3


    • @predicadorviajero6068
      @predicadorviajero6068 Před 7 lety

      coran is a fake book Some differences between God and allah.
      1.God is in heaven allah is in Kaaba.
      2.God has the power to present Himself in 3 different forms allah do not possess such power.
      3.God fights for His followers, allah's followers fight for him
      4.You can approach God no matter your sins and He washes your heart and you are clean, allah only listens to those who wash their feets and hands thinking that will make them clean..
      5.God understands all languages allah understands only arabic.
      6.God listens and accepts prayer said in any language facing any direction. allah only listens to prayer said in arabic and facing his his headquarters kaaba.
      7.God loves His enemies, His hands are open to all allah said kill and terrorise my enemies.
      8.God said love your enemies as yourselves, pray for them that hate you,allah said do not take the Christians and Jews for friends.
      9.God said no murderer shall inherit His kingdom, allah said paradise is the reward who murders an unbeliever
      10.God's reward to his faithful followers both male and female is paradise and crown of glory, allahs reward is 72 virgins and a river of wine for only male that of female is not mention till now, no one knows what is allahs reward for his faithful women servants
      11.In God's kingdom it's all about praising and worshiping God, in allahs kingdom it's all about sexual immortality and drunkenness.
      With this great differences between these two deities who will now convince me that God is same as allah? With this piece the muslems should use their brains and realise that they are heading to destruction if they still believe allah is God. God is waiting with His two hand wide open to accept you. Come to Him now before its late. Jesus is Lord.

    • @FoundationalThoughts
      @FoundationalThoughts Před 7 lety +16

      +predicador Viajero
      I suppose lying might make you feel better but the truth is not affected by that. Making an argument (your 11 points) based on inaccurate and false claims about another religion does not make your religion any more true.
      Let me deal with your points, briefly:
      1) False. "Are you sure that He Who is Above the heaven will not cleave the earth beneath you? Or are you sure that He Who is above the heaven will not send against you a stone-charged hurricane."
      Quran 67:17-18
      2) God becoming a man so that He can kill Himself to pay himself the price of sin, is a weakness not a strength. God of course can simply Forgive, but a god that demands payment only (blood) can not forgive.
      3) False. The Old Testament is full of killing of non-israelite nations commanded by God (Jesus included if you a re a Trinitarian).
      4) Christianity teaches that God is Holy and can't abide sin so you need an mediator between God and man (Acts 2:22). In Islam we pray directly to God - "AND IF My servants ask thee about Me - behold, I am near; I respond to the call of him who calls, whenever he calls unto Me: let them, then, respond unto Me, and believe in Me, so that they might follow the right way." Quran 2:186.
      5) False. Please provide any evidence for this claim. Just one.
      6) False. "Righteousness is not that you turn your faces toward the east or the west, but [true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah , the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveler, those who ask [for help], and for freeing slaves; [and who] establishes prayer and gives zakah; [those who] fulfill their promise when they promise; and [those who] are patient in poverty and hardship and during battle. Those are the ones who have been true, and it is those who are the righteous." Quran 2:177
      7) False. List of verses were the God the bible hates:
      Leviticus 20:23 - "And ye shall not walk in the manners of the nation, which I cast out before you: for they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them."
      Leviticus 26:30 - "And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor (hate) you."
      Deuteronomy 32:19 - "And when the LORD saw it, he abhorred (hated) them, because of the provoking of his sons, and of his daughters."
      Psalm 5:5 - "The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity."
      Psalm 5:6 - "Thou shalt destroy them that speak leasing: the LORD will abhor the bloody and deceitful man."
      Psalm 10:3 - "For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and blesseth the covetous, whom the LORD abhorreth."
      Psalm 11:5 - "The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth."
      Psalm 53:5 - "There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them."
      Psalm 73:20 - "As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image."
      Psalm 78:59 - "When God heard this, he was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel:"
      Psalm 106:40 - "Therefore was the wrath of the LORD kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his own inheritance."
      Proverbs 6:16-19 - "These six things doth the LORD hate: yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief, A false witness that speaketh lies, and he that soweth discord among brethren."
      Proverbs 22:14 - "The mouth of strange women is a deep pit: he that is abhorred (hated) of the LORD shall fall therein."
      Lamentations 2:6 - "And he hath violently taken away his tabernacle, as if it were of a garden: he hath destroyed his places of the assembly: the LORD hath caused the solemn feasts and sabbaths to be forgotten in Zion, and hath despised (hated) in the indignation of his anger the king and the priest."
      Hosea 9:15 - "All their wickedness is in Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters."
      Zechariah 11:8 - "Three shepherds also I cut off in one month; and my soul loathed (hated) them, and their soul also abhorred me."
      Malachi 1:3 - "And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness."
      Romans 9:13 - "As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."
      8) False. "You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant." Quran 5:82
      9) False. According to the Bible, Moses (as) murdered an Egyptian, are you saying he is in Hell? Provide any one piece of evidence for the claim that Islam gives Paradise for murdering.
      10) False. Another claim without evidence. "And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, while being a believer - those will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, [even as much as] the speck on a date seed." Quran 4:124.
      11) False again. The greatest part of being in Paradise is that Muslims will see God with their own eyes in Paradise. "[Some] faces, that Day, will be radiant, Looking at their Lord." Quran 75:22-23.
      So. Not a single truth thing said by you. The question really is, why not? What are you afraid of? When I learn about Christianity I go to Christians and their books. I don't make things up. Why do you? Those with the truth have no fear of truthful discussions.
      You ask about convincing you that the Christian God and Allah are the same. I don't want to convince you of that.
      A basic fact - There is only One God.
      If you want to believe that this God blamed all of Mankind for Adam and Eves sin (Unjust) and then sent guidance only to Jews (Racism) and can not forgive sin (needs blood) and so killed an innocent man (Unjust) to pay himself the price and thats how you are saved... go for it.
      It just isn't how I see God.

    • @predicadorviajero6068
      @predicadorviajero6068 Před 7 lety +10

      How do I know that they got wrong since it is the Sunnah of the prophet? Mohammed in Mecca preached what looks like a religion of Peace but since he had no proof that God sent him he had no converts until he migrated to Medina and took sword to force his poor desert folks to submission and since then Islam and the Quran has been the inspiration of the terrorists. How many terrorist organizations that are not Islamic in the world today? None

  • @mhd9166
    @mhd9166 Před 7 lety +130

    alot of shayateen surround hamza but hamza with help of allah and his knowledge handle them like a boss !

    • @madara1864
      @madara1864 Před 7 lety +5

      we were together with him too.... we were muslims..

    • @mhd9166
      @mhd9166 Před 7 lety

      Muhammad ibn Abdullah
      i know dont worry i didnt forget the brothers too

    • @MoKraft
      @MoKraft Před 7 lety

      James Lamprell if u rejected the quran u rejected the bible. 80 percent of the books are the same.

    • @peggypriestcoleman7542
      @peggypriestcoleman7542 Před 7 lety

      mA nimations the Quran directs you to the gospels of the bible

    • @MoKraft
      @MoKraft Před 7 lety

      Peggy Coleman quote in the quran or hadieth then

  • @smallsoldier2012
    @smallsoldier2012 Před 4 lety +427

    This is the funniest Dawah video I have seen so far absolute gold. Alhamdulillah I am Muslim, May 25, 2019 I took the shahada alhamdulillah

    • @whisperingwhiskerss4877
      @whisperingwhiskerss4877 Před 3 lety +7


    • @nazeemsultan123
      @nazeemsultan123 Před 3 lety +4

      My man

    • @jonajeremy
      @jonajeremy Před 3 lety +5

      Great move brother! May the ONE and ONLY bring u to success.

    • @JollyRogerTheDodger
      @JollyRogerTheDodger Před 3 lety +1

      Just for the record the Shahada is NOT in the Koran. So begs the question that IF the Koran is truly from God why has He left the basic, fundamental belief as in the 'first pillar' out of the Koran. And IF He did leave it out, then the Koran is not perfect and fully detailed as it claims to be.
      Oh and I'm a Muslim (in the classic sense of the word, as in no hadith, just Koran like all those before the corruption and 'innovation' of hadith by bukhari et al.

    • @tommosclassics6621
      @tommosclassics6621 Před 3 lety +1

      Deluded Muslims

  • @kokefran3756
    @kokefran3756 Před 2 lety +55

    I enjoyed this. It is wonderful to have people have interesting conversations without abusing each other

    • @Khalid-np6eo
      @Khalid-np6eo Před rokem

      Seems to to me as soon as the Muslim was about make a point about the bible a lot christians started interfering and hiding what he was about to say

    • @aphiz4505
      @aphiz4505 Před rokem

      You don't see abuse? Only one men, try to represent Muslims as whole, especially his friends, that's with him, being bashes with arguments from four individuals, only representing themselves, instead of taking turns, or has the courtesy to go and confront other Muslims that are available... How exactly one person supposed to debate arguments to 4 individuals at the same time? From the way I see it, they just want to hog the video. Make your own video, be real ... And has the decency to support your claims...

  • @yourwhateverministries
    @yourwhateverministries Před 2 lety +13

    The Nigerian just broke the brother Hamza
    Hamza couldn't answer just one of his questions legibly.
    I'm shocked at how people are failing to see how the brother Hamza is suffering.

    • @savinggift158
      @savinggift158 Před 7 měsíci

      Hamza is suffering
      A basic question was asked . When ever an angel from God visits a person the angel says fear not and introduces himself by name . Who told mmo that it was Gabriel that spoke to him ?
      Some man outside the cave
      Still waiting for an answer

    • @exotikz7905
      @exotikz7905 Před 4 měsíci

      @@savinggift158he was told though?

    • @hansderoode1721
      @hansderoode1721 Před 3 měsíci

      Are you a rasist ?

    • @hansderoode1721
      @hansderoode1721 Před 3 měsíci

      You got 2 angels with you or not?​@@savinggift158

    • @yourwhateverministries
      @yourwhateverministries Před 3 měsíci

      Now mentioning a country is racism or what? I'm confused

  • @JustMyOpinion05
    @JustMyOpinion05 Před 7 lety +246

    It was super nice for Godwin to bring his dad to Hyde park. Smh

    • @paulmalik2270
      @paulmalik2270 Před 7 lety +9

      I see were godwin gets his intellect from... a chip off the (thick) old block

    • @MohammedAli-vo8hq
      @MohammedAli-vo8hq Před 7 lety +3

      now you sound crazy

    • @legionsmith5041
      @legionsmith5041 Před 7 lety

      shit eater

    • @trueicecoldfire
      @trueicecoldfire Před 7 lety +3

      Legion Smith spit out the shit out of your mouth

    • @legionsmith5041
      @legionsmith5041 Před 7 lety

      pathetic little boy....needs to believe in bullshit to justify himself...grow a set of balls ffs!

  • @AllaahuAkbar60
    @AllaahuAkbar60 Před 7 lety +105

    All the five daily prayers are equally important..Recite Ayat Al Kursi after every Salat so that Allah will protect you always....

    • @TheGLD
      @TheGLD Před 5 lety

      ALLAHU AKBAR MEANS GOD IS THE GREATEST tru ✝️ u will be in heaven

    • @mazinmuzaffar1919
      @mazinmuzaffar1919 Před 2 lety


    • @areebrahman3928
      @areebrahman3928 Před rokem

      @@TheGLD it means Allah is GREATER

    • @sorjsmau2370
      @sorjsmau2370 Před rokem

      Just repeating something ain't going to protect you from going to hell. Sorry. Muslim is the devils religion.

  • @andersonsamson5339
    @andersonsamson5339 Před 2 lety +101

    Respect to this Nigerian Man on a face cap….respect ✊🏽

    • @alabijames6631
      @alabijames6631 Před 2 lety +10

      Yea. The Muslim guys just keeping springing up questions and refusing to answer any

    • @mxbasho
      @mxbasho Před 2 lety +4

      Truth be said. He labeled nigerian Muslim as bad Muslim. He is confusing the man more. There were so many ways he could have made him understand n nit through this intensed argument ultimately leading no where. If you want to learn about Islam find someone that will explain more n not argue like this

    • @dadaadeniji7885
      @dadaadeniji7885 Před 2 lety +1

      ​@@alabijames6631 for real bro

    • @Waizy_
      @Waizy_ Před 2 lety +5

      Respect to that Nigerian man
      Only him facing those guys 🙌
      Respect to you sir

    • @9azo0ozdon9
      @9azo0ozdon9 Před 2 lety +3

      You just can't understand a thing like him, every time he asks a question and then ask another question when the answer doesn't satisfy him when the answer it's truth. I'm surprised how ppl support ignorant ppl.

  • @thuomotsokobi4049
    @thuomotsokobi4049 Před rokem +9

    yes God spoke to joshua ....As he was feeling the overwhelming weight of the task before him, the Lord offered these words of encouragement: “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.”

    • @Moneyman077
      @Moneyman077 Před rokem +1

      Numbers 12:6
      And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

  • @queeniebee237
    @queeniebee237 Před 6 lety +20

    Thank you for uploading this video, it explains so much and taught me much.

  • @DailymuslimTherapy
    @DailymuslimTherapy Před 7 lety +134

    This is too funny and painful to watch. 😹😹😹😹

  • @johandejonge6727
    @johandejonge6727 Před rokem +7

    Legends say : Hamza still searching for the surah where God spoke to Muhammed. 2023 still waiting.

  • @creativewisdom1968
    @creativewisdom1968 Před 2 lety +32

    Those Christians be blessed in Jesus name. Amen

    • @RoyalBlue292
      @RoyalBlue292 Před rokem +6

      Lol Jesus is a prophet follow his teaching and you'll be safe.

    • @rubenalijohn7716
      @rubenalijohn7716 Před rokem

      My advise to Christian. My Christian Brothers and sisters. Pl.if you. Don't no your bible. Please. Don't debate. Some. Of These. Muslim. They lie to keep Islam alive. And make you look stupid. Lock your lips. If you. Can't debate. These. People. Looking for student. And weak. Christian. They don't have a holy spirit. In there temple. Like us. They don't teach they don't. Open there Koran. And explain it vi don't no if they shame. To read it. But every thing come out there mouth is the bible. Attacking. Bashing. They think Islam is on top of the ladder. Compare. To other relegion. Thank god. Christian and. Other relegion don't support. Killing. Like there Koran no love in islam. Allah. Says to kill Jews Christian and none believers

    • @visionstars1947
      @visionstars1947 Před 11 měsíci

      ​@@RoyalBlue292lol devil prophet Mohammad is a satanic scripture of the Quran

  • @zakariyakhan2417
    @zakariyakhan2417 Před 5 lety +196

    “According to Paul she shouldn’t be speaking” lmaoo. Brother hamza is a legend

    • @flextube7085
      @flextube7085 Před 4 lety +5

      Zakariya Khan lol 😂 smart move doee

    • @shahkha4529
      @shahkha4529 Před 4 lety +1


    • @thequietmetronome2794
      @thequietmetronome2794 Před 2 lety +1

      Nobody won or lost. Allah is God, and Jesus is the only way to Him. The teaching in every religion is to make peace. Your lifestyle will show whether you're in His Will or not.

    • @theonechannel9428
      @theonechannel9428 Před 2 lety +1

      @@shahkha4529 allah is the destroyer. Not God. And who is the destroyer the devil

    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před 2 lety

      Allah is the Lord of the kaaba 🕋 muhammad claims the kaaba erases sins smh Islam is completely false and muhammad is not a prophet.

  • @truthprevails5529
    @truthprevails5529 Před 7 lety +279

    These Christians just strengthen my Faith in Islam! SubhanAllah! They even get schooled on their own scripture! Sad! just sad! Did that black guy not have any shame? even after the being proven wrong by the Bible? his own scripture!

    • @Hannah-vb5kw
      @Hannah-vb5kw Před 7 lety +4

      What has race got to do with this?

    • @truthprevails5529
      @truthprevails5529 Před 7 lety +8

      Missme excuse me! you tell me what has race got to do with this

    • @AbuKhubz
      @AbuKhubz Před 7 lety +2

      i think he misunderstood "Did that black guy not have any shame?"....

    • @iceawan9947
      @iceawan9947 Před 7 lety +2

      Christian got no answer at

    • @truthprevails5529
      @truthprevails5529 Před 7 lety +1

      James Lamprell I guess we'll have to wait and see then :) Good luck to you on your journey.

  • @uncledrewhtoofamily9334
    @uncledrewhtoofamily9334 Před rokem +12

    This man know his stuff 100%

  • @malcolmali4266
    @malcolmali4266 Před rokem +3

    I thank everyone who participated in this very good discussion.
    All of you are saluted for everything that discussed..
    I can absolutely sure that Christian brother from Nigeria is well grounded with what he said.
    Long live Christianity..

  • @nixman8967
    @nixman8967 Před 2 lety +21

    He couldn’t answer the questions , he’s just twisting , asking questions and not ready to answer, I love the black Nigerian man 👍👍👍

    • @aliqazilbash7905
      @aliqazilbash7905 Před 2 lety +1

      Ch:53 verse:8-16
      Prophet Muhammad spoke to God.

    • @muhdariffbinrahmat2719
      @muhdariffbinrahmat2719 Před rokem

      The black nigerian seems does not understand the quran.

    • @ryanuma86
      @ryanuma86 Před rokem

      Typhical preacher everywhere.. they could not proof what they claim so they just babling and talk non sense. That's why chdistian religion were abandoned by their followers

    • @LAKSHAY-lz5ro
      @LAKSHAY-lz5ro Před rokem

      He does have a slapable face

    • @ydambi4334
      @ydambi4334 Před rokem +2

      @@aliqazilbash7905 Where did ALLAH speak to Muhammad not Muhammad speak to God that was the Nigerian’s man question.

  • @AllaahuAkbar60
    @AllaahuAkbar60 Před 7 lety +66

    Shaik Ahmed Deedat beautifully explains that Prophet Jesus PBUH was not crucified....

    • @md.jamalsheikh4826
      @md.jamalsheikh4826 Před 5 lety +9

      Alhamdulillah...yeppp...He, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat Rahimullah broke the back bones of the Christianity and inspired us to be callers to islam.. yeppp definitely the exposed the truth of Crucifiction through "The Book of Jonah "...

    • @md.jamalsheikh4826
      @md.jamalsheikh4826 Před 5 lety +6

      Alhamdulillah...through the "BOOK OF JONAH "...He, Sheikh Ahmad Deedat Rahimullah broke the back bones of the Christianity...

    • @thequietmetronome2794
      @thequietmetronome2794 Před 2 lety +1

      Nobody won or lost. Allah is God, and Jesus is the only way to Him. The teaching in every religion is to make peace. Your lifestyle will show whether you're in His Will or not. Believing by Faith is a strong conviction that can never be revoke. You don't just join a religion for their practices sake, there must be a Faith backing it. Your Faith bringeth understanding to you.

    • @jasponmbigekosehmoh7378
      @jasponmbigekosehmoh7378 Před 2 lety

      Jesus was CRUCIFIED, MUSLIMs are confused over it

    • @hannintonerutha7754
      @hannintonerutha7754 Před 2 lety +4

      Hey show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed! Show me where the angel introduced himself to Mohamed as Gabrie! No Muslim can answer! They will go round and round. This old man won everything

  • @zaahidmuhammed207
    @zaahidmuhammed207 Před 2 lety +9

    The Sabr Hamza has is next level BarakAllah

  • @joelmanga1366
    @joelmanga1366 Před rokem +26

    You are a true christian bro may God continue to bless you

    • @ALS313
      @ALS313 Před rokem +4

      Whenever my man Hamza tried to speak about the Hadith where prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) he interrupted him, that’s how scared he was of getting schooled😂

    • @Couragethecowardlydog509
      @Couragethecowardlydog509 Před rokem +6

      @@ALS313 Hamza was frightened by the man and he kept trying to build strawman arguments but the Christian caught his semantic lies every time Hamza was a chihuahua basically in this one 🤣

    • @Frenzy_striker
      @Frenzy_striker Před rokem +1

      @@Couragethecowardlydog509 it's not the eye's that are blind but the hearts

    • @Couragethecowardlydog509
      @Couragethecowardlydog509 Před rokem +1

      @@Frenzy_striker In the case of Muslims add even the brain is dead on top their blind hearts

    • @Frenzy_striker
      @Frenzy_striker Před rokem

      @@Couragethecowardlydog509 right

  • @sheharyarkhan2384
    @sheharyarkhan2384 Před 3 lety +8

    Wallah you brothers have so much patience. May Allah be pleased with you

  • @khalidbinsulaiman7489
    @khalidbinsulaiman7489 Před 4 lety +39

    "Say: Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - for he brings down the (revelation) to your heart by God's will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance glad tidings to those who believe - Whoever is an enemy to God, and His angels and prophets, to Gabriel [A.S.] and Michael [A.S.] - Lo! God is an enemy to those who reject Faith." (Al-Baqarah 2:97-98)
    * To the person who assumed that Mohammad (peace be upon him) wrote the Qur'an, why would Mohammad (peace be upon him) gave credit to the angels and prophets (peace be upon all of them).
    * Let's mention Surat (Al-Alaq) from the Qur'an.
    Finally, Alhamdulilah that I am a Muslim with dignity, where I have never been ashamed of.

    • @nurayos3347
      @nurayos3347 Před 4 lety +1

      Khalid Binsulaiman الحمدلله ❤️

    • @muzammilshareef1951
      @muzammilshareef1951 Před 2 lety

      Ayy MashaAllah brother, tbh having time helps a lot in finding references and i think if that man would have been a little calm and polite this would have been beautiful.. (didn't watch the full vid yet so let's see inshallah,at 30 rn)

    • @dandegreat
      @dandegreat Před 2 lety

      Allah never speak to Muhammad to say in my name
      Rather Muhammad says in the name of Allah which anybody can equally say, he did not receive from Allah, neither did the Angel identify Himself with Muhammad, so come out of the shadow, I thank God for Daniel the Nigerian

    • @muzammilshareef1951
      @muzammilshareef1951 Před 2 lety

      @@dandegreat the first revelation literally says "Read, ˹O Prophet,˺ in the Name of your Lord Who created" :)

  • @klauskomisch2209
    @klauskomisch2209 Před rokem

    I enjoy discussions done with knowledgeable people. A discussion with a layman like this gentleman is more of a show than a profitable dialogue.

  • @fr0rg
    @fr0rg Před 2 lety +7

    Brother Hamza, may Allah reward you for your efforts and even more so for your patience in dealing with such unruly behaviour. May Allah open their hearts and minds to the straight path.

  • @trueicecoldfire
    @trueicecoldfire Před 7 lety +10

    ❤By the Sun and its morning brightness, and the moon when it follows it, and the day when it displays it, and the night when it conceals it ❤(Surat ash-Shams, 1-4)

  • @NawafOding
    @NawafOding Před 5 lety +23

    it's so funny when the old lady keep interrupting and Brother Hamza calling her Young lady young lady.

  • @RobRivShowsLive01
    @RobRivShowsLive01 Před 2 lety +2

    The Nigerian is Spiritually Convincing!!!

  • @adeelafzaal2785
    @adeelafzaal2785 Před rokem +1

    MashaAllah Hamza, Allah has blessed you with so much patience.

  • @AbdulQadir-cz3ym
    @AbdulQadir-cz3ym Před 7 lety +18

    allhamduliah brother hamza has such patience with people of such ignorance. ya allah give my brother and the Muslim ummah patience and knowledge in abundance to help tackle the problems of the world. Ameen yaaa rabbul allaameen.

    • @laylaibrahim325
      @laylaibrahim325 Před 6 lety +1

      Abdul Qadir Ameen

    • @hidden1865
      @hidden1865 Před rokem +1

      But Hamza exercises the exact same ignorance to anything that doesn’t fit his point of view or beliefs😂. They are all as bad as each other

  • @peacebeontoyoutoo5632
    @peacebeontoyoutoo5632 Před 7 lety +29

    There is so much noor on brother hamza, it is glowing like the moon in the sky, Allahhuakbar, deaf dum and blind will not get that,excellent job ,br hamza,

    • @gladysoraham9429
      @gladysoraham9429 Před 6 lety +1

      Peace be on ass noor are u seriously saying he is teaching love? He is pure evil you can see the Jin in him

    • @evanmedi6144
      @evanmedi6144 Před 6 lety

      +Gladys Oraham May i Ask you why you think so? or your just triggered like the old lady in the video that won't Make sense nor Shutup

  • @lavoixnuzilmoris9401
    @lavoixnuzilmoris9401 Před rokem

    When ignorance is called out , it voluntarily changes to arrogance!

  • @steveramzae9426
    @steveramzae9426 Před 2 lety +27

    Very brave ✝️ Christian...keep preaching the truth..God Bless you..

    • @kassemmedlemine5880
      @kassemmedlemine5880 Před rokem +1

      Who`s god ?

    • @kennleviwayne1087
      @kennleviwayne1087 Před rokem


    • @muhammadcahyono0909
      @muhammadcahyono0909 Před rokem

      @@kennleviwayne1087 what is the meaning of 'amen' you know?

    • @kennleviwayne1087
      @kennleviwayne1087 Před rokem +1

      @@muhammadcahyono0909 you're not a true follower of Jesus Christ,now tell me "which verses in the Quran said,God spoke to Muhammad"?

    • @muhammadcahyono0909
      @muhammadcahyono0909 Před rokem

      @@kennleviwayne1087 what is the answer...what is the meaning of 'amen'...i know the arabic meaning of you know it?
      The answer for your question is QS 112:1-4

  • @nanaserwaaamoako6228
    @nanaserwaaamoako6228 Před 2 lety +44

    I really love this Christian man in fact he has proved that he knows what he's talking about the Muslim man cannot answer any question he is just been offensive and loudmouth

    • @FPT326
      @FPT326 Před 2 lety +5

      I'm sure this Christian man is bit tightening his debate now but when he goes home he will think deeply and seriously and ask himself why he was throwing all those arguments and lies knowing that he's on the wrong path and that Muslim man is right about you.

    • @rafiktanko7729
      @rafiktanko7729 Před 2 lety +4

      Surely he is very clueless about what he was saying when he keeps on saying that because he kept on contradicting himself anytime he got caught.
      Firstly when he said a prophet is someone who has a conversation with God. Surely and verily Prophet Muhammad SAW had a conversation with Allah and there is proof. In your free time you can go and search for the meaning of At-tahiyat and maybe that’s going to answer your question on if he had a conversation with him. And Daniel’s claim is that if you speak in the name of someone it means it is not their word, and he went on to say that it starts with in the name of Allah so it wasn’t written by Allah, but when the Quran was revealed it was revealed by Jibreel to Muhammad SAW, he was speaking in the name of Allah because he was sent on an assignment and that shows that he is talking in the name of his creator if you understand and you can go and check in Chapter 2 Verse 97 (Surat-al-Baqarah) in the Quran that shows it was revealed by Jibreel AS. I’m not someone who likes to talk on these issues but I just think you should take a good look at things instead of deflecting when you know what the fact is. We are in a place where we may have different opinions and that’s fine but that doesn’t warrant you just talking about things without thinking because you’ve grown to think a certain way. May Allah bless you, protect you and guide you, and have a good day.

    • @Shaq2397
      @Shaq2397 Před 2 lety


    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před 2 lety +9

      Islam is so ridiculous smh if allah is only one God then why did Allah allowed all his angels to bow down to Adam instead of Allah?? That's nowhere found in the bible. Jesus is God and divine.

    • @eljhiba3073
      @eljhiba3073 Před 2 lety +4

      @@randomguy6974 First of all you did the same mistake as the man above. You don't know the meaning of "bowing" in that context.
      The prostration of angels to Adam (peace be upon him) was not a prostration of worship because that it is specified for allah , rather it was to honor of the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) by order of Allah.

  • @mogliking12345
    @mogliking12345 Před 7 lety +54

    The black man said that you cant jump from a question and avoid and that stuff. Literally did he forgot that he stoped hamzas discussion and made a new topic.

    • @fame1611
      @fame1611 Před 4 lety +3

      His argument is flawed from the beginning. He demands proof from the Holy Quran while he doesn’t believe that its the word of God, so what’s the point of showing proof from a book you don’t consider as authentic words of God?!!!!!

    • @Moneyman077
      @Moneyman077 Před rokem +1

      😂😂😂 But that is what you guys do trying to prove that Muhammad is in the Bible.😂😂😂

    • @ydambi4334
      @ydambi4334 Před rokem

      @@fame1611 but Muslims do this against Christian’s all the time? They don’t even believe the Bible but ask for proof of anything Christain’s say? So why should Christain’s bother proving it to Muslims?

  • @deepwords3.087
    @deepwords3.087 Před rokem +21

    Alhamdulillah i am muslim.. Thanks allah

  • @mohdsalah8790
    @mohdsalah8790 Před 2 lety +4

    It's always like this when they know the truth Subhanallah

    • @whatsthemotive6108
      @whatsthemotive6108 Před 2 lety +1

      Allah is saying in the name of Allah KOOL 🤣

    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před 2 lety

      Allah is a kaaba stone from mecca 🕋 Jesus is alive and muhammad is dead.

    • @lovmenot3629
      @lovmenot3629 Před rokem +1

      Yes easily busted the muslim because god never says in the name of something. When someone speak they never say their own name first the speak directly or use i not his own name

    • @opengates777
      @opengates777 Před 11 měsíci

      The black dudes questions was not answered! The black dude won the debate easy! The Angel Gabriel is not written in the Quran! In the name of allah is a prayer!

  • @jonajeremy
    @jonajeremy Před 3 lety +4

    “U caught ur fish” Hamza is boss! Great man to convey the message. Peace my brothers

  • @AliAhmed-xk9le
    @AliAhmed-xk9le Před 7 lety +24

    Masha-Allah brother Hamza. may Allah reward you for your effort in making the lost ones understand.

    • @charlesmunyoki5097
      @charlesmunyoki5097 Před 2 lety +1

      Your Hamza could not answer anything, i say anything! He's dodging, touching here and there.....Kudos Daniel, that's it Quran is a making of Mohamed!

    • @vidoevault
      @vidoevault Před 2 lety

      understand what

    • @ViZiX7
      @ViZiX7 Před rokem

      @@charlesmunyoki5097 do you mean the Nigerian guy? u just reversed.

    • @johandejonge6727
      @johandejonge6727 Před rokem

      ​@@charlesmunyoki5097 Hamza lost everything in any form in this discussion. Didn't answer the Nigerian mans questions. Just trying to talk around it and after he can't do it. The 6 inbred behinds him trying to help but they didn't stand a change. Allah was not around for them.

  • @freshkash1freshkash522
    @freshkash1freshkash522 Před rokem +2

    May allah show him the light and to become toward him 🙏🙏

  • @alisday6206
    @alisday6206 Před 2 lety +4

    "In the name of Allah" is part of opening prayers to chapters of Quran

    • @kelvinakpe3347
      @kelvinakpe3347 Před rokem +1

      But Hamza said it's not a prayer

    • @johnfoday7912
      @johnfoday7912 Před rokem +1

      @@kelvinakpe3347 Will Allah say “In the name of Allah”?

    • @kelvinakpe3347
      @kelvinakpe3347 Před rokem

      @@johnfoday7912 Exactly my point... If those were the words of Allah, why then is it presented as a prayer? Was Allah praying to himself? 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @OmarMuslim
      @OmarMuslim Před rokem

      ​@johnfoday7912 why he can't say that? He is the only highest being the only one whose name deserve to be praise and he speaks to the prophet why he wouldn't say his name?
      There are many places in the quran that Allah use 3rd person word to calling himself it's normal because quran not only speaks directly to the prophet but also guidance for common people.

    • @OmarMuslim
      @OmarMuslim Před rokem

      ​@@kelvinakpe3347 it's the verse in the quran by itself it's not a prayer we use it in almost every aspect of our lives before we eat ,going into vehicle ,doing homework ,starting exercise etc. Because as muslim we start every good things with the name of Allah.
      And because it's the verse in the quran that starting in every chapters except one so in our prayers that require us to read the chapters from the quran it's always starting with bismillah.
      And you have to look at context not only meaning how can we Muslims who praying to Allah starting with "in the name of Allah" equal to "Allah praying to himself" in your mind?
      We start praying by saying "in the name of Allah we praying to you oh Allah" is that mean Allah praying to himself for you?

  • @annoor5251
    @annoor5251 Před 7 lety +24

    "Say: Whoever is an enemy to Jibreel - for he brings down the (revelation) to your heart by Allah’s will, a confirmation of what went before, and guidance and glad tidings to those who believe -
    Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels and prophets, to Jibreel and Mikail - Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject faith." [2:97-98]

    • @annoor5251
      @annoor5251 Před 7 lety +2

      That's the testimony of Allah (God) himself.

    • @TheAbueman4
      @TheAbueman4 Před 7 lety +5

      thanks for that info :)

    • @annoor5251
      @annoor5251 Před 7 lety +7

      Wallahi akhi I love you for the sake of Allah. May Allah grant you the best in this life and the hereafter!

    • @gyanihindienglish7545
      @gyanihindienglish7545 Před 6 lety

      An Noor JazakALLAHU khair

  • @askdrmiz9821
    @askdrmiz9821 Před 2 lety +9

    Daniel won this one full stop ✋

    • @aliqazilbash7905
      @aliqazilbash7905 Před 2 lety

      Ch:53 verse:8-16
      Prophet Muhammad spoke to God.

    • @Mr1bomb
      @Mr1bomb Před rokem

      @@aliqazilbash7905 he didn’t ask that. He asked where Allah spoke to Muhammed.

    • @thealien_ali3382
      @thealien_ali3382 Před rokem

      @@Mr1bomb if u read that God replied back

  • @surafelmamo6226
    @surafelmamo6226 Před rokem +4

    This guy daniel is actually talking sense and asking sensible questions. They are running around the bush instead of answering his questions.

    • @hakeimosmani2347
      @hakeimosmani2347 Před rokem

      Its hard i know to not get answer he dint give hamza answer

    • @abbeym8316
      @abbeym8316 Před rokem +1

      @@hakeimosmani2347 I guess they have proved that Allah hasn't talked to Mohammed

    • @Moneyman077
      @Moneyman077 Před rokem +1

      Numbers 12:6 And he said, Hear now my words: If there be a prophet among you, I the LORD will make myself known unto him in a vision, and will speak unto him in a dream.

  • @elvin3204
    @elvin3204 Před rokem +1

    Mark is known as Peter's interpreter, both in speech and in writing. As a fisherman from Galilee, Peter may not have spoken Greek fluently, so Mark interpreted for him. In his book, Mark wrote down the observations and memories of Peter, one of the original Apostles.

  • @AllaahuAkbar60
    @AllaahuAkbar60 Před 7 lety +97

    Worship the creator Allah and not his creation Jesus PBUH...

    • @tomfielding7851
      @tomfielding7851 Před 5 lety +5

      Worship the creator Jesus and not the creation Allah and the prophet who possibly invented him. Jesus is the Word of God through whom God the Father created all things. Jesus comes from God the Father as does the breath of God, the Holy Spirit. As my words remain in me, in my mind, even though I speak them out Jesus, the Word remains in God the Father. He is still God as is the Holy Spirit. Both come from the Father and yet remain one with Him - they come from the same substance as God the Father - they still have the same nature so they too are persons of the One God, YHWH. The Quran defeats itself. First it confirms the Torah as the Words of Allah at the time of Jesus or Isa, then is says the words of Allah cannot be altered then it argues against the doctrines of the Torah proving that if both were the words of Allah the words of Allah can be altered. It gives the names of prophet after prophet but the prophets like their names are all Jewish except for Mohammed. It mentions Ishmael but I haven't found where it actually says he prophecied anything even in the Quran. So there are no Arab prophets. Only Mohammed and we really only have Uthman's word for what Mohammed is supposed to have said as written in the Quran. It even confuses Mary mother of Jesus with Miriam sister of Moses and has Allah changing his mind on alcohol from surah 2:219 (Just don't spend too much on it) to Surah 4:43 (Dont do it during the hours of prayer) to Surah 5:90 (listed alongside idolatry). So how can you believe this book is authored by an all-knowing, never changing God?

    • @imanelak3377
      @imanelak3377 Před 4 lety

      @Steve Cabin buoy bradders why is Jesus the son of God? And why is Islam a lie ? Prove to us

    • @imanelak3377
      @imanelak3377 Před 4 lety +1

      @Steve Cabin buoy bradders maybe you should study about the verse " I am the way ,the truth ..." and understand the context:
      "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.”
      ”And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”
      "And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know”
      “Thomas saith unto him, Lord, we know not whither thou goest; and how can we know the way?”
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” John 14:2-6 KJV
      Jesus said I am going to my fathers house (heaven) and I go to prepare a place for you and you know where I am going and how to get there.
      Thomas said we don’t know where you are going and how do we know the way to get there. Jesus answered, I am the way, the truth. If you follow me and my teaching you will get there and have eternal life.
      Jesus was the messenger of that time and no man could get to heaven without recognising him as the messenger / messiah to come and following his teachings.

    • @imanelak3377
      @imanelak3377 Před 4 lety +1

      @Steve Cabin buoy bradders at least we "muslims" have knowledge about the bible more than you . Do your homework, study and seek the truth :)

    • @imanelak3377
      @imanelak3377 Před 4 lety

      @Steve Cabin buoy bradders next time , if you don't have to prove anything stfu , bye

  • @youssefaitsidihammou7873
    @youssefaitsidihammou7873 Před 5 lety +6

    Allah bless you brother Hamza as well as the other brothers with you

  • @abdikarimismail442
    @abdikarimismail442 Před 2 lety +1

    Asc Masha allah tabarakallah subhanallah alhamdullah walailallah walahu Akbar ❤️❤️❤️😍👏👏

  • @Rapidre4dreviews
    @Rapidre4dreviews Před 2 lety +2

    Allah (S.w) says: “(Prophet!) it is not possible for you to guide whomsoever you wish, but Allâh guides whomsoever He will. He knows fully well those who would accept guidance.”

    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před 2 lety

      Do you live in a democratic country which was founded by christianity ✝️🇬🇧 🇫🇮

    • @anndeparis2370
      @anndeparis2370 Před rokem

      @@randomguy6974 you not live at democratic country but you live at liberal country

    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před rokem

      @@anndeparis2370 UK was founded and was built by christianity ✝️ what has Islam built in muslim countries?... nothing!

  • @mohammodkhadirulislam
    @mohammodkhadirulislam Před 7 lety +21

    Do you know background of ATTA'HIYYAAT , as to why we recite it in every Prayer?
    Attahiyyaat is a very important 'Dua' we repeat it in our daily prayers.
    Attahiyat is actually a part of conversation between Our Creator Allah SWT and our beloved Prophet ﷺ during his journey of Al Isra Wal Miraj.
    When Prophet ﷺ met Allah SWT, he didn't say 'Assalamo Alaikum'. What is someone going to say when he meets Allah ? We can't wish HIM peace because ALL sources of peace are through HIM.
    So Prophet ﷺ said:
    "Attahiyyaatu Lillahi Was Salawatu Wattayyibatu" (All compliments, all prayer and worship are for Allah)
    Allah replied:
    "Assalamu Alaika Ayyuhannabiyyu Warahmatullahi Wabarka'tuhu"
    (Peace be upon you, Oh Prophet and Allah's Mercy and Blessings).
    To this, Prophet ﷺ replied:
    "Assalamu Alaina Wa'ala'Ibadillahis Saa'liheen"
    (Peace be on us and on all good slaves of Allah)
    Prophet ﷺ included "us" in his reply... (and on all good slaves of Allah)
    And listening to this conversation between Allah and His Messenger ﷺ , the Angels said:
    "Ash'had'u'un La ilahaillallahu Wa Ash'hadu Anna Muhammadun Abd'uhu Wa Rasooluh"
    (I bear witness that no one is worthy of worship except Allah And I bear witness that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger).
    SubhanAlllah. سبحان ا

    • @amilitarymind
      @amilitarymind Před 4 lety

      That is indeed beautiful, just one comment though: the word "Ibad" has more than one translation and in the context of Islam translates to "worshipper" not slave. Because when we make Ibada to Allah we are worshipping Him, it literally means worship, thus Ibad Allah or Abd Allah are worshippers of Allah and worshipper of Allah respectively. Therefore, the proper translation of Abd is a worshipper.
      Wa Asalamu Aleikum Wa Rahmatu Allah Wa Barakatuh.

    • @asilaalbattashy4945
      @asilaalbattashy4945 Před 2 lety

      Thank you i didnt know what it meant before😄

    • @khanayan-v7z
      @khanayan-v7z Před 2 lety

      Reference brother?

    • @absameosman9113
      @absameosman9113 Před 2 lety

      Thanks bro for the amazing translation cz am amuslim but I don't understand Arabic language and you made me know what I atter in my prayers each and everyday 5times aday

    • @absameosman9113
      @absameosman9113 Před 2 lety +1

      Thanks bro bro making me understand what it means in Arabic cz am aborn Muslim but I don't understand arabic

  • @unpredictable1019
    @unpredictable1019 Před 2 lety +42

    Salute this guy with a black cap ..he knows his story.

    • @unpredictable1019
      @unpredictable1019 Před rokem +1

      @Tushar Ahmed having too many visions on a book doesn't incorrect the content of the book.

    • @unpredictable1019
      @unpredictable1019 Před rokem

      @Tushar Ahmed you are also on the wrong path according to me. May the most high God help you

    • @unpredictable1019
      @unpredictable1019 Před rokem

      @Tushar Ahmed I still stands by my words, even when different translations use different words to render the same Greek or Hebrew phrase, that does not necessarily or even very often at all leave us with any doubt about what the original was saying.therefore I can read all the visions if possible.

    • @MrPotatoBear
      @MrPotatoBear Před rokem

      @Tushar Ahmed What did Hamza ever answer the questions given though? It’s clear we can see Hamza is lost in the argument

  • @dacianking551
    @dacianking551 Před 2 lety +2

    Daniel in this definitely pulled out a good question!!!

    • @aliqazilbash7905
      @aliqazilbash7905 Před 2 lety +1

      Ch:53 verse:8-16
      Prophet Muhammad spoke to God.

    • @abbeym8316
      @abbeym8316 Před rokem +1

      @@aliqazilbash7905 There is a difference of Allah speaking to Mohammed and when Mohammed is speaking to Allah.

  • @laishramrema7916
    @laishramrema7916 Před 2 lety +3

    That black guy is tough.... holy spirit is working in him.

  • @denoiz
    @denoiz Před 7 lety +19

    the old lady just cannot stop talking and very disrespecful to others....

  • @alikay9721
    @alikay9721 Před 7 lety +3

    Brother Hamza must have nerves of steel, may Allah help him in all the good he does. Amin

  • @eniemeuful
    @eniemeuful Před 2 lety +2

    31:10 “logical logical” the Muslim cried, almost at the brink of tears, even as he was destroyed by the “Nigerian”.

  • @user-yt3tl3fv9s
    @user-yt3tl3fv9s Před 2 lety +19

    Watching from india
    I am indian muslim
    Dont know too much eng
    But love to watch dawah 😊

    • @move501
      @move501 Před rokem

      Because of you don't know English you didn't understand that dawah is been fucked up by the Christian man exactly like you read quran without knowing the meaning

    • @delialubke6610
      @delialubke6610 Před rokem +1 is eveil...mohammad was a rapist.

  • @mozain9968
    @mozain9968 Před 4 lety +16

    I couldn’t finish the video. My brain couldn’t handle it anymore 😂

  • @onlinemoneyhub8513
    @onlinemoneyhub8513 Před 2 lety +20

    I love the black man. He nailed it! Good analysis from both sides

    • @arsenalm16g
      @arsenalm16g Před 2 lety +2

      Nailed what? You must be slow

    • @firozadaud2493
      @firozadaud2493 Před 2 lety +1

      If you think that was equal in any way may Allah guide you

    • @markfarsonochuka8519
      @markfarsonochuka8519 Před 2 lety +2

      That christian is fire🔥, Glory be to Jesus. This is not a chanel Worth Subscribing. The owner of the channel has no content. Only question which he himself don't even know answers to. What a waste of time.

    • @randomguy6974
      @randomguy6974 Před 2 lety

      Jesus is alive and muhammad is dead. Muslims are following a dead man and Islam is a dead religion.

  • @tonytop3962
    @tonytop3962 Před rokem +5

    Fellow Christians know your Bible Inside out ...Amen and may God be with you.

  • @mohammeddrame5839
    @mohammeddrame5839 Před 2 lety +1


  • @prometheus3565
    @prometheus3565 Před 7 lety +3

    the mans with the orange bag bout to pull the popcorn out, he enjoying this a lil too much lol

  • @deedee-bh2lb
    @deedee-bh2lb Před 4 lety +15

    Surah Al-Baqara, Verse 18:
    صُمٌّ بُكْمٌ عُمْيٌ فَهُمْ لَا يَرْجِعُونَ
    Deaf, dumb and blind; and they return not.

    @HAILGRAVITY Před rokem +1

    Everything u want to believe is in ur accepts what it wants to accept and rejects,(no matter what u say to him, show to him or whatever logic u bring before him) what it wants to reject....its adamant to what it wants to believe.....

  • @tafaoulfinance7250
    @tafaoulfinance7250 Před rokem +1

    "have some patience , you might learn yea' XD

  • @might1988
    @might1988 Před 2 lety +8

    I listened unbiased from start to finish. THE FAIR GUY IS MAKING A BLIND ARGUMENT😂.

  • @MischiefMusicGroup
    @MischiefMusicGroup Před 7 lety +71

    is this christian preacher guy drunk?

    • @mohammednuur1954
      @mohammednuur1954 Před 5 lety +1

      Mischief he is I guess 🤔

    • @mccarrier9837
      @mccarrier9837 Před 5 lety +2

      Thnk you God I am Muslim Christians whay u worship dead man jesus

    • @deanhajmah92
      @deanhajmah92 Před 5 lety

      God knows best. Regardless he doesn't have logic to why he believes in what he believes.

    • @BadrHabadi
      @BadrHabadi Před 4 lety +2

      Mc Carrier Jesus is not dead. Allah lifted him up.

    • @ezekielamuaalua4564
      @ezekielamuaalua4564 Před 3 lety

      @@BadrHabadi ,you're talking about isà the Muslim Jesus who did not die.

  • @theworld7094
    @theworld7094 Před 2 lety +3

    You believe in what you don’t know? Golden

  • @emekaobi2727
    @emekaobi2727 Před 2 lety

    The criteria is in the book of Numbers 12:6
    And he said, “Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream.

  • @JJ-kp6yg
    @JJ-kp6yg Před 6 lety +13

    the best show ...hamza you are 👍👍

  • @usman2131
    @usman2131 Před 7 lety +52

    i just feel sorry for the lady may Allah guide her!

    • @whisperingwhiskerss4877
      @whisperingwhiskerss4877 Před 3 lety +1

      Ameen :(

    • @thequietmetronome2794
      @thequietmetronome2794 Před 2 lety +1

      In Jesus Name. AMEN

    • @amayal9820
      @amayal9820 Před 2 lety +1

      Jesus is the only way,

    • @sonofgod7099
      @sonofgod7099 Před 2 lety +3

      I think you should be sorry for your quran

    • @zafirkhidhr5402
      @zafirkhidhr5402 Před 2 lety +2

      @@sonofgod7099 son of God bmnonsnese if jesus is the son of God then who is God's wife or children apparently u Christians are like how does does make may sense because human is flesh and blood then how are u God's children because he isn't human so sorry here but Christianity doesn't make sense so
      BYE FELICIA 👋 👋 👋

  • @aresaolutola8030
    @aresaolutola8030 Před rokem +1

    Numbers 12 vs 6-8 God said dis is how you will know my prophets..i shall come to speak to him.. through dreams, vision...even Jesus said my sheeps hears my voice.

  • @quikzara848
    @quikzara848 Před rokem

    hoper owner vid can put subtitle..because one world see yr vid..Assalamualaikum from Malaysia

  • @latiff.krakatau5857
    @latiff.krakatau5857 Před 7 lety +123

    waste of time talking to this black man...
    I'm happy to be a muslim.
    Keep going my Brothers.

    • @Hannah-vb5kw
      @Hannah-vb5kw Před 7 lety +8

      What has race got to do with this?

    • @chamad
      @chamad Před 7 lety +2

      Thibos Wadlal'u chief the other black man was a muslim

    • @chamad
      @chamad Před 7 lety +10

      if u did understand english ,u would understand what +lattiff said ,and on top of that im black too and i didnt find this offensive whatsoever

    • @latiff.krakatau5857
      @latiff.krakatau5857 Před 7 lety +8

      Thank Bro.Abdul Samad.
      I don't mean to offence anyone..coz my skin is dark too.
      Sorry Guys for word i said.

    • @chamad
      @chamad Před 7 lety

      OBVIOUSLY!! He meant the last guy -_- . why r we still discussing this?He already apologized

  • @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever
    @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever Před 7 lety +14

    The Old Lady... (look at her face) definitely She Possessed by De... some 1 (or 3 in 1)

  • @klastik67
    @klastik67 Před rokem +2

    This video has strengthen my belief.. In a way those Christians were doing Dawah for Islam.. 😁

  • @steveahianto5372
    @steveahianto5372 Před 11 měsíci +1

    Daniel,You re great

  • @nemediaetsarahtv5670
    @nemediaetsarahtv5670 Před 2 lety +13

    This black my is intelligent and good. He understands from both perspective

    • @dandegreat
      @dandegreat Před 2 lety

      Yes I love the black man, he's a man of understanding, he is the only one who cripples them

    • @aliqazilbash7905
      @aliqazilbash7905 Před 2 lety

      Ch:53 verse:8-16
      Prophet Muhammad spoke to God.

    • @alabidamilolasunday1893
      @alabidamilolasunday1893 Před rokem

      @@aliqazilbash7905, but God didn't spoke to him...🤷‍♂️

    • @exinfidel856
      @exinfidel856 Před rokem

      @@alabidamilolasunday1893 isra mi'raj allah spoke to prophet Muhammad
      Lol christian always restarting the argument

    • @Moneyman077
      @Moneyman077 Před rokem

      But God never spoke to Muhammad that is what the black man is saying.😂😂

  • @quest3290
    @quest3290 Před 7 lety +123

    The most Clueless Christian at Speakers Corner.

    • @isha6804
      @isha6804 Před 7 lety +3

      Yeah and the Muslims still want to challenge him......that is odd

    • @isha6804
      @isha6804 Před 7 lety +1

      Grim reaper Good preacher

    • @au3770
      @au3770 Před 7 lety +6

      gherrrie clueless is gherrrie who talks crap without proof

    • @catloran3860
      @catloran3860 Před 6 lety

      not just clueless, he is a con artist.

    • @toogood4u49
      @toogood4u49 Před 5 lety +1

      Dude I rather be an atheist than a Christian!

  • @emmyyap8592
    @emmyyap8592 Před 4 měsíci

    The Christian brother made me proud. Bro Hamza is still searching for the answer to many questions 😊

  • @chitata937
    @chitata937 Před rokem

    This was the most Unprofitable exchange in the world. 😭😭😭😭

  • @mraahmed7984
    @mraahmed7984 Před 7 lety +3

    By watching this my faith became stronger..don't try to justify your self by your own think"give evidence and have debate to know the truth..simple

  • @MaSa-bp5qe
    @MaSa-bp5qe Před 7 lety +14

    Brother Hamza, the lion of Dawah!
    may Allah give you the patience to keep doing this!

  • @danielwanyonyi3806
    @danielwanyonyi3806 Před rokem +2

    God bless you Daniel

  • @princewillebuka5924
    @princewillebuka5924 Před 2 lety

    I'm proud of this Nigerian Christian.
    This shows that every religion has its own loopholes.
    The same question on how sure is it that the bible was from God was now returned to the Muslim to prove that the Koran comes from God. The two religious beliefs couldn't answer that.

  • @hrazzak01
    @hrazzak01 Před 5 lety +33

    Love this brother Hamza. Passion, knowledge and conviction. Wish to meet him in person.

    • @supersaiyan1501
      @supersaiyan1501 Před 2 lety +2

      Really? I see an actor lol who is just good in acting

    • @hrazzak01
      @hrazzak01 Před 2 lety +1

      @@supersaiyan1501 this ain't bollywood mate. Ur on the wrong channel

    • @chinemelumazike6248
      @chinemelumazike6248 Před 2 lety +1

      What knowledge? The guy is filled with ignorance and not open to learn ,he's just making pointless claims , rat racing everywhere.

    • @charlesmunyoki5097
      @charlesmunyoki5097 Před 2 lety +1

      Your man failed miserably......better some village Muslim preachers in my village, they can do better. Jesus is LORD!

    • @aderemiademola7088
      @aderemiademola7088 Před rokem

      The man in white is just find every way to make lie a truth.
      Simple question:
      Tell me where Allah spoke the Muhammad? Tell me where angel that spoke to Muhammad said I'm Jubril? But they find it difficult in the whole Quran to establish it.
      They just lack the knowledge in name of defending religion instead of their souls.

  • @adeelmirza8425
    @adeelmirza8425 Před 7 lety +18

    for God's sake stop this chatter box lady

  • @Simply.Amirahhh
    @Simply.Amirahhh Před rokem +1

    “Tell Us Tell Us Tell Us Tell Us” 😂😂

  • @jiahazahar6607
    @jiahazahar6607 Před rokem

    This give me the picture of how our prophet SAW hardship when he preach to the arabs

  • @tituskaranu1545
    @tituskaranu1545 Před 2 lety +5

    The "professor" cant answer where the quaran came🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @nbmc2
      @nbmc2 Před 2 lety +1

      He got interrupted multiple times. No chance to speak. Not a very good conversation. One keeps interrupting

    • @AmokayeAdeola
      @AmokayeAdeola Před 2 lety +1

      @@nbmc2 You know you just lied.

    • @nbmc2
      @nbmc2 Před 2 lety

      @@AmokayeAdeola Nope

    • @ugwulekeclement4839
      @ugwulekeclement4839 Před 2 lety

      @@nbmc2 yes you just lied

  • @ContentWithPython
    @ContentWithPython Před 2 lety +3

    1:54 😂😂 he was like "question goes with question". 😂😂🔥

  • @frankly.speaking
    @frankly.speaking Před 2 lety

    Did hamsa make a similiar kind of interrogation to his faith and did it stand the test?

  • @someonesomewhere4344
    @someonesomewhere4344 Před 2 lety +1

    now I understand what the words of allah means when allah said
    سواء عليكم انذرتهم ام لم تنذرهم لا يؤمنون

  • @Contesetlegendesdenegusnegest

    Show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed
    Show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed
    Show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed
    Show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed
    Show me where Allah spoke to Mohamed ...
    2022 Still waiting

    • @everythingphalone
      @everythingphalone Před 2 lety +17

      😂😂😂😂😂 till Jesus Christ comes back. We still waiting on that answer

    • @Contesetlegendesdenegusnegest
      @Contesetlegendesdenegusnegest Před 2 lety +1

      @@everythingphalone 😂😂😂 yoooooo but I don't believe in Jesus or Mohamed. I am black African and my people do not need imported religions. 😂😂😂 Lol

    • @kismorencube5294
      @kismorencube5294 Před 2 lety +3

      That 1 cant be answered ,even the 1 he said show me The angel saying i m Gabriel

    • @irshaadpeters359
      @irshaadpeters359 Před 2 lety

      Inform yourself

    • @tbg9563
      @tbg9563 Před 2 lety

      You'll find out soon enough when you get in that grave the angels will question you and when you fail those questions you'll see what your treacherous tongue will lead you to.

  • @kaziamzadhossain7920
    @kaziamzadhossain7920 Před 4 lety +3

    1 hour of frustration .... I can understand Hamza's frustration, he is really really patient !

  • @bumblebee4181
    @bumblebee4181 Před rokem

    praise be to god the father son n the holy spirits

  • @khadijah938
    @khadijah938 Před 2 lety

    What did Hamza say at 54:16 please???

  • @amourringinton120
    @amourringinton120 Před 7 lety +14

    R.I.P logic and Reason

  • @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever
    @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever Před 7 lety +123

    feel sorry for this Nigerian dude (who's in UK somehow), also feel sorry for that old lady (who manage to scape from asylum early then expected), LONG LIVE BROTHER HAMZA!

    • @tehreekiman1110
      @tehreekiman1110 Před 7 lety

      nice comment brother

    • @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever
      @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever Před 7 lety

      tehreek iman thanks brother... yes we should comment like this for the people like these!

    • @yasarhussain1398
      @yasarhussain1398 Před 7 lety +2

      +Horizon ND 444128 is there a problem with that? or are you just trash who doesn't understand how passports work?

    • @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever
      @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever Před 7 lety

      truth hearts... by the way Who said I m in UK? take it easy mate!

    • @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever
      @FreedomOfSpeech4Ever Před 7 lety +1

      truth hurts... by the way Who said I m in UK? take it easy mate!

  • @pastoryoks
    @pastoryoks Před 2 lety

    Greetings All, please I need the e-mail address of this man in a white cap, Hamza. Thank you