He Couldn't Touch Islam & His Faith in Christianity Was Baseless

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
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  • @EzioYuio
    @EzioYuio Před rokem +820

    I've seen Chris on older videos now and he seems very well mannered. Plus, he's a Unitarian as well, if I'm not mistaken. May Allāh opens his heart to accept the truth and embrace Islam.

    • @organicgrow4440
      @organicgrow4440 Před rokem +21


    • @MrDanny1247
      @MrDanny1247 Před rokem +19


    • @abbasbeig3943
      @abbasbeig3943 Před rokem +17

      Aameen. Soon Inshaallah he will revert.

    • @thinkbeforeyoutype7106
      @thinkbeforeyoutype7106 Před rokem +1

      Contrary to the lies and distortions against Islam by the establishment media and now by the so called "alternative media" as well, Islam is NOT a new religion. In fact, Jesus and all the other Prophets in the Bible were Muslims. Here's the proof…
      1. Islam = Submission/Peace.
      2. Muslim = One who submits to God peacefully.
      3. Prostration = The ultimate way to submit to your Creator.
      4. Muslims Prostrate by placing their heads on the ground to worship God.
      So how did Jesus and all the other Prophets prayed to their Lord in the Bible? Let’s take a look...
      5. Jesus
      Matthews 26:39
      39 "Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed"
      6. Abraham
      Genesis 17:3
      3 "And Abraham fell on his face: and God talked with him."
      7. David
      1 Samuel 20:41
      41 “David got up from the south side of the stone and bowed down three times, with his face to the ground.”
      8. Moses and Aaron
      Numbers 20:6
      6 "...they fell upon their faces: and the glory of the Lord appeared unto them."
      9. Joshua
      Joshua 7:6
      6 “…fell facedown to the ground before the ark of the Lord, remaining there till evening. The elders of Israel did the same, and sprinkled dust on their heads.”
      10. Solomon
      2 Chronicles 7:3
      3 "…they knelt on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave thanks to the Lord, saying, ‘He is good; his love endures forever.”
      11. Ezra
      Nehemiah 8:6
      6 "Ezra praised the Lord, the great God; and all the people lifted their hands and responded, “Amen! Amen!” Then they bowed down and worshiped the Lord with their faces to the ground."
      12. Revelation 7:11
      11 "All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God."
      Muslims are just continuing what all the previous Prophets and Messengers in the scriptures did by submitting to Allah only.
      May Allah continue to have MERCY us, continue to PROTECT us, continue to FORGIVE us, continue to GUIDE us, and continue to BLESS us.

    • @JackDorsey10
      @JackDorsey10 Před rokem +31

      He’s one of my favorites he seems genuine in learning and he’s no cocky or cunning like the rest of Christian’s hate preachers who try to evangelize

  • @aishax01
    @aishax01 Před rokem +259

    "Become Muslim man, stop messing around" Hamza is too funny-- Chris knows subhanAllah may Allah make it easier for him to submit

    • @kingchrist3167
      @kingchrist3167 Před rokem

      MUHAMAD is gods , moon god
      look at this,
      these WORD without Moses even though he was the one who was sent
      “Listen, Israel, the Lord is our God, only God, and you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, and with all your strength.
      This means that Moses is not equal to GOD
      John 17:3,
      this verse is about ETERNAL LIFE,
      and to have ETERNAL LIFE has 2 conditions,
      namely knowing the LORD ISRAEL and JESUS ​​who was sent
      [3] And this is eternal life:
      [meaning] knowing (understanding, recognizing, knowing, and understanding) you,
      The only true and real God, and [also] knowing Him, Jesus [as] Christ (the Anointed One, the Messiah), whom Thou hast sent.
      it means JESUS ​​is EQUAL with GOD HIMSELF
      Whilst, the syahada
      to become a Muslim, must mention M, who was sent,
      and without mentioning M, then you cannot be called a MUSLIM.
      These two sentences of creed are obligatory
      when someone converts to Islam or becomes a Muslim.
      I testify that there is none other than the Lord Allah. And I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah,
      MUHAMMAD is equal to allah according to THIS WORDS
      Your book exists after 700 years of other books,
      the suspicion of imitation is thick

      @FOOTSHOTS1 Před rokem +10

      @@kingchrist3167 get a life bro, May Allah bring you to the right path, this is not a matter you should be emotional about it, the testimony of faith is , accepting the message of Islam, and accept Muhammad (pbuh) as a prophet … n we can add jesus(pbuh) .. n moses (pbuh) ..

    • @kingchrist3167
      @kingchrist3167 Před rokem +1

      There is JESUS in quran ?

      @FOOTSHOTS1 Před rokem +6

      @@kingchrist3167 Yea ofc, he is one of the greatest prophet of God , if you dont believe in him , you are not considered a muslim.
      Jesus (Pbuh) is mentioned 97 times in the Quran, And actually he is mentioned more than Mohammed (Pbuh).. which is mentioned 4 times..
      We believe in the virgin birth..
      we believe Merry is the best woman ever existed..
      We believe in the second coming of Jesus(pbuh)
      We believe Jesus (pbuh) is the messiah
      We believe all his miracles..
      We believe he came with a revelation from God , The gospol (Injil) < But we dont believe it is the bible.. we believe it is corrupted.. and there is some truth left in the bible.. >
      We are more close than you can imagine my dear friend
      But we dont believe he is GOD, we believe he is sent by GOD as a blessing for mankind..

    • @kingchrist3167
      @kingchrist3167 Před rokem

      JESUS or ISA ?

  • @SuntzuMocro
    @SuntzuMocro Před rokem +181

    Chris is the kind of guy who is not letting his ego get to him during a discussion.
    Respectful and civilised discussion.
    May Allah grant both gents happiness in this life and the next.

    • @quranchannel4622
      @quranchannel4622 Před rokem


    • @expose8434
      @expose8434 Před rokem

      Hamza has nothing valid. Stupid arguments.
      Islam is shattered because of fools like Hamza

    • @youand16
      @youand16 Před rokem

      Respectfully.. watched lot of his video even in this one he not respectful in way he talk about religions that not his own talks down to people about there believes.. he's a horrible little man.. what he thinks/believes is irrelevant.. in that of others is.. fuck Ur stroy books.. written by nonces... Valhalla..

    • @zoro-juroo
      @zoro-juroo Před rokem

      Is he a muslim chris? If so why is he deabting hamza

    • @SuntzuMocro
      @SuntzuMocro Před rokem

      @@zoro-juroo so only muslims can debate hamza?

  • @IslamOverEverything1
    @IslamOverEverything1 Před rokem +140

    Chris is one of the few people at the park who I really want to come to Islam! HE IS ALMOST THERE! O ALLAH GUIDE HIM AND SAVE HIM FROM THE FIRE OF HELL AND ENTER HIM INTO PARADISE!

  • @neku2741
    @neku2741 Před rokem +90

    I hope he accepts Islam. He's currently in the denial phase, InshaAllah he would revert if he's sincere.

    • @user-tp3hg4se1s
      @user-tp3hg4se1s Před rokem

      ​ And he put all things under his feet and gave him as head over all things to the church,
      When Paul said, “At the name of Jesus every knee will bow-in heaven and on earth and under the earth” (Philippians 2:10, ),
      the emphasis was on every creature in the universe acknowledging Jesus as Lord over all creation.
      When he stated, “Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord” (verse 11,), he meant that every living thing, both in heaven and on earth, will honor Christ.
      Heavenly forces and demonic powers, Muslims, people who reject Christ and His faithful in the church-all will bow before Him (Isaiah 45:23-24).
      Every tongue will acknowledge Jesus for who He is-the Sovereign Lord of the universe.
      The devil is not playing around
      Jesus clearly taught that sinners were condemned in sin and would perish and go to hell if they didn't believe in Him as their Savior (John 3:16
      Acts 4:12
      Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved
      ONLY SAVIOR 🙏 BORN OF THE HOLY GHOST, Prophecy is a word given from heaven,
      Muhammad is not in the bible
      The Bible speaks of a place of a place called the Abyss, or the pit. When used in the New Testament, it can refer to the abode of demons, or the place of the unbelieving dead. It is located in the lowest parts of the earth.
      Muhammad Islam and false god Allah are already under the feet of Jesus_under the blood of His Cross "in Jesus mighty name" for eternity 🙏 ✨ ❤ ✝️
      Thank God

    • @nasserfirelordarts6574
      @nasserfirelordarts6574 Před rokem +12

      ​​​​@@user-tp3hg4se1s ​
      Let's tackle all your claims:
      1) Muslims already call Jesus
      "Sayyiduna Al Maseeh" meaning
      "Our Master the Messiah"
      The Chosen One, The Annointed One, saved by God from his death as prophecied in Psalm 91
      9 If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”
      and you make the Most High your dwelling,
      10 no harm will overtake you,
      no disaster will come near your tent.
      11 For he will command his angels concerning you
      to guard you in all your ways;
      12 they will lift you up in their hands,
      so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.
      13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;
      you will trample the great lion and the serpent.
      14 “Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;
      I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.
      15 He will call on me, and I will answer him;
      I will be with him in trouble,
      I will deliver him and honor him.
      16 With long life I will satisfy him
      and show him my salvation.”
      2) Both Paul and Jesus were Unitarians that did not believe in the Trinity:
      Mark 10: 18
      “Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good-except God alone.
      Matthew 24: 36
      “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
      Luke 11: 1-2
      One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."
      He said to them, "When you pray, say: "`Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come.
      John 17: 3
      3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you (the Father), the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.
      And Paul had the same belief:
      1 Corinthians 11: 3
      But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.
      Notice that? The Head of Christ is God.
      1 Corinthians 8: 6
      yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.
      3) Isaiah 45 doesn't help you one bit. It actually works against you once you start using your brain.
      22 “Turn to me and be saved,
      all you ends of the earth;
      for I am God, and there is no other.
      23 By myself I have sworn,
      my mouth has uttered in all integrity
      a word that will not be revoked:
      Before me every knee will bow;
      by me every tongue will swear.
      24 They will say of me, ‘In the Lord alone
      are deliverance and strength.’”
      All who have raged against him
      will come to him and be put to shame.
      25 But all the descendants of Israel
      will find deliverance in the Lord
      and will make their boast in him.
      Who is this LORD? The Hebrew word is YHWH ( יהוה) which isn't Jesus.
      Jesus isn't YHWH, but you know who is?
      YHWH has a few meanings, let's discuss them:
      a) "He is who He will be" alternatively translated "I am who I am" which denotes God's Eternality.
      One of the Names of Allah is "The Ever-Living/ The Eternal"
      Many Hadeeths narrate that this Name is the Greatest or atleast one of the Greatest Names of Allah. It is also found in the Verse of the Throne, the Holiest Verse in the entire Qur'an. 2: 225.
      When we call out to Allah in this name, it is pronounced:
      Ya Hayyu
      In the verse "huwa al hayyu" meaning
      "He is the Eternal" without the "Al" meaning "The" spelled HWHY from right to left, but since in English we read from left to right, spelled YHWH.
      Tafsir al Qurtubi confirms that Ya Hayyu in Hebrew is "Ehye Esher Ehye" : "I am who I Am"
      b) The second understanding of YHWH is "The Breather of life" or "The Giver of life"
      Allah refers to Himself as such in the Qur'an in chapter 44 verse 8
      Allahu la ilahau illa *huwa yuhyee* wa yumeet
      "He is the giver of life" is "huwa yuhyee" written (in Old Arabic script without vowels) HWYHY from right to left.
      But since in English, we read from left to right, it is written YHYWH.
      3) The third understand of YHWH is "He who is"
      This literally translates to one of the meanings of Allah. Furthermore, this can also be vocalised in Arabic as "Huwa" written HW (in Hebrew it would be HWH with a silent H at the end) which are the two middle letters of YHWH. Where the Y is a prefix of calling out such as O'.
      Allah refers to himself as He Is plenty in the Qur'an, let's have a look at Chapter 112 verse 1 and compare it with the Shemaa.
      "Hear oh Israel, YHWH our God, YHWH is one"
      Shemaa Y'Israel, YHWH Eluhaynu YHWH Echad.
      Compared to the Qur'an:
      Say, He Is Allah, one (and indivisible)
      Qul *HuWa* Allahu Ehad
      4) Since you brought up Isaiah, let's discuss Isaiah 43: 11 shall we?
      I, even I, am the LORD and besides Me there is no savior.
      Who said those words, I'd love to know? Father, Son, or Holy Spirit? All 3? It's one person speaking is it not?
      5) Hellfire in Islam (Jehennam) is also in the deepest part of the Earth (and uses a very similar word to the Hebrew Gehinnom)
      Note on Isaiah 45: 24
      "They will say in the Lord alone is deliverance and strength"
      Muslims say this EXACT thing:
      "La hawla wa la quwata illa bi Allah"

    • @Arkus123
      @Arkus123 Před rokem

      ​@@nasserfirelordarts6574 he wont respond because he's a coward and christians hate when they are faced with logic.

    • @Malkemz
      @Malkemz Před 10 měsíci


  • @answersaaa
    @answersaaa Před rokem +76

    1. I wasn't a big fan of Hamza but I'm now
    2. I was born a Muslim but I feel he's converting me back to Islam (if it makes any sense)

    • @salma-haris
      @salma-haris Před rokem +9

      yeah i know that.
      im too born in a muslim family, but im learning so many things from him...

    • @arsitayyab2208
      @arsitayyab2208 Před rokem +4

      Yes that makes so much sense ikrr

    • @mujo8504
      @mujo8504 Před rokem +3

      Because you were born in a secular country and society…your country doesn’t teach you Fiqh and Tawheed at young age in school, alhamdulilah that I was born in Saudi Arabia alhamdullah a trillion times and it’s not even enough.

    • @rumelahmed4539
      @rumelahmed4539 Před 8 měsíci

      Clearly you are a weak minded individual.

  • @holaco5697
    @holaco5697 Před rokem +38

    Chris has a good hearted person , inchalla one day he will be our brother, may Allah guide him into right path and open his heart to Islam.

  • @willp.8904
    @willp.8904 Před rokem +239

    this brother is sincere, next year he will fast Ramadan inshaAllah

    • @mohammadsiddig498
      @mohammadsiddig498 Před rokem +11

      Ameen, may Allah guide him to Islam 🤲

    • @Danka997
      @Danka997 Před rokem +5

      saying "he will" is wrong, you should say In Sha Allah he'll fast

    • @saracentiano
      @saracentiano Před rokem +1


    • @kcwexe
      @kcwexe Před rokem +4

      @@Danka997 he said "he will" then Inshallah, this means he will if god wills it, this is true.

    • @Nb_2089
      @Nb_2089 Před rokem +1

      I don't see where he made a mistake he did say In sha' Allah

  • @baran1455
    @baran1455 Před rokem +129

    18:04 - 18:09 really deserves to be a meme 😆 That chilling silence and moment of enlightment for Chris 😅 May Allah guide him

  • @cherubic336
    @cherubic336 Před rokem +20

    Chris is Muslim and he is not aware of it. 😮
    He already says the first Shahada, In'Shaa'Allah after this encounter he will say the second Shahada (the last messenger).
    May Allah SWT guide him

    • @hushabyehum4805
      @hushabyehum4805 Před rokem

      The first shahadah is harder because even muslims often commit Shirk unknowingly as the hadith mentions how subtle Shirk can be

  • @t.m.guiapar3459
    @t.m.guiapar3459 Před rokem +37

    Happy Ramadhan brothers and sisters.

  • @AbuYusha01
    @AbuYusha01 Před rokem +20

    Just to respond to the lady's question:
    The Prophet ﷺ saw Jibril عليه السلام and he said to him: "Iqra'..." (Read/recite)
    The Prophet ﷺ understood this as a request to recite and he responded "I am not one who is qaari' (reader/reciter)
    Then Jibril repeated it and when the Prophet repeated the sentiment. He squeezed him, and recited the verses of Surah Al-'Alaq. Thus the Prophet ﷺ understood he was being given these verses to listen, learn and remember and not asking him to "read" in a command form.
    As far as the dodo's assertion that the Prophet ﷺ was crazy and feared attack and went home asking to be covered:
    1. Fear is not crazy.
    2. Jibril squeezed him!
    3. Jibril showed him his form with wings filling the entire horizon.
    4. He sought the comfort of his wife. Is this crazy now? Wow.
    I wonder how many people would be "crazy" scared after witnessing such a being come to them show them their form and squeezed them!
    Other examples:
    Moses عليه السلام being scared of the Snake after it transformed from a staff.
    Moses being afraid of the burning Bush.
    Jesus عليه السلام praying in Getsemone and the crucifixion verse which shows "Jesus" lamenting he was forsaken.
    It happens. It's called fear. Islam teaches us to love and fear God. To have hope in His Mercy and Fear His Wrath. To wish to be in the company of God but be afraid of their own evils and how they will be dealt with in recompense by God.
    Christianity does not have this. It is a subreligion of minds of history unknown.

    • @melanchorly7618
      @melanchorly7618 Před rokem

      Brilliant response and answered my question so thank you.
      What do you say to the people who claim that Allah SWT is actually not God but Iblees who is misleading the prophet pbuh and Muslims today?

    • @AbuYusha01
      @AbuYusha01 Před rokem +5

      @Mel Anchorly like Ahmed Deedat said quite simply "look at their fruits":
      Billions in population, yet the lowest rate of alcohol consumption, biggest number of t-totalers, highest level of charity, highest level of daily prayer, highest level of memorisers of any discourse, highest levels of hygiene of any religion, lowest levels of gambling and drug abuse.
      Aside from this, if it was Iblees then Iblees essentially told us all to:
      Monotheism: Worship one God like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and all Prophets sent before. To shun idolatry in all its forms.
      Familial ties: Respect family ties, especially the mother and father, close relatives, maintaining good relationships.
      Social ties: congregate at the mosque and on Eid, Fridays men women and children, eat together, feed the guests, honour the neighbours, speak good to them and call them to goodness and forbid evil. No racism, no slander, no backbiting, no freemixing or intimacy with strangers of the opposite sex, lowering the gaze, etc.
      Protection of the downtrodden: feed the poor, zakaat, charity, goodness to orphans, forced 2.5% to 8 kinds of people in need. The rich to care for the poor, to free those in slavery. Not supporting oppression in any form, to not cut plants or kill non combatants, to give peace to all who ask it. To forgive!
      Disciplining oneself: pray 5 times A day, go to the Hajj and umrah in two plain white garments, eating less, sleeping less, being generous with wealth, smiling, humility, avoiding self aggrandisement. Knowing you are weak and in a state of constant need of God.
      If Satan called to this, then I believe Satan as we know it is non-existent. This can only be the way of God. Fidelity in life, fidelity in heaven.
      Satan represents all that is absent of Godliness:
      Shirk, murder, zina, magic, riba, oppression, lying, injustice, arrogance, obscenity, nudity, filth and uncleanness.

    • @melanchorly7618
      @melanchorly7618 Před rokem +4

      ​@@AbuYusha01 Mashallah 🙏. Brilliant brother.

    • @hushabyehum4805
      @hushabyehum4805 Před rokem

      It was more accurate in that context to translate as Read in English because recite can take to mean by reciting from memory which obviously he could do but he could not read

    • @AbuYusha01
      @AbuYusha01 Před rokem

      @Hushabye Hum you miss the point the translation is read because the verse is saying 'read' to which the Prophet ﷺ said he cannot read... however it was the verse he was being asked to remember as it was revelation. That's the point. Iqra here in Surah Al Alaq means read of course. Otherwise if the meaning was recite and that was the command from Allah to the Prophet ﷺ at that point only, it probably would mean the verse would begin differently.

  • @AlMiMoz
    @AlMiMoz Před rokem +88

    This was a civilised discussion, respect for both the speakers

  • @TheRevertMuslim
    @TheRevertMuslim Před rokem +36

    Ahhh i clicked the link and was so excited for thr whole video… inshaa’Allah!!! May Allah[SWT] bless you all with a wonderful Ramadan!!! Inshaa’Allah

  • @rooibos786
    @rooibos786 Před rokem +83

    Brother Hamzas dawah method is so apt.
    He shows his impatience with people who are enshrouded in stupidity due to their arrogance or societal pressures.
    From a revert Muslim.

    • @ihab505
      @ihab505 Před rokem +2

      @@seekkeith23 You wonder about the wrong things, for example from a Muslim perspective all life aspects are prayers and submission to Allah Az wa Jal, A smile could be a "Sadqa"(charity) you don't need physical material charity. A salah prayer doesnt have to be 15 min, could be less could be more, why put a limit (minimum time) on Islamic prayer when there is no time limits unless to show pure ignorance?
      You are mistaken and biased because according to Jews they can wrestle with God and win, and according to most Christians fig trees know better than God, while atheists they should be thinking of nothing better than "Nothing" which is the ultimate source of their existence according to their will deprived chemically imbalanced addicted minds.

    • @seekkeith23
      @seekkeith23 Před rokem

      @@ihab505 The Chronicles of black stone
      when al lah kick out iblis, adam and hawa, iblis took a white stone from heaven.
      adam hajji from india and built kabba with white stone.
      noah hid black stone from flooding.
      abrahim rebuilt kabba.
      ismael father of arab worship black stone.
      mu ham mad order to face kabba's black stone during salat.
      Sahih Al-Bukhari, Book of Al Magazi, Hadith 4117:
      Abu Raja said, “We used to worship stones and if we found a stone better than the other stone, we would leave worshiping the first one, and we started worshiping the new one.”
      al lah order angel to worship adam now muslim worship stones.
      sherk my friends !!!!

    • @seekkeith23
      @seekkeith23 Před rokem

      @@ihab505 a wisdom of al lah or a donkey?
      a beautiful loan to al lah?
      s41;3 "Indeed, this is a clear book which is easy to understand, a guide for all mankind.
      s10:38 Or do they say, "He forged it"? say: "Bring then a Sura like unto it, and call anyone you can besides Allah, if it be ye speak the truth!"
      s64;17 If ye loan to Allah, a beautiful loan, He will double it to your (credit), and He will grant you Forgiveness: for Allah is most Ready to appreciate (service), Most Forbearing,-
      a beautiful loan to al lah, why al lah need a loan?
      al lah was broke need money, my friend
      from citi banker

    • @seekkeith23
      @seekkeith23 Před rokem

      @@ihab505 s 72;40 Al-Jinn
      1 Say: I have been inspired that a group of the jinn listened and said: We have heard a wonderful quran 2 Guiding to the right course and we have believed in it. And we shall not associate anyone with our lord 3 And that he, exalted be our lord’s good luck, has not taken a girlfriend or a child. 4 And that our fool used to say infringement against Allah 5 And that we thought that men and jinn would not say a lie against Allah 6 And that there were men of men who take refuge in men of jinn, so they increased them in rahaq
      Wow jinn worte quran!

    • @seekkeith23
      @seekkeith23 Před rokem

      @Shmikilfist read al jinn, my friend who is talking?

  • @mohammedfarook6584
    @mohammedfarook6584 Před rokem +61

    Hamza u a legend bro, Alhamdulillah ❤

  • @Biko357
    @Biko357 Před rokem +48

    The word "إقرأ" is a command form of the Arabic verb "qara'a," which can be translated to both "read" and "recite" in English, depending on the context. However, "read" is a more common translation for the word in most contexts, hence the confusion, the sister who asked the question seems like a native Arabic speaker so it's a bit weird that she's asking Hamza who is not.

    • @moustafaalrawy
      @moustafaalrawy Před rokem +5

      Also means repeat "after me"

    • @Biko357
      @Biko357 Před rokem +3

      Yeah, point is a word could have different meanings depending on the context, in the famous narration, the Angel only said the word "إقرأ" and repeated it two more times before actually reciting the whole verse ie. Recite in the name of your lord..

    • @Lurch685
      @Lurch685 Před rokem +5

      @@moustafaalrawy wow that’s fascinating. Man, I love Arabic. Such a rich language, just when I think I’m getting it, there’s a new twist!

    • @moustafaalrawy
      @moustafaalrawy Před rokem +2

      @@Biko357 the wisdom of it you can see how angel Gabreel pbuh want get the full attention

    • @moustafaalrawy
      @moustafaalrawy Před rokem +4

      @@Lurch685 We have been told to seek knowledge from cradle to grave, keep up the good work.

  • @donthomson10
    @donthomson10 Před rokem +3

    *لَا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ*
    *لَا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ*
    *لَا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ*
    *لَا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ*
    *لَا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللَّهُ*

  • @fisabilillah8481
    @fisabilillah8481 Před rokem +10

    At least this guy listens, and he accepts it when he’s proven wrong. Humility. Something many of the SC xtians don’t have. May Allah guide him to the truth Ameen!

  • @ammarbourini6191
    @ammarbourini6191 Před rokem +54

    I have been waiting for this for a while, am so happy for this video it was beyond my expectations, may allah give this christian guidance, he is very nice and humble.

    • @ammarbourini6191
      @ammarbourini6191 Před rokem +1

      @@kingchrist3167 what are you even saying 😂. "I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, meaning Muhammad is equal to allah" I really hope that you are doing okay😂

    • @kingchrist3167
      @kingchrist3167 Před rokem

      I know they educate you like that
      that makes HUMANS made into GOD by Muslims not Christians,
      the text says like that
      TEXT, can't lie
      THEY TRY, YOU just did not realize!
      can being a mualaf just say this:
      without the name MUHAMMAD
      MUHAMMAD is just a figure made in arabic
      he doesn't exist in any history

    • @sultanryrox
      @sultanryrox Před rokem +1

      @@kingchrist3167 bruh average Lindu christians be like 💀

    • @kingchrist3167
      @kingchrist3167 Před rokem

      PINOCCHIO muhamad

    • @sultanryrox
      @sultanryrox Před rokem


  • @fisabilillah8481
    @fisabilillah8481 Před rokem +9

    “Become Muslim man stop messing around.” 😊😊❤❤

  • @rxchester3364
    @rxchester3364 Před rokem +4

    It was nice conversation because everyone enjoying this gentleman discussing.. applause this bro ❤

  • @RafikRafik-vm6ex
    @RafikRafik-vm6ex Před rokem +3

    Even after 1400 years since our prophet passed away, there's still people from the time of Prophet Muhammad spread Islam until Present time now, there's still people who accused our beloved prophet deceived by devil, crazy, and liar .
    Sollu Alan Nabi Sallahu Alaihi Wassalam,

  • @muhammadhadzronmahdi7513

    Just make duaa for chris and the others..In Shaa Allah..Allah SWT will open his heart accepting Islam..this is the kind of conversation that we needed..no heated debate..no provoking..chris has become more matured in this video..he knows in deep down his heart that Islam is the truth

  • @achmadyazir1039
    @achmadyazir1039 Před rokem +12

    Chris has a good heart... May he receive hidayah...

  • @sl9wdive
    @sl9wdive Před rokem +6

    He seems like a kind lad, may Allah guide open his heart and guide him to the right path. Ameen.

  • @Lurch685
    @Lurch685 Před rokem +11

    You are an excellent marketer man, way to build buzz and hype, I can’t wait to see this!

  • @abdulsaboorraza6691
    @abdulsaboorraza6691 Před rokem +9

    Ma sha Allah Hamza is so aggressive for a lack of a better word in his dawah
    May Allah grant Hamza more knowledge and bless him with eternal happiness Ameen.

  • @heavenearth6631
    @heavenearth6631 Před rokem +36

    Assalamualaikum Brother Hamza. Subhanallah. May Allah grand you and your family highest heaven Jannatul Firdausi. Aaamiin

    • @ihab505
      @ihab505 Před rokem


    • @asoulindunya
      @asoulindunya Před rokem


    • @sagpillai
      @sagpillai Před rokem

      Highest heaven? Which heaven is that? Is it the one where 80,000 pearly white boys will be servants that won't bleed? Or, is the heaven that has a marketplace where you can desire anyone you see in a picture, like a donkey, your neighbour's horse, a dead rat, or a 90-year-old piss-stinking old tramp?

  • @Hebiscus998
    @Hebiscus998 Před rokem +4

    The ending was hilarious, Chris seems like such a sweet guy. May Allah guide him. Like especially towards the end when he was saying Paul is nonsense, yes! Thank you!
    I really respect how Chris remained calm and polite throughout, if I was in his place I’d be so annoyed at Hamza, cos brother Hamza ma sha Allah I feel like his style doesn’t suit everyone.

  • @HandaChiefYT
    @HandaChiefYT Před rokem +4

    Alhamdulillah im reading the Quran and I randomly see the verse he was talking about, I think he is refereing to surah 8 verse 16"It was not you ˹believers˺ who killed them, but it was Allah Who did so." what a coincidence.

  • @msnadiaeid
    @msnadiaeid Před rokem +10

    May Allah SWT guide Chris. This was an eye opening conversation for him, & we could all learn something from it. I really enjoyed watching it. JazakAllahu khair brother Hamza!

  • @ovwais1953
    @ovwais1953 Před rokem +5

    Among all the great discussions
    of Brother Hamza, this must be the TOP ONE. Awesome😊👏👍

  • @aminay.al-mahmeed1820
    @aminay.al-mahmeed1820 Před rokem +1

    Lailat al-Qadr Dua: "Allāhumma innaka `Afuwwun [Karīmun], tuḥibbul-`afwa fa`fu `annī." (O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning, [Generous,] You love pardon, so pardon me)

  • @TheAbdun81
    @TheAbdun81 Před rokem +5

    Bring the day closer i really cant wait to watch your videos

  • @MohidPvE
    @MohidPvE Před rokem +4

    This was fun to watch haha, a lovely, calm, mature conversation, blessings to you both !

  • @3kbschannel288
    @3kbschannel288 Před rokem +12

    If you already have the video, please post it sooner!😊

  • @yousufsadat9243
    @yousufsadat9243 Před rokem +2

    It was a wonderful conversation and Alhamdulillah what a Deen ISLAM is. One thing I want to add to the story of cave and why did Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW) terrify from Angel Gabriel. Prophet MUHAMMAD (SAW) used to see good dreams for 6 months before his encounter with Angel on cave of Hira. He SAW also saw Angel Gabriel in his dream in a Human form and when he saw the same exact face while he was awake on the cave he got terrified because the same person was coming into his dreams and now he's standing in front of him on top of the mountain. ALLAH SWT knows best.

    • @adnanrashtogi4553
      @adnanrashtogi4553 Před rokem

      Rubbish!! If that was so why did he require to consult a Christian Waraqa to explain what he saw in the cave ?? It's generally thought that mūhãmmãds first encounter was with the devil !!!

    • @yousufsadat9243
      @yousufsadat9243 Před rokem +1

      @@adnanrashtogi4553 So what if went to Waraqa. Waraqa confirmed that he encountered the same angel Prophet Moses PBUH encountered before him and he also confirmed that he’s the messenger of GOD. Who cares what people think? People made Jesus a God. People do all kind of wrong stuff and you say generally it’s thought that he encountered a devil. Nonsense. Devil will tell him to stop worshipping him and worship GOD instead right. I would recommend to go and read the difference between GOD and devil see what you get

  • @USA_DC
    @USA_DC Před rokem +11

    Brother Hamza always the best 💕❤️😊 alhamdurlam

  • @biggiezee8339
    @biggiezee8339 Před rokem +2

    As for the sister who had a question, I would have loved if as we were unsure of the entire authenticity of the hadith to atleast recommend her to connect with scholars to verify the hadith a bit more and give more clarity. This way she atleast has a path in the future to answer such a question, granted the way you explained how to deal with the aggressive non-muslims, her being led down a path to communicate with more learned scholars would always be a further blessing.

  • @t3ucy
    @t3ucy Před rokem +11

    I love Hamzah! He's inspirational and a breath of fresh air

  • @greenbirdsg1895
    @greenbirdsg1895 Před rokem +2

    Mashallah reminds me of Leon edwards ufc fighter head shot dead knockout kick

  • @itssarawithoutanh
    @itssarawithoutanh Před rokem +4

    I learn so much from his conversations SubhanAllah ❤️

  • @vedarovski4110
    @vedarovski4110 Před rokem +1

    I just watched some people arguing against Hamza without mannerd and they kept yelling. So, I respect this guy and how he talks to with patience. My brother Hamza is debating with good manners but even with that it is hard to fight against your thoughts. Insha Allah, you will become a Muslim.
    Thanks For my Brother Hamza for debating with people to show what he believes in.

  • @pseudonym9215
    @pseudonym9215 Před rokem +3

    Brother Hamaz is the kryptonite to christians. Lions roar makes the prey tremble. 😂
    May Allah reward you generously.

  • @neoblackchaos05
    @neoblackchaos05 Před rokem +2

    I really like this dude, look very sincere . May Allah guide him to the truth.

  • @msben64
    @msben64 Před rokem +4

    Brd Hamza you're very stable and consistent in you videos. mashaa Allah.

  • @ronb7366
    @ronb7366 Před rokem +1

    If Prophet Muhammed (as) wasn't shaken after the encounter with Jabreel, then critics would say he was too calm and making it all up.

  • @m6000000
    @m6000000 Před rokem +4

    This is one of the rare occasions that I see Hamza relaxed discussing with a Christian

  • @EnigmaMaze
    @EnigmaMaze Před rokem +1

    Their is no end to these Christine's Absurdity in trying to explain the Trinity, him claiming that the Holy Ghost is also the Father is a new one.

  • @Arabicmaverick
    @Arabicmaverick Před rokem +7

    Brother Hamza is an intellectual SAVAGE.

    • @jacoblas1371
      @jacoblas1371 Před rokem +2

      Yes an intellectual savage in espousing well articulated Islamic Apologetics that nonetheless don't hold water when challenged by other people who know what they are talking about. In such instances Hamza runs out of arguments and starts to stutter and panic.

    • @mahfuzalam7206
      @mahfuzalam7206 Před rokem +1

      @@jacoblas1371 talking about 1=3 and the stories of the "holy" ghost"

    • @jacoblas1371
      @jacoblas1371 Před rokem

      @@mahfuzalam7206 I "agree", I too much prefer the tales of the moon god and the adventures of savagery undertaken by his prophet Mohammed.

    • @mahfuzalam7206
      @mahfuzalam7206 Před rokem +1

      @@jacoblas1371 please provide evidence of this "moon god" as i do not acknowledge anyone other than Allah as god and this "savagery?" because Our prophet was a head of state and wars are necessary and most of them were self defense. It is not our fault that other people decided to attack us? Sorry but we will stand our ground no matter what.

    • @jacoblas1371
      @jacoblas1371 Před rokem +1

      @@mahfuzalam7206 Allah was a supreme deity among a pantheon of gods in pre-Islamic Saudia Arabia, before Mohammed came along and appropriated this god as being one in the same as from the Abrahamic faiths.
      So basically being head of state somehow in your mind and logic, magically validates ones abhorrent conduct. Your whole, "it was defence" argument falls apart once these wars ceased being about defence but turned into expansion, pillage and conquest.

  • @user-xf5th4xy4w
    @user-xf5th4xy4w Před 5 měsíci

    Beautifully done once more Hamza Mashallah may Allah continue to guide you sir!

  • @mzahidfullah2
    @mzahidfullah2 Před rokem +4

    I'll wait for this video

  • @herrdado3970
    @herrdado3970 Před rokem +1

    Absolutely perfect responses to him. JazakAllah Khair

  • @ismailhossain964
    @ismailhossain964 Před rokem +3

    "Why did shaitan ask the arabian people not to worship stones, rather worship the Lord of Ibrahim?”
    Thi one ques has ans to all of the ques. Truly, this man knows exactly what to ask and when to ask. God bless him.

  • @user-fj3gr8pb1n
    @user-fj3gr8pb1n Před rokem +2

    لا اله إلا الله محمد رسول الله

  • @Ajab-Khan
    @Ajab-Khan Před rokem +3

    The look on Hamza face at 3:42 is priceless. hahahaha

  • @ZeeKay1430
    @ZeeKay1430 Před rokem +1

    The word iqraʾ is of Classical Arabic origin which literally means "read/recite"
    So when the angel jibril a.s came to the prophet Muhammad s.a.w and said iqra and the response was "I am not of the learnered" meaning i cannot read, the angel Jibril a.s said again for the forth time i believe "Iqra" and repeated the revelation,
    There is nowhere in hadith that says that he s.a.w didn't.
    And Allah knows best.

  • @Dawahdude0
    @Dawahdude0 Před rokem +4

    MashaALLAH hamza This is awesome. May Allah swt increase you more and more in knowledge and wisdom and accept your services for Islam and Muslims Ameen.

  • @aminay.al-mahmeed1820
    @aminay.al-mahmeed1820 Před rokem +1

    The Invocation Of The Night Of Decree: "Allahumma innaka 'afuwwun, tuhibbul-'afwa, fa'fu 'anni"
    (O Allah, You are Most Forgiving, and You love forgiveness; so forgive me).

  • @taherzrelli8514
    @taherzrelli8514 Před rokem +4

    Hamza never disappoint ❤ tabaraka Allah ❤

  • @easylife5082
    @easylife5082 Před rokem +2

    Mau Allah guide Chris to Islam

  • @tamimsajid
    @tamimsajid Před rokem +3

    May Allah guide him to the true path... Aameen.

  • @studyquranmultipletimestoc2560

    *Alhamdulillah Allah guides people who sincerely look for guidance*

  • @thebesttruth4659
    @thebesttruth4659 Před rokem +3

    May Allah protect innocent Muslim Balochistan family😔

  • @aqeel-ahmad3120
    @aqeel-ahmad3120 Před rokem +2

    I learned so much from you. Thank you

  • @NaeemKhan-gm1vo
    @NaeemKhan-gm1vo Před rokem +3

    ❤️ Love you Hamza, if we can not do Dawah like you people, but we can love you doing the same❤

  • @Oa5e38a1hi5
    @Oa5e38a1hi5 Před rokem

    Part: 2/2
    (51:54) So turn your attention away from them; you shall incur no blame.51
    51. In this verse a method of the preaching of religion has been taught which should be well understood. When a preacher of the truth has presented his message clearly before a person with rational arguments, and has also removed his doubts and objections and answered his arguments, he becomes relieved of his duty of making the truth plain.
    Even after this if the other person persists in his belief and creed, the responsibility for it does not lie on the preacher of the truth. It is no more necessary that he should pursue the same person, should go on spending his time in discussing things with him, and should make it a point that he has somehow to convince the same one man of the truth. The preacher, in fact, has done his duty; if the other man is not convinced, leave him alone. If the preacher does not any more attend to him, he cannot be blamed for letting a person remain involved in error, because the other person himself is responsible for his deviation and error.
    (51:55) Do, however, keep exhorting them; for exhortation benefits those endowed with faith.52
    52. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has not been addressed here to be taught this method because, God forbid, in his preaching he unnecessarily pursued the people and Allah wanted to stop him from this fact, the real reason for stating this method is that when a preacher of the truth has done his best to make the people understand his message in a rational way and then seeing the signs of stubbornness in them withdraws from them, the people inveigh against him and start accusing him of indifference and inattention whereas, they, as they say, want to discuss things in order to understand his message.
    The fact, however, is that they do not intend to understand anything but only to involve the preacher in disputation and waste his time. Therefore, Allah Himself said in clear words: Turn away from them, you are not at all to blame for showing any indifference towards them. After this nobody could blame the Prophet (peace be upon him) that, according to the Book that he had brought, he had been appointed to make them understand his religion, then why he did not answer their objections.
    (51:56) I created the jinn and humans for nothing else but that they may serve Me;53
    53. That is, I have not created them for the service of others but for My own service. They should serve Me, for I am their Creator. When no one else has created them, no one else has the right that they should serve him; and how can it be admissible for them that they should serve others instead of Me, their Creator? Here, the question arises that Allah Almighty is not the Creator only of the jinn and men but of the entire universe and of everything in it. Then, why has it been said only about the jinn and men that He has not created them for the service of others but of Himself? Whereas every single creature is there to serve Allah.
    The answer is: Only the jinn and men have been granted the freedom that they may serve Allah within their sphere of choice if they so like; otherwise they can turn away from Allah’s service as well as serve others beside Him. The rest of the creatures in the world do not have this kind of freedom. They do not have any choice whatsoever that they may not worship and serve Allah, or may serve any other.
    Therefore, only about the jinn and men it has been said here that by turning away from the obedience and servitude of their Creator within the bounds of their option and choice and by serving others than the Creator, they are fighting their own nature. They should know that they have not been created for the service of any other but the Creator, and for them the right way is that they should not abuse the freedom granted to them, but also within the bounds of this freedom they should serve God voluntarily just as every particle of their body is serving Him involuntarily in the sphere where they have not been granted any freedom.
    The word ibadat (service, worship) in this verse has not been used in the sense of only Prayer, Fasting and other kinds of such worship so that one may understand that the jinn and men have been created only for performing the Prayer, observing the Fast and for praising and glorifying Allah. Although this sense also is included in it, this is not its complete sense. Its complete sense is that the jinn and men have not been created for the worship, obedience and carrying out of the orders of any other but Allah.
    They are not there to bow to any other, to carry out the orders of any other, to live in fear of any other, to follow the religion enjoined by any other, to look upon any other as the maker and destroyer of ones destiny, and to supplicate to any other than Allah for help. (For further explanation, see (E.N. 63 of Surah Saba); (E.N. 2 of Surah Az-Zumar); (E.N. 30 of Surah Al-Jathiyah).
    Another thing that incidentally becomes quite obvious from this verse is that the jinn are a separate and independent creation from men. This brings out the error of the thinking of those people, who assert that some people from among mankind have been called the jinn in the Quran. This same thing is also confirmed and testified by the following verses of the Quran:
    (Surah Al-Anaam, Ayats 100, 128); (Surah Al-Aaraf, Ayats 38, 179); (Surah Houd, Ayat 119); (Surah Al-Hijr, Ayats 27 to 33); (Surah Bani Israil, Ayat 88); (Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 50); (Surah As-Sajdah, Ayat 13); (Surah Saba, Ayat 41); (Surah Suad, Ayats 75, 76); (Surah HaMim As-Sajdah, Ayat 25); (Surah Al-Ahqaf, Ayat 18); (Surah ArRahman, Ayats 15, 39, 56). (For a complete discussion of this question, see (E. N. 21 of Surah Al-Anbiya), (E.Ns 23, 45 of Surah An-Naml), (E.N. 24 of Surah Saba).
    (51:57) I desire from them no provision, nor do I want them to feed Me.54
    54. That is, I do not stand in need of any kind of help from the jinn and men: that My Godhead would not function if they did not worship Me: that I would be no more God if they turned away from My service. I indeed do not stand in need of their service, but it is the demand of their own nature that they should serve Me. They have been created for this very object, and fighting nature would be to their own detriment. And in saying: I do not ask any sustenance of them nor do I ask them to feed Me, there is a subtle hint to this.
    Those whom the people, who have turned away from God worship in the world, worship, they indeed stand in need of these their worshipers. If they do not help sustain their godhead, it would not function even for a day. The gods do not provide for the worshipers but the worshipers provide for the gods instead. The gods do not feed them but they feed the gods instead. The gods do not protect them but the worshipers protect the gods instead. The worshipers, in fact, are their army through whom their godhead functions.
    Wherever the worshipers of the false gods have ceased to exist, or the worshipers have given up their worship, the gods have lost all their pomp and glory and the world has seen how helpless they have become. Of all the deities Allah Almighty is the only real Deity Whose Godhead is functioning by His own power and might, Who does not take anything from His servants, but He alone gives His servants everything.
    (51:58) Surely Allah is the Bestower of all provision, the Lord of all power, the Strong.55
    55. The word mateen as used in the original means strong and stable whom nobody can shake and move.
    (51:59) The wrong-doers56 shall receive a portion of the chastisements as their fellows (of yore). So let them not rush Me.
    56. Those who have wronged: Those who have violated the reality and the truth and their own nature. The context itself shows that those who have done wrong, here implies the people who are serving others than the Lord of the universe, who disbelieve in the Hereafter, who regard themselves as irresponsible in the world, and have denied those Prophets who have tried to make them understand the reality.
    (51:60) Woe, then, betide those who disbelieved in that Day of theirs which they are being asked to hold in dread.

  • @Rashdoughan1
    @Rashdoughan1 Před rokem +3

    May Allah guide him

  • @newsamplifier
    @newsamplifier Před rokem +1

    This guy is very close to Islam. May Allah open his heart.

  • @akahige9626
    @akahige9626 Před rokem +3

    For the girl who asked about "recite" :
    "إقرأ" iqraa means read and recite depending on the context, so the prophet ﷺ thought Jibreel was telling him to read, after the third time, he understood and started to recite, this is an authentic narration.
    Narrated 'Aisha (the mother of the faithful believers):
    The commencement of the Divine Inspiration to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) was in the form of good dreams which came true like bright daylight, and then the love of seclusion was bestowed upon him. He used to go in seclusion in the cave of Hira where he used to worship (Allah alone) continuously for many days before his desire to see his family. He used to take with him the journey food for the stay and then come back to (his wife) Khadija to take his food likewise again till suddenly the Truth descended upon him while he was in the cave of Hira. The angel came to him and asked him to read. The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, "I do not know how to read." The Prophet (ﷺ) added, "The angel caught me (forcefully) and pressed me so hard that I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read and I replied, 'I do not know how to read.' Thereupon he caught me again and pressed me a second time till I could not bear it any more. He then released me and again asked me to read but again I replied, 'I do not know how to read (or what shall I read)?' Thereupon he caught me for the third time and pressed me, and then released me and said, 'Read in the name of your Lord, who has created (all that exists), created man from a clot. Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous." (96.1, 96.2, 96.3) Then Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) returned with the Inspiration and with his heart beating severely. Then he went to Khadija bint Khuwailid and said, "Cover me! Cover me!" They covered him till his fear was over and after that he told her everything that had happened and said, "I fear that something may happen to me." Khadija replied, "Never! By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good relations with your kith and kin, help the poor and the destitute, serve your guests generously and assist the deserving calamity-afflicted ones." Khadija then accompanied him to her cousin Waraqa bin Naufal bin Asad bin 'Abdul 'Uzza, who, during the pre-Islamic Period became a Christian and used to write the writing with Hebrew letters. He would write from the Gospel in Hebrew as much as Allah wished him to write. He was an old man and had lost his eyesight. Khadija said to Waraqa, "Listen to the story of your nephew, O my cousin!" Waraqa asked, "O my nephew! What have you seen?" Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) described whatever he had seen. Waraqa said, "This is the same one who keeps the secrets (angel Gabriel) whom Allah had sent to Moses. I wish I were young and could live up to the time when your people would turn you out." Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) asked, "Will they drive me out?" Waraqa replied in the affirmative and said, "Anyone (man) who came with something similar to what you have brought was treated with hostility; and if I should remain alive till the day when you will be turned out then I would support you strongly." But after a few days Waraqa died and the Divine Inspiration was also paused for a while.
    Sahih al-Bukhari 3

  • @MaskedGuyCh
    @MaskedGuyCh Před 11 měsíci +1

    16:24 This is a great counter against those idiots who claim "Allah is Satan". Exalted is Allah above what they claim.
    The Quran clearly stands against Satan, curses him and warns against him. How anyone can claim that he's the author is absolutely ridiculous and delusional.

  • @ahdid6105
    @ahdid6105 Před rokem

    Iqra in Arabic stands for reading from written text, reciting from memory and repeating something you heard.
    The exact meaning is taken from the context.
    The Hadith is Authentic (narrated by Al-Bukhari). It is among the few Hadiths that have names of their own: Hadith Bid2il Wa7y
    (حديث بدء الوحي)
    The Hadith of the beginning of revelation.

  • @TheSlaveOfAllah1992
    @TheSlaveOfAllah1992 Před rokem +1

    Hamza, the hadith the Christian arab lady brought up is *authentic* ...
    Indeed Angel Gabriel, peace and blessings be upon him said to the Prophet peace and blessings be upon
    *Recite* ...3 times.
    To prepare the Prophet for this heavy message.
    You can recite something from your memory, does not have to be a book Infront of you.
    It is for Us to collect it and to give you (O Muhammad) the ability to recite it (the Qu’ran),
    And when We have recited it to you (O Muhammad, through Jibrael (Gabriel)), then follow its (the Quran’s) recital.
    [al-Qiyaamah 75:17,18].

  • @exoticboy8
    @exoticboy8 Před rokem +2

    I love brother Hamza 😂😂😂 he keeps asking them questions and the answers keep getting funnier every single time 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @azuwan
    @azuwan Před rokem +2

    Can't wait for the premiere

  • @ahmedabbas4434
    @ahmedabbas4434 Před měsícem +1

    "Ma Ana B'Qaree" doesn't mean (I will not read).. It can be easily translated to (what do I read/recite).

  • @ArshadAnsari37
    @ArshadAnsari37 Před rokem +1

    “More likely, to stop Saul on the road to Damascus”.. These words would become Golden words spoken in history…

  • @shanebell2514
    @shanebell2514 Před rokem

    I was struggling with my faith for about 2 years, racked with doubts, sometimes I could not get to sleep thinking about it, but 3 years ago I asked a Christian on a youtube video comment section "where is the Trinity mentioned in the Old Testament"? He answered me, it is implied in Isaiah 48:16, I was sceptical but I used my smartphone to communicate on youtube with my left hand, and used my right hand single handedly to open up the Bible to look up this verse, I opened the page at random, it was Isaiah chapter 48, the fingertip on my index finger landed at random as I opened the Bible on verse 16, this is I believe God showing me, out of all the pages my fingertip lands on the very verse, and this is not a page I opened up before, as sometimes a page, on any book, can naturally open up on a page opened up frequently, but this page had not been opened before.

  • @Oa5e38a1hi5
    @Oa5e38a1hi5 Před rokem

    Chapter Introduction
    The Surah is so entitled after the word in the second verse.
    Period of Revelation
    This Surah has two parts: the first part consists of vv. 1-5, and the second of vv. 6-19. About the first part a great majority of the Islamic scholars are agreed that it forms the very first Revelation to be sent down to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings). In this regard, the from Hadrat Aishah, which Imam Ahmad, Bukhari, Muslim, and other traditionists have related with several chains of authorities, is one of the most authentic on the subject. In it Hadrat Aishah has narrated the full story of the beginning of revelation as she herself heard it from the Holy Messenger of Allah. Besides, Ibn Abbas, Abu Musa al-Ashari and a group of the Companions also are reported to have stated that these were the very first verses of the Quran to be revealed to the Holy Prophet. The second part was sent down afterwards when the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) began to perform the prescribed Prayer in the precincts of the Kabah and Abu Jahl tried to prevent him from this with threats.
    Beginning of Revelation
    The traditionists have related on the strength of their respective authorities the story of the beginning of revelation from Imam Az- -Zuhri, who had it from Hadrat Urwah bin Zubair, who had it from Hadrat Aishah, his aunt. She states that revelations to the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) began in the form of true (according to other traditions, good) visions. Whichever vision he saw it seemed as though he saw it in broad daylight. Afterwards solitude became dear to him and he would go to the Cave of Hira to engage in worship there for several days and nights (Hadrat Aishah has used the word , which Imam Zuhri has explained as : devotional exercises. This was some kind of worship which he performed, for until then he had not been taught the method of performing the Prayer by Allah). He would take provisions with him and stay there for several days, then would return to Hadrat Khadijah who would again provide for him for a few more days. One day when he was in the Cave of Hira, Revelation came down to him unexpectedly and the Angel said, to him: "Read". After this Hadrat Aishah reports the words of the Holy Prophet himself, to the effect, "I said: I cannot read! There upon the Angel took me and pressed me until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: Read. I said: I cannot read! He pressed me a second time until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: Read. I again said: I cannot read! He pressed me for the third time until I could bear it no more. Then he left me and said: : (Read in the name of your Lord Who created) till he reached (what he did not know)."Hadrat Aishah says: "Then the Holy Messenger (upon whom be peace) returned home to Hadrat Khadijah trembling with fear, and said to her: `Cover me, cover me', and he was covered. When terror left him, he said: `O Khadijah, what has happened to me?' Then he narrated to her whatever had happened, and said: `I fear for my life'. She said; `No never! Be of good cheer. By God, never will God debase you: you treat the kindred well, you speak the truth, (one tradition adds: you restore what is entrusted to you), you bear the burden of the helpless, you help the poor, you entertain the guests, and you cooperate in good works.' Then she took him to Waraqah bin Naufal, who was her cousin. He had become a Christian in pre- Islamic days, wrote the Gospel in Arabic and Hebrew, and had become very old and blind. Hadrat Khadijah said: `Brother, listen to the son of your brother.' Waraqah said to the Holy Prophet: `What have you seen, nephew?' The Holy Prophet described what he had seen. Waraqah said; `This is the same Namus (the Angel of Revelation) which Allah had sent down to Moses. Would that I were a young man during your Prophethood! Would that I were alive when your tribe would expel you!' The Holy Prophet said: `Will they expel me?' Waraqah said; `Yes, never has it so happened that a person brought what you have brought and was not treated as an enemy. If I live till then I would help you with all the power at my command.' But not very long after this Waraqah died."
    tahannuthta'abbudIqra bismi Rabbi kal- ladhi khalaqama lam ya lam
    This narrative is explicit that even until a moment before the coming Angel the Holy Messenger of Allah (upon whom be His peace) was without any expectation that he was going to be appointed a Prophet. Nothing to say of any such wish or expectation, he did not even have any idea that he would meet with such an experience. Coming down of the Revelation and appearing of the Angel face to face was an unexpected accident for him the first effect of which on him was precisely the same as could naturally be on a person meeting with such a tremendous experience, in the absence of any preparation. That is why when he proclaimed the message of Islam, the people of Makkah raised all sorts of objections, but no one said that they were already apprehending that he would make a claim, for he had been making preparations since long to become a Prophet.
    From this narrative another thing which also becomes obvious is how pure was the Holy Prophet's life and how sublime was his character before Prophethood, Hadrat Khadijah was no young lady: she was 55 years old at the time this event took place and had been the Holy Prophet's life companion for 15 years. No weakness of the husband can remain hidden from the wife. She had during this long period of married life found him to be such a generous and noble man that when he told her of his experience in the Cave of Hira', she admitted without the least hesitation that it was indeed Allah's own Angel who had come to him with Revelation. Likewise, Waraqah bin Naufal also was an old inhabitant of Makkah, who had seen the Holy Prophet grow up from childhood. Particularly, for the past 15 years because of the close relationship he was even more intimately aware of his life, his Affairs and dealings. When he also heard of his experience, she did not regard it as an evil suggestion, but immediately said that it was the Namus who had descended on Moses (peace be upon him). This meant that even according to him the Holy Prophet was such a sublime person that there was nothing surprising in his being elevated to the office of Prophethood.
    Occasion of Revelation of vv. 6-19
    This second part of thee Surah was revealed when the Holy Messenger of Allah began to perform the Prayer in the Islamic way in the Ka'bahand Abu Jahl threatened and tried to prevent him from this. It so happened that after his appointment to Prophethood even before he could start preaching Islam openly, he began to perform the Prayer in the precincts of the Ka'bahin the way Allah taught him; and from this the Quraishfelt for the first time that he had adopted a new religion. The other people were watching it with curiosity, but Abu Jahl in his arrogance and pride threatened the Holy Prophet and forbade him to worship in that way in the Ka'bah. In this connection, quite a number of the have been related from Hadarat Abdullah ibn Abbas and Hadrat Abu Huraira, which mention the foolish behaviour of Abu Jahl.
    Hadrat Abu Huraira says that Abu Jahl asked the people of Quraish: "Does Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) set his face on the ground before you?"When they replied in the affirmative, he said:"By Lat and Uzza, if I ever catch him in that act of worship, I would set my foot on his neck and rub his face in the dust."Then it so happened that he saw the Holy Messenger in that posture and came forward to set his foot on his neck, but suddenly turned back as if in a fright and being asked what was the matter, he said there was a ditch of fire and a terrible apparition between himself and Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) and some wings. On hearing this the Holy Prophet remarked:"Had he come near me, the angels would have smitten and torn him to pieces." (Ahmad, Muslim, Nasai, Ibn Jarir, Ibn AbI Hatim, Ibn al-Mundhir, lbn Marduyah, Abu Nu'aim Isfahani, Baihaqi).
    According to lbn Abbas, Abu Jahl said:"If I caught Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) performing his Prayer by the Ka'bah, I would trample his neck down." When the Holy Prophet heard of it, he said: "If he acted so, the angels would seize him there and then?" (Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Jarir, Abdur Razzaq, Abd bin Humaid, Ibn al- Mundhir, Ibn Marduyah).
    According to another tradition from Ibn Abbas, the Holy Prophet was performing his Prayer at the . Abu Jahl passed that way and said: "O Muhammad, did I not forbid you this, and then he started to threaten him."In reply the Holy Prophet (upon whom be peace) rebuked him severely. There upon he said:"O Muhammad, on what strength do you rebuke me? By God, my followers in this valley far exceed yours in number." (Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Nasai, Ibn Jarir, lbn Abi Shaibah, Ibn al-Mundhir, Tabarani, Ibn Marduyah).
    Maqam Ibrahim
    Because of these very incidents the portion of this Surah beginning with was sent down. Naturally the place of this part should be the same as assigned to it in this Surah of the Quran, for after the coming down of the first Revelation the Holy Prophet had given expression to Islam first of all by the act of Prayer, and his conflict with the pagans.

    • @Oa5e38a1hi5
      @Oa5e38a1hi5 Před rokem

      (96:1) Recite1 in the name of your Lord2 Who created,3
      1. As we have explained in the Introduction, when the Angel said to the Prophet (peace be upon him): Read, the latter replied: I cannot read! This indicates that the Angel had presented these words of the revelation before him in the written form and had asked him to read them. For if the Angel had meant that he should repeat what he recited, he should not have replied, saying: I cannot read!
      2. Read in the name of your Lord: Say Bismillah and read. This shows that the Prophet (peace be upon him) even before the coming down of this revelation regarded and acknowledged Allah alone as his Lord. That is why there was no need to ask who his Lord was, but it was said: Read in the name of your Lord.
      3. Only the word khalaqa (created) has been used absolutely, and the object of creation has not been mentioned. This automatically gives the meaning: Read in the name of the Lord, Who is the Creator, Who created the whole universe and everything in it.
      (96:2) created man from a clot of congealed blood.4
      4. After making mention generally of the creation of the universe, mention has been made of man in particular, saying how Allah made him a perfect man starting his creation from an insignificant and humble state. Alaq is plural of alaqah, which means congealed blood. This is the primary state of the embryo which appears a few days after conception. Then it assumes the form of a lump of flesh, then afterwards it gradually takes human shape. (For details, see (Surah Al-Hajj, Ayat 5 and the corresponding E.Ns 5 to 7).
      (96:3) Recite: and your Lord is Most Generous,
      (96:4) Who taught by the pen,5
      5. That is, it is a great favor of Allah that starting man’s creation from a most insignificant state, He made him possessor of knowledge which is the noblest attribute of creation, and He made him not only possessor of knowledge but also taught him the art of writing by the use of pen, which became the means of propagation, progress, dissemination and preservation of knowledge on a large scale. Had He not given man the knowledge of the art of pen and writing (by inspiration) his intellectual faculty would have stagnated, and it would have had no opportunity to develop, expand and become a means of transmission of knowledge from one generation to the next and make future progress.
      (96:5) taught man what he did not know.6
      6. That is, man originally was absolutely illiterate. Whatever of knowledge he obtained, he obtained it as a gift from Allah. Whatever doors of knowledge at any stage did Allah will to open for man, they went on opening up before him. This same thing has been expressed in the verse of the Throne (Ayat-ul-Kursi), thus: And the people cannot comprehend anything of His knowledge save what He Himself may please to reveal. (Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayat 255). Whatever man looks upon as his own scientific discovery was, in fact, unknown to him before. Allah gave him its knowledge whenever He willed without his realizing that Allah by His grace had blessed him with the knowledge of it.
      These verses were the very first to be revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him), as is stated in the Hadith reported by Aishah. This first experience was so intense and tremendous that the Prophet (peace be upon him) could not bear it any more. Therefore, at that time he was only made aware that the Being Whom he already knew and acknowledged as his Lord and Sustainer was in direct communion with him, had started sending down revelations to him, and had appointed him as His Prophet (peace be upon him). Then after an intermission the opening verses of Surah al-Muddaththir were revealed in which he was told what mission he had to perform after his appointment to Prophethood. (For explanation, see Introduction to Al- Muddaththir).
      (96:6) Nay,7 surely man transgresses;
      7. That is, man should never adopt an attitude of ignorance and rebellion against the Bountiful God Who has been so generous to him
      (96:7) for he believes himself to be self-sufficient.8
      8. That is, when the man has attained wealth, honor and rank and whatever else he desired to attain in the world, he becomes rebellious instead of being grateful and transgresses the boundaries of servitude to Allah.
      (96:8) Surely to your Lord is your return.9
      9. That is, whatever he might have attained in the world, which makes him behave arrogantly and rebelliously, in the end he has to return to your Lord. Then he will realize what fate awaits him in consequence of his such attitude and behavior.
      (96:9) Did you see him who forbids
      (96:10) a servant (of Allah) when he prays?10
      10. A servant: the Messenger (peace be upon him) of Allah himself. The Prophet (peace be upon him) has been mentioned by this epithet at several places in the Quran. For example, Glory be to Him Who transported His servant one night from the Masjid al-Haram to the distant Temple. (Surah Bani Israil, Ayat 1); All praise is for Allah Who has sent down this Book to His servant. (Surah Al- Kahf, Ayat 1); And that when the servant of Allah stood up to pray, the people got ready to assault him. (Surah Al- Jinn, Ayat 19). This shows that it is a special style of love by which Allah makes mention of His Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) in His Book. Besides, it also shows that Allah after appointing His Messenger to Prophethood had taught him the method of performing the Prayer. There is no mention of this method anywhere in the Quran, saying: O Prophet, perform the Prayer in this and this way. Hence, this is another proof that the Revelation sent down to the Prophet (peace be upon him) did not only consist of what has been recorded in the Quran, but besides this, other things were also taught to him by revelation, which are not recorded in the Quran.
      (96:11) Did you consider: what if he is on the Right Way,
      (96:12) and enjoins piety?
      (96:13) Did you consider: what if he gives the lie (to the Truth) and turns away (from it)?
      (96:14) Does he not know that Allah sees everything?11
      11. The audience here apparently is every just man, who is being asked: Have you watched the act of the person who prevents a servant from God’s worship? What do you think: if the servant be rightly guided, or warning the people to fear God and refrain from evil, and this forbidden be denying the truth and turning away from it, what will his act be like? Could this man adopt such an attitude had he known that Allah is watching the man who is exhorting others to piety as well as him who is denying the truth and turning away from it? Allah’s watching the oppressor and his wrongdoing and the oppressed and his misery by itself implies that He will punish the oppressor and redress the grievances of the wronged and downtrodden person.
      (96:15) No indeed;12 if he does not desist, We shall drag him by the forelock;
      12. That is, the person who threatens that he would trample the neck of Muhammad (peace be upon him) down when he performed the Prayer, would never be able to do so.
      (96:16) by the lying forelock steeped in sin.13
      13. The forelock here implies the person with the forelock.
      (96:17) So let him summon his helpmates;14
      14. As we have explained in the Introduction, when the Prophet (peace be upon him) rebuked Abu Jahl on his foolish behavior, he had retorted: O Muhammad, on what strength do you threaten me? By God, my supporters in this valley far exceed yours in number. At this it is being said: Let him call his band of supporters.
      (96:18) We too shall summon the guards of Hell.15
      15. According to the explanation given by Qatadah, the word zabaniyah in the original is used for the police in Arabic idiom, and zaban actually means to push away. The kings too kept armed attendants who would push out the one with whom the king was annoyed and angry. Therefore, what Allah means is: Let him call his supporters; We too shall summon Our Police, i.e. the angels of torment, to deal with him and his supporters.
      (96:19) No, not at all. Never obey him. But prostrate yourself and become nigh (to your Lord).16
      16. Sajdah (prostration) here implies the Prayer, so as to say: O Prophet, continue to perform your Prayer fearlessly as you have been in the past, and seek your Lord’s presence through it. In the Sahih of Muslim and other books of Hadith there is a tradition from Abu Huraira to the effect: The servant is nearest to his Lord when he is in the state of prostration, and in Muslim there is also a tradition from Abu Hurairah that when the Prophet (peace be upon him) recited this verse, he performed a sajdah of recital.

  • @kbabym86
    @kbabym86 Před 7 měsíci

    May Allah guide Chris to Islam he seems so genuine and able to absorb the information

  • @arshadarshad3352
    @arshadarshad3352 Před rokem +2

    Chris ❤ is pure he listened

  • @hasmax786
    @hasmax786 Před rokem +1

    Ive seen bits of this one been searching for ages!

  • @hushabyehum4805
    @hushabyehum4805 Před rokem

    What Chris asked at the end the answer is Yes. Saved by Knowledge of God means understanding and awe of God closeness to God n the goid deeds n obedience that result that is Taqwa and Tawheed combined - that 'knowledge of God' as u said - so yes

  • @roslihamid4330
    @roslihamid4330 Před rokem +2

    🌜.. Lovely answer Hamzah.. just become a Muslim.. 😘.. 👍👍👍.. from Malaysia.. 🇲🇾🌴..🌛

  • @taby9756
    @taby9756 Před 2 měsíci

    Truly wish this guy accepts Islam. He doesn't shout, doesn't get temperamental and has an ability to listen. I hope he is guided to Islam insha'Allah

  • @N.a.syed.
    @N.a.syed. Před rokem +1

    Said this on another video, Chris and that Lebanse guy are very nice guys. But Hamza, seriously on a different level. Wish he spoke at my local mosque, would go everyday and learn.

  • @Omd78-b7r
    @Omd78-b7r Před rokem

    Gaberiel عليه السلام was reciting surah elalaq and the beginning verse was اقرأ

  • @thatretrogamer9864
    @thatretrogamer9864 Před 10 měsíci +1

    chris is the type of guy you could convince peanut butter has actual butter in it

  • @Galeon93
    @Galeon93 Před rokem

    Hamza this was a really good line of argument for the truth of Islam. May Allah bless you for your work.

  • @rahmanrecords1988
    @rahmanrecords1988 Před rokem

    Hamzas videos are excellent! Very educational I’ve learned a lot through his vids! Also some of the content is hilarious as he absolutely does his opposition… keep up the good work, we need more Muslim brothers like him around

  • @kareemmohammed2680
    @kareemmohammed2680 Před rokem

    I can't wait for this video to be released ! Looks so interesting

  • @nabilaa1559
    @nabilaa1559 Před rokem +1

    SubhanAllah beautifully and patiently explained.

  • @samlatifi3254
    @samlatifi3254 Před rokem +1

    That guy was about to convert to Islam.

  • @noorwitz
    @noorwitz Před 10 měsíci

    Hamza dear brother Hamza your blessed with knowledge and solid as a rock when it comes to debates! let the Islamic lion roar in London uk! 🇺🇸

  • @aminay.al-mahmeed1820

    The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam said: "Eat the Sahūr (pre-dawn meal) for indeed there is a blessing in it." [Hadith: Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

  • @KJ-rm3je
    @KJ-rm3je Před rokem +1

    May Allah guide this brother to Islam. One of the best arguments for the sincerity of the message. Imagine, u are back in time int he prophets SAWS place. U are opposed by the pagans who are your main opposition. U want allies in the Jews and Christians. Why would he anger the Jews and say Jesus AS was a prophet? The central aspect of Christianity is crucifixion and vicarious atonement and he goes against it saying he wasn’t crucified. Why? Why not just say nothing on it, why go completely against it?

  • @Aykoolio
    @Aykoolio Před rokem

    Good debate one of the most RESPECT-FULL christians I’ve herd so car. Hats off to chris for being patient.

  • @user-le5to3kd3g
    @user-le5to3kd3g Před rokem

    One slap of the lion's paw, and Christianity is ripped apart. Really enjoyed this video. May Allah's protection cover his soldiers always.

  • @ruzaimanrahmat4290
    @ruzaimanrahmat4290 Před rokem +1

    This is nice conversation,