What did colonialism do for Africa?

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • It is customary today to denounce colonialism as a force for evil and something to be regretted. We seldom stop to ask ourselves though what Africa might have looked like had Europeans not affected the history of the continent.

Komentáře • 1,7K

  • @kalanos4660
    @kalanos4660 Před 3 lety +436

    What did colonialism do for Africa?
    It gave them something to blame their failures on.

    • @greatomeister675
      @greatomeister675 Před 3 lety +2

      Africa’s current failures is because of poor geography and the scramble of Africa.

    • @zoephin6205
      @zoephin6205 Před 3 lety +16

      Oh the geography nonsense. Explain Nevada, please.

    • @zoephin6205
      @zoephin6205 Před 3 lety +4

      @Ario 2
      Nonsense. The word "slav" comes from the slavic word for "word". Slav means "people of the word".

    • @aires69uk
      @aires69uk Před 3 lety +2

      Best answer.

    • @PaulVerhoeven2
      @PaulVerhoeven2 Před 3 lety +1

      Liberia was never ruled b whites and as a result the poorest, violent country.

  • @lairdkilbarchan
    @lairdkilbarchan Před 3 lety +351

    What did colonialism do for Africa? It alerted Africans to the fact there was somewhere easier to live and breed.

    • @aiswaryabersan7983
      @aiswaryabersan7983 Před 3 lety +8

      Colonialism helped Europe to become rich by exploiting their resources.

    • @lairdkilbarchan
      @lairdkilbarchan Před 3 lety +30

      @@aiswaryabersan7983 That's what they want you to think.

    • @jonnyfrench19
      @jonnyfrench19 Před 3 lety +49

      @@aiswaryabersan7983 Which begs the question; why didn't the locals use those resources to enrich themselves?

    • @greatomeister675
      @greatomeister675 Před 3 lety +4

      Bunch of contrarians think it’s cool to say colonialism was great. Doesn’t matter what race, it’s horrendous.

    • @MrMegagoldenarms
      @MrMegagoldenarms Před 3 lety +1

      @@jonnyfrench19 because of this thing called genocide.

  • @lewisdean22
    @lewisdean22 Před 3 lety +343

    Still cutting the hands off folks
    Still need outside funding
    Still need immigrants to send home money for it to survive.

    • @Daniel-wb4lr
      @Daniel-wb4lr Před 3 lety +9

      I think cutting hands off is possibly the best way to deal with certain folk

    • @lewisdean22
      @lewisdean22 Před 3 lety +20

      @@Daniel-wb4lr kiddie fiddler's

    • @richardmiller7887
      @richardmiller7887 Před 3 lety +4

      Simon you are heavy on the blessings but omit the curses. It was not all plain sailing. On balance I agree with you but we also need to look at it from the perspective of those who were colonised.

    • @lewisdean22
      @lewisdean22 Před 3 lety +2

      @@richardmiller7887 good point, however many of these people will have passed away.
      So how do we judge the bad bit's.
      How do we look at a country then compare it to another which has thrived and the other hasn't.

    • @odinsraven116
      @odinsraven116 Před 3 lety +11

      Cutting another appendage off them would be beneficial too 😜

  • @katseyeview9354
    @katseyeview9354 Před 3 lety +355

    And to this day, the world is feeding them, paying them, and taking care of them in all ways.

    • @deadcatbounce3124
      @deadcatbounce3124 Před 3 lety +16

      And we ask for nothing in return.

    • @katseyeview9354
      @katseyeview9354 Před 3 lety +39

      @@deadcatbounce3124 for 50 years i have been told there are children starving in africa. tv ads magazine ads, feed the children, charities etc. its all a money making scheme. like the clinton foundation.

    • @geoffdundee
      @geoffdundee Před 3 lety +38

      @@katseyeview9354 .......weve been donating for 100 years to feed the starving africans or supply wells for water.....my great aunt born in 1901 used to tell us that her class at primary school used to collect pennies for the poor africans.......she started school around 1906 and died in 1999 age 98........her white privilege had her working until the age of 70 inside a hot,sweaty, dusty jute mill doing 12 hour shifts....if she didnt work she wouldve been homeless as the wages wouldnt stretch to a mortgage so she had to rent.........cosy wee flat with an outside toilet,no bath,no electricity until around 1970 (she paid to have it installed as landlord refused),one running cold water tap,no heating besides a gas cooker or coal fire..........and NOT ONCE did she complain.......she couldnt afford to own a black slave LOL.

    • @greatomeister675
      @greatomeister675 Před 3 lety +6

      Scramble of Africa doomed Africa for another couple centuries. Of course you won’t talk about that.

    • @davidgranvillehunter6231
      @davidgranvillehunter6231 Před 3 lety +9

      @Geoffdundee, many poor in the west try to better themselves. When you are raised to hold out your hand and foreign aid or 100s of charities will look after you you don't learn no matter which country you try to colonize.

  • @MartyP-lr7vw
    @MartyP-lr7vw Před 3 lety +387

    “All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”

  • @oldtimers6460
    @oldtimers6460 Před 3 lety +344

    Those who have achieved nothing are only to happy to tear down the achievements of others !

    • @dsaunders3469
      @dsaunders3469 Před 3 lety +31

      Prime example Zimbabwe when it was Rhodesia they called it the bread basket of Africa after taking the farms off the white farmers they are now struggling .

    • @babbabooey1176
      @babbabooey1176 Před 3 lety +12

      @@dsaunders3469 Exactly

    • @joesmith8701
      @joesmith8701 Před 3 lety +15

      BLM lol

    • @jackdavidson2612
      @jackdavidson2612 Před 3 lety +10

      Exactly, it's there for all to see, but as stated mustn't we mustn't say it.

    • @newalbion1497
      @newalbion1497 Před 3 lety +13

      The drowning man will always try to take someone down with him. The BLM, Far Left and liberals are all drowning men, drowning in their own hatred and sorrow and they must be put down !

  • @leonardgibney2997
    @leonardgibney2997 Před 3 lety +53

    Look what happened to Rhodesia after Mugabe took over, handed to him by the British Labour Party.

    • @davidsergeant2443
      @davidsergeant2443 Před 3 lety +3

      Wrong it was Thatchers Torys🤪

    • @vincenthawke3049
      @vincenthawke3049 Před 3 lety +13

      Whoever it was is unimportant. Just remember that Rhodesia was known as the breadbasket of Africa and then along came Mugabe!.... Not much else to say really!

    • @mbradsh2
      @mbradsh2 Před 3 lety +3

      Mugabe destroyed what the Europeans had built. A thriving modern state. But most countries in Africa suffered the same kind of governments. Ghana was one of the few exceptions. Not all colonial countries brought prosperity but Alexander the Great spread Hellenism, one of the most advanced civilizations, all the way to India and Egypt. The Brits built infrastructure and Democratic government to india. The Dutch and Portuguese brought little to their colonies except misery. As in all societies you will find evil people that do evil things but overall the Greeks, Romans and the Brits spread civilization to lesser citizen nations. We’re they perfect? No but in most cases they brought more good than evil … building roads, clean water management with the aqueducts, housing (improvement from mud huts), science, medicine, etc.

    • @raywest3834
      @raywest3834 Před 2 lety +4

      @@davidsergeant2443 Thatcher's Tories just completed the deal, which was too far along to turn back, but Harold Wilson's Labour Party first applied the pressure, which would turn the Rhodesian jewel into a bankrupt tale of horror, for all the people.

    • @horseman6468
      @horseman6468 Před 2 lety

      @@raywest3834 But it allowed Mugabe to advance from being a ragged arsed terrorist to one of Africa's richest men.

  • @goldilocks913
    @goldilocks913 Před 3 lety +190

    When my daughter was little she was mad on the Lion King, and yearned to go to London to see the show.
    Imagine her delight when the school said there was a school trip going to see it ! Sadly she wasn’t allowed to go as she was one of the few white children at the school - only black children could go. This was so they could get in touch with ‘their own past and culture’.
    Racism aside, if The Lion King is a fair representation of your high culture, I’m lost for words...

    • @Zanuka
      @Zanuka Před 3 lety +8

      Did she see the Lion King in London eventually?

    • @jonhaslam3699
      @jonhaslam3699 Před 3 lety +16

      Wow that’s outrageous 😡

    • @mark314158
      @mark314158 Před 3 lety +57

      The songs were written by the famous African musician Elton John.

    • @michaelpettersson4919
      @michaelpettersson4919 Před 3 lety +26

      Whoever came up with that racist idea should be fired. And today they should be fired retroactively from that point and have their pensions pulled.

    • @goldilocks913
      @goldilocks913 Před 3 lety +17

      @@Zanuka many years later with her husband lol 😂

  • @MrJohnL21
    @MrJohnL21 Před 3 lety +50

    An architect relative of mine had to go to Africa on an unpaid charity mission to rebuild a hospital. Whilst he was there he was asked when the British were going to come back and run the place properly again. I'm not sure what the response was when he said 'never'. Maybe this is part of the reason that all those boats are crossing the channel.

  • @philipford6183
    @philipford6183 Před 3 lety +84

    For anyone taking exception to your claims in this video, I'd recommend reading 'The Scramble For Africa' By Thomas Pakenham. The author doesn't display any bias as far as I can see, one way or another, in telling the story of the colonialization of Africa. I must admit there were times I was literally shocked by what I was reading.
    True enough, colonialist forces often behaved with inexcusable brutality towards black Africans (and on this score the crimes of the Belgians, French, and Germans are, IMO, under-reported), but the behavior of Arab slave traders towards their African prisoners, and of Africans themselves towards their own people, is gruesome in the extreme.
    Pakenham will often mention the fate of many captured colonial/settler prisoners, or missionaries, in almost casual tones as he describes how they were often first tortured in the most despicable ways before commonly being eaten by their cannibal captors. At first, I could not believe this - we're talking the mid-1800s, here, not 10,000 years ago - but this kind of thing was apparently happening all across central Africa at the time.
    The greed and sheer brutality of the indigenous African rulers and their tribes cannot be ignored. Long before the first white Europeans or Arabs rolled up on their shores, African tribespeople had been engaged in centuries-long internecine warfare (and internal slavery) of the most abjectly cruel and savage kind. This didn't stop once the colonials arrived; the murders, tortures, rapes, and slavery all continued, as African rulers attempted to play colonial interests off against each other in return for firearms and treasure.

    • @vordman
      @vordman Před 3 lety +18

      It's more or less the same today. The neglect and abuse of their own people by African elites who shamelessly filter aid money into their Swiss bank accounts is sickening, and usually just ignored by the Western Left.

    • @ronnieg6358
      @ronnieg6358 Před 3 lety +6

      People who object to this don't care about true facts.

    • @davidfisk7768
      @davidfisk7768 Před 3 lety


    • @mirceazaharia2094
      @mirceazaharia2094 Před 2 lety +2

      Thank you very much for the recommendation. I'll go look up this book as soon as possible.

    • @mirceazaharia2094
      @mirceazaharia2094 Před 2 lety

      To be fair, in Africa, you do get a few great civilizations, as it were - Mali, Songhai, Great Zimbabwe, Ethiopia. But that's mostly it.

  • @99Michael
    @99Michael Před 3 lety +52

    Imagine if for some unknown reason Africa was sealed off from the rest of the world back in the 16th century. Today Europe and the West would still have all of their technology and medicines. The Africans would still be hunting with spears and occasion watching a satellite pass overhead in the night sky while sitting around the campfire.

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety +4

      Doesn’t sound so bad.

    • @aiswaryabersan7983
      @aiswaryabersan7983 Před 3 lety +2

      But the most precious metals like gold and diamond and other are with Africa. Europe used this resources to gain power.

    • @greatomeister675
      @greatomeister675 Před 3 lety +5

      Africa had plenty of great empires in the west but if you did your research you would know this stuff. More importantly what would Africa be doing today? It would’ve been minding it’s own damn business.

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety

      Lunatic fantasy

    • @michaelandrews4403
      @michaelandrews4403 Před 3 lety +11

      @@aiswaryabersan7983 If the Europeans hadn't dug them out the Africans would still be just sitting on them.

  • @makalu69
    @makalu69 Před 3 lety +42

    "What did the Romans ever do for us?" - John Cleese, Life of Brian.....

  • @Crow22Darkness
    @Crow22Darkness Před 3 lety +28

    A Chinese Man explains it well to a Congolese Man on the "Empire of Dust" with revealing how the Africans destroyed the infrastructure that the Europeans left behind for them. He continued with saying that the Africans went backward instead of forward.

    • @dariosandoval3608
      @dariosandoval3608 Před 2 lety +1

      That nonsense, Iraq and Libya for example didn´t need whites in order to be powerful. They needed Saddam and Gaddafi at all.
      They didn´t need whites in order to be powerful, in fact if the USA collapse, nobody would gave a shit

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      Except the infrastructure wasn’t left for them it was there to extract recourses

    • @mdiesel23
      @mdiesel23 Před rokem +3

      ​@Flinteye Son of Sun the point is that they didn't maintain what technology was left to them. Instead they went and destroyed it. Even if it was for the extraction of materials it also means there's infustructure to export materials abroad and increase revenue for the economy.
      China has for the past decade or so been building Africa up and modernizing Africa with technology, know how, many Africans go to college in China and low interest rate loans. China needs raw materials to manufacture. This could be a critical moment, either Africans learn and grow from this or they become dependent on China which would doom them.

  • @ScotChef
    @ScotChef Před 3 lety +44

    What did africa produce before we got there? "Nothing", is not too simple an answer. I am not ashamed of my ancestors building the modern world.

    • @oldboygeorge7688
      @oldboygeorge7688 Před 3 lety +1

      While you as a person have contributed nothing to the benefit of humanity apart from making racist comments on CZcams 😂😂. There are Africans working as doctors, lawyers and teachers, Even though you had a head start you Loser. We wonder why white working class kids are failing at school, because they listen to this type of sh*t and think the world owes them a living.

    • @odinsraven116
      @odinsraven116 Před 3 lety +5

      They produced nothing yet claim we stole it , ha ha.

    • @warrenbat3029
      @warrenbat3029 Před 3 lety +8

      @@oldboygeorge7688 if you watch history debunked video yesterday black people get benefits at university that whites aren't allowed , it's the anti white racism that preventing white working classes get on

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +2

      @@odinsraven116 yes because those bronzes and African artifacts in the British Museum are "nothing"

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +1

      @@warrenbat3029 it's called affirmative action and if you learned why it exists you'd know it's only there to boost minorities due to them being statistically less advantaged than white people

  • @jaylopes8489
    @jaylopes8489 Před 3 lety +51

    Answer: For one, when us Portuguese first got to the Congo, Angola today, cannibalism was common and the norm, so we civilized them a little by ending the practice 👋🇵🇹

    • @Handmemoretramadol
      @Handmemoretramadol Před 3 lety +2


    • @jaylopes8489
      @jaylopes8489 Před 3 lety +3

      @@Handmemoretramadol Hahaha !!!
      Yeah looking back we should have encouraged it !

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +3

      Civilized them by ending over 10 million lives by chopping off their hands? And cannibalism was not common and the Portuguese were actually impressed with the political systems and especially the iron forgery of the Kingdom of Kongo. The Portuguese had regular contact with the people of the kingdom and the Kingdom of Kongo even sent a diplomat to Europe to ask for Christian missionaries to the kingdom

    • @jaylopes8489
      @jaylopes8489 Před 3 lety +3

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p I never said us Portuguese are perfect, also we traded/bartered for what we got, we didn't capture Africans with nets - all bought & paid for legally - for the time . . . As for cutting off parts - Africa has a long history of that with the slave trade going back long before us Portuguese got there . . .

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +2

      @@jaylopes8489 I didn't say that the Portuguese did that. And also that doesn't justify the Belgians ending over half the Congolese population. Stop the false equivalencies and trying to justify that nonsense

  • @jayturner3397
    @jayturner3397 Před 3 lety +41

    Not that long ago some African notables were calling for benevolent Colonialism to return..look at Zimbabwe now..

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +1

      You know nothing about Zimbabwean history you fool

    • @jayturner3397
      @jayturner3397 Před 3 lety

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p please enlighten me sir

    • @lizzardking3276
      @lizzardking3276 Před 2 lety

      @@jayturner3397 8 months later and D never responded, nothing but big ass TROLL 🤭😂🤭😂

  • @barryhill1044
    @barryhill1044 Před 3 lety +29

    “What did Colonialism do for Africa “. It kept it from sinking into a political / Social .Quagmire , Look at Africa now that colonialism has walked away... Everyone seen rushing to get to countries that promoted the Colonialism of those days...so assumably the colonialist ideology wasn’t so bad and all is forgiven. Even though the colonialists have been pushing up daisies for a hundred years...
    type into your computer the following words. - don schaible Port Charlotte - read the post on George Floyd. That’s what the west has got in return...

  • @sdts8847
    @sdts8847 Před 3 lety +24

    As an Asian who has had friends who have been to Mozambique and Congo I took some some to understand that we should understand pur differences with Africans and that barely any of their problems are because or have persisted due to the West and that democracy is not suitable for them. Polynesian islanders fared very far and navigated much of Pacific and as far as New Zealand. India and many other asian countries didn't go anywhere but became extremely rich such that Pliny called it the world's sink of gold and it's prosperity lasted until the advent of industrialism and colonialism. Africans on the other hand had the richest continent on earth in terms of minerals and resources but did nothing to it and barley achieved anything at all and none of the potential materialised. Much of africa other than north and Sahara has immensely fertile land but historically and today even has much less agricultural production as compared to Egypt. They had no basic knowledge of architecture, science or even agriculture as even the richest African empire of Mali imported alot their food. They have evolved much differently than the rest of humanity and it's even genetically proven until science was deemed racist a few years ago, when broadly differentiated between different races of Negroid and Conflicts, both seem to have evolved differently having bred with a now extinct hominid species and their genetic composition is radically different from rest of humans and haves alleles that aren't in rest of humans. Even their psychological evolution has been very different with them having low impusle and gratification control and no sense of community gain or even that work done over time leads to productiveness. The very concept of gratitude is alien to them as their psychological development has been different as a foresight. Not one successful African country comes to mind but many were ruined like Rhodesia and South Africa and Liberia was a failed project like rest Sudan, Congo, Tanzania, Niger, Nigeria, etc. It's almost like 50 Marshall plan worth of money has been poured down that pit but nothing materialised. Their characteristic is that their consciousness has not yet reached a awakened intuitiveness or substantial awareness so that a proper society with rule of law cold be places which they even dispell in other countries to they go to. Like the homo erectus which went extinct due to being lazy they remind of the time Niger almost starved when foreign aid was stopped for a few months in early 2000s they are overly dependent on others. It also reminds of how 97% of mixed black Caucasian children are fatherless in US according to a research done by SSRN, tells a lot taking accountability. It can also be verified that they lack consciousness as compared to other human beings as their children fail the mirror test. They are treated with immense contempt in Egypt and Morroco. In many African languages there no equivalent words shapes with more than three sides and defined by the same word and the same for words like consciousness, precision, improve upon, obligation, morality or even rape. No wonder crime and sexual violence is rampant in Africa. An indian friend of mine who has family in South Africa told that they like whites had bar grills on Windows and fences around out of fear of crime as their was so much of it and mainly perpetrated by blacks. Even 1 in 3 south African men admitted to have committed rape, 37.4% actually over a decade ago and now things even more notorious.
    Nobel Peace prize winner Dr Albert Schweizer even said "These individuals are a sub race they have neither the emotional intellectual or mental abilities to share or equate with actual civilization. Renowned Nobel Prize winning geneticist James Watson faced extreme amount of scrutiny for saying that Africans score low in IQ test because of genetic causations. This nothing will be solved and problems in Africa will persist no what you do.

    • @spikedpsycho2383
      @spikedpsycho2383 Před rokem

      Indigenous iQ score in mid 70s to low 80s of the ones test higher on Average, acrue one aspect. White Ancestry. My teacher said along time ago, Technology creates resources, not other way around. what good is Gold, Silver, Uranium, Tungsten or any substance if society doesn't invent tools to utilize them.
      Like Wakanda, Even if Vibranium were a real thing. They wouldn't know what to do with it.
      Why White/Asian iQ's score higher.
      Study history....
      - Black plague spread to both regions mostly killed off low iQ whites and such.
      - Gutenberg printing press allowed widespread proliferation of knowledge outside realm control of clergy, thus eliminated Latin as central European language and requiring educated people to engage in Trade and Commerce.
      - Protestant reformation let higher iQ clerics have babies
      - Religious wars mostly kill off lower inept zealots and Fanatics.
      - Asian Societies ran Theocracies for millennia, poorly educated peasants occupied the bottom; they died in Droves.
      Tribalism doesn't do that. It consumes ALL population.
      Tribal warfare in America's killed 60 to 90% historic populations per season regardless of iQ bracket.
      Tribal male attrition rates were so high, Polyamorous families and consanguinity relationships were common, Boys as young 12, were sent off to fight requiring replacement births compensate tribal losses.....
      Wars in Europe and West involved less than 1% population, wives who lost husbands, remarried, but polygamy was largely phased out.
      Intellectual culling drove iQ's in Europe UP. Tribalism kept iQ's constant........

    • @Incog80
      @Incog80 Před rokem

      Whole leap of lie you said , from the first word to last word. Everything you said is from the illusionary truth they have imploded onto the general population

  • @SteveInsidious
    @SteveInsidious Před 3 lety +66

    Why/how do they strengthen our country but not their own?

    • @nojabhere
      @nojabhere Před 3 lety +10

      Good question 🤔

    • @vordman
      @vordman Před 3 lety +11

      Yes, all you Lefties. Answer that one.

  • @keithrose6931
    @keithrose6931 Před 3 lety +20

    Im white I'm proud and no one will ever change that !

    • @impalaSS65
      @impalaSS65 Před 3 lety +5

      Absolutelly. Those having a problem with their own race seem predominantly to be white (I am biased, though).

    • @aiswaryabersan7983
      @aiswaryabersan7983 Před 3 lety

      What White need validation now.

  • @biscuitsalive
    @biscuitsalive Před 3 lety +125

    It’s akin to asking “what did my supportive, but strict parents every do for me?!”

    • @tobygathergood4990
      @tobygathergood4990 Před 3 lety

      Which a completely disassociated comment. Africa was never in the role of a parent to Europe. If anything the opposite is true.

    • @thomasmusso1147
      @thomasmusso1147 Před 3 lety +6

      @@tobygathergood4990 That's what he said.

  • @chrismccartney8668
    @chrismccartney8668 Před 3 lety +63

    Wot did the Romans ever do for us other than Roads Sewers Mills Water Transport etc etc

    • @wulfherecyning1282
      @wulfherecyning1282 Před 3 lety +7

      The aqueduct? Irrigation? Medicine? Education? And the wine! And it's safe to walk in the streets at night now Reg.

    • @grannyannie6744
      @grannyannie6744 Před 3 lety +7

      It used to be safe to walk at night. When Rome fell the Barbarians were already living inside the gates.

    • @cazrealist1
      @cazrealist1 Před 3 lety +2

      The celts invented straight road's first those aqueducts where some other cultures invention sanitation the Greeks erm all Rome did was expand and incorporate

    • @cazrealist1
      @cazrealist1 Před 3 lety

      @@grannyannie6744 erm back then we where the barbarians

    • @carolramsey8457
      @carolramsey8457 Před 3 lety +1

      @@grannyannie6744 Like they are now!

  • @mickeyblueeyes
    @mickeyblueeyes Před 3 lety +21

    I'm proud Simon, and I tell everybody who raises the question. Thanks for the succinct video. You are right. They are wrong.

  • @jumblestiltskin1365
    @jumblestiltskin1365 Před 3 lety +94

    The concept of the hunter and gatherer way of life in a land of plenty seems to be the biggest factor. There was little need to change a way of life that existed for thousands of years.
    The people in today's north western europe had to fight tooth and nail in very inclement conditions. Necessity being mother of invention for their lives.

    • @grannyannie6744
      @grannyannie6744 Před 3 lety +4

      Not to mention Neanderthal DNA, their huge brains. And the climate promoting slow life stratigests.

    • @somebloke13
      @somebloke13 Před 3 lety +16

      There also needs to be a will and a capacity to develop and advance. Other parts of the world managed it, but through poor religious choices (Arabia), or political choices (China) were stunted in thier progress.
      The West made progress in all areas and managed to overcome religion and politics to reach the pinnacle of human achievement. Africa, not so much...

    • @JM-hf9bl
      @JM-hf9bl Před 3 lety

      @stephen turner they aren't but they'll be. They were held back by bad politics, that's what Some Bloke said, I believe

    • @DieFlabbergast
      @DieFlabbergast Před 3 lety +5

      The biggest ethnic group of sub-Saharan Africans, the Bantu, had become agriculturalists many thousands of years ago. However, that's as far as it went. They largely remained in the stone age or the bronze age at best.

    • @grannyannie6744
      @grannyannie6744 Před 3 lety +8

      China was never more advanced than the West. In the Middle Ages they were perhaps equal. But they never really progressed until the twentieth century. And even today they depend on everything the west considers barbarous. The one child policy. The importation of rare and almost extinct animals for the wealthy to consume. Slave labour to manufacture what people import. The complete surveillance of people. In 1980 they couldn't even feed their people. In the twenty-first century they were selling poison marketed as baby formula.
      A pretty sick view of superior.

  • @bonusnudges
    @bonusnudges Před 3 lety +46

    The north sentinel island is a good indication of what Africa would be like without outside intervention . They haven’t discovered the wheel yet , or how to make fire

    • @DieFlabbergast
      @DieFlabbergast Před 3 lety +4

      Oh, really? The Bantu had steel-making and agriculture before the whites arrived. Comparing them with the population of an isolated island is WAAAAY over the top, mate.

    • @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643
      @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643 Před 3 lety +3

      @Chan Smith Please enlighten us about these civilisations.

    • @aiswaryabersan7983
      @aiswaryabersan7983 Před 3 lety +1

      At least they live in peace and free from corona virus.

    • @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643
      @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643 Před 3 lety +1

      @Chan Smith Stretching the meaning of "civilisations" in most of those examples to the point where it loses all meaning.

    • @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643
      @sirsydneyroughdiamond1643 Před 3 lety +1

      @Chan Smith czcams.com/video/vVQqfS3bJ1s/video.html

  • @colinmartin2921
    @colinmartin2921 Před 3 lety +32

    Africans: "What did the British ever do for us?" well, there was government, the roads, the railways, religion, medicine, vaccinations, science..........

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety

      Oh yes your all so great for introducing the most basic starting pieces of a civilization. Yay for introductions agriculture, hierarchy’s and law not to mention mathematics all things already known by Africans.

    • @dcarbs2979
      @dcarbs2979 Před 3 lety +2

      @@meteorstorm415 Known? Not seemingly put to good use.

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety

      @@dcarbs2979 They are the most basic, you do not fail at the most basic and be a sentient being. Once you get them down you automatically can proceed to higher levels of organized civilization stage by stage. Which was already occurring and had occurred in parts of Africa before mass foreign contact.

    • @dcarbs2979
      @dcarbs2979 Před 3 lety +1

      @@meteorstorm415 Remind me what part of railways, medicine and governance are basic starting pieces? They're pretty sophisticated parts of society. Not to mention the African mathematics and agriculture far exceeded by Europe, largely down to intellectual technique not employed until colonialisation.

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety +1

      I never included railways as basic, medicine can be considered basic when excluding recent vaccines and antibiotics. Along with other modern medical knowledge because I don’t recall a time in history humans made zero attempt to at least treat and injury or illness.
      For governance, it has been around since humans could form large communities and have a system of varying power within that large community. No governance, no civilization or even tribe of 10 individuals.

  • @jeepgirl6225
    @jeepgirl6225 Před 3 lety +17

    I dearly wish we had left them alone.

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      Fr I wish we as humans everywhere could’ve just stuck to living the natural life we as humans have always lived for 99.9% of our time here on our Mother Earth of flint and obsidian hunter gatherer or agricultural civilisation either way it’d be a natural life not this fake unnatural industrial civilisation we’ve been born into today... I wish the Ancestors could take me back to when we lived the true life...

  • @DrustIV
    @DrustIV Před 3 lety +18

    South Africa is rapidly returning to the Stone Age.

    • @MrMalimaali
      @MrMalimaali Před 3 lety

      I am guessing you also have left the country for Europ

    • @trd9336
      @trd9336 Před 3 lety +4

      Guess who's in charge now? yes, that's why.

    • @MrMalimaali
      @MrMalimaali Před 3 lety +1

      No devil is better..it was okey and convenient for you to stay in SA at the time where porverty was institutionalized and opportunities were denied to others because of the colour of their skin and it was a sosciety that created an education system that was called the bantu education its sole purpose was to keep the majority black population into a position of servitude because they were lesser human. Now you left because you were treated the same way as any othe human and some of tour previlage is gone.

    • @DrustIV
      @DrustIV Před 3 lety

      @@MrMalimaali If I raise a quizzical eyebrow, I trust you will have the grace not to accuse me of a micro-aggression.

    • @trd9336
      @trd9336 Před 3 lety +2

      @@DrustIV don't bother replying to him, wasting time with "shoot2kill" culture won't give us any insight.

  • @Tusker1970
    @Tusker1970 Před 3 lety +50

    I think it's just jealousy,it's sad and pathetic to see it.They have even resorted to made up history where they claim all sorts of inventions and technological breakthroughs so they don't have to face the awful reality.

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety +2

      Of course some of the most normal things to expect like three Empire in West Africa during the Middle Ages is somehow criticized as false.
      Why is it attacked as false? I don’t know maybe because it’s a better taught alternative to constant slavery, civil rights and foreign involvement noise.

    • @zoephin6205
      @zoephin6205 Před 3 lety +3

      What "empires" would that be?

    • @meteorstorm415
      @meteorstorm415 Před 3 lety +2

      @@zoephin6205 Mali, Ghana and Songhai all three where known as primarily trade based Empires. Although I believe conquest may have been a specialty of Songhai.

    • @zoephin6205
      @zoephin6205 Před 3 lety +6

      Not surprised you named Arab COLONIZED areas. Can you name any Native African Empires?
      Citing Empires ruled by people who took the pilgrimage to Mecca kinda undermines your main point doesn't it?

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +1

      @@zoephin6205 Mali, Ghana, and Songhai were not colonized by Arabs dingus. They were involved in trans Saharan trade with Arabs but all were indigenous, as all arose from the Ghana Empire which was indigenous.
      Also "citing an empire ruled by people who took the pilgrimage to Mecca" idk if you know this but Islam isn't tied to any specific people like Judaism is. Anybody can be Muslim, they were African and Muslim. You're just a dunce.
      And even so other African empires are:
      Kingdom of Kongo
      Kingdom of Benin
      Oyo Empire
      Kingdom of Ife
      Ashanti Empire
      Kanem-Bornu Empire
      Kingdom of Dagbon
      Luba Empire
      Kingdom of Lunda
      Kingdom of Mapungubwe
      Kingdom of Zimbabwe
      And more.
      Just shut your mouth and take a seat and stop being uneducated publicly, especially after that ignorant Mali/Ghana/Songhai comment

  • @nicholasmorrill4711
    @nicholasmorrill4711 Před 3 lety +22

    I am proud of it.Until it comes to Democracy & we have somehow arrived at the cowardly leadership that we currently have.

    • @fisherman5517
      @fisherman5517 Před rokem

      how did britain become to be lead by a bunch of cowardly bastards is anybodys guess but i wish they would disapeer for ever and let us live a normal life without those parasites.

  • @stewartw.9151
    @stewartw.9151 Před 3 lety +6

    "His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail!" -Thomas F. Dixon Jr., 1905

  • @alanhynd7886
    @alanhynd7886 Před 3 lety +25

    Reg: All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh-water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?
    Revolutionary I: Brought peace?
    Reg: Oh, peace! Shut up!

    • @ric6383
      @ric6383 Před 3 lety +1

      The scene always comes to mind in this debate. So very, very apt. One day would just love to give a parting shot to my teaching colleagues, busy educating the youth of today on the evil of colonialism.... 'What have the Romans ever done for us?'

  • @alanhynd7886
    @alanhynd7886 Před 3 lety +26

    Let's start with something topical:
    Edward Jenner - Pioneer of vaccines
    Alexander Wood - Development of the modern syringe
    That ought to be enough for 2021

  • @montycheekychops5280
    @montycheekychops5280 Před 3 lety +7

    I'm so glad I found your channel months ago. I'm saving your video's for my children, for when the digital wipe of history takes place. Much respect in your direction.

  • @stephensinclair3771
    @stephensinclair3771 Před 3 lety +62

    See that scene in "the life of Brian". When the zealots talk about the Romans. A theme today lol.

    • @carlpaul7229
      @carlpaul7229 Před 3 lety +4

      the perfect analogy!

    • @stephensinclair3771
      @stephensinclair3771 Před 3 lety +1

      @@carlpaul7229 not original but apt lol. You should listen to "the last legion" on CZcams. Its by Arthur conan

    • @winstonreid2146
      @winstonreid2146 Před 3 lety +3

      Seems we're on the same page as I watched the Life of Brian for some reason at 6am this morning!!

    • @stephensinclair3771
      @stephensinclair3771 Před 3 lety +2

      @@winstonreid2146 there is no logic in needing a python fix. But. Everyone has sad reasons that make a smashing film!

    • @the_hanged_clown
      @the_hanged_clown Před 3 lety

      @SticksNStones314 you really should give it a watch. all the same arguments being tossed around today it's quite astounding.

  • @olwens1368
    @olwens1368 Před 3 lety +18

    I try to listen to your post as soon as possible after I get notification, in case they (and you) disappear into the ether forever.

  • @jayseabie215
    @jayseabie215 Před 3 lety +6

    Colonialism is something to be regretted in so much as every town and city in western Europe is now polluted by a swelling number of ungracious and antagonistic members of the aforementioned continent.

  • @leedsman54
    @leedsman54 Před 3 lety +10

    It’s not only Africa we could say the same about the native people of America and Australia. They both would still be living as they had done for umpteen thousand years before.

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety

      Would that be a bad thing?

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety

      @Leona Bastet I acknowledge most of your points though many Stone Age societies were matriarchal.
      Recently, sedentary life has provided great benefits in medicine and standards of life.
      It is yet to be seen if this can be sustained. I hope so.

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety

      @Leona Bastet I may be wrong but it is my understanding that Aboriginal Australians, traditionally, treated women with respect.
      Sadly, this is not always so at present. Alcohol and drug addiction is rife.
      Warfare was not possible, as we understand it.
      Small family units lived on a large land.
      Of course conflict occurred but I don’t believe that it could reach the scale of warfare.

    • @aiswaryabersan7983
      @aiswaryabersan7983 Před 3 lety

      America, Canada, Australia are helping this community to go extinct and put in reservation jail. Is their even 1 representative in Parliament for them.

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety

      @Leona Bastet I don’t know. To be honest, it would not be a great surprise that women were treated so. The strong prey upon the weak.
      I don’t think women weak though, they find ways to exert their will.

  • @somebloke13
    @somebloke13 Před 3 lety +23

    What would it be like without colonisation?
    Stone age...

    • @dcarbs2979
      @dcarbs2979 Před 3 lety +1

      Are you sure they'd be so advanced?

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety +1

      Ah yes because the evidence of gold, iron, and bronze metallurgy is "stone age"

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      @@dcarbs2979 you're a fool

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      As if that’s a bad thing? That’s literally how we as humans have been living for 99.9% of our time on Earth
      You sir are an industrial savage

  • @autodidact537
    @autodidact537 Před 3 lety +71

    Why didn't Simon mention the great achievements of Wakanda?

    • @MartyP-lr7vw
      @MartyP-lr7vw Před 3 lety +14

      Unobtanium ?

    • @AdrianPG63
      @AdrianPG63 Před 3 lety +18

      We gave so much ...they gave us George Floyd ...a fair exchange .no ?

    • @andyxox4168
      @andyxox4168 Před 3 lety +1

      @@AdrianPG63 .. to be fair most of the big dumb looking ones were made in America!

  • @jewelcitizen2567
    @jewelcitizen2567 Před 3 lety +41

    You could never leave Africa to _*”its own devices”*
    They didn’t have any…

  • @nojabhere
    @nojabhere Před 3 lety +10

    All it did was bring them to our shores, I wish it had never happened tbh

  • @luckybag6814
    @luckybag6814 Před 3 lety +50

    The corollary is to ask, “what have Africans done for us?”.

    • @MrJohnL21
      @MrJohnL21 Před 3 lety +7

      Easy. Absolutely nothing constructive.

    • @obadiahspong2300
      @obadiahspong2300 Před 3 lety +8

      In the case of modern music quite a lot. Blues, Jazz, Reggae, Soul, Rock n Roll and Motown.

    • @terrencewalker8219
      @terrencewalker8219 Před 3 lety +5


    • @jimdean5333
      @jimdean5333 Před 3 lety +4

      @@obadiahspong2300 true but music, great athletes do nothing to improve humanity in any meaningful way.

    • @michaelpettersson4919
      @michaelpettersson4919 Před 3 lety +1

      @@obadiahspong2300 This is true and something to be proud of.

  • @Coupal1
    @Coupal1 Před 3 lety +7

    Africa would still be as it was for hundreds of thousands of years - tribal and primitive.

  • @michaelwest8311
    @michaelwest8311 Před rokem +2

    My professor in college summed up African history the best I’ve ever heard. “There was 5000 years and then the white man showed up.“

  • @mrsuperger5429
    @mrsuperger5429 Před 3 lety +25

    Quite simple, really. Observe the state of African nations before and after colonialism. Are their respective citizens healthier and wealthier. ?

    • @MrZog-yv3be
      @MrZog-yv3be Před 3 lety +3

      Those that flocked to South Africa definitely are.

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      Tell me what you know about Africa prior to colonialism

    • @Felipe-sw8wp
      @Felipe-sw8wp Před 2 lety +2

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p it never developed written language

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 2 lety +1

      @@Felipe-sw8wp ah yes Ethiopians never developed a writing system, I guess Ge'ez was from China or something

    • @Felipe-sw8wp
      @Felipe-sw8wp Před 2 lety +2

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p Ethiopia wasn't colonized.
      Another one: they didn't invent the wheel

  • @johnadams3730
    @johnadams3730 Před 3 lety +16

    We should have left Africa as it was it would have done us a favour.

    • @DavidSmith-op8ix
      @DavidSmith-op8ix Před 3 lety +3

      Totally agree.

    • @micheleemcdaniel389
      @micheleemcdaniel389 Před 3 lety

      Had the Chinese colonized the New World, they would have had more sense than to bring over millions of Africans to do the hard work. They would have done it themselves.

  • @carolramsey8457
    @carolramsey8457 Před 3 lety +66

    Read your new revised history Simon. All these modern inventions were really invented by the African geniuses who were living here in Tudor and even earlier times

    • @ronnieg6358
      @ronnieg6358 Před 3 lety +7

      I can detect sarcasm but 26 others so far cannot!

    • @tareetodd
      @tareetodd Před 3 lety +6

      You mean Anne Boleyn?

    • @Pirosbor
      @Pirosbor Před 3 lety +3

      @@ronnieg6358 Pretty sure they detected it as well. It's possible to enjoy a sarcastic comment and give it a thumbs up, you know?

    • @bobbycarr408
      @bobbycarr408 Před 2 lety +1

      African genius is an oxymoron. Without colonialism, most African countries would still be practicing cannibalism. There are exceptions to every rule, but by in large, this isn’t the case.

  • @dawnemile4974
    @dawnemile4974 Před 3 lety +5

    I think that the idea that colonialism imposed unwanted European civilizations in the new world was started when Rousseau proposed this idea in "The Noble Savage". Rousseau based his ideas on his fertile imagination and people were entranced by it. No one thought to interview the "savage" until hundreds of years later when the colonies became valuable and thriving. I am glad you brought up this topic, Simon. I was just thinking about what is happening in Canada. The native people's are being used to push the anti-colonialism agenda. They are bemoaning these people attending residential school. In Britian, many children attended boarding school and it was certainly not pleasant for them but they thrived. Now every failure that the natives have is blamed on residential schools. Yet when one looks at reserves it is seen that little effort is made to garden or improve their surroundings once they are given a house. It is well documented that there was a drinking problem in the native community before any residential school was ever built but this is ignored and lies and proganda is freely dispensed. There should be laws against flagrant misinformation being broadcast in mainstream media. Maybe this is coming because of the Michigan censure of election lies.

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      Why do natives drink? I wonder what could be the reason? I wonder?
      I wonder if you or I would drink if our whole world was stolen burnt and buried beautiful temples toppled to build shitty churches religions n cultures destroyed n forcefully converted mass loads of “heathens” burn alive all in the name of Jesus Christ ye I think I would drink if my whole world had been torn from me and then deemed me the savage even though we were just living a natural life of flint N Obsidian civilisation ye actually id blow my fkn brains out if that’s what happened to my people’s n my world all to see it transform into this greedy industrial civilisation that destroys Mother Earth in the name of “progress” and profit biting the very hand that feeds us... I think I would drink wouldn’t you?
      Read a fkn book n you might know more than just your stupid misconceptions

  • @jewelcitizen2567
    @jewelcitizen2567 Před 3 lety +73

    Whatever benefits Colonialism bestowed upon Africa,
    unfortunately we’re still paying for them.

    • @dissonantiacognitiva7438
      @dissonantiacognitiva7438 Před 3 lety +1

      In what? Having jobs?
      Remind me what happened to Zimbabwe what happened when you kicked out the white farmers.
      When you were free of the "oppression", what happened?
      And this is not a white or black, most people are Medicare, not even average, most people want bosses, not independence
      They whine and moan about being free whiteout taking a step towards it
      Same here in Europe

    • @jdjuft4301
      @jdjuft4301 Před 3 lety

      The whites put economic sanctions. Explain how Zimbabwe was during the 1990s and then in the 2000s when the Blair regime occured. Tell me whats happening in 2018. The economy was doing well from 1980 - 2000 until blair came in and messed everything up. As you know with economic sanctions, it doesn't take a day or a week to rebuild - it can take years. 2018, the economy is doing better. The only way your analogy would do well is only if Zimbabwe is still doing terribly. In 2021 - multiple economist stated that Zimbabwe's economy is improving.

    • @dissonantiacognitiva7438
      @dissonantiacognitiva7438 Před 3 lety +1

      @@jdjuft4301 yes, because the European farmers were let back into the country
      It's not really a secret
      And South Africa is going the way of Zimbabwe.
      Sanctions wise, why would the west buy products from people.who engaged in expropriating and theft?
      It's not like the farmers who were there engaged in land theft. And what if it happens again? People returned, bought land, what if they get expropriated again?
      That's the way of the Communists, the useless who can't produce steal from the workers and builders untill there is nothing left

    • @jdjuft4301
      @jdjuft4301 Před 3 lety

      Slavery - the whites reimbursed the owners, not the slaves.
      There was an act called the Casual Killing Act 1669 which stated
      "If any slave resist his master (or other by his master's order correcting him) and by the extremity of the correction should chance to die, that his death shall not be accompted felony."
      This elucidates that killing a slave literally lead to no reprimand.
      How could you say colonialism was excellent / better for Africans?
      As some individuals ramble on about healthcare and what not, there is a system that could easily reumerate both sides whilst not leading to colonialsim - trade.
      Trade of medicine / books whilst recieving minerals and ores can achieve the exact same result.
      The British Empire can succeed in wealth, whilst Africans can still have their values, and have a better life expectancy, and maybe - turn to Westerm Civilization naturally.

    • @jdjuft4301
      @jdjuft4301 Před 3 lety

      "Most want bosses."
      Yes - by there own people, not by colonialists.
      Imagine you are working one day in an environment you are comfortable. And then moments later your current boss is removed and then instead of working in your safe enviroment, you work in an environment which makes you anxious and depressed. But the boss may give you pay (barely anything - studies suggest that an African-American's pay in the 1880s was 0.70c) but to the bare maximum. Would you be triumphing over how your new boss has helped you?

  • @yorkshirelad3524
    @yorkshirelad3524 Před 3 lety +7

    I’ve said similar for some time people get very angry for even mentioning it as a discussion

  • @paulsnaith9677
    @paulsnaith9677 Před 3 lety +4

    Hear hear, this is something I have believed for a long time. God bless you for saying it out loud Simon.

  • @araftryffan7804
    @araftryffan7804 Před 3 lety +13

    Apart from the roads, medicine, telepones, clean drinking water, the rule of law, industry, Monty Python and the chance of a better life... what have the colonialists ever done for Africa?

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      Roads: existed
      Medicine: no modern sure but traditional and surgical practices existed
      Clean drinking water: existed
      Rule of law: existed

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 2 lety

      @Larry Moran the Inca didn't have the wheel either but had roads

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 2 lety

      @Larry Moran you said they never invented the wheel so why would they have roads. I respond with an example of a peoples that never invented the wheel, but had roads. Keep up

  • @trismegistus2881
    @trismegistus2881 Před 3 lety +85

    "What did the Europeans ever do for us? They built roads, water supplies, ports, airports, cars, pipelines, oil fields, schools, churches. They created our language (Lingala), gave us a writing system, taught us to write. They abolished slavery." Yes, colonialism was also an evil emperial, insane and murderous pillage. But I'd say the heritage is mixed.

    • @kimbo99
      @kimbo99 Před 3 lety +19

      And africa was doing all the negatives you list " an evil emperial, insane and murderous pillage " Without any help from others

    • @Zanuka
      @Zanuka Před 3 lety +6

      Exactly, life is rarely all good or all bad. Yes imperialism/colonialism was bad, but some good did come from it. Life is grey. So glad you recognise this, much respect.

    • @Hiraghm
      @Hiraghm Před 3 lety +6

      no, _European_ colonialism was not evil, insane, murderous, and it certainly wasn't pillage.

    • @mikebellis5713
      @mikebellis5713 Před 3 lety +4

      You forgot currency, which is loved above all else

    • @valeriuginghina5648
      @valeriuginghina5648 Před 3 lety +7

      @@Hiraghm I beg to differ, mate, there is no doubt about the evil and pillaging sides of colonialism, don't get me wrong, the Belgians for instance, what they did in Congo back in the 30s is unbelievably horrible, the policy of the white colonists pushing the indigenous further and further inland, as they were gaining control of the coastal areas, the incalculable mineral resources the Africans were just sitting on, without using any of them, all these cannot be denied...
      BUT, again, don't get me wrong, I am a white straight grown-up old-school proud European family man, aware that although with the inherent downsides, the simple presence and spreading of Europeans and European culture had definitely a lot of positive influence on the African continent and on their future course of their lives. As you saw in Simon's video, all the essential things that are almost indispensable in a modern society are of non-African origin, either European, American or Asian. History, just like life itself, is not just black and white, good and bad, right or wrong, not just that...
      And stating that whites are evil, the root of racism and slavery, trying to make white people feeling guilty or ashamed of their origins, history and culture, THAT is plain idiocy, stupidity and evil.
      Never bow down, never take a knee, never feel bad of being white !!!
      Live and let live, that's a good principle of life, but if anybody wants to teach and change how you live your life, then push back and fight back with all your strength !!!👍👍👍

  • @Anglo_Saxon1
    @Anglo_Saxon1 Před 2 lety +2

    That was hilarious hahaha!😂👍🤣nice one Simon for telling it how it is Sir.

  • @DieFlabbergast
    @DieFlabbergast Před 3 lety +4

    "It must never be said out loud" Proceeds to say it out loud.

  • @aeliusromanus9338
    @aeliusromanus9338 Před 3 lety +16

    If you have a spear what else could you need in your life?

  • @c.d3002
    @c.d3002 Před 3 lety +2

    Best video I've seen from your channel. Thank you for taking the heat and being so honest!

  • @martinbennett9578
    @martinbennett9578 Před 3 lety +19

    What did the romans ever do for us

    • @aeliusromanus9338
      @aeliusromanus9338 Před 3 lety

      Sanitation? Roads? Public education ? Há há ha

    • @impalaSS65
      @impalaSS65 Před 3 lety +1

      HAHAHA exactly my thought. Scanned the comments for it.

    • @ronnieg6358
      @ronnieg6358 Před 3 lety +1

      They gave us Hadrian's Wall to keep the Scots out!

  • @martinlakeuk
    @martinlakeuk Před 3 lety +2

    One of your best videos. Thank you so much for saying the unspeakable. No mess can be sorted out unless facts are acknowledged first.

  • @Will-thon
    @Will-thon Před 3 lety +6

    excellent presentation Simon. Well done

  • @rastabarwell
    @rastabarwell Před 2 lety +2

    Africans never built a structure over one tier. Barely built boats. While Europeans were building monuments and cathedrals, Africans were building dry stone walls. Africa would still be a overall nomad, tribalistic cesspit if not for white brilliance. When handing Africa back to Africans, they have more or less gone back 2000 years+. No hope.

  • @danieldurchtechnik6804
    @danieldurchtechnik6804 Před 3 lety +4

    Excellent video, thanks so very much.
    I left school over a decade ago and I was not taught any of this. The most worrying thing is what the children of today are being taught - I would love to hear your thoughts on this.
    Apologies if you have covered this topic already as I am currently working my way through all of your videos!
    We should be proud of the intellect and ingenuity of the white European and how their endeavours elevated Europe and the world to a level of knowledge and understanding that no other culture, people or race could ever come close to or hope to achieve. In such a short space of time too.
    Indeed, something to be immensely proud of.
    Thanks again and God bless you.

  • @jimlambrick4642
    @jimlambrick4642 Před 3 lety +2

    Worked a couple of years in Tanzania in the 60's and on more than one occasion had older Africans tell me how much they had preferred being under the British Colonial administration rather than the blatantly corrupt 'Independence' government. Just one of the innovations that the British introduced was organizing local village markets. This was the nucleus and start of a cash economy which the Africans, particularly the women took too very well and still do to this day.
    "Colonialism' became the go-to handy excuse for the failings of the new rulers. 60 to 70 years later the story is wearing a little thin.

  • @alberttrubshaw3934
    @alberttrubshaw3934 Před 3 lety +5

    From the stone age to the space age in about 200 years. Little wonder they can't cope in modern society

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      How dumb are you?

    • @alberttrubshaw3934
      @alberttrubshaw3934 Před 3 lety

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p clearly more intelligent than you. Dummy

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      @@alberttrubshaw3934 considering how you think all of Africa was collectively in the stone age for it's entire history, the only dummy here is you

  • @stephenscaife9993
    @stephenscaife9993 Před 3 lety +2

    My dad was involved in research in growing maize in Tanzania had to leave when the country became independent, due to some hostility. Would be a wealthier country today if people got on together. There was mixed race bars even then. Still a great country today .

  • @jimfiggerty833
    @jimfiggerty833 Před 3 lety +15

    What did the Romans ever do for us ?

  • @vordman
    @vordman Před 3 lety +2

    The Human Race was won by the White man centuries ago and he's been sharing the spoils ever since.

  • @johnbowkett5920
    @johnbowkett5920 Před 3 lety +6

    "What did the Romans do for us"

  • @aires69uk
    @aires69uk Před 3 lety +1

    Gave them transport infrastructure, clean water, better health, education, industry, increased life span.

  • @lynncw9202
    @lynncw9202 Před 3 lety +13

    Don't forget deodorant!! You've no idea how that helped!! 😖👍

    • @GazGuitarz
      @GazGuitarz Před 3 lety

      and skin whitening creams and lotions.

  • @johndarcy1294
    @johndarcy1294 Před 3 lety +2

    I cannot think of a single black African that has invented or produced anything of use to mankind

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      Refrigerated trucks, gas masks, and the home security system aren't useful?

  • @jimdean5333
    @jimdean5333 Před 3 lety +3

    Dear subscribers fo History Debunked, I have brought up this subject to many of my black friends and they are baffled in many instances. Other times they tend to make things up or say that they built America, WHAT did you say?. I have to remind them that pretty well everything we have as black people are a result of Europeans. I have asked them why not be happy that somewhere in the world a race of people had the RIGHT STUFF which enabled the world to be what it is today. So from an ethnically mixed black/brown immigrant to Canada, thank you white European for the positive changes that your culture brought throughout the world.

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      Ah positive changes Ay? The industrial world so great? Filled with meaningless soulless distractions?
      The industrial civilisation destroys Mother Earth in the name of “progress” the industrial civilisation literally bites the hand that feeds us
      you sir are an industrial savage the Ancestors would be disappointed

  • @winstonreid2146
    @winstonreid2146 Před 3 lety +5

    I bet all the dislikes are patrons of the University of E. London.

  • @mkayokay3192
    @mkayokay3192 Před 3 lety +8

    I know now, and have always known, and continue to meet people who through great personal expense travel to Africa to do things like dig wells, open schools, and distribute medicine. My naturopath is one of these people, so is my children’s nanny. Why anyone feels compelled to do this I cannot explain. What a thankless task! My dr told me he was nearly killed a few years back on one of these silly trips. Just stay home!

    • @heniakonas9439
      @heniakonas9439 Před 3 lety +2

      With all the money poured into the provision of clean water for Africans, over 60 years, every tap should gush Veuve Clicot by now. But still more and more funds are demanded. Enough volunteer fools to do the hard work too.

    • @vordman
      @vordman Před 3 lety +2

      These do-gooders see Africans as eternal children. And they get to play teacher/provider. It's a power thing.

    • @mkayokay3192
      @mkayokay3192 Před 3 lety +2

      @@vordman they see Africans as eternal children…. Are they correct?
      I don’t disagree with your assessment. Slight disagreement on the conclusion.
      I think these types of trips are mainly taken by silly hearted fools not power hungry maniacs.

    • @CharlesCoderre-yv1cu
      @CharlesCoderre-yv1cu Před 2 lety

      @@mkayokay3192 eternal retarded children

  • @cargumdeu
    @cargumdeu Před 3 lety +1

    Cannibals and famine, slavery and disease were Africa's lot before the late 19th century.

  • @JM-hf9bl
    @JM-hf9bl Před 3 lety +6

    And something I never see mentioned: what about a developed language? What progress could they achieve with a primitive language?

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      Primitive languages? Are you a clown? Oyinbo kónì da fún ẹ. How is a language "primitive" anyways?

    • @JM-hf9bl
      @JM-hf9bl Před 3 lety +1

      @@user-de4iv9hj6p like when it has only words for three colors. Or when time, future and space are a single word, like in zulu. That's so archaic you can't even understand. I don't think they have the word clown either

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      @@JM-hf9bl that isn't archaic. For starters idk what language only has words for three colors. And for what you just mentioned about time, future, and space, that isn't archaic. In fact that's very similar to Chinese, which does not have any actual words that refer to past or future. It's called a tenseless language. that isn't archaic, that's a feature of a language. Languages can't be archaic. Also why would they have the word for clown when clowns didn't exist, are you dumb? They would have a loan word or create a new word, like in every other language.
      You making up some bs "primitive" language nonsense is literally the felt time I've heard such bs stated in general.

  • @CIMAmotor
    @CIMAmotor Před 3 lety +5

    Edison didn't invent the light bulb, it was Joseph Swan.

  • @AJ-qn6gd
    @AJ-qn6gd Před 3 lety +6

    Most African colonies were granted independence after WW2 when Britain was all but bankrupt and could no longer afford to administer the colonies, that hardly sounds like they were a source of great wealth if they were Britain would have hung on to them with all its might.

  • @Bm23CC
    @Bm23CC Před 3 lety +2

    I work with a Nigerian who hasn't an issue with colonialism. He thinks that being able to speak English is a blessing.

    • @flinteyesonofsun614
      @flinteyesonofsun614 Před rokem

      That’s what colonialism does to ppl make em think it’s a blessing their language was erased n a blessing they speak the erasers language truly horrific

  • @vulkanofnocturne
    @vulkanofnocturne Před 3 lety +5

    I think you forgot to mention Arab colonialism, too. I think the Arabs taught Ethiopia a bit about warfare enough so Ethiopia nearly conquered mecca.

  • @jimking3288
    @jimking3288 Před 3 lety +2

    So in Europe we build settlements next to sources of water, in Africa they settle 3 to 4 hours walk away from water !! Sounds like a better idea to keep them fit !! Not !!

  • @aaronstepien2363
    @aaronstepien2363 Před 3 lety +4

    There used to be a great video on this topic called No Apologizes that was very honest so of course CZcams pulled it

  • @AnInterestedObserver
    @AnInterestedObserver Před 3 lety +1

    Thank you for voicing these facts that those who have been properly educated know as the history of Africa. There is no counter this. As you say, we aren’t allowed to speak the truth about this situation. But why? Why are we in this situation?

  • @kenclark9743
    @kenclark9743 Před 3 lety +4

    Joseph Swan developed the first light bulb...

    • @ianlowden6168
      @ianlowden6168 Před 3 lety +1

      Yes, from my old home town too. A rare error by Simon (unless I’m sadly mistaken). It’s a bit like saying the Model T Ford was the first car and not the Carl Benz motor car. The German car was first but then Henry Ford sort of perfected it along the way, as did Edison with the light bulb.

    • @luckybag6814
      @luckybag6814 Před 3 lety +1

      He’d been selling them for at least two years before Edison “invented” them.
      But to be fair, what Edison patented was his legitimate improvement on the technology.

    • @kenclark9743
      @kenclark9743 Před 3 lety +1

      @@luckybag6814 Yes...but he didn't invent it...

  • @thomasmusso1147
    @thomasmusso1147 Před 3 lety +1

    Well put.
    Anyone who genuinely disagrees .. leave them to their illusion.

  • @paulmanners1364
    @paulmanners1364 Před 3 lety +3

    They would still be pre stone age

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      No cuz they weren't in the stone age prior, dunce

  • @coventrypunx1014
    @coventrypunx1014 Před 3 lety +2

    Very True , we must be proud of our Ancestors

  • @patriottothecore6215
    @patriottothecore6215 Před 3 lety +3

    Colonialism brought a temporary halt to the forces of entropy, chaos and corruption.

  • @jonathanspilhaus3165
    @jonathanspilhaus3165 Před 3 lety +1

    Had the Europeans never come to Africa, the baleful influence of Islam with respect to enslaving black people would have continued. The actual record of colonialism by the Europeans was mixed. In the Congo's case, it was truly awful; at least until Belgium under pressure from Britain and other countries took over the administration of the country and put stop to some downright heinous practices. Some people like to portray Africa as peaceful before the Europeans arrived: that is simply not true, Shaka was waging genocidal wars of conquest in Southern Africa. Like almost all parts of the world, Africa had its share of warfare and fighting and with or without colonialism there were wars.

  • @12staunton1
    @12staunton1 Před 3 lety +4

    Every time someone tries to justify colonialism like this, they never seem to consider that these technologies could have been spread through non-violent and oppressive means. Take Japan for example, it was extremely hostile to colonial attempts. It heavily suppressed the spread of Christianity within its borders, and restricted trade and contact between itself and Western powers. Yet Japan still industrialised rapidly. It still adopted Western styles of government and became a fair power in the East.
    Granted, Japan was a feudal society by the time Europeans made contact and was still pushed around by Western powers like in the Perry Expedition. But the point still stands. Trade between Western powers and technologically behind nations would have, and did, provide these nations with ample opportunity to adopt modern technology and practices.

    • @user-de4iv9hj6p
      @user-de4iv9hj6p Před 3 lety

      These bozos will be like "it would've taken longer" like, okay? It's not like we're on some cosmic clock to progress

  • @henrycastle1
    @henrycastle1 Před 3 lety

    ❤️ Simon
    Thank you on behalf of all the young farmers that listened
    to your talk.
    Thank you
    On behalf of Young Farmers in Long Crendon Bucks
    and Thame in Oxfordshire

  • @gitouttamyway7611
    @gitouttamyway7611 Před 3 lety +4

    And let's not forget the digging of wells.
    We are still going out to remote villages helping them get to water.
    The missing link has been right under our noses all along.

    • @vordman
      @vordman Před 3 lety +2

      The fact they never figured out by themselves there was a fresh water supply under their very feet tells you all you need to know about them.

  • @Charonupthekuiper
    @Charonupthekuiper Před 3 lety +2

    Our achievements are indeed amazing. Just one example, scientists estimated the earth's crust thickness from the way the earth's axis wobbles. That was 200 years ago.

  • @Hiraghm
    @Hiraghm Před 3 lety +3

    I was rewatching LindyBeige's telling of The Sacrifice of 155 Battery the other day.
    I also rewatched The Britisher's video, "Do not despair! The Stories of HMS Bellerophon and Belleisle"
    And I realized something.
    I would not have this country of whose heritage I am so extremely proud... if it was not created by such men.
    It is their culture that is the lifeblood running through the veins of onetime _colonies_ and is ultimately responsible for our greatness... up to and including that little plaque still sitting at the bottom of the Tranquil Sea a quarter million miles away.
    That ultimate expression of humanity is, IMO, culturally British.

  • @icdgyixifyinstereo
    @icdgyixifyinstereo Před 3 lety +1

    All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order...
    what have the British ever done for us?

  • @imadogsass6717
    @imadogsass6717 Před 3 lety +5

    Just watch the old films about Rhodesia before the world turned its back on them.

    • @deadhorse1391
      @deadhorse1391 Před 3 lety +2

      People used to go to Rhodesia to see the ruins of Zimbabwe now they go to Zimbabwe and see the ruins of Rhodesia

    • @robshirewood5060
      @robshirewood5060 Před 3 lety

      Mugabe was taking money from as many places as he could while insulting those who supplied the funds........I saw him do so towards the UK on a number of news reports typical marxist

  • @pietervorster8245
    @pietervorster8245 Před 3 lety

    Thank you ...... Excellent
    There contribution is zero . through ALL age's

  • @Dentropolis
    @Dentropolis Před 3 lety +3

    I am proud of our achievements. Also with the affirmative action which has been active for generations, I am sceptical of almost any participation of bleeps in the STEM fields at all. Yes in the arts and music and sports for their merit is apparent but in STEM and any other intellectual field (such as politics, business, philosophy etc.) it is ludicrous to observe their behaviour and participation.

  • @craigsexton7170
    @craigsexton7170 Před 3 lety +1

    A lot of the points you are making I totally agree with and I've came to the conclusion and wrote essays on it some 15-20 years ago and I just got ridiculed because I was a liberal at the time but it's refreshing to hear someone talking about the truth in a respectful but bold Manor.