How can I be pro-life and anti-Trump?

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 554

  • @carlacrosby
    @carlacrosby Před 3 měsíci +47

    I am tired of politicians who profess with their mouth Jesus and their lives reflect nothing of Him.

  • @chuckgilbert8670
    @chuckgilbert8670 Před měsícem +31

    I totally agree. I am 68 years old, and use to vote Republican almost every election, mainly because of the pro life issue. My mind started changing when I heard our past Colorado Governor Ritter, a Democrat and staunch Pro Life defender, say when someone asked him how he could be both a Democrat and be a Pro Life person. He said, "well I'm trying to convince me fellow Democrats". I'm an Independent, but I find myself voting for Democrats mainly now. We need to look at ALL the issues, and I am also sick of mass killings (virtually no gun control). I will never vote for Trump or any Republican that pushes their current agenda. They really have taken advantage of what many Christians will do, which is to vote for him mainly because he professes to be pro life. Given his character, I would guarantee that he has paid for an abortion. He is WAY OUT OF LINE and just power hungry. Jan 6 says it all.

    • @battle_promaster3631
      @battle_promaster3631 Před měsícem

      Jan 6 says it all. What’s Harris and Walz. Walz let his city burn and Kamala paid to get rioters out of prison.

  • @momofnine199
    @momofnine199 Před 5 měsíci +66

    Can’t tell you how much I LOVE to hear you speak and explain this very difficult subject. I became a believer when I was 18 years old, right in the middle of deciding whether to have an abortion after finding out I was pregnant. I was 18, just graduated high school, unmarried and had been experimenting with recreational drugs and alcohol. I couldn’t imagine that it was right timing for me to bear a child, so I decided to have an abortion. I struggled to feel a sense of forgiveness for years afterwards, but one day way down the road, I was holding and rocking my newborn baby and it hit me that God wasn’t punishing me, he was rewarding me with new life. If he could forgive and bless, then I needed to forgive myself and move I to a healthy mental space about the abortion I had. I was part of a very pro life church but I never felt safe to talk about my abortion. It wasn’t until after my last baby was born and we were attending a different church that I heard a friend talk about her abortion, and I was able to share my story. Through tears, I felt a sense of healing. I am still pro life, but I’m also pro woman, and because I believe Donald Trump is a wicked man, I will not vote for him, even though it’s who most pro life people will vote for. It may be their defining issue but it’s not mine anymore. By the way, I e been married to the same man for 42 years and successfully birthed and raised 9 beautiful children to adulthood. God is good, better than we will ever know in this life.

  • @MrsLauraD
    @MrsLauraD Před 5 měsíci +112

    Just like you, Pat Kahnke, I could not vote for Trump or Clinton in 2016 for the same reasons. If I could go back, I would vote for Clinton. I have been (and am) a Christian most of my life. I have been (and am) pro-life all my life. I am no longer anti-abortion. That ended when Roe vs. Wade was overturned. Why? Because dead pregnant mothers do not give birth to live babies. 10 year old girls are not physically mature enough to have babies. Women who have miscarriages should never face interrogation about their loss. Women should never have to carry an unviable pregnancy that risks their fertility and/or life. Tubal pregnancies need to be terminated immediately, not wait for a court to decide. No rape or incest victim should have to prove they were victimized. Doctors shouldn't have to risk prosecution in order to save the life of their patient.

    • @mcneillmama50
      @mcneillmama50 Před 4 měsíci +14

      i agree. this is strictly a woman's issue that does not affect men in any way. All we hear is ban abortions, but we don't hear let's ban men that do not use birth control, men that refuse to have a vasectomy, men who sexually abuse women and teen girls, men that buy pornography, men that are buying and selling in the sex trafficking industry that brings in more money than heroin sales in the USA.

    • @mcneillmama50
      @mcneillmama50 Před 4 měsíci +18

      back in 1987, I woke up one morning hemorrhaging and in labor pain. I had a 4 month old baby prior to this incident. I called my mother who drove me to the ER. My doctor met us there. He said I was having a miscarriage and I needed an immediate emergency therapeutic abortion. Fortunately I was competent and could sign my own consent papers. My husband was brainwashed by a fundamentalist religion that believed all abortions were a sin. It's a good thing he didn't make it to the hospital until i was already in the OR. If he had heard my dr. using the word therapeutic abortion, he would have showed himself at the hospital for everybody to see. I really believe my husband would have let me bleed to death before he'd get off his high horse he's been riding all his life. I've heard my own minister say that "if you are riding a high judgmental horse, you better be riding the saddle of impeccable righteousness."

    • @StandUp777
      @StandUp777 Před měsícem +9

      Pro-life, anti-Trump Christian here. I am staunchly against abortion - with the exceptions you mentioned. Well said and great explanation. It is not all black and white. There needs to be checks and balances and we cannot ban abortions to the extent it causes further harm. They are to be banned when used as a post-pregnancy contraceptive because people didn't want to get pregnant. But if a child is not wanted, then use the many options to prevent getting pregnant in the first place.

    • @ellencain6114
      @ellencain6114 Před měsícem

      I totally agree. I have always been pro life. Initially I wouldn't vote for Trump because I dont believe he is personally pro life but when I see how they want women to carry fetus that are unalive risking sepsis, registering pregnancies, etc. This isn't pro life....this is controlling women.

    • @mobilityproject3485
      @mobilityproject3485 Před měsícem +3

      @@StandUp777 Exactly. If the existing laws that protect everyone else were applied, instead of the extreme ones getting mad up in red states, that would be much better.

  • @deepashtray5605
    @deepashtray5605 Před 5 měsíci +68

    Does anyone at all seriously think Donald Trump has ever given so much as a passing thought any deeper than what will serve his immediate needs on this issue? If so, I have a bridge to sell.

    • @boardtodeath46
      @boardtodeath46 Před 5 měsíci

      You have a lot to learn friend. First, if you are a Christian, you would know things will get much , much worse. It doesn’t matter who is elected. What is meant to happen, will happen. Until it does , do your best to make the world a better place. Over half your country men see great things in Trump. Witnessed kindness and sincerity. Love everyone both conservative and liberals.

    • @janhankins911
      @janhankins911 Před 5 měsíci +2

      And I have some ocean-front property on Mars. I'm willing to let it go real cheap--it's a sacrifice, but for the gullible, I'll make the sacrifice.

    • @deepashtray5605
      @deepashtray5605 Před 5 měsíci +7

      @@boardtodeath46 Could you cite any of this kindness and sincerity?

    • @deepashtray5605
      @deepashtray5605 Před 5 měsíci +2

      @@janhankins911 How much money have you given Trump?
      The bridge is still available.

    • @boardtodeath46
      @boardtodeath46 Před 5 měsíci

      @@deepashtray5605 good morning. Yes there are many instances where Trump was kind, generous, and thoughtful. But if your mind is made up about him, and you if you only listen to msmn . It won’t help if I share the stories. You can start by looking into the homeless lady he let stay in one of his hotels for free for years, or he recently paid off the mortgage of a widow who’s husband dies in the line of duty

  • @DoloresJNurss
    @DoloresJNurss Před 5 měsíci +69

    I was born in 1955, and I remember the world before Roe V Wade, and why I oppose abortion but don't see laws against it as preventing a dang thing. I'm going to talk about that world, how Roe V. Wade changed it, and how the pro-life movement made a liberal out of me.
    People will tell you that Roe V. Wade doubled abortion, but it didn't. It doubled LEGAL abortion, but not how many were actually happening--it exposed the truth. Abortion was actually more common before Roe V. Wade than it is today. Doctors just wrote it down as a polyp removal, or women took a bus to a different state where it was legal, or they mail-ordered "menstrual regulators"--concoctions that would cause them to miscarry. The only reason coat-hanger abortions happened was because teenage girls were so terrified of anyone finding out that they were even pregnant in the first place--because the consequences were horrific!
    If you got pregnant out of wedlock, your life was over. In some cases literally, because most parents felt socially obliged to kick you out of their home, and some girls died of hypothermia. It was just expected, something they "had to" do. Similarly all schools and colleges had a policy of expelling any girl or woman who got pregnant--so your education ended. If you had a job and turned up pregnant out of wedlock, you'd likely get fired. Sometimes you were even fired for getting pregnant in wedlock, but at least you'd have a husband to support you and the child. But only the sleaziest employers would hire somebody known to have gotten pregnant without a wedding ring; if you were lucky that meant earning a poverty-level wage at a dive bar or a strip joint. If you were unlucky that meant prostitution. And even some soup kitchens wouldn't serve food to someone visibly pregnant without a spouse. Similarly, unwed mothers couldn't rent from anybody except those who didn't care about their establishment's reputation. So even if you didn't become a prostitute, yourself, your child would still grow up in an atmosphere of crime and degradation.
    What Roe V. Wade did was wake up the Christian community to the problem. We saw how our own judgmentalness was driving this horror. We started fighting for the right for girls and women to stay in school, we started charities to help impoverished mothers, and instead of shaming parents for keeping their pregnant daughters at home, we started praising them.
    Gradually the numbers of abortion per capita started to shrink. And frankly, they shrank faster under Democrats than under Republicans. Because it wasn't hidden any longer.
    In the 1990's the UN made a survey of abortions all over the world. I used to have the number of that survey so people could look it up, but a computer crash years ago obliterated it. They found that whether or not abortion was legal did not impact abortions per capita--but what did impact it was how that society treated women, children, and families. Did they have safety nets for impoverished families? Did girls get an adequate education? Did jobs offer maternity leave? Did they have safe maternity hospitals? Was it more important to feed a pregnant woman than to punish her? A whole matrix of policies springing from liberal attitudes to give concrete support for childbirth and child-rearing made the difference between life and death.
    So I vote Liberal. I don't care what a politician gives lip-service to, I vote for those who actually save lives. And you save more babies with food stamps than with pieces of paper proclaiming laws that have always been easy to circumvent.
    Abortion has increased since the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Too many people think that changing the law has "solved" abortion, so now they don't have to worry about the effects of cutting mothers off from hope in ways that save themselves money or feeds their sense of moral superiority. But I don't want to go back to the days when every so often the highway patrol would find a dead pregnant girl in the snow.

    • @janhankins911
      @janhankins911 Před 5 měsíci +11

      Completely agree with you and you make a cogent argument. In addition, when Roe legalized abortion, that put and end to the horrors of "back room abortions" where many young women lost their lives and their ability to have children in the future. Overturning Roe will just bring that back. Making abortions illegal won't stop them, it will just make them much less safe for pregnant women. And the whole idea of prosecuting women for a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy is sheer lunacy. My mother had a miscarriage; my mother-in-law had an ectopic pregnancy. Both my mother and my mother-in-law had an "abortion" and they weren't called "murderers". They weren't charged with murder, they weren't sent to jail for life (if that had happened neither my husband or I would even be here--and some of you may thing my not being here would be a good thing). And to punish doctors with threats of prosecution for murder and taking away their right to practice medicine? Well, that has effects. I live in a red state with a very strict abortion ban (and no, it won't be on the ballot because our legislature and Supreme Court won't allow it be). OB/GYN physicians are leaving my state in droves. It's difficult to find an OB/GYN now and it's next to impossible to get an appointment even for things like a yearly pap smear--and the quality of the doctor, well, let's just say the "good" doctors aren't ones staying in the state to practice medicine. As one doctor put it, she said something to the effect that she didn't decide to practice medicine and go to medical school so she could stand idly by and watch her patient die when she had the skills and ability to prevent that death.

    • @citoante
      @citoante Před 5 měsíci

      I always found this kind of argumentation weak. The same arguments can be used to legalize heroin.

    • @DoloresJNurss
      @DoloresJNurss Před 5 měsíci +12

      @@citoante An excellent point! And do you know what happens to countries that legalize heroin? Addiction drops. Seriously, it does. Portugal had a horrible addiction problem, until they stopped treating it like a legal problem and started treating it like a medical problem. Here's how that worked:
      1. Addicts stopped having to go to criminals for their fixes, and went to doctors instead. The doctors were committed to helping them stop--they had dedicated their lives to making people well. In contrast, pushers didn't care about their customer's health and did everything to keep them addicted. More and more addicts got clean and sober.
      2. Crime dropped dramatically. The addicts no longer had to pay enormous hazard pay costs for what they could get at slightly above cost of manufacture at a clinic. So they no longer had to steal. They could settle into simple jobs that anyone with half a functioning brain could do, and their lives stabilized. From that position, still more addicts got healthy and got off drugs.
      3. Crime also dropped dramatically because pushers went out of business. When you're a businessman, and you can't call the police if a rival steals your inventory, you have to compete to be the meanest, scariest pusher in the neighborhood to fend them off. You have incentive to torture, rape and murder. (This was even true of 18h century tea smugglers!)
      4. Addiction to legal drugs, like oxycontin and Xanax, also went down. Because now doctors had options to treat addicted patients besides abruptly cutting them off and turning them out on streets to look for some replacement.
      5. New addicts became fewer and fewer. First because, before legalization, pushers would pressure their victims to introduce new people to heroin so they could expand their customer base. In fact, many addicts became pushers themselves to finance their own habits.
      Second, because pushers wanted to start people on drugs as young as possible, but nobody in the medical profession wants anyone to start on heroin. The addict population in Portugal--what remains of it--is aging out.
      Portugal is a much, much happier, safer, healthier place because they stopped jailing heroin addicts and started treating them instead.
      Thank you for bringing this up!

    • @citoante
      @citoante Před 5 měsíci

      @@DoloresJNurss nice fairy tale. Maybe you should update your data. “Overdose rates have hit 12-year highs and almost doubled in Lisbon from 2019 to 2023. Sewage samples in Lisbon show cocaine and ketamine detection is now among the highest in Europe, with elevated weekend rates suggesting party-heavy usage. In Porto, the collection of drug-related debris from city streets surged 24 percent between 2021 and 2022, with this year on track to far outpace the last. Crime - including robbery in public spaces - spiked 14 percent from 2021 to 2022, a rise police blame partly on increased drug use.” You should read a Washington post article about it. Abortion, drugs, it’s all dirty business.

    • @bibigems
      @bibigems Před 5 měsíci +1

      @@citoante unfair and wrong analogy. False equivalency.

  • @RobynAnn
    @RobynAnn Před 5 měsíci +46

    You are a wise man and I love how carefully thought out your positions are AND that you’re willing to change your mind as your grow and more of the nuances come to light. I voted for Trump in 2016 for the very same reasons you pointed out. Never again!! That was a huge mistake we Christian’s made based on that one issue. Thank you for explaining your perspective because it helps me to vote against Trump no matter what until this MAGA movement is defeated and goes away.

  • @jonhilderbrand4615
    @jonhilderbrand4615 Před 5 měsíci +42

    One should also note that one of the biggest differences between the current front runners is this: Democrats tend to vote for policy issues, not a person; on the other hand, one does not vote anymore for conservative values, but for one single individual, Donald Trump. This is because Trump has no moral center, much less policy positions (one person who worked for him says he generally goes with the decision of the last person he talked to!). He is for whatever he believes will benefit him personally, and at the moment, evangelicals provide him with the support he needs to stay ahead; but make no mistake, my evangelical friends: You are simply _useful tools._ He will turn on you in a heartbeat if you stray from the path. Choose Christ (for once) over him, and you will find yourself in the proverbial arena facing some very hungry lions.

    • @karenkoelsch
      @karenkoelsch Před 5 měsíci +5

      Very well said!

    • @jacquelineadams4872
      @jacquelineadams4872 Před 5 měsíci +2

      I agree.

    • @davidbartlett6746
      @davidbartlett6746 Před 4 měsíci

      A strange conclusion considering the topic of this video. Many vote for Trump while holding their noses, e.g. not the person, because his policies were supportive of a Pro-Life position. You can try to dismiss that by saying that Trump holds that position for political expediency, but that doesn't change the fact that the voter who voted on policy not the person achieved their policy goal. As far as the rest, I agree Trump isn't to be trusted, but it doesn't follow that the alternative is to be trusted. They've already turned against Christian values, and have proven they are no friends to Christians or Christian values.

  • @kansaswildfan7106
    @kansaswildfan7106 Před 5 měsíci +60

    It is so good to hear a conservative talk about being against capital punishment and in favor of gun control. You show great wisdom and humility in your approach to these very difficult issues.

    • @chikaka2012
      @chikaka2012 Před 16 dny

      I don’t understand how a voter or politician can claim to care about unborn children then support the bombing or genocide of pregnant women and children overseas. Sadly, many
      pro lifers are pro white, American life, and that’s truly where it ends.

  • @MusicLover-ko5ls
    @MusicLover-ko5ls Před 5 měsíci +37

    There is a difference between an anti-abortionist and a pro-life person. An anti-abortionist wants to make abortion illegal, period. A pro-life person seeks to better the lives of all people. A pro-life person tends to support a universal healthcare system, unemployment insurance and welfare. A pro-life person also tends to support paid sick days, paid maternity leave, affordable daycare services, affordable long-term care, old age security pensions....A pro-life person is against any form of abuse and the death penalty. As far as I'm concerned, if a society establishes healthy and robust social safety nets, it will reduce the need for abortions; it would not eliminate the need completely since medical emergencies are not always preventable. I truly believe that legally banning abortions is an irresponsible way of dealing with a complex issue that is pregnancy.

    • @lisan8561
      @lisan8561 Před 3 měsíci +8

      I'm Catholic, pro-life, anti-trump and a retired OB/maternal/child health RN of 50+ years. I agree wholeheartedly with you. During my working years in a Catholic hospital OB department, I cared for women in varying trimesters of pregnancy. I recall a mother at 20 weeks gestation whose bag of waters ruptured. Her OB admitted her to labor and delivery. A 20 week old unborn baby was and is unable to survive if birthed. Premature ruptured bag of waters is a maternal life threatening complication. There was no question about what had to happen: mom had symptoms of infection, blood test results confirmed infection. Her OB first spoke with his patient, her husband and other family members, explaining her infection, and need to induce labor to prevent worsening infection despite antibiotics, an infection leading to probable hysterectomy, and a risk of her death. Of course, he acknowledged the sadness that her baby couldn't survive at 20 weeks of pregnancy if born. Patient gave her consent to proceed with labor induction after risks and benefits of that process were explained. Her doctor spoke about 30 minutes on the phone, consulting with the OB chief, chief of all medical staff, administrator, and spiritual services director, explaining the case and plan for labor induction and delivery of the baby. I was her nurse during labor and delivery. I cared for her, following the protocols for induction. I did my very best to do so in a caring, compassionate, and respectful way. When her tiny baby was born, he lived for only a few minutes, during which time he was held by his mama, and for quite some time after. This was not an abortion. This was not murdering a baby. This was a necessary medical decision made to save a mother's life with her informed consent. Had she not given her consent, she would've still been given all necessary medications, had many blood tests to monitor the infection, and continuously monitored for worsening symptoms. At some point, labor would've started on it's own, and her baby born. However, in all likelihood, by that time, she would've been very ill, with infection throughout her body, possibly close to death. The restrictive abortion laws in red states will cause mor maternal and infant deaths. My anger at so-called "pro-life" politicians in red states passing horribly restrictive abortion laws is greatest each time I read a story of a pregnant woman suffering with a miscarriage, tubal pregnancy or other complication, living in those states. Apologies for the long comment.

    • @ann0314
      @ann0314 Před 2 měsíci +3

      I want to thank you both for putting your thoughts here. I am pro-choice in stance and 100% agree with what both of you have said, and may I say it feels so nice to read caring, thoughtful discussion on the topic in a world that feels intent on going to the extremes.
      I am someone who had to medically abort a child in-between my two sons. Both myself and my husband wanted the baby and I was so happy when I found out I was pregnant. Weeks later we found out something was wrong and the baby had not properly attached to the uterus lining. We watched with heartbreak as my hCG levels went down and down rather than doubling as it should. I’d had previous complications with our first child that made my doctor worry that waiting to naturally miscarry could lead to my likely death so we had to decide what to do. We aborted the pregnancy via D&C. I cried for weeks on end. It was the worst heartbreak I have ever experienced. A few months later we were blessed with another little angel, my youngest child. I still mourn the child I lost to this day but I am also thankful and grateful to have my life and to be able to have given birth to our youngest. I’m grateful to still be here to be a wife to my husband and mother to my oldest son as well. To still be here with my mother (I too am someone’s child)
      I shudder at what is happening now. It’s likely that if that had happened to me today, the ending of my story could be very very different. Instead of a story of hope, support, remembrance, and love it would turn into a horror story.
      I’ve always hoped, where possible, where more choice may be involved, that people will choose not to abort their pregnancy but to me the best way you do that is to provide love and support in any and every way possible to make that choice easier and less of a burden (especially financially which often is the largest barrier/worry/fear) and to advocate for prevention as well (birth control etc) To me it’s the only viable path forward that acknowledges that the mother is also a life worth protecting, while also trying to help balance the needs of both lives under discussion and of the family unit as a whole. There is just no real way to legislate this in a way that can take into account every possible factor. To me, the only path forward that does the least harm is to remove barriers and provide support and love.

    • @lind774
      @lind774 Před měsícem +3

      They are "pro birth" not "pro life".

    • @MusicLover-ko5ls
      @MusicLover-ko5ls Před měsícem +2

      @@lind774 I like that expression "pro-birth". 👍

    • @PaulieTan
      @PaulieTan Před měsícem +2

      You really said this right.

  • @karenkoelsch
    @karenkoelsch Před 5 měsíci +179

    I'm almost 75 years old and well remember what life was like for women before Roe. It was not illegal for a husband to rape his wife. A woman could not have a checking account, own real property, take out a loan, have a credit card unless her husband or father was the holder of the account. I was turned down for good jobs because I was of "child-bearing age." I wasn't a Christian when I got pregnant out of "wed-lock" but knew that there was a life in me that I didn't have the right to harm. My beautiful daughter will be 55 next month! So, I guess I'd say that, as far as a secular government is concerned, I'm pro-choice - as uncomfortable as I am with these politicized terms. I do not believe, neither do I find any authority in Scripture, to support Christians' demand that secular law control morality at this level. I love the Lord and pray for all those who are faced with this pain. And for all the woman and girls who are forced by their secular government to carry a dead child, to face hemorrhage, to die because the government said that they must. I don't doubt that these words will draw criticism. So be it.

    • @LaLadybug2011
      @LaLadybug2011 Před 5 měsíci +35

      I'm an older Christian woman too and I agree with everything you said! C

    • @karenkoelsch
      @karenkoelsch Před 5 měsíci

      @@tgriffin3059 rape is forced sex - an act of violence - and a husband absolutely can, and too often does, rape his wife. (I'm a retired attorney - I've seen it!) A wife is not the property of her husband. What's the point? A husband is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for her. Ephesians 5:25, not to use her for his pleasure whether or not she is willing.

    • @boneseyyl1060
      @boneseyyl1060 Před 5 měsíci

      @@tgriffin3059 Are you serious? So in a husband/wife relationship, you say the women has no right to consent? The point is women should have the same rights inside marrriage as they have outside of it. It simply shocks me that people like you, with medieval moral values still exist today.

    • @ericjohnson6665
      @ericjohnson6665 Před 5 měsíci +38

      @@tgriffin3059 A real man treats his wife with respect and as an equal.
      When a man considers his wife to be his property, and treats her like a second-class citizen, that's not a marriage, it's a master-slave relationship. Jesus treated women as equals. All men should too.

    • @boneseyyl1060
      @boneseyyl1060 Před 5 měsíci +30

      I would say that I am pro-life. But that does not mean I am anti-abortion for all the same reasons that you state. I am rather dismayed that no matter how thoughtful and sincere Pat is, on so many issues, he quite literally does not seem to grasp what a 100% pro-life stance means to so many people. Overturning Roe is simply pandering to a bunch of holier than thou religious thugs so that they can smugly say how morally upstanding they are over the rest of us. This doesn't apply to all pro life Christians of course, but I believe it applies to a lot of the far right Trump loving ones.

  • @BingLing-vz3og
    @BingLing-vz3og Před 3 měsíci +17

    As a Christian myself, and 2020 Trump supporter, I can relate to this message. I mistakenly viewed Trump as the lesser evil in part due to abortion, but I've come to realize that there's a scale of virtues and vices that we need to look at holistically. After the events of the 2020 election, I too consider Trump to be unacceptable, and believe that there may be enough swing voters out there who do fit this description. Hoping that there are more 'on the fence' people who finally realize that we can't only look at a single issue and throw our support behind an otherwise reprehensible person. I'm also fortunate to be in a church that doesn't view Trump as this 'chosen one', but I am saddened for those who attend MAGA churches.

  • @nrg998
    @nrg998 Před 5 měsíci +34

    Whenever I run into a single issue voter (anti abortion), I refer them to Proverbs 6:16-19, these scriptures include murder but list 6 other issues the Lord hates which single issue voters ignore.
    I make a chart listing the 7 abominations giving a line for each, then columns for each candidate and check off each (based on what I know or believe about the candidates).
    Last presidential election one candidate got all 7 and the other got one….so I voted for the person who got one check mark…Biden.

    • @BethClatterbuck
      @BethClatterbuck Před 5 měsíci

      Thanks so much for the Bible passage in this context. Ultimately we can’t legislate morality. We live in a democracy. I don’t see how voting for the most immoral person on the ticket is helpful. He spews hatred. When he and the MAGAs are voted out, then we can be pickier with people who are more in line with Biblical values. None of what I hear from Trump or MAGA followers is remotely Christian-like. None of them will get my vote. I’ll be praying for the eyes of freedom loving Christians to see that voting for anyone on the other side of the ticket trumps voting for DJT.

    • @Murph_gaming
      @Murph_gaming Před 5 měsíci

      Spotted the cult member.​@@tgriffin3059

    • @johnandes560
      @johnandes560 Před 3 měsíci

      Your math is lacking accuracy

    • @amyta5717
      @amyta5717 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Me too! Also o used James 1:8,26

    • @FamilyHistoryHero
      @FamilyHistoryHero Před měsícem

      @nrg998 That's an awesome way to talk with Christians who are blind to Donal Trump's character and only focus on what they call a "binary choice" to vote for Trump because he tells them he'll support their anti abortion cause.

  • @AnnClayton-i1t
    @AnnClayton-i1t Před měsícem +12

    Hallelujah. A real Christian speaking with reason. Thank you.

  • @ewokwarrior2656
    @ewokwarrior2656 Před 3 měsíci +20

    I am a Christian.
    I am an American.
    Spiritually, I believe in the sanctity of life. I believe we should win over the hearts and minds of other people to be anti-abortion except when it is medically necessary. You can't be pro-life and ignore the health/medical needs of the mother. She is also a life. This is how I feel as a Christian.
    As an American, I believe in the separation of Church and State.
    The State cannot criminalize a medical procedure and say vaguely, except sometimes we may not prosecute woman, the doctor, the family / friends, but then again we might prosecute them and strip doctors of their license with fines and jail time and any friends or family who knew or suspected it.
    And most absurdly, seek the death penalty against a woman or doctor.
    Eye for an eye anybody?
    Plus when is ensoulment?
    By which religious standard if there is to be no establishment of a state( government) religion.
    Without codifying with guarantees of some personal saftey , in the law, what exactly is or is not when an abortion is warranted as a medical procedure, then radical rightwing legislatures have only opened a new can of worms .
    And they have.
    Because they cannot win all the hearts and minds, so instead they try to force their religion on others in a most unchristian, heartless, manipulative way.
    I just have a problem with mixing religion and politics.
    Especially, bad policy.

    • @mobilityproject3485
      @mobilityproject3485 Před měsícem +1

      Exactly. These are pro-gun pro-self defense people. They should put strict limitations on their laws to allow self-defense abortions. Just like it's allowed for anyone else.

    • @michellewilson2995
      @michellewilson2995 Před 5 dny

      You said it perfectly! What will it be next? Prosecute adulterers? Doesn't the bible say ALL unrighteousness is sin? I am a Christian and am pro life, but I don't believe the government has the right to be the morality police for women. God made ALL of us with the ability to CHOSE. We should use that choice wisely.

    • @mobilityproject3485
      @mobilityproject3485 Před 5 dny

      @@michellewilson2995 How about if you took it the other direction to things that are already illegal?
      These are crimes that have a victim. We can't be selective about who and how we protect with law. This argument never made sense to me.
      Still not worth dictatorship though.

    • @michellewilson2995
      @michellewilson2995 Před 5 dny

      ​@@mobilityproject3485what I am talking about is morality, adultery, fornication ect

    • @mobilityproject3485
      @mobilityproject3485 Před 4 dny

      @@michellewilson2995 M.B.L.F
      With anything that is wrong, you follow a four step process.
      1) Measure: Measure how much damage this does. Find the mechanisms by which the damage occurs.
      2) Balence: Balance the weight of the damage (in $$$ and disability adjusted life years), which usually necessitates some form of government action, with the cvil rights of innocent people and of the people you disagree with.
      3) Legislate (Fearlessly): Once you have come to an appropriate compromise, you have nothing to be ashamed of. Boldly advocate for the sensible policy and ignore insults and epithets. Because you did your job in balancing.
      With abortion, which is murder, the weight is so great that we basically don't care about the civil rights of the people who get them, only innocent people. You can't do checkpoints, it's not worth it.
      With adultery, the civil rights of the people we disagree with do matter, but the level of wider damage and misery they cause also matters. A compromise position such as taxation during fault divorce on the adulterer, would be appropriate.
      With blasphemy or ideological indoctrination, which is so nebulous and ripe for abuse if it was actually a crime, basically the only thing that matters is the enormous damage done by the policy. The cure is worse than the disease, hence, the First Amendment.
      If you believe it's harmless, then you don't believe it's morality. Morality is all about harm. If you don't think that, then you're not using the term correctly and have been successfully gaslit into believing that we (Christians) are the crazy people. And to the gaslighters, the term morality is a pejorative. No. We. Are. Not. The. Crazy. Ones.

  • @Elizabeth-mp6tr
    @Elizabeth-mp6tr Před měsícem +12

    Oh Pastor! You are "reason" in the wilderness of the craziness going on now. You are refreshing!

  • @guymontag349
    @guymontag349 Před 5 měsíci +30

    Pastor, thank you for telling your story and for being so candid. I just wish that pro-life folks would realize that being being pro-choice does not mean being pro-abortion.

    • @Amick44
      @Amick44 Před 5 měsíci

      BTW, why can't/didn't Repubs nominate a different pro life candidate than Rump? Someone who didn't share US political docs and info with foreign dictators and unfriendly leaders. Who doesn't have a myriad of sexual assault charges. A history of non payment to contractors for work.
      Can't Republicans nominate such an individual? It cannot be that difficult.

    • @deantodd8103
      @deantodd8103 Před 5 měsíci

      Unfortunately, though, it kind of does. Imagine if I told you that I personally don't believe that drunk driving is OK, but I believe that it should be legal because I'm "pro-choice" about drinking and driving. How is that any different than being pro-drunk-driving?

    • @sbrose3776
      @sbrose3776 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@deantodd8103not really inappropriate comparison laws have gone too far. Doctors can't help a woman at risk of losing her life. In Texas they are considering saying if you travel out of Texas to get an abortion elsewhere you will be held on criminal charges even if it is to save your life. Has the anti-abortion movement become the pro mother death movement? Has it become the pro violence against women and children movement? Now victims of violent crime who become pregnant cannot obtain an abortion? Even children? I protested abortion with a Catholic group. But I never intended for these Draconian efforts to be made. The pro-life movement has become an anti-woman movement. Just NO!

    • @dianedavidson3533
      @dianedavidson3533 Před 3 měsíci +5

      Kind of a strange analogy. Drunk driving deals with a safety law. I don't see the equivalency.

    • @deantodd8103
      @deantodd8103 Před 3 měsíci

      Abortion negatively impacts the safety of the unborn.

  • @fatssalvador9140
    @fatssalvador9140 Před 5 měsíci +32

    Your analysis is desperately needed. Thank you for all you do. You are principled and amazingly strong. Please keep up the good fight

  • @ernebruce5277
    @ernebruce5277 Před 3 měsíci +13

    I'm a Christian who is pro choice. We need to be less judgemental about other people's choices to protect our own.

    • @suzettehopkins5734
      @suzettehopkins5734 Před 3 měsíci +2

      There has been studies that show abortions go down when we do things to help prevent problems to begin with. Ie help someone that cannot afford take care of a child. Assist with those with special needs instead of new model you can't have an abortion even in the case of rape ect but we are not going to help you either. In fact some states are even threatening to put people in jail. How does that solve anything?

    • @lhprovence
      @lhprovence Před měsícem

      Why is no pro-life spokes person talking about the fact that unplanned pregnancies are created by males? Where are the laws that impose equally life-changing burdens on men? Why is the pro-life movement overwhelmingly silent, passive or even in opposition of laws that protects and provide for the needs of the already born babies. Why are many who profess to be pro-life also pro guns and against sensible gun control laws? So much does not add up here and leads us to the conclusion that this is more about the inequalities between men and women.

  • @themanlyclub
    @themanlyclub Před 5 měsíci +17

    Thank you for speaking out. You are deeply rooted in common sense and that is so refreshing.

  • @loripeterson6400
    @loripeterson6400 Před 5 měsíci +18

    I can be pro-life and still feel that passing govt laws to keep people from "sinning" is wrong!

    • @DavidFredrick-lm6pq
      @DavidFredrick-lm6pq Před 5 měsíci

      God Made Government to be a denture in the world. With Governor s an rulers to protect people from evil people that's in the world also. People who won't listen or won't do the right thing in love an living as a Good citizen. Laws are passed by government s to protect Evil people from destroying the World from around everyone else.

    • @PaulieTan
      @PaulieTan Před měsícem

      Trump has really politicize abortion just to obtain votes he does not care whether pro life or prochoice. He is just there for himself the point is as some one commented The Government does not have the right to dictate and impinge on a woman's health it is her personal relationship between God and herself Trump sins a lot too Look at the 10 Commandments if we are unable to follow all the 10 commandments then all are sins too.Any of the 10 commandments if we are not able to follow are sins as well

  • @williamsteedman3717
    @williamsteedman3717 Před 5 měsíci +10

    F. Scott Fitzgerald famously wrote: “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless yet be determined to make them otherwise.”

  • @reneenyberg4832
    @reneenyberg4832 Před 3 měsíci +7

    I deeply respect your viewpoints. Deeply. I just want to toss in my experience.
    I was 💯 pro-life until I had an ectopic pregnancy. The baby was alive in my tube, but unable to be saved. My tube burst at about 9 weeks pregnant. I almost bled to death. Fast forward to 2020 when my 15 week old fetus died in my womb, because of a hematoma. Without the DNC, I possibly could have had life long consequences or death. I have seen so many Republicans want to criminalize both of these procedures. Since the abortion restrictions went into place, more women have been in danger, have had life long complications, and even have died. So my views have changed from experience.
    Thank you for speaking up and speaking out. You restore faith in Christianity. I have a deep respect for you.

  • @billywills4391
    @billywills4391 Před 5 měsíci +16

    If I were the devil, I would run for president on the Republican ticket, say I was prolife, and laugh all the way to the Whitehouse.

  • @TheEmmanuelN
    @TheEmmanuelN Před 5 měsíci +8

    You have met God Sir. I will keep praying for you for God to keep inspiring, empowering and encouraging you. May you be blessed.

  • @BethClatterbuck
    @BethClatterbuck Před 5 měsíci +8

    Thanks for putting into words so much of what I believe too. Thanks for speaking truth in a loving way. Thanks for representing evangelical Christians so well.

  • @williamgriffin5297
    @williamgriffin5297 Před 5 měsíci +11

    Amen my brother, again you are explained your case very well. Unfortunately, some Christians love to say that “Christians shouldn’t vote Democrat” or “an individual is not a Christian if they vote Democrat.” As an American you have the right to vote for anyone you choose to and your faith is not dependent on who you vote for. May God continue to bless you!!

    • @vertigoz
      @vertigoz Před 5 měsíci +3

      I fail to see which Christian values Republicans actually have...

    • @LulaMae21
      @LulaMae21 Před 5 měsíci +1

      It's interesting because they're essentially saying our black and brown brothers and sisters are not Christians because they disagree with how they vote.

  • @artemismoon7655
    @artemismoon7655 Před 5 měsíci +73

    I am in my early 40s and am staunchly pro-choice (and vehemently anti-Trump), but I find it interesting to listen to some of your videos.
    I grew up in a Christian household where it was taken for granted that being Christian means being Republican. To the point where my mother voted for Trump even though she couldn’t stand him.
    I remember as a kid the first time I really started doubting some of what I was raised to believe. I was in a car with my older sister driving, so I am guessing I was around 10 years old. Rush Limbaugh came on the radio and said some pretty ugly stuff. I told my sister I didn’t like that man at all, he seemed like a bad guy. She was shocked and told me “but he’s a Christian. He’s on our side!” That stunned me. I was so shocked to hear this man was a Christian. And that planted some seeds of doubt that stayed with me into adulthood.
    They matured during the Obama years when the people around me said terrible things about Obama, but when I asked what made him such an evil guy, they couldn’t answer me. I began to understand exactly how Christian beliefs were being used to manipulate them into voting for people with bad intentions and hating people who weren’t perfect, but certainly not evil. I realized being a single issue or Christian issues voter was a fatal flaw, because that leaves us all sitting ducks for the worst of humanity. All they had to do was say the right things, claim to support select issues that required them to actually do nothing good, and Christians would line up behind them like good little sheep and vote for them no matter what else they did. It was a horrifying realization.
    Ever since, my beliefs have continued to evolve. I have had to take my hard looks at myself and what I believed, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. You don’t want to see yourself as foolish as ignorant, but if you can’t see yourself as you actually are, then you have no hope of improving and being the person you want to be.

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson Před 5 měsíci +7

      Eyes, heart and mind open to the truth.

    • @Taking_Back_Thyme
      @Taking_Back_Thyme Před 3 měsíci +4

      The absolute best explanation of being raised with certain reliefs, realizing the lack of substance for those beliefs, and having the awareness and insightfulness to make corrections that are appropriate to who you are and not fall under someone else’s blindness.

    • @dianedavidson3533
      @dianedavidson3533 Před 3 měsíci +5

      I'm right there with you! Amen!

    • @sharonmedeiros9819
      @sharonmedeiros9819 Před 3 měsíci +5

      Well said! Why is it so difficult for people to see the difference between living your faith as a Christian and just claiming you are for your own selfish lust for power and riches? Jesus told us we would be able to tell who they were and what they stood for by the fruit they would bear. How are they able to ignore all the evil and stay focused on the one issue they have no right to decide for everyone? They are trying to play God. Its arrogance and great folly, and will cause much more evil than they are trying to prevent.

    • @KathyHickey-mv3tr
      @KathyHickey-mv3tr Před měsícem

      That is my exact story! THANK YOU!!!!

  • @craigkeller
    @craigkeller Před 5 měsíci +14

    Thank you Pastor.

  • @Tammy763
    @Tammy763 Před 5 měsíci +7

    Tim Alberta touched on this subject and I respect him for it. With our religious convictions comes a blind spot for mankind to exploit for power or monetary gains . God gives us doctors, but some use faith to avoid it…

  • @richardhouse7997
    @richardhouse7997 Před 5 měsíci +31

    I was a pro-life Republican until the pandemic. So I held my nose and voted for Trump but that’s when it ended. First I had to overcome the brainwashing that the pro-life police inflicted on me and that was catastrophic. And I struggled with this leading into the 2020 election. I realized that to be pro-life meant all life born and unborn. So when Trump ordered that all the poor mostly immigrant works go back into the meat packing factories with little or no protection that was it. And then the scales came off my eyes. I had been voting for the unborn and neglecting the born. We reject the democrats stance on health care because of the unborn and because it’s socialized medicine. But that’s not pro-life. Jesus speaks about the healthcare of the poor in two parables.1. Lazarus and the Rich-man. Lazarus has no healthcare except dogs licking his sores. While the rich-man has the essential oils and whatever helps the priest could offer. He’s steps over the sick and leaves him to his devises. Where did the rich man end up? Looking up from hell begging Christ to let him go warn his brothers. Then read Matthew 28. Christians denied this as socialized Christianity. It’s not! It’s Christ warning to how we will be judged when we vote against the poor. Finally, I came to realize that the unborn die either born dead or aborted end up in one place with Jesus. So I will continue to vote for the least of these until we figure out a way to care for the born.

    • @jillrodriguez6390
      @jillrodriguez6390 Před 4 měsíci +2

      So heartwarming to see growth! Thanks for your testimony!

    • @sharonmedeiros9819
      @sharonmedeiros9819 Před 3 měsíci

      Oh my God, its NOT socialism to demand healthcare for all! We pay taxes so the government can pay for services for our benefit. That is democracy. They are taxing us more and more, but where is all that money going? Its not going to anything that would help us to have a better quality of life. The services that help us get cut and we end up with next to nothing for being taxed, and THAT is taxation with NO representation and is what started the revolutionary war. They call it socialism so that people will not fight for a better life for themselves. It is mind control and manipulation, so we won't put up a fight while we are getting screwed over. That's fascism. This country is corrupt to the core and they have us fighting against each other and our own best interests with words like "woke" and "socialism" so we won't wake up and realise they are robbing us blind.

    • @RePo-ry6vm
      @RePo-ry6vm Před měsícem +1

      So well written. I almost forgot how ambivalent they were about life during the pandemic. They actually lied about the best science of the moment. Remember the one who asked seniors to give up their lives for the economy? 😢

  • @billmerrill9542
    @billmerrill9542 Před 5 měsíci +8

    I’m fairly new to your program, and I really appreciate your program, and the thoughtful and careful way you express your views.

  • @ardavidso
    @ardavidso Před 2 měsíci +2

    Thank-you so much for your forthright message. I know that lots of people need to hear that they aren't alone in holding deep convictions in tension. I was raised in the church and was convicted in my adolescence that carrying a pregnancy is a unique and awesome responsibility to the very weakest. I didn't realize back then that the culture did not truly care for parents in general and women in particular, but instead insisted that this responsibility must be borne alone by the individual. Parents are saddled with an incredible and evolving responsibility to provide the right kind of childhood, behavioral upbringing and schooling. The expectations grow ever higher every decade! They are expected to deal with the increasing expectations on their own, out of their own resources, without benefits like standard paid family leave of the sort that truly lays the foundation for bonding and a healthy start (for both mothers and fathers). If you have more children than you have the resources to give their best life, anyone can blame you for your indiscretion (especially single parents). I believe Reagan went even one step beyond this individualism with a disdain for the children of the poor, especially of the minorities who really need the whole society to agree to the premise that they are valuable and worthy of investment and love by all of us.
    In this climate where women are being told that they must bleed themselves literally, socially, and financially to have children, it is only logical that women are more hesitant to have children. They are shown the cost and are trying to count it. Furthermore, we love our babies. I didn't really fully understand this until I became a mother myself and experienced that fierce, life-changing love. We love our babies, and it really sucks when society doesn't love them too. When society says by it's monetary policy: "if you have more children than you can handle, we hate those needy brats who are a drain on our resources and need medicaid dollars and public school investment and WIC and SNAP benefits." In this environment, is it any wonder that the majority of abortions occur with families who already have children?
    Abortion, I believe, is always a tragedy. Women are not the perpetrators either, they are humans caught up in a complex and hostile environment and they needed society to show up for them in a real way to say, "We are so happy about your child! We love all your babies and we will be here with resources and care for both of you every step of the way. We respect that you have a unique role to play here and honor the unique pain of childbearing that is your choice."
    I am also very sympathetic to complicated pregnancies that progress on a razor's edge between miracle and catastrophe. Again, women are frequently asked to contend with an extremely scary world where they already have dependents and they can't afford to risk themselves even if they would rather take the chance on the pregnancy. Additionally, Americans deal every day with end-of-life decisions for family members when medical care becomes futile. Would it be pro-life to intervene in their affairs to insist that their doomed loved one cannot be taken off of life support even though that will prolong suffering and plunge the bereaved into unrepayable debt? Furthermore, why would doctors get involved in certain kinds of intensive care medicine if they are likely to be investigated by the government after every end-of-life decision?

  • @bibigems
    @bibigems Před 5 měsíci +3

    Pastor you are so eloquent and so enlightening. You are a God send. Thank you for your You Tube videos. Thank you and God Bless you.

  • @xkot6431
    @xkot6431 Před 5 měsíci +40

    My story is the mirror of yours, Pat. I was born at the end of 1963. I have a very strong memory of driving home with my mom (a public schoolteacher and a pastor's wife) from school. On the radio, we heard a news report that Roe had been decided. This was in 1973. My mom said "good," which caused me to ask what it was about. She told me about abortion, and I remember this as clearly as if she said it moments ago; she said: "I don't want a man telling me what to do with my body." Mom was a compassionate, caring Christian till the day she died, and I know she never needed nor had an abortion. But she was a strong woman, who always stood up for herself. I took her words to heart, and have always been pro-choice. We men need to step back from this one issue, and let women decide it. I know that's impossible, but I will defer to women to decide what to do with their bodies. The majority of women are pro-choice.

    • @janedoe6704
      @janedoe6704 Před 4 měsíci

      The majority of women are not pro choice.

    • @xkot6431
      @xkot6431 Před 4 měsíci

      @@janedoe6704 According to Gallup, Pew, Forbes, and Vox polls (the first ones that came up in a Google search), more U.S. women are pro-choice by about 10 percentage points. This has been true for decades. Men bring those numbers down when added to the overall polling percentages. Most women want to be in control of their bodies.

    • @xkot6431
      @xkot6431 Před 4 měsíci

      @janedoe - According to all the polls I can see from a quick Google search (Pew, Gallup, Vox, etc) Women are pro choice by 10 percentage points. That number narrows when you add men to the mix. That's why I say men should stay out of this debate. Men never bear children, and always have the option to ignore their responsibilities as caregivers.

    • @amw6846
      @amw6846 Před 4 měsíci

      ​@@janedoe6704that is false. With a quick perusal of Gallup, the majority of Americans are pro-choice and if you look at a breakdown by gender, that's because the majority of women are pro-choice. The majority of MEN are pro-life.

  • @gisellebergeron3317
    @gisellebergeron3317 Před 4 měsíci +2

    You are showing a soft and tender heart and adding intelligence on top. Thank you.

  • @natawhite
    @natawhite Před 3 měsíci +4

    Crying really blessed by this!
    Thank you for caring and sharing.
    I’m a solo mom who is disabled with connective tissue disorder and TBI .
    This topic has really bothered me. Everyone who loves me wanted me to get an abortion so I’d survive.
    I survived and have life altering injuries .
    I know first hand if I didn’t have Jesus and support from real Christian’s I would have taken my life in pregnancy or postpartum.
    It is not easy, it is not safe it is not good for every woman to go through. God created free will, I believe He is pro choice.
    So did Billy Graham.
    Jesus wants us to educate the world not force it. Thank you and your wife for all you have done ❤️

    • @charliemurphy3529
      @charliemurphy3529 Před 3 měsíci

      You are so completely correct - God, or whatever Spiritual Leader you believe in, is definitely Pro Choice - that's probably why we use the term "free will". It is very disturbing to hear comments about Pro Life from folks and then you realize that they NEVER once use the word "Jesus". As you said, we are not hear to be "punished" for any wrong doings - we are hear to learn - forgiveness and tolerance and self-sacrifice are the things Jesus spoke of - the current Christian teachings have lost their way - completely.

  • @derbywinner6316
    @derbywinner6316 Před měsícem +2

    Thank you for sharing. I wishing more evangelicals like you and Catholic like me watch this videos.

  • @ian59
    @ian59 Před měsícem +1

    One of the most thoughtful messages I've ever listened to.
    3 months and still earning subscribes and likes with this video. I hope it only continues to spread and grow.

  • @debbieekes5718
    @debbieekes5718 Před 5 měsíci +4

    Love your talks. I agree with you about so much. Thank you so much for tackling this subject. It gives me such peace to know there are others out there not drinking the Koolaid.

  • @memydrone7079
    @memydrone7079 Před 3 měsíci +3

    You’re the first Christian I’ve seen that is actually thinking rationally instead of emotionally…I can respect that 👍

  • @donai.zupancic7734
    @donai.zupancic7734 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Pastor, I really appreciated your explanation of pro-life & anti-Trump & how you feel about it. This is actually why I stopped going to Church.

  • @johnpackwood3591
    @johnpackwood3591 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Pro life would be for correcting the issues that might lead a woman to seek an abortion. Pro life would be anti extreme wealth inequality. Pro life would be for science based sex education and free contraception. Pro life would consider healthcare a right and not a privilege for those with money. Pro life would be for paid parental leave. Forcing women to have children without consideration of their circumstances in is not pro life, it’s pro forced birth.

  • @elizabethwilkerson5434
    @elizabethwilkerson5434 Před 2 měsíci +3

    If you are truly pro life you would vote for: sex ed, snap benefits, Medicare for all, higher minimum wage, etc. Those are policies that make life better for people, you know, feed the poor, etc. What Jesus taught.

  • @susettecall2595
    @susettecall2595 Před měsícem +1

    Thank you for all you say. You are a voice of reason and kind thoughts .

  • @marianryder736
    @marianryder736 Před 5 měsíci +5

    Totally agree with you. Trying to figure out if he is the Anti Christ in revelation, but what ever he is, he is evil. And it does surprise me how people don't see this.

  • @user-or1yy8qw9c
    @user-or1yy8qw9c Před měsícem +1

    I was a 16-year-old pregnant teen who felt that a baby had a right to life, more than I had a right to cause that child’s death. I struggled to give that baby up for adoption, but I did. I don't regret that choice ever. I know that I made the right decision.

  • @patrickhenderson1168
    @patrickhenderson1168 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Thank you! Finally, someone who speaks truth to power.

  • @onlykarlhenning
    @onlykarlhenning Před 5 měsíci +3

    There are certainly people on either side of the question who reason and act in good faith. Excellent topic.

  • @hannah5245
    @hannah5245 Před 5 měsíci +4

    This is how a politician ought to be thinking, with some power in political issues yet giving back the same power to the individual at the end of the day.

  • @Garnishes
    @Garnishes Před měsícem

    You speak so calmly. Thank you for bringing a voice to the viewpoint you stand for that many of us agree with too.

  • @Prometheus_Bound
    @Prometheus_Bound Před 5 měsíci +5

    Very helpful for me as someone who voted 3rd party the last to two Presidential elections. Trying to decide if Biden's aggressive pro-choice and pro-LGBT policies can be stomached. But if Trump is the threat to democracy he seems to be ... Thanks for your story.

  • @lindastewart5627
    @lindastewart5627 Před měsícem

    Thank you again God for letting me find this CZcams channel. I’ve had so many questions on all the videos I’ve watched of you. I’ve only been watching a few days so I’m sure I have a lot to go but I’m happy to watch every one of them. 🙏

  • @suzettehopkins5734
    @suzettehopkins5734 Před 3 měsíci +2

    When they passed the anti abortion laws I discovered that some states do not even allow a procedure done - I forgot the medical term but I had a co worker that had to have this done basically they discover the fetus is dead and have to remove it. 1 it poses a threat to the mother because they can become infected and it is very difficult and dangerous to deliver it. I was astounded when I heard that he was not allowed to do those procedures because it was considered "abortion" That is is extreme.

  • @merrylstreak7118
    @merrylstreak7118 Před 4 měsíci +1

    The best explanation of the issue I’ve ever heard!

  • @maryjobetson1913
    @maryjobetson1913 Před měsícem

    Gosh, I’m so glad I ran into this. This has been a real dilemma for me and you have opened my eyes to what my guts have been telling me all along thank you so much

  • @johncraig2623
    @johncraig2623 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Again, thank you for your thoughtfulness. I had a long discussion, some years back, with friends from our congregation who were surprised to learn I was voting for a "pro-choice" candidate. They really wanted to understand, which is unusual. I basically said I was not going to decide on that one issue. I appreciate your articulating why that is sensible to you.

  • @ingridgrattidge5887
    @ingridgrattidge5887 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thank you, Father Kahnke.

  • @KingoftheJuice18
    @KingoftheJuice18 Před 4 měsíci +2

    I appreciate hearing your story, Pat. I am pro-choice, in part because my religion (Judaism) is much less absolute about the status of a fetus than much of Christianity is. Essentially, the full human right to life begins at birth, and the genuine needs of a woman take precedence over the needs of the fetus. Many Christians don't realize that prohibiting abortion across the board can also be a violation of freedom of religion. But I have great respect for the thoughtful way you approach this issue.

  • @myownlittlehouse471
    @myownlittlehouse471 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Excellent video -- I admire how you have thought through all this and can express it in an orderly way.

    • @bthomson
      @bthomson Před 5 měsíci

      Yes! But he is still not a woman.

    • @myownlittlehouse471
      @myownlittlehouse471 Před 5 měsíci

      @@bthomson , I don't see what difference that makes at all. Men love their babies too, and care about the future of the country too.

  • @Deg733
    @Deg733 Před měsícem

    Thank you sir! I respect and appreciate your voice keep talking and teaching!!!

  • @michaelkraft218
    @michaelkraft218 Před 5 měsíci +4

    Don't let DT off the hook by using the term "pro-life." He could care less about morality. He is "anti-abortion." Even then, he is cunning enough to know that a ban on abortion is bad for his chances in 2024.

  • @tic333-e2m
    @tic333-e2m Před měsícem

    Thank you for expressing my feelings into such clear and understandable words.🙏🏻

  • @nahndibush1942
    @nahndibush1942 Před 27 dny

    If everyone could just address these painful issues with the same measured tone, respect, and decency that you do, how different our world would be. I just want to remind everyone that life is just as important out of the womb as it is in the womb, and many pro life advocates care nothing about that same human being once they are born into the world, with all the social and economic issues that may face them. The life of that human, as well as the mothers who must care for them just seems to me to be a more important focus if a decision has to be weighed. Thank you so much from a fellow Christian for helping to equip me for this dialogue.

  • @anncawthon9183
    @anncawthon9183 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Mr. Kahnke uses a reasoned argument for his points of view that most Trump supporters either can't or won't follow.

  • @edhoener567
    @edhoener567 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Hello Pat, I'm sorry that I can't send this to you individually. I'm sorry if you receive resistance as a result.. I am so encouraged by your thoughtful, balanced approach to the topics you are addressing. THANK YOU!!! I am an evangelical PCUSA pastor, and I have have wrestled with the same, that you faithfully articulate so well. One thing that has helped me in the issues you present in # 4 was the realization that in the much older and in some ways important to recognize Jewish faith; a child's life is real when the first BREATH occurs! ( i know you recognize the similarities. It's worth meditating on this) That insight was so helpful for me even as I am not offering it to you in any effort to convince you. I guess what I want to underline, is that I appreciate what you are doing , in such a gracious, truthful , faithful, and necessary way. The peace of Christ, and the grace of the Holy Spirit be with you!

    • @AndreaSwiedler
      @AndreaSwiedler Před 5 měsíci +1

      I heard Bart Ehrman answering the question about what would Jesus say about abortion. He said the Jewish perspective was life began at birth and as a devout Jew, he would have believed the same.

  • @Wren_Farthing
    @Wren_Farthing Před 5 měsíci +1

    Thank you for opening up about your journey, Pat. I hope your willingness to explain your views, and the reasoning behind them, will help to further some positive conversation on this issue.

  • @Godscre100
    @Godscre100 Před měsícem +1

    Every church should have a program for pregnant women needing help.

  • @DarrylsB
    @DarrylsB Před 4 měsíci

    This series is needed and indeed helpful.
    Refusing to listen to others, to lived experiences, is the recipe for disaster and annihilation

  • @veronicamwarren5750
    @veronicamwarren5750 Před měsícem

    Glory to God! Just thank you, sir, for being courageous and bold and speaking out. I have listened to a lot of your videos. You have brought clarity to many. As a Christian, I have been in despair about this election. We can not have another term of a Trump presidency. God's continued blessings to your family.

  • @user-zk3wi6mr2w
    @user-zk3wi6mr2w Před měsícem

    You were spot on and helped understand and not feel guilty about rejecting Donald Trump!

  • @SherryCase-lp9df
    @SherryCase-lp9df Před 4 měsíci +1

    Thank you for your honesty. Please keep your message going.

  • @battlejitney2197
    @battlejitney2197 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Ooooh! I’ve been looking forward to this episode! I know it’s going to be good.

  • @christinabaca5470
    @christinabaca5470 Před 2 měsíci +3

    I guess I don’t understand politics all I have been ever snice trump became president he humiliated my grandparents they are gone now but they raised me. And were wonderful people they came from Mexico came to. Douglas Arizona and my grandfather worked the minds which made him sick after that they went to Hayward California and my grandmother and grandfather raised me so when trump says so many horrible things about immigrants I get so angry and I know God dosent’ like for me to be so angry because I don’t want to go down his level .

  • @richardjohnson7563
    @richardjohnson7563 Před měsícem

    You have a discerning spirit. It is a gift to see through the fog of politics.

  • @donwade-di8ny
    @donwade-di8ny Před měsícem

    Thank you so ,so much for your video! I thought I might be the only one in the world that felt like this! Thank you for giving me encouragement and a new point of view, and for letting me know I'm not the only one who feels like this! God bless you 🙏🙏😇😇😇

  • @Godhelpus62
    @Godhelpus62 Před 4 měsíci +6

    I’m a Christian and also pro-choice, for many reasons. I could never choose to have an abortion, but I have also never been poor, pregnant, alone and afraid, or the victim of rape or incest, or carrying a pregnancy that put my life at risk. How can I judge these women? I also base my belief about life on my faith, but many people in America don’t share that faith. They have a right to their beliefs also. Don’t we all have freedom of religion? I’m also a social worker, and due to my professional experience I don’t believe outlawing abortion will decrease abortions. Women choose abortion because they feel they have no other choice. Why aren’t pro-lifers spending time & money increasing services and resources for pregnant women? I also find pro-lifers to be inconsistent. Why are they also pro-gun and anti universal healthcare ? Wouldn’t gun control laws increase life? Wouldn’t universal healthcare increase life? You can’t just be pro-unborn life. I feel the Republican party has just used this issue to work up the emotions of their followers and get them out to vote, not because they actually care about life.

    • @Contentedetreici-qy3rm
      @Contentedetreici-qy3rm Před měsícem

      So many good points. I wish your comment could be at the top of every newsfeed out there.

  • @terryshaw9471
    @terryshaw9471 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Thanks for your answer

  • @SarahWatchesStuff
    @SarahWatchesStuff Před 2 měsíci +1

    I grew up in a Democratic household and became politically aware during the Clinton years. There were a plenty of bad things that could be said about Clinton but I could see that his policies were more closely aligned with my beliefs in equality and equity than the Republicans who were clearly more focused on denying people rights to vote, to have a social safety net, to believe in anything other than their flavor of Christianity, and anything else to control the levers of power. But one of the biggest things I learned was the hypocrisy of their anti-abortion stance. If they had truly been about the sanctity of life, they would've been for easier access to birth control, age-appropriate sex education, and social programs to lift people out of poverty, as Democrats are, which has been shown to decrease the abortion rate. Abortion rates have always gone up under supposedly pro-life Republicans. They only reduce SAFE abortions with their policies.

  • @teebodk3917
    @teebodk3917 Před 5 měsíci +3

    Early input (only 2 minutes in, but I got to write this while I remember the wording): Voting for Donald Trump using the argument hat he's pro life, is like setting your house on fire because you like beautiful red fire trucks.
    People need to consider the entire package, not just that "pro life thing"

  • @faa923
    @faa923 Před 5 měsíci +3

    The world started being slowly turned upside down in 2016, and any true Christian has to stop and think instead of just going along because they agree with a policy, or what they hear at a surface level. It can be easy to miss the big picture, like not seeing the forest for the trees. If you follow Jesus, he was an extremely wise man with deep thinking, not someone who would go along with anything that sounds good (if Trump even sounds good these days after everything we know). We must follow our deeper wisdom and deeper thinking within us, it is different from the surface of the mind.

  • @Dorothy-q9j
    @Dorothy-q9j Před měsícem

    EXCELLENT!!! GODLY Premise!!🙌🏽🙏🏽

  • @forbeginnersandbeyond6089
    @forbeginnersandbeyond6089 Před 5 měsíci +2

    The most succint argument I’ve ever heard.

  • @elizabethwilkerson5434
    @elizabethwilkerson5434 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Abortion saved my daughters life, without an abortion she would died and I would have NO grandchildren. Fortunately she was in New York and could get the health care she needed.

  • @mariasoderberg1366
    @mariasoderberg1366 Před měsícem

    Thank you for explaining your thoughts so well.

  • @phil1825
    @phil1825 Před 3 měsíci

    I am sending your message to family members out of my reach. Bless you my brother, stay focused on Him. His will WILL be done.

  • @pammypoo3003
    @pammypoo3003 Před měsícem +1

    If Donald Trump cared so much about life, his nephew wouldn't have went on the View and said his uncle, Donald told him to just let his disabled son die. As someone with a disabled adult child I was absolutely furious and appalled that he would say such a thing but to say it to your own flesh and blood is horrendous. If he feels that way about his own family can you imagine what he thinks about the rest of us? His nephew is now voting for Kamala Harris.

  • @billywills4391
    @billywills4391 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Wow! You have nailed it!
    Thanks for speaking the truth.

  • @limelemon2916
    @limelemon2916 Před 5 měsíci +1

    Mr. You speak for me and you make a lot of sense! When it comes to moral n ethical laws, the Lord will be the One to punish those He calls sins and disobedience.

  • @JerryBlankman
    @JerryBlankman Před měsícem

    Ah, finally a voice of reason. Bravo to to you pastor. Come on Americans and Christians, WAKE UP!

  • @sharonmedeiros9819
    @sharonmedeiros9819 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Look, maybe this will help. I am a devoted Christian and I believe that democracy was inspired by God and that it is the only system that is fair for ALL people. And I am NOT pro abortion. But to attempt to force everyone to live by your beliefs and rules is neither fair nor Godly. Even God Himself will not interfere with anyones free will, or step in to force someone to live as he demands, so why do you think you have that right? Its not up to you or anyone else to decide how everyone else lives their lives, their decisions are their own to make, and they will answer to God for their own lives. You get to decide how you live yours. I participated in a rescue in Boston, and the whole time I was there, all I could think was how wrong it was and that it wasnt the way to cause change. It was a very negative experience and I never went on another one. Also, I can clearly see how pro-life catholic and evangelical churches use this issue and use God Himself for their own political ambitions and to keep tight control over their members. They manipulate pro-life people into supporting their lust for power and wealth but they would not hesitate to use abortion services for themselves if they wanted to. I know evangelicals who chose abortion for their daughter instead of making her carry to full term a baby that had no chance of living outside of the womb. I never felt the need to comdemn their decision, and I dont believe that God did either. I knew in my heart that if my own daughter was gang raped or if her life was endangered by a pregnancy, I would do what was best for her out of love, and pray for Gods understanding and forgiveness. What it comes down to is that by voting on this one issue, you are raising great evil in this world and helping to destroy democracy in this country and across the world, and ignoring the terrible damage that will be done if you get your way. Please stop before its too late and you unleash the horror that is about to engulf us. Leave this matter to God, and stop trying to take over and be God.

  • @michelegyselinck5400
    @michelegyselinck5400 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I doN't know anyone PERSONALLY who is pro-Trump, but that's probably because I live in Canada where the pro-life movement is weak. Since the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) decriminalized abortion in 1988 no government has wanted to touch the issue with a ten-foot pole. When the Conservative Party is in power the prime minister will allow a Member of Parilament to present a private member's bill to ban abortion, but that bill is never voted on and eventually dies out.

  • @RobynAnn
    @RobynAnn Před 5 měsíci +4

    I’m going to put this question to you, one that I never hear anyone address on this subject. Why doesn’t anyone speak about birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies? Even abstinence is an option, and I’m not Catholic. I know in other countries they use abortion as their main method or only method of birth control. It would sure stop a lot of unwanted pregnancies if men and women were more mindful about prevention, I believe.

    • @carmelcameron1889
      @carmelcameron1889 Před 5 měsíci +1

      I agree with you. But, Pat did briefly mention birth control. I can't remember how he put it, but he said some methods don't prevent pregnancy. I think he meant that some birth-control methods are actually abortion done at a very early stage. For example, a drug that prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

    • @LulaMae21
      @LulaMae21 Před 5 měsíci +3

      As a perinatal nurse, I can tell you that birth control fails, even when used correctly. There are also situations where the pregnancy was wanted and planned for, but something went wrong and now the pregnancy must be terminated for the mother's life and health. A lack of timely abortions causes infections, scarring in the uterus and fallopian tubes, including Asherman's syndrome, and suddenly a woman who wanted to be a mom has lost both her child and her fertility. That's not pro-life, that's cruelty.

    • @LulaMae21
      @LulaMae21 Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@carmelcameron1889Most birth control prevents ovulation altogether. That's why it can take time to get pregnant when coming off of it, the body needs time to regulate the natural cycle. Preventing a fertilized egg from implanting isn't abortion, and this happens naturally all the time (chemical pregnancy).

    • @RobynAnn
      @RobynAnn Před 5 měsíci

      @@LulaMae21 I understand there are rare cases that can save a mother’s life. And I know birth control doesn’t always work. But when you speak of cruelty I remember the documentary I watch that shows the most commonly used methods of abortion, now that’s cruelty!! It absolutely brutal torture for the unborn. have you watched it? It’s on CZcams, The Silent Scream. From what I understand there are actually few doctors willing to perform an abortion because they know what is involved. Being a prenatal nurse you should know how very early a fetus developed the ability to feel pain. It’s a horrific process for both the unborn and for the mother. I know many women who’ve regretted having an abortion when they were teenagers, now that they’ve grown up to have children and even grandchildren of their own to love with everything in them. If they could go back they would have never made that choice.

    • @carmelcameron1889
      @carmelcameron1889 Před 5 měsíci

      @@LulaMae21 I hope you haven't concluded that Pat (or even I) came out against birth control. I'm just saying that he mentioned it and said Pro-life people have to consider the issues around IVF and "certain forms of birth control" which I assumed meant the kind that destroys a zygote. My assumption. I didn't mean to put words in Pat's mouth.

  • @sojournern
    @sojournern Před 5 měsíci +3

    I respect the idea of a culture of life.

  • @AdamJohnSwenson
    @AdamJohnSwenson Před 5 měsíci

    What an incredibly nuanced and helpful look at an issue that seems dominated by hot takes and power grabs. Wherever someone lands on the spectrum, there's a lot of food for thought here. Deeply needed and much appreciated.

  • @BettyMensch
    @BettyMensch Před 2 měsíci +2

    Pastors should follow God's laws above all things.

  • @RebeccaEsplin
    @RebeccaEsplin Před měsícem +1

    My problem with the "Pro-life" issue, is that people use it selectively; are we pro-life only about unborn babies? What about support for the mother's health, and baby AFTER that baby is born? Wouldn't "pro-life" include opposing the death penalty?....and war?... Pro-life to me includes ALL human life, and differential supports for the health and education and a reasonable path into adulthood, i.e. making that baby's life worth living. ALL babies of all creeds and heritage.

  • @blodau61
    @blodau61 Před 27 dny

    As a British Christian it is so refreshing to hear an American Christian talking such sense. I have been horrified by the support (sadly, almost worship and deification) of Trump; it tars all Christians with the same tainted brush. I thought the scene of Trump standing outside a church some years ago holding a Bible upside down was practically prophetic.
    Thank you so much for speaking out.

  • @neslomron
    @neslomron Před 5 měsíci +1

    Thank you Pat!

  • @wesbishop3790
    @wesbishop3790 Před měsícem

    Amazing how my history and timeline on abortion coincides with yours. Thank you for making this! I really needed that!