Smack Investigates the claims of s1r9a9m9 - part 2

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Continued from part 1 -
    As I mentioned in part 1, I did not support these claims from the very beginning. But since Nathren offered a chance to prove them to me in person, I felt it fair to give him a chance to do so.
    To give him credit, most people making these kind of claims are usually not willing to step forward to have them verified since they know those claims cannot be. That being said, there are times when those unable to prove their claims step forward and try to convince others that those claims are true - case in point - the failed Erik Krieg tests of SafeHHO's HHO booster unit.
    So when Nathren offered, I was slightly hopeful - after all why would he offer if he knew I would find the claims to be untrue? So I made the trip with reserved anticipation. That anticipation was unfulfilled, unfortunately.
    I reiterate that it is not my goal to attack the man personally, only his claim. I leave the personal judgement and criticisms to others. I do not want it to be my moral duty to judge others. My purpose is to check and verify claims that could help all of mankind. And if Nathren's claim was true, all of the world could benefit.
    Unfortunately as is the case so many times, this incredible claim was not able to be verified this time.
    I remain hopeful that Nathren will be able to step forward in the future either with me or someone else and show a working and verified system. After the test he did an engine teardown and claims that the cylinder walls of the engine were compromised causing the test to fail. If this is the case. I am sure we are all willing and hopeful to see him make the needed repairs and come forward with an operating unit. I of all people WANT to see this work, as it will help us with our project:
    Thanks for watching, and stay in tune for more investigations and research from DPAED.

Komentáře • 40

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @1alien2 Thanks for the compliment. Both you and I have argued against these claims for a long time. I am glad to have been able to put it to rest for good. I'm just glad to finally know what really was going on. All in the pursuit of truth.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @higherpoweredh2o I agree. I don't expect results to be any different than this if one of us ever gets a chance....
    Happy New Year to you too!!

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @fredrik999z Right - that is why I made the journey - to save others the time and money better spent on more tangible pursuits.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @mikepowers420 You are quite welcome. And if the demand is there and those guys agree to it, I am willing to start a funding campaign to visit Fast Freddy's claims as well, and will report with the same spirit as I have done here.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @afdhalatifftan92 I agree. He was willing to stand up and put his reputation on the line. Although he could not produce, he should be recognized for that.

  • @1alien2
    @1alien2 Před 13 lety

    You did a excellent job here, I will personally commend you for doing so. You was very respectful and considerate of Nathren here on CZcams.
    I will publicly state that I was wrong about the B&S engine. I thought it was running on alcohol when in fact it was from the gas fumes in the crankcase. Very dangerous as I have had an engine ignite fumes in my own oil pan before due to a bad coil.

  • @mikepowers420
    @mikepowers420 Před 13 lety

    Smack, I thank you very much for your hard work. Once again your integrity shines like a bright star in a moonless night. You did a great job on these vids, but I expected nothing less from you.
    It sounds like he spent more cash on his car safe than he did on the car he is driving now.
    I would love to check out Fast Freddy's set-up as well. I pray it's the real deal, but until it's been replicated, who knows for sure?
    Once again, thank you my friend.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @dnmack1 I have seen plasma spark in person and video'ed it. Check out some of my other vids where I show a plasma spark system in operation.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @sirHOAX Thanks, and I agree. This in no way is meant to imply free energy is a farce. I also believe a solution is out there, its just not this.

  • @dnmack1
    @dnmack1 Před 13 lety

    I am skeptical about the chevy too. Not so much about the plasma sparkplug.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @ZeroFossilFuel Yes, I think I proved that! You and I both knew this claim was false, which is why I did it on donations and not my own money.
    Now there is no question, and I hope a beneficial service has been done for the community.
    I'd like to check out Fast Freddy's claims next........

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @ZeroFossilFuel S1r's claim is actually pretty well known. But this was just a practice run. I am totally willing and ready to check out Fast Freddy's claims. Maybe I will start a donation drive for it.......

  • @prototype9000
    @prototype9000 Před 13 lety

    i think more people need to experiment with crystal batterys

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @monkeyron All good points, and the reason I did not believe him either. The same goes for James - I hope someday I get the same opportunity to explore his claims as well!

  • @firepinto
    @firepinto Před 13 lety

    Thanks Smack. I always had a gut feeling about this one. Good work and good luck!

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @hhotechnology Thank you!

  • @monkeyron
    @monkeyron Před 13 lety

    @EletrikRidesAgain I have contacted James many times. I've talked with him on the Phone as well.
    I told him I'm going to Lost Wages in Feb. I will setup a Meeting with him then.
    I really want to see his new Motor. It is exactly what you need. He already offered me to look over the Van but the drive is on the Bench. He would show that and the Hydroxy cell as well.
    I will be signing a NDA about his R & D for the motor. We shall see what he is willing to allow out as for the Old Stuff .

  • @plzub3603
    @plzub3603 Před 11 lety

    differences in a spark unevidently, I tried the different variants of connecting yesterday. But did not try to give water as a fuel, that is why as outside frost -4С* did I understand he must work if differences are unvisible in a spark? I want to look your variant of connecting ( draw on a paper) Thank you

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @firepinto Thanks I appreciate it!

  • @zerolabs
    @zerolabs Před 13 lety

    LOL!!! So, we appreciate your enthusiasm for truth but how many of these wild goose chases will you embark on before you say enough? The only thing that made that motor "run on water" was piston ring blow-by forcing gas fumes from the crankcase through the breather tube back into the carb. "Lookie, maw. I done made a watur car!"

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @eljunkman Thanks!

  • @monkeyron
    @monkeyron Před 13 lety

    Great Job Dustin!
    I'm glad you made the Trek. The encasement of the El Camino, Why would you bother to do this? If it was true, why not remove the Technology like Meyer, Puharich, Anderson and JameArthur had done? As for Nathren's claims, no 3rd Party verification such as a Local University or even a High School had witnessed anything using his Technology , or am I wrong? If he & his Wife truly believes his Technology will devastate the worlds economy, I welcome his Best Effort to TRY!

  • @eljunkman
    @eljunkman Před 13 lety

    wow, i feel your pain smack. long drive to document a failed 6th grade science fair experiment. Well done documenting and presenting the facts with an open mind. I can see how this road trip is beneficial for your research and look forward to seeing new updates on your project. All the best in 2011!

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 11 lety

    Agreed. That is what I also saw.

  • @fredrik999z
    @fredrik999z Před 13 lety

    Thank you for taking time visiting this man. I was one in the group that started to have suspicious thought about this man and his "claims" in general and now after several years that was correct statements. Nothing he said is true. I don't want to be rude to anyone but I think that a lot of time and energy is wasted in believing and trying to understand this type of false claims, including me. Don't waste your time on this, move on to something real.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    Please try not to be so ignorant:
    1. I did not disprove or prove anything. He did. This is not a replication. This is Nathren himself, in person performing his own setup and demonstrating it for me. I only observed and video'ed this. It is HE who failed to prove his own device.
    2. The device did not work as you see here. So Nathren disproved it himself, right here. I was there and witnessed the entire failure and have been gracious enough to record and post it here.

  • @plzub3603
    @plzub3603 Před 11 lety

    are there charts that will work on a car? Thank you

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 12 lety

    LOL, good point!

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @pbrexs Sorry, I wish my report brought better news.... Thanks for voting!

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 11 lety

    Don't waste your time even for one second considering this device. It does not and never will work.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 11 lety

    I don't know what you mean by charts.....

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    3. Per Nathren himself - he claims the 400W inverter was nothing more than a diversion to confuse people and throw them "off the trail". I was there, and this is what he told me to my face. So you need to confront HIM about the presence of the inverter. This is HIS claim, not mine.
    The device failed - and I risked my life to bring this truthful and accurate information to you.
    The proof is irrefutable and I DARE you to prove otherwise.

  • @wcemichael
    @wcemichael Před 12 lety

    Dude I see the problem with your test....You flooded the engine, literally! lol
    Thanks for doing this

  • @AfdhalAtiffTan
    @AfdhalAtiffTan Před 13 lety

    I highly respect Nathren on this one...
    I like the way he stand-up and show the truth...
    Thanks Smack for very neat report and Nathren for being very brave...

  • @zerolabs
    @zerolabs Před 13 lety

    @EletrikRidesAgain Actually, I was completely unaware of this guy's claims (that NASA stole from him) or your crusade to drive out there and validate. Frankly, I would not have given him the time of day, let alone the honor of one of us to examine his work. But you certainly did a good job. He probably threw gasoline in the oil of his Elcamino too until it seized and warranted being encased in cement to cover up his stupidity.
    Now Smack vs Fast Freddy? That's a show I will pay to see! LOL!!!

  • @pbrexs
    @pbrexs Před 13 lety

    Thanks Smack, for a very good review. Unfortunately his claims are BS. This is a person not to be believed of anything he writes or shows on CZcams. You have shown him a teller of tall tales (liar).
    On a good note, I did vote for you again today.

  • @Hydrogen4Health
    @Hydrogen4Health Před 13 lety

    smack what is s1r9a9m9 youtube channel name?
    Thanks for doing this for all of us.

  • @EletrikRidesAgain
    @EletrikRidesAgain  Před 13 lety

    @delvis11 Hi, click on the video link shown

  • @dnmack1
    @dnmack1 Před 13 lety

    I didn't see a 400w inverter in your videos. If you didn't copy his circuit, you haven't proven (or disproven)anything.