MAYURI! 😂🤣 Bleach TYBW Episode 23 (389) Reaction! + BURN THE WITCH 0.8 PV REACTION


Komentáře • 126

  • @kodoqbesar4301
    @kodoqbesar4301 Před 10 měsíci +40

    Mayuri out here just casually trapped Hitsugaya in Izanami lol

    • @Bigvig_of_bogvog
      @Bigvig_of_bogvog Před 10 měsíci +2

      Imagine if this was how Izanami worked. The caster would put a taboo/rule on you, and afterwards you would be able to move on with your life, but as soon as you break or goes against the rule/taboo that’s on you, you would reset back to the time it was cast on to you. And after repeating a few times, your body would be temporarily paralyzed. Since he is drugged, I’m guessing that what he’s experiencing might not be completely reality. but still if that version of Izanami was the canon one, that would have been a really scary ability

    • @CosmicRPG
      @CosmicRPG Před 10 měsíci +1

      He trap Hitsugaya in the RTD effect from Re-Zero like Subaru

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      What does that mean

    • @CosmicRPG
      @CosmicRPG Před 10 měsíci

      @@chrisofstars the thing of repeat the same moment every time Hitsugaya kill Mayuri, like Subaru every time he died repeat the same moment, but having memories of that event

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      @@CosmicRPG Is this like a thing from a different anime or something? I dont know any Subaru in Bleach. Im just even further confused now sorry 😅

  • @Amin-rois
    @Amin-rois Před 10 měsíci +30

    Not only izanami that mayuri did to captain hitsugaya, also he could control edo tensei from gigi 😂😂😂

    • @ChrisOak2
      @ChrisOak2 Před 10 měsíci +4

      Izanami was taken from Yu Yu Hakusho when Kurama used the sinning tree on Elder Toguro.

    • @craigime
      @craigime Před 10 měsíci

      @@ChrisOak2 what chapter?

  • @kodoqbesar4301
    @kodoqbesar4301 Před 10 měsíci +33

    Poor Candice got low diffed by Byakuya lol. And btw NaNaNa's power allows him to be able to detect weakness on his opponents, but because Byakuya is wearing the Ouken outfit, NaNaNa can't detect his weakness. Same goes to Pepe's The Love which is ineffective against Byakuya because of his Ouken outfit

    • @brtruev1710
      @brtruev1710 Před 10 měsíci

      There was no reason to explain NaNaNa's ability right now. He'll use it in another occasion in which it actually works.

    • @lo4tr
      @lo4tr Před 10 měsíci +2

      In the manga, Candice got completely off-screened, so there was no real context as to why Byakuya bodied her that hard. At least here it is explained that she used up a lot of power fighting Ichigo and then getting back-stabbed by Bazz.

  • @ttlpwn34
    @ttlpwn34 Před 10 měsíci +18

    (Anime Only) I don't understand Mayuri's "drug" either. The only explanation I can come up with is that Toshiro is experiencing some form of clairvoyance so vivid that it feels like reality. So every time Toshiro "kills" Mayuri his mind snaps back to the present, but he can't discern the difference between the vision and the present. After 10 snaps back he's left paralyzed. At least, that's all I got, because a drug in one person altering the flow of time for everyone is actual nonsense and I don't accept it!

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci +3

      Ok now THIS makes sense

    • @D4rkn3ss2000
      @D4rkn3ss2000 Před 10 měsíci

      This is actually exactly how I envisioned it to work. Is not time travel, is just an illusion in the mind of the person the drug was used on. When the person snaps back to the starting point enoughs times, they get paralized. Is such Mayuri thing to trap people with mindbending drugs...

    • @lo4tr
      @lo4tr Před 10 měsíci +5

      Think of it like a drug version of Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu. Toshiro is essentially trapped within that one moment in time and his mind only processes new information so long as the 'trigger' isn't activated. When Toshiro 'kills' Mayuri, he activates the trigger and is reset back to square one, at least from his perspective. In reality, Mayuri is just standing in front of Toshiro, going on his little tangent until Toshiro's mind eventually hits the point of paralysis and Mayuri finally makes a move. The only 'real' thing we see is last instance; everything else was a confrontation entirely created in Toshiro's mind.

    • @almightygod2144
      @almightygod2144 Před 10 měsíci

      If it helps, the manga does not do anything else to help explain it.

    • @0eyes
      @0eyes Před 10 měsíci

      I thought it had to do with short term memory loss since he talks about it affecting the Hippocampus

  • @Bossu
    @Bossu Před 10 měsíci +4

    He's not actually saying he's sending Toshiro in the past, he's saying it in a way to make it more understandable for Toshiro since he pretty much experiences time travel.
    Which it isn't, it's still just a drug.
    The reason different things happen each time is because it's his memories, and memories can change.
    By affecting his short-term memory, it changes everytime and killing Mayuri is the trigger for that.
    It's a quite more out there drug than the slowing drug against Szayel but reading into his explanation very much helped me understand.
    And this even being possible is just Mayuri being a mad scientist

  • @ailourosn
    @ailourosn Před 10 měsíci +11

    Toshiro as a zombie shows a brutal nature that Toshiro could actually display. As a zombie, he literally becomes a cold-blooded killer. But with Toshiro... he always holds back and is naive when you look at it. He freezes them, but doesn't deliver fatal blows.
    His pureness and lack of experience is obvious, especially as he has only been a captain for like 20 years since Isshin lost his powers. But we've also seen him become so reckless whenever his emotions get the best of him, but his recklessness cost his life and his comrades (look that time he was made to stab Momo) during the fight with Aizen.
    Hoping we see Toshiro fight like this without the zombie influence soon against enemies

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      do you really believe he was "holding back" vs Aizen, Harribel or BazzB? sometimes you're just outclassed. what he tries as a zombie wouldn't work on them at all.
      zombie Toushirou, isn't nerfed ofc, had: false shikai Yumichika n shikai Ikkaku that couldn't even stand anymore bc injured by Bambi's bombs as his foes+
      base Charlotte, even if amped. if anyone thinks alive Toushirou wasn't capable of the same in terms of capability then they're the naive one. it's easy to look successful when ur foes are fodder
      this is excluding Mayuri ofc bc he never actually hurt/fought him. btw before first invasion happened ofc Toushirou was already brushing up on his zanjutsu now Bankai less. but vs BazzB's understandably so thinking that trying zanjutsu on him would be a death sentence so no

    • @ailourosn
      @ailourosn Před 10 měsíci +2

      @protectedsouls415 he is severely outclassed by Aizen. That's no doubt. Unfortunately, he would never be able to win, especially since Aizen can simply rile him up with the mention of how he treated Momo
      But yeah, he always just froze Harribel and Bazz. He never destroyed them after being frozen. With Luppy, he also only froze him, but the light (I forgot the name) that gets the Arrancars pulled him out of his jail. He froze Harribel, but again, not a killing blow. With Bazz, he just froze him again, but no killing blow. So... yeah besides holding back. He just imprisons them with no intent to follow-up for a kill, he's a naive kid.
      During one part of the loop in his "fight" with Mayuri, he froze him and made sure the ice would break.
      When he fought with Ikkaku and Yumi, he didn't hesitate to stab Ikkaku when his leg got in the way (while he also froze it) because he was ordered to fight for Gigi. After stabbing Ikkaku, he even made sure to cause more pain by slashing Ikkaku. As for Yumichika, after Yumi protected Ikkaku, he was about to use his actual shikai only for Toshiro to slam his knee (with ice) towards Yumi. Proceeds to literally hurt Yumi more. Then Charlotte could've been sliced and diced even more too if Mayuri hadn't intervene
      He has never done those before. He's just too kind. He did want to kill Gin and Aizen, but he was all talk with Gin. He did manage to surprise Gin and almost stab him, but Gin finally used his shikai and almost killed Momo also in the process, if not for Rangiku's arrival. In regards to Aizen, like I said, there is no match, especially at his level of maturity and also at his power level. On the other hand, Aizen is too broken and had just merged with the Hogyuko (during Fake Karakura), so Toshiro really can't. The only time he delivered a killing blow was when all of them thought they had Aizen, only for poor Momo to be the victim. That didn't end well, hahahah

    • @fiamma_23
      @fiamma_23 Před 10 měsíci

      I think it's similar to White and Ichigo. Toshiro still lacking in battle instinct.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      @@ailourosn Toushirou used hyouten hyakkasou vs Harribel the 100flowers technique, he literally said "when the 100flowers bloom ur life will have come to an end" guess what happened? it didn't work it failed bc they indeed bloomed but it never did its intended job with lehtality in killing someone on her power lvl. no "holding back" canonically that's completely false, he intended to but lacked lethality
      for Bazz B are you literally forgetting him informing Toushirou his own Heat shrift offsett Yama's shikai flames & taht's why he had no issue surviving Yama shikai & protect Nanana & As NOdt? he melted Toushirou's shikai ice enhanced with Haineko like butter when he got serious. literally laughed n mocked TOushirou. his body was compltely fine, the Heat shrift is op.
      to think Toushirou was holding back there is delusional, c'mon. Bazz B literally breaks out/melts TOushirou's trap wit his named technique it was nothing. Toushirou had shocked expression going "no way' Bazz B's heat was too op for him there. he can he deliver a "killing blow" when Bazz B melts out of ice just fine in a couple secs? & Bazz B is not a slowpoke, tell me exactly how toushirou can go for a killing blow let's say in close quarters combat? Bazz B can fight current Rukia n Renji offscreen just fine!
      Toushirou wasn't doing anything to real Mayuri those were just hallucinations that were tricking him into thinking he was successful wit his bankai, how are u really bringing up mental hallucinations as if they wer feats? Toushirou also was hallucinated to drive his bankai blade into Aizen's chest but do we call that a feat? ofc not, it's KS hallucinations.
      there's no "being too kind" from him when his foes make it glaringly obvs he's outclassed & they're stronger & petty tricks like an iced knee wouldn't work. for 1, he'd have to be able to get in their close quarters range/close proximity at that. much easier said than done.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      @@ailourosn even then too, bloodlusted Toushirou tricked thinking he's stabbing Aizen but it was Momo couldn't even kill her either. are u gonna tryna argue he was "holding back" there too?
      it's headcanon to say he's holding back in the way you're trying to say. him lacking lethality in battle bc he's the only child Capt in history doesn't make him look bad btw it's understandable. we don't have to be dishonest n say he was "going easy/too kind" why he failed to beat/lost vs his foes in the series. ofc you rightfully excluded Aizen, but that's just common sense lol.

  • @Tawanalc
    @Tawanalc Před 10 měsíci +6

    He gave him a drug to see multiple futures, hitsugaya was just killing him in different ways. When he sees it resets to his present perception. From an onlooker observing hitsugaya he was just standing still there doing nothing but asking questions.

  • @lo4tr
    @lo4tr Před 10 měsíci +3

    So, yeah, because Toshiro was alive when Zombified, he was able to use his powers and abilities at pretty much full strength, along with being far more dispassionate and cold. It's different than Bambietta, whom was killed before being Zombified, which is why she went from being a premier threat to a jobber.
    Also, the drug that Mayuri used isn't really resetting time or anything like that. Toshiro is trapped within a single moment, the 'reset' point, and is unable to view the real world. His brain only process new information until he hits the trigger, Mayuri's death, which then resets his brain back to the starting point. Think of it like a injected version of Kyoka Suigetsu mixed with Mayuri's 'superhuman' drug that he used against Szayel. Toshiro's mind is processing information at an accelerated rate, creating an entire scenario where he fights Mayuri over and over.
    In reality, Mayuri is just standing in front of him, waiting for the paralysis effect to take over. He's just doing his normal monologue, talking about all his little inventions and drugs, which is subconsciously influencing Toshiro's experiences in the loops. Once it reaches that point of mental breakdown, Toshiro's mind stops being part of the loop, which is why we're back in reality in that last part.
    Further, Toshiro was infected when he cut Charlotte, as explained by Mayuri that he laced the Arrancar blood with the drug.

  • @Coreyy12
    @Coreyy12 Před 10 měsíci

    Yo that Stephen A video got me weak 😂😂. That dry ass “Hahaha” sent me 💀

  • @CosmicRPG
    @CosmicRPG Před 10 měsíci +1

    Mayuri aka Shinigami Batman apply the Re-Zero effect in Hitsugaya and in the other side Byakuya the goat washing Nanayakov,Candice and Acutrone like nothing and using his "Senbosakura Kageyoshi" and Liltotto stopping Pepe for do that to Meninas.

  • @AaronZel
    @AaronZel Před 10 měsíci +12

    By the way, Yumichika was about to release his true Shikai Ruri'iro Kujaku to fight Toshiro.

  • @DefinitivelyZach
    @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci +6

    Instead of Orihime tiddie we got Pepe tiddie.

  • @dathuabo-sk4zf
    @dathuabo-sk4zf Před 10 měsíci

    Bro really remember Oetsu's voice, respect that

  • @Vader9869
    @Vader9869 Před 10 měsíci +7

    It's my guess that Pepe's love didn't work on byakuya because it hit his new clothes that were made by Zero Division's bones.

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      It's because he loves nothing. No one. He asked the universe for a prize and it told him no.

    • @BoBoMuNcHcRunCH
      @BoBoMuNcHcRunCH Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@chrisofstarsdon’t think that’s true, he loves rukia

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      @@BoBoMuNcHcRunCH Yes he does. He is just sad boy since Hisana died. But you're right, he loves Rukia.

    • @abegailpreciousdecosto6468
      @abegailpreciousdecosto6468 Před 10 měsíci


    • @abegailpreciousdecosto6468
      @abegailpreciousdecosto6468 Před 10 měsíci


  • @chrisofstars
    @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci +1

    Hitsugaya's voice actor was on point this episode. The desperate begging for Mayuri to stop.. the blood curdling scream. AAA stuff.

    • @D4rkn3ss2000
      @D4rkn3ss2000 Před 10 měsíci +1

      *Actress. Toshiro is voiced by Romi Park, a woman. She is awesome.

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      @@D4rkn3ss2000 Romi Park? That doesn't sound like a Japanese name. Is she Korean, perhaps? Thank you for that info ❤

    • @D4rkn3ss2000
      @D4rkn3ss2000 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@chrisofstars she is indeed Japanese of Korean descent

  • @javilepero
    @javilepero Před 10 měsíci

    I hope they gave a raise to the animator who had to draw pepe's vollstandig

  • @sazantimes7415
    @sazantimes7415 Před 10 měsíci

    21:19 Not Byakuya is immune, but Ouken is immune to the actions of these sternritters, i.e. organic cells from the bodies of the zero squad, from which Ouken was used to create the outfits of Byakuya, Rukia, Renji and Ichigo.

  • @sila8686
    @sila8686 Před 10 měsíci +2

    Also, Pepe being a love guru kinda suits this track more than Shinji 😂

  • @Bossu
    @Bossu Před 10 měsíci

    Byakuya's still wearing the clothing from the Royal Palace.
    It's protective garments, though it's still just clothing so destructive forces can still destroy them hence why Ichigo's got destroyed right away

  • @hikarihakai1285
    @hikarihakai1285 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Burn The Witch 0.8 is basically the prologue of the story
    it adapt the original oneshot chapter before the series was serialized

  • @Ishallreignsupreme
    @Ishallreignsupreme Před 10 měsíci +2

    Liltotto is the strongest out of all the Quincy girls.

  • @sifujacob1259
    @sifujacob1259 Před 10 měsíci

    21:19 the power of DRIP from the soul palace.

  • @sofarsogood8680
    @sofarsogood8680 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Basically Hitsugaya just "dream" , and everytime when he kills Mayuri in his "dream", the dream reset by itself on repeat but until 10 times his brain will paralysed after that. So ,i guess in Mayuri's POV , Hitsugaya only standing still , reaction appeared and wait until he collapsed from brain paralysed

  • @sila8686
    @sila8686 Před 10 měsíci +1

    My understanding of the drug is that it lets Toshiro gain a vision of the future and loop it. So in Mayuri's eyes, Toshiro was probably just standing there doing nothing and suddenly began to talk, that's when he knew the drugs had taken effect more than 10 times. It's absurd, just like Szaelapollo getting the power to slow down time for hundreds of years.

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci +1

      So basically, Mayuri is explaining it backwards for how they feel but how they feel is not what's actually happening.

    • @albuspercivalwulfricbriand5363
      @albuspercivalwulfricbriand5363 Před 10 měsíci +1

      @@DefinitivelyZachZach, so what’s really happening is this:
      The drug affects the hippocampus and triggers a short term memory loss. Everything up until he finishing blow is really happening; but the finishing blow only happens in the eyes of Toshiro, while at the same time in reality he’s just randomly stuck in whatever position while his short term memory is being rewritten. The reason why we see only 3 “loops” is that they are the only loops Toshiro remembers. The drug started to wear off because of Toshiro’s immerse resistance. That’s why Mayuri was shocked.
      Toshiro got infected with the drug the moment he sliced Charlotte. All arrancar’s body fluids are mixed with this drug.
      So no, you cannot f4ck the arrancar girl 😂

  • @scizorstar
    @scizorstar Před 10 měsíci

    They really did Shinji dirty by giving Pepe his backtrack lol

  • @iamcoachmark8327
    @iamcoachmark8327 Před 10 měsíci

    Bro i cant wait anymore to BTW reaction in ur channel😊😊

  • @metalface_villain
    @metalface_villain Před 10 měsíci +1

    my understanding is that this drug only affects hitsugaya's mind, not mayuri or time. when he reaches the point where he would kill mayuri his brain resets to that point with the drug lines and that keeps on happening until the side effects take over and he collapses. if u were to be an outsider i don't know if u would see histugaya just standing still or if he would try to fight and pause before he would kill mayuri then keep fighting after the reset.

  • @KyosukeTsuchigami101
    @KyosukeTsuchigami101 Před 10 měsíci

    Dormammu I've come to bargain 😂

  • @danielhymanson939
    @danielhymanson939 Před 10 měsíci

    if mayuri had boobas he would’ve said that the drug was genius

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci

      Idk if I’d be able to function if Mayuri had boobas. My brain just wouldn’t work

  • @kodoqbesar4301
    @kodoqbesar4301 Před 10 měsíci

    You cannot comprehend such beauty, elegance, innocence, and purity of Pepe sama!

    • @fiamma_23
      @fiamma_23 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Calling that thing beauty is a disgrace to Princess Charlotte's glittering resurreccion

  • @WEIYZ.
    @WEIYZ. Před 10 měsíci

    Pepe Le Frog: Yameteugh~🥵

  • @Bossu
    @Bossu Před 10 měsíci

    Candice got destroyed before she could use Sklave Rai. She's even surprised by the fact she's already done

  • @rajputa_na
    @rajputa_na Před 10 měsíci

    MVP of tybw arc mayuri the great

  • @fateslegacy
    @fateslegacy Před 10 měsíci

    Burn the witch Hype!!! Got the manga vol at home look forward to the adaption and hopefully the continuation of series somday maybe after Bleach Anime kubo might do it?

  • @QuincyArmy-dd7mb
    @QuincyArmy-dd7mb Před 10 měsíci

    I think Mayuri drug played on hitsugaya's memory here... Probably he inserted a false loop within his brain so technically it was all a scene that he got stuck in and was just standing in front of Mayuri...also byakuya is wearing the royal clothes that's why it has protective characteristics

  • @hesosol8997
    @hesosol8997 Před 10 měsíci

    Byakuya is a Jedi, blocking those shots like Obi Wan. Gigi is a dude, pretending to be a chick so they can be close to the chicks. Look how they wrap themselves around Bambi. At least that’s how I looked at it

  • @natashakydyk94
    @natashakydyk94 Před 10 měsíci

    Gigi died so easily bc he can't actually fight. Actually when we first meet gigi he completely admits he has no real fighting abilities like Candice or Bambi, so basically his zombies fight for him

  • @Shinigami15436
    @Shinigami15436 Před 10 měsíci

    This episode does a phenomenal job showing just how Hitsugaya can quickly end a fight without any moral restrictions. Where was this viciousness when he was fighting Harrbiel? 😂

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      lol well Harribel isn't fodder for him like a Yumichika & Ikkaku are, much less a Yumi/Ikkaku here that can't even stand anymore at that bc of bambi's bombs.
      easy to look domineering when you have easy pickins for your opponents here. unless supposedly Toushirou's "hyouten hyakkasou" strongest attack vs Harribel that Toushirou even said "when the flowers all bloom ur life well come to an end" was supposedly having moral restrictions/"holding back" when really it just failed

  • @jackwitt7430
    @jackwitt7430 Před 10 měsíci

    This is my second favorite episode in this cour after E19 because Giselle and PePep (the two characters I hate most) both get bodied.

  • @SoulKingKurosaki
    @SoulKingKurosaki Před 10 měsíci +1

    Mayuri disgusts me but he was MVP this episode. And Byakuya casually soloing four Steinritters, you know that's just him

  • @abegailpreciousdecosto6468
    @abegailpreciousdecosto6468 Před 10 měsíci

    Just to enlighten everything the “ Love ” and “ Underbelly ” didn't work on Byakuya because of the Royal robe that he's wearing , it's a robe that Senjumaru made she's one of the Squad 0 member

  • @mesikerdoe2030
    @mesikerdoe2030 Před 10 měsíci

    9:54 I don’t understand either, just think this drug like Izanami

  • @f4rensabri
    @f4rensabri Před 10 měsíci

    Gudoero (神の性愛 (グドエロ), Gudoero; Japanese for "Sexuality of God"; Viz "God's Love")

  • @varislord1469
    @varislord1469 Před 10 měsíci

    21:23 the best reaction 😂

  • @iamcoachmark8327
    @iamcoachmark8327 Před 10 měsíci

    First mayuri do a itachi tsukoyumi and now itachi izanami.
    Mayuri the Goat💪💪💪

  • @MonographicSingleheaded
    @MonographicSingleheaded Před 10 měsíci

    dude Burn the Bleach back ?! and looking as good as the new main anime ? AM IN. and THAT MEANS THEY MAY ANIMATE THE ONE SHOT TOOO!!!!! eventually ! tho if I were them I d just put the one shot as the last ep of the Blood War anime lmao. ps do not spoil cuz Zach didnt see shit yet.

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci

      Apparently this is going to be animating the oneshot

  • @fiamma_23
    @fiamma_23 Před 10 měsíci +4

    Zombie Toshiro >>> Fraud Toshiro 😂

    • @SkyserAspili
      @SkyserAspili Před 10 měsíci

      you gonna mindblown when toshiro is gonna activate his full bankai soon

    • @fiamma_23
      @fiamma_23 Před 10 měsíci +4

      @@SkyserAspili Fraud full bankai Toshiro is lucky Zombie full bankai Toshiro never a thing.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      Toushirou as a zombie finally got fodder as his foes excluding Mayuri who he was never actually fighting it was all in his head
      zombie Toushirou isn't doing shit to an actual alive Sternritter so idk why you're gassing his zombie self for beating: false shikai Yumichika n shikai Ikkaku that can't stand anymore, lost reiatsu n injured from Bambi's bombs
      + cutting a base Charlotte's chest + arm off.... he coulda always done that to them in capability

    • @albuspercivalwulfricbriand5363
      @albuspercivalwulfricbriand5363 Před 10 měsíci

      @@protectedsouls415If Toshiro didn’t hold back, he would solo every Sternritter, except Schutzstaffel.
      Stop capping.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      @@albuspercivalwulfricbriand5363 nice troll lol if not are u fucking serious? u think he was "holding back" vs Bazz B that laughed at him, couldn't get hurt at all n only used 2 fingers? unless ur talking about his completed bankai only that's a diff story tho
      but zombishirou beating up fodder opponents don't tell shit. hell look at him "vs Mayuri" he didn't do shit Mayuri never even got hurt it was all hallucination. Mayuri casually defeated him

  • @ichegonicc
    @ichegonicc Před 5 měsíci

    I hate when people say that toshiro is a loser and keeps taking L he won against Shaw long he froze lupi which got saved he froze hallibel which got saved and he won against the iron the only loss was against aizen and everyone in soul society got their ass kicked by aizen including all the vizard all the captains even yammamoto himself and the karakura trio as well he fought Gin equally and froze kira in the process all that while still figuring out his banKai as stated multiple times that he is still young and his banKai isn't full mature

  • @WeyardWiz
    @WeyardWiz Před 10 měsíci

    Your disgusted face on the thumbnail 😂

  • @Ephemerthefish2525
    @Ephemerthefish2525 Před 10 měsíci

    how many times did you walk away this episode

  • @Anshelm77
    @Anshelm77 Před 10 měsíci

    20:03 If you're up to chapter 1059 in One Piece (the anime isn't there yet), you might know that Hancock's interaction with a certain someone inspired some delightful fan art not that dissimilar from PePe.

  • @user-ug7sd7yx4c
    @user-ug7sd7yx4c Před 10 měsíci

    15:16 原作にはない戦闘シーン追加ありがたい あと白哉強い😅

  • @brtruev1710
    @brtruev1710 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Some bit of dialogue that was cut for no reason at all (besides that they decided to keep Byakuya's OOC stupidity by blocking the Love Kiss with his Zanpakutou): when he's defending himself from Hisagi he actually says/thinks "I can only defend against a Zanpakutou using Hakuda for a few moments longer, but if I use Kidou I might end up killing Hisagi". That was the reason he didn't use any, and I saw many people expressing doubt at why he didn't, considering he used Kidou against Zommari.

    • @chrisofstars
      @chrisofstars Před 10 měsíci

      Such BS just use Bakudo 61 Rikujōkōrō Six Rods Prison of Light. I was screaming at Byakuya for not using this. Im fact, literally HALF the hado are bakudo used for restraining purposes. Just pick ONE ffs. 🤦‍♂️

  • @hikariizuki1693
    @hikariizuki1693 Před 10 měsíci

    The pain of watching weird nonsense in anime when you have the actual knowledge of the subject😂

  • @ebi88
    @ebi88 Před 10 měsíci

    dont disrespect PePe-sama :(

  • @protectedsouls415
    @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

    "why doesn't he fight like this normally!" um... idk bro how about bc his matchups here are mere vice capts lvl that were already injured bc Bambi's bombs n can't even stand at that? plus only a base Charlotte? all opponents that any alive Capt can casually defeat? none of the shinigamis were surprised Toushirou did what he did here. Ikkaku even said he's lucky it wasn't worse
    you think a Harribel or BazzB would allow zombie Toushirou to wreck shop on them like this? actual formidable foes? kubo finally gave Toushirou easy opponents here/any non nerfed Capt could do what he did. he simply did what Capt, that isn't nerfed, could always do if these are his matchups.
    hell even a dead, actual nerfed Kensei casually floored Shuuhei barehanded with one punch n a body flip. if you're not current Renji n Rukia well the gap of vice capt to actual Capts is immense! this was a point hammered home in SS arc & still true. ofc as I said current Renji n Rukia are exceptions to this rule n all.

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci

      I just mean he was so much more crisp and decisive going for killing blows.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci

      @@DefinitivelyZach ya.. bc he had an easy matchups for once. again Mayuri & Ikkaku weren't surprised at all he did what he did. Mayuri even calls Charlotte an idiot for even trying to pull up n test him. Ikkaku expected his leg to be *gone* even
      vs BazzB just in base meanwhile he was melting all his ice *immediately* the same Bazz B that survived an angry Yama's flames bc of his shrift offsetting it
      zombieshirou going against him would also be a terrible matchup loss for him 2.0. can't go close quarters for sword slashes when someone has endless flames *that hot* to throw at you. Bazz B is also much faster than any Arrancar or zombie Arrancar shown

  • @yacineyaker7485
    @yacineyaker7485 Před 10 měsíci

    mayuri is the worst opponent u can have

  • @marcelyuzuki6376
    @marcelyuzuki6376 Před 10 měsíci

    A Captain beat a 3rd and 5 th seat officer is nothing special.
    And Toshiro didn't have much losses only against Aizen and Bazz b without Bankai.

    • @protectedsouls415
      @protectedsouls415 Před 10 měsíci +1

      this is what I've been trying to tell ppl lol. hell just in Arrancar ARc Yumi & IKkaku can't do a single thing to Luppi but get beat up & needed Toushiru there to seal him with a named technique that actually forced Luppi outta his release form when he got beamed away by negacion light
      oh ya dead *nerfed* Kensei here with 1 gut punch & 1 body flip to Shuuhei easily puts him unconscious cratered into the ground. if you aren't current Renji/Rukia, a Capt easily stomping out a 3rd/5th seat or literal vice capts is nothing special/shocking at all

  • @bondsmatthew
    @bondsmatthew Před 10 měsíci

    Disappointed for the lack of Bonks for PePe
    How could you betray us like this

  • @iamfree3766
    @iamfree3766 Před 10 měsíci

    Bro why do you fake this? Youve read the manga before its obvius you said this is new for the new biakuia fight the moment you saw it

    • @DefinitivelyZach
      @DefinitivelyZach  Před 10 měsíci

      because everyone last week said that Candice, glasses-guy, and Neru surrounding Byakuya in that episode didn't happen in the manga. So I inferred this was an extension of that addition from last week.

  • @theonewhoisfluff745
    @theonewhoisfluff745 Před 10 měsíci
