Benicio Del Toro Discusses "CHE"

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Benicio Del Toro has admitted that he was lucky to be offered the opportunity to play Che Guevara.
    The 41-year-old won best actor at the Cannes Film Festival for his lead role in Che, but he claimed he wasn't necessarily expecting an Oscar nomination.
    "I just got lucky, you know. My guess (about the forthcoming awards) is as good as yours. Why did I have to play him? I don't know," Benicio admitted.

Komentáře • 604

  • @gunsrlove
    @gunsrlove Před 13 lety +96

    Che was a revolutionary who believed that the poor and the opressed should stand up for themselves against corporate imperialism....but I guess he couldn't say that on corporate TV.
    Yes, he was a dreamer and an idealist...who actually had the balls to act upon his ideals....

    • @larrymillikan3969
      @larrymillikan3969 Před 2 lety

      Don’t forget even willing to murder and order murders to impose his beliefs on people. Just like any other tyrant

    • @TheRebel.Soldier
      @TheRebel.Soldier Před 2 lety

      @@larrymillikan3969 the belief of a classless anti capitalist society.. communism is about everyone getting there needs taken care of food, shelter, & water, its not about who has the nicer house and car but are we willing to take care of the most vulnerable out there? No one should be homeless.. the idea that you should work to live is oppressive & if you're a capitalist you will exploit the most vulnerable because you can & we can change that, so yeah a small price to pay for EVERYONE to be taken care of.. you're either a proletariat or a bourgeoisie or just read books on people who disliked the man.

    • @Smoomty
      @Smoomty Před 2 lety

      @@TheRebel.Soldier how is shooting people in the head for the fun of it helping them to get "taken care of" as you say? You are deluded man. People want to feel like they are fighting for something and all of Che's supporters fall into that trap, they don't want to take an honest look at what he did

    • @mesotheliomamike4748
      @mesotheliomamike4748 Před rokem

      Yup and he starved and killed his people many of them fled to America I wonder why not to mention Che would be rolling in his grave if he knew he was a tool for capitalism

    • @godssara6758
      @godssara6758 Před rokem

      Che was a mass murderer rapist racist homophobic POS who put gays in concentration camps and used the same sign as Hitler.

  • @BuecherFuerAlle
    @BuecherFuerAlle Před 13 lety +53

    it's amazing how similar this man looks to the actual guy.

    • @Canyoutakemebackwhereicamefrom
      @Canyoutakemebackwhereicamefrom Před 2 lety +6

      The real Che was more handsome. But I thought the biopic was accurate. I've actually watched it three times over the years. The motorcycle diaries is a nice movie about Che also.

    • @godssara6758
      @godssara6758 Před rokem

      ​​@@Canyoutakemebackwhereicamefrom lmao. Che was a mass murderer, racist, rapist and homophobe who put gays in concentration camps. 🤮 A complete POS. He was no revolutionary. He put a dictator in power who oppressed the people. Just another Marxist Socialist murdering thief. Who killed everyone to sieze everything and control everyone under a dictator and never made anything better for anyone other than the new regime

  • @alcottdevalte7440
    @alcottdevalte7440 Před 6 lety +128

    del toro was perfect for the che role

    • @NostalgicMem0ries
      @NostalgicMem0ries Před 6 lety +1

      true, i bet if che is somewhere seying this, he would be happy with this documentary. sadly he would be mad how world became capitalism all around, and communism fallen ;\

    • @NostalgicMem0ries
      @NostalgicMem0ries Před 6 lety

      TP 3587 for sure it is, try searching. i watched in my dubbed language native :)

    • @joshualittlewolfe8550
      @joshualittlewolfe8550 Před 4 lety +3

      Nostalgic memories Lol isn’t it a bit early to be making such claims? Socialism and the ideas of Marx are regaining relevance.

    • @godssara6758
      @godssara6758 Před rokem

      ​@@NostalgicMem0ries thank God murdering Communist racist, homophobic POS like Che lost

    • @godssara6758
      @godssara6758 Před rokem

      ​@@joshualittlewolfe8550 ya because people are still stupid and think they may actually get free stuff. Marx useful idiots still exist. Pure evil. Socialism and Communism equal greed, envy, murder, theft and slavery on steroids. No thanks

  • @magusking9215
    @magusking9215 Před 3 lety +25

    So proud that a Boricua portrayed Che in such a good film
    Love the 1st part of course, the camaraderie and just everything working out, every piece falling into place
    with the people's involvement.
    But of course, Part 2 is the complete opposite and I can't watch it without having tears in my eyes and tremendous rage

  • @4Barbudos
    @4Barbudos Před 13 lety +55

    "Che’s life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom, we will always honor his memory." - Nelson Mandela
    Che was the light of the world.

  • @manuelespejorevol8022
    @manuelespejorevol8022 Před 6 lety +10

    Lo trajiste de vuelta. Es él!!! increíble, Felicitaciones Benicio del Toro. Te lo dice un argentino

  • @LiquidT3nsion
    @LiquidT3nsion Před 15 lety +11

    Poor Benicio is struggling to choose his words carefully cuz is not easy to be in the middle of this polemic character where a large group of people admire Che and others dislike him. He looks like a deer in the headlights in front of all those reporters that actually helped him on some sections, they were really courteous the total opposite of what Glenn Dick Beck would've done.

  • @ChocolatePoop1301
    @ChocolatePoop1301 Před 14 lety +39

    God, this interview was painful to watch

  • @RollBluesRoll
    @RollBluesRoll Před 5 lety +14

    Benicio's extraordinary intensity for acting may be likened to that of, say, Megadeth for music. Great artists.

  • @patriciajuarez5647
    @patriciajuarez5647 Před 9 měsíci +1

    Nunca mire tantas veces la película del Che, me encantó , sólo porque estabas vos Benicio, además de hermoso sos un gran actor. Te mando todo mi amor desde Argentina

  • @albertrodriguez9684
    @albertrodriguez9684 Před 6 lety +5

    El mejor actor que protagonizo a che Guevara. tuve la oportunidad de viajar en el vuelo del primero de julio de 2018 American Airlines desde miami a la ciudad de holguin cuba ,donde en el se encontraba este gran actor el cual admiró mucho

  • @theofficialphoenixtv5765
    @theofficialphoenixtv5765 Před 8 lety +14

    Benicio looks high as fuck XD

    • @jamespruett47
      @jamespruett47 Před 2 lety

      And inarticulate as a result. He was perfect for the part but actually stumbled through the interview.

  • @nolbp
    @nolbp Před 14 lety +5

    Did anyone else noticed that they didn't talk about how Che died? I wonder why?

  • @enigmafia89
    @enigmafia89 Před 12 lety +5

    As much as I love Benicio del Toro. I don't think he is the best spokesperson for Che Guevara. Again, its not his job and he is a great actor.

    • @hag_13
      @hag_13 Před 2 lety

      he couldn’t go on national TV and support him because of amerika’s ignorance

  • @fudge1monkey
    @fudge1monkey Před 12 lety +5

    I'm not sure it's wise to brush off an entire person's legacy due to the fact that he executed war criminals, who were murderers themselves. Many argue American soldiers are murderers for being in Iraq and Afghanistan where children are constantly killed. But is it wise to brush their existence and thoughts from the page because of this? I'm fairly sure Che did dream, he was not mindless, whether his dreams or how he tried to accomplish them were good or bad is another matter.

  • @MrWinstonABailey
    @MrWinstonABailey Před 4 lety +22

    I loved this film. I watched the entire 4 hr 28 minutes in one sitting and was just riveted the entire time, and upset when it was over. It made me want to be in the Columbian jungle with a machine gun, a man truly independent and absolutely free.

    • @Canyoutakemebackwhereicamefrom
      @Canyoutakemebackwhereicamefrom Před 2 lety +2

      Same I love it. But Its so devastating in part two watching everything go downhill for him in bolivia. The ppl needed to be liberated but I guess the bolivian peasants weren't ready for an uprising. And it's just sad watching him struggle in the jungle with a handful of men in terrible conditions with nothing but the will to fight for what he believed in while being hunted by the entire military and trying to fight for the freedom of these people who ultimately betrayed him or didn't understand his objective because they were so isolated and controlled and afraid of the military. But the betrayal is too much for me to bear 😢

  • @danunderwood6240
    @danunderwood6240 Před 8 lety +77

    Great actor and great job with Che. Che was a man for the people. May his ideas never die and expand.

    • @calisweed8219
      @calisweed8219 Před 8 lety +9

      Che was a fucking brutal dictator who executed people who disagreed with him... Commies aren't cool

    • @danunderwood6240
      @danunderwood6240 Před 8 lety +9

      Bry back Actually he did not. Batista killed more people than Che or Castro did. But capitalist people hate Che and Castro because they instituted agrarian reforms that gave the land back to the people and out of the hands of multinational corporations that owned it. Some US owned companies. Capitalist pigs that create dictators for the greed of a wealthy few are not cool.

    • @calisweed8219
      @calisweed8219 Před 8 lety +1

      So you say that the "Chancho" who was a rapist as well.. didn't kill people that disagreed with him.. then you say he did...? and justify it by saying that he didn't kill as many... wow there's some logic for you. you idolize a guy that ordered the mass murder and incarceration in fucking concentration camps of homosexuals and Catholics along with many others.
      here's a little quote from a letter he sent his father after he killed Eutimio Guerra point blank shot to the temple "I'd like to confess, Papa, at that moment i discovered that I really liked killing" after that he got promoted to chief executioner... he was Castros Himmler 14,000 executions in the first year..
      In 1958 Cuba's inflation rate was 1.4% compared to 2.73 in the US.. Cuban Peso was interchangeable with the US dollar. in 1959 when Castro appointed Ernesto to Minister of industries it took him 5 Years to destroy the economy and infrastructure that the Russians gave Castro an ultimatum.. Che goes or we stop subsidizing..
      So next time do some fucking homework pinko... the world doesn't revolve around fantasy.
      that's what pisses off the commies the most... in their minds communist economies should be destroying capitalism.. but doesn't seem to work out so they create imaginary reasons why communism always does the exact opposite of what it claims to achieve.

    • @danunderwood6240
      @danunderwood6240 Před 8 lety +4

      Bry back Man the propaganda is strong with you. Concentration camps? lol. You mean agricultural work camps for those who refused to serve in the military ( or gays that couldn't because it was illegal)
      Cuban society had been strongly homophobic for so long as there had been public awareness of a homosexual community, and the Revolution, though promising progress in almost every sector of society for almost every repressed group, did nothing to combat discrimination against LGBT Cubans for the first two decades of its rule, and the government under Fidel Castro even worsened things in some regards, by decrying homosexuality as bourgeois and decadent and enforcing new anti-homosexual laws. The prospects of LGBT Cubans were worsened after it was discovered that several groups of gay men had entered the pay of the CIA in counterrevolutionary activities, a crime that was unfortunately generalized to all gay Cubans by many.
      The Cuban government required all men to serve a term in the military, but those who would not serve (Jehovah's Witnesses, conscientious objectors) and those who were not allowed to serve (gay men) instead did their terms of service in agricultural camps, as a part of "Military Units to Aid Production" (UMAP). The idea was for non-combatants to still strengthen the revolution, domestically. Things quickly got out of hand and these became downright abusive, a mark of the repression LGBT Cubans faced even after the Revolution. Those serving in these domestic military camps were beaten, worked long hours, and, for all their service, were viewed with the mar of the "decadent". To describe these as "concentration camps" would be going too far, as their primary function was as a replacement for mandatory military service, but they sometimes got dangerously close to that categorization.
      Around three years after these camps were established, several concerned guards informed Fidel Castro of the abuses taking place within these camps. Curious, Fidel went under cover as a gay man into one of them at night, and revealed himself as a guard was about to beat him the next morning. Following Castro's visit, and the undercover visits of 100 heterosexual Communist Youth following Fidel's example, the UMAP camps were shut down. However, new camps, under a similar purpose, were established. Though they did not reach the levels of abuse of the UMAP camps, they were often still unequally harsh in treatment compared to what faced those serving in normal positions in the military.
      While the idea of the domestic support division of the military wasn't to repress gay men, that was certainly the effect. At the time, Castro said that, while the camps were out of hand, they were better than what gay men would suffer in the military. However, he has since taken personal responsibility for the horrid treatment of LGBT Cubans at the hands of the cult of machismo. The camps are long since gone. In 1979, Cuba's slow march forward in the arena of LGBT rights began. Today, gay Cubans do serve in the military, there are more equal rights, sex change operations are covered by universal medical care, and transgender Cubans have been elected to the government.
      14,000 executions? Where is your source for that bullshit?
      Following the triumph of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, Guevara was assigned for a time to oversee the prison at La Cabaña. His duties involved overseeing the executions of those convicted of war crimes at the prison. Because of this duty, Guevara is sometimes called the "Butcher of La Cabaña" in the Cuban ex-pat community. The revolutionary government claimed to be basing its trials for war crimes upon the international precedent set by the Nuremberg Trials. The process consisted of two tribunals, one of which tried civilians and one of which tried members of Batista's military. Only the latter could order an execution for those convicted of war crimes. Guevara's role, like that of governors in the United States, consisted of reviewing the verdicts, offering pardons, and setting execution dates. Guevara remained assigned to this role for several months, during which he oversaw between 55 and 105 executions.
      Not nearly as bad as the united states killing 20 million civilians since WW2 and still at it. 2 million Iraqi civilians dead since the first Iraq war.

    • @bbob1360
      @bbob1360 Před 8 lety +1

      +Dan Underwood these forced labor camps you talk about sound awesome ! Ur the useful idiot Lennon talked about

  • @4Barbudos
    @4Barbudos Před 15 lety +23

    CHE = Icon, Rebel, Saint
    It is amazing that all of the world's dignity could be contained within one man.
    Hasta la Victoria Siempre

    • @TiagoCruz95
      @TiagoCruz95 Před 3 lety +3

      Also a mass murderer´a racist´a homophobic and a coward.
      You obviously haven´t read Das Kapital and the atrocities commited in Cuba during the communist revolution.

    • @angusraze9638
      @angusraze9638 Před 3 lety +2

      @@TiagoCruz95 Why would Das Kapital (a book written in 1867) have any sort of direct connection to Cuba? Also additionally, considering you've recommended reading, I would suggest reading the facts which clearly state that the revolution itself wasn't a communist effort by description, and the Cuban government that was created post revolution adopted Marxism at a later date.

    • @TiagoCruz95
      @TiagoCruz95 Před 3 lety +2

      @@angusraze9638 you are very naive if you think that the cuban revolution was not a communist one which is based on marxism that has been promoted by Karl Marx´s Das Kapital.
      And it worked. Cuba is a shithole, not even worthy to be called a shadow of it´s former glory, and we have Karl Marx and his students, the war criminals and desposts, Che Guevara and Fidel Catro to thank for.

    • @theconsigliere5769
      @theconsigliere5769 Před 3 lety +1

      @@TiagoCruz95 former glory?
      You think that Cuba under Batista was glorious?

    • @TiagoCruz95
      @TiagoCruz95 Před 3 lety

      @@theconsigliere5769 it wasn´t the sewer that it is today, i went there 3 years ago on a world wide surfing trip and saw it for myself.
      and i´m done talking with you, you´re clearly a marxist and i don´t talk with human trash.

  • @greenj4ckel236
    @greenj4ckel236 Před 6 lety +27

    Che was a hero who showed the world how to fight for something you believe in.

    • @davelpz3340
      @davelpz3340 Před 3 lety +5

      The dude killed and tortured a lot of people, go read some history, and he was super racist.

    • @TiagoCruz95
      @TiagoCruz95 Před 3 lety +1

      Also a mass murderer´a racist´a homophobic and a coward.
      You obviously haven´t read Das Kapital and the atrocities commited in Cuba during the communist revolution.

    • @ErrolCe
      @ErrolCe Před 3 lety +13

      @@davelpz3340 first all civil wars are violent, second he was not racist, in fact he made a passionate speech to the UN supporting the black panther movement and civil rights. Additionally Cuba was a pioneer in social issues. As for homophobia he wrote one line that can be interpreted as homophobic in one of his journals but other than that Che is a legend.

    • @florafauna5883
      @florafauna5883 Před rokem +2

      @@davelpz3340 What a lot of Bollocks. Simply Not True!

    • @godssara6758
      @godssara6758 Před rokem

      ​​@@ErrolCe he put gays in concentration camps and used the same wording as Hitler. He was a mass murdering Marxist POS. He was no revolutionary. He replaced one oppressive murdering dictator for another. He killed unarmed men and boys. He wrote in his diary that he likes killing and likes the smell of blood and gun powder after shooting unarmed boys at point blank range.
      He was a racist and a rapist.
      He wanted to use the. Nuclear missiles and take out all of New York.
      Anyone who likes this man is sick. Just another Marxist Socialist mass murdering evil thief

  • @Calabias
    @Calabias Před 10 lety +30

    Well firstly, Benicio if he had actually studied 7 years would have spoken better. He seems extremely skittish about putting out the real word of the man on a piece of trash news studio. Perhaps they told him before the interview to keep it stupid. You know, something Latengocomoburro would appreciate. Like wow! 7 years education to say he was a man of the times! Way to go Benicio! So anyhow. Back to reality. If you had actually learned from outside the dumbed-down school room of America, a real education would show you the reality of the world you live in. One that stands to collect heroes and pit them against the evil of the contemporary world. That including colonialism which enslaves some and imperialism which enslaves the rest. Now about Che! Something Benicio must not have learned in the 7 years of study. Ernesto fought with his life in danger most of his adult life with the words of honour and freedom on his tongue. He beat the numerical odds in combat because his soldiers believed in him and not because they were paid like the American Military Machine (which loses when confronted with even odds). If you understood what honour was and if you were educated than you might see the reason behind this man's fight. He quoted Communist leaders although he was more a socialist and even more a humanitarian libertarian which modern day America has lost all hope of becoming. He warned about "the cage", the manipulation, and the fraud. Your parents were easy. Sorry. But on a good not for Benicio, he's a great actor and makes Che come alive!

    • @bunnypeople
      @bunnypeople Před 4 lety +15

      It was probably something like "don't you dare promote Communism or actually attempt to debunk the propaganda we've pushed about Che for the past 60 years!"

    • @mop38675
      @mop38675 Před 4 lety +3

      I totally agree. I expected more of Del Toro. 7 years? It can´t be true...

    • @buraktatar
      @buraktatar Před 4 lety +4

      I understand your point and I felt terrible watching him speak the way he did in that studio, but I also know what goes on as to what an actor can and can't say in addition to going live early in the day - who knows what goes on. I think he did a great job as an actor and in no way, he could've done what he did if he had no understanding of CHE. I still believe this was a terrible interview though I didn't lose respect for Benicio.

    • @419buckeye7
      @419buckeye7 Před 3 lety +1

      You have never heard of an a 10 warthog have you lose to even odds my ass

  • @janko684
    @janko684 Před 10 lety +31

    I believe in Che. He fight for freedom, when Hollywood make movie for Che it can be good.

    • @max-eu2qi
      @max-eu2qi Před 6 lety

      Janaki Kostov he betray his country, and that is a problem for me. No mercy for any treators.

    • @_EzequielCarballo
      @_EzequielCarballo Před 6 lety +1

      why do you think che betrayed argentina?

    • @eldioninet01
      @eldioninet01 Před 6 lety +2

      Being Cuban myself I can tell you the fear this man created and the cruelty of his actions towards the Cuban people orchestrated by Castro is unthinkable, therefore we forbid the image of Che as a whole.

    • @NostalgicMem0ries
      @NostalgicMem0ries Před 6 lety +5

      not just for freedom, but against poverty and for equality

  • @AimingFist
    @AimingFist Před 10 lety +37

    I think Benicio did a great job handling those questions. I do agree that his morals have lived on but his methods were (and still are) obsolete. Cuba is a product of Castro. Che would probably disagree with what Castro was doing after his death. He learned to be a mean military man from Castro but before all those revolutions he tried to start, he was a lowly physician who believed that what was going on with the poor people of latin america was wrong. The last part may be up for dispute, but in a way, Che put a check on Capitalism's dirty side. We all hate our spoiled power hungry bosses who see others as a number instead of a person. I'm not a true advocate for Che, but I do agree with some of his ideas. Again, not all.

    • @renxielnc-1789
      @renxielnc-1789 Před 4 lety +2

      Che was actually an asshole and very egocentric. I am cuban and I've done more research. After Fidel took Havana he shot so many people who didn't agree with the ideals of the revolution at La Cabaña earning the title of Butcher of la Cabaña. Many of the cuban militiamen who fought with Fidel through Cienaga de Zapata always said he didn't really care for the men. He always saw them as a means to an end and would sacrifice them easily. Fuck communists and fuck the Castros and all his followers.

    • @jacobpitts6846
      @jacobpitts6846 Před 4 lety +21

      @@renxielnc-1789 lmao that's such a lie and all the primary source material proves it. "Being Cuban" doesnt mean you've done proper historical research

    • @gitzcrazyboy
      @gitzcrazyboy Před 3 lety +4

      But Joe Rogan said Che was a Bad Dude.

    • @gitzcrazyboy
      @gitzcrazyboy Před 3 lety +4

      @@antonymonroy458 I know he defends hate mongers.
      "I dont agree with everything he says but he's a good guy"
      Literally talking about pieces of shit, Shaprio, Kirk, Peterson.

    • @freelance_commie
      @freelance_commie Před 3 lety

      @@renxielnc-1789 hahaha complete lies

  • @evanb1128
    @evanb1128 Před 13 lety +4

    I could be wrong, but it seems as though Benicio doesn't know much about this man at all, considering he is unable to give any of these anchors a straight answer to any of the Q's they're asking.

  • @ErrolCe
    @ErrolCe Před 3 lety +4

    Long live the revolution

  • @highlandwindsllcmiller379

    Need to watch it again. Need to watch it again.

    • @EternalMedia
      @EternalMedia  Před měsícem

      @@highlandwindsllcmiller379 go watch it again 😊

  • @ziggeyn405
    @ziggeyn405 Před 6 lety +7

    GUEVARA is more charismatic and manly from benicio far far away .. A STORY that will never has a next page .. a man that the universe will never repeat

    • @ms.smithgamechanger1103
      @ms.smithgamechanger1103 Před 5 lety +1

      "A man that the universe will never repeat." That, is such a beautiful way of telling of a Hero, I love it!

    • @ziggeyn405
      @ziggeyn405 Před 4 lety

      @TheRealist 811 as a personality che was not only a leader !! he was just Perfect in everything ( look , charisma , courage , humanity , Doctor , english frensh spanich speaker , father of 4 childrens .. no one will never die standing with a courage like che !! last words : shoot coward your only going to kill a man !

    • @ziggeyn405
      @ziggeyn405 Před 4 lety +1

      no other man can do all these sacrifices ..espacially che was not Cuban .. he was from argentine .. from a soldier to country LEADER .. and it's not all .. look how handsome this man was

  • @andreluchaninov3574
    @andreluchaninov3574 Před 12 lety +2

    Hmmm...I like biographical pictures to be about a WHOLE life of a famous person rather than his last 2 years. Last 2 years of Che's life might provide a glimpse into his amazing life but not enough really. The thing about Che was how FASCINATING his life story was.

  • @anthonysen2374
    @anthonysen2374 Před 10 lety +24

    I feel embarrassed for del Toro with that promotion at the end.

  • @mariavergara3657
    @mariavergara3657 Před 2 lety +2


  • @rockstar.5386
    @rockstar.5386 Před 6 lety +12

    🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷 in that house baby.

    @ELCHEROKEE4X4 Před 11 lety +3

    So your saying everything takes capital to build, right? So anything that has Che in it takes capital, some people wear the shirt and dont even know who he his, but the people that do, buying the shirt is the only way to show support for him, i know its ironic.

  • @munyaradzimunodawafa7745
    @munyaradzimunodawafa7745 Před 3 lety +4

    some people are born to pay significant historic figures, denzel as malcom x , jamie as ray charles, benicio as che

  • @badkarma52
    @badkarma52 Před 15 lety +2

    for the host to say "every college kid has a poster of him" is so unbelievably false it's not even funny.

  • @elarabespanol0121
    @elarabespanol0121 Před 12 lety +1

    On this days presidents kill for oil, money, power, and we do not care or we do not even notice this... Che killed for justice, and for his ideals. He was a dreamer, and i believe as latinos we must be proud of him. It is true that in most Latin American countries the are two classes of people the richest and the poorest. Thanks che because you stood up for the poorest. Che es simplemente demasido para las mentes de algunos!

    @LADYAQUARIAN42 Před 12 lety +1

    I love listening to this get to hear him discuss this movie at little more length than in other interviews.....I think that in 7yrs of researching this figure...he new more about Che than he let on......I think he really did a good job in staying neutral about the person that he portrayed in the he should.....he maintained a distance from the characters beliefs....I like that...he would be very interesting man to talk to....

  • @luguti
    @luguti Před 13 lety +15


  • @ingeborgsuckel8858
    @ingeborgsuckel8858 Před rokem +1

    Benicio del Toro is from Puerto Rico, where part of the movie was filmed there (as if it was Cuba) . I wonder if that was special to him.

  • @jordancarpenter4093
    @jordancarpenter4093 Před 3 lety +4

    El che guevara was a hero with true ideals and BALLSSSS!

  • @okami-22
    @okami-22 Před 13 lety +1

    @Microglia1 you sure are familiar with ernesto guevara... /s
    the man was an argentine doctor. it's what he went to school for, and it was his life before he decided he had to try and change the world. you may disagree with his politics, but in the end, his goal was to help people. that was consistent throughout his life.

  • @avaAVAava
    @avaAVAava Před 12 lety +4

    I agree with you. After researching him for 7 years, he should be an expert of "Che" history - yet he doesn't share anything of consequence. He just seems to be I think maybe Benicio is just not very articulate. However, he is a damn good actor and I couldn't image anyone else being able to play Che Guevara as well.

  • @alexandruvoicu302
    @alexandruvoicu302 Před 2 lety +6

    Benicio the great actor! RIP Cheguevara the lider of liberty and symbol!

  • @surajrasta1995
    @surajrasta1995 Před 5 lety +5

    This was afraid to say from his heart !!

  • @mackoqjhui
    @mackoqjhui Před 11 lety +2

    And also, following pure logic - he was a Medic/doctor, saving lives. In many case of ppl who he did not know. Do you think that he helped them only because they were agreeing with him on every topic?

  • @bklynguy27
    @bklynguy27 Před 10 lety +3

    I totally agree with all of you out there. Either Benecio was completely drunk, or he just didn't know what he was talking about. In another interview, he sounded very eloquent and talked about Che in detail. Not sure if this was after this embarrassing interview that he did that, but here he is totally shitty.

    • @charlesm1899
      @charlesm1899 Před 10 lety +10

      you need to keep in mind that he was in a US news stations , where there is little freedom of press. He has to be careful what he says.

    • @hecalledmeout
      @hecalledmeout Před 9 lety +3

      You must not know how American (popular) press can be with such "political" work. He was being careful. He's no idiot.

    • @momovaryacting8798
      @momovaryacting8798 Před 3 lety +2

      I feel he didn’t want to voice his personal views on a character he is portraying. He’s an actor, just because he’s playing a role doesn’t mean he idolizes the character he is set to play 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @aryaan77
    @aryaan77 Před 12 lety +1

    No use telling people to read history and books. If they did, we would not be having this conversation

  • @Donald1101
    @Donald1101 Před 13 lety +2

    @ionicfoehammer There is a reason why Benicio starred in "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas".

  • @mayito714
    @mayito714 Před 13 lety +1

    Its intersting to read those that sway with imperialism while its interesting to read those that sway to communism. Both sides bring up facts to their benefit or spin things to their best liking. However No one seems to care or even ask over two (2) Million Cubans living in the USA, Spain, Puerto Rico & other places why they fled Cuba & what they think...

  • @EuSeiT
    @EuSeiT Před 13 lety +1

    Benicio should discuss this from the "deep character":
    "To send men to the firing squad, judicial proof is unnecessary. These procedures are an archaic bourgeois detail … This is a revolution. And a revolutionary must become a cold killing machine motivated by pure hate.” Guevara
    “If the nuclear missiles had remained (in Cuba), we would have fired them against the heart of the US, including New York City. The victory of socialism is well worth millions of atomic victims.” Guevara

  • @aryaan77
    @aryaan77 Před 12 lety +1

    For someone who apparently spent 7 years learning about Che, he has very little to say, and he whatever he says is very vague.

  • @manuelag.h.7471
    @manuelag.h.7471 Před 4 lety +2

    Bravo Benicio .
    La tua stella

  • @ardien.535
    @ardien.535 Před 2 lety +1

    I'm surprised that the questions were fair

  • @TheDarius1995
    @TheDarius1995 Před 14 lety +2

    viva la revolucion

  • @johnnytastetest
    @johnnytastetest Před 14 lety +1

    Man, listen to this guy struggle to respond to the questions. You really get the sense he doesn't know much.

  • @gorillius
    @gorillius Před 12 lety +1

    brilliant job there benny . the dance and wiggle away from anything solid on the man and keeping yourself away from the fire ,reminds me of the way most gov. shiester interview

  • @22grena
    @22grena Před 10 lety +3

    Benicio needed a bit of Russell B to shake up the torpid interviewers

  • @kencoa
    @kencoa Před 15 lety +2

    This movie, like "The Motorcycle Diaries", does not go into any detail of the monster that was Che Guevara. He executed dozens of his own men suspecting them of being spies without any proof, he punished his own men by not letting them eat for 3-6 days for minor infractions. His own men avoided him because they were affraid of him. He was rough with his treatment of the wounded, and , on a personal not, his thugs killed my first girlfriend's uncle, who had no political leanings.

  • @Bluehawk2008
    @Bluehawk2008 Před 12 lety +2

    I think Che would prefer those kids make the shirts themselves, if they absolutely had to plaster his face on one, rather than buy them from an outlet store.

  • @TheRealMichaelBaer
    @TheRealMichaelBaer Před 13 lety +1

    Everything is perfectly cued here in PH much love bro! =)

  • @zac51445
    @zac51445 Před 14 lety +1

    Che would be livid if he saw himself on a t-shirt or anywhere else...the profiteering from this goes completely against what he believed and stood for...

  • @doire7
    @doire7 Před 12 lety +1

    @evanb1128 You are 100% right. Walking on egg shells, as not to offend anyone but more importantly look after his career. Benicio del toro just went down in my estimation.

  • @devbrish3201
    @devbrish3201 Před 10 lety +17

    Modern Era Marlon Brando.............

  • @dacybaxter2112
    @dacybaxter2112 Před 8 lety +2

    Benicio you are so true to your work just wow what a method actor you are the real deal Sir

  • @treetheoak
    @treetheoak Před 14 lety +1

    if that's the case then the guerrillas Castro had killed far less civilians then the US military during Nam or even the Korean war.
    actually Che was involved with barrack raids and the battle of Santa Clara, were he faced MG fire as well as sniper fire. Eisenhower didn't do anything in WW2 on the battle field as far as i can tell you. so calling Che a pussy would be like saying that every field medic that died in D-Day was a Pussy, that my friend is wrong.

  • @Leopoldo201282
    @Leopoldo201282 Před 10 lety +1

    You may sacrifice your own life for your ideal, but you cannot sacrifice the lives of others.

  • @hamidious
    @hamidious Před 13 lety

    Fuck that, Che's goal was to help the common man and destroy imperialism, specifically US imperialism followed by USSR.
    He went further than any man on that regard.

  • @franelmaquis5936
    @franelmaquis5936 Před 5 lety +12

    Grande del Toro,viva el Che Guevara!!!

  • @scav61
    @scav61 Před 3 lety +1

    Seems like it took him him 7 years to read one book

  • @fatimaandrade4189
    @fatimaandrade4189 Před 3 lety +2

    Igualzinho ao Che, so que bem mais bonito 😍

  • @nomad9338
    @nomad9338 Před 3 lety +1

    Del Toro looked so much like Che, I couldn't distinguish him from the real Che.

  • @sannimcable
    @sannimcable Před 3 lety +1

    He walked miles

  • @treetheoak
    @treetheoak Před 14 lety +1

    yup, JFK ordered other people to pull triggers in Nam, while he was safe in his little office. (although i shouldn't say that as JFK and Eisenhower are among my favorite Presidents)

  • @tavorodriguez
    @tavorodriguez Před 13 lety +1

    I believe there must be a real movie about CHE's life, a real revolutionary who fought for people's interests; he was a pure and honest man, he lead by example and we all should follow his way of living... Ernesto Guevara de la Serna will always lives... always!

    • @TiagoCruz95
      @TiagoCruz95 Před 3 lety

      Also a mass murderer´a racist´a homophobic and a coward.
      You obviously haven´t read Das Kapital and the atrocities commited in Cuba during the communist revolution.

  • @buseunver9580
    @buseunver9580 Před 7 lety +1

    i love hims escobar and che biography movies

  • @lovelyeek2
    @lovelyeek2 Před 10 lety +8

    He was a socialist not a communist people. Even though he had ties with Fidel Castro.

    • @pablolatore4184
      @pablolatore4184 Před 6 lety +4

      Angel V che was totally a communist

    • @drugjoza5000
      @drugjoza5000 Před 6 lety +1

      Che was a commie easily

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 Před 5 lety

      Angel V
      Same thing. At least according to Marx. He was a dedicated Marxist Leninist, and ML is a political philosophy that seeks to create and establish communism...
      As for ML/third worldism being effective in achieving this goal, that’s up for debate. But no, Che was a communist.

    • @maxstirner8717
      @maxstirner8717 Před 5 lety

      Angel V
      To be honest, if there were actually a distinction between the two, Che wouldn’t have fought for the lesser of the options, I wouldn’t think just based on what he was like.

  • @mayito714
    @mayito714 Před 13 lety

    @Microglia1 It is my understanding based on readings that there is NO record of Che attending or graduating from any North American Medical School...

  • @tmt6746
    @tmt6746 Před 2 lety +1

    I love this movie ✨❤️

  • @fullmetalprism5249
    @fullmetalprism5249 Před 6 lety +1

    Che lives on

  • @theevilm1
    @theevilm1 Před 12 lety

    Our heros also never personally executed over 200 people without a fair trial

  • @chrisdrakekaka
    @chrisdrakekaka Před 12 lety +1

    You sound like a great person. Go ahead, pad yourself on the head and keep up being a prince Steven.

  • @echa_caldo
    @echa_caldo Před 6 lety +1

    Great PUERTO RICAN actor del toro. He can play any bad guy face.

  • @mussman717word
    @mussman717word Před 11 lety +1

    However, the stealing of shirts would influence the means of production offered by capitalism (albeit, to an infinitesimal degree), in that it neglects the powers that be the profit used to make the tee-shirt. Of course, if this method truly did impact the market in any meaningful way -- and here's where I fully acknowledge your point -- the wages for the workers who made the shirt would decrease tremendously. Stealing one shirt, though, is a $10 meal you could buy a hobo. God bless.

  • @mioszolszewski3583
    @mioszolszewski3583 Před 4 lety +1

    Viva Del Toro, viva El Che!

  • @plutonicmind9
    @plutonicmind9 Před 14 lety

    @polonophobia Simple explanation: If he was Socialist, he would not believe in Social Darwinism (ahem: Aryan race? never came up I guess?) and Nazi Germany was full of private property/corporations. Not saying socialism= no private property, but it would've been extremely more regulated if it was socialism.
    He wanted to recreate that great past of Germany and put race/class above all else. All of this contradicts him being socialist.

  • @MexicanGnomes
    @MexicanGnomes Před 13 lety +1

    Am I the only one who notices the irony in "owning" something communist?

  • @zepproxx
    @zepproxx Před 13 lety +1

    @ScarletSnake Yeah and millions of Cubans that risked their lives to get out of Cuba to come to America will disagree with you.

  • @rosana1150
    @rosana1150 Před 14 lety

    Not many people, they are Cuban exiles. and they have many acounts.

  • @Roth182
    @Roth182 Před 13 lety +1

    @marvac12 I totally agree with this you dont have to be a communist to have a respect for Che, not alot of people in the world would die for something unless its for the benefit of money and power which we all too easily see with the 'great' country of America and its imperialism who only fight wars now when it means they will gain oil

  • @Tuscany59
    @Tuscany59 Před 12 lety +1

    Want truth, and facts? Read about it. Benecio is an actor ~ I enjoy hearing and watching him.

  • @Sikitraqui
    @Sikitraqui Před 15 lety +2

    ""Alberto Benegas Lynch en su libro MI PRIMO EL CHE escribe: En una oportunidad, una de mis tías me contó que de muy chico el Che se deleitaba con provocar sufrimientos a animales y, de mas grande, insistía en que la muerte (de otros) no era tan mala después de todo y que, en este contexto, se adelantó a la definición de Woody Allen: morir es lo mismo que dormirse pero sin levantarse para hacer pis. Ya desde chico se hace transparente su sadismo. ""

    • @carloschacal9334
      @carloschacal9334 Před 2 lety

      Si, su sadismo... En dejar un profission de medico en su pais, quizá una vida confortable y practicar su sadismo en sus pacientes, pero quiso luchar y tener riesgo de vida en sierras de Cuba. Estos son ficciones para suciar el imagen de un visionario. Estos son como el imperialismo busca destruyer un simbol. Y vos no sós nada que un de sus idiotas utiles.

  • @MsSquashbanana
    @MsSquashbanana Před 12 lety +1

    Talk about turning in one's grave.....Che must be doing cartwheels in his grave at the idea of hollywood distorting his image . "Che was a military man".....hahahahahha to call Che a military man is to say Picaso was a white washer.

  • @dacybaxter2112
    @dacybaxter2112 Před 8 lety

    Tours are the hardest part

  • @Burt472
    @Burt472 Před 10 lety +1

    Great act.

  • @1aikane
    @1aikane Před 4 lety +1

    They're all talking, but not saying anything.

  • @highlandwindsllcmiller379

    It is this character ... this interview character,.... I find intimidating.

  • @americaisacontinent.
    @americaisacontinent. Před 7 lety +1

    Che's objective was simple, to end Yanki imperialism in America and to bring unity and equality among each other. Yankis call this "communism." He is not only an American hero but a world wide symbol of revolution. Hasta la victoria simepre!!

  • @mariaeste1808
    @mariaeste1808 Před 15 lety

    Benicio is making a lot of sexy gestures during a conversation. He hands are playin a lot around his moth. But at the same time they are not only about sex. there is a lot of brutal man in him.

  • @VentureCapitalist202
    @VentureCapitalist202 Před 15 lety +2


  • @tommyt1971
    @tommyt1971 Před 12 lety

    What they did to the American Indian was pretty damn bad too.

  • @mackoqjhui
    @mackoqjhui Před 11 lety

    Good for u. I've also red a biography of him and there wasn't anything like this in it. Guess it depends on the publisher?

  • @GuitarNovice100
    @GuitarNovice100 Před 14 lety

    Completely outnumbered - 4 interviewers?!?!?