Matt and Andy's Complete Star Wars Tier List - What Is The Best and Worst Star Wars?

  • čas přidán 20. 06. 2024
  • We're taking a break from card talk to just talk star wars, also I screwed up this list but that's just something that happens.
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Komentáře • 50

  • @dierseye5761
    @dierseye5761 Před měsícem +5

    Nice fun video guys! Thanks! Andor was an S for me. Best of the Star Wars Disney Plus shows imo. Also a little surprised you guys crapped on Ep. 3 so hard.

    • @seamaster24021977
      @seamaster24021977 Před měsícem

      Agree. I would change places between Ep1 and Ep3

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem +2

      I want to like episode 3! I rewatched a few months back and it was kinda 🫤

  • @jansonvocmf
    @jansonvocmf Před měsícem +3

    How can Andy be so wrong about Andor and ANH? Both are S tier, no doubt. That was a fun discussion.

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      Thanks for tuning in! Wish we’d filmed a couple weeks later so we could include acolyte… ;)

    • @jansonvocmf
      @jansonvocmf Před měsícem +1

      @@boardmatt I fear for the Acolytes place... 🤣

    • @spoileralert8440
      @spoileralert8440 Před měsícem

      ​@@jansonvocmf Acolyte is clearly T-tier (Transgender nonsense meant to increase DEI score for ESG bucks).

  • @JetForceGem
    @JetForceGem Před měsícem +1

    Watched Ahsoka a 2nd time, this time like a movie instead of week to week made it work so much better for me it’s definitely top of the Disney show list now

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      Yeah, I actually agree that binge watching is probably the way to go with ahsoka. I was forgetful between weeks.

  • @spartacus5380
    @spartacus5380 Před měsícem +2

    Fun video! If you are looking for another tier list topic to cover, I'd love to see one on swccg star destroyers some time!

  • @JigglyPKMN
    @JigglyPKMN Před měsícem +1

    A positive thing about Andor for me is I can identify parts I didn’t like. That means I liked most of it enough to notice if parts weren’t as good.

    • @gerooq
      @gerooq Před měsícem

      That's how low the bar has gotten for star wars

  • @patrickcarlisle4553
    @patrickcarlisle4553 Před měsícem +1

    When is the Q2 State of the Market video coming out?

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      Probably mid July. Working on finding some time to get the group together but it is on our agenda!

  • @seamaster24021977
    @seamaster24021977 Před měsícem +2

    Why didn’t you rate Rogue One? I can’t see it

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem +4

      It was randomly not on the premade list we used (lazy us). Rogue 1 is an absolute S tier film.

    • @seamaster24021977
      @seamaster24021977 Před měsícem +1

      @@boardmatt Totally agree. Thanks!!

    • @palpatinesforehead
      @palpatinesforehead Před měsícem +1


  • @DeutschAbi
    @DeutschAbi Před měsícem +2

    Where was Rebels?😢 I think it is as good as clone wars

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem +1

      Rebels is absolute S tier. This list randomly was missing rebels and rogue one. That’s what we get for using a premade list! Both of those are S tiers

  • @slayer7965
    @slayer7965 Před měsícem +3

    Respectfully wtf is this list

  • @swccgtothemoon3296
    @swccgtothemoon3296 Před měsícem +1

    Oh my, not a fan of Andy's takes on episodes 1-3. Had very similar reaction to Last Jedi. When I walked out of the theater, first thing out of my mouth was, I wish I'd never seen that

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      Just humiliate your favorite character to progress no plot points. Unnecessary

  • @dark_knight109
    @dark_knight109 Před měsícem

    One of the first Star Wars tier lists in a long time where I pretty much agree with everything. I'd personally put ANH and RotJ in S-tier, bump TLJ up to C tier and drop RotS into F-tier, but those are minor adjustments - everything that I've seen from this list is more or less exactly where I'd put it.
    EDIT: Also, maybe I missed it, but where's Rogue One?

    • @spartacus5380
      @spartacus5380 Před měsícem +1

      No Rogue One? That is sad - it was one of the better ones for sure. A or at least B tier, at least.
      EDIT: at 31:00, verbally ranked at S (which I agree with)

    • @gerooq
      @gerooq Před měsícem

      @@spartacus5380I think he got tired of putting effort into this interview near the end because how is he gonna be so critical of Andor and give it an A and then give Rogue One an immediate S no questions asked 😆

  • @danmolina2724
    @danmolina2724 Před měsícem +1


  • @Degenerate01
    @Degenerate01 Před měsícem +1

    Just starting, but this is going anger lots of people. :D

    • @Degenerate01
      @Degenerate01 Před měsícem +1

      Hating Phantom Menace is such a boomer take! lol

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem +1

      I know!!! Episode one revisionists unite.

    • @Degenerate01
      @Degenerate01 Před měsícem

      @@boardmatt It's my childhood and when I really dove head first into Star Wars. Been fighting for EP. 1 for years. Mostly a fair list and lots of fun conversation!

    • @pyramidsong
      @pyramidsong Před měsícem +1

      I was 11 when Phantom Menace came out so my nostalgia goggles will always go to bat for it, but I bury Episodes 2 and 3 deep in the bottom most tier personally

  • @pyramidsong
    @pyramidsong Před měsícem +1

    Black balling Rian Johnson for Last Jedi?? Nah Andy, Knives Out movies are great and he directed some of the best Breaking Bad episodes! Looper is neat too

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      That’s true. Knives out is such a great film. I don’t hate last Jedi as much as Andy… it’s just not my favorite

  • @darklavalizard
    @darklavalizard Před měsícem +1

    ❤So sad the two Ewok movies, or Ewok Cartoon series did not make the cut :(

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      ❤️‍🩹 they’re forever S tier in my heart

    • @fleshgordon96
      @fleshgordon96 Před měsícem

      Not to foget Droids😂

  • @hypejaden6370
    @hypejaden6370 Před měsícem

    force awakens being above revenge of the sith is the most absurd take ive ever seen...

    • @Alexnader8788
      @Alexnader8788 Před měsícem +1

      Idk man. There’s good parts episode 3 but man, the pacing in the movie is awful. I think people look over some serious flaws. But i do have it higher than they do

  • @fleshgordon96
    @fleshgordon96 Před měsícem +3

    Episode III doesn't deserve this bad grade, there is so much in there and it gives the whole plott a good conclusion. There where some clunky things like the spinning lighsaber battle on the top of a table and the szene where Palpatine does fall from his chair. If i World rate only Episode 1 to 6, then Episode III wild made the fourth plane.

    • @dark_knight109
      @dark_knight109 Před měsícem

      There's so much in there... but 90% of it doesn't matter and seems to be there at the expense of plot events that are actually supposed to be important (the fact that the storming of the Jedi Temple, which may have been the most anticipated event of the entire prequel trilogy other than Anakin's duel with Obi-Wan, was conducted almost entirely offscreen is absolutely unforgiveable). The Battle of Kashyyyk was pointless and had no reason to be in the movie; Grievous was a poor excuse for a villain and, again, did not need a mini-arc dedicated to him.
      Episode III was the epitome of "Sound and fury, signifying nothing." It's probably the most vapid of any of the Star Wars movies, and even the (rare) parts that are well-executed just didn't land the way they should have because the trilogy completely fails to set them up to have any emotional impact (the quote from the video is a perfect example: "I didn't care about Padme in The Phantom Menace; I definitely didn't care about here in Attack of the Clones; and I really just don't care about her in Revenge of the Sith") - if you don't spend any time making your characters in any way likeable or making their relationships mean anything to the audience, none of us have any reason to care about what happens to them. I've seen five-minute Disney shorts aired before their movies that do a better job of eliciting an emotional reaction from their audience than this entire three-movie trilogy.

    • @fleshgordon96
      @fleshgordon96 Před měsícem

      @@dark_knight109 On my opinion the most anticipateted parts where the relationship between Obi Wan and Anakin and Anakin to Palpatibe and why Anakin turns to the dark side. I don`t needed a deeper relation to Padme and Anakin because the relation was clear and dosn` t needs to get more on focus. And the plot is so classic, that Anakin get more or less unguilty guilty. On my opinion it was a reasonible way shown why Anakin turns to the dark side.

  • @WestMichiganTransformers
    @WestMichiganTransformers Před měsícem +1

    Episode III, though.
    So, it’s imperfect.
    But it’s also an unflinching look at the reality of evil. George Lucas made Anakin Skywalker the protagonist of his prequel trilogy, and then followed that creative choice to its most logical, bitter conclusion. The result is a story that holds up a mirror to its audience and challenges us to recognize our own weaknesses. The fact that Lucas embraced this most brutal part of his story is what secures the prequel trilogy as a vital piece of the Star Wars mythology.

  • @fleshgordon96
    @fleshgordon96 Před měsícem +1

    Ewoks I and II😂

  • @WestMichiganTransformers
    @WestMichiganTransformers Před měsícem +1

    Star Wars 8. Crushing. Like, still hurts. I still miss whatever it is that movie could have been.
    Rogue One: S-Tier, absolutely.

  • @derrickmarsh50
    @derrickmarsh50 Před měsícem +1

    Disagree with most of this list 😂😂

  • @DRFOP
    @DRFOP Před měsícem

    Couldn't get past your first three rankings. I will not be back.

    • @boardmatt
      @boardmatt  Před měsícem

      Man on internet doesn’t like video. Cool story.

    • @pyramidsong
      @pyramidsong Před měsícem +1

      First time you’ve heard of someone not liking the prequels? You must have been in diapers in the 2010s when everyone with a keyboard was dunking on them