Jehovah’s Witnesses

  • čas přidán 8. 09. 2024
  • Topical teaching on the subject of Jehovah’s Witnesses at Calvary Chapel in Kaneohe Hawaii with Assistant Pastor Mac. -- Those wishing to give to Calvary Chapel Kaneohe, please visit calvarychapelk...

Komentáře • 247

  • @catnewman4565
    @catnewman4565 Před 6 lety +68

    I was a JW for 25 years, but now I'm out and a born again Christian. Oh what a difference! Our Messiah is Awesome.

  • @annmurdock7782
    @annmurdock7782 Před 6 lety +102

    So so happy l escaped, when l was Born again after l left the cult the Holy Spirit put back all of the truths that their Bible had distorted.. The last verses in Revelation are sobering indeed. I still pray for them though as l love them. Blessings from England.

    • @Enrico77
      @Enrico77 Před 6 lety +8

      All glory to GOD for what he's done for you

    • @peggiunderwood9519
      @peggiunderwood9519 Před 6 lety +7

      Ann Murdock - What a powerful testimony you have sister! I hope you witness for Yeshua to them...

    • @tlchico123
      @tlchico123 Před 6 lety +1

      May GOD bless you slways

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp Před 6 lety

      Good stuff Ann. I studied with some nice Watchtower folk back around 1987-88.
      Thankfully I was an atheist at the time but I did carry some of their veiws for a couple of years.
      I kind of look at that period as something handy when I converted from atheism in early 1993 and another Christian was able to explain something. So when the 'Jaydubs' did come around to my place I handy some handy insight and what their error was.
      Bless you and cheers.

  • @astrickland100
    @astrickland100 Před 6 lety +42

    Thank you so much for this teaching! I was raised in the Jehovah's Witness and have been having trouble with understanding God's true word. Being brainwashed is hard to overcome but thanks be it to God he knows my troubles and my needs and when I opened my computer this morning this was the first thing I saw! He truly will show you the truth if you earnestly seek it! I pray for my Family as most of them are still Jehovah's Witnesses to also find truth and salvation.

    • @brianhensley7760
      @brianhensley7760 Před 6 lety +11

      Amy Strickland it was only 2016 since my family came to know and trust in the Lord, we have learned so much and continue to be troubled with so many questions. As we keep searching for answers always remember psalms 46:10 "be still, and know that I am God". He will give us answers in the right time. I pray for the Holy Spirit to guide you through those times. Be strong and continue in the faith. It's nice to see another ex JW that has been shown the light. Blessings to you sister.

    • @dewuknowHIM
      @dewuknowHIM Před 6 lety +10

      Father in Heaven..allow Amy to have eyes to understand Your Holy Word....

    • @MsDestinedtoReign
      @MsDestinedtoReign Před 6 lety +5

      Lord, I pray 🙏🏻that You fill Amy with Your Holy Spirit so You can lead her into Your Truth and that she will be able to reveal Your Truth to her family. I pray Lord that through Your Guidance her family will receive Your Truth also and that they may be Born Again, in Jesus name, Amen ❤️

    • @Acadian.FrenchFry
      @Acadian.FrenchFry Před 6 lety

      Me too, Sister! It takes time because you have to unlearn what you have been taught all your life and you don't know what is a lie or what is truth. Please trust the Holy Spirit to lead you and always pray daily and earnestly for God to show you His truth. I went down a few wrong roads in my journey and boy did I struggle with grace vs works salvation. We are under grace, Sister! That does not mean to live like the devil like some will teach you, but you don't have to live under a law of scores and check marks. It's all about a true personal heart relationship with Jesus! And that will be weird for you too, is focusing on Jesus. I know I had a hard time with that, as I was always taught to focus only on Jehovah... it was like Jesus was just a by-product. But it's all about Jesus... he is our salvation and he is the one we have a personal relationship with. We only get to the Father through Jesus. God bless you, sister! God will lead you, stay sincere in seeking His truth and you will find it!! Love you!!

    • @dewuknowHIM
      @dewuknowHIM Před 6 lety +1

      And any other "cult".....😁

  • @colletteblanchard4339
    @colletteblanchard4339 Před 6 lety +64

    Oh, Pastor Mac, you've touched my heart so deeply with your closing prayer. I too have unsaved family who will not hear me. I am not the vessel for them, but I pray for God to send someone who can be that vessel. I will keep your family in my prayers every single day. And please pray for mine. Your loving sister................

    • @Donna-LookingUp
      @Donna-LookingUp Před 6 lety +4

      Collette Blanchard
      Me too.
      I have just finished wiping away tears because I too relate to praying as he said, selfishly. It hurts because we love them but we know God loves them even more than we can.

    • @colletteblanchard4339
      @colletteblanchard4339 Před 6 lety +3

      Amen, Sister Donna. We need to trust the Master, He knows our heart and He will do for us what we can't do for ourselves. God bless you , Dear Sister. You're in my prayers.

    • @francesheise3242
      @francesheise3242 Před 6 lety +2

      I know just how you feel. I'm in the same situation. The only thing we can do is pray for them

    • @colletteblanchard4339
      @colletteblanchard4339 Před 6 lety +2

      Amen. That's all any of us can do, but I believe that's enough. I will pray for you too!

    • @raisingnana
      @raisingnana Před 6 lety


  • @MB-NC1967
    @MB-NC1967 Před 6 lety +12

    Thank you Pastor Mac for standing boldly in love and in the true words of The Living God✝️ praying for salvation for the Jehovah’s Witness.

  • @skgypsygirl
    @skgypsygirl Před 6 lety +5

    As I wade through this river of tears, my prayers are joined with Pastor Mac's and all others who have loved ones involved in cults and apostate groups, societies, and unbelief. May Almighty God send them a deliverer, that they may be saved into eternal life with our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

  • @Blurb777
    @Blurb777 Před 6 lety +29

    The Jehovah's Witnesses in my area were instructed by their elders to never knock on my door again. Why? Was I ever rude to them? No. I invited them in, week after week, different pair after different pair, and asked them to open their Bibles to John 1:1. They were always excited to do so. I asked them to read that verse. They read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was A God." Then I told them that my English Bible read, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God." They always countered with complete confidence, because apparently I didn't know, that the Greek language has no articles in it - so they corrected that verse when they made the translation (only, even their own Bible does not say it is a 'translation.") Fact is, Greek as more articles in it than English. "So, you know Greek?" I would ask. Yes, they would say. Their elders taught them. That was when I would take out my father's Greek Bible (my family are Greek immigrants), and ask them to find John 1:1 for me. Of course, they couldn't. So I would open the Bible to John 1:1, show them the verse, and then ask them to read it to me. And again, they could not. So I read it for them and then translated directly from the Greek, "In the beginning was the Word, and God was facing (or toward) the Word, AND GOD WAS THE WORD." And then I would show them in other parts of the scripture what Greek articles look like - "a" basket of five loaves and two fish, "a" boat, etc. I would even show them the corresponding words in a secular Greek / English dictionary so they would know I was not toying with them, as their elders had been toying with them. Fact is, the Greek text from which their bible is supposedly taken (but isn't), clearly has written in it that Christ IS God - not merely the Son of God - but God Incarnate Himself. Period. None were truly seeking the truth to want to know more, or they were terrified that the truth would actually corrupt them and their chance to be one of the 144,000 at the end of the age, I have no idea (there is no evil in seeking out the truth, for God IS Truth - it is the devil that is the "father of lies"), - but the superstition, the lies wrapped in lies wrapped in lies - all within a lie - even in the face of evidence to the contrary such as the actual Greek text from which they say their own Bible is taken, frightened them to such a pitch that their elders instructed them to never come back here again - lest they uncover the lies of the JW and learn the truth. THAT is, indeed, a Cult from the pit of hell. One thing I would say to any Jehovah Witness reading this - I could tell you with complete confidence what a Chinese symbol means - but unless you studied Chinese to know for yourself, you would have no idea if I was telling you the truth or not. The same it is with Greek and John 1:1 in your bible. Study Greek, read the Greek Bible (not so hard, really it isn't), and then go back to the JW and see how badly they have tampered with the Word and filled the JW bible with lies. Until you do that - don't take your elder's word for it. Because I can tell you for a certainty - your bible lies and the leaders of the Jehovah Witnesses are lying to you - even if they think they are not. They might be just as ignorant as you to the truth - but go seek out the truth for yourself. But that takes courage. Ask God for the courage - He is faithful to help..

    • @lynnlink4629
      @lynnlink4629 Před 6 lety +1

      JW - those who go out to evangelize - are clearly taught the differences in their bible versus the HOLY BIBLE. Wonder why they do not question JW teaching more deeply? Those who truly seek the truth will find it!

    • @lilylonestar
      @lilylonestar Před 6 lety +2

      Jesus said, " If you've seen me - you've seen the Father..."
      What part of that do they not understand?!?!

    • @checkmate1996
      @checkmate1996 Před 6 lety +1

      It's my understanding that the original translator they used for the 'New World Translation' (even that name is now ironic after knowing the truth) denounced his own work and the JW's denounced him...

    • @Blurb777
      @Blurb777 Před 6 lety +1

      Karl - One JW, when discussing why Thomas fell to his knees and proclaimed, "My Lord and my God" - The JW said that Thomas said that because he was swearing - such as "OMG!" or, the other way they use the Lord's name in vain. "Do you really think that the first thing Thomas would do after seeing the Resurrected Lord face to face for the first time is to swear in His face?" He was OK with his answer. Also - we don't have this in English but it is in the Greek, when Christ was walking on the water and His disciples were terrified, thinking they were seeing ghost, He did not say to them what is basically rendered, as, "It's only Me. Chill out." Or - "It's Me. Don't be afraid." It's all in the word order -"Ema Ego" - can be translated as "It is I." But "Ego Ema" (sorry - keyboard has no Greek characters, but this is as close as I can get.) is actually a double 'I am.' So, Christ really said, "I AM I AM" which the Hebrew ear understood to be God's name for Himself - and how we understand it as "I AM that I AM." I really wish they had translated that properly in the KJV.

    • @pearltears8039
      @pearltears8039 Před 5 lety

      May I ask you know what the "WORD" jesus means????
      Also can you give me a verse or scripture that says Jesus the son of David ,is not just a human a prophet and Christoph the founder of Christianity????
      ISAIAH 43: addresses Jehovah's Witnesses direct.... Says..I am Jehovah, and besides me there is no savior..
      even in the king James bible JEHOVAH is used as the name of the Almighty Jah Jehovah our Savior
      EXODUS 6: 3 I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of GOD Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them
      ISAIAH 26: 4 Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the LORD Jehovah is everlasting strength:
      EZEKIEL 28...speakes of of a Anointed cherub that was once in the Garden of GOD...but sinned and started claiming to be GOD Almighty...he was Jehovah's angel....Gabriel.
      ..he is the Anointed cherub and called him self GOD....Even when he was Impaled for his SIN he did not fear GOD ....ISAIAH 53: 5 But he was pierced for our transgression;He was crushed for our errors.He bore the punishment for our peace,And because of his wounds we were healed.6 Like sheep we have all wandered about,Each has turned his own way,And Jehovah has caused the error of us all to meet up with him.
      For he was cut off from the land of the living;Because of the transgression of my people he received the stroke.9 And he was given a burial placewith the wicked,And with the rich in his death,Although he had done no wrongAnd there was no deception in his mouth.10 But it was Jehovah’s will to crush him, and he let him become sick.
      I think LUKE 23: 39 And one of the evildoers which were Impaled also, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us.40 But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dont you fear God, seeing that you are in the same condemnation?
      41 And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss.
      42 And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
      43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
      44 And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
      45 And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst.
      46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
      If Jesus is God then who did he pray to???
      Satan would transfigured himself in to the angel of light2 CORINTHIANS 11: 14
      Jesus transformed in front of peter James and john when he brought them up the mountain says he was as bright as the sun...MATTHEW 17:2
      THESE ARE FALSE Christ and False Apostles....2 CORINTHIANS 11: 13 and MATTHEW 24: 23
      JOHN 3: 13No man has ascended into heaven,but he that descended from heaven...the son of man
      Jesus is the son of man...MATTHEW 16: 13
      Satan transformed into jesus many times....he fooled Millon's claming to be God...but he wasn't God..he was just a man...the Anointed cherub that used to be Jehovah's angel
      Cherish means...the Anointed
      and The "Word" jesus means... JEHOVAH IS SALVATION

  • @sylviarivera776
    @sylviarivera776 Před 6 lety +7

    Pastor mac,
    God bless you, and your dear family.

  • @TedTurner2023
    @TedTurner2023 Před 6 lety +6

    Thank you Pastor Mac for this excellent study in God's Word today!

  • @brianhensley7760
    @brianhensley7760 Před 6 lety +33

    Born and raised in their cult. Left after being reinstated from being disfellowshipped and continued to live in sin for many years until my wife and I wanted to raise our son with values. She was raised catholic and with my background what were we to do. After praying and contemplating this decision, I thought I had to return to the Jw's. All those years I still hung on to their indoctrination. What else would I know when that's all you know. We started studying with them and only few months in as we were doing our own research, (forbidden by them) the Lord used my wife to speak truth to me as she asked some great questions that I could not answer. As matter a fact, my answers were the same robotic responses they give. I wasn't convinced so I prayed and prayed asking for God to answer. It wasn't long as I was in scripture with pages of a list of scriptures proving Jehovah and Jesus is the same. That Jesus is Lord of all, and he is our king to follow. It was Christmas Day My family stepped foot into a church (forbidden as well), for the first time. As we were in worship I felt something come over me as I never felt before and the Holy Spirit came upon me to just start to cry as I looked upon the cross and claim, yes Jesus you are my lord and savior and I repent sooo much and want you as my Savior. It was so clear on my heart what just happened and couldn't wait to go home to text since they wouldn't answer my phone calls my father (an elder) and brother who shunned me again and again to tell them the gospel. As well as all my friends I once had as well. Sadly they blocked me once in for all, so I know I am not the one to bear the light to them but still pray for them. Come the Easter after that Christmas that I was saved, my wife had already put here faith in Christ but then our son did as well as my wife's disabled brother with a brain injury. He was left blind and couldn't walk but now he sees in the since of the light, and loves Jesus with all his heart. Our church at the time was doing baptism on Easter and we all made our declaration for the Lord. Even my brother n law who we had to pick up out of his wheelchair and assist his baptism. Ohh praise the Lord for the rejoicing in heaven that day far exceeded our joys on earth. I can not wait for our Lord to take us out of here and we all can rejoice evermore. Bless all you that have seen the light regardless of our path. Keep praying for one another and the world. Praise YESHUA HAMASHIACH.

    • @Madine7
      @Madine7 Před 6 lety +3

      Brian Hensley thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family.

    • @margietucker1719
      @margietucker1719 Před 6 lety +1

      Brian, thank you for sharing your testimony. I have 2 step-sisters in another state who are JW's. The eldest one tells everyone that her mother is "dead to her", as her mother (being raised by a devout Christian mother herself) rejected the JW teachings they tried to foist on her. The younger daughter still associates with her mother, (but not her JW husband) but the eldest daughter has cut her off, and speaks with a hatred towards her. A mother who has always deeply loved all of her children. People believe what they understand--and there is huge misunderstanding among JW's. The problem is that they are not allowed to research other sources outside of their organization, to gain that understanding. I applaud you for being a seeker-and coming to the knowledge of The Truth!

    • @brianhensley7760
      @brianhensley7760 Před 6 lety +1

      Margie Tucker sadly this happens all the time. My mother left the Jw's just before I left. Everyone treated me so badly for even being associating with her. My brother says the same thing about our mother and yet I don't speak like that of my father anymore since coming to Christ, even though he is not a good man. He called my wife lots wife. Lol. as we are getting closer to going home with our savior, I ponder on how they would react when they realize they were wrong. Pray for them. Bless you

    • @bobdillashaw4360
      @bobdillashaw4360 Před 6 lety +1

      Well shoot, this brought happy tears to my eyes, beautiful, and God bless you and your family, I will now pray for your family still in jw.

    • @brianhensley7760
      @brianhensley7760 Před 6 lety +2

      Bobby Dillashaw thank you and bless you brother. All Glory to our Lord.

  • @brianhensley7760
    @brianhensley7760 Před 6 lety +6

    It is so nice to see other brothers and sisters in Christ that have left the Jw's and have seen the light. So many of them are still lost or just stopped believing in God. If there are any out there wanting to talk or have questions please reach out. There is no condemnation when your in Christ. If your not understanding this and you have questions or fear leaving the Jw's, talk to one who has been through it. We understand. Bless all you. In Christ.

  • @angelbelieves7496
    @angelbelieves7496 Před 6 lety +10

    Great teaching. I wish all JW would listen and even more so the lady I work with (who is JW).

  • @ChancetheCanine
    @ChancetheCanine Před 6 lety +5

    I had a great grandfather, great grandmother, grandfather, and two great aunts who were JWs. Thank you Pastor Mac for your message!

  • @mcrocker7031
    @mcrocker7031 Před 6 lety +5

    Wow! A great compilation of scripture to speak to. I’ve often wanted to prayerfully have a conversation when they come to my door. Thanks for giving me a start to do that. So powerful! Especially your heartfelt prayer at the end! I’ll pray for God to send that vessel. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  • @israelvasquez6489
    @israelvasquez6489 Před 6 lety +6

    The truth is the truth all glory to God...thanks and God bless

  • @noelrobles960
    @noelrobles960 Před 6 lety +4

    Very good teaching, liked and saved

  • @J.P.Walker
    @J.P.Walker Před 6 lety +3

    This message is so timely for me. I encountered two JW this morning and I was a little scripture tied.. but I said enough truth that they left me ! Jesus Is Lord!
    Thank you for the confirmation of scripture. I pray for your family and that their hearts be open to saving grace of Jesus.
    God bless

  • @PMaillet
    @PMaillet Před 6 lety +4

    This is excellent. Thank you so much for taking the issues one at a time and showing the particular Scriptures they have changed. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

  • @1ZAMOT
    @1ZAMOT Před 6 lety +4

    Pastor Mac!!! This was so awesome! Thank you for your obedience to God. I'm so glad you're doing well. God bless you Sir. Please keep me in prayer.

  • @emilyhutjes
    @emilyhutjes Před 6 lety +9

    In 1980 the J.W. gave me their bible. Now I have bought the 'real' Bible in Dutch and written in 'easy to understand language' however, nothing in this Bible has been left out nor has been changed from the Dutch translation of the K.J. Now I am happy.

    • @barbarahedges1791
      @barbarahedges1791 Před 6 lety +4

      the end of Rev it says you can not add to or take away and what will happen to you if you do. The Jehovahs witness leaders did add to and take away.

    • @emilyhutjes
      @emilyhutjes Před 6 lety +3

      Thank you guest. I know now, that is why I bought a new Bible some weeks ago.

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ Před 6 lety +2

      Emily Hutjes, all the truth, the only truth you need, is in your TRUE Bible. Any religion that creates THEIR OWN Bible should be avoided. Any religion that denies Jesus Christ is not only our Savior, but is also our Almighty God just as He says He is should be avoided. Jesus says Himself in John chapter 8, verse 23, that anyone who does not believe He is who He claims to be will die in their sins. He wasn’t a created being even though He entered the world as a flesh baby. John chapter 1 tells you who He is, God and the Creator of all things. 1 John 5: 7 “For there are three who bear witness in Heaven, the Father, the Word (Jesus), and the Holy Ghost: AND THESE THREE ARE ONE”. And 1 Timothy 3: 16 “Without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: THAT GOD WAS MANIFEST IN THE FLESH, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, and received up into glory”. The Bible says there is only one faith and one gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ in the scriptures. Unfortunately, religion has decided it will create its own gospel as evidenced by the many, many denominations of Christianity which each have a different doctrine. Our God is not a God of confusion. His true gospel is in His Bible. The Holy Spirit led me to leave the Baptist Church many years ago when I had started really studying the scriptures and I noticed the preacher was teaching something contrary to the Bible. It troubled me greatly and when I felt the Spirit telling me to leave organized religion, I obeyed. I rely only upon the Bible and I obey Jesus and what the Bible says. I judge all doctrine I hear by the scriptures and if it contradicts the scriptures, I don’t listen to it. Jesus will never guide us wrong, and the Bible will not guide us wrong. If you believe a false doctrine you don’t have salvation because the Bible clearly says only one faith gives salvation and that is the gospel of Christ which is found in the Bible. Only Christ saves, but many religions serve a false Christ. If you serve a false Christ you are in no better position for eternity than those who are nonbelievers and reject Christ. I’m so glad you are following the true Bible now.🤗

    • @emilyhutjes
      @emilyhutjes Před 6 lety +3

      That's right thus I have thrown the old Bible out.

  • @k.g.8750
    @k.g.8750 Před 3 lety

    Thank you Pastor Mac. I left SDA church 2019, eyes wide open!!
    Psalm 119:105🙏🏽🕊♥️
    Your word is a lamp to my feet, And a light to my path.🕯

  • @tlchico123
    @tlchico123 Před 6 lety +5

    Awesome teaching

  • @trishanaa3609
    @trishanaa3609 Před 6 lety +16

    My mom is JW and am praying for her salvation because all her teachings to me are false. She said no one is in heaven but only God and Jesus Christ and Elijah never went to heaven but died in a place where God hide him. I was so sad because my mom is a very good woman who loves God so much but JW has deceived her.

    • @johnpowers5791
      @johnpowers5791 Před 6 lety +3

      Trisha Naa , can I ask you, does your mom read John and if so has she not read John 3:3, Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God...... God Bless, I'll pray for her.....

    • @trishanaa3609
      @trishanaa3609 Před 6 lety

      John Powers ~ thank you so much John, May our lord Yeshua bless you.

    • @johnpowers5791
      @johnpowers5791 Před 6 lety +1

      Trisha Naa , All Glory goes to God, I am just a little man, with lots of Faith..... God Bless..

  • @hearer2795
    @hearer2795 Před 6 lety +2

    Beautiful heartfelt message. I too pray that God will provide that vessel for your family and ours. Ty, GB ❤

  • @mikebond6681
    @mikebond6681 Před 6 lety

    This man is such a good teacher, truly anointed.
    Being able to convey the truth even to the dimmest of hearts.

  • @truetodog49
    @truetodog49 Před 6 lety +1

    Thank you for your wisdom, dear brother. I have a brother who's Mormon, and a couple of sons who are the worldly type. Our prayers for them will bear fruit someday....praised be Jesus!

  • @ritareilly5949
    @ritareilly5949 Před 2 lety

    Thank you Pastor Mack for your loving sensitve manner in bringing truth exposing false doctrine.

  • @jesussaves7973
    @jesussaves7973 Před 6 lety

    Thank you pastor!! Two JW men came to my door the other day. I did not argue but I was disappointed in myself for not saying more. They said they had good news. I told them I knew about good news that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour and Christ. Told them I didn’t need their magazine

  • @elisabethsavedbygrace2573

    Brilliant!!!!!!!! Thank you so much pastor Mac

  • @forgivendaughter7711
    @forgivendaughter7711 Před 6 lety

    I am praying for your family. I have kids and grandkids also that I'm diligently praying for and I covet your prayers for them as well.
    God bless you my brother in Christ

  • @methinks1507
    @methinks1507 Před 6 lety +9

    Second that happy and thankful to be freed from the cult. Brain washed and lied to no more!

  • @dianeholton4012
    @dianeholton4012 Před 6 lety +1

    Very good teaching! Our Almighty God is NOT the author of confusion! Amen!

  • @connieoppman9526
    @connieoppman9526 Před 6 lety +2

    Praise God , I believe I was lead to listen to this by the Holy Spirit , I love Jesus Christ and he is my Lord and saviour

  • @howsweetthesound4992
    @howsweetthesound4992 Před 6 lety +1

    What a powerful prayer at the end- touched my heart

  • @kimberlybyrd9070
    @kimberlybyrd9070 Před 6 lety +9

    My entire family was destroyed by this organization. I didn't marry a JW I married whom I thought was a Christian My grandfather was a Pastor married us. My ex had 2 affairs, the last with a JW elderss daughter a he left me for the org Oh I could go on That org. Is wicked. The people are very deceived. My ex is now an elder and remarried .

  • @thinkingcapon64
    @thinkingcapon64 Před 5 lety

    To continue: You and yours and me and mine are seeking absolute truth, my prayer to Jehovah in the name of Jesus Christ is that each of us find truth and that we be united...

  • @captwilliecrab7220
    @captwilliecrab7220 Před 6 lety +1

    This was so excellent, helpful, and so well explained. Thank you, I learned from this.

  • @jameshess3516
    @jameshess3516 Před 6 lety

    Thank you for sharing, and upholding the Word of God

  • @stevebenoit6649
    @stevebenoit6649 Před 6 lety +1

    Psalms 12:6,7.
    Thanks very much for that teaching. I too am an ex Jehovah's witness, with family in the deception

  • @followerofyahushaoctaviadm
    @followerofyahushaoctaviadm Před 6 lety +12

    I’m 13 minutes in and this sounds a lot like Catholicism. I was born and raised Catholic and Jesus saved me from that. They teach from their own book the catechism. Scary!!!

    • @punithanmacmac292
      @punithanmacmac292 Před 6 lety

      ChristFollower ODM let them death

    • @1969cmp
      @1969cmp Před 6 lety

      Yep, and to His Word their own ideas and then elevating those idea to be at least equal with The Word. And liberal amounts of historical revisionism.
      Ken Johnson youtube channel does a very good study on Roman Catholicism. A couple of the early 'popes' believed a non-Trinitarian veiw about God that birthed Arianism, a precursor to Watchtower doctrine on this point.

    • @followerofyahushaoctaviadm
      @followerofyahushaoctaviadm Před 6 lety

      1969cmp wow!

    • @jesussaves7973
      @jesussaves7973 Před 6 lety

      punithanmac mac pardon??

  • @marleymae6746
    @marleymae6746 Před 3 lety

    Pray for those in deception of JW cult. Jesus saved me from Mormonism, so I know pain of being deceived and having family members you love in deception. But the Truth can set them free. Pastor Mac, I do pray the Lord will send a blessing to your Father and brother. My Father died in the deception of Mormonism, and my brother is still in deception. That’s why I appreciate your teaching straight from Word of God.

  • @kath6643
    @kath6643 Před 4 lety

    My heart goes out to Pastor Mac knowing how cults like the JWitnesses shun family members and loved ones who wake up and leave. 😥

  • @mimiwarren3882
    @mimiwarren3882 Před 6 lety +1

    What an amazing teaching! I learned so much, thank you! #jesus

  • @edgarleano5309
    @edgarleano5309 Před 6 lety +1

    Awesome, thank you brother for this message, blessing to you.

  • @Amangou
    @Amangou Před 6 lety +20

    Jehovah Witness believe that Jesus was created by God,. They also believe that the 144.000 in Heaven from the 12 tribes of Jacob is not correct, but they are from Jehovah Witness Believers and the number is completed now. God has chosen them from the Jehovah Witness Church.
    They never take Holy Communion, (Bread and blood of Jesus) that was only for those 144.000 "chosen" ones.). They reason that God has selected them and they are now in Heaven
    They do a Memorial Day for that, not for Jesus death or Resurrection .
    I was invited to that Memorial Day once in Athens Greece, I was not a born again Christian yet, and they passed over a Tray with a bottle of wine and a piece of Bread . I wanted to take the piece of Bread and fill the glass with wine , but they stopped me!!!! So that was it! I walked away and found a Charismatic Evangelical Church , where I accepted Jesus as my Savior. Praise The Lord! I am a child of God now.

    • @angelbelieves7496
      @angelbelieves7496 Před 6 lety +3

      They believe Gabriel is Jesus

    • @donnavalenzuela8503
      @donnavalenzuela8503 Před 6 lety +5

      I’m so glad you saw right through their false teaching. Years ago when my mom (who’s gone home to be with the Lord) was invited by my younger sister who is a JW went to the memorial, the same thing happened .. my mom said they passed around the wine and bread and as my mom went to place the bread in her mouth my sister ripped it out of her hands. Then my sister proceeds to tell her that this old little man sitting in the front was one of the 144 chosen 🧐 my mom looked over at him and said ,”that shriveled up little man over there?)”. 😂. I told my mom why did you go there? She said she wanted to see what they do and then said we need to intercede for them and continue to pray the Lord opens theirs eyes. I continue to pray that my sister and her family will one day come to the saving knowledge of our savior Jesus Christ.

    • @Amangou
      @Amangou Před 6 lety +2

      @@donnavalenzuela8503 exactly my story on this side of the world😂

    • @lynnlink4629
      @lynnlink4629 Před 6 lety +1

      Must be awkward for church leadership to decide which members are among the 144,000. Leaving out many others! JW are wrong about WHO the 144,000 evangelists truly are! Lies beget lies.

    • @Amangou
      @Amangou Před 6 lety

      @@lynnlink4629 Watchtower, their centre office in NY has great power on all their churches round the world.

  • @vannessaledbetter280
    @vannessaledbetter280 Před 6 lety +2

    Got my notification but, when I did not see Pastor J.D. I almost missed my blessing. God bless you for this offering. Being alive/awake I could see your struggle, me too:):). Scripture back-up galore, hard to swallow facts that they are passing on as truth. Have mercy Jesus. The beauty is that we know He will if they will hear. I too have in-laws and an unsure husband. God continue to bless you and this ministry.

  • @kitissexy65
    @kitissexy65 Před 6 lety +2

    THank you!!!

  • @margietucker1719
    @margietucker1719 Před 6 lety

    Excellent teaching, Pastor Mac--I appreciate your forthright and bold spirit dealing with this topic. I pray eyes will be opened.

  • @1969cmp
    @1969cmp Před 6 lety

    Fantastic opening text. Awesome.

  • @connectasap
    @connectasap Před 6 lety

    Pastor Mac. Great word!

  • @James-me6dw
    @James-me6dw Před 6 lety

    Hey - I'm a SDA -- Bible believing Protestant. We just go by the Bible... Hallelujah!

  • @daughterofgodwarriorofchrist17

    This is great! Spot on! Thank you. Im adding this to my channel playlist. God bless!

  • @mistyhutton4465
    @mistyhutton4465 Před 4 lety

    Amazing! You and JD have a wonderful gift from God! Thank you for all your messages. We need to talk from last night with you and JD left me speechless just about every message does! I thank God for you and JD! I share these videos all the time and pray the word and the truth gets out to save more people from the lies. Thank you again!

  • @ligiaherrarte2170
    @ligiaherrarte2170 Před 6 lety +4

    God bless you Pastor. You are a true blessing.

  • @wizzardofpaws2420
    @wizzardofpaws2420 Před 6 lety

    My cousin got caught up in it and convinced her mother, my aunt. my aunt died a JW. I really fear what will become of their souls. This was an excellent sermon.

  • @donnajacobs243
    @donnajacobs243 Před 6 lety

    Thank You Pastor Mac. My only child escaped from that Cult.
    My grandchildren are being raised christian. I praise God for thzt.

  • @barbarahedges1791
    @barbarahedges1791 Před 6 lety +5

    They are told only JW's will be saved if they obey every thing they are told . If not a JW they will die a horrible death

  • @jesterline2706
    @jesterline2706 Před 6 lety +2

    Amen! And Amen!

  • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ

    Some people are making very ugly comments about the Jehovah’s Witnesses and that should not be so. They have been led astray, that does not make them “garbage” or worthless. Are they not made in the image of God also? Yes, they are, so think about what you call them and anyone who has been led astray. If you call someone made in the image of God a name like “garbage” or “worthless”, are you not calling God those things as well? Heed the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 15: 10-20 which says it is not what goes in the mouth of man that defiles him, it’s what he speaks from his mouth that defiles him because what comes from the mouth comes from the heart. It is from the mouth that comes the evil thoughts of the heart: murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, and slander. Let us not be like the Pharisees and judge ourselves to be more righteous, but to work to share the truth of the Bible with love for those who have been led astray so they may come to know the truth also. If Jesus did not come to condemn the world, then what gives us the right to condemn those who have been led astray? Many people in false religions have been raised in those religions and have never heard the true gospel of the Bible. They don’t know they are being taught a false doctrine. Many don’t read the Bible and you can’t know the truth from the lies if you’ve never read the Bible. Let’s be more like Christ and show compassion for those who don’t know the truth and strive to spread the true gospel and understand that God didn’t create “garbage” when He created man in His image. I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day. Much love to you all in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, our Christ.🙏🏻❤️🤗

    • @Madine7
      @Madine7 Před 6 lety +3

      Rejoice and Praise Yeshua, King of Kings! Thank you for sharing...blessings to you.

    • @debraharper677
      @debraharper677 Před 6 lety +1

      What you said is so good! I agree 100%. Deceived because of what they have been taught coming up; and a lot of people who may even go to Church all their lives might never hear the true Gospel. They need our prayers!!! Not condemnation. We are to plant and water, spread the seed of God's word and trust the Holy Spirit to correct according to the word. --To draw them to Jesus! to receive the salvation He has provided! I have finally learned to just plant and water and trust God for their Salvation. I can't make anyone get saved-it's up to them. Just hard to see them rejecting truth. I'm learning slowly, I'm getting better. Just Pray and don't give up!!! Trust Jesus!!! They need to read John chapter 3.

  • @stephaniemccoun9554
    @stephaniemccoun9554 Před 6 lety +2

    Amen Brother Mac!

  • @diannerogers9667
    @diannerogers9667 Před 6 lety

    Amen, amen,amen!!!!! What a blessing it was to hear that message! I escaped the JWs at age 35 after being raised in it from the age of 7. I still have my dad and 2 brothers and a niece in the cult! Yes, we must pray incessantly that the Holy Spirit open their eyes to show them the Society's errors and the real truth of God's Word!!

  • @ellenyoung9999
    @ellenyoung9999 Před 2 lety

    Wonderful !!!

  • @ATrustedAuthority
    @ATrustedAuthority Před 6 lety

    the ending prayer was very moving. Loving the unsaved is so hard and they assume you are the one who is wrong and not only refuse to listen, refuse to even let you speak. I too pray that someone will be able to give them the gospel.

  • @Acadian.FrenchFry
    @Acadian.FrenchFry Před 6 lety

    I was raised a JW I still have family that are still members. Thank you for this, brother! I will share this! I was crying too, you had me in tears. The truth is so powerful and my heart breaks at the same time knowing I have family that refuse to hear it!

  • @Havana1975xx
    @Havana1975xx Před 6 lety +2

    Guys the cult is getting worse. My girlfriend family none of them talk to her for reasons of the Church and I say to her well the love of Christ is to help others how can your family avoid contact with you became of some announcement at church? They shun her completely and I told her you are in a cult! They are so indoctrinated if the Watchtower tells them the moon is made out of cheese they believe, and the 7 dudes in Watchtower really lead a billion dollar enterprise. Lol , bye.
    Thank you Jesus Christ for revealing us your truth and your salvation. Thanks for this video this is enlightening, deep.

  • @vickiesueshelton
    @vickiesueshelton Před 6 lety

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ

  • @michaelmcintosh8599
    @michaelmcintosh8599 Před 6 lety +1

    Sound and soooolid aaaaaamen !!

  • @checkmate1996
    @checkmate1996 Před 6 lety

    Thank you Jesus for somehow escaping that cult and finding you!

  • @SarahlabyrinthLHC
    @SarahlabyrinthLHC Před 2 lety

    Acts 20:28 is very good too, it speaks of God purchasing the church with His own blood!

  • @Donna-LookingUp
    @Donna-LookingUp Před 6 lety

    God bless you brother! You are such a greatly used vessel for me. You are a very good teacher. I love it every time you say..."and The WORD of GOD says..."! Hallelujah!

  • @wheresmyjet
    @wheresmyjet Před 6 lety

    Thank you for this informative and beneficial message. The things I've learned from this message will help me better share my faith whenever I encounter Jehova's Witnesses. ​

  • @bettyhensley8185
    @bettyhensley8185 Před 6 lety +2

    AMEN !!! Thank you 🌹

  • @michaeldillon9080
    @michaeldillon9080 Před 6 lety

    Pastor Mac you held it together going over the falsehoods of JW Great job Brother.

  • @FruitTree777
    @FruitTree777 Před 6 lety

    ❤️ God bless you, Pastor Mac.

  • @sheriboyce7514
    @sheriboyce7514 Před 6 lety

    Pastor Mac… Amen and God bless you.

  • @thinkingcapon64
    @thinkingcapon64 Před 5 lety

    I could say Amen to your prayer. I am a witness for 59 yrs. I am a critical thinker ...My heartfelt belief is God reads hearts and accepts worship from all worldwide having righteously inclined hearts...Almighty God does not have an earthly organization...It is only the inspired scriptures that have the first and the last word...There is no person or organization that should get puffed with pride thinking I or we only that have an accurate understanding of the scriptures...

  • @mrdandrea
    @mrdandrea Před 6 lety +6

    Thank you for allowing comments. Some folks are trying to persuade me into the errors of Calvinism, Covenant theology, and Lordship, but notoriously they disable comments.
    In regard to the falsely called Jehovah’s Witnesses, my Pastor once said that the perfect Christian is one with the mind of a Baptist, the heart of a Pentecostal, and the feet of a Jehovah’s Witness

    • @trishs982
      @trishs982 Před 6 lety +2

      Mark Dandrea - enjoyed your post! Yes, the Calvinists are a peculiar bunch. Are you familiar with their TULIP? T is for total depravity. How can we be image-bearers if our depravity is total? There’s good information refuting the 5 points. Blessings

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ Před 6 lety +4

      Mark Dandrea, you only need to follow the Bible. I’m leery of all organized religion. There are many denominations of Christianity which each teach a different doctrine. The Bible clearly says there is only ONE FAITH, ONE GOSPEL, AND ONE GOD AND SAVIOR OF ALL whose name is Jesus Christ. Adhere to what the Bible says alone because anything other than what is in the Bible is a false doctrine and grants no salvation. If you serve a false Christ of a false doctrine then you are no better off than nonbelievers.

    • @mrdandrea
      @mrdandrea Před 6 lety

      I’m reluctant to quote Hank (the preterist) Hanegraaff, but we are “Friends and companion to all them that fear Thee”, when Hank said about salvation like this: With empty hands I plead, by Thy mercy and grace to save me.
      I probably quoted it wrong.

    • @mrdandrea
      @mrdandrea Před 6 lety +2

      Patricia Skuhr Yes, my number two son and I have long debates on this. I think the younger generation of millennial’s are disillusioned by our failures as a church to hold a high standard.
      For example, after 911 there was a bump in church attendance that lasted about two months, thereafter there were fewer in church than beforehand.
      But we never had to really defend against topics like Calvinism much before, but now we see a lot of young and restless types with their beards and sandals and look like modern day apostles or something.
      One fellow, Jeff Durbin, has an apologetics CZcams channel with some great soul-winning debates with cults and on the front lines of abortion clinics!

  • @Denise-xe3if
    @Denise-xe3if Před 6 lety +1

    Don't forget. . .Jehovah is Almighty.

  • @lucreshaissa1749
    @lucreshaissa1749 Před 6 lety

    Amen Pastor speak it like it is Amen. Praise be to Almighty God.

  • @angelicarockwell1598
    @angelicarockwell1598 Před 6 lety +1

    A few years ago, a family member who was JW, and was causing irreparable damage (but by the grace of God). I was desperate, and finally prayed that if God didnt do something this night, then tomorrow I would go to the JWs and tell their elders what he was doing. That night I had a dream/vision. I was invisible, standing in an empty warehouse. I knew it was the JW "hall". A nicely dressed man was standing in front of a conveyor belt watching boxes go by. The door opened, and a group of laughing, shivering (it was winter) women came in, all very happy. The man said jovially, "Come in, get warm, have a drink!", and handed them all a glass of vodka. I asked the Lord "what is in the boxes, why is he giving them alcohol, and why specifically vodka?" He answered, " Each box has a members name on it. They believe the boxes hold all their treasures in paradise. All the boxes are empty. Like a lottery, everyone thinks they will be the winner, but they are not. The alcohol is to numb the mind, vodka is the only one that cant be smelled (discerned, as the physical sense of smell represents the spiritual sense of discernment)." That was all I needed to know. I didnt go. Instead I prayed, had to forgive what he was doing, knowing the enormity of loss I would have to take, and forgive him. (Keeping doors shut, but I am civil.)

  • @kquicker
    @kquicker Před 6 lety

    Good message, thank you, pastor Mac. I left JWs 34 years ago, and currently fellowship at a Calvary Chapel church. My JW brother shunned me for the last 26 years of his life, as he was taught to do, until he died from complications from alcoholism. JWs, it's impossible to be good enough to please Jehovah. You can never do enough! However, the work that the real Jesus did on the cross/torture stake is sufficient for us. Our job is to believe, and to accept His completed justifying work as a gift. Read the Bible carefully, and see if this is not true. If you want to be free, Jesus can set you free. John 8:36

  • @berniesully9173
    @berniesully9173 Před 6 lety

    Thank you Pastor Mac For this information I didn't know all this. Thank you Jesus for opening the eyes of the blind to your true teaching. May God almighty bless you and all that reads this.

  • @James-me6dw
    @James-me6dw Před 6 lety

    Yes - gently give The Truth to folks that believe in God but are misled. Christ Jesus is the only Way to Heavenly Father. Hallelujah!

  • @samanthawood6736
    @samanthawood6736 Před 6 lety

    Thank you so so so much for taking the time to study and pull out the armour of God to show and shine a light in the darkness and lies of the JW’S and it addresses the Mormons too ... I am trying to reach both ... this is a huge help !!!! Thank so much !!! God bless you ... this is so powerful !!! Praise God !!! ❤️🙏❤️

  • @janetdavis5523
    @janetdavis5523 Před 6 lety

    WOW I never have heard anyone preach like you !!thank you for the wisdom !!or should I say thank you father for guiding be here

  • @rosehoppe1341
    @rosehoppe1341 Před 6 lety

    Pastor Mac - your prayer at the end touched my heart deeply. I know all too well the pain of dealing with that organization as a family member being shunned and shamed for Christ. I don't know if you were raised as a JW or not... but, my heart and my prayers go out to you bro... I'm sure your testimony is just as passionate and heartfelt as your sermon was here. I wish you had more time to share the roots of that religion in greater depth and the damage that cults have done over the years. The man who stood up to them ALONE was Ray Franz and he was a member of their governing body, having been the author of the only book I felt had merit - Aid to Bible Understanding. It had loads of history in that book. Ray wrote two books: Crisis of Conscience and In Search of Christian Freedom. In both of those books, he painstakingly documents all the things that have gone on at Bethel for a very long time.... with evidence and proof.... providing biblical support as well. Crisis of Conscience is the book that made me realize I was in the wrong religion some 30 years ago... I'm so grateful I left... but their false teachings lingered for years afterward. Thank you for that wonderful sermon. Bless you for exposing the deliberate distortions found in the NW Translation Bible too.

  • @jdord4838
    @jdord4838 Před 6 lety +1

    We must stay vigilant against false teaching..."Yeshua (Jesus Christ) is the way"

  • @74Spartan
    @74Spartan Před 6 lety +2

    Beautiful mate🙏🏼🇬🇷

  • @thinkingcapon64
    @thinkingcapon64 Před 5 lety

    I am ever mindful of Jesus sacrifice on our behalf that we may gain life everlasting...I begin each of my prayers saying: Dear Father Jehovah and dear Father Jesus, please hear my prayer***

  • @randyhaga6276
    @randyhaga6276 Před 6 lety

    Good job Pastor Mac God bless you

  • @concordbranches3070
    @concordbranches3070 Před 6 lety

    Amen, strong pastor of God. Amen

  • @GramCracker77
    @GramCracker77 Před 6 lety

    Very interesting material and a great presentation!!

  • @YuraCura2006
    @YuraCura2006 Před 6 lety

    The Lord is One. Blessed be the name of The Lord!

  • @ThomasFobia
    @ThomasFobia Před 6 lety

    Listening to the audio today on 9/2/2018 the audio has been restored enough to enjoy this truthful teaching. I have heard from the JW's and spent a few service days reading from the watchtower magazine. Never did join them in their folly! Good people but grossly misguided!

  • @ngrnmck
    @ngrnmck Před 6 lety

    I went to their church for a small time but praise GD I was led out. Im standing with you brother and confessing your family will be set free. What a burden to have but what an awesome testimony for those dealing with this, and most of all what a blessed day when they are set free and all glory to our King. I don't think this is a good thing although I've been guilty of it but usually when a different brother is preaching than the one I wanted to hear I go hoo hmm but when I see its you I am just as happy as seeing brother JD

  • @angelicarockwell1598
    @angelicarockwell1598 Před 5 lety

    I had a vision a few years ago when a JW family member was doing something very, very wrong, illegal and tore my family to shreds. I was desperate, and was determined to go talk to the elders the next day, tell them what he was doing. I prayed, Lord if this is wrong for me to do, please, please show me, otherwise I will go tomorrow. In the vision I was invisible in a big empty warehouse. There was a man standing in front of a conveyor belt, big cardboard boxes going by. The door opened, a bunch of laughing ladies covered in snow came in, fresh from pioneering, brushing off the snow. The man said jovially, "come in, come in! Get warm, have a drink". He gave them all a glass of vodka. I asked the Lord, what does this mean? The Lord very clearly told me. "The boxes each have a members name on it. They all believe it is like they won the lottery and their eternal happiness and blessings are in there. They dont know that every box is empty. The alcohol is to numb their minds so they cant think, and vodka because it is believed that it has no smell so it cant be detected by anyone." ...I didnt go talk to the elders, but trusted God to work though this horror and to be patient. It has been almost 7 years, but I see the faithfulness of God bringing beauty from ashes, and the oil of joy for mourning now.

    @MARANATHA-AMEN Před 6 lety

    Mac, I pray that God will richly bless you for your tender heart, lack of arrogance, genuine humility and prolific use of the mighty scripture of GOD. I am praying, even now for your family, and mine to be saved. As a student of scripture for 41 plus years, it is difficult, to live alone with no family, and no church family.
    I was once in full-time Christian Ministry. But I've never been as close to the Lord as I am now! I miss Fellowship. I miss serving through the church body and I need to be ministered to, also. So, I come to this CZcams channel, for Fellowship and teaching. What a privilege. I don't have TV but I do have a smartphone, with mobile data.
    It seems, that even in the, so called Bible Belt, churches are leaving behind the whole counsel of God, cover to cover Bible, in favor of pet beliefs & watered-down doctrines. Nothing, absolutely nothing compares to the HOLY WORD of GOD, the Sword of the SPIRIT.
    Thank you for elevating Yeshua as Lord of all, King of Kings, the Ancient of Days, our bridegroom.
    You have taught the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, in this message. I pray, that our gracious loving father will multiply your reward, in eternity.
    I pray that our loved ones and family will be there!
    Look up. Our Redeemer, is on HIS way. Not a moment late. And not a moment too soon! Maranatha.

  • @bonnieetheredge3839
    @bonnieetheredge3839 Před 5 lety

    No dout about your mission brother I am certain God has blessed you with true understanding of Gods holy word.Praying for famly members over this false doctrin

  • @mayaday8538
    @mayaday8538 Před 6 lety

    I have a friend that i really care about in that group. I learned a lot about it and i wish i could help, but he isnt really allowed to talk to me. Plus if im not given the command to help not doing it. Sometimes i feel like im not spirit filled after repenting and coming back to Christ, but i dont know y or what im doing or did wrong. Its still not always clear when reading the bible and understanding it for me. I pray my friend and a lot others figure it out. So many are actually leaving by the bunches because of this internet. Praise Yeshua/Jesus Christ!

  • @1969cmp
    @1969cmp Před 6 lety

    Cults also mess with the Trinity, either denying it or reconfigure The Godhead, as well as historical revisionism about earth church history, or in the case of the LDS - O.T. history.
    As Ps Mac notes, the doctrine of salvation has been severely tampered with.
    The R.C. fulfills two aspects of the three afore mentioned points.