Why I DISLIKE Eschatology

  • čas přidán 19. 06. 2022
  • This is why I really dislike eschatology: Because there's so much left to the domain of speculation, that you can pick out just about anything, any facet of the End Times subject, because there's a lot that goes under that umbrella, and run with it, and defend a particular idea. And if you're loud enough about it, and you do it often enough, people are going to think you're on to something. And the people who are doing that know that, because it's so complicated, it's so vast, there's so many ins and outs and intricacies of it. "Who in the world is going to spend the time telling me I'm wrong?" Check this out!
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  • @DRMSH
    @DRMSH  Před rokem +47

    Hi everybody!
    I want to remind everyone to join our DRMSH exclusive community. We are going to have tons of exclusive content like weekly live sessions, protected articles, and more. So, sign up now!

    • @voidremoved
      @voidremoved Před rokem +1

      Marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again

    • @1955dmb
      @1955dmb Před rokem

      “May the LORD bless you and keep you; may the LORD cause His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; may the LORD lift up His countenance toward you and give you peace”. Much love and prayers for you and your family brother. I am on a Dr. Michael S. Heiser marathon to read and listen to what you have written and spoken.
      Eschatology is a mystery to me. I'm a bit past my prime and even if the Lord does not come before my Graduation Day, I do not have the mental acuity to study more than all those in the past who studied with a sincere desire to know the truth of the matter. Why is there no meeting of the minds within this group of intelligent, tireless and sincere researchers? But regardless of what we study within the Word, the very act of study is never wasted. We come to know the Lord better and He will reveal what He will reveal when He is ready to reveal.

    • @vickiezaccardo1711
      @vickiezaccardo1711 Před rokem +5

      R.I.P. sir

    • @G1stGBless
      @G1stGBless Před rokem +5

      Crazy how much I learned from his way of approaching the Word.
      He pinned this a couple months ago and now he is gone to be with our Lord.

    • @laptop4689
      @laptop4689 Před rokem +1

      I did--thanks

  • @ScottyNatsar
    @ScottyNatsar Před 2 lety +455

    This man is a treasure. He's sacrificed money for purpose over and over. This man could've used his credentials for purely financial gain, but instead used it to further other's biblical understanding. He's helped so many from losing faith in the face of some of the dumbest but at the same time the most clever delusions. For this I owe Michael Heiser a great debt of gratitude. He's opened the Bible up to me. His health has suffered recently, and I pray God would bless and keep this servant! His purpose is being fulfilled by all the heart driven seeking of his servants who have come across this man's knowledge. Indeed, God bless Michael Heiser! 🙏

    • @donieleedwards5500
      @donieleedwards5500 Před 2 lety +15

      Amen. He is such a treasure!! I hope and pray that the Lord would heal him as I don't think his work is finished yet 🙏🏾

    • @Zelda4U
      @Zelda4U Před 2 lety +18

      Amen. I got to meet him at the first Naked Bible conference. He's even more humble than you could imagine. My youngest son is profoundly, physically handicapped, but he has a spiritual gift. I emailed someone who had a website about this gift to ask some questions and tell him about this gift. He is a friend of Heiser's and asked Dr Heiser what he thought. Dr Heiser sent a personal message back to us, that God doesn't make mistakes. My son had a special purpose, and he does. Heiser also autographed two of his books for my son , with a message just for him.
      I've learned so much from Heiser's teachings! I interject Heiserisms into my ladies bible study group. It's getting rueful thinking. If only they would watch this video. So many are just waiting to be rapturedany time now. They need to be prepared that they may not happen. Good just doesn't do what we want.

    • @Mark-yb1sp
      @Mark-yb1sp Před 2 lety +4

      Well said. 👍🏻🇺🇸

    • @adrianvarela8890
      @adrianvarela8890 Před 2 lety

      Your last name troubles me... Hebrew root movement?

    • @shelleymurphy1966
      @shelleymurphy1966 Před 2 lety +1


  • @ritastevenson5639
    @ritastevenson5639 Před rokem +164

    Having been one of Jehovah's Witnesses for over 30 years I grew pretty weary of eschatology. Now that I am a born-again Christian, I'd much rather focus on the Here and Now and leave the End Times in the capable hands of Our Lord. Thank you for this!

    • @graylad
      @graylad Před rokem +2

      Amen Rita!

    • @curtedwinerlandson
      @curtedwinerlandson Před rokem +3

      So happy you came to the light, Rita🙂

    • @kurtwinslow2670
      @kurtwinslow2670 Před rokem +4

      Rita Stevenson I'm curious, what was the reasoning that went through your mind that started the process of you questioning the Watch Tower? I've spoken to a few JW'S and I'm curious what initiated the process and what was your thinking throughout the process. I studied with a few JW'S for over a year and I too pointed out their inconsistency concerning eschatology but it didn't really seem to phase them. Where I had an effect was I was able to painstakingly show them real grace and the trinity. I used their own Bible. Eventually they were struggling to answer my questions. Do to their stuggle, they decided to have an elder type person come and try to explain to me their position. He basically said the relationship was terminated, which I was kind of figuring would be the case. I feel I laid some seeds and hopefully down the road those seeds will be watered and sprout and bare fruit. Also Amen at your decesion to come out of darkness and embrace the light of the Gospel. God is good, enjoy the liberty that being in Christ entails and pray for those who are still in bondage of the Watch Tower.
      God bless you.

    • @ritastevenson5639
      @ritastevenson5639 Před rokem +12

      @@kurtwinslow2670 Good question! Forgive me, this is long!
      Well, it was a slow process through the years but it culminated in a very fast explosive exit, if that makes sense. I had married a non-JW (a Christian) at 18 (a scandal in and of itself) who challenged me a lot about WT. We fought a lot, needless to say, and at times that made me dig my heels in as to my "faith". But little things he said would nag me for many years.
      Once, he said we are always taking verses out of context... I argued that we did not but started paying attention and reading quoted verses in context whenever they appeared in a WT article. I still didn't make any connection that we had wrong doctrine, but I did see that sometimes a verse was being misapplied.
      Another time, he pointed out that the Generation teaching ("this generation will by no means pass away..." meaning that those alive during Jesus invisible coming in 1914 would not pass away before the end of this system/Armageddon) would have to change before all of that group died out. I stubbornly said it wouldn't because "this system" would end, making it unnecessary because it would be fulfilled. Several years later, when a "new understanding" (also called New Light) about this came out I cringed and my heart sank, knowing he was right but mostly because I didn't want to hear it from him. My pride!
      But things like that stuck with me and I felt myself distrusting the organization, as men, but still clinging to beliefs since surely Christendom (JWs use this word to refer to false Christianity, those part of Babylon the Great... " the world Empire of false religion") is false and we are as close as you can get to the true religion. I was very firm on things like not celebrating any holidays, not voting, staying away from blood, the trinity, immortality of the soul, existence of hell, Etc. My husband read Deuteronomy 18:20-22 to me and that really struck a nerve and started to bother me big time. I even went to an elder over it and he just brushed it off and said that didn't apply to us. I started becoming more suspicious of what I've been taught but I sort of lost track with that verse and just let discontent brew in me.
      There was a Watchtower Study article that said something along the lines of "even if you are asked to do something that doesn't make sense from a strategic standpoint, you must obey God's Earthly organization in such matters." All I could think of was Jonestown and I remember feeling more uncomfortable but just refusing to look "outside". As things were unraveling slowly, I really just took it as a sign that I was losing faith and that Jehovah was going to destroy me at the Battle of Armageddon. I gave in to a lot of sin during this time because I thought I was doomed anyway. I was a terribly selfish wife and mother during this time. I just prayed for a swift ending. I still believed that God was holy and just and that the Bible was inerrant, I just believed that I was not worthy and would never be able to remain loyal to the end. So I just kind of gave up and went through the motions or just stayed away altogether.
      The Breakthrough happened when I was asked to move to a different congregation that was closer to where I lived but not one I wanted to attend because I didn't really fit well with the people there. This got me really depressed and I became internally rebellious. I barely went to the meetings after that and then covid hit. During covid I was a little more regular (we met on Zoom).
      Finally though there were some weird things happening that propelled a good friend of mine and his family (his dad was the head elder of my former congregation) to dig into the Organization. He shared a video with me from a former JW Elder of 40 years who unraveled their Authority structure and pointed out all the false prophecies and gaslighting that occurs in that religion. I remember weeping and being so stressed, not knowing what I was going to do as everything I had ever believed in was falling apart. There was no way I could tell my husband that I have been wrong for the 25 years of our marriage! After 2 weeks of feeling physically sick and totally lost, I told him that I was having serious doubts about the organization. I'm so thankful that he did not respond as I thought he would. He quietly told me to find a Bible that I could trust and start reading in the book of John. He was very supportive but he stayed out of my way and let me discover Jesus on my own. It was only a few short months later, after binging on many many CZcams videos exposing their false Doctrine and digging into the Bible, concordances, commentaries, Etc that I was totally free of those lies. It was like I had been stripped naked and scrubbed with a wire brush. But now what?
      One day we were out to lunch after a doctor appointment, I asked him how would I know if I was saved (I cry every time I think back to that convo) and he explained Grace to me and how I was dead in my sins and that only God, through Jesus, can reach down into those depths to pull someone out and bring them to him and give them life. I knew right then that that's what He did to me. I believed! Praise the Lord! Wow! What a journey. I've been reading the Bible everyday since (2.5 years) and it is my favorite book ever. I will never tire of glorifying God by tell His story of what he did for me.
      Some reading this might think I was a weak JW and that I left because of wrongdoing on my part. I was really faithful for many years, I pushed hard out in the door to door ministry, studied for all the meetings, tried hard to do all the things that were required of me. It just gets to be a burden we cannot carry. You know, kind of like the Law was for the people of Israel with the Pharisees adding all these extra burdens. 🤔 There was no relief. You end up feeling pretty despondent because you know you'll never be good enough and that doesn't get you into the Paradise earth.
      That's probably a lot more detailed than what you needed/wanted, but I pray that it blesses someone today and gives them hope but also causes them to praise God!

    • @ritastevenson5639
      @ritastevenson5639 Před rokem +2

      @@kurtwinslow2670 I think for me, one of the biggest obstacles to overcome was giving myself permission to look outside of the material provided by the Organization. This is very very frowned upon! To the extent that you are scared to look at anything that goes against the organization for fear it will "shipwreck your faith", as they say. Witnesses won't even look outside of the Organization for answers to biblical questions! We were told to beware of "independent thinking". I am proof that God can bust through all of this, but it is a very thick wall. When people witness to JWs, they need to be in it for the long haul, if the Witness will stick around. Be patient. Pray, pray, pray!
      My God is mighty to save!

  • @itscoleperkins
    @itscoleperkins Před rokem +68

    Rest In Peace Dr. Heiser. I know that your work will continue to influence people for generations. Thank you.

    • @1Cor13-13
      @1Cor13-13 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I'm thankful for recently finding Mr. Heiser work, and whomever continues to publish these nuggets of truth!!

  • @wallabumba
    @wallabumba Před 2 lety +29

    Here's my eschatology: Maranatha. And we are to be found working when He comes. Simple.

    • @narrowistheway77
      @narrowistheway77 Před 2 měsíci

      “The harvest is great but the workers are few”…. It’s good to be a worker of the Kingdom, but remember that a lot of struggling Christians who have their faith in Jesus are still going up when Christ comes whereas anyone taking pride in their works for their grace is gonna be stuck here on earth to face the wrath of GOD.

  • @donlourie769
    @donlourie769 Před 2 lety +50

    Years ago I was surrounded by believers in Christ who were hyped about the rapture of the church. Some even had paintings of planes crashing into buildings and cars colliding as people left them. I camped there for a while and then did a study on my own. I reasoned that any teaching of the New Testament and the future must be rooted in Old Testament scripture. I could not find any reference to a rapture or its escape friends in the OT or in early church history. The Church Fathers and Mothers lived in hope of Christ's return without going nuts about when. I quietly put aside the thoughts of a rapture and spent my study and life on knowing Christ and hoping for his return. Thank you for articulating the imbalance of this subject.

    • @chriscuomo9334
      @chriscuomo9334 Před 2 lety +10

      OBJECTION foundation: must first demonstrate that Church matters would be in the OT.
      Here are the answers to your concerns from the Holy Spirit of our almighty God in heaven:
      The church of Jesus isn’t in the OT. Neither is the age of grace or the rapture. That’s bc those matters relate to the church, not the jews. Jews won’t receive grace, they won’t be a part of Jesus’ church, and they won’t be raptured. That’s why they’re not in the OT, the jewish bible. Notice however that Daniel and Zechariah discuss the tribulations of Israel, because the tribulations are for Israel exclusively; conversely, Revelations doesn’t mention the church in Rev4-22 because the tribulations aren’t for the church bc it’ll be raptured.
      HOWEVER the stories of Lot’s escape from S&G, and Noah’s escape of the flood are two OT reflections of the notion of the church escaping the tribulation.
      Also, Zeph 2:3 “Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger. Seek the Lord, all you meek of the earth, Who have upheld His justice. Seek righteousness, seek humility. *It may be that you will be hidden in the day of the Lord’s anger* alludes to the Rapture, but, it addresses “all you meek of the earth,” thus, it does not apply exclusively to Jews.
      Why is it important to learn, discuss and contemplate eschatology? Because God’s bible discusses that period of time more than any other, and, Jesus told us to “repent” for the end is “very soon,” and that there will be signs. God and Jesus wouldn’t have spoken so much about it if we’re supposed to just ignore it.

    • @ingognito369
      @ingognito369 Před 2 lety

      @@chriscuomo9334 czcams.com/video/xwXoMNpOhos/video.html

    • @ingognito369
      @ingognito369 Před 2 lety


    • @adelekeadeyemi881
      @adelekeadeyemi881 Před rokem +3

      If the Lord told THEM that the end (I must add, of what exactly?) was “very soon” and then reiterated that the time-frame for His warning meant THAT generation-His primary audience-would “not pass away” but would witness the events He described concerning that “End”, I suppose it’s really all down to the two-pronged question the Lord Himself once posed: WHAT does the Scripture say on the subject, and HOW do you read it? 🤔

    • @adelekeadeyemi881
      @adelekeadeyemi881 Před rokem +2

      P.S. To “repent” simply means to change your mind about something or Someone ie God and God’s ways of doing things and/or getting them done.

  • @funkysanta9052
    @funkysanta9052 Před 9 měsíci +22

    Missing Dr. Heiser so much. Felt like it was the loss of a beloved family member. I know he is the resting place for the saints but for all of us here on earth, we still miss him a lot. His work has been a blessing.

    • @calthorp
      @calthorp Před 5 měsíci

      I had to stop watching his stuff for a couple of months after he died, As it always made me sad to think he was not going to be able to give us any more. We are so lucky to have the internet, so we can look up all his works that he gave us. His FB group is pretty good too.

  • @guitarilla9823
    @guitarilla9823 Před 2 lety +108

    The Lord used Dr Heiser to open my eyes about what it means to be made in the image of God. It’s not an attribute, it’s a vocation. Thank you for your work..it has definitely helped me become a better imager of Christ.

    • @ashleyriosrizo
      @ashleyriosrizo Před rokem

      Please explain!

    • @Feuerbach1
      @Feuerbach1 Před rokem

      Funny how the the lord prizes some individuals over others, why didn't he make you the one to open people's eyes?

    • @valentinacamacho7198
      @valentinacamacho7198 Před 9 měsíci +1

      ​@@Feuerbach1the Lord prizes yes .. are you right with The Most High?

    • @Feuerbach1
      @Feuerbach1 Před 9 měsíci

      @@valentinacamacho7198 And YOU know what it means to right with lord, and in YOUR infinite hubris and SELF-satisifaction, will go around asking others if they fit YOUR bill of righteousness? I don't care to answer YOUR question, my relationship with the most high is my own... Such smugness from those supposedly in god's graces

    • @valentinacamacho7198
      @valentinacamacho7198 Před 9 měsíci

      @@Feuerbach1 I pray I am in GODs grace everyday. Your profile photo is repulsive. Go away. Get behind me.

  • @oghennylo3
    @oghennylo3 Před 2 lety +21

    Unless you are omniscient...
    That sentence works so well in so many different situations.

  • @alfredo7843
    @alfredo7843 Před 2 lety +26

    I never leave a Michael Heiser talk without being enlightened.

  • @sourclam904
    @sourclam904 Před 2 lety +34

    In my small house church we have postmills, amill, and premill. We love and respect everyone and have fun talking about eschatology. So true...

    • @ReyWho
      @ReyWho Před 2 lety +5

      That's great to hear!

    • @adrianvarela8890
      @adrianvarela8890 Před 2 lety +4

      @@ReyWho where do you live? We meet in homes too. greetings from Argentina!!! 2Tim.4.22

    • @ReyWho
      @ReyWho Před 2 lety +5

      @@adrianvarela8890 new zealand where revival is about to break out. I'm a street preacher seeking to establish home fellowships and unity amongst true brethren in various fellowships.

    • @adrianvarela8890
      @adrianvarela8890 Před 2 lety +3

      @@ReyWho A big hug to my brother in NZ. Ephesians 3:16-17

    • @ReyWho
      @ReyWho Před 2 lety +2

      @@adrianvarela8890 likewise (hugs to you)

  • @encouragingword1172
    @encouragingword1172 Před 2 lety +17

    The late Chuck Missler has the best teachings for eschatology. Eschatology is extremely important. It takes up a large part of the bible. I can fellowship with believers who don’t believe like me but most who disagree with my view cannot keep from saying something about it or calling others names like “Raptards.” Very mature and Christ-like 🙄
    In a different video Dr Heiser also made a comment that he didn’t like to talk about difficult women’s issues, although he has to some degree and l do appreciate that, but he stated it was an issue he just didn’t care about that much. Ive heard other men of God say the exact same thing. Its as if they are saying its no big deal - we’ve lived this way for years and just accepted the fact that women are still second class citizens in the church so why rock the boat now? Just because we have a greater ability to understand Hebrew and Greek and explain a lot of things that would benefit women in the body of Christ, why go in to it and cause a big firestorm? Its just not worth it!
    It really bothers me that people who could actually help clarify some difficult issues just back out completely in order to avoid conflict.
    So, long discussions on the errors of Calvinism are ok but no in-depth work on the way women are treated by the church are worth the battle and neither is eschatology?
    All biblical issues are important but that’s what happens with everything nowadays. This is the same attitude used by preachers who are silent about gender confusion, homosexuality, and many other topics which are addressed in the bible. In their opinion it just causes too much chaos to address them so the issues are not addressed. Peace reigns supreme in the church services and the comments are left open on the videos but the world is on fire.
    The reason the disciples were martyred were because they said things people didn’t want to hear. Jesus beat people about the head and shoulders for defiling the temple. We are not always supposed to chose the path of unruffling feathers. Ive heard that when the Constitution was written there was much shouting and disagreements among the framers, but what a great document and great results and a great country came out of that.
    Some things are worth taking a stand for and not back out completely because of disagreements. Eschatology means knowing about Christ’s soon return and that topic stirs people’s hearts and gives a sense of urgency of where we are now, which is very close to His return. We should look at this event with great anticipation- not a topic to be avoided. What bride does not want to talk about her wedding plans? We are His bride! We should talk about this often!

    • @cuzIjust
      @cuzIjust Před měsícem

      Misser was so wrong on so many things.. Israel, church ages based on Revelation. Glad that God took him before he could see what his Israel a country he worshipped is doing. Don't idolise anyone. Time will prove only how little we know.

  • @j.m.4858
    @j.m.4858 Před 2 lety +39

    I remember watching a presentation you did years ago on eschatology. I was so excited that I might get to hear what you actuality believed to be the correct view. Then you started talking about either being a joiner or a splitter. It opened my eyes to the decisions people have to make to adopt a certain view. It was frustrating. LOL I was grateful for it though... still am. I hope you're doing well. We're all still praying for you over here. Great video as always.

    • @mscottharwell
      @mscottharwell Před 2 lety +3

      It is ... BOTH/AND ...
      The key is inderstanding the "church" is not a new entity that "replaces" Israel
      Nor is the church separate from Israel
      We ARE Israel and this includes Judah AND Ephraim

    • @ScottyNatsar
      @ScottyNatsar Před 2 lety +1

      @@mscottharwell yes, there's so very many issues of mistaken doctrines he sheds light upon.

    • @mscottharwell
      @mscottharwell Před 2 lety

      @@ScottyNatsar Praying Heiser will have ears to hear this
      He is VERY close

    • @samf8887
      @samf8887 Před 2 lety

      @@mscottharwell have you personally reviewed all of Heiser's works on the issue?

    • @stereotype5868
      @stereotype5868 Před rokem +1

      I think full preterist are on point..for the moat part.
      It make sense of the bible.

  • @getx1265
    @getx1265 Před 2 lety +35

    Very good stuff here! Since first reading the Unseen Realm several years ago, I've explored much of what I learned as orthodoxy Christianity and enjoyed learning what you put into a nutshell here is just how it is. Most theologian wannabees have that omniscient thing going on with a severe inability to think there exists an exterior to his box.

    • @baltichammer6162
      @baltichammer6162 Před rokem

      Dean Braxton described it best IMHO. People like to put God into a little box which they can control or understand or what they want. Dean says I made the same mistake. But his extensive NDE showed God exploding those boxes. Those boxes are made by individuals and churches. I don't understand how people cannot grasp the truth that God is so far beyond human brain cells, that putting up fences or walls and thinking this is what God does.
      Great example is the people who deny all varieties of supernatural experiences that only God has the power to do, and these people hide behind the Bible while denouncing an experience....saying...can't happen its not in the Bible. Do they really think God has told us everything about the spiritual realm or about Himself and what His power can do?? To double down these same people have such an arrogant air about them.

    • @cecirimi
      @cecirimi Před měsícem +1

      It took 40 years for someone to answer so many questions I had. Unseen Realm did it for me. I finally understood and felt so much joy afterwards I shared it with my mini group where we discuss and share notes. It made such an impact on me because no one was answering my questions. I wish I had run into Dr. Heiser sooner but things happen in God's right time and my brain was ready for new information that would rock my world. saw the documentary and then bought the book.

  • @incorrigibletexan152
    @incorrigibletexan152 Před 2 lety +95

    As a former Catholic this message really resonated with me. As it came time for me to leave I was constantly told that because I was leaving I couldn’t possibly love God as much as they did. Which is funny, because the whole reason I left is because they quit listening to God in the first place.

    • @jenex5608
      @jenex5608 Před 2 lety +5

      Are u Born Again?

    • @hilaryxko
      @hilaryxko Před 2 lety +8

      I don’t know what was your experience with the Church but as a Catholic revert I wish you will find your way back home ❤️

    • @paynedv
      @paynedv Před 2 lety +4

      Doesn't make sense not to be Catholic. The video unknowingly agrees with Catholic interpretation of the Imago Dei

    • @slavicgypsy5535
      @slavicgypsy5535 Před rokem +2

      ​@@jenex5608 what does that have to do with somebody who was baptized and raised accepting Jesus in the first place as an infant and a child constantly catechized? I see you don't understand Catholicism at all but you might want to read the early church fathers and learn. it is a way of life.

    • @jenex5608
      @jenex5608 Před rokem

      @@slavicgypsy5535 in reading church fathers still didn't answer the question

  • @rogerjamesmusic
    @rogerjamesmusic Před 2 lety +31

    ET prophecy was given for the same reason Messianic prophecy was-So we would anticipate it and also recognize it as it occurs.

    • @tomy8339
      @tomy8339 Před rokem +12

      That is spot on. Otherwise why did Jesus speak so much about it? For people to be aware of it. Hence the lessons of the figtree. When it starts budding, you know the season and fruit begins to appear.

    • @robertbrangan9617
      @robertbrangan9617 Před rokem +8

      Revelation is the only book that has a blessing for those who read and understand what is says. Heiser was a brilliant man but he was wrong about eschatology and it's significance for the modern Church

    • @glennwashington2186
      @glennwashington2186 Před 4 měsíci +1

      According to @robertbrangan9617. Where’s your doctorate from again Robert? Or you just call dead men wrong because they can’t defend their position? lol.

    • @silverbackhayabusa
      @silverbackhayabusa Před 4 měsíci +4

      Spot on. While there is a ton left to speculation, we are commanded to watch for signs ("Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come") which means we are capable of looking for signs unless you believe God ordered you to watch for what you can't watch for.
      I agree that we should not be in the habit of insisting on specific interpretations in those areas where speculation dominates. However, people who have studied parts of the Bible in the past and have come to revelations that were not previously known. At some point God will reveal these speculative areas and neglecting them is not what we are called to do.
      Michael does a disservice to Scripture by prioritizing some parts over others. "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[a] may be complete, equipped for every good work." My personal preference is not to read certain parts of the Bible because they may seem tedious or boring to me but that's not what God has called me to do. If I followed my preferences, I wouldn't be a Christian.

    • @silverbackhayabusa
      @silverbackhayabusa Před 4 měsíci

      @@glennwashington2186 Where in the Bible are we instructed to go get a doctorate? What arrogance and ignorance. Understanding comes from the Holy Spirit, not men.
      Tell me which apostles had doctorates and which accredited universities issued their degrees.
      "I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers, 17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of him..."
      "But, as it is written, “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him”- these things God has revealed to us through the Spirit.
      For the Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God. For who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person, which is in him? So also no one comprehends the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.
      Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual
      The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. The spiritual person judges all things, but is himself to be judged by no one. “For who has understood the mind of the Lord so as to instruct him?” But we have the mind of Christ."
      Cease your folly as a natural person looking to manmade institutions to replace what is given by the Spirit, the understanding of Scripture and God.

  • @jonathansoko1085
    @jonathansoko1085 Před 2 lety +66

    Too many of my friends spend most of their time reading and focusing on and making their entire being about the end times. My aunts and uncles let it drive everything they do, it drives me crazy. I also gotta remind them that America is not the promised land, so many of us treat it like it is and get way too wrapped up in it

    • @rbelf001
      @rbelf001 Před 2 lety

      America is not the Promised Land? Neither was Sodom and Gamorrah .

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 Před 2 lety +5

      I agree. Many of them talk like Americans are the only Christians in the world, lol.

    • @joshuas1834
      @joshuas1834 Před 2 lety +5

      Yeah, my in-laws question whether or not I'm saved because I'm not a dispensationalist. Like Dr Heiser said in his video they tie their end times view to salvation and the gospel.

    • @rbelf001
      @rbelf001 Před 2 lety +5

      @@joshuas1834 That is sad. When did End Times replace the Gospel? Calvin and Luther would not touch Revelation because they felt inadequate. Of course your family members probably don't consider them Christians either.. Pray for them, but don't argue with them.

    • @azurephoenix9546
      @azurephoenix9546 Před 2 lety +2

      I've come across a lot of people who are obsessed with this topic and just being someone who studies the texts, that seems really and truly odd because the main narrative theme of the Biblical texts seems to me to be "trust in God". Okay, assuming I have that concept correct, then why trust God in literally everything else, except this one thing, but instead trust people like Pat Robertson?
      If that guy was right about his assertion ls, the world would have ended 10 times by now.

  • @sthelenskungfu
    @sthelenskungfu Před 2 lety +69

    Having a view of the end times is good. Having THE view of the end times is dangerous.

  • @markthomas36
    @markthomas36 Před 2 lety +20

    Dr H is an absolute legend. His knowledge and viewpoint is amazing. I wish that I understood a tenth of the Bible and eschatology that he does. Thank you for your efforts Dr H, I hope that you are feeling better. Mark the sheep from Oz 🇦🇺

    • @joonasmakinen4807
      @joonasmakinen4807 Před rokem

      Dr H is a faithful servant, but only Jesus is an absolute legend, and the source of his knowledge and viewpoints! Why are you idolizing him and not worshipping Father God’s WISDOM instead? This is the Body of Christ that we truly need each other!

    • @Janna773
      @Janna773 Před rokem +1

      I understand your language Mark. I’m from Oz too. My family and I very much appreciate the work of Dr Heiser, he has left a very significant legacy in the Christian community around the world. 🌏🇦🇺

    • @markthomas36
      @markthomas36 Před rokem +2

      @@joonasmakinen4807 I see how it might come across as worship, but I’m a Aussie mate, and absolute legend is a figure of speech used for someone deeply respected, not worshiped, but definitely a fair comment .

  • @erikawoods8975
    @erikawoods8975 Před rokem +16

    I love it, thank you doc. I’m so sick of peoples speculations and completely dismissing the gospel and importance of repentance and living for the Lord.

    • @katel7309
      @katel7309 Před rokem +2

      I think the point is being missed. God put the book of revelation in the bible for a reason
      It was to edify give hope/ and & reveal knowledge. ( It was written in the time of great persecution of Christians too).
      As Christians we should be desiring the return of Christ.
      The gospel has everything to do with it, because by having knowledge of the future events it should inspire us to be witnesses/ see the gospel preached and for Christians to live a Holy life before God.

    • @jeffreybomba
      @jeffreybomba Před rokem +1

      @@katel7309 The common characteristics found in Heb 11 is that the promise of another kingdom motivated them to live their lives according to His ways instead of ours.

    • @RUT812
      @RUT812 Před rokem

      They aren’t completely dismissing the Word of God in their End Times. The problem, like Dr. Heiser articulates quite clearly, is when people take adamant about it when it’s deliberately ambiguous.
      We need to read God’s Word, obey what He says, and be ready to go to Heaven whenever it’s our time to go.

  • @CC-mb8fi
    @CC-mb8fi Před 2 lety +13

    Just today, i was continuing listening to teaching 8,9 and 10 of you "chaos...." lectures.
    And i was drinking it in.
    I am in my my mid 60's, got saved out the occult in '83 where i was never raised or taught anything about the Bible or salvation (obviously ) and had a radical turn around. I then went to Bible school and mission school 84/85. And lapped it up like a hungry sponge. 37 years later that still has not changed.
    I understand the spirit realm a lot better than most that were not into the dark side of the spirit realm.
    But, mine is mostly experiential and yours is research. And marrying the two together i have "WOW" moments that explode like laser white light in my mind and heart. Others say they dont get it, and i am doing a crazy jig......
    You put together the ancient stuff of history and Biblical knowledge together so well that it re-orientates some thinking of doctrines and ideas and beliefs. And for that i am eternally grateful.
    I too, have moved on from the arguing stage. I figured out 20 odd years ago GOD is big enough to defend HIMSELF and i just do a poor job of it.
    I enjoy debate where all can say what they think or believe without hitting anyone over the head for not believing as they do. And that promotes thought and further study.
    And you dr Mike, do that to me often.
    I refuse to argue because, like you say, thats what they believe and nothing one says is going to change their mind.
    I dont care if i am wrong, all i want to be totally certain about is that wherever JESUS is going to be for eternity, that i am THERE.
    The rest is nice to know but at that point it doesnt matter..... the "depart from ME ye who do wickedness, I Never Knew You..." does not ride well with me. Prefer the "....enter thou into the joy of the LORD...." part much better.
    Thanks dr Mike
    Keep on keeping on
    Heads up
    Eyes open
    No fear

    • @sparky3006
      @sparky3006 Před 2 lety

      Pucks in deep .

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 Před 2 lety +2

      I believe you are blessed by God, CC. I agree. Salvation is based on whether we believe with our hearts that Jesus was the One God sent to save us.
      Born to a virgin, fulfilled the Law of Commandments, fulfilled prophesies concerning His coming, shed His innocent blood on a cross, entombed, came out of the tomb alive, went up to be glorified, and came back down to be a witness to the living, walked among the living for a short while, then ascended back to Heaven.
      Everything after that is walking out our own salvation in fear and trembling. When you believe this, you are given the gift of Eternal Life. And what convinced us to believe was the fact that the Holy Spirit showed up in your dead life and revealed to you the Truth that's found in Jesus, and you come alive to Him. God consciousness.
      Along the way we will begin to act more and more similar to one another on the same path, and we will all be transforming into the image of Christ. But we have all put on His righteousness from the beginning because we have none on our own. Hallelujah!!!!! He washed us all with the same holy blood. We will all go to heaven when this life is over.
      If you don't have the Spirit of God abiding in you, you can't talk the talk or walk the walk, because you won't be able to hear or see clearly the things of God. It's by our spirits that we hear Him and see Him, the Truth, the Way, and the Life. Hallelujah!!!! We are loved and blessed more than we can imagine, amen!!!
      Trust in Him people and believe in His promise of the Holy Spirit to teach us all the truth, to guide us, comfort us, and show us things to come, praise God. We don't do this by our strength even. The joy of the Lord is our strength. He did what He did with Joy. His Joy comes from knowing God is glorified and we will be called the Children of God, His brothers and sisters, amen. He gets all the glory, amen!!!! My spirit is jumping up and down right now, lol.
      He is so good, how can you not love Him, lol. You just have to get to know Him to find out what He's really about!!! Intimate. One on one. Set apart by Him. Praise God!! I think I'm having Church, praise God. Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him!!! Lift Him up, not yourself, not your spiritual guru. Just Him, amen!!!
      With love, Sandy

    • @CC-mb8fi
      @CC-mb8fi Před 2 lety +3

      @@sandragambrel9721 thank you for that
      I went into the highways and by ways and preached
      Street ministry in its raw form
      One on one with drunks, druggies, dregs and occultists in our society.
      And in my mid 60's i still do it today. One on one.
      I have been slapped, threatened with firearms, had knives pulled on me and 3 weeks ago an attempted murder on my life at my front door.
      But theres no fear. I have seen dramatic conversions where a paraletic drunk threw himself down in the dusty street and wept in the street, crying out for mercy, and repenting for trampling the blood of JESUS underfoot.
      When he got up there his face was full of mud, and stone cold sober. He looked at me and said: i must go home to my family and tell them what has happened to me. He was staggering when he met me in the street, now he walked upright and with a purpose, stone cold sober.
      One night sitting on the edge of the bed praying ( us oldies with too many broken bones dont kneel so well anymore) and i heard clearly : go outside. I got up and went out onto our dark porch. I stood at the security gate onto the street praying, what is wrong, why am i here.
      Out of the shadows, a young farm worker came to my porch calling, uncle, uncle softly. He had a white baseball cap on.
      I spoke and asked : i am here what can i do for you.
      "Have you got a bible for me?
      Yes i have. Can you wait and i will get one inside.
      I went and got a pocket bible and gave it to him.
      He said "i have repented and accepted Jesus, uncle. Your words from the other day hammered in my head and made me that i could not breathe, like a big weight on my chest. But now i am free, and i want to read the Word. I need the bread of life."
      I asked him if he needed anything and told me no, he got a labour job on a farm and was leaving in the morning, but he needs the Bible, his bread of life. We prayed and he disappeared into the dark.
      Strange, the previous week i was in the small town next to us to get some veg we dont have here. My wife and i went into a cancer support shop and i found a stack of Bibles on the floor. Second hand pocket bibles. I asked the lady how much they were, and she said 5 (of my currency)each. I took all 20 with my last 100 i was going to buy veg.
      The following week it fed a young man. I had bought a rod and he was learning to fish!!!
      If by any, and all means, i can pluck one out the flames.....
      Go into all the world and preach the gospel....
      The drunks, druggies, occultists and dregs of society. JESUS died for them all.
      Lest even 1 drop of HIS precious blood be wasted, one by one.....even when a druggie satanist comes to stab me on my own porch, i will fear no evil....

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 Před 2 lety +2

      @@CC-mb8fi I pray our heavenly Father will grant you a safe and long life to carry the good news concerning Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, to the lost and dying world. May you walk in love, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, till the work He gives you is done, and He calls you home, amen. Thank you Jesus. We praise your Holy Name and lift you high. Lord, so everyone can see the truth that is in You, amen!!!
      Keep on keeping on with Jesus, CC!!!
      With love, Sandy

  • @elizabethkendall5125
    @elizabethkendall5125 Před 2 lety +11

    This Sunday, my husband is going to open a can of worms by playing some Heiser videos from the pulpit of our church. Can't wait for the rousing discussions that this should elicit. Our senior pastor (John Heiss) has long encouraged everyone to read Dr. Heiser's books. Only my husband and I have ever gotten around to do so over the past 4 years. This is going to be lots of fun to introduce everyone to some study topics they haven't considered before.

    • @SEVEN-7-
      @SEVEN-7- Před 2 lety

      I feel sorry for your church, Heiser is an apostate teacher, Heiser is clueless on the spiritual realm and horrible with Psalm 82. Heiser is more anti-Christ than Christ like.

    • @misterpeabody3373
      @misterpeabody3373 Před rokem +1

      How did it go?

  • @therockstar17
    @therockstar17 Před 2 lety +7

    I’m thankful for coming out the other end of being raised basically some type of free will, probably dispensation, & premil pretrib, not knowing about any other view, discovering calvinism, covenant theology, and other eschatologies, having mini-panics, learning about them, all while learning apologetics and historical Christianity, and finally now having peace with knowing why denominations exist and that we all believe the gospel like the early church but we can have conversations on these things like eschatology and not get into fights or freak out, admitting we disagree or could be wrong, but our security is in the gospel! For example my southern Baptist pastor is Amillenial (idealist) but my Sunday school teacher is premil! (futurist) and I’m totally at peace with it and it causes no contradictions because we all believe the Bible, the gospel, and the second coming. And now I’m totally open and comfortable to changing my views

  • @kc-bh3ly
    @kc-bh3ly Před 2 lety +28

    When I first became a Christian, I was a premill because I didnt realize that there was any other way to think! as I started delving into scripture I started having serious doubts about it and have since changed my view to be more post mill. having said all of that, it has been my experience that every premill person that I tell that to, looks at me like Ive grown a second head!! Ive even been referred to as a heretic! and they are OBSESSED with 'end times' It just seems to me that its all they talk about. Im trying very hard to see how a persons view on eschatology does NOT effect the way they view scripture. A premillennial person sees many verses in the Bible as pointing to their view and I look at the same verse and see something else!! We may both be wrong but we cant both be right!

    • @sandragambrel9721
      @sandragambrel9721 Před 2 lety +8

      Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees. I think that's why we have to view it from God's perspective, not ours. I thank God for the Holy Spirit. He teaches me things I need to know, and He does the same for each of us if we don't walk by the flesh. It's a personal walk with Him and He will show you the truth about yourself, the Word, and the enemy, amen!!! IMO, of course, lol.

    • @Matt24_
      @Matt24_ Před 2 lety +2

      @@sandragambrel9721 Well said. Amen.

    • @Bob-wr1md
      @Bob-wr1md Před rokem +4

      Funny thing is actually I used to have the exact different experience: post-mills telling pre-mill is heretic and unbiblical.
      I was always confused why such an unimportant view would make people denounce your faith and call out heresy.

    • @kelslo74
      @kelslo74 Před rokem +11

      I tend to hold the view that there will be a literal thousand year reign of Christ here on earth. If you disagree, that's ok. Could I be wrong? Absolutely. But fighting over it produces zero fruit and we both end up looking like hypocrites to the unbelieving world.

    • @princeofpeaceproductions3506
      @princeofpeaceproductions3506 Před rokem +1

      Very simple-it all boils down to literal vs allegorical approach of interpretation…. You like allegory …which basically leaves the interpretation up to the individual

  • @isaiasherrero7889
    @isaiasherrero7889 Před 2 lety +9

    I’ve been studying a lot with this guy. Helps me a lot.

  • @RaisingRoosters123
    @RaisingRoosters123 Před 2 lety +39

    The book of Revelation is the only book with a blessing for those that read it! Eschatology seems frustrating because most modern eschatology is void of any church history or context. Use scripture to interpret scripture and study all the interpretations (dispensationalism, historicism, preterism and idealism) of eschatology and let the Holy Spirit lead :)

    • @temporaryaccount5307
      @temporaryaccount5307 Před 2 lety +5

      Isn’t it only a blessing if u read it AND follow the instructions? Seems most ppl forget the AND.

    • @johnforkner
      @johnforkner Před 2 lety +18

      It’s easy for folks to get obsessed with figuring out End Times and forget about walking with the Lord.

    • @mbwatson1000
      @mbwatson1000 Před 2 lety +11

      I find it sad that people get so caught up with trying to formulate eschatology from Revelation, as if that were the main thing it teaches. I think a much more important thing is this: God Wins! For all the Unseen Realm stuff that Dr Michael Heiser has wonderfully opened up for us, God Wins! Above all those spiritual beings, all the complexity of the heavenly host, the powers and authorities, rulers and dominions - you name it - God wins! Over all the lies and accusations - God Wins!

    • @Jaynene_rainey
      @Jaynene_rainey Před 2 lety +2

      @@temporaryaccount5307 what instructions?

    • @nelsonleemiller
      @nelsonleemiller Před 2 lety +1

      @@mbwatson1000 I love this comment, been thinking the same thing lately about this stuff.

  • @kaylenehousego8929
    @kaylenehousego8929 Před 2 lety +3

    Your integrity takes my breath away Michael. Love n blessings from Sydney Australia.

  • @veebeeTV
    @veebeeTV Před rokem +6

    Thank you Michael , I needed to hear this message .. have to plead guilty here .. this video convicted me deeply .. helped me see the error rof my ways

  • @genegill3939
    @genegill3939 Před 2 lety +5

    I love the way your mind works Mike. Always true to the text.
    Your videos have taught me a lot!

  • @keithcampbell7820
    @keithcampbell7820 Před 2 lety +5

    There are two witnesses, Truth and Love. Dr Heiser speaks both.
    God Bless.

  • @AidenRKrone
    @AidenRKrone Před 9 měsíci +4

    Eschatology is one of the most complicated branches of Christian theology. I recently started getting back into it after a long hiatus, and I can say that I definitely understand more of it now than I did back then, but it's still the area of theology that I struggle the most with. I agree with Dr. Heiser when he says that too many people let their eschatological views infiltrate the Gospel. The Gospel should always come first.

    • @robmoore8393
      @robmoore8393 Před 9 měsíci +1

      Salvation Sanctification Glorification
      The gospel includes all 3

    • @robmoore8393
      @robmoore8393 Před 9 měsíci

      I commend you for continuing to study a significant portion of the scriptures.
      I agree, it is difficult, however it's much more understandable if an allegorical hermeneutic is 'left behind'. 😂 As with other pieces of literature onto which we don't overway a presupposed interpretive method.
      ... e.g. progressive parallelism recapitulationismismism... 😅
      Read some of the many books by Mark Hitchcock, Thomas Ice, and especially early church fathers /semitic scholar Kenneth Johnson,;
      they provide many answers and much clarification for those who don't take time to study eschatology deeply and therefore think it is too confusing to do so.
      Some conclude...
      " here is a subject, that I decided before thoroughly studying it,
      is so confusing and not understandable that I won't take time to study it because I've already decided it's so confusing and not understandable. "

    • @JR-rs5qs
      @JR-rs5qs Před 2 měsíci

      The Gospel is not just about personal salvation. It's the Gospel of The KINGDOM, not the Gospel of my sweet little heart. The Gospel is also inherently eschatological. Just because the study of eschatology is hard doesn't mean one shouldn't be zealous about it, especially the aspects of it that encourage faith and confidence in God's victory in time and space and a wholehearted work ethic for the growth of the Kingdom.

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 Před měsícem

      "The testimony of Jesus Christ is the spirit of prophecy". The only way eschatology makes sense in a cohesive way is if you start in the right place...with the person and work of Jesus Christ! Because prophetic scriptures take up approximately one third of the Bible, we are NOT to throw up our hands and walk away from it. From listening to a variety of perspectives on the topic of the rapture and the Tribulation, I have a good Biblical framework for understanding the basics...one that can withstand scrutiny.

  • @josephweisberg835
    @josephweisberg835 Před 2 lety +6

    A whole 358 likes turned to 359 by myself. Funny stuff because I know we all been wondering how the heck are some people impacted to the point of silliness by the very Book that is supposed to ground people in truth. This touched my heart and made me laugh out loud.

  • @kimcarriveau8266
    @kimcarriveau8266 Před rokem +1

    Excellent answers Dr. Heiser..That's why I listen to you!!!

  • @DRMSH
    @DRMSH  Před 2 lety +15

    Vean también este video con Subtítulos en Español en nuestro canal de habla hispana

    • @davidgonzales4746
      @davidgonzales4746 Před 2 lety +1

      Thank you Dr. Heiser for your work. You are a blessing to the body of Christ.

    • @tyh3120
      @tyh3120 Před 2 lety

      The Times of the Gentiles ( Rome ) is over before our own eyes. This Pope is the last one. Rome will fall like Constantinople, like Jerusalem.

    • @mrvax2
      @mrvax2 Před 2 lety +2

      I pray that your health is dramatically better! I sure hope so. I never hear either way.

    • @floridaman318
      @floridaman318 Před rokem

      "en nuestra Canal por Hispanos"
      "De Habla hispana" is kinda weird.

  • @donburrow6684
    @donburrow6684 Před 2 lety +3

    Oh man what does God require of you but to do justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Sometimes it's the fire that refines us. I love your honesty, keep it up, we need the fire. May God richly bless you.

  • @TheThunderlake
    @TheThunderlake Před 2 lety +4

    Thank you so much for speaking the truth! You are what I have been thinking for years.

  • @ringforthrev
    @ringforthrev Před 2 lety +1

    This is priceless, I'm so glad I listened...very sound approach

  • @TommyNitro
    @TommyNitro Před 2 měsíci +1

    I agree with what he says here about people's view on the end times. I see so many people do the "if you were truly saved you'd believe such and such about the end times".

  • @rep3e4
    @rep3e4 Před rokem +4

    Awesome stuff, everyone needs to listen to this

  • @OligosFew
    @OligosFew Před 2 lety +4

    When I read the title, I saw it as a question and I answered ahead of watching and the answer that popped in my head is because Heiser is smart.

  • @mariannedippenaar8488
    @mariannedippenaar8488 Před 2 lety

    Thank you soooo much. May y b blessed more than ever and with health also

  • @damo780
    @damo780 Před rokem +1

    RIP Dr Heiser.
    Beautiful reflections 🙏

  • @hpmetabolics7558
    @hpmetabolics7558 Před rokem +2

    R.I.P. Dr. Heiser.... we will see you again🙏🙏🙏

  • @roybatty2544
    @roybatty2544 Před rokem +2

    Dr Michael Heiser is the Best Biblical Scholar & Teacher I've Ever Heard. Please Keep These Videos Going. Praise God for Dr Heiser's videos. Thank you brethren..

  • @stephenbarningham330
    @stephenbarningham330 Před 11 měsíci +3


    • @willielee5253
      @willielee5253 Před 9 měsíci +1

      😂😂😂 Me too, best to nod my head more often and speak less of what I think or believe. 😢😮😊

    • @Siameezkattwo
      @Siameezkattwo Před 7 měsíci +2

      Amen, SAME!

  • @exploringbiblicalendtimes779

    I like your honesty. I have been working on trying to understand the end times. It is fun and we might as well give it a bash as there is nothing to lose. I understand where you are coming from. That is why I called my ebook exploring biblical end times because I see it as an exploration other than a complete solving of it. I won't say I am correct because there are lots of people who think they are correct. So in a sense we should call it end times theory in a way but not make too bolder claims of "having it figured out"

  • @HonkyKong88109
    @HonkyKong88109 Před rokem +3

    I love this guy so much. I use him in my homeschooling classes for my four year old. My son loves him and even says Ich liebe Mike on his own. I never met him in person but Mike is a long time teacher in my house and I can't wait to hug him in glory give praise to YHWH for Dr Mike watered but God gave the increase.

  • @robmoore8393
    @robmoore8393 Před 9 měsíci +3

    "This is why I like dis-like soteriology, ecclesiology, pneumatology, systematic and biblical theology... because there is so much left to speculation"
    that's why there are so many denominations and differing views on every point of doctrine. Ergo we should not study theology either.

  • @66GraceWalker
    @66GraceWalker Před 2 lety +4

    Man oh man, Dr. Mike summed up my thoughts almost to a complete Tee! Eschatology is very subjective 💯 and over the years I see that that fact becomes more and more true!

  • @cherylparra5629
    @cherylparra5629 Před 7 měsíci +3

    Mike Heiser change how I read the bible. I miss his podcast and his voice. I have to come back and watch old videos the enjoy this his knowledge and grace.

  • @craigtaylor5378
    @craigtaylor5378 Před 2 lety +6

    Most churches today wouldn’t let Jesus Himself preach if he were to show up so ,,,, Moody and Surgeon don’t stand a chance.

    • @mbwatson1000
      @mbwatson1000 Před 2 lety +1

      There are a lot of churches these days that bar Jesus at the front gate, let alone the door. And as for the Holy Spirit....

  • @dungeoneering1974
    @dungeoneering1974 Před 2 měsíci +1

    The greatest biblical scholar of our time. Your work lives on, thank you for all you did. Rest In Peace Dr. Heiser.

  • @goblintown
    @goblintown Před 2 lety

    Good stuff Doc.

  • @TheConservatino
    @TheConservatino Před 2 lety +4

    Thank you, couldn't agree more.

  • @randyrhodes3934
    @randyrhodes3934 Před 2 měsíci

    As a former pastor. I struggled with Eschatology for the many reasons you stated. I always taught from scripture the possible views and then said pick one and learn all you can. Be fluid as God leads you in your growth. I can’t tell you the number of times folks would say that they just wanted me to pick one. I shared my view and reasons but never taught this is THE one. I eventually just gave up and walked away.

  • @Miroslaw-rs8ip
    @Miroslaw-rs8ip Před 8 měsíci +1

    I agree with Dr. Heiser’s perspective, I studied the Bible for decades and went to seminary myself and the more I learned the more I realized how little I actually knew. Eschatology is like a million pieces jigsaw puzzle and just when you think you see the big picture some of the missing pieces just don’t fit to give you the exact picture that you’re thinking of.

  • @kvelez
    @kvelez Před 2 lety +1

    Great video.
    Thank you, I needed that.

  • @richardmason7840
    @richardmason7840 Před 2 lety +2

    Good talk Mike. Keep up the Good News Work. Above all Enjoy YAH !

  • @adamcarpenter1869
    @adamcarpenter1869 Před rokem +6

    I love eschatology!

  • @mariejones3913
    @mariejones3913 Před 9 měsíci +2

    There is an extra CROWN for WATCHING! I plan on receiving it!

  • @betawithbrett7068
    @betawithbrett7068 Před rokem

    Very thought provoking... amen, mutual, fraternal charity in discussions and patience, being careful to NOT exclude simply because of lack of cerebral agreement on some "doctrine" or view of some scriptures when someone's life clearly shows they love the Lord.

  • @amvangorp
    @amvangorp Před 2 lety +4

    If I knew nothing else about Dr. Heiser, the fact that he has a bottle of Diet Mt. Dew on the lectern is more than enough to recommend his teaching! Anyone with that level of discernment in soda is wise beyond all understanding (he says as he chugs a can of Diet Mt. Dew...).

    • @sparky3006
      @sparky3006 Před 2 lety

      Ew yucky dude lol

    • @mcgeorgerl
      @mcgeorgerl Před rokem

      When I was a young Christian about 45 years ago, my eschatology came mostly from Larkin and Ruckman. I drank regular Pepsi out of big glass bottles and was forever looking for a bottle opener. My views of eschatology have changed so much, especially in the last 5 years. I don't drink regular Pepsi either. I pretty much drink whatever diet soda (Or 'pop' as we say in Cincinnati) is on sale at Kroger. Except Mountain Dew. That stuff is an abomination. Straight from the depths of Hell. I really am quite certain about that.

    • @juliusarnold2844
      @juliusarnold2844 Před 2 měsíci


  • @intentionally-blank
    @intentionally-blank Před rokem +1

    Once again our dear brother Dr. Heiser imparts practical wisdom on this topic. You are sorely missed. Even so, come, King Yahushua.

  • @truthequalsfreedom7
    @truthequalsfreedom7 Před 2 měsíci +2

    It’s no secret that eschatology was Heiser’s biggest weakness. Never saw this video til now - now I understand why! Many a time I have listened to his brilliant lectures and just scratched my head at how he could completely overlook the eschatological dimensions of every word in scripture as type and shadow of not only Christ but the full consummation and Judgment in the 1st century, as the Lord Himself promised in plain language. I suppose the lesson here is that when you are as thorough as the good doctor was, you can strain out the gnats but still swallow a camel completely unstudied!

    • @markanthony3275
      @markanthony3275 Před měsícem +1

      Yeah...I have to agree. And I have to admit that I have weaknesses in my understanding also. But I'm confident that I have a Biblical understanding of the main eschatological events. For example, just recently, God directed my thoughts to the book of Zechariah, which is the O.T. version of Revelation except it's ALL about Israel. And I read this...
      "In the whole land" declares the Lord, two thirds will be struck down and perish ;yet one third will be left in it. This third I will bring into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold."
      And immediately God directed my thoughts to Mathew ch 24 where Jesus said "Unless those days had been shortened , not even the elect would survive." This one third of Israel mentioned in Zechariah was the "elect" that Jesus was talking about in Math. 24. And this reinforces the understanding that Mathew ch 24, by the many "jewish only" references like the abomination of desolation, the temple, the sabbath, the rooftops, the Judean countryside, the elect and perhaps even the fig tree...was about ISRAEL and NOT the Church. Right away, this clears up a lot of faulty understandings. This is but one of many things God showed me...and I'm sure many other people also. I could have never figured this out on my own I assure you of that!

    • @dondgc2298
      @dondgc2298 Před 4 dny

      I have no idea what you’re talking about claiming that eschatology was “one of his major weaknesses.” Where did you come up with that idea? He spoke and lectured extensively on eschatology and was more fluent on the strengths and weaknesses of ALL the possible viewpoints than anyone else I’ve listened to.

  • @josedopwell9645
    @josedopwell9645 Před 2 lety

    Reasonable and very well said. There are a lot of things in the bible that make me go "Hmmm..." Better to say "I honestly don't know," than to confidently assert that I do know to the alienation of others. God may have kept things vague to test if we'd choose being loving over insisting on our own view. Love does not insist on it's own way. Sometimes I read bible commentaries in hopes of straightening out my views on certain subjects but even learned experts disagree on things --- especially with regard to last days issues!!

  • @loisthiessen9134
    @loisthiessen9134 Před rokem +3

    thank you, Dr. Heiser for saying things exactly as they are with such humility and grace. You're a treasure to the Body of Christ. Absolutely no doubt about it. I listed to your videos with expectation and delight

  • @GordonGartrell27
    @GordonGartrell27 Před 2 měsíci +2

    There is some wisdom in Dr. Heiser’s words. The irony, though, is Dr. Heiser teaches as though the “watchers” view is on every page of the Bible. It definitely isn’t. It’s as cryptic as anything in eschatology.

  • @allisonloukanis1928
    @allisonloukanis1928 Před 2 lety

    Very true. Your talk bears reflection.

  • @evelynbarton6349
    @evelynbarton6349 Před 3 měsíci

    What an authentic, blessed Man❤

  • @xBurzurkurx
    @xBurzurkurx Před rokem +1

    God bless Dr. Heiser to you and your family.

  • @infjjedi3335
    @infjjedi3335 Před 5 měsíci +2

    I miss him. ❤😢

  • @tinaf600
    @tinaf600 Před 2 lety +1

    God bless you ✝️ still praying for you and your family ♥️

  • @megamatt1915
    @megamatt1915 Před 2 lety

    love ya dr. mike!

  • @Bane_questionmark
    @Bane_questionmark Před 2 lety +1

    If the ambiguity and ultimate mystery is acknowledged, discussing eschatology can be very enjoyable compared to other issues. It's pleasant and interesting to engage with other viewpoints. In contrast, speaking with someone who disagrees on an issue Scripture is exceedingly clear on is very frustrating, it can feel like you're talking to a wall and also acts as a temptation to think very low thoughts to the point of sin about the person you're speaking with.

  • @stanforddickson6349
    @stanforddickson6349 Před rokem

    Miss you already Dr Heiser

  • @JamesKimSynergize
    @JamesKimSynergize Před 2 lety +5

    What? No Moltmann, Theology of Hope? I've always thought it was seriously overrated, tbh. But I get what you are saying. I've met too many American Christians who think Revelation was written for 21st Century America.

  • @mikefinley4367
    @mikefinley4367 Před rokem

    A video needd for the world and well said, thanks.

  • @robertw1719
    @robertw1719 Před 2 lety +3

    All good points!
    I have my own eschatological views that I hold, but I would never determine a Christian's salvation or relationship with Jesus based on their end-times belief structure.

  • @utubeskreename9516
    @utubeskreename9516 Před rokem +2

    I have been around Christians from many different denominations. In spite of disagreements, my primary concern has been that they acknowledge the basic tenets of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (including His Deity) and does their HEART seem to be for the Lord. The other stuff can be chalked up to muddied waters due to our own falleness and weaknesses and acknowledged that we are ALL still works in progress, by God's Grace.

  • @anisaskcirmoht57
    @anisaskcirmoht57 Před rokem +1

    Rest Easy Dr. Heiser

  • @markrood8760
    @markrood8760 Před 2 lety +14

    But doesn't one's eschatology shape or influence their hermeneutic?
    What would you say about Beale's New Testament Biblical Theology? Is a thematic approach a viable alternative to systematic Theology rooted in eschatology?
    Hard to approach the bible without an eschatology.

    • @ericfisher1360
      @ericfisher1360 Před 2 lety +3

      You have the two in the wrong place. Your hermeneutic should guide you to your eschatology, not the other way around.
      Hermeneutics is the practices used to understand your Bible.
      How can you understand the eschatology presented in the text if you dont know how to read the text?

  • @timoloef
    @timoloef Před rokem

    thank you very much

  • @discernment2023
    @discernment2023 Před 2 lety +2

    May God bless you. I THANK YOU SO MUCH. You have been a HUGE blessing for me, on my search for answers, concerning faith and the HOLY BIBLE. I feel Jesus led me to your videos and podcasts and I thank God for you. I pray that you feel better soon.

  • @StacieHaneline
    @StacieHaneline Před 5 měsíci

    Dr. Heiser is absolutely right! We should learn about what others believe, even if we don't agree with them. The reason that I am able to rebut the teachings of Islam is that I have studied the Quran and the Hadith.

  • @DorothyDanso-lt2ez
    @DorothyDanso-lt2ez Před 10 měsíci +1

    Live Forever, Dr. Michael Heiser🙏 🎉🙏🎉🙏🎉

  • @jeffreywelch7481
    @jeffreywelch7481 Před rokem

    Waiting for the shout 🙏

  • @johncounsell3917
    @johncounsell3917 Před 2 lety +3

    The most brilliant, objective, wise discussion on Biblical Prophecy I have EVER heard!! ...and I've been pastoring 41 years!!

    • @adrianvarela8890
      @adrianvarela8890 Před 2 lety

      I would not say the most but a very good... just my humble opinion

  • @lookup7055
    @lookup7055 Před rokem

    Thank you.

  • @73tatu
    @73tatu Před 2 lety


  • @risingstorm1
    @risingstorm1 Před rokem

    Thank you…🙏🏼

  • @angelbarr4856
    @angelbarr4856 Před 2 lety +1

    Very good

  • @God_is_in_the_details
    @God_is_in_the_details Před 2 měsíci +1

    On the one hand, what Dr. Heiser instructs against the spirit of schism is perfect. On the other hand, we must keep in mind that virtually ALL of Scripture is either prophetic at face value or, minimally, ontologically prophetic (the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy). Bottom line: we must not just throw up our hands and say "oh well, it's a prophecy and it can never be satisfactorily understood, and it will cause division anyway--draw the curtains and move along." No, prophetic Scripture is there for a reason: to study it, to seek His revelation, just as we would any other Scripture which is, ostensibly, not prophetic.
    We can study and seek and increase understanding without shying away AND without condemning one another.

  • @arthurbrugge2457
    @arthurbrugge2457 Před rokem

    This is a very good and thoughtful position.

  • @fernandoalarcon8534
    @fernandoalarcon8534 Před rokem +1

    Rest in peace Dr. Heiser.

  • @Marmeeseven
    @Marmeeseven Před rokem

    So, so good.

  • @BoldFollower
    @BoldFollower Před rokem +1

    So many people CANNOT separate doctrine from scripture. You are so right. I know I am probably sitting on some theologies and try to stay humble to be aware of it if God reveals... how many people say "its not doctrine" its "not interpretation"... oy vey. The issue is it affects their relationship with God, once you say "God always.." or "I figured it out" then... why communicate with God about that topic anymore? You already know so there is no point.

  • @Mr1gladiatore
    @Mr1gladiatore Před 3 měsíci +1

    Yes, I heard of believers who think if you're not a dispensationalist then you're not saved. Ask them to produce a verse to support that and of course they can't because it doesn't exist except in their own minds. Throughout church history there have been about 5 major views on the end times. Preterism, Historic Premillennialism, Amillennialism, Post Millennialism, and Dispensationalism. All can't be right but they can all certainly be wrong. This is why I'm a Panmillennialist - in the end, it will all pan out.

    • @mountainmover777
      @mountainmover777 Před 3 měsíci

      Lol, Mike Warnke used to talk about panmillinialism back in the day. It's a great identifier!

  • @mikemathewson1825
    @mikemathewson1825 Před 2 lety +1

    I have a sudden hankering for Mountain Dew, for some reason ...!

  • @Myrdden71
    @Myrdden71 Před 4 měsíci

    I agree. While I am interested in eschatology, I do not study it nor try to figure it all out. There's still so much in my own life that I need to get right with just loving my neighbor as myself and loving God with everything I have.

  • @terryprockiw3831
    @terryprockiw3831 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Unfortunately, eschatology is where the cults are born and thrive. They supplant the simplicity of the Gospel with their particular end times doctrine. And ultimately, though they rarely have the courage to admit it to your face when pressed (but if you read what their "prophets said it is clear"), you have to subscribe to their eschatology to be saved. I love what Paul said to the crazy Corinithians - "I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Christ and Him crucified."