Into the Wild Chapter 9 Summary

  • čas přidán 18. 01. 2021
  • Here's chapter 9!
    Chapter 9
    Davis creek is a trickle of water most the year near Lake Powell in Utah. It flows through Davis Gulch and in the cliff walls are buildings and pictographs from the Anasazi. In the 1930s, Everett Ruess carved his pen name into the rock “Nemo 1934” just like McCandless carved his name “Alexander Supertramp/May 1992” into the bus. Ruess left Davis Gulch in 1934 and disappeared into the surrounding desert never to be found again.
    Ruess was born in Oakland, California in 1914. His father worked in the prison system and his mother published a literary journal. The family moved all over the country and finally landed in southern California when he was 14. During high school at Hollywood High, he trekked through Yosemite and Big Sur, and found his way to the photographer Edward Watson, who he stayed with for two months in his studio learning different arts.
    He went back to Hollywood High and graduated high school, only to leave again and travel through Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. He tried UCLA but dropped out, stayed sometime with his parents in San Fransisco, and got to meet Ansel Adams, Dorothea Lange, and Maynard Dixon. After which he spent the rest of his life living out of his backpack on very little money.
    He would go days without food, and travelled through much of the American south west. In one of his letters he writes: “I shall always be a lone wanderer of the wilderness.” And “The beauty of this country is becoming part of me.”
    Krakauer points out how much McCandless sounds like Ruess. Ruess even changed his name to Lan Rameau and then later to Everett Rulan before going back to his original name. In 1934, he went into Davis Gulch and started calling himself Nemo, Latin for “nobody,” and then vanished at 20 years old.
    Ruess was last heard from in a letter he sent from Escalante, a Mormon settlement. After that he stayed with some sheep herders for two nights. They were the last people to see him alive. After his parents received a bunch of returned mail, they contacted t the authorities in Escalante, who went searching. They found Ruess’ two burros, and later his camp. They also found his graffiti marks (they have long since disappeared since a dam was built). It’s believed that Ruess fell to his death during a climb in the canyon. Another theory, mainly because none of his possessions or a body was ever found, was that he was killed by a group of cattle rustlers in the area; but no evidence exists for this either.
    Ruess’ father, believes he got the name Nemo from Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne, a favorite of Ruess’. This leads to another theory, that Ruess managed to ditch his identity and disappear. There are even some people who say they bumped into people that knew him in the 60s and that he was living on a Navajo reservation.
    Ken Sleight, who is a river guide and lived in the area all his life, thinks that he may have drowned. That Ruess was trying to make it to the Navajo reservation and drowned trying to cross the river. Sleight also says that, Ruess liked people too much to be hidden away with a different identity. He says: “A lot of people are like that -I’m like that, Ed Abbey was like that, and it sounds like this McCandless kid was like that: We like companionship, see, but we can’t stand to be around people for very long.”
    He says that Ruess and McCandless were strange, but at least they tried to follow their dreams. Another group like these two adventurers were monks in Iceland in the 5th and 6th centuries. They came to Iceland, to an island called Papos. The monks came to Iceland, to be alone, and when the Norse came later, the monks decided to head for Greenland.

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