HOLY ANGUISH - Francis Chan

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • Francis Chan

Komentáře • 57

  • @Mattinva2011
    @Mattinva2011 Před 12 lety +15

    Anguish over your sin is a big proof of your salvation.If there's not a inward pain over your sin there's something wrong!!

  • @HijoDeDios18
    @HijoDeDios18 Před 11 lety +6

    im not Francis but what i can tell you is to pray, intercede and fast because God has the moment, the day, second year that they are going to be saved and come to him. When i came to Christ my brother and dad did not want any part with Christ, i fasted and prayed and three years later we were all going to church together but most importantly they have not lost their faith :) you'll have times that you think i'll never come but remember one thing for THERES NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!!- God Hears

  • @adickel9
    @adickel9 Před 12 lety +4

    CZcams is Your reproducible model, you've reached people all across the world who want to hear your message, keep it up Francis, I for one know that your message has helped me become closer to God, Thank You.

  • @noaccidents8
    @noaccidents8 Před 5 lety +2

    Thank you Francis for your honesty & love for God. Every church leader should listen to this message before stepping out to feed the flock.

  • @neologics
    @neologics Před 13 lety +3

    wow. I'm so inspired. This is something you don't hear in a church and I'm glad we can be real and honest to another, true brothers/sisters in Christ.

  • @robinwilliams9439
    @robinwilliams9439 Před 5 lety +2

    Just SO Powerful and Convicting...Thank you LORD JESUS for your Love, Mercy and Grace in,Saving my Soul...Now may I ACT based on what you've done for me! 🙏💓

  • @UNignorantpod
    @UNignorantpod Před 13 lety +1

    Powerful message. Just powerful... i just want to go and pray after watching this entire video. Real talk... I thank God for the ministry of Francis Chan. He helps me focus on what's more important in this life.

  • @vazdanny22
    @vazdanny22 Před 13 lety +2

    The enemys strategy is to keep us distracted with petty things of this world so we forget what really matters.

  • @jonpolable
    @jonpolable Před 12 lety


  • @EdBuGMEnRRB
    @EdBuGMEnRRB Před 4 lety +1

    Wow I’m watching this the week Kobe Bryant dies and Francis mentions the dream of Mike Penberthy who was on the same team at the same time

  • @miamimonk216
    @miamimonk216 Před 11 lety

    Sarah, were messengers God is the savior..we plant seeds and pray for them to grow

  • @K777angel
    @K777angel Před 12 lety

    I've felt this way in the past, I used to feel so tortured all the time, and so afraid, I couldn't it handle for very long. I could never understand why no one else saw it this way, why if hell was real no one was telling the people. Maybe there's another way to anguish, where it comes in waves, where God gives peace as well,or maybe we just buck up. I am now uncertain of my own salvation because of fearful refusal to lay down people pleasing...please pray if you would. Thank you

    • @TheDona777
      @TheDona777 Před 5 lety

      K777angel: I just prayed for you. I hope you are still here alive and in the Lord. I wish there’s some other way I could reach out and help strengthen your faith. If there’s any way this channel would allow you to get in touch with me, please do. In the meantime may God bless and keep you in the faith. Please don’t be discouraged. He is God, He is real and His word is real.

  • @thethikboy
    @thethikboy Před 12 lety

    Straight from the Holy Spirit

  • @azbugman1
    @azbugman1 Před 8 lety +3

    I've listened to Francis Chan for a long time, as well as Dr. MacArthur, Dr. RC Sproul, John Piper, Paul Washer. I have Never heard a works based salvation message. What I have heard was "Sola Scriptura" Salvation is by Grace alone, through Faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone. Quickly followed up in other teachings for the saints to "Examine" themselves to see if they are indeed genuine. The test for this is over time, and will include looking for the "Fruits" of the Holy Spirit of which WORKS will indeed be part. So, I think those that would bad mouth men of God and not have their theological ducks in a row, and not follow the teachings of our Lord on how to address a brother (Especially an Elder/Pastor?Teacher) who is worthy of double honor and respect is just like a squawking pigeon...You make a lot of noise, but no one really seems to be listening...Except God! and it's him who you will answer to for your bad attitude as well as poor grammar and sentence structure !

  • @Amarynthine
    @Amarynthine Před 12 lety

    does it ever bother you that you didn't anguish enough: EVERYTIME ACTUALLY!

  • @stayroxy
    @stayroxy Před 11 lety

    Francis I care bout their salvation but what can I do they have heard about jesus sooo many times and they just dont care and they know what i believe and they about jesus I cant make them believe so.... what am I supposed to do?????

    • @bletterm658
      @bletterm658 Před 4 lety

      Pray for them and keep being the example Christ has called you to be. He never promised revival. But there's always hope in different seasons with Christ Jesus. God bless sister

  • @nancymiller174
    @nancymiller174 Před 6 lety

    Yahya Seymour

  • @goranvu
    @goranvu Před 10 lety

    You see how fatal the doctrine of the eternal hell is? There is no eternal hell, the "eternal fire" in the Bible means eternal for its consequences. This is easy to prove on many Bible verses, and who ever wants to find this out, he can. I am not a doctrinal sectarian, but this is so important. I admire people who believe in eternal suffering and are still able to love God and see Him as a loving father. The eternal hell derives from pagan beliefs and is of satan.

  • @westoftherockies
    @westoftherockies Před 9 lety

    anguish over your sin? where in the bible does it say that....my bible says I have peace with God and my sins are all washed away, all of em..if you're not resting in Christ you're not saved yet...all this talk about wrestling with sin etc etc....that's the talk of someone who hasn't been saved...when god regenerates you, you have the HS that testifies of Christ having forgiven you and you're resting in Christ finished work...if you're looking into a ditch you're gonna keep driving into it...the victory isn't in looking at yourself...its look at Christ and his finished work...so its too bad so many people are lost but God doesn't want to save everyone and the bible is a boobytrap to religious people...a religious person will not see real grace in the bible...they'll see a counterfeit grace that's always some mixture of lawkeeping, good works, church attendance, "repenting" usually the catholic or pentecostal version of that and other nonsense not having anything to do with Christ finished work.

    • @jwooten1981
      @jwooten1981 Před 9 lety +1

      Have you never had the Holy Ghost give you discernment? If your answer is no then you have no idea what is going on.

    • @westoftherockies
      @westoftherockies Před 9 lety

      go sit down...francis chan is false teacher who teaches a works righteousness and he has no clue what the gospel is.

    • @jwooten1981
      @jwooten1981 Před 9 lety

      So, you being full of condemnation are self righteous. You could learn a bit on knowing God if you was not so full of hypocrisy.

    • @westoftherockies
      @westoftherockies Před 9 lety

      as a preacher of the real gospel of grace...yeah I can judge what a person teaches....absoloutely, you know them by their fruit...and that's their teaching...I don't give a hoot how emotional francis chan gets, or how much fake humility he exhibits....he misleads people, some of which are real believers.....his preaching is all about what YOU DO.....not what Christ did....his understanding of scriptures is carnal...plain and simple and you're obviously as blind as he is....he adds mans works to salvation and he has no spiritual discernment, otherwise he wouldn't think you follow rules for salvation......"selling everything" is not an instruction to sell material things, its a reference to giving up ANY and ALL ideas of trying to save yourself.......when jesus said "go and sin no more" ...that's a declaration of that woman being forgiven and saved....no longer under the law, being free from the law of sin and death...its not a moral command...its a declaration jesus made to her being forgiven forever...he gave her eternal life...that's what Christ does....GIVES EVERLASTING LIFE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE...not those who are keeping the law....Christ kept the law FOR EVERY BELIEVER....that's how its kept.p..by believing Christ kept it...its not kept by some imaginary moral improvement...its kept by faith...not works....now don't bug me again you clown.

    • @jwooten1981
      @jwooten1981 Před 9 lety +1

      Okay, so you are one of "those" guys. There is no more law. Blah blah blah.. Right. Try removing the plank out of your eye and reading the gospel a little more. You claim to be a preacher? You are aware that you will be held accountable for all whom you teach incorrectly right? I guess everyday is the Sabbath also huh? How many people have you lead to Christ? How many Churches have you started in Jesus name? Faith without works is DEAD! You better repent and seek the Holy Spirit for guidance. Your long winded rebuttal is as lofty as your knowledge. You might think you are on the internet and can lie and make yourself look good but you must have never met a real follower of Yehoshua that can see right through whatever you are trying to do.