Betta Fish Care Guide: What You Need to Know

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 96

  • @ThatSharkGirl
    @ThatSharkGirl Před 7 měsíci +195

    Thanks, now I’m betta equipped to care for fish.

  • @Cringe89563
    @Cringe89563 Před 7 měsíci +56

    I like how you highlited how they like plants a lot, so many people just dont take it into account for some reason

    • @poonpoon1604
      @poonpoon1604 Před 7 měsíci

      Especially squirrel algae if you can get it

    • @katieskarlette
      @katieskarlette Před 7 měsíci +2

      Someone on a forum years ago told me "Think jungle" when aquascaping a betta tank, and it's so true. The little guys loooooove their plants.

  • @rebelappliance771
    @rebelappliance771 Před 7 měsíci +69

    Would like to see more videos like this for other species if possible. Would be usefull for people like me who are trying to get better at fish keeping.

  • @calebthomas1453
    @calebthomas1453 Před 7 měsíci +30

    Now all we need is a megalodon care guide.

  • @breebisshop7325
    @breebisshop7325 Před 7 měsíci +29

    I clicked on this with apprehension and hope, and glad to say that you left me pretty satisfied with the information you're giving here.
    As an aquarium specialty store professional for a few decades, I actually do hope to educate, to give as much relevant information as possible. The best aquarium stores want long term aquarium hobbyists, not short term sales.
    I also want to point out that bloodworms although are great as part of a varied diet is really hard to solely meet the nutritional needs of most fish, and for more herbivorous species can actually pose a health risk.
    I loved that you pointed out that size is not as important as correct conditions. People ask me all the time, "how many fish fit is this size aquarium?" or "how many litres does this fish need?“ and my answer is always the same. Fish need two things, 1- they need to be able to exhibit their natural behaviours, and 2- they need to have water quality that's correct for their species. Tank shape, size, decor, tank mates... None of it matters provided you are meeting those two needs. And also that keeping fish in bowls is not impossible but I consider it advanced fishkeeping, the smaller the volume of water, the harder it is to maintain stability.
    Edited to remind that a stressed fish can not exhibit their natural behaviours, not only that but a stressed fish will have a less effective immune system than a non stressed fish.

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      For me I think tank size *does* matter as you'll want to give the fish plenty of space to enjoy. Of course that does go with natural behaviors (and maintaining stable water conditions due to the larger volume), but I simply feel that even though it's *possible* to keep fish alive and well in an environment that's technically considered less than the bare minimum, it still isn't ideal for them.

    • @breebisshop7325
      @breebisshop7325 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@garg4531 @garg4531 you're right, the smaller the volume, the harder it is to keep stable water quality. Also a stressed fish can not exhibit their natural behaviours. But there is no set volume where this is true for a fish. If they are meeting the needs of the fish the size is not wrong regardless of anyone else's opinion. if the fish is comfortable and healthy then it does not matter if the situation is the bare minimum or overkill.

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      @@breebisshop7325 I guess so

  • @vermiliondodo
    @vermiliondodo Před 7 měsíci +22

    I really think these types of videos are what will help people learn of fish mis and disinformation the most! Thank you so much avnj

  • @Keywora
    @Keywora Před 7 měsíci +10

    As an exotic veterinarian, I am so glad you posted this. There is so much bad information on exotic species. I don't see a lot of fish, but it's good to have somewhere to point them with easy to absorb information.

  • @a13x_chang
    @a13x_chang Před 7 měsíci +10

    Good live plants to look into are Annubias, Java fern, Java moss, Hygrophila, swords, and vallisnera !!

  • @pretzelcoatluscastrocoatlu7351
    @pretzelcoatluscastrocoatlu7351 Před 7 měsíci +6

    If you decide to include a face cam in the next presentation, you should leave a little space for said cam so it isn't overlapping with the text. Just a personal preference, not sure if the text and cam overlap bothers anyone else. 👍

  • @demon.that.draws777
    @demon.that.draws777 Před 7 měsíci +7

    There is an entire set of factors that you're not taking into consideration, domesticated animals, animals that have been bred in captivity for years have a completely different set of care requirements than their wild caught counterparts, of course the amount of time, and Generations that they've been bred in captivity, and the ways that they've been kept affects this, but just in the same way we don't treat our dogs like wolves, but instead, treat them like individuals that have unique preferences and needs,
    We should be making sure that we're doing that with our fish.
    I've had fish go through so much stress in my 10 gallon even though everything was perfect for them because they were so used to living in a cup I had to move them back to my 5 gallon tank I even measured the decibels coming from the filter to make sure that it wasn't the noise that was stressing them out the water parameters were exactly the same and so was the foliage, and the tank mates.
    Don't get me wrong this is a great guide but it's like learning the addition subtraction,
    A simplified version, when It's worth considering a vast amount of factors and it's more like physics or geometry not addition and subtraction, it's just more complicated than that, yaknow?

  • @AlarmedBat
    @AlarmedBat Před 7 měsíci +4

    Absolutely love that you made this video, it is much needed! I have 3 bettas, and I have actually found that if you keep them in the recommended minimum of 5 gallons, they get illnesses like finrot much more easily than if you keep them in 7 or 8 gallons. So I hope that the minimum recommendation gets increased :)

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      Thing is, 5 gallons is the *bare minimum*, so a larger tank like a 10 gallon would be considered ideal, and I hope that more people point out stuff like that
      (I actually thought of keeping a single male betta fish in my 20 long, and honestly it would be spoiling them, but I'm sure he'd appreciate having all that space to himself ❤)

  • @jamesfrederick.
    @jamesfrederick. Před 7 měsíci +3

    This is actually the best video on this subject I’ve ever seen

  • @fish.enjoyer
    @fish.enjoyer Před 7 měsíci +3

    As a PetSmart employee, I can say that even if most pet store employees were properly trained and knowledgeable on fish care, very few people would actually listen to them. The majority of people I sell fish to don't care enough to listen about the nitrogen cycle, fish activity, social requirements, etc... they wanna fill a box with water and call it a day. I didn't even know anything about fish care when I started working there, yet they quickly put me in the aquatics section, so it's not all the employees fault. These big corporation pet stores knows that most of their customers don't care. That's why they don't need employees who care, they just want someone who can bag fish and make a sale.

    • @Engardian
      @Engardian Před 7 měsíci

      Same, cousin, for me it’s more about making sure customers get the bare minimum than it is about making sales, as most people want something simple and small, but want a bunch of complicated fish. I’m not gonna upsell people stuff that won’t help. Plus at PetCo, there’s a 30-day money back guarantee on freshwater fish, so if we sell a fish to an environment that will kill it the money comes out of the store’s pocket. So the management wants us to make sure they last at least that long.

  • @-imjustnebby-3303
    @-imjustnebby-3303 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I miss my bettas from my childhood home, my new place doesnt have the space for a planted 20gal like I had before. Amazing job on the research and presentation of this dude! 🎉

  • @joaorodrigues4494
    @joaorodrigues4494 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Walk into the pet store employee comes to you and you pull the Ron Swanson: "I know more than you"

    • @Engardian
      @Engardian Před 7 měsíci +1

      Trust me, we love to see that. Most of us know we’re not specialists, so having a customer who knows what they’re doing is refreshing.

  • @Hebinushi
    @Hebinushi Před 3 měsíci

    Heya! Petsmart Petcare Specialist here! (please don’t come for me I love animals and I understand petsmart, petco and such aren’t exactly the golden standard for petcare- but I’m a freelance artist and that can’t pay the bills by itself) I agree that 9/10 stores, if not more than that, are pretty shitty and will only tell you things that will get you to buy an animal. But I will say, at my store at least, (we’re a small location soooo definitely not representative of most locations) our store leaders have pretty much said you can try to sell animals when it’s a good fit, but we reserve every right, and SHOULD ask several questions and ensure the customers have already gotten the bare MINIMUM necessities for their new pet. I flat out refuse to sell animals to a good percent of people, and try to educate them to the best of my ability if they’re set on the commitment (I’m no biologist, so obviously I can only do so much- but I’ve done countless hours of research into many animals, I’ve been a long time fan of AVNJ, as well as other great animal themed educational channels like Clint’s Reptiles and Snake Discovery)
    I’m almost definitely in the minority, but I like to hope that there are still others like me that try to make a difference for the animals people buy, even if it is in a shitty low paying retail environment 😂
    People are really poorly educated, ESPECIALLY about fish in my experience. Someone came in to try to buy ten comet goldfish for either a ten gallon or a twenty gallon- not sure off the top of my head. I was like “uhhhhh I really would not recommend that. If you’re really set on that aquarium size maybe go for a small tropical community of fish instead” and explained all the shit about how certain fish need to be kept in a minimum shoal of 5/6 or more (depending on the species) and all that jazz.
    The worst might be this one guy who has brought in dead fish SEVERAL times, literally brought back this adorable little baby Corydora that I caught for him maybe four days prior- I was hesitant to even SELL him fish, but because there wasn’t repeated proof I kind of had to. Not going to make that mistake again, I feel so bad. He has a 10 gallon aquarium. From what I can remember, he has put one tiger barb, one rainbow shark, a GOLDFISH, and several other types of fish that should be in groups of at LEAST five or more (such as that sweet little cory😭) all individually in one ten gallon. Like bro- one rainbow shark grows to 6 inches alone, and should have a minimum of 6 gallons of space- and that’s hella abusive on its own if you ask me. It’s appalling. Unsurprisingly, he came back in with the tiny Cory I got him, it’s fins were GONE, it had clearly been abused by its tank mates. And he told me that ‘for some reason my goldfish and the rainbow shark also both died! Can I get a new cory?’ And I was like ‘hahahah…no. But you can have a snail.’ I feel bad for even giving him the snail. I won’t sell him any more fish and when I can get his name I’m gonna try to put him on the no sell list. Ugh.
    But there are good customers too! A lot of people are receptive to changing their original plans to be much more healthy for the fish or other animal they want to get as long as you explain to them what needs to be changed! So that’s always nice.

  • @blakewhite3131
    @blakewhite3131 Před 7 měsíci +3

    If this becomes a series can you call it school of fish? :)

  • @irenicrose
    @irenicrose Před 7 měsíci +2

    I'm a huge betta nerd/keeper so here are some of my points:
    I would highly advise against keeping "betta sororities" of female bettas as they do better alone, and getting a sorority to work (especially for beginners) is risky. When it comes to keeping other fish with bettas, you usually can't go wrong with small tetras/rasboras as they can get away from the betta if it shows aggression. Different bettas have different temperments so you really have to pair them with other fish based on that.
    I also wouldn't say they don't care about tank size, as bettas do much better in 5+ gallons for aquarium size as based on my experience, and you can add more environmental enrichment in a 5+ gallon tank. Anything smaller than 5 gallons just doesn't give enough room for the fish to actually thrive. The bare minimum smallest I would ever go is 2.5 gallons, but at that point you might as well do 5 gallons. Although I see you agree in your video, some people might hear that first part and think small tanks are ok.

    • @breebisshop7325
      @breebisshop7325 Před 7 měsíci +3

      Yes! Betta sororities rarely work long term, even with people taking utmost care to set them up right.

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      Definite agreements all around 👏👏👏
      I often see it get mentioned that female bettas can be kept in groups but thing is it requires very specific circumstances to work (like having them be closely related and raised together at a young age) and even then it's not guaranteed to work out. Keeping them singly will avoid any unnecessary stress
      For tank mates I think corydoras and especially kuhli loaches are also a great choice, since they're bottom dwellers that will stay out of the betta fish's away, especially the loaches which are nocturnal and like to hide
      And *definitely* big agree with the tank size!
      Even though people can and have successfully kept fish in environments that are *less than the bare minimum*, this obviously isn't an ideal environment for them
      For me, 5 gallons is the minimum for a betta fish, with 10 being ideal as I'm sure they'll appreciate the extra space and stability, plus it'll be easier to maintain (especially for a beginner) than a smaller tank but still won't take up too much space

  • @EMuro-wu7uy
    @EMuro-wu7uy Před 7 měsíci

    I've been keeping bettas for awhile. They are very enjoyable and nice fish. This is a good baseline for what I've learned too.

  • @Ryan_Celes3
    @Ryan_Celes3 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Zach this is very cool and all... but I wish you put your facecam somewhere that didn't block some words. Would be better if you add caption too.

  • @kotorandcorvid4968
    @kotorandcorvid4968 Před 7 měsíci +1

    I like this. Would love to see care guides for other species.

  • @twilightraven1232
    @twilightraven1232 Před 7 měsíci +6

    We need more videos like this, care guides from someone not trying to sell fish to you! 😅

  • @jayy4326
    @jayy4326 Před 7 měsíci

    I’m so glad u made this bc i just got a veiltail betta in November. I’ve been looking for useful things for when i upgrade his tank to 5-6 gallon so this was really helpful.

    • @lemoneez4485
      @lemoneez4485 Před 4 měsíci +1

      i used to have a veil tail and right before he died i was gonna upgrade his tank to the same thing

  • @kasieleow3165
    @kasieleow3165 Před 5 měsíci

    I just rescued a female Betta from pet supplies plus the other day! And feed her a high quality of shrimp pellets! And other things that she loves! I love her so much I named her Splash!

  • @dipping9432
    @dipping9432 Před 7 měsíci +2

    rare avnj guide

  • @ReinhardvonHolst
    @ReinhardvonHolst Před měsícem

    Fantastic advice. Peace from the UK

  • @cuso4835
    @cuso4835 Před 7 měsíci

    Finally some insight from an actual Scientist ❤ I'd love to see the same type of video for other common aquarium fish.

  • @Zach0451
    @Zach0451 Před 7 měsíci +2

    What would you say the quality of life for a betta fish is in a smaller tank, such as a 5 gallon? People on reddit forums and the like swear that small tanks are abusive and tantamount to keeping them in the little plastic cups you get at the pet store.

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci +2

      I can offer my thoughts based on what I've heard.
      In general, larger tanks are better because they not only offer more stable conditions, but also more space to roam around and explore, meaning less stress for the fish.
      However, there have been cases where bettas are overwhelmed from receiving *too* much space after spending practically their entire life in little cups, etc. and are more comfortable in smaller setups.
      5-10 gallons seems like the ideal size in most cases, but I personally wouldn't recommend anything smaller than that.

  • @RusticFox522
    @RusticFox522 Před 7 měsíci +1

    All roads lead back to fish care videos lol

  • @actual.lizard
    @actual.lizard Před 7 měsíci

    i've had bettas/fish for years but i'm gonna watch this anyway cause i want to hear what you say :)

  • @kearstinnekenerson6676
    @kearstinnekenerson6676 Před 7 měsíci +1

    My goldfish love crickets

  • @anthonylambert7338
    @anthonylambert7338 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Now we can take - betta - care of our fish

  • @drimachuck
    @drimachuck Před 7 měsíci

    I have seen Betta pugnax in a sandy/rocky drain that isn't super vegetated but the water in it comes from/leads to a swamp forest so I think the bettas just swam out of there. So vegetated is still the best.

  • @unknowable4147
    @unknowable4147 Před 7 měsíci

    There are about 2 employees of fishstores that I trust.
    One owns a general pet store with a big aquarium section and his own (great looking tanks) on display and the other one is from a different store that owns fish herself and we love talking about our setups with

  • @rdh1130
    @rdh1130 Před 3 měsíci

    What about water changes. Type of water. Conditioning and how much to change at a time.

  • @sleepyninjarin7971
    @sleepyninjarin7971 Před 7 měsíci +5

    proper betta care guide:
    you don't need to change water often (less than 2 months)
    only use one gallon or less in the wild they live in puddles
    don't add plants, they kill betta fish
    they like colours so use colourful gravel
    Keep at least 2 in a bowl they die of loneliness easily
    always make sure they have food available in their bowl
    use chlorinated water to keep it clean for longer

    • @wizardninjapenguin
      @wizardninjapenguin Před 7 měsíci +2

      And remember when cleaning the bowl you need to drain it completely and use plenty of soap. Feel free to leave some of that soap in there, it will keep the bowl from getting dirty again.

    • @sleepyninjarin7971
      @sleepyninjarin7971 Před 7 měsíci +3

      @@wizardninjapenguin my mum did that for me before and only 20% of the fish died each water change! (this actually isn't a joke)

    • @wizardninjapenguin
      @wizardninjapenguin Před 7 měsíci +2

      @@sleepyninjarin7971 I didn't know I had another sibling! RIP fish.

    • @Engardian
      @Engardian Před 7 měsíci

      So do they not like colorful gravel then? Being serious, I didn’t know that

  • @user-mf3sj8xp6t
    @user-mf3sj8xp6t Před 6 měsíci

    Wish this did better I would love to see more of these

  • @heatherjones2738
    @heatherjones2738 Před 5 měsíci

    I just got my fish thx for the help

  • @rickyt3961
    @rickyt3961 Před 5 měsíci

    Thank you!

  • @thebrad1134
    @thebrad1134 Před 7 měsíci +1

    Please play Bin Weevils Rewritten.

  • @chloecartzendafner5066
    @chloecartzendafner5066 Před 7 měsíci

    All my bettas have done well with ghost shrimp 🍀

  • @boneboi_amir5235
    @boneboi_amir5235 Před 7 měsíci

    My favorite pet fish🔥🙏

  • @timothybode
    @timothybode Před 6 měsíci

    My Betta is very lethargic. I have a heater in the tank. It's about 76 degrees. He/ she isn't swimming around like before. The ammonia is ok, but the nitrite is about 1.0 ppm. I keep adding Prime and Stability, but that nitrite number won't go down. What should I do?

  • @JoeDelgadoFishing
    @JoeDelgadoFishing Před 6 měsíci

    I have spiders so sometimes when I get crickets I drop one in the tank and my betta destroys it

  • @DullahanKai
    @DullahanKai Před 7 měsíci

    Thank you for giving us this important information, AVGN

  • @larceny3092
    @larceny3092 Před 2 měsíci

    We're can I buy the frozen blood worms

  • @rage2450
    @rage2450 Před 7 měsíci

    Can I put one with my 2 goldfish and 2 pelecos i here there aggressive?

  • @Coxniffer1200
    @Coxniffer1200 Před 7 měsíci

    Nice care guide!

  • @Swompmaster
    @Swompmaster Před 7 měsíci

    He actually did it

  • @jarrdojeck436
    @jarrdojeck436 Před 6 měsíci

    Nice vid

  • @jokerrfox354
    @jokerrfox354 Před 7 měsíci

    Currently cycling my second betta tank. My java fern is dying. I tried fertilizer but i didnt like how i got high nitrates knowing it wasnt from my high ammonia. Anyone got any advice?

  • @secret2assassin786
    @secret2assassin786 Před 7 měsíci

    Wish I had this video when I was a kid....

  • @andreacasoli3371
    @andreacasoli3371 Před 7 měsíci

    In general how do you cure dropsy?

  • @andrew1131
    @andrew1131 Před 7 měsíci

    If in the wild Betta live in the same water systems together, would that not mean that under the right conditions you could host multiple male Betta in the same tank?

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      In the wild, there's plenty of space and cover for bettas to form their own territories and avoid conflicts with each other, but in captivity these conditions are hard to accomplish
      Additionally, domestic bettas were bred to be more aggressive than their wild counterparts, and are some individuals are simply more aggressive than others, adding to the difficulty involved

    • @andrew1131
      @andrew1131 Před 7 měsíci +1

      @@garg4531 I haven't tried, but I've seen tanks online that are super heavily planted that can successfully allow multiple males to live. If there is enough vegetation to block sightlines and allow the betta to have their own space, I don't see why it shouldn't work. I believe the non-standard bettas are also much closer to being wild than the splendens.

    • @garg4531
      @garg4531 Před 7 měsíci

      @@andrew1131 Correct.
      And if by "non-standard" you mean other species then yeah, I hear that some can be kept together in pairs or groups.

  • @Teomaniac
    @Teomaniac Před 7 měsíci

    -hi twitch!

  • @hoshiko4876
    @hoshiko4876 Před 7 měsíci

    Thanks! I cant wait to put my betta in a tiny jar with 20 other fish /j

  • @danbeee1763
    @danbeee1763 Před 7 měsíci

    Any Amazon adventures planned for the distant future?

  • @shqual54
    @shqual54 Před 7 měsíci +2

    Change the title to Wild Caught Betta Fish Guide

  • @kearstinnekenerson6676
    @kearstinnekenerson6676 Před 7 měsíci

    Funny thing is I was thinking about setting up my hundred gallon tank for sorority tank

    • @kearstinnekenerson6676
      @kearstinnekenerson6676 Před 7 měsíci

      So nice sand layer loads of plants and adding in some wood I baked wouldn’t be bad and set it up in my room because I’ll be right by the bathroom for the water changes. Either that or set it up in the basement that doesn’t get out of the 60’s and set up an axolotl tank

    • @breebisshop7325
      @breebisshop7325 Před 7 měsíci +1

      Please reconsider a sorority. These almost never work long term and tend to be a relatively stressful environment for the fish. If you must do it, go to a breeder and get juvenile girls that are already being housed together, preferably siblings and preferably same size.

  • @frank8193
    @frank8193 Před 7 měsíci +1


  • @Chiefadhi
    @Chiefadhi Před 6 měsíci

    Instructions unclear put the heater in 75° C now the betta is cooked

  • @elenagauf1599
    @elenagauf1599 Před 7 měsíci

    I like beta fishes 🐟 😊

  • @Frogboyaidan
    @Frogboyaidan Před 7 měsíci

    Betta care

  • @Jackarott
    @Jackarott Před 7 měsíci


  • @nicolaifr4905
    @nicolaifr4905 Před 7 měsíci

    So my betta is not happy in my smal coke 🤯

  • @TeeKayDee
    @TeeKayDee Před 7 měsíci

    Please don't freeze your betta fish

  • @nachinis
    @nachinis Před 7 měsíci

    I just hold it in my mouth

  • @algonquianxxxquechua3055
    @algonquianxxxquechua3055 Před 4 měsíci

    Thank you for this ❤

  • @FishSir-com
    @FishSir-com Před měsícem

    Great info. Thanks!