
  • čas přidán 15. 07. 2009
  • Dr. Philip Jenkins argues that anti-Catholicism has become socially acceptable, though it is no different than any other form of prejudice. Hear him make the case for universal recognition of intolerance.

Komentáře • 196

  • @monkigun
    @monkigun Před 11 lety +49

    Catholics take solace in the Words of our Lord When He says" "If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first." ( John 15:18 )

    • @uncatila
      @uncatila Před 3 lety +4

      That is a good thing to say. I've gotten angry when I see this hatred but I should be more Christ like.

    • @tonyharden7159
      @tonyharden7159 Před 2 lety +2

      My Priest told me the same thing about anti-Catholicism.

  • @MrPuddleDrinker
    @MrPuddleDrinker Před 11 lety +22

    It's BOTH. They do not just attack clergy, they make personal attacks against us too

  • @tommcewen6047
    @tommcewen6047 Před 11 lety +25

    When I read these comments I see Protestants full of hate, I expect if I saw their face I would expect foam around their mouth. Sad, I thought that protestants were to follow Christ's 2nd commandment to love their neighbor. The catholics seems to be calmer and not filled with hate. I shall think of this when I see Protestants going into their churches, what every they say inside feeds their hate and that hate sounds evil, you call catholics evil, but reading this I think Protestants are evil

  • @TenderTrap86
    @TenderTrap86 Před 14 lety +6

    A prerequisite for discrimination is that people don't see anything wrong with it. They "know" it's true.

  • @BadboyAnarchy
    @BadboyAnarchy Před 12 lety +4

    Yes, also, Infant Baptism is a typology with respect to infant circumcision.
    One could be baptised in anticiptication of a faithful life just as Israelites were circumcised in anticipation of their life of faith.
    Protestants have a problem with others doing things for them on their behalf, it's useful to have them note that Christ pays our sins for us, and also, there's the little recognised matter that I'm stained with origonal sin because a man and woman named Adam betrayed God.
    Pax Christi

  • @ChamorruWarrior
    @ChamorruWarrior Před 12 lety +6

    I like how the Apostles were the original Priest of the Catholic church and Saint Peter was the one who went to Rome and established the Roman Catholic church and was the first Pope of the Catholic church which is why he was taken by the Romans and crucified upside down because of this... In fact we have every single Pope on record and their precessor, Peter is the first and there is an unbroken line of Popes since, same with the Priests and the other Apostles... So what are you talking about...

  • @BadboyAnarchy
    @BadboyAnarchy Před 12 lety +7

    What we do know is that from Matthew 18:17, is that this Church IS visible and is capable of solving disputes.
    I wonder which of the 10,000's of Church's could've been doing this for nearly 2000 years?
    Hmmmmn, let me think.
    Catholic Church? DING DING DING DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness Před rokem

      Ya I really do t understand what protestants think when they read Mathew 18:15-19. I have gotten multiple answers from them and they keep getting less coherent.

  • @catholicintoeternity5679
    @catholicintoeternity5679 Před 2 lety +3

    Many convert to the One True Church just before they die....
    But we never see anyone joining another church in the same situation.
    "Where else can we go Lord; you alone have the words of eternal life"
    Saint Peter's words...

  • @cynthiax56
    @cynthiax56 Před 11 lety +17

    No, it's NOT different. Prots pick apart everything like the pharisees did. always nit picking over terminology. The FACT is the prayers of the Rosary come from the BIBLE & we do the same thing the Angel GABE Did. He greeted Mary with "Hail full of grace, the LORD is with thee" in this prayer we ask her to pray for us now & the hour of death.

    • @Bob-zs3ro
      @Bob-zs3ro Před 3 měsíci +1

      Prods are just stone throwers.

  • @conkal9
    @conkal9 Před 12 lety +18

    Love, love love the Catholic Church!

  • @zolyguy
    @zolyguy Před 13 lety +6

    I like the bit he added about "Historical mythology." Thats a huge part to why Anti Catholicism usually makes no sense.

  • @titaniumsteel9114
    @titaniumsteel9114 Před 3 lety +3

    Many Catholics easily stray away from the faith that they received. What are the reasons for their falling into complacency, becoming indifferent and even hostile towards Christ and the Christian Faith?
    The fault with many Catholics is that they think baptism is a graduation from having acquired knowledge and understanding of their faith. After completing their catechism classes or RCIA journey, they no longer seek out opportunities to continue growing their faith, both doctrinally and spiritually. Their only occasion to grow in faith is the one-hour Mass that they attend every Sunday. This is hardly enough to sustain the life of a Catholic. Those who do not grow in their faith are already losing their faith. There is no neutrality.
    How, then, can we grow in our faith? Firstly, we need to deepen our intimacy with God through Christ. In Christ, we come to know and love the Father. Secondly, we must be rooted in the Word of God. We cannot grow in our faith without deepening our love and appreciation for the Word of God through bible study and most of all, a prayerful reading and sharing of the Word of God.
    Thirdly, we must seek the support of the Christian community. A Catholic without the support of his fellow Catholics will eventually fall out from the faith, especially when he undergoes the trials and challenges of life, the influence of secularism, and the materialistic, individualistic and atheistic views of the world. Fourthly, to grow our faith, we need to evangelise and be a witness to Christ. We evangelise ourselves by evangelising others. By sharing our faith with others, we strengthen our own faith. By teaching our faith to others, we grow in understanding and clarity in what we believe in.
    Finally, growing in faith is to grow in our Christian life. This is the most effective form of witnessing. It means that those of us who are baptised must live a life of holiness and purity, free from sin and a bad conscience. A life of holiness and charity are the fruits of a strong spiritual life and a life of hope founded in the promises of God.

  • @TsarIvanIV
    @TsarIvanIV Před 13 lety +5

    @ryuu304 No problem. I grew up Protestant actually, and only recently joined the Catholic Church after a long period of study and research. I find that logic tends to make better decisions and judgments than emotion. ;)

  • @ChamorruWarrior
    @ChamorruWarrior Před 12 lety +5

    Peter recived the "keys to the kingdom of heaven" did he not? Jesus made him Pope. And I hear all about this "true church of Jesus" where was this church for the first 1500 years of Christianity? Where? I've never heard of it in any historical time period ever until Martin Luther. We have these "sacred traditions" that have never changed since the Apostles taught us what to do, we have done them forever not because we have to, but because we believe and have FAITH in Jesus and his teachings

  • @WoundedIcon
    @WoundedIcon Před 13 lety +3

    @finishstrongdoc Yup. I was a bandwagon anti-cath Protestant. I got sick of all the discord in it and started looking elsewhere. I put the emotional arguments on the side (CRUSADES BLABLABLA) and just examined the core tenants and history and hell yeah does it change your whole view of history. I had to convert after realizing NOTHING ELSE MAKES SENSE. WOOT!

  • @Gazdo01
    @Gazdo01 Před 12 lety +3

    I suggest you read the great theologian St Augustin, on the necessity of Baptism. We didn't simply "invent" those doctrines... They have a strong, logical, rational, and biblical basis, built on the works of thousands of Catholic theologians in the past 2000 years... Give Catholicism a chance!
    You can also google "Catholic Answers Infant Baptism" and you'll have your answer.

  • @alexandrepereira3902
    @alexandrepereira3902 Před 3 lety +1

    Why this video of 2009 has taken so long to come up ????? So good... that is how I feel...

  • @rmindo
    @rmindo Před 11 lety +5

    Same here in our place catholic has lot of charity.

  • @Gazdo01
    @Gazdo01 Před 12 lety +3

    1. Not ALL THINGS are found explicitely in the Bible... Heck... the "Trinity" and "Incarnation" don't even appear in the Scriptures, and they too were only explicitely defined in the 4th century... (Nicea)
    2. You don't need to wait the year 400... Read Origen, the great theologian who lived at the end of the 2nd/beginning of 3rd century. He writes that infant baptism was a common practice in the Church, which dates back to Apostollic times.

  • @ecclesiaprimus
    @ecclesiaprimus Před 14 lety +5

    very well documented and totally accurate

  • @ScotlandsShame
    @ScotlandsShame Před 12 lety +2

    Anti-Catholic sentiments are very strong in Scotland and it has become tolerated in Scottish society. My channel examines how this manifests itself in Scottish soccer, the country's most popular sport.

  • @inhocsignovinces1081
    @inhocsignovinces1081 Před 8 měsíci

    “About Jesus Christ and the Church, I simply know that they’re just one thing, and we shouldn’t complicate the matter.” Trial of St Joan of Arc

  • @Sombreron81
    @Sombreron81 Před 14 lety +3

    Thank you Mr. Jenkins, at last someone understands! This is a notion that all must understand in order to reach true tolerance.

  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety +3

    In America there's no obligation to respect any religion, not even Catholicism. I respect the rights of Catholic people. I do not Catholicism and I need not make excuses for that. Besides, last I checked Catholics have the same freedom to practice their superstitions as the rest of us. Finally, and nobody can deny this, the negative attitudes many folks have against Catholicism is justified by the actions of the clergy. Need I say more?

    • @wolfthequarrelsome504
      @wolfthequarrelsome504 Před 3 lety +2

      Saying that your respect catholics but not catholicism is tantamount to calling Catholics idiots and then you confirmed your bigotry by calling their faith "superstition".
      What kind of evil has possession of your mind?

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety +3

    @MightyCarnac A microscopic number of priests (0.079%) are engaged in that kind of behavior. Thank God to the 99.921% who are not.

  • @BadboyAnarchy
    @BadboyAnarchy Před 12 lety +4

    Sacrements don't inhibit the Holy Spirit to act?
    Tell that to the Apostles when they placed their hands.

  • @trevortrevortsr2
    @trevortrevortsr2 Před 11 lety +3

    Is this guy really surprised - the have certainly gone out to persecute us repeatedly

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety +1

    @s ..ation Chapel at a Catholic Church. I opened my heart, and asked "What are you trying to tell me?" and it was revealed to me that Jesus is truly Present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. I am sure this is what happened with Ben Black Elk. He was shown Power of the Holy Spirit resides with the Presence of Jesus, the Lord of Creation, is attached to the Catholic Church. As the Catholic Church goes, so goes the world. Divine Mercy & Justice, Nature&Supernature reside there.

  • @TsarIvanIV
    @TsarIvanIV Před 13 lety +4

    @Zaikomgisdabest Again, you don't seem to know our faith very well, though it is nice that you have Catholic friends.
    We don't worship idols. We do pray before statues and icons. That's different. However, if you're going to hold that against us you had better apply the same standard to the Orthodox Church, because they also pray before icons. We use statues and icons to help us focus our prayer by looking at something. Think of it as a visual aid. Same as looking at a cross to pray.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +2

    I prefer to stick to the "inspired and inerrant Word of God" recognized as such by the early church fathers and by the Roman Catholic Church (Catechism 106-107&124)
    You can make the C. F's support many views depending on who you choose. Tertullian was against infant baptism.
    But I do agree with Clement, "we should give proof from the Scriptures about the Scriptures."
    The terms "trinity" and "incarnation" may not be in Scripture but the concepts represented by the words are; and always were.

  • @KeithWilliamMacHendry
    @KeithWilliamMacHendry Před 3 lety +2

    I had a low key upbringing in the Church of Scotland, I was raised a presbyterian without having any ant-Catholic teaching. My wife & daughter are Philippine catholics, for me, the claims of the Abrahamic faiths are nonsensical man made myths. The Lord is everywhere, each of us have a piece of the Lord in us. Aboriginal Australians & North American Indians amongst others, are no less part of the spirt of the Lord because they are not Christians, that very much includes Roman Catholics even if they believe they are Devine & I'm a heretic.

  • @MrPuddleDrinker
    @MrPuddleDrinker Před 11 lety +5

    You proties ask your FRIENDS 2 pray for you, yet you have seizures when we ask the Mother of Jesus 2 pray for us. The prayers if the Rosary come from the Bible that you claim 2 believe in, even the altered prot version with missing books. The Angel Gabe greeted My with:-"Hail full of Grace, the LORD is with thee" & Elizabeth said "Blessed art thou amongst women" In this prayer we ask her 2 pray 4 us now & the hour of oour death. Show us where it says we are forbidden 2 ask her 2 pray 4 us???

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety +1

    @MightyCarnac There are 49,000 priests in the U.S. There are 1.5 cases per year, which is declining. Do you need me to calculate the actual number of priests who engaged in this behavior over the last 50 years, or can you do it yourself?

  • @trajan75
    @trajan75 Před 13 lety +2

    @ritchloui Apparently you won't take yes for an answer. I already said that it was the British Navy that ended the Atlantic slave trade, and that the Catholic Church never seriously dealt with the issue of slavery in Catholic nations. The Papal Bull of 1493 was an arbitration of a controversy submitted to the Papacy by two sovereign monarchs. Whatever its indirect consequences it did not directly involve the issue of slavery. You're obsessed you can have the last word.

  • @tonyharden7159
    @tonyharden7159 Před 2 lety +6

    I know I have already commented on this video once, but I feel one more is in order. As these words are being typed, I am a newly converted Catholic. I can tell you that the anti-Catholic spirit is alive and well in the USA today. There are people who no longer speak to me because I am a Catholic. While I was still in Catechism, someone literally offered to take me to the "Baptist" church and buy my lunch after if I would promise to never go to the Catholic church again. I just said no but I was so mad I wanted to explods.

    • @crobeastness
      @crobeastness Před rokem

      Wow. Good for you. They wanted to bribe you instead of being ok with seeking the truth wherever it may be. I think freemasonry, satanism, Islam are evil faiths and encourage someone not to join those groups but I wouldn't bribe or ban them. I would debate them.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety +1

    "Whatever you bind on Earth is bound in Heaven whatever you loose on Earth is loosed in Heaven" (Matt 18:18).
    "He who hears you hears me" (Luke 10:16).

  • @XxGbBrianxX
    @XxGbBrianxX Před 11 lety +3

    What are you talking about? Human nature? Go anywhere any religion society group theres good and bad people and your saying that all catholics think you cant judge a religion by the people in it

  • @ItsJPBitchXXX
    @ItsJPBitchXXX Před 3 lety

    Same here in the Philippines by our separated brothers and sisters, especially by former Catholics.

  • @seanynut1994
    @seanynut1994 Před 11 lety +2

    So you think persecution at all is tolerable ? It is not just an elite that suffer as a result of persecution but common folk.

  • @trajan75
    @trajan75 Před 13 lety +2

    @ritchloui Now I understand. Slavery in the Americas. Slavery in the mercantile age was unspeakably cruel. The Dutch, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese all profited from it, but slavery was as old as history. Finally some of the Protestant Denominations, not the Catholic Church, rose against it and in the end it was the British Navy that destroyed it. I doubt that the Church profited from it but it certainly did not exert itself to end it. I don't know much about the documentation.

  • @kendaugherty3828
    @kendaugherty3828 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Thumbs up for anti-Catholicism

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    @s I can relate to your spiritual philosophy; I considered myself a full-on Pagan, attaching my spirituality to "Earth-centered" religions, and I studied and adapted my spirituality from the writings and lives of Native American spiritual greats like Black Elk, Stalking Wolf, Ohiyesa ( Charles Eastman)etc. I fasted and prayed in nature,always asking "what are you trying to tell me?". I was skeptical of "organized religion", but prayed the "skeptic's" prayer.I happened to go to an Ador (Con'td)

  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety +2

    Glad to hear it. I was describing the circular reasoning which Catholicism is based on. If you see through their baloney I congradulate you. Many people are still deceived.

    • @wolfthequarrelsome504
      @wolfthequarrelsome504 Před 3 lety +2

      Why are you analysing Catholicism in order to discredit it if you're not a bigot?

  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety +1

    @redeemerslove A small percentage of a large number can be a lot. It certainly argues against the doctrine that priests operate "In persona Christi".

  • @Gazdo01
    @Gazdo01 Před 12 lety +3

    Are you suggesting you know the Bible better than the great Church Doctors and Fathers?
    If you're going to rely strickly on the "Sola Scriptura" concept, let me ask you a question: where in the Bible is the word "Bible"?

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Před 7 měsíci

      The Gospel Truth aka The Words of Savior Jesus can be understood by majority of people (if not all).
      Educated Religious Leaders (Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes)
      rejected The Truth, so how smart or foolish were they?
      Apostles and Disciples believed, so education doesn’t necessarily correlate with spiritual wisdom, does it ?
      Christians congregations for Centuries allow and encourage personal + group Bible reading, teaching, study, preaching and sharing scripture.
      Who thinks ONLY RC Clerics have the brain power & the authority to interpret scripture ?
      Holy Spirit, the spirit of truth can lead one to know ~ regardless of
      higher IQ and/or higher education;
      regardless of acceptance or rejection of papal authority.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    Tertullian-The Lord does indeed say “Forbid them not to come unto me”.Let them ”come”, then, while they are growing up; let them “come” while they are learning, while they are learning whither to come; let them become Christians when they have become able to know Christ....Let them know how to “ask” for salvation, that you may seam(at least) to have given “to him that asketh”.
    For why is it necessary-if(baptism itself) is not so necessary-that the sponsors likewise should be thrust into danger?

  • @missheath000
    @missheath000 Před 12 lety +1

    this must be from the 90s. she's dressed conservatively.

  • @charlesbrowne9590
    @charlesbrowne9590 Před 3 lety

    The synoptic gospels Matthew and Mark were constructed simultaneously between 70 and 110 c.e by intellectuals working for emperor Titus and Herod Marcus Agrippa and Tiberius Julius Alexander. Luke/Acts was written to try and fill in gaps, and explain how the church started while covering up its imperial origins. John was written simultaneously with Antiquities of the Jews when the church fathers realized they had a replacement for emperor worship as the imperial (catholic) religion. Most of the epistles of Paul were written between 66 and 70 c.e. by Roman agents.

  • @trevortrevortsr2
    @trevortrevortsr2 Před 11 lety +4

    Its astonishing they expect folk to be tolerant of their intolerance

  • @johntobey1558
    @johntobey1558 Před rokem +1

    Archbishop Bernard Law, enough said. Unable to protect tge unprotected. Children in Boston, Massachusetts in RECENT history.

  • @tonyharden7159
    @tonyharden7159 Před 2 lety +5

    I am Catholic and proud to be so!

  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety

    @redeemerslove Happy trails to you.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +2

    Dear Catholics, try reading Acts to find out about the first people who were called christians, who had to hear and believe putting their faith in Christ alone. Cornelius had to hear words by which he could be saved even though he was a Godly man who prayed continuously. What were those words?? Peter said he came to share the Gospel not to baptize. Baptism does not save, does not instigate the filling of the Holy Spirit. Read Acts to get the facts.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    Show me a verse where repentance and/or belief is not a pre-requisite for water baptism.
    In the case of Paul, Ananias is basically making a sweeping statement that summed it all up. Be baptized “calling on the Lord”.
    Romans10:13-15...."How can they call on Him whom they have not believed?"... Paul had met Jesus. He was baptized with HS and "sealed" before he was water baptized (not for forgiveness of sin but as a sign to all, especially the jews, that he was forgiven in Christ) Acts 9:17-18.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety

    @CrazyJvlog Amen.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety

    @MightyCarnac I never said that the Bible is true because the Church says so. I never addressed the question.

  • @TsarIvanIV
    @TsarIvanIV Před 13 lety +2

    @Zaikomgisdabest The Catholic Church has a lot of shortcomings, true, and I like you am very troubled with how it dealt with those priests. However, having come out of Protestantism I came to the opinion that Catholicism is the most stable partly because it has not modernized to the same extent as Protestantism. As for optimism, there's a whole lot of that in the Church...certainly more than the Calvinism I grew up in. ;)

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    Such a crucial theology. The difference between heaven and hell, yet we have to rely on writings around 400 years later to clarify it for us. Don’t you find it strange that there is not one explicit biblical example of a baby being brought to the church for baptism. Not one example of someone being baptized without repentance and/or belief (trust) in the Lord Jesus Christ. The church has to build such an important theology on silence and assumptions?? Any teaching closer to Bible apostles.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    Timothy a child of a believer (2 Timothy 1:5).
    He was taught the sacred writings from a child but had to "continue in" and become “convinced of” what he was taught and through these sacred writings gain the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
    2 Tim 3:14
    He is told by Paul to teach the Word, to teach Paul’s Gospel(Acts 20:21).
    2 Tim 2:8-10
    “Faith comes from hearing and hearing through the word of Christ” Romans 10:17.
    No mention of infant baptism saving him.

  • @uncatila
    @uncatila Před 3 lety +1

    Billy Joel's song
    is a scerilous song about seducing Catholic girls while mocking the mass and the rosary.

  • @TsarIvanIV
    @TsarIvanIV Před 13 lety

    @Zaikomgisdabest I honestly have no idea about the Catholic/gov't thing....maybe that's a difference between our countries rather than our faiths. Again, the Church doesn't worship saints, it venerates them, same as you said about the Orthodox. And we have our theological reasons for placing emphasis on them. However, if you go to a mass, the entire liturgy is focused upon Jesus. That's who we worship.

  • @TrakeM118
    @TrakeM118 Před 4 měsíci

    It isn't bigotry to judge an organization by its actions.

  • @BadboyAnarchy
    @BadboyAnarchy Před 12 lety +4

    Yup I find it truly amzing that every Catholic priest you see can be traced back to one of the 11 (excluding Judas of course) apostles.
    I wonder which my priest is descended from.

  • @WoundedIcon
    @WoundedIcon Před 13 lety

    @finishstrongdoc One thing I notice is that all other forms of Christianity are negative religions. Not negative as in evil or sad, but negative in terms of existing in reaction to something else. Eastern Orthodoxy and Protestantism both engage in cathbashing, whereas Catholicism just kinda *is*.

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    @s "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's; unto God that which is God"s". I will therefore leave to God the ultimate judgement of the heart of Black Elk; may God forgive him his sins, me mine, and you yours. I have found the Catholic Church to be a natural home for all those who have kept open the possibility of there being answers to the most difficult questions of life, and that the answers will be made available to the humbled heart.

  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety

    @redeemerslove And what is your authority to dictate to the divine?
    "Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods."
    --Albert Einstein
    The words "shipwrecked" & "gods" are used metaphorically here. I think you get the idea.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    I take the Gospel that Paul described in Acts especially Acts 20:21.I believe Paul when he says he got his Gospel directly from Jesus and that he came to share the Gospel; not to baptize. Also the Gospel Peter shared with Cornelius. Cornelius believed what he heard and received the Holy Spirit which sealed him to the day of redemption; before he was baptized in water.
    Noah was saved for "eternity" by faith. His life prolonged on earth by obedience, through the Ark;God's righteous plan fulfilled.

  • @Edgrot
    @Edgrot Před 13 lety +1

    @ritchloui You could also go on to speak about it masking itself as a christian church which it clearly is not. Just to point you into the hallway of stepping stones to prove it is the Pope himself and his title. In English his title is the Vicor of Christ which mean in place of Christ. Which if you read the bible is well I will leave it to the Christians out there to follow from there.

  • @MadWillyLove
    @MadWillyLove Před 6 lety +2

    Freedom of thought and speech. No one has a right to not be offended. Your feelings don't matter. Hurt feelings is not assault.

  • @BadboyAnarchy
    @BadboyAnarchy Před 12 lety +2

    THROUGH FAITH yet not alone... for in that case demons would be saved aswell.

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    Each culture has a genius to contribute to the world, and over-arching set of virtues that are manifested in the best and brightest among their cultures. No culture is perfect; God would not have needed to single out Israel to be the Chosen People if such was not needed. God's timing is always perfect, and He never makes mistakes. Men may plot evil, but God plans are for Good, and His plans never fail. The trajectory of history runs through the Eucharist, and Reconciliation.

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    from the greed and incompetence of gov't agents, the BIA. Unfortunately, as Wounded Knee showed, the Federal Agents who sided with the modernists destroyed an authentic attempt to bring back some pride and autonomy to those who wished to find comfort and meaning in old traditions. I can relate to that because the RCC has Traditions that are often scoffed at, too.

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety +1

    @s Sir, I depend on Ohiheysa to inform me of the effects of the Christianization on the First Nations, for he was there during the critical transition period. His life exhibits the best effects of both cultures." Love wills the highest and best good for the sake of the beloved". The deplorable state of dependency of First Nations peoples is principally a failure of the white and red cultures to blend & share the best aspects of both cultures, and conquered & defeated have suffered

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety +2

    “To whom you forgive any thing, I forgive also: for if I forgave any thing, to whom I forgave it, for your sakes I forgave it IN THE PERSON OF CHRIST” (2 Cor 2:10).
    You do not know Scripture.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    Paul or Peter; the Gospel’s the same. Paul says he received the Gospel through a revelation of Jesus Christ himself. Gal 1:11, 12. And what does Peter say of Paul, “..... just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him.” 2 Peter 3:15. Peter and Paul are in agreement when it comes to the Gospel. Noah was preserved through the water. If he wasn't in the Ark he would’ve drowned like the rest of mankind. It's symbolic of the regeneration by His Spirit. Titus 3:5.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety

    @HumanVersion2 In the U.S. I can take it you have not been to grad school. Go to college and get a lesson in context.

  • @ihopveggan
    @ihopveggan Před 10 lety +3

    Stop hating each other. You catholics and protestants are both christians. Unless a man be born again he can not enter the kindgom of heavan. Dear catholic christians and dear protestants christians, Jesus love you both.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    From its own definition the Roman Catholic Church should not contradict Scripture which it admits it the "Word of God" under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; but it does.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    The early church fathers recognized the authority of the Apostles & the Scriptures. They quoted from book after book of the N.Testament. Your authority is in men, our authority is in the “Word of God”. Your authority started with dodgy bishops around the 4th century who wanted money and power.
    Your tradition is withholding the “Word of God" from the people.
    As long as you ignore God’s Word you are lost and your faith is misplaced.
    Thank you for showing the true colors of the R.CatholicChurch

  • @RekItRyan
    @RekItRyan Před 14 lety

    im writing a 5 page report on this guy for university...... soooo intresting

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    @s While it may seem difficult, it must not be impossible to perfect human nature. Many examples exist. They are called Saints. Jesus told his disciples "Be ye therefore perfect, as my Father in Heaven is perfect". God's ways are not our ways, and though "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God", the possibility for perfection still exists. "There must be a Hell, for then what in Heaven's Name would heaven be for"

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    @s There is always room for improvement of character, even in the noblest of savages. Failure to respect the life ways of First Nations will probably be regretted at some point in our Nation's history, if in fact that time has not come upon us now. But to belittle the good that was and is being done by the RCC is to be blind to any good that can come from any source, which is to deny the Author of all good, namely the Creator Himself.

  • @Waffle4569
    @Waffle4569 Před 10 lety

    Internet Crusades at full blaze down here...

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    John 8:31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, “ If you continue in My word then you are truly disciples of Mine; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”
    -All the best to you.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    No they can't
    I’m with Tertullian (as above) and with Clement on this one:
    ‘What the expression means the Lord Himself shall declare, saying, “Unless you be converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven; not in that place speaking figuratively of regeneration, but setting before us, for our imitation, the simplicity that is in children” (The Instructor)
    Baptism is for those who have repented and/or believed(trust), put their faith in the Lord Jesus.

  • @finishstrongdoc
    @finishstrongdoc Před 13 lety

    Other tribes have assimilated remarkably well to the dominant culture, and their traditional ways have assisted them in rejecting the bad effects of modernism. A NA friend of mine from the past told me yrs ago that " Us Indians are going to put you white guys on Reservations; we're gonna call them Gambling Casinos".

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    124 “The Word of God, which is the power of salvation to everyone who has faith is set forth and displays its power in a most wonderful way in the writings of the New Testament which hand on the ultimate truth of God’s Revelation.
    133 The Church “forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures.
    Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.
    We have the same New Testament??

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    106 God inspired the human authors of the sacred books...whatever He wanted written and no more.
    107 The inspired books teach the truth,“Since therefore all that the inspired authors or sacred writers affirm should be regarded as AFFIRMED by the Holy Spirit, we MUST ACKNOWLEDGE that the books of Scripture firmly, faithfully, and WITHOUT ERROR teach that TRUTH which God, for the sake of our SALVATION, wished to see confided to the Sacred Scriptures.
    120..27 for the New.
    which do u reject?

  • @licewithrice
    @licewithrice Před 11 lety +4

    Not all Catholics are "Roman" Catholic. Eastern Catholics do not fit that definition. However, Eastern Catholics do accept the Pope and are fully Catholic. I prefer to be called Latin, not Roman.

    • @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc
      @ShirleyAnnPetrillo-oj7sc Před 7 měsíci

      24 Rites of Catholicism are like different Denominations.
      Different kinds of priests & nuns:
      Jesuits, Dominicans.
      Sisters of Mercy, Carmelites.
      Catholics of all Rites submit under papal authority.
      Christians of all Denominations
      submit under biblical authority.

  • @AJMacDonaldJr
    @AJMacDonaldJr Před 12 lety +4

    I'm sure glad I'm Catholic! :)

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety

    Romans 10 especially verses 8-11
    But what does it say? “The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart”- that is the word of faith, which we are preaching, that if you CONFESS WITH YOUR MOUTH JESUS as LORD, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses RESULTING IN SALVATION.
    Acts 2:38 REPENT and be baptized, every one of you,....
    The key word being Repent.

  • @charlespirate1
    @charlespirate1 Před 2 lety

    Didn’t Jesus say his followers should expect ridicule?

    • @100megatonYT
      @100megatonYT Před rokem

      Yes. Then again, there’s no problem talking about it

  • @TsarIvanIV
    @TsarIvanIV Před 13 lety +2

    Con't again. No Catholic in his right mind treats the Pope like God. He is a fallible human just like the rest of us. If anyone thinks the Pope is perfect sorry but they don't know their own faith very well.
    We try to love Mary as Jesus loved her, and we think she's a good role model. Again, some get waaaaay to carried away with this. That's wrong, and the Church condemns it. Do your research; worship of Mary is firmly denounced.
    I don't see how your cabinets mean anything about faith.

  • @confused353
    @confused353 Před 12 lety +1

    Can't be a Catholic?? Cause the Catholic Catechism states:-
    133 The Church “forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian learn the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ, by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures. Ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ.
    That's the Bible they are referring to, I do believe.

  • @ImagesByDavid
    @ImagesByDavid Před 12 lety


  • @MightyCarnac
    @MightyCarnac Před 13 lety +1

    @redeemerslove "the priest, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, acts in persona Christi Capitis"
    --Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1548
    It sounds good, looks very well on paper but if you believe that you haven't been paying attention.

  • @teddysalad8227
    @teddysalad8227 Před 6 lety +2

    I'm not anti-Catholic. Having said that, I'm not pro-Catholic either. My sympathies are with the Evangelicals.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety

    @HumanVersion2 I have more education than a Ph.D. Are personal attacks all you can fall back on.
    The statistics are for the U.S. Nice dodge on whether you have attended grad school, or not. OK.

  • @trajan75
    @trajan75 Před 13 lety

    @ritchloui Don't tell me what I'm aware of. Every educated Catholic knows what the faults of the Church. Dante put a number of its prelates in his Inferno. I wasn't "trotting out cliches". I was just trying to give some balance to your one sided presentation. Natives weren't evil. They were brave and long suffering as well as primitive.As long as the Church is run by humans it will number sinners as well as Saints in its ranks. But you only see the flaws.

  • @redeemerslove
    @redeemerslove Před 13 lety

    @MightyCarnac You make no sense. This conversation is over. Adios.