USA Blocks Hentai, AI Manga Sucks & We MOVED To JAPAN! | Basement Life Podcast 06

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 253

  • @Scipiworld
    @Scipiworld Před 4 měsíci +305

    Misread the title as "US Blocks Hentai, so We MOVED to JAPAN"

    • @Noname13550
      @Noname13550 Před 4 měsíci +23

      I mean that's a valid reason lol

    • @Cyromantik
      @Cyromantik Před 4 měsíci +11

      Absolutely legit.

    • @MiguelDLewis
      @MiguelDLewis Před 4 měsíci +1

      That would be the smartest thing the US has ever done.

    • @RumBuDum
      @RumBuDum Před 3 měsíci +2

      The best part about this is that they're Canadian.

    • @Chronosmaster002
      @Chronosmaster002 Před 3 měsíci

      I mean, I would if I could.

  • @Rock3rLisa
    @Rock3rLisa Před 3 měsíci +31

    The nsfw art ban is really serious, and it's hitting every single platform that uses mastercard, paypal etc. A lot of artists are on the verge of loosing their livelihoods because of this. A lot of people in those circles online have been talking about it. Actually, i don't know entirely the legitimacy of that claim, but there's supposed to be a group of nsfw artists that are aiming to sue mastercard together. If true it could be really awesome because we need to stop censorship, both in this instance, as in library and bookstore censorships that have been going on during the past years. Both issues need to be spoken up more.

  • @PredictableEnigma
    @PredictableEnigma Před 4 měsíci +104

    So sorry you have so much dental trauma now 😢 I had terrible densists my whole life until my most recent one that is amazing and I was crying tears of gratitude for how trauma-informed and communicative they were. They didn't shame me for the condition of my teeth. They offered anything to make me more comfortable but always informed me if anything would cost extra. They spaced out my treatments over a few months to make it easier for me to pay for them. This dentist really saved me. Also I had ZERO pain after my root canal. No soreness like everyone warned me I would have. He was so skilled.

    • @princessthyemis
      @princessthyemis Před 4 měsíci +2

      I'm so sorry you have dentist trauma, but I'm so happy that you found a good one now.I hope you can find some healing❤

    • @veraxiana9993
      @veraxiana9993 Před 3 měsíci

      God that new dentist sounds like a hero, awesome stuff! Wish I had them as my dentist tbh lol

  • @alphacat77
    @alphacat77 Před 4 měsíci +77

    The discussion of ai translation quality reminded me of reading Noragami (which is not ai translated). At the end of every volume they have a bunch of translator notes and it’s really interesting reading them and seeing what decisions they had to make to properly convey the meaning of a lot of the lines. There are a number of points where they talk about lines have 2-3 intentional double meanings and having to find words in English that convey all those meanings. Or when a character with an accent is introduced so they went and researched to find a culturally similar English accent. I just don’t think ai will ever be able to understand words enough to make those decisions.
    Basically what I’m saying is read Noragami.

  • @MiraMana
    @MiraMana Před 4 měsíci +49

    This instantly became my favourite anime podcast after watching this episode. The open discussion about censorship wasn't beating around the bush and blatantly pointing out peoples hypocritical views on these kind of topics need to be brought up more in the anime community. People complaining about a piece of cloth but agreeing with the ban on LGBT content is very sad in the anime and adjacent communities.

  • @MasterKaiju
    @MasterKaiju Před 4 měsíci +116

    You highlighting the repeated censorship and 18+ restricting hit the nail on the head
    I've been around fetish art circles since I around 2008, and I've seen firsthand how websites contract, force out and restrict content over time and purge art they or their payment processors find questionable to a point now where 18+ commissioners and buyers are having to do discreet transactions or share their content in increasingly smaller and smaller pools like in private discord servers or rarely forums. Over the last decade, its become so much harder for 18+ artists to make any form of living off of commissions, patreon, etc. due to these repeated content purges. And overall the opinion in the community themselves is just... bleak acceptance and paranoia that even their current safe havens won't be for long. There's been talk of a class-action lawsuit filed with the ACLU but its probably nothing but hot-air and communities like this don't get support. And its not just the usual suspects, everything from bondage, feet, to vore, to even weird niche stuff are all on the chopping block. deviantART's recently had a purge that targeted "artwork that promotes sexual violence" of which the definitions of what that is was so vague and nebulous that it ran the gambit from actually R-word content to... silly cartoons with people with apples in their mouths. No one bothers to speak up, as you suffered a microcosm of what Joey experienced. 'You're a sicko and degenerate who doesn't belong on this website' is the vibe. There's a giant blocklist on dA that people can nominate fetish artists too without oversight that you cannot protest nor petition your removal. And I have run into numerous artists who I've never met who I've been preemptively blocked from viewing their pages because of it. All you're met with a sneery puritan smugness who celebrate the fact they've formed their little closed gardens to keep out the 'freaks' which, due to how blocking works basically restricts your access to even VIEW pages at time, means more and more of the site is restricted to the art you view.
    My point is, this is happening *all* over the internet. With credit card companies and other big websites punching down on acceptable targets of which no one will bother defending. With puritan support from both the right *and* the left (at the least use the vernacular and buzzwords), especially amongst younger zoomers (or Puriteens as they are known in shipping circles) . Its tiring, exhausting for many people who have kinks or want a healthy outlet is becoming more and more impossible by the day as half-the-internet thinks you're R--pists, PDFphiles, and doing or engaging with fetish art once is enough to blacklist you in the future I've noticed. With the right declaring you having porn addictions and needing to see Jesus and and the young puriteens decrying people who do these forms of art as 'groomers'. So protesting it has for the last decades, fallen on deaf ears, while the actual issues were instead focused towards culture wars against minor bullshit like Aloys skin pores or how the Gods in Hades look and not at the actual systemic censorship going on. And increasingly, its why these communities don't speak up. As speaking up just results in an endless dogpile of people who act like you just exposed yourself in public or that your fetish or kink is somehow equivalent or is going to lead you to do s-x crimes IRL. I've had my friends reblog cute art from someone only to have a swarm of their followers demand that they not reblog from them ever again because they did fetish art they find problematic at one point in time before. And doing so lead to a cataclysmic friend-shattering discussion which nuked a discord server, people to call people defending it PDFphiles and other horrid shit.
    With that sort of culture around this sort of thing, its easy for these laws to be passed. For credit card companies to push more and more restricting to a point where many of the communities are left huddling in basically a return to private-messaging groups and isolated peer-to-peer/invite only areas or going behind paywalled websites, all in the name of stopping fraud, protecting children, or stopping some sort of moral degeneracy. I know a lot of LGBT folk in these circles, many of them trans men and women. So with ID laws in Texas on top of generalized anti-trans legislation feels like its targeting these folk in their private intimate lives as well as trying to stop them from living a normal life and going to the damn bathroom, stopping them from being themselves both in public and in private and often times restricting them from support networks and communities where they can just be themselves. And potentially risk outing themselves in order to engage with these communities.
    So ultimately, it feels like the internet has been a much more hostile place these days and the places where you can find refuge and just be a kinky freak and share your weird art and get compensated for it is becoming so much harder these days. I stopped posting content to dA after the purge and went to Pixiv... months later Pixiv did its 18+ ban. Now I don't know where to go. I'm considering bluesky but at the same point as I want to publish stuff one day, I fear that I'll just be easier blacklisted. Its a scary time, and I'm so, so glad voices like you are bringing a voice to this bullshit we've been going through for the last decade now.
    Thank you Geoff and Yazi and thank you to Joey for bringing a spotlight to this.

    • @tigerfalco
      @tigerfalco Před 4 měsíci

      Right when I was considering learning 3d stuff for porn so I could make money

    • @oregonsenior4204
      @oregonsenior4204 Před 4 měsíci +15

      Well said. Also, I am stealing "puriteens"

    • @Cyromantik
      @Cyromantik Před 4 měsíci

      Goodness you wrote a book! It's a book I was happy to read though, as I care deeply on matters of sex and gender. Censorship is just a step being paved on the road to lashing back and stamping out civil liberties and the ability for people to just be themselves.
      If we're not careful we could see LGBTQ people arrested, institutionalized and abused yet again.

    • @TheCuteycat
      @TheCuteycat Před 4 měsíci +9

      god you hit the nail on the head and I feel this so much. I started making alt accounts to separate my smut art because of fandom bs but also and I can't stress this enough in all my years doing art nothing I did that was sfw moved or got me any commissions on the level that my nsfw stuff did. I could only make money from nsfw stuff because nobody really cared for any of the cute or normal art I did. The fact that deviantart currently says 'you can post nsfw as long you pay us and put it behind an extra patreon layer' just feeds in to this frustration that these groups and sites know people are spending money and want to narrow the gap further and further in their better than thou puritanicalism while also profiting off these people who need to make rent. I've seen popular creators make posts and such about where they can even go and what sites can they even run through to post/sell their comics and art because the spaces where you can even try and the platforms even willing to take that money getting so small and tight. It's hard right now.

    • @pretzel1313
      @pretzel1313 Před 4 měsíci +14

      I feel like a lot of these people aren't able to separate fantasy and reality. What they're saying is essentially that if you view weird sh!t online, you'd totally do that weird sh!t IRL, which no, that is not how this works. I also don't know where to go. I'm really surprised pixiv of all places is actually doing something.

  • @pikapichu5
    @pikapichu5 Před 4 měsíci +30

    I am extremely passionate about localization as a writer and someone who's been studying japanese for years, and its honestly so saddening how difficult it is to have a genuine conversation about the issues with the business and art (because it *is* an art). There are people on both sides of the debate and political spectrum who are engaging with it in bad faith arguments--you have right-leaning fans who hate even the idea that someone in their anime might be trans or knows what a patriarchy is and left-leaning fans that think that a slight change of a line from an older/machine-based translation is queer erasure. And because both groups are so reactionary to any change from a script (looking at you sissel/thistle), its hard to filter out the actual harmful instanses like jjk from all of the noise.
    For what its worth though, I'm glad that we've reached the point in translating japanese art that we at least have options. I grew up in the shitty vocaloid tl trenches, and I will never forget how the fan translation of Dramatical Murder (one of the only ways to play the original version) just outright butchered one of the routes bc the translator didn’t like the character. Nowadays, these things are less likely to happen, and with evidence that the AI bubble may burst soon, I hope we can leave all of this AI tl crap behind us.
    Pixiv unfortunately feels like a longer, tougher fix. I'm genuinely scared for the future of online spaces, but I'm happy to see people like y'all talking about it.
    I hope you both recover soon!

  • @PrinceMallow
    @PrinceMallow Před 4 měsíci +32

    I remember when Pixiv started blocking certain things in the US but I had no idea they moved onto to blocking ALL R18 content. Seriously, we have a petition going on over a couple straps added to a bikini in a video game that is still horny as hell. Meanwhile, there's ACTUAL real censorship going on here and I haven't heard a PEEP about it. Seriously, what the hell?

    • @Darkthal
      @Darkthal Před 4 měsíci

      On Pixiv going into your settings change your, current region to Japan. That’s currently the only way U.S. and UK. Members can still view R18 content. When I made my account on Pixiv, I chose my region as Japan. I hope this helps.

    • @Lexi_Zone
      @Lexi_Zone Před 4 měsíci +11

      I read the document from Pixiv and it didn't sound like a full R18 ban? It didn't even seem to mention viewing at all. It seemed to say that people in the US or UK aren't allowed to post R18 content if it involves minors, non-consensual scenes, torture, snuff, and a few other things--so basically, people in the US and UK can still _view_ all of that stuff, and can even still post vanilla R18 content, but not the "bad stuff". Unless I'm just an idiot, or they've put out another document I haven't seen, or are just doing stuff anyway. Confused.
      Also, I'm not endorsing the decision to ban people from uploading most of those things. I'm not exactly sad about pixiv telling US and UK artists to stop using them as a dumping ground for their lolicon art because sites in their regions won't allow it, but people'll tell me that if I'm okay with having rules against one thing then pretty soon _everything_ will be banned so whatever I'm not getting into that argument again.

  • @theGuyE57
    @theGuyE57 Před 4 měsíci +47

    In California, there was a lawsuit that held the payment processors of pornhub responsible for their lack of content moderation. Right now, it's moving its way through the courts and will likely reach the Supreme Court. This is the reason why credit card companies are shutting down payments for adult content. Because there is a non 0 chance the supreme court will rule that payment processor can be held accountable for facilitating illegal content.

    • @downrightmike
      @downrightmike Před měsícem

      It won't, they aren't a common carrier so they don't have to moderate. Similar case about Verizon is going now and they will blow billions to not become a common carrier and that will set a precedent

  • @connorgrynol9021
    @connorgrynol9021 Před 4 měsíci +10

    There’s technically still a law in Canada that prohibits comics from depicting ANY crimes. So a superhero comic about stopping a bank robbery? Technically illegal. The law hasn’t been enforced for like 50 years, but the fact that it’s still technically on the books is a problem in my opinion.
    Same goes for the law that makes it illegal to fake being a witch. Technically, witches are legal in Canada, but if you fake being a witch, then that’s a crime. Again, not enforced, but technically still in the law.

  • @finchfry
    @finchfry Před 3 měsíci +7

    I have so much respect for localization. You're not just translating something whole-cloth. For something as "simple" as a joke or a reference, you need the understanding and cultural context of both the original language/country and what you're translating to. A lot of jokes translated word for word wouldn't make sense to a typical English speaking person, so being able to localize it into something else that still fits the context of the show bur ALSO makes sense in English is a true skill and an art form.

  • @FanTalks1
    @FanTalks1 Před 4 měsíci +65

    Now that Geoff is part of GeeXPlus I hope that means there would be less copyright strikes, just like with Garnt/Gigguk.

    • @BasementLifePodcast
      @BasementLifePodcast  Před 4 měsíci +56

      We can only hope

    • @FanTalks1
      @FanTalks1 Před 4 měsíci +16

      @@BasementLifePodcast everyone here is hoping with you guys
      Hope there would be more podcasts and vids in Japan on this channel

    • @kush2319
      @kush2319 Před 4 měsíci +3

      im hopeful animelees might make a return as a result, or WIAOP

  • @harley-owo
    @harley-owo Před 3 měsíci +8

    re: the Sherlock Holmes thing, Herlock Sholmes was actually a character in the original Arsene Lupin novels due to a copyright thing while Arthur Conan Doyle was still alive lol. The novel is literally titled "Arsene Lupin versus Herlock Sholmes," published 1908 - 1910 (French, then English).

  • @MySqueezingArm
    @MySqueezingArm Před 4 měsíci +19

    Always be wary of laws that increase surveillance to 'protect' people.

  • @Chronos341
    @Chronos341 Před 4 měsíci +30

    48:01 When I started building my Space Marine faction, I told the guy at the store that I was worried about fitting into canon. He told me, " 40k canon doesn't matter. Make up what ever you want. We're all just playing with toys."

  • @alphaqueer
    @alphaqueer Před 4 měsíci +10

    This is the first I'm hearing about the jjk translation drama but as someone who dropped jjk after the shibuya arc bc I couldn't fucking follow what was going on anymore. Also, same w/ Geoff, I thought the Demon Slayer manga was really boring and have told people not to bother with it and stick to the anime... Bad translations can ruin a beautiful story (see also: the original Trigun Maximum localization by Dark Horse which is also impossible to comprehend)
    Also, as someone with limited limb control/severe chronic pain, I agree with Yazzy! There are so many games I'd love to play that I physically cannot bc of a lack of accessibility options. If a game like Hades can have an unobtrusive accessibility mode built in, then why can't more of them so the same? (Also absolutely play Going Under, it's so so good)
    The fuwa gojo fandom is reminding me of the teru vash obsession that the Trigun fandom has

    • @Jetsetlemming
      @Jetsetlemming Před 3 měsíci

      Dark Horse really had some bad translations. Their translation of Berserk didn't even bother doing the sound effects for example, and their release of Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service inserted weird centrist political rants in the translation notes in response to the chapters of that manga that were critical of the Japanese government, basically one-sidedly arguing with the mangaka in the back of their own book. The translator on that book was very unhappy to have to translate something daring to be critical of Unit 731 and feeling very defensive about it, despite being an American man and not a Japanese nationalist??? it was extremely cringe.

  • @zanzabar4ky7
    @zanzabar4ky7 Před 4 měsíci +14

    I really miss honorifics, but what I miss more is karaoke for openings. I would love to see an option for a fan translation like set of subs, but it will never be worth the cost.
    At this point I want to have a dub or a more literal translation. It is such an art to have a proper localization, and if I am not getting the original vibes I would rather just have it in English. Especially with netflix, Disney, HBO, and Crunchyroll having the same sub and dub most of the time.
    I did like the translation notes

  • @PrinceMallow
    @PrinceMallow Před 4 měsíci +32

    I've also seen people saying "We didn't know how good we had it with 4Kids!" in regards to localization. Seriously? You really want to go back to the days of jelly donuts and finger guns all because you can't get over Lucoa saying "patriarchy" over seven years ago? Anyone saying this absolutely did not grow up in the days of 4Kids or even the non-4Kids anime like Sailor Moon and Cardcaptor Sakura erasing any and all queer characters.

    • @BasementLifePodcast
      @BasementLifePodcast  Před 4 měsíci +21

      To be fair, there were some good things about 4kids dubs, but it definitely wasn’t the accuracy. Like all the out of pocket moments in Mew Mew Power, and the banging theme songs!

    • @PrinceMallow
      @PrinceMallow Před 4 měsíci +10

      @@BasementLifePodcast Oh, absolutely, most of the problems with 4Kids dubs was they had strict limits they had to work within and they did the best with what they could. And honestly a lot of the writing in things like early Pokémon is still pretty hilarious.

    • @kunimitsune177
      @kunimitsune177 Před 3 měsíci +3

      I mean... Yes. Finger guns are funny. The other thing is stupid.

  • @gustavohernandeza.890
    @gustavohernandeza.890 Před 4 měsíci +16

    wishing Geoff &Yazy best of luck in their new life adventure in Japan!

  • @Zephyr_Zeitgeist
    @Zephyr_Zeitgeist Před 4 měsíci +38

    My defense of Easy Mode is that people who for various reasons are /physically unable/ to Git Gud should be able to play, too.

    • @rockguitarist8907
      @rockguitarist8907 Před 4 měsíci +6

      Adding an easy mode can be quick for the Dev too. Depends on the game though as some require different AI competition, not just lower health of enemies or more ammo for you.

    • @samtron5000
      @samtron5000 Před 4 měsíci +3

      Meh not everything is for everyone.

    • @powerhousejp
      @powerhousejp Před 4 měsíci +4

      My only problem with the "every game should have easy/accessibility modes" is that game development is zero-sum. It is not easy nor trivial to implement these changes well, and devoting development time and cost to such features takes that time/cost from something else.
      When you start digging into the weeds of easy/accessibility modes, it becomes a topic with a lot of nuance. For example, where would the desires or artistic vision of the developer play into this conversation? What do game developers actually "owe" their players? And so forth, it's hard to peck out hypotheticals on a phone.
      Personally, I'm more apt to forgive single devs for foregoing easy modes or accessibility in their game, but pretty unforgivable for multibillion dollar gaming conglomerates with thousands of employees to skimp on them. On the other other hand, not every game/book/movie/manga/anime is or should be all things for everyone, and I'm not going to damn Hasbro for failing to include a gimbal-stabilized robotic tweezer mount in every box of Operation so my trembling hands can play it.

    • @Qualjyn
      @Qualjyn Před 4 měsíci +6

      If "easy mode" is too much work, just put a cheat menu in every game.

    • @kunimitsune177
      @kunimitsune177 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Literal peak entitlement. "I exist therefore I /deserve/ to have this thing catered towards me".
      Disability sucks. Things are hard. Get over it.
      There's plenty of people who are 'able' and still cannot git gud for whatever reason. By your logic those people are reason enough to have easy modes and hard games should never exist.
      Newsflash: sometimes a thing being difficult is the point of the thing.

  • @ConRitter
    @ConRitter Před 4 měsíci +4

    I didn't think part of why later JJK was falling off for me was because of the translation. The later fights get really exposition heavy which is already tough let alone that exposition having mistranslations.

  • @CraftyArts
    @CraftyArts Před 4 měsíci +28

    Im so amused that collectively violent media is fine and defended as it not effecting what people do in real life but violent media with a boner crosses a line. Someone show me how a person was harmed by ANY drawing.

    • @zUJ7EjVD
      @zUJ7EjVD Před 4 měsíci +1

      I mean, as I understand it when kids inevitably get exposed to that it can lead to harmful ideas of what sex is like. I could be wrong though, citation needed.

    • @connorgrynol9021
      @connorgrynol9021 Před 4 měsíci +9

      ⁠@@zUJ7EjVDthere’s not a lot of research into hentai specifically. For a long time, people treated all erotic material the same. However a recent research paper suggests they do differ in obvious ways. This raises questions about how else they differ. I don’t know if hentai actually develops unrealistic sex expectations the same way normal erotic media does, however, if it does, the solution is likely the same. Namely comprehensive sex education.

    • @CraftyArts
      @CraftyArts Před 4 měsíci

      @@connorgrynol9021 indeed, i would add there is such a thing as ed induced by porn watching too, thing is though how is that grounds to be banned. Even the most extreme subject matter such as the various forms of rape and gore isnt gonna "normalize" it like some of these moral crusaders seem to fantasize about. Like there is never going to be a point normal adults are convinced its ok to violate other people or go after their pets kids etc. its just fear mongering bs being used as a back door to go after general queer people.

    • @Lexi_Zone
      @Lexi_Zone Před 4 měsíci +8

      @@connorgrynol9021 I mean, normal anime seems to give dweebs unrealistic ideas of how women should look (see gamers' reaction to any video game woman who looks like a normal everyday woman) and also sometimes makes me feel bad about my own body so I seriously wouldn't be surprised if hentai works the same way as all other porn. Agreed on the sex education. And we don't want credit card companies being the ones to decide what's okay and what isn't online.

    • @MiguelDLewis
      @MiguelDLewis Před 4 měsíci

      Ted Bundy said that adult content negatively influenced his desires and behavior. I imagine the same is true for Tsutomu Hiyazaki and Nobuhiro Watsuki. At the same time though, Anders Breivik trained using COD and the Columbine boys were inspired by the Matrix. These are extreme cases of course and correlation doesn't equal causality. But is the freedom of consuming such violent/adult material worth the risk of inspiring criminals?

  • @Turtlewax63
    @Turtlewax63 Před 3 měsíci +10

    The requests for literal translations are always funny to me. I'm a Fate fan, and for the last decade, we've been complaining that the fan translation for the Fate/Stay Night visual novel is to literal, and that it comes off really stiff and awkward as a result, which is a real problem for a story as verbose and metaphor heavy as Fate. Another funny example is Ys 8, which had to be retranslated from scratch, because the original word by word translation had things like a level called "Big Hole", which had to be turned into "Chasm" by the redo.

    • @thomasfleming8131
      @thomasfleming8131 Před 3 měsíci +1

      The best fan translations are those that actually do localise things but still include notes explaining the context, the original meaning and why they chose the translation they did.

  • @ZILtoid1991
    @ZILtoid1991 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Hi, I couldn't watch this podcast when it was fresh, however you might want to make a video on your main channel titled "How it became a slippery slope". Sorry for being the idea guy, but it's really sad to see as a Hungarian to see people using the same exact arguments the supporters of our child protection law (which only protects children if you count 35+ year old homophobic manchildren as children) on other things, not seeing through how the languages of laws manipulate them.

  • @aobasuzukaze1032
    @aobasuzukaze1032 Před 4 měsíci +29

    I'm an English Literature students and localization is so hard and these weebs are chirping about how "woke" localization are nowadays even though it has been the standard for years. Like learn intro to translation 101 and came back to me.

    • @StupidGeniuses
      @StupidGeniuses Před 4 měsíci +8

      There are specific examples were they throw out the og script and do thier own thing. I believe those examples are what upset people, not just changing rice ball to donut.

    • @blukins8
      @blukins8 Před 4 měsíci +2

      Most translation censorship comes due to different regulations regarding rating, something like manga needs to be able to be sold to teens to be even close to profitable in the west... so it's either an slightly changed translation or just no translation at all

  • @bobbenson6825
    @bobbenson6825 Před 4 měsíci +18

    It's wonderful you found a great dentist. It shouldn't be so much of a crapshoot to find good medical care. The fact Yazy had to deal with events that reinforced fears of dentists is...I wish I could find the proper words. I hope you both get to settle in and Yazy can finally see rapid improvement in her health.

  • @DMBLaan
    @DMBLaan Před 4 měsíci +15

    Hot Take- If it wasn't for changes in the US localisation of Dragon Ball Z in the 90s, especially how they changed Goku as a character, that anime would not have been nearly as popular here.

  • @RyuSensei42
    @RyuSensei42 Před 4 měsíci +5

    I moved to Japan in 2007 before moving to Canada in 2021 and went through a lot of the same logistical problems. You have my sympathy!!! You picked the worst time of year to move to Japan because March/April is when everyone moves off to college or moves to start new jobs. I made that mistake myself a couple of times. I hate to tell you this, but the heat and humidity is only going to get worse over the next few months. Prepare, Japanese deodorant does not work for foreigners!! This actually leads to the stereotype that foreigners smell bad.
    Also, furniture is EXPENSIVE! I remember seeing this nice little side table that I thought might be nice...and it was 18,000 yen and I was 2 months away from my first paycheck. One tip is keep your eye out for recycle shops like Off House (the household goods version of Book Off and Hobby Off).
    I also had some bad experiences with Japanese dentists. They NEVER tell you what they’re doing and they are QUICK to rip your teeth out. The good news is that they do good work when you find a good one. My Canadian dentist was quite impressed. I’m glad you found a good one in the end.
    Lastly, your story about the onigiri reminded me of a similar story from my first trip to Japan. My first bento had a nice big umeboshi in the middle of the rice to look like a Japanese flag. Nobody bothered to mention that these plums had a big pit in the middle...that I bit right down into to the great amusement of my Japanese guides.
    Best of luck on your Japan journey. It will genuinely change your life for the better. It certainly did for me. 頑張ってください。

  • @MysticMylesZ
    @MysticMylesZ Před 4 měsíci +7

    It's hard to... have energy, defending a taboo, and continuing to defend anything with people attacking you or thinking you're crazy... or just feeling like you're milking the cow dry or people telling you you're doing that or... or
    There's so many things... how worth it is it to you to keep going.
    Also like crazy people on the internet go too far & dox you & then it affects you're real life, your like in person relationships and physical well being

  • @BladeWinters
    @BladeWinters Před 4 měsíci +15

    I'm already losing DA, Patreon, and Gumroad, I can't lose Pixiv as well.

    • @gekirobo8720
      @gekirobo8720 Před 4 měsíci +4

      There's always Newgrounds and... um... furaffinity...

    • @ConvincingPeople
      @ConvincingPeople Před 3 měsíci

      ⁠@@gekirobo8720Even Furaffinity has gotten progressively weirder and more arbitrary with how they enforce their rules on what can or cannot be shown due to similar pressures if I’m being honest, and I don’t trust that they won’t cave on broader and broader swaths of “objectionable content” if pushed. Granted, right now you can still get away with a *lot,* but if you want to be 100% safe, your options are either getting creative with your Pixiv location settings or getting *really* niche. But even then, e621 has preemptively blocked itself in several states, requiring VPN circumnavigation, so things are looking… ominous.

  • @UnrealMichael
    @UnrealMichael Před 4 měsíci +4

    Abscesses suck, I got one a couple years ago around new years, around my upper leg. Had to have surgery twice to get it cut open and drained, and then it came back 6 months later. The first one was risky because it was directly over that main artery that goes up your leg, so it would've led to sepsis if it'd lasted any longer. Best of luck to Yazy with the abscess!

  • @Jetsetlemming
    @Jetsetlemming Před 3 měsíci +1

    while I get the argument about honorifics potentially being difficult for a new casual audience member, there has to be a line where we accept some level of educating the audience. That's why so many official manga translations include honorifics and just a short little guide about what they mean. Otherwise, we end up doing stuff like cutting all the elvish out of Lord of the Rings and giving every character a new western christian name. I personally am very glad the Crunchyroll and Disney style of handling these things aren't setting the standard for non-anime localizations and we've still got companies like J-Novel Club and Seven Seas and Yen Press in the game doing it way better.

    • @PikaPenny17
      @PikaPenny17 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Ironically, Tolkien already translated the names of LOTR. Ostensably their in-universe names are diferent from what the books tell you.

  • @landydot6296
    @landydot6296 Před 4 měsíci +7

    With the John Werry translation. The one that pisses me off the most is the line where Shoko says she’d never be interested in Gojo and Geto. He translated it in a way that implies that she liked one of them but that the relationship would never have worked out, and this line doesn’t get called back to so until I got corrected I was just wondering why Gege just put that plot point in that chapter for nothing and if anything would happen with it.

  • @mamadnamvar3371
    @mamadnamvar3371 Před 4 měsíci +5

    so glad you guys made it out the basement!

  • @supinearcanum
    @supinearcanum Před 4 měsíci +6

    Good you got them treated. I knew someone from college who died from a tooth infection, so good you got it treated in time.

  • @spectre0586
    @spectre0586 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Glad to see you guys back! Congrats on the move! That sounds super freaking cool!
    Sorry about the ridiculous dental ordeal! I hope it clears up super soon and I look forward to the next podcast.
    EDIT: Teach me to comment before I finish the video. Thanks for the excellent summary on why morality laws are really damn dangerous and the very specific example of how they can be used to target minority groups. 11/10, hope we get a full video on that at some point because that is worth having to send out to folks.

  • @geasslordzero
    @geasslordzero Před 4 měsíci +4

    Glad to see you guys uploading a new episode. One critique I'd like to provide is the way you guys presented the pixiv news is a bit incoherent. Just based on the way you guys described it I don't understand what's going on. I feel like you might be able to articulate news like this better in the future. If someone could explain the pixiv situation to me in the comments I'd be grateful because I live in the US and was able to pull up hentai on it without issue.

  • @Mazinja
    @Mazinja Před 4 měsíci +2

    Hearing the JJK stories does explain to me... why the hell it's so hard to follow what the hell is going on at the fight.

  • @questioningespecialy9107
    @questioningespecialy9107 Před 3 měsíci +2

    46:17 wake up, babe, new insult just dropped

  • @FluxChanneler
    @FluxChanneler Před 4 měsíci +3

    Worth remembering that a slippery slope argument is only fallacious when the conclusion doesn't track from the premises.

    • @FrancisGo.
      @FrancisGo. Před 4 měsíci

      Law of compound interest. 😂

  • @JamesonHuddle
    @JamesonHuddle Před 4 měsíci +3

    I got the news of the pix censoring from here, credit card companies suck but they are so so convenient for most things that I can't imagine a boycott being successful. It makes crypto seem like a good option, and we have so many examples of how rough that rollout has been. Not sure what to do.

  • @XTimTheEnchanterX
    @XTimTheEnchanterX Před 4 měsíci +3

    Congrats being done with the move, hopefully you can settle in with fewer illnesses!

  • @MaHLius
    @MaHLius Před 3 měsíci +1

    Your tooth health isn't written in stone, because of your genetics. Diet plays a huge rule. Weston Price was a real pioneer for that. I got no tooth issues or new fillings in the last ten years. Before I had 5 cavities 2 of them requiring a root canal. The book "cure tooth decay" from Ramiel Nagel would be a great place to start, as well as the Weston Price foundation.

  • @danielsantiagourtado3430
    @danielsantiagourtado3430 Před 4 měsíci +6

    Love basement life! You always make My day! Thanks!❤❤❤❤

  • @Max465
    @Max465 Před 4 měsíci +2

    It's my favorite semi-annual podcast!! :D

  • @Kleed44
    @Kleed44 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Hope the move went well - love you guys and I'm really sorry you have dental trauma as well now. I have similar issues and am still struggling with it, so it means a lot to know someone else is dealing with the same issues. Not that I'm glad it happened to you, but I appreciate you talking about it honestly :)

  • @Limit02
    @Limit02 Před 4 měsíci +4

    THANK YOU for talking about the John Werry shit with JJK
    It’s so fucking infuriating how bad the official TL is, and that the physical releases are seemingly just gonna be stuck with this shitty translation

    • @Limit02
      @Limit02 Před 4 měsíci +1

      It’s gonna be rough in the future when recommending JJK having to tell people “the SECOND shibuya ends switch to TCB”

  • @tuberialolicon-tanuki6533
    @tuberialolicon-tanuki6533 Před 3 měsíci +1

    As an enthusiast I love detours into cultural context in my japanese media... in manga/videogames, where I control the pacing. But pausing every 5 seconds in Gintama, killing the pacing of the jokes to read an explanation, is just terrible (but Gintama is so good I ended up loving it anyways).
    When it comes to censorship, it's so frustrating. If someone is outright anti porn I would not agree with them but at least I think it would make sense for them to celebrate censorship. But people that have opened that box, look at similar people leading similar lifes and suffering similar struggles, yet protect some and hate the other just based on what's in the screen of their phones while they masturbate. Like pal the conversation isn't about drawings, not really, it's about people, people who are just living their lives and, as far as you can tell by knowing nothing but their hentai taste, are not causing any harm. Just imagine having most people, even so called freedom fighters, wanting to criminalize your lifestyle or take away your livelihood for nothing, it's so messed up.

  • @molly-zx9cr
    @molly-zx9cr Před 4 měsíci +3

    I’m so glad you found a good dentist! I highly recommend asking them about 1.1% fluoride toothpaste. It’s prescription in the US but idk about Japan. I have a genetic condition called amelogenesis imperfecta which basically means my enamel never formed properly. Add to that an incompetent childhood dentist and I’ve lost track of how many fillings I’ve gotten, I’ve had 2 root canals, and a whole list of other stuff. The toothpaste got rid of my sensitivity way better than sensodyne and improved my oral health in general. Maybe it’ll help you too. Good luck!

    • @molly-zx9cr
      @molly-zx9cr Před 4 měsíci

      Lol I totally sound like an ad but after years of dental woes this genuinely helped me a lot. Also regular flossing and good brushing technique are super important for maintaining oral health! And avoid mouthwash because it just damages your gums and dries out your mouth.

    • @Lucky_Dagger
      @Lucky_Dagger Před 3 měsíci

      It really is a coin toss whether something is heavily restricted or diluted in Japan (like beer is apparently super watered down) versus something Japan accepted before the Western world. I can't go to Japan without giving up an essential medication for the diration of my stay.

  • @Pluveus
    @Pluveus Před 4 měsíci +2

    1300 yen is actually Extra cheap because the Yen lost value relative to the dollar. It was probably closer to 10 bucks US.

  • @pretzel1313
    @pretzel1313 Před 4 měsíci +2

    You gotta let Geoff finish his sentences lol

  • @idolhellisaplaceonearth
    @idolhellisaplaceonearth Před 4 měsíci +2

    That fuwa ending hit home, i'm up to my ears in nesoberi hell and i don't ever want to leave

  • @excalibursaurusm5701
    @excalibursaurusm5701 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Welcome back

  • @severdislike4222
    @severdislike4222 Před 4 měsíci +6

    When it comes to adult content (already a thing that requires some degree of age verification) and payment processors - the story of "We're barring access to X" goes back to into anti-pornography activists going back to the first round of modern credit cards (which came into existence in the USA in the early 1960's) - and has repeated itself every decade since (and failed to stop people from procuring it) in every decade since.

  • @barl6412
    @barl6412 Před měsícem

    35:24 I feel like that's the start of a very different "first they came" poem

  • @howdo-by3wj
    @howdo-by3wj Před 4 měsíci

    I'm glad you guys are staying optimistic despite a rough few months

  • @twodents
    @twodents Před 4 měsíci +5

    Props to Yazy for having the bravery to mention The Doohickey in Japan

  • @hopalongjens
    @hopalongjens Před 3 měsíci

    Are y’all going to upload to Apple Podcasts or Spotify? It’d be nice to listen to this while I’m driving without having to stream a video on my data

  • @m00n119
    @m00n119 Před 3 měsíci +1

    so many of the stories ive loved the most i was first introduced to by a fantastic fan translation

  • @DrewWaranis
    @DrewWaranis Před 4 měsíci +2

    Weaponized media illiteracy hurts my soul.

  • @palkilmer
    @palkilmer Před 3 měsíci

    doing a big journey right now and though I've been subbed to you both for years i somehow missed this podcast! thank you for making hours on a bus bareable

  • @KawaiiKittyCat224
    @KawaiiKittyCat224 Před 4 měsíci

    One of my fondest memories of my second trip to Japan was our dinner at Saizeriya. We were so tired from being at Disney Sea all day, so we were half delirious with exhaustion. My brother decided to order escargot at Saizeriya. It was 400¥ and it was obviously not good at all, but we all thought it was genuinely the funniest thing that he thought essentially $2 snails would taste good. We were crying laughing. (The rest of the food we got there was good though!)

  • @alexring3214
    @alexring3214 Před 3 měsíci

    Another issue with the Great Ace Attorney was America was uncomfortable with the casual racism against Japanese people in curtain chapters. which is understandable and appreciated but also unnecessary in this case

  • @Tai-Rex
    @Tai-Rex Před 4 měsíci +1

    As a fellow loser in the tooth enamel lottery, I feel for you! The level of pain is nearly incomprehensible, it's so bad. I'm glad to hear you're on the mend

  • @bbd121
    @bbd121 Před 10 dny +1

    Yazy! You're okay. I'm so happy. I thought something happened to you.

  • @undercovertopz
    @undercovertopz Před 3 měsíci

    good luck in tokyo, there's a lot of fun stuff to do but they're incredibly hard to enjoy as a neurodivergent person with a lot of sensory issues. It's one of the reasons why I moved back to the states.

  • @bestaround3323
    @bestaround3323 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Once again screw Texas

  • @alitain8135
    @alitain8135 Před 3 měsíci

    For the record, I opened the first rice ball the exact same wrong way too on my trip. Didn't realize I had done it wrong till the second one and I saw the instructions on the bottom, heh.

  • @lowtech42
    @lowtech42 Před 4 měsíci +3

    long time main channel lover here, this is the first time I've watched the podcast and now I'm a fan of this too! Yaz is just as cool as Geoff imo, and she was spitting about that censorship segment. I hope y'all do that Bojack podcast!! It really is arguably the West's best narrative animated work, up there with Avatar TLA and Young Justice S1-2

  • @captianmorgan7627
    @captianmorgan7627 Před 3 měsíci

    The liner notes for Excel Saga are wonderful. Many comments about the translation of the show. Which was especially hard because it is a comedy with many Japanese cultural and in jokes. I still remember there is one joke that the translators said they have no idea what the joke was about. They had an idea but didn't actually know.

  • @danielsantiagourtado3430
    @danielsantiagourtado3430 Před 4 měsíci +9

    Congrats on the move to japan! So awesome! 🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵⛩️⛩️⛩️

  • @DMBLaan
    @DMBLaan Před 4 měsíci +5

    I can think of some instances where localisation, most into English, have made the material BETTER! In Fire Emblem Fates/IF, in the Japanese version the conversation between the character Soleil and a Male PC was basically a pseudo promotion for gay conversion therapy, and was made better in the US version.

  • @thegleeman7535
    @thegleeman7535 Před 4 měsíci +2

    So the reason I thought the jjk manga got worse was because of a new translator?

  • @joshhatfield4864
    @joshhatfield4864 Před 4 měsíci +1

    So we've finally reached edited A.I. content. I knew it was going to happen, but I ironically thought it was going to be A.I. art that was going to be edited first.

  • @TsubataLately
    @TsubataLately Před 4 měsíci +1

    Never go to any special event in Japan on the last day. FOMO is very, VERY real in this country, and exhibitions that no one gave a shit about two days before will be packed to the gills on the last day.

  • @phedran
    @phedran Před 4 měsíci +6

    If you can't handle dental talk, skip to 6:10.
    As someone who just had all 4 cracked & rotting molars removed and a bunch of cavity fills after a decade without a dentist, even I'm like "I was lucky" in comparison. 🤗

  • @Steelblaidd
    @Steelblaidd Před 4 měsíci +6

    A good dentist is a joy forever. (I have four or five root canals, two implants, crowns, fillings, etc. I feel Yazzie's pain, if not her anxiety)

    • @BasementLifePodcast
      @BasementLifePodcast  Před 4 měsíci +4

      I might be headed towards 2 implants as well if this infection doesn’t clear up after the second round of antibiotics 😭😭 glad someone else understands how rough it is

    • @molly-zx9cr
      @molly-zx9cr Před 4 měsíci +1

      I’ve had a similar situation you might want to check out 1.1% fluoride toothpaste. In the us you need a prescription or just to get it from your dentist’s office but it’s helped me a lot. I have a genetic condition that gives me bad enamel and it’s made a huge difference for me. Fixed my sensitivity way better than sensodyne ever did too

  • @WhirlwindHeatAndFlash
    @WhirlwindHeatAndFlash Před 3 měsíci +1

    If this isnt the most missed opportunity for a VPN sponsor then i dont know what is

  • @JeremyCoatney
    @JeremyCoatney Před 4 měsíci

    I am so glad that you were able to find a good dentist, but I am so, so sorry about all the dental horrors and trauma

  • @nadirku
    @nadirku Před 4 měsíci +2

    This is more of a problem with me, but I get a little weird about getting hung up on little grammatical errors, like where it seems they did a partial rewrite of a sentence, like In chapter 2 of the official Frieren manga translation there is a text box that says "twenty years after the death of the Himmel the Hero", but then give a pass to stuff in free, presumably AI-generated/English-as-a-second-language, fan translations, where things can be very inconsistent about whether something is phonetically translated because it is a character's name, or translated to the meaning of that name, and the gender of pronouns gets very confused.

  • @greenwarrior33
    @greenwarrior33 Před 4 měsíci

    Yazy I hope you feel better soon. Just worried you guys have too much on your plate. Yazy has her own channel, vtubing, OF, this podcast, the 🔞 podcast. And Geoff has this channel, the main channel and a whole small staff to deal with. I hope everything goes a lot smoother for you all. 💕

  • @Silverhand48
    @Silverhand48 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Also a big issue with the Re:Zero LN adaptation as well, changing complete meanings and stuff in translation, LoremIpsumVerb has some great twitter threads about it if you wanna see more.

  • @hyperionthundermain
    @hyperionthundermain Před 4 měsíci +5

    I want all the anti-localizer crowd to be put in a movie theatre, shown the old fan-subs of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, and then say to my face that it was an enjoyable viewing experience.

  • @Noname13550
    @Noname13550 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Lol the guy said he read it as they banned hentai so we moved to japan ....that is a vaild reason to be fair 🤣🤣

  • @GravGunner
    @GravGunner Před 4 měsíci

    Fallout 1 is shorter, 2 is probably longer than all the others (if you go even halfway for completionist)
    Try them! They might not be nice for you as they were written a long time ago, so keep that in mind.
    Also, look into some mods for them, the widescreen mod is probably a must :)

  • @jeff8326
    @jeff8326 Před 4 měsíci

    Sorry about your bad dental situation. Here in Japan there are more dentist offices than conbinis (I have been told many times). Some are great, but a lot are terrible.

  • @MichaelHall1989
    @MichaelHall1989 Před 28 dny

    Great. You moved to Tokyo. Now I'm going to be subconsciously looking at anyone who looks vaguely like you to see if I happen to see you around. XD
    If you need a recommendation for a dentist in the future or something, lmk how to message you and I'd be happy to give you some names. If you're near Shibuya, that is.

  • @spantigre3190
    @spantigre3190 Před 16 dny

    Obscenity laws are inherently broad, because they are going to be implemented on whatever judges and police think is obscene.

  • @LilFeralGangrel
    @LilFeralGangrel Před 3 měsíci

    Hey I just wanted to let y'all know that the links in your channels description is broken. Y'all have them as /c/[insert channel name], all links are now /@[insert channel name]. don't know when youtube rolled out this clownfaced change but they did and as per usual they broke everything.

  • @Zistheone2
    @Zistheone2 Před 2 měsíci

    When did the US ban Hentai? I haven’t heard about this on social media

  • @Lettuce-fl4wt
    @Lettuce-fl4wt Před 3 měsíci

    Holy canoli! Any fan meetups???

  • @NicolasChapadosGirard
    @NicolasChapadosGirard Před 3 měsíci

    So... From bassement on Canada to your own and now in Japan? I am wondering why the move? Is it for work?

  • @Mir_Teiwaz
    @Mir_Teiwaz Před 4 měsíci

    Did they re-do the Demon Slayer manga? I own the boxset and I enjoyed it when I binged it a little earlier this year.

  • @rodrigo.55
    @rodrigo.55 Před 3 měsíci +2

    all hentai banned but porn is ok
    us conservative logic

  • @jessicaluchesi
    @jessicaluchesi Před 4 měsíci

    HEY! YOU'RE IN JAPAN!!! Congrats on the move, hope someday I can do the same in a (financially) sustainable way. ( PS: Leave a post on the good dentist here... we never know if we´re gonna need... )

    • @jessicaluchesi
      @jessicaluchesi Před 4 měsíci

      ROFL APA Hotels... yes! Best I could do for conditioning was turn it off... and I was lucky it worked.

  • @prufrock1977
    @prufrock1977 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Cool! I’m a short trip across the sea in China

  • @Impbrush
    @Impbrush Před 3 měsíci

    I did read the viz translation of Demon Slayer, I did feel it was extremely average as a piece of media. But hearing that is was translated by someone who isn't good at Shonen battle stuff makes so much sense when I look back on it.

  • @darkrider3126
    @darkrider3126 Před 4 měsíci +1

    Wait, what is the JelloApocalspse drama?

    • @CynthiaMcG
      @CynthiaMcG Před 4 měsíci

      That's what I want to know as well. Not that I'm a fan or anything...

  • @bball6584
    @bball6584 Před 2 měsíci

    it's not just Texas law but there are other states doing it , Kansas and other ones . This is just setting precident though in the US you don't like something ban it.

  • @user-qd8pb2xq7j
    @user-qd8pb2xq7j Před 4 měsíci +2

    Hoping for Trash Taste crossover/guest episode now that you are in Japan)