Yn x JJ fight |

  • čas přidán 31. 08. 2023

Komentáře • 445

  • @addisonslife732
    @addisonslife732 Před 3 měsíci +27

    Crying the song got me-
    Fact the song Exile was first premiered in the Netflix show You

  • @lorriemaxim620
    @lorriemaxim620 Před měsícem +3

    JJ is one of my favs...he's soo passionate in this incredible series...I hope the Producers are gonna continue with more seasons...anybody know??

  • @esmexblack
    @esmexblack Před 7 měsíci +112

    🌹 Part 2 🌹 (This is gonna be like a story that switches back and forth between your POV and JJs)
    Background Info:
    (Not related to anyone, you are Y/n Y/l/n
    Your POV
    I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that I couldn't be here, so I went off. You know when someone just drives or takes a bus with no destination? That's me but with a boat. This wasn't the first time JJ had accused me of this, first it was John B., and now it's Pope, I know he's going through his own things, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't exhausted, I wish he could just see that he's always been the only one. Do I want to let go? No, but I also can't be the only one holding on.
    A while later
    JJs POV
    "Seems like a storms gonna hit," John B says to me looking out the window.
    "Dang it looks bad."
    "You gonna stay here?" He asks me
    "Yeah, I ain't goin out there"
    "Wasn't Y/n gonna come over?" he questions with a confused look on his face.
    "No," I say sternly not really wanting to talk about it, but of course, I can't expect John B to let it go.
    "What happened this time?"
    "It's just...you should have seen how she was looking at Pope earlier, she..."
    "You have to stop reflecting your insecurities on her," he says interrupting me, catching me off guard.
    "Remember last month? You wanted to fight me because you said Y/n had feelings for me"
    "I already apologized for that man, just let it go" I respond annoyed at him bringing it up.
    "What are you so scared of that you keep pushing her away?"
    "Nothing, I'm not," I lie. It felt so easy to lie and so hard to tell the truth. I know I shouldn't push her away, she doesn't deserve that.
    "Has she ever done anything so really make you insecure? Think about it." I have thought about it, and she hasn't. This is something I can't lie about.
    "No...she hasn't," I admit.
    "Ever been unfaithful? Ever not communicated with you?"
    "Dude, can you see now that you're the problem here?"
    "She was giving Pope looks earlier," I say trying to convince myself more than John B.
    "No, she wasn't, I was there, she just looked at him and laughed cause he was making fun of Topper"
    "That wasn't a laugh bro, that was a giggle"
    "You know that you're like my brother JJ, but I can't take your side on this, cause if I do, you'll lose the person you care about most in this world"
    I knew he was right, I have been so stupid these past months, instead of pushing her away I should have kept her closer. I can't and won't lose her, so I decided to take my phone out and call her
    "Who you callin'?" John B asks me
    "You know" I answer. She doesn't pick up and I try again, still no answer. I think about what I had said and figured it was reasonable that she wasn't answering.
    "Can you try calling her? She's not answerin'" I ask John B
    "Yeah, hang on," he says getting his phone out and calling her number.
    "No answer," he says leading me to worry. This wasn't normal. Y/n always answered calls to make sure if anyone needed her she could be there.
    "Don't freak out, she's probably just asleep or wants to be alone" he says trying to comfort me. It wasn't really working, I couldn't help but feel something was wrong, but I couldn't exactly go out to find out either, so I listened to John B and tried to fall asleep.
    The next morning
    The storm had cleared and I quickly got up so I could go find Y/n. John B decided to come with me and we took the Twinkie, as we were driving we saw a bunch of people crowded near what seemed to be a boat.
    "Let's check it out" John B suggested, parking the Twinkie.
    As we got down we realized Kie, Pope, Cleo, and Sarah were there, as soon as they spotted me they looked at each other worried.
    "What's goin' on?" I asked confused
    "You uh, you should go back to the chateau," Kie said, stuttering a bit
    "Just trust us JJ," Pope says to me, blocking my way, but I was able to get a peep at the boat and my heart dropped.
    "Thats..thats..." I stutter, not being able to form words.
    "Sh*t" I hear John B say
    "Where is she!?" I ask strongly, my eyes blurring from the tears trying to escape
    "There's no sign of her" Sarah answers sadly.
    I felt like I couldn't breathe like I was suffocating on air. I fell hard on my knees and screamed. All I could think about was how I should have told her I loved her yesterday, instead of starting a stupid fight, and then I realized if I hadn't started that fight, she'd be here right now.
    Your POV
    I had fallen asleep in the boat and it had gone dark, the waves were getting intense.
    "Oh shoot," I said realizing how far out I was. I tried to start the boat but it wasn't working, and then I heard thunder.
    "SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! HELP!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I knew it was useless, who would be out here in the beginning of a storm? The waves were getting bigger and it started raining hard, the boat was moving but not because of the engine. The thunder roared loud shouting that it wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon. I kept helplessly trying and trying to start the boat engine but it wouldn't work, and when I looked up a big wave clashed against my boat and I had fallen out of it. It felt like no time had passed, I shot up gasping for air, my eyes still blurry, and my surroundings unfamiliar.
    "Is this sand?" I thought in my head. My eyes became clear and I saw a huge body of water in front of me and many trees behind me, but my boat was not in sight.
    "Where am I?"
    End of Part 2

    • @Obx_Edits1
      @Obx_Edits1  Před 7 měsíci +25

      This is honestly the best pov I have ever seen, PLEASE MAKE ANOTHER PART

    • @IchbinBatman479
      @IchbinBatman479 Před 7 měsíci +5

      I need another part!!! It’s SOOOO good

    • @ice.mav090
      @ice.mav090 Před 7 měsíci +5


    • @esmexblack
      @esmexblack Před 7 měsíci +51

      🌹 Part 3 (so sorry for the wait, life's been crazy haha)🌹
      "Where am I?" I say to myself scared and confused.
      "MY PHONE!" I scream reaching into my empty pocket. I tried my best not to freak out, I knew it wouldn't help me, so I got up and started looking around to see if I could find anything useful.
      "Nothing" I sighed, feeling desperate. I had nothing, no boat, no phone, no resources, and no idea where I was. I decided to walk deeper into wherever I was and see if I could find any people.
      JJs POV
      "They're spending too much time on the boat and not enough time starting a search party for her!" I said pacing back and forth, anxiety overwhelming my body.
      "JJ, freaking out won't help anything, you need to calm down," John B says, putting his hand on my shoulder.
      "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW I'M FEELING!" I yelled, my eyes full of anguish and distress.
      "Yeah cause me when I lost my Dad this same way is not valid!" He responds with an angry tone.
      "BUT YOU HAVEN'T LOST THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE!" I said shocking myself. Deep down I knew I was in love, but I always denied it, saying it out loud made it really hit.
      "She's...she's the love of my life and she's gone"
      "She could be alive JJ, remember my dad was" I knew John B was trying to comfort me, but his dad was now really dead, we saw him die, and it feels like death catches up with you if you live through the first time, what if that's Y/n?
      "Her boat is destroyed how could she have lived?" I asked, trying not to get my hopes up.
      "Same way my Dad did JJ, he washed up on an Island, it's possible she did too." No matter what he said, I felt hopeless. I was scared that I would think she's alive and they'd find her dead.
      "What do you want to do?"
      "Let's make her memorial," I walk away, John B. calling after me. I walked to our spot, the place where we had our first kiss and I asked her to be my girlfriend. I grabbed out a knife and carved her name on the tree, that witnessed our moment. This was my own personal memorial for her, only here would I allow myself to be vulnerable.
      *2 months later*
      Your POV
      I've lost track of time, can't tell how long it's been, after the first month I gave up on telling the time. Living on this unknown Island wasn't too hard considering I have experience from Poguelandia, but being here alone was the big difference. I felt like I was going insane, no conversations, no interactions, just me, myself and I. So lonely and secluded. No boats or planes have passed by. My thoughts were filled with the pogues. Were they looking for me? Do they think I'm dead? How are they doing? Endless cycles of questions, my train of thought running 24/7, but the one question that never cycled, just stayed there, was, How's JJ?
      JJs POV
      I was crap. I got drunk and slept with a new girl every day. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Every single week was the same, it was just at the end of it that I would visit her memorial that I had made 2 months ago. I would talk to her, replace the flower I had laid out, and I'd cry. That tree was my safe place because it basically represented her. No matter what I did, nothing was going to be able to heal me. I'm to blame. They stopped the search party last week, and pronounced her dead. The pogues are still looking, but every time they come back, they come back empty-handed. Part of me feels stabbed every time they come back with nothing, but the other part feels relieved, because if she is alive, would she forgive me for the things I have done while she's been gone? Would she hate me for not looking? I knew she would understand but at the same time that fear hindered.
      "Jayj, you here!?" Kie yelled, looking for me
      "No, I'm not!" I yell back, not wanting her to be here.
      "We think we found something,"
      "WHAT!" I say standing up fast, going to her.
      "Well? What did you find?"
      "We found her phone."
      "How did you find that?" I ask curiously.
      "Washed up on the beach, Jayj if this washed up, she could have washed up on an island."
      "Nothing I haven't heard before Kie," I say grabbing my beer and taking a big chug.
      "Why can't you just consider the fact that she's alive!" Kie lectures me.
      "Because if I let myself hope and she's not alive it will really hit me that she's gone! At least if I think she's gone and she's not, I..."
      "You'll feel more relieved."
      "Yeah, but if I look for her every day and find nothing...I couldn't handle it." And just like that, I felt a tear run down my face.
      "But the way you're handling things right now, it's not any better, Y/n wouldn't want this dead or alive, she'd want you to be happy and find happiness."
      "Without her that doesn't exist Kie."
      Your POV
      "UGH." It's been two months, now don't think I've just been living life on the island, I've been trying to build something that could get me off the Island, using wood and anything else I could find on the island, but man these things were heavy. I was covered in cuts from loose thorns and splinters in the wood, the salt from the ocean would hurt but I would still go in to at least feel a bit cleaner. I know I should be dead by now, but I thank God for every day I wake up alive. I was determined to keep on fighting to get off this island. I took a stand on my wooden boat and it was floating.
      "Is this it?" I thought to myself, full of hope. I grabbed my shirt and put it as a sail, I had managed to rip it to make it bigger. (P.S. You have a bathing suit on, you had it underneath your clothes)
      "YES!" I screamed as I headed away from the Island.
      "BYE BYE POGUELANDIA 2.0." My hope was that I'd pass by a boat because although this one was working, I didn't think it would last too long. The waves were calm as the wooden boat drifted, with no water escaping inside. I had packed some mangoes and coconuts, not knowing how long I would be at sea. I took a deep breath, looking back at what was my home for 2 months, I wouldn't admit it, but I needed this. I needed time and space, this was to me a blessing in disguise. The first thing I planned to do when I got back was to talk with JJ, gosh how I hope he misses me. The sun was bright against my face and the wind was strong but in my favored direction. I felt peace, I knew I was going to get home today.
      *2 hours later*
      Water started to get into the boat. I looked around for any sign of a plane or boat, but I couldn't see anything. The boat wasn't going to last another hour, and I was in the middle of the ocean, I didn't know what to do. I tried to cover the cracks with my feet and hands but it was no use. I sat down, and ran my hand through my hair, feeling overwhelmed. As I started to cry I heard a noise in the distance. A boat. I waved my hands yelling, and as I saw them turn around, all my worry had faded.
      "Oh my goodness, are you okay? How long have you been out here?" The woman says to me getting me a towel and wrapping it around me.
      "I don't know..." I respond, wrapping the towel tighter around me.
      "Where are you from hun?"
      "Outer Banks."
      "You're a long way from home, here," she says handing me some water.
      "We'll take you there now." Says the man, giving me an assuring smile.
      "Thank you."
      This was it. I was finally going home, my home, my person and my family, my home. Throughout the trip the lady offered me food and water, it was getting dark and I had fallen asleep, but as soon as we got there the lovely couple woke me up.
      "Hun, we're here, you're home." The woman said, nudging my shoulder.
      "Thank you again, I don't know how to repay you!"
      "No need to, we were passin' by here anyways," the man said to me, shaking my hand.
      "Do you need help getting home?" she said concerned.
      "No, I'll be okay, take care," I said waving bye as I ran off to find the pogues. I knew it was late, I had to choose who to run to first, but my mind was already set. I ran fast with all my strength, I went inside the house and headed towards his room. I hesitated before opening the door and saying his name.
      "JJ...," no answer.
      "JJ, wake up," I say again louder. I was about to get closer when I saw him slowly rubbing his eyes, his gaze meeting mine.
      "Y/n," he said his eyes wide and in disbelief.
      "It's me."
      End of Part 3

    • @charliehamilton2725
      @charliehamilton2725 Před 7 měsíci

      ​@@esmexblacktag me for part 3

  • @VictoriaLewis1212
    @VictoriaLewis1212 Před 8 měsíci +12

    Crying under my sheets

  • @Multi_fandom4
    @Multi_fandom4 Před 9 měsíci +109

    *JJ leaves*
    Yn:JJ wtf u can't js go
    *tears r running down ur face and u start to walk back to the guys in the twinkie*
    P:Yn what's wrong
    *u ignore him*
    S:omg yn what happened
    Yn:ur shouting with frustration*JJ HAPPENED HE JS CANT LET ME IN I CARE ABT HIM AND HE LEFT IDK WHERE HE JS LEFT *ur mascara is running now*
    Jb:Yn I'm so sorry I didn't well ik jj is like that but
    P:HE don't deserve u yn u deserve way better it's not ur fault he has daddy issues
    K:pope that's a bit harsh
    P:I'm not lying am I he shouldn't take this out on ppl he claims he wants he is so lucky to get great girls but he has to screw everything up
    S:pope ik JJ has messed up but yk his background ur going to far
    P:am I he is a d:ckhead r we all going to ignore that fact
    K:Pope go leave right now u can't be saying this
    P:aww why is it cuz u love jj
    K:Yes pope I do i love him he is my bsf*not in the crush way btw*AND You of all ppl ur his bsf but ur talking sh-t abt him
    *Kie and pope start fighting*
    Yn:just go I can't deal wit this rn
    *pope leaves and flipps u all off*
    K:I'm sorry abt pope yn he is never like that
    Yn:what did u all mean by JJ's background
    Jb:he's never told u
    Yn:clearly not

    • @Kiwi1116_AJ
      @Kiwi1116_AJ Před 9 měsíci +1

      Part 2 please ❤

    • @Multi_fandom4
      @Multi_fandom4 Před 9 měsíci +46

      @@Kiwi1116_AJ Part 3
      Jb:he has erm well
      Yn:John booker Routledge spit it out
      Jb:His mom left when he was rlly young he don't remember her and well luke his dad erm is an alcoholic does drugs and erm
      K:he abused jj since he can remember if he goes home he will get punched and everything
      S:JJ took the fall for Pope and like bailed him out and in the car luke smashed his head on the window's car
      Jb:JJ gets so scared to go home he acts like he is fine but we all know he isn't
      K:and he never told u well ur a kook and he isnt quite accepting u acc like him and well he likes u that much he don't want u to feel pity especially as we r pogues
      Yn:omg- this is all my fault I'm so hard on him and I never knew him really he don't deserve me
      Jb:Yn don't say that u in his life is the happiest we have ever seen him it's js that
      S:when ppl he cares abt alot he don't want to let them close he has never had the love and affection feeling from well yk family and he is still trying to show u that he is nothing
      Yn:He isn't normal
      K:well that's a bit rude
      Yn:u didn't let me finish he isn't normal he is one of a kind that's what I like abt him he isn't like ur normal guys u see we have to find he I have to make this right

    • @Kiwi1116_AJ
      @Kiwi1116_AJ Před 9 měsíci

      @@Multi_fandom4 please part 4❤️

    • @halleeakins6730
      @halleeakins6730 Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@Multi_fandom4part 4PLLEASEEEE

    • @mandeepdeepti
      @mandeepdeepti Před 9 měsíci +1

      @@Multi_fandom4tag me in the next one

  • @TheBurgerQueen348
    @TheBurgerQueen348 Před 4 měsíci +3

    I love pope but would always choose jj over him

  • @hellov5
    @hellov5 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Ngl this is literally the plot with dean,Rory,and Jess at the dance

  • @lilalowell6836
    @lilalowell6836 Před 5 měsíci +22

    Part 2!
    *You run home crying*
    y/d: where have you been!
    y/n: sorry, I just went to JJ's.
    y/d: I told you not to hang out with him!
    *He grabs your neck and pins you to the wall*
    y/n: s-stop
    y/d: now you talk back!
    *He punches and kicks you*
    y/n: n-no please
    *You run to your room and pack your stuff before heading back to Jb's house*
    y/n: Sarah! are you here?
    s: yeah, what's up?
    *She sees you*
    s: oh my gosh y/n!
    y/n: I know it's bad, can you cover it up?
    s: yes, but who did this to you!?
    y/n: doesn't matter, please cover it before the boys get back.
    *Sarah covers your black eye and bruises with makeup*
    later the boys come back.
    JJ: look y/n I'm sorry
    y/n: it's fine.
    JJ: no, it's not fine
    *He reaches towards you, and you flinch*
    JJ: y/n?! Why did you flinch? you know I would never hit you.
    y/n: yeah, sorry JJ
    *You hug before heading out to the hot tub*
    Jb: are you going to get in y/n?
    y/n: nah
    JJ: why not cupcake?
    y/n: don't feel like it.
    Kie: yeah right
    *She pushes you in*
    *You try to get out before they see your bruises*
    JJ: y/n?! are those bruises!?
    *You get out of the hot tub*
    y/n: m-my dad
    *You start crying*
    JJ: I'm going to kill him
    y/n: no! it's not his fault! he is just going through a lot.
    JJ: that is not an excuse y/n!
    Y/n: my mom jumped off the pier.
    *You collapse on the ground*
    y/n: I I can't breathe.
    Part 3?
    *JJ runs to you*
    JJ: y/n?! what's wrong?
    y/n: I-I can't breathe JJ.
    JJ: shh, you're okay
    *He hugs you*
    y/n: it's my fault.
    JJ: what?
    *You start to cry*
    y/n: I should have been there JJ!
    y/n: she called me! right before she jumped!
    I didn't pick up!
    JJ: y/n
    y/n: NO! I could have stopped her!
    It's my fault, it's my fault...
    JJ: It's not your fault!
    *You cry into JJ shoulder*
    y/n: I deserve to be hit.
    JJ: No, you don't y/n! Don't say that!
    JJ: Look at me!
    *He turns your head*
    JJ: It is not your fault!
    *You cry harder*
    *You cry on JJ until you fall asleep. He carries you back to Jb's house*
    JJ: goodnight cupcake,
    *You open your eyes*
    y/n: will you stay with me?
    JJ: yes
    *He lays down on the bed next to you*
    y/n: I love you.
    JJ: I love you too, y/n
    Next morning
    *You wake up confused*
    y/n: where am I?
    *You remember everything*
    y/n: JJ?
    *You walk into the kitchen*
    S: JJ went surfing this morning with Jb
    y/n: oh
    S: Are you okay y/n?
    y/n: I'm fine.
    S: you want to talk about last night?
    y/n: not really
    S: okay, I'm here if you ever want to talk
    y/n: thanks Sarah
    S: Is your face, okay? It's pretty swollen today.
    *You go and look in the mirror*
    y/n: oh, my goodness!
    S: yeah...
    *You have a large black eye and several cuts on your face*
    S: you want some ice?
    y/n: sure
    *Sarah grabs you some Ice*
    S: did your dad hit you a lot?
    S: Sorry, that's really rude.
    y/n: no, it's fine.
    *JJ is listening from the doorway*
    y/n: it got worse the past couple months,
    my mom found out he was cheating and dumped him. He blamed me for the divorce. He took it out on me by hitting me. He didn't hit me where people could see and get suspicious, so most of the bruises are on my stomach.
    *You lift up your shirt to reveal your black and blue stomach*
    *JJ gasps*
    y/n: JJ?
    JJ: why didn't you tell us y/n!
    JJ: I could have protected you!
    y/n: I didn't want you to get hurt.
    JJ: so, you got hurt instead?!
    JJ: all those times when we went swimming, and you didn't feel good, where you really just to hurt to go?!
    *You nod*
    *He starts to cry*
    y/n: I'm so sorry JJ.
    JJ: I really am going to kill him!
    y/n: no JJ
    S: I'm calling the cops
    y/n: no!
    JJ: what? After everything you are still protecting him?
    y/n: he's all I have left JJ! please.
    JJ: fine but if he ever touches you again, I'm going to kill him
    y/n: okay JJ
    *a few months pass, you and JJ start dating*
    Part 4?
    JJ: you want to go surfing tonight?
    y/n: sure! 6:00?
    JJ: see you then
    *He winks*
    y/n: I'm going to be gone until around 4:30
    *You spend the day walking around town where you run into Rafe*
    y/n: hey Rafe
    R: y/n! I haven't seen you in a while.
    y/n: yeah, what are you up too?
    R: not a lot
    R: do you want to hang out tonight?
    y/n: sorry, I'm going surfing tonight.
    R: oh, another time,
    *You start to feel uncomfortable*
    y/n: yeah maybe
    R: are you dating anyone?
    y/n: yes actually
    R: really?
    *He starts to get upset*
    y/n: yes JJ
    R: JJ?!
    *He grabs you*
    y/n: Rafe let go!
    R: no, you are coming with me
    y/n: please stop! Let me go!
    *He drags you to his house*
    *He the forces you to call JJ to break up*
    y/n: Rafe please
    R: call him!
    y/n: JJ?
    JJ: cupcake, what's up?
    y/n: I-I
    *You hang up*
    JJ: that was weird?
    Jb: she probably lost reception bro.
    y/n: please Rafe
    R: call him again!
    y/n: I can't my phone isn't working.
    R: use mine!
    *He is about to hand you his phone when Wheezie calls him*
    W: Rafe? Will you help me?
    R: don't make a sound y/n.
    *He goes up the stairs*
    *Later he comes downstairs to give you food*
    R: y/n, I'm sorry
    y/n: Rafe, please let me go.
    R: no, I love you y/n!
    y/n: Rafe we dated when we were like 14.
    R: I loved you!
    y/n: you broke up with me!
    R: I'm sorry!
    y/n: if you really loved me, you would not have dumped me!
    R: y/n...
    y/n: go away Rafe.
    *He leaves*
    *You unlock the window and sneak out*
    y/n: goodbye
    *You arrive at Jb's at **2:30*
    y/n: JJ?
    *You go up to your room*
    y/n: where are...
    *You walk in to see JJ and Kiara in your bed kissing*
    y/n: ahm
    *JJ turns to see you in the doorway*
    JJ: y/n! You weren't supposed to be home!
    y/n: JJ...
    JJ: y/n wait!!!!
    *You run out the door*
    *Jb follows you*
    Jb: y/n? what's wrong?
    y/n: JJ cheated on me!
    Jb: what?!
    *You cry into his shoulder*
    Jb: y/n, I'm really sorry.
    *An hour later you go back to Jb's house*
    JJ: y/n
    Jb: don't talk to her JJ.
    *You stay in Sarah's room*
    S: are you okay y/n?
    y/n: Sarah I need to tell you something.
    S: okay?
    y/n: I-I'm pregnant.
    S: what?
    S: how far are you?!
    y/n: 4 months
    *You lift up your sweatshirt to show her your bump*
    S: how come you didn't say anything?!
    y/n: you can't tell anyone.
    y/n: I can still hide it.
    S: y/n...
    y/n: you can't tell anyone!
    y/n: Sarah, I mean it.
    S: I promise y/n.
    *You ignore JJ for about 2 months, you are now 6 months pregnant*
    *You wear baggy clothing so no one can see your bump*
    S: y/n, you can't hide it forever.
    S: JJ already thinks something's up
    y/n: I don't really care what JJ thinks.
    S: y/n...
    S: at least tell Jb and Po
    y/n: okay,
    S: really?
    y/n: yeah
    *Later tell Jb and Pope*
    Jb: are you sure y/n?!
    y/n: yes
    P: congrats
    Jb: wait is it JJ's?
    y/n: yeah...
    Jb: I will kill him.
    y/n: No! He doesn't know.
    P: what?!
    Jb: But you told us?
    y/n: you cannot tell either of them,
    y/n: JJ or Kiara
    Jb: okay, but you realize you have to tell him eventually?
    y/n: yes unfortunately
    S: JJ doesn't come around that often since he and Kiara started dating.
    y/n: they are dating?!
    S: oops
    y/n: what a player!
    y/n: I hate him,
    S: hey! Why don't we have a party!
    y/n: sure
    Part 5
    *You are with Sarah*
    S: what do you want to wear?
    y/n: uhm a hoodie
    S: oh
    S: maybe you should wear a dress?
    y/n: nope
    S: okay whatever
    *You wear a hoodie and shorts to the party*
    y/n: hey Jb
    Jb: you look pretty.
    y/n: I look like a whale Jb.
    Jb: a pretty whale?
    *You laugh*
    y/n: you're drunk Jb.
    P: sorry about him
    y/n: it's fine.
    P: Want to sit?
    y/n: more than anything
    *JJ and Kiara show up*
    JJ: y/n?
    y/n: go away.
    JJ: can we talk?
    y/n: no
    JJ: do you want a drink?
    y/n: nope.
    Part 6
    y/n: I-I need to go.
    *You go and sit next to Pope*
    P: is JJ bothering you?
    y/n: Not currently,
    P: I can tell him to leave you alone if you want?
    y/n: I'm okay, thanks though Pope.
    P: do you ever miss him?
    y/n: all the time.
    P: I miss Kiara too.
    P: I miss the old Kiara,
    y/n: I miss the old JJ.
    y/n: i'm going to bed, goodnight.
    P: goodnight.
    *You go into the house*
    *JJ and Kie are kissing in the kitchen*
    y/n: ahm.
    JJ: y/n?!
    y/n: excuse me.
    JJ: y/n wait!
    y/n: just tell me one thing, did you ever really love me? Or where you just using me to get back with Kiara?
    JJ: y/n you know that's not true!
    y/n: I don't know anything anymore!
    y/n: kiara, does it bother you you cheated on your best friend with his best friend?! Or the you kissed you best friends boy friend?!!
    y/n: you know that the time that I got home when I first caught you cheating JJ, I got kidnapped by rafe. I barely escaped. I came home thinking you would help me! Instead I find you with my best friend!!!
    y/n: don't ever talk to me again! I am going to raise this baby by myself!!!
    JJ: Baby?!!
    *you run out the door*
    *Jb comes up to you and puts his hand on your shoulder*
    *he is slurring*
    Jb: this is my best friend!!!!!
    Jb: I love her soooo muchhhh!
    *he tries to kiss you but you slap him*
    *you run to the beach*
    y/n: why?!!!
    y/n: ahhhhh!!!!
    y/n: i'm sorry baby. I wish I could be a better mom to you.
    T: y/n?
    T: are you okay?
    y/n: yeah sorry.
    T: what happened?
    y/n: nothing i'm fine,
    T: y/n, i've know since preschool. Talk.
    y/n: fine.
    y/n: you know how JJ cheated.
    T: yeah?
    y/n: well, today he came to a party with Kiara, and I accidently told him I was pregnant.
    T: you're pregnant???!!!!
    y/n: yeah...
    T: Is it JJ's?!
    y/n: yeah
    *you double over in pain*
    T: y/n?! Are you okay?!
    *you pass out*
    T: y/n!?!!
    T: y/n!?
    *he picks you up and drives you to the hospital*
    Part 7?

    • @avabender6537
      @avabender6537 Před 5 měsíci

      Wait please

    • @user-xd8jn9xr4g
      @user-xd8jn9xr4g Před 5 měsíci


    • @user-xd8jn9xr4g
      @user-xd8jn9xr4g Před 5 měsíci +2

      I'll do a part two bc the other person didnt finish 😊
      Yn I..I can't br..b..breath
      Jj runs over to you
      Jj hey hey your going to be okay I promise Lin through your nose out through your mouth
      Yn tries to breath but cries more, jj hold you in his arms, by this point you both are on the ground jj has you in his arms hugging you from behind while you can't stop crying
      Yn I just want her to come back. Cries more
      Jj I know I know you do
      All of the pouges were in shock and they finally came to their senses. They rushed over to you surrounding you
      Kiara I'm so sorry, you deserve better
      Jb why didn't you tell us
      You start to calm down
      Yn i..I was scared to tell you guys
      Pope you never have to be afraid to tell us anything
      Jj hugs you tighter
      You finally stop crying and you get up, but very weakly
      Everyone else gets up and they all give you a big group hug
      Yn thank you guys, I'm going to go to bed, and I was going to stay here tonight but I forgot to ask you.
      Jb ofc you can stay here, as long as you need to ofc.
      Jj yeah and you can take my bed I'll sleep on the couch
      Yn no no it's fine
      Jj no, insist
      You give him a big hug thank you, you say while hugging him.
      Then you give jb a hug
      Yn you all really are amazing
      Pp oh and by the way you are never getting rid of us
      Yn oh, I know
      You all laugh, you wipe your tears, do you think I could go get changed and head to bed?
      Jb ofc you can
      Yn thanks
      You walk inside the house, you get changed into pj pants and a tank top
      Jj knocks at you door
      Yn come in
      Jj hey
      Yn oh.. hi
      Jj how are you feeling
      Yn fine ig just a little sore
      Jj yeah I get that feeling
      You get cold, so you search your bag while jj walks over and sits on the bed
      Yn sh*t
      Jj what?
      Yn I forgot a sweatshirt and it's so cold in here
      Jj oh here
      He walks over to his closet and grabs one of his sweatshirts
      Yn re you sure
      Jj yes, yes I am
      Yn thank you
      You put the sweatshirt on, wow you think, it smells like jj, you love that
      Yn thank you
      Jj anytime. Listen about earlier this morning
      Yn it's fine, really
      Jj I was drunk I'm sorry, I don't want to break up
      Yn neither do I
      Jj i..I love you
      Your shocked, he had never said that before
      Jj I'm sorry I dint mean to
      You immediately kiss him, and then you pull away
      Yn i love you too
      He smiles and then he kisses you again, you both make out
      Jj alright, I should let you sleep
      You smile
      Yn thank you, for everything
      Jj anytime cupcake
      You get under the blanket and lay down just as he is about to leave..
      Yn wait!
      Jj yes?
      He walks over to you
      Yn yk, you don't have to sleep on the couch tonight
      Jj then where would I sleep? He says with a smirk on his face
      Yn you throw a pillow at him, here dummy!
      Jj I guess I can work with that. He laughs
      Yn you roll you eyes but while smiling
      He gets into bed next to you, you close your eyes, but then you feel his arms around your waist he's holding you, you get butterflys, you smile and scoot closer to him.
      Jj I love you cupcake he says as he squeezes you tighter
      Yn I love you too maybank
      You both fall asleep, cuddling and happy.
      Then after a few hours you start to have a nightmare, your at home and your dad grabs you by the neck and is choking you, you can't breath, your mom appears in the back.
      Yn MOM (in the dream)
      Yns mom you have to let go
      You wake up crying you sit up very quickly, your heavy breathing
      Jj hey, hey your ok, it was just a dream cupcake
      Jj grabs you and hugs you
      Jj everything is going to be ok I promise, you calm down jj wipes your tears.
      Jj just close your eyes
      You close you eyes and slowly drift off to sleep again, jj is hugging you from behind tighter then ever.
      The next morning
      You wake up, but jj isn't there
      Yn JJ?!
      You get up but when you walk out you notice he is making breakfast, but he is not very good at it, he sees you
      Jj hey beautiful goodmorning
      Yn goodmorning jayge
      You walk up to him
      Yn I see your making breakfast
      Jj yeah.., I'm terrible tho
      Ynyou laugh, here you grab the pan and flip the pancakes
      Jj wow, your way better than I am
      Yn yeah, you learn to cook young when your mom is terrible
      Jj laughs
      You start to feel sad bc you remember everything with your mom.
      Jj hey, your ok
      He hugs you from behind
      Yn is, I just really miss her
      Jj ik ik everything will feel more normal soon trust me
      Yn thank you
      He hugs you even tighter
      Yn I love you
      Jj I love you too
      You finish cooking breakfast while jj is still hugging you from behind, then you guys eat

    • @user-xd8jn9xr4g
      @user-xd8jn9xr4g Před 5 měsíci +2

      Oops I didn't mean to post it, I'll continue on
      You guys finish eating
      Yn oh I forgot to call the pouges GUYS! BREAKFAST
      they all rush to the kitchen
      Kie yesss I'm starving
      Jb sameeee
      Pope doesn't say anything and he shoves a pancake in his mouth
      You laugh while everyone is stuffing there mouths with food
      Yn maybe I should start cooking more often for you guys
      All the pouges YES
      you all laugh
      After you guys eat your all sitting down
      Jb so what do you guys what do you guys want to do today
      Yn hmm swim?
      Kie yes! We can take the boat out!
      Jb great idea
      You all get ready you change into a cute blue bikini, you walk out
      Jj wow
      You laugh what?
      Jj nothing it's just that, your all minnnneeee
      You giggle i don't think so you say while smiling, I'm no one's
      Jj you sure about that, he runs up to you and starts tickling you
      Yn ahh help you say while laughing really hard
      Jj say I'm yours and your wish is my command
      Yn I'm yours!
      Jj that's what I thought he says while laughing
      You guys head out to the boat, you guys sail out for a while u till you go to the bay, not a boat in sight
      Pope ahh this is what I love, no boats out, clear as the eye can see
      Jb yeah besides kie
      Everyone laughs except kie and Pope
      Kie wait how did you guys..
      Yn girl it's obvious you both are all over each other
      Kie says you! Your literally sitting on jjs lap rn
      Yn oh whatever you say while smiling. A little while later jj is at the front of the boat
      Jj. Yn! Come and look at this
      You rush to the front of the boat and lean over to see what it is
      Yn I don't see anyth
      Jj pushes you in the water
      He laughs its just waterrrrr
      Yn you roll your eyes can you at least help me up
      Jj yeah sure
      You pull him in
      yn it's just waterrr she mocks you
      You all laugh
      You kiss I'm the water
      Time skip
      Yn hey imma go for a walk
      Jj ok! Be safe!
      Yn you know I will
      He runs s up to you and kisses you I love youuu
      Yn I love you to maybank Bybee
      Jj bye cupcake
      Your on a walk when you feel someone grab onto your shoulder,
      Yn what the
      Then everything goes black
      I'll do another part soon! I'll do one when I get 2 likes!
      Love yallll

    • @user-xd8jn9xr4g
      @user-xd8jn9xr4g Před 5 měsíci

      ​@@avabender6537i made another part

  • @cinzialuca5530
    @cinzialuca5530 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Part two 💕🏝️
    Jj-I’m gonna leave
    Y-no jadge please don’t go
    Jj-I’m sorry *he drives away*
    *you stand there with tears in your eyes*
    💭did he just broke up with me?
    *one hour later everyone is at the chateau*
    Jb-Jj you okay?
    Jj-I’m fine
    Pope-Guys whats wrong you guys haven’t spoke in 10 minutes!
    Jj-I can’t do this with her anymore!
    Y-do what Jj!
    Jj-love you!
    Y-I’m gonna leave
    Jj-no wait y/n please don’t leave okay!
    Y-what’s the point anyways
    *you walk away with tears rolling down your face*
    Jb-you messes up dude
    Jj-you don’t think I know that!
    Jb-hey man she’s my sister and you broke her heart!
    Jj-I’m sorry I didn’t mean to!
    Jb-yeah sure
    Jj-guys she’s back!
    Y-yeah I am I ehm changed my mind
    Y-Jj I do love you I and I really appreciate that you love me too but ehm yeah I actually don’t know
    Jj-*kisses you*
    Y-wow Ehm
    Y-I liked it
    Pope-get a room
    Y-MAYBANK! *you Guys laugh*
    Jj-will you be my girlfriend?
    Part 3?
    Part 3:
    Jj-will you be my girlfriend
    *you Guys kiss*
    Jb-awww so cute
    Jj-oh shut up
    Kie-hi guys what are we celebrating
    Jj-me and y/n are together
    Kie-oh Ehm that’s good f..for you g…guys
    Jj-Kie you good
    Y-you don’t seem fine
    Kie-I really am!
    Jb-okay Kie I know something is going on
    S-I might know….
    Kie-Sarah don’t you dare!
    S-she likes jj!
    S-oh my gosh I can’t believe I said that
    Jj-wait what you like me
    Jj-I’m sorry Kie I don’t feel the same way about you
    Kie-I know
    Y-Kie come here *you hug her*
    Part 4?

  • @ang4liv
    @ang4liv Před 2 měsíci +1

    Jj your wrong nahhhh im never NEVA leaving u

  • @Anglovestaylor
    @Anglovestaylor Před měsícem


  • @P4LBABY
    @P4LBABY Před 9 měsíci +5


    • @Multi_fandom4
      @Multi_fandom4 Před 9 měsíci

      Part 2
      *JJ leaves*
      Yn:JJ wtf u can't js go
      *tears r running down ur face and u start to walk back to the guys in the twinkie*
      P:Yn what's wrong
      *u ignore him*
      S:omg yn what happened
      Yn:ur shouting with frustration*JJ HAPPENED HE JS CANT LET ME IN I CARE ABT HIM AND HE LEFT IDK WHERE HE JS LEFT *ur mascara is running now*
      Jb:Yn I'm so sorry I didn't well ik jj is like that but
      P:HE don't deserve u yn u deserve way better it's not ur fault he has daddy issues
      K:pope that's a bit harsh
      P:I'm not lying am I he shouldn't take this out on ppl he claims he wants he is so lucky to get great girls but he has to screw everything up
      S:pope ik JJ has messed up but yk his background ur going to far
      P:am I he is a d:ckhead r we all going to ignore that fact
      K:Pope go leave right now u can't be saying this
      P:aww why is it cuz u love jj
      K:Yes pope I do i love him he is my bsf*not in the crush way btw*AND You of all ppl ur his bsf but ur talking sh-t abt him
      *Kie and pope start fighting*
      Yn:just go I can't deal wit this rn
      *pope leaves and flipps u all off*
      K:I'm sorry abt pope yn he is never like that
      Yn:what did u all mean by JJ's background
      Jb:he's never told u
      Yn:clearly not

  • @Paperrings333
    @Paperrings333 Před 9 měsíci +2

    Omgggg pls someone make a part 2 PLEASE

    • @Multi_fandom4
      @Multi_fandom4 Před 9 měsíci

      Part 2
      *JJ leaves*
      Yn:JJ wtf u can't js go
      *tears r running down ur face and u start to walk back to the guys in the twinkie*
      P:Yn what's wrong
      *u ignore him*
      S:omg yn what happened
      Yn:ur shouting with frustration*JJ HAPPENED HE JS CANT LET ME IN I CARE ABT HIM AND HE LEFT IDK WHERE HE JS LEFT *ur mascara is running now*
      Jb:Yn I'm so sorry I didn't well ik jj is like that but
      P:HE don't deserve u yn u deserve way better it's not ur fault he has daddy issues
      K:pope that's a bit harsh
      P:I'm not lying am I he shouldn't take this out on ppl he claims he wants he is so lucky to get great girls but he has to screw everything up
      S:pope ik JJ has messed up but yk his background ur going to far
      P:am I he is a d:ckhead r we all going to ignore that fact
      K:Pope go leave right now u can't be saying this
      P:aww why is it cuz u love jj
      K:Yes pope I do i love him he is my bsf*not in the crush way btw*AND You of all ppl ur his bsf but ur talking sh-t abt him
      *Kie and pope start fighting*
      Yn:just go I can't deal wit this rn
      *pope leaves and flipps u all off*
      K:I'm sorry abt pope yn he is never like that
      Yn:what did u all mean by JJ's background
      Jb:he's never told u
      Yn:clearly not

  • @Yourfavabby13
    @Yourfavabby13 Před 4 měsíci +5

    Part 2
    (JJ sees you pass by in a boat)
    Y/n: FINE!
    (You don’t the boat at the chateau and JJ is waiting for you)
    JJ: listen I just don’t want to be together anymore.
    Y/n: why what did I do I’ve been so loyal and after 2 years you want to break up!
    Y/n: yes JJ that’s all I want right now!
    (A tear rolls down your cheek)
    Y/n: and that’s why you want to break up because you weren’t loyal!
    (Jb was listening from the inside he was still processing the fact that Sarah cheated on him)
    Y/n: I knew you would do this!
    JJ: what do you mean I ca-
    Y/n: you can’t I don’t know why it might be because there’s other girls, you can’t trust, or because of your father!
    JJ: don’t talk about my dad.
    Y/n: what you don’t care about him!
    JJ: just because we got in a few fights he’s still my dad!
    Y/n: JJ that’s your problem you always think you’re right!
    (JJ lifts his fist to punch you and Jb grabs his wrist and slowly lowers it)
    JJ: man I wasn’t actually going to hurt her.
    (I was just standing there crying)
    Jb: don’t even act like it!
    (JJ rolls his eyes)
    Jb: you cheated man.
    (Jb pushes JJ shoulder)
    JJ: yes…
    (JJ gets on his dirt bike and rides away)
    Jb: y/n are you okay.
    (You were sitting on the ground)
    Y/n: I-i- don’t know.
    (He hugs you tight)
    Part 3?
    (You get up and go to your room and listen to music when Sarah walks in)
    S: hi I heard what happened are you okay!?
    Y/n: yeah I um- Im fine i just hope everything blows over.
    S: I’m going to ask you something and you have to be honest.
    Y/n: ofc I’ll be honest you’re my best friend!
    S: do you like John b?
    (You sit there not knowing what to say)
    Y/n: I uh… yes I do.
    S: oh.
    Y/n: Sarah you don’t understand you guys aren’t together anymore.
    S: hey uh I think I’m going to go.
    Y/n: oh okay bye.
    (After that you decide to go to sleep)
    Jb: good morning sleepy head! (He said barging in your room)
    Y/n: go away! (You throw a pillow at him)
    Jb: I’m making pancakes.
    Y/n: fine I’ll get up.
    ( after you eat breakfast with pope, kie and John b you go and sit on the porch and jb comes out)
    Jb: hey I was wondering if you wanted to go on a boat ride with me?
    Y/n: yeah sure I’ll go ask kie and pope.
    Jb: well I was thinking it could be just us!
    Y/n: sure I’ll go get in my swim suit.
    (You change into a red bikini you can change it if you want)
    Y/n: alright I’m ready to go!
    (He stutters while look at you up and down)
    Jb: I uh I uh i uh okay!
    Y/n: anyway I’ll untether the boat and get in.
    (You untether the boat he gives you his hand to get in you trip and fall into the boat on top of him)
    Jb: well I guess you fell for me.
    (You both laugh)
    Y/n: I guess I did.
    (You fluff his hair and get up)
    Y/n: so let’s go.
    (He looks at you bites his lip then gets up)
    Part 4?

    • @Obx_Edits1
      @Obx_Edits1  Před 4 měsíci

      Part 3333

    • @Yourfavabby13
      @Yourfavabby13 Před 4 měsíci +1

      @@Obx_Edits1it’s done it’s kinda short let me know if you want part 4

    • @Lovely_malin
      @Lovely_malin Před 4 měsíci +1

      plsss part 4 no need to tag just please make a part 44444444

    • @Phoebe_Ann
      @Phoebe_Ann Před 3 měsíci

      Pls pt 4❤❤❤❤❤

    • @Defonot..s0ph
      @Defonot..s0ph Před 3 měsíci

      Ooh! I love this! If you don’t mind could you tag me?

  • @maddie.delulu
    @maddie.delulu Před 5 měsíci +3

    tell me why this made me cry-

  • @DuckieDaBest
    @DuckieDaBest Před 3 měsíci +2

    TSITP vibes

  • @caymarivanniekerk2074
    @caymarivanniekerk2074 Před 9 měsíci +1

    We need more

  • @nocturne994
    @nocturne994 Před 5 měsíci +2


  • @A_11177
    @A_11177 Před 3 měsíci +1


  • @Zoe_Northspamm
    @Zoe_Northspamm Před 4 měsíci

    Enough of YN like what?

  • @user-hp9yv8qw5q
    @user-hp9yv8qw5q Před 5 měsíci +1


  • @Obx_Edits1
    @Obx_Edits1  Před 6 měsíci +1

    Pt 2 if you guys want!!! czcams.com/users/shortsnfuW1QsGfE4?si=Apx9a1IjbuAfR7Pn ❤

    • @Obx_Edits1
      @Obx_Edits1  Před 6 měsíci

      Apparently it won’t let me link it but it’s the newest video on my account

  • @KenzyLeffler-gu8sp
    @KenzyLeffler-gu8sp Před 9 měsíci +1

    Make this a story?