Performance Under Pressure - Effective Human Interactions: Negative Impacts of Pressure

  • čas přidán 11. 12. 2015
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    Pressure isn't always bad. In fact, some pressure is desirable; it generates action. In some circumstances it enhances performance - like an athlete getting psyched up for a race.
    In the workplace, pressure can bring members of a team closer, focusing the team on a common objective and producing feelings of camaraderie when all are sharing the same pressures. However, it's important to understand how pressure can have negative impacts.
    The Negative Side
    Consider Lawrence. He's a client service executive in a logistics company. The company promises delivery of packages within 48 hours. Due to poor weather conditions, many packages have been delayed, and call volumes from customers have increased ten-fold. The majority are complaints, and some customers have become agitated.
    Lawrence's manager is out of the office, so in frustration he asks a colleague, Hilary, to help take calls. Hilary tells him that she has important tasks to complete, and is concerned that she hasn't received appropriate training for dealing with difficult clients.
    Lawrence is annoyed and dismisses her fears. He tells her that it's a unique situation, and it should be prioritized over Hilary's tasks.
    Lawrence's in a high-pressure situation. Preoccupied with his own priorities, he is insensitive to Hilary's. He doesn't take time to ask Hilary about her workload, or consult a superior for direction. The way he dismisses her concerns indicates he wasn't really listening to Hilary. He is allowing the pressure he's under to damage their working relationship.
    Pressure can affect the quality of perceptions, especially when emotions run high. An individual experiencing pressure will often display less awareness of others, and become over-focused on the current issue. In some cases, the individual may compromise professionalism and show insensitivity toward colleagues. Other possible negative effects are diminished communication and diminished collaboration.
    Less Awareness of Others
    Pressure can cause you to become excessively focused on your own problem - such as a deadline you're struggling to meet. And this can lessen your awareness of others around you.
    For example, with the intention of getting a job done quickly and correctly, individuals may fail to be aware of the pressures others are under.
    Code Insensitivity
    Increased pressure may compromise professionalism. People can drop their guard, and be less sensitive to others in the heat of the moment. This may result in a lack of respect and verbal aggression.
    Colleagues will inevitably suffer from the poorly managed pressure. For example, if an individual feels pressure from a superior, the frustration may result in insensitivity to the feelings of others. The individual may snap at a colleague, or be offhand with a customer. (...)
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