Catholic Bishop Unveils the Truth Behind the Prosperity Gospel-A Must-Watch Explanation (Live React)

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 46

  • @philsdon8932
    @philsdon8932 Před 27 dny +16

    I made a great deal of money and now it's gone. I don't have money for anything but necessities. My joy and peace grow daily. I'm content.

  • @philsdon8932
    @philsdon8932 Před 27 dny +9

    Kenneth Copeland has wildly insane eyes. The Pope invited him along with other preachers to the Vatican. Jesus, take the wheel!

    • @JuliaNeubauer
      @JuliaNeubauer Před 26 dny +6

      To me, Kenneth Copeland’s eyes appear demonic. I would run away from him.

    • @fantasia55
      @fantasia55 Před 26 dny +1


  • @alicemcpherson7961
    @alicemcpherson7961 Před 26 dny +5

    I so appreciate Bishop Barton's words. ❤

  • @brendacarabba2752
    @brendacarabba2752 Před 20 dny +2

    I agree everything that is in this life is temporary we die and leave this world with nothing are treasure is heaven with the Lord

  • @paulsmallwood1484
    @paulsmallwood1484 Před 27 dny +15

    A Protestant response. “It’s a tragic thing that one of our greatest exports of America is the prosperity gospel. People are being destroyed by it. Christians are being weakened by it. God is being dishonored by it. And souls are perishing because of it. And a lotta guys are getting rich on it!” - the Rev’d Dr. John Piper, Reformed Baptist Minuster

    • @frekigeri4317
      @frekigeri4317 Před 23 dny

      My life was basically destroyed for 40 years because of baptist theology. So while your baptist pastor can denounce the prosperity gospel, his own theology isn’t that much better.

    • @davido3026
      @davido3026 Před 23 dny

      Capitalism church!!!

    • @brooks3376
      @brooks3376 Před 22 dny

      Protestants are the only ones preaching prosperity gospel.

  • @itinerantpatriot1196
    @itinerantpatriot1196 Před 24 dny +2

    Wasn't Oral Roberts the guy who went on TV and said if his audience didn't raise a million bucks over the next six months God was going to take him home? Wonder where he is now.
    The parish I grew up in was very materialistic. We had a complete money grubbing a-hole monsignor as the head pastor and the church, including, and especially the school, treated the families from the better side of the tracks more favorably than they did us poorer folks. That monsignor stood up one Sunday and blasted the parishioner's for not giving him enough cash. I remember the look on my Dad's face. Dad tithed and while he never talked about it, he also never went back after that tongue lashing. That lousy parish played a big role in my walking away from my faith. To this day, they still track people down who haven't lived in the area or stepped foot in the church for more than 50 years and try to get money off them.
    All these prosperity gospel types might want to consider that the one time in the actual Gospel where Jesus really lays into people is when He over turns the money changer's tables in the Temple. God's not fond of people making a buck off His name. I'm not Protestant but people like olsteen, paula white, and the rest of those prosperity pimps give all Christians a black eye. And like I say, they are playing a very, very, dangerous game with their soul. That's my take on it anyway.

  • @Joe-sw9nk
    @Joe-sw9nk Před 22 dny +1

    Lord, forgive those hypocrites of hatred. Greed is used in your name. Exploiting your birth, death and resurrection to install fear. The sins are against the Blessed Trinity. Forgive us, Lord.
    Every aspect of Christendom is wounded,broken. The church on earth has sinned.

  • @markthomas6436
    @markthomas6436 Před 27 dny +4

    The prosperity gospel has worked out well for Kenneth Copeland. His net worth, as revealed in an online search, is $750 million.

    • @MartinaStC
      @MartinaStC Před 27 dny +4

      Depends on what views as worth, I'd rather be close to Jesus than have that much money. Now if he gave it all way to help the real poor, feed, clothe, heal, as an example, that would be something worthwhile.

    • @philsdon8932
      @philsdon8932 Před 27 dny

      Would you like to be Kenneth Copeland?

    • @JuliaNeubauer
      @JuliaNeubauer Před 26 dny

      Mark, I like your sarcasm. Just look at his eyes-proof of his prosperity on this earth.

  • @shane2663
    @shane2663 Před 25 dny +4

    Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God

  • @michaelwoods4495
    @michaelwoods4495 Před 26 dny +2

    I made an unexpected discovery: as wealth came freedom came with it as promised, but also what I didn't anticipate--responsibility. Now God has given me the necessity of doing well with His gifts. So how much do I give away, to whom do I give it, and to what degree shall I actively work within charities? Those questions didn't occur to me as one who aspired, but they're my concern now. And to what degree do I keep trying to meet the wishes of my security-conscious wife to whom there's never quite enough in savings and investments?

  • @ahapka
    @ahapka Před 26 dny +2

    God rewards everyone for the good they do. Not everyone is going to make it to Heaven. Some people are getting a temporal reward for some good they do in life now, since they won't be getting a reward after.

  • @Jack-il3qv
    @Jack-il3qv Před 26 dny +2

    'If there were no rewards I would not do what I do.' - Anonymous monk. Honesty..

  • @gybx4094
    @gybx4094 Před 16 dny

    Joel Osteen never says having faith produces health and wealth. He's saying we won't achieve much for God or ourselves if we don't have some faith and hope. He also wants us to be positive and hopeful in times of loss. In fact, Joel guarantees we will have problems in life. But he also guarantees God will grow us spiritually in the process if we have faith that God is working in us.

  • @davido3026
    @davido3026 Před 23 dny +1

    We need the roman inquisition!!!

  • @csikomas8910
    @csikomas8910 Před 26 dny

    God is unfathomable, as are our own lives, but for ONE thing of which we can be sure: He made us to seek Him. If God is at the center of our life, everything follows from there, only God knows what we need, material or otherwise.

  • @user-fm9bs2fd1n
    @user-fm9bs2fd1n Před 27 dny +2

    Thank you

  • @ALavin-en1kr
    @ALavin-en1kr Před 27 dny +3

    If the reason to seek God is to get rich rather than to align with his will for one’s soul, it is a bogus reason for seeking God. If Catholics are getting on board with this, they are making a mockery of spirituality.
    The Pope warned American Catholics against getting caught up in the American Evangelical Protestant movement; as the religions are different with different worldviews.
    It is alright to work to be successful but to use religion and God as a business proposition rather than alignment with God for His own sake, is a misuse of religion. Catholics should know better.

    • @JRJones333
      @JRJones333 Před 26 dny +3

      "Catholics should know better?" Perhaps you did not understood the Bishop's message regarding the Prosperity Gospel. The Catholic Bishop said, "It is true that following God's Will, leads to prosperity but not necessarily in the worldly sense. Following God's Will rightly orders the soul, it rightly orders me toward my proper end and makes my life in the spiritual sense joyful. That is the prosperity I can infallibly expect from following God's command. Not necessarily prosperity in this world." Nothing he said indicated he was agreeing with this new age Prosperity Gospel type of preaching. His whole message was about building treasures in Heaven and not here on earth. I'm not sure what you heard him say in his talk.

    • @ahapka
      @ahapka Před 26 dny

      That's not what the Bishop said. He's disagreeing with it.

    • @ALavin-en1kr
      @ALavin-en1kr Před 26 dny +1

      @@JRJones333 You are right . I did take it out of context. Thankfully, the Bishop is not on board with a wrong perspective and a wrong message. He has got it right.

  • @tonyselmanah7411
    @tonyselmanah7411 Před 26 dny +1

    The pocket of those poor ignorant victims made you rich , which God?!

  • @lisamoag6548
    @lisamoag6548 Před 23 dny

    Learn from the tears of Tammy Faye.
    Mascara black tears.

  • @leepatterson5842
    @leepatterson5842 Před 26 dny

    Of course, the promises in Deuteronomy apply to Sinai-covenant Israel.

  • @RickSautner-rk8wq
    @RickSautner-rk8wq Před 26 dny +2

    This prosperity about as evil as you can get...He doesn't understand the gospels..The priest is right

  • @davido3026
    @davido3026 Před 23 dny

    Jesse Duplantis raised 64 million for his private jet!!!

  • @JRJones333
    @JRJones333 Před 26 dny

    What caused the housing and financial collapse in part was because of the repeal of some of the Glass Steagal Act during the Clinton administration. It allowed banks to take on more risk. Also during his administration he pressured the mortgage underwriter agencies Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to lower their lending standards so more people could buy a home. It became a time of no money down, 100% financing, lower qualifications, and creative financing. Those two things eventually, a few years later, led to the financial crisis of 2008. On another note: Malachi 3:10 says, "Bring ye the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house, and prove me now herewith, saith Jehovah of hosts, if I will not open you the window of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it." It does not say what the "blessing" will be. Maybe it's good health. Maybe things you own won't break down and cost you more money. Or maybe it's simply we stay in God's good graces and enter into His kingdom when we die. Sounds like what they are saying in this video, in terms of bible verses like the one that says, "Ask and you will receive," doesnt pertain to material things or wealth. It pertains to matters of the heart or perhaps blessings we will receive in Heaven. Personally when I pray, I thank him for everything I have, and if I'm in need of something I ask for it but add, "If it be you will." Otherwise, "You have not because you ask not." After all, He is our Heavenly Father. And what father here on earth would not want to reduce the hardships/burdens of his earthly sons and daughters if he was able?

    • @JuliaNeubauer
      @JuliaNeubauer Před 26 dny

      JRJones, I’ll add to that Ronald Reagan’s appt of Alan Greenspan. Greenspan’s 18-yr tenure (1987-2006) in the Federal Reserve System and his promotion of a free-market/govt hands-off economic theology still remembered in his “Get off the bankers’ backs” contributed widely to the near collapse of the U.S. economic system.
      Blessings from Texas.

    • @JRJones333
      @JRJones333 Před 26 dny

      @@JuliaNeubauer ....Nope, but nice try.

    • @JuliaNeubauer
      @JuliaNeubauer Před 22 dny

      @@JRJones333 I wasn’t trying. Clinton, reappointed Reagan’s “rock star” - Alan Greenspan-as chairman of the Federal Reserve. And the repeal of the Glass Steagal Act was in keeping with limited govt intervention dating back to Reagan’s “trickle-down” economy. Hear it from Alan Greenspan, himself, as he admitted his mistake(s) in keeping interest so low that banks could borrow “easy money” at zero percent, after adjusting for inflation. Greenspan’s free market ideology and his beliefs that banks would self-monitor led to his “stay off bankers’ backs” that echoed Ronald Reagan’s “govt is the problem.” With few regulations -and easy borrowed money -lenders took huge risks in profit ventures and in the derivatives market that triggered the financial collapse of 2008. Google Frontline “The Warning.” Brooksley Born, even though she was blacklisted for her warning/taking Greenspan/cronies to task, deserves immense respect.
      Blessings from Texas’ Lower RGV.

  • @user-ti1rz6cv4b
    @user-ti1rz6cv4b Před 24 dny +1

    No! God didn't make you rich 😅! Ole Satan just made you believe you are rich for a little while 😅!
    May the the Lord of Lords have mercy on your soul 🙏!