FULL Debate: Rabbinic Jew VS Sam Shamoun | Trinity in the Old Testament |

  • čas přidán 28. 07. 2024
  • Original livestream by ‪@shamounian‬: czcams.com/users/liveBekFQTFL...
    0:00 The Angel of God is also God, but distinct from another called God
    9:35 Why God is referred to in the plural, if he is one?
    12:11 The Angel of God (& the Holy Spirit) saved the people of Israel from Egypt
    25:40 God was seen by Moses and Isaiah
    29:28 God and the Servant are high and lifted up (even Rabbis struggles with this) - Caller rejects his rabbi
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Komentáře • 751

  • @ChristOverAllJeremy
    @ChristOverAllJeremy  Před 24 dny +66

    Meaty debate! You’ve made the right choice to watch this. Here are the timestamps:
    0:00 The Angel of God is also God, but distinct from another called God
    9:35 Why God is referred to in the plural, if he is one?
    12:11 The Angel of God (& the Holy Spirit) saved the people of Israel from Egypt
    25:40 God was seen by Moses and Isaiah
    29:28 God and the Servant are high and lifted up (even Rabbis struggles with this) - Caller rejects his rabbi

    • @rjbz554
      @rjbz554 Před 21 dnem +2

      IT WOULD BE STRONGER To point out the pluralities...and does not prove trinity--- but father and only son....

    • @FrankPCarpi
      @FrankPCarpi Před 19 dny +6

      I pray for Yossi to be able to see that the Most High has appeared and visited man as man and the Angel of God several times throughout history, and He is the essence of God in bodily form. He saw many scriptures that demonstrate that God has three components to His Godhead. His stubborn rejection will condemn him to Hell if he doesn't read each of those passages slowly and meditate on them until his dim eyes are opened wide, and he finally puts his trust in Yeshua Messiah.

    • @FrankPCarpi
      @FrankPCarpi Před 19 dny +7

      But the Spirit of God is a distinct person of the triune nature of God. You can't just accept the Father and Son and reject the Holy Spirit.

    • @pstarr-hh3ew
      @pstarr-hh3ew Před 16 dny

      Worldsmasterofspiritsknightsofchrist,tm* truly truly you orthedox jewish peoples be as a cult now thy knew-new testament has been so gifted unto thee and yet again you know NOTT? you want more signs and wonders sings and wonders ,you want a shinny temple so you can charge peoples money too enter it,you want a god who shall kill for you because in your eyes you think your his only children but it gets worse you folks think your the chosen peoples WELL i have some upsetting news for you all its not true ,'AS a matter of fact you in truth you have been placed a side and nay this is not a good thing ok its not its not,between not being able too follow thy law killing al of those who were sent to you and refusing thy true walkingword of god who was made as flesh .you know fathers they see there children fighting and father say knock it off but you ,well you say and you think my lord shall come kill everyone i do not like? maybe he will or maybe he shall say remember that thing called free will?we see you walking over preying to a wall cause it was at one part of something too us like to true christens we see peoples preying to rocks and stones rocks and stones and too us this is like preying to a idol and a false one at that WE have muslims telling us that your going to tear down thire moss ?i keep saying no no they cant do that but someone is giving out false info we christen s 99 percent of us prey just as thy lord has told us too we go into alittle room and we do not put on a show we ask jesus for forgiveness and were done ,we do no harm to others and we try to love are follow man.but you folks its like you get into trouble then come running to us theres two things 2 you shall never see a true christen do 1 is burn a holybook we dont care whos book it is we wont touch it just because you might look white that doesnt make you white,we wont burn holy books that priase thy most high because thats just dumb we prey too thy most high name is different but we know who we serve Where slao aware of how many jewishmen were killed off getting this are kingjames bible handed to us IN are bible we only placed what we can prove and the old test, we did not make up any laws however we might have the dates alittle off Now adays we can check we think jesus was born in thee spring and died in thy spring hence thee term lamb of GOD lambs are only born in thy spring time never in the winter never in the fall only thy spring hence thy term lamb of god MYself i call jesus ie emanuwell ,ie thy king of thee jews , ie thy lord etc etc etc thee walking word of GOD hey someone went to walk with adam and eve it says THY LORD GOD went too see them in thy col of thee day etc very very old writtings i have many books anyways we christens love you folks were doing are best too understand just where you folks are coming from but your rebbis your priests they all have different views on things no two are the same we question one and he gives us a answer that is not even close to the last jewish holymans its kinda odd very weired and gets alittle dis trusting after awhile it can mess a man and man right up they might even go off and make a new form of teachings and faith etc etc etc but hey heres thy truth ok you wrote are bible you jews did ok not rome ohhh no no no iam a HIGHPRIEST i know a thing or two ok ,we know WE even know that what history wrote down about 70ad is not fact it is written that there was a uprising in Israel and rome came and killed you all well that seems kinda fishy ,i mean they spent so many years there Now i know what truly happened but if i get even thee smallest detail wrong many shall jump onto my back over it but lets just say that rome was over reaching and was losing control or some area ,and wanted EVERYTHING YOU HAD because they learned that you folks did pay your taxes and you were peaceful some said well behaved even MYself i think rome came for everything you had everything on thy old and knew testament and they wanted everything everything and we mean every t h i n g on JESUS CHRIST ohhhhh they wanted this info bad there spies came back with such strange stories a man who can walk on water? really like he can walk on water?a man who controls thy weather?a man that can feed five thousand men a man that can call thy dead back too life? a man that can make blind men see a man who touches those who were unclean then healed them a man that touched a tree and because it offered up no fruit when he placed his hand out he killed it dead he made thy men who were unable too walk walk but he did it in a sat and you jumped all over him,but he said in return which one of you who has a oxe or donkey or lamb or bull not untie it so it could go drink water and they got gaught !!! everysingle one of them had a donkey etc etc well back then that was called work as well they hated him from that point on but my lord new he knew he was talking to a highpriest and thy high priest said your fathers thy devil christ said no no no thy father and i are 1 they said your not even Aberehams age we are the offspring the seed of Abreham jesus said if you where thy seed of ABREHAM you wouldnt be plotting to kill thee ,your a den of snakes and vippers you keep thee peoples away from thy father in other words he was saying you share what you all know with eachother but look around the peoples who i left you in charge of know very little and what you teach is not correct again they became mad with anger and went to stone him it was thy highpriests thy rebbis who wanted jesus dead he was cutting into thire proffits and underminding them all he was trying to tell them who he was but they did not care we christens we have spoken thy truth not for money not for fame not for power ,it means nothing NOTHING if there is no afterlife no afterwards no knew kingdom he jesus he came for peoples such as i a sinner he came for you who spit on him he came for thy muslims BUT he told us and only us too take care of his sheep WE fuly understood that this means feeding the peoples and caring for them WERE trying we try where trying the globe is so big sometimes and yet its so small at the same time. FOLLOW ME BROTHER FOLLOW ME i shall not lead you wrong I shall even lead thy way thru thee dark times i am not scared ive got you IVE GOT YOU ive got your backs HIGHPRIESTKNIGHTSTEMPLARSTM*

    • @tomnewman602
      @tomnewman602 Před 15 dny

      Q1111 q1q111q1q11 l

  • @JSVHere
    @JSVHere Před 24 dny +82

    Watching hours of Sam's livestreams , Editing them and posting content everyday ... you're doing surreal work ! Take Care Brother ❤

  • @HollywoodBigBoss
    @HollywoodBigBoss Před 24 dny +49

    Glory to YHWH! Glory to the Father, Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Son & the Holy Spirit!☦️

  • @maxavail
    @maxavail Před 23 dny +65

    Sam is a heavyweight puncher. Awesome mastery of the Holy Scriptures. Instant replies, targeted relevant quotes. Fantastic debate. Loved it.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny +1

      He's awesome to hide scripture he doesn't like....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @andreroy8141
      @andreroy8141 Před 14 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125 All you are doing is proving the Trinity. The Holy Spirit is also God and operates through WHOMSOEVER the Most High choses. He is the Spirit of God and one of God's Persons. Equally with Yeshua. That's why Moses and Isaiah were both seen with Yeshua in the Garden in the New Testament.
      Ezekiel chp 36 verse 24) For I will take you from among the nation’s, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. 25) Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and you shall be clean; from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I clean you.
      26) A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. 27) And I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and you shall keep mine ordinances, and do them. 28) And you shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and you shall be my people, and I will be your God.
      The Most High calls it His Spirit!
      Proverbs chp 30 verse 4) Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind on his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son's name, if thou canst tell? 5) Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

      @SINQUEFIELD83 Před dnem +3

      How are you going to be so disingenuous? I just read two of your points, and they are absolutely ridiculous. The full verse of Exodus 23:21 is
      Pay careful attention to him and obey his voice; do not rebel against him, for he will not pardon your transgression, for my name is in him.
      Where does it say that HE doesnt pardon transgressions? The verse is clear.
      You are evil and I pray that you find discomfort in darkness, and that it leads you to the light.@nathankupczyk3125

    • @andreroy8141
      @andreroy8141 Před dnem +2

      @@nathankupczyk3125 In the Book of Isaiah chp 44 verse 6) Thus saith the Lord, the King of Israel, and his redeemer, the Lord of host; I am the first, and I am the last, and beside me there is no God.
      So if Jesus is Israel's redeemer. Then Jesus must be God. In Isaiah chp 45 verse 22) Look to me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God and there is none else.
      God doesn't lie.
      Jesus said in John chp 5 verse 43) I am come in my Father's name.
      How could he come in his Father's name if he wasn't the embodiment of God.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 22 hodinami

      @@SINQUEFIELD83 ok, it says "for HE will not pardon your transgressions", but it doesn't say "HE doesn't pardon transgressions", can you tell me what's the difference?....

  • @andree1991
    @andree1991 Před 24 dny +136

    It must be exhausting to have the proof in your face and go around in circles trying to avoid acknowledgeding it.

    • @Daniel-vc1oc
      @Daniel-vc1oc Před 24 dny +17

      My Jewish Atheist friend told me its usually an identity thing (his family is VERY practicing though, and do not know hes atheist). Jewish identity is super strong, and Jesus is not a part of it unfortunately, so they see it as contradicting to their identity. They kind of ostracize the christian Jews (messianic jews, etc) and many of the non christian Jews will say they aren't actually "real" Jews.
      Which is weird to us, since we call Jesus the "King of the Jews". We also learn so much about the old testament, but they don't learn any of the new testament. Theres a gap between christians and jews that we christians usually dont notice, because we talk about the jews and jewish culture so much.
      Personally, i think if the non christian Jewish community respected the christian Jewish community more, then many more Jews would convert. Paul showed us that both Jews and Gentiles can be Christians, but they exclusively see Christianity as a gentile thing. Paul showed us that Jews can keep their traditions, and stay Jewish, and live a life with Christ all at the same time.

    • @MissTina62
      @MissTina62 Před 23 dny +5

      "We" don't call Jesus "king of the Jews". Pontius Pilot said that and had it written on the cross of Jesus

    • @christatum3045
      @christatum3045 Před 22 dny +8

      The Messiah IS the King of the Jews though. The Ultimate King.

    • @MEGA1FILM
      @MEGA1FILM Před 21 dnem

      Actually the writing on the Cross was King Of the Judeans. Jews is an abduction of the entire entity of the actual 12 tribes of Israel.

    • @MEGA1FILM
      @MEGA1FILM Před 21 dnem +3

      J's despise God. The Holy Trinity.

  • @xman666soad
    @xman666soad Před 20 dny +34

    If it hurts my heart when I hear Jewish brothers and sisters reject Jesus, how much more does it pain Him above us all?
    Praise be to God who turned me away from sin and continues to walk with my.

    • @jessedylan6162
      @jessedylan6162 Před 16 dny

      @@xman666soad it hurts when gentiles fail the heed of GD and practice idolatry worshiping human flesh as divine

    • @jessedylan6162
      @jessedylan6162 Před 16 dny +1

      @@xman666soad GD IS ONE, not a
      trinity nor is Jesus part of the equation.

    • @terezka5340
      @terezka5340 Před 16 dny +6

      @@jessedylan6162 May most Holy Trinity liberates you from all ancestral demons in Jesus name.

    • @saitoren4061
      @saitoren4061 Před 16 dny +2

      God has been frustrated for a long time....
      "I have no delight for the destruction of the wicked. My delight is their repentance".

    • @jessedylan6162
      @jessedylan6162 Před 16 dny

      @@terezka5340 what.???? Such hogwash! May GD release you from practicing pagan idolatry and blasphemy as you worship human flesh as divine. Such is an abomination against the ONE GD of Israel.

  • @Romestayfit
    @Romestayfit Před 24 dny +139

    May the name of the lord Jesus Christ be proclaimed throughout the earth 🙏🏾✝️

    @MARINAVOUPOURAS Před 24 dny +36

    Thank God for these clips. There's so much content...this really helps. God bless you Jeremy 🙏✝️

  • @camerondavis7815
    @camerondavis7815 Před 7 dny +4

    When certain people start speaking, you just have to listen. People call it charisma, but I believe it’s a spirit. And the spirit in him confesses that Jesus is Lord, so my Bible tells me I have to trust it.
    I can’t refute anything he says, and that scares me, but, I believe that God speaks truth through this man. And I’m in awe, and inspired by the depth of his dedication to scripture. His knowledge of not just the English presentation of the word, but also his ability to teach a Jew in Hebrew is something that I deeply admire and wish to be able to learn to do.
    For now, I will just listen.

  • @petera2133
    @petera2133 Před 19 dny +14

    Sam your knowledge blows my mind. What a gift you have and what a servant of God you are. God bless you. 🙏🙏🙏

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      When he would have more knowledge he would not believe in trinity...You're so convinced of the proof of trinity? Let see you answer my challenges...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @MultiBurger1
      @MultiBurger1 Před 11 dny +2

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125 Dude. You keep runnin ur mouth. Go challenge Sam, to a debate. I dare you. 😂

    • @harmonsalmon7739
      @harmonsalmon7739 Před 9 dny

      Delusional ​@@nathankupczyk3125

    • @masozimwenifumbo3080
      @masozimwenifumbo3080 Před dnem +1

      Hallelujah! Great grace indeed!

  • @dararebreed
    @dararebreed Před 23 dny +40

    95% of the times that I have heard the words "necessarily" & "essentially" IN MY LIFE were while watching this video.

    • @spitter7657
      @spitter7657 Před 23 dny +6


    • @Tdizzle7775
      @Tdizzle7775 Před 23 dny +8

      Much filler language while his mind was furiously and desperately looking to spin

    • @dararebreed
      @dararebreed Před 23 dny +3

      @@Tdizzle7775 exactly

    • @meepmeep545
      @meepmeep545 Před 22 dny +2

      "not necessarily...."

  • @danielj.rodriguez1183
    @danielj.rodriguez1183 Před 23 dny +22

    It has to fit his doctrine. If it doesn't it shatters his whole view. Simply it's indoctrination , he is saying what he's litterally been taught.

  • @ThePunisher005
    @ThePunisher005 Před 24 dny +34

    This was amazing Sam. This is the kind of debate my soul and mind loves, respectful conversation and extreme intelligence. Sam with God blessing becoming better and better servant of God everyday.. bless you and hope to watch more videos like this

  • @Angel-Max7728
    @Angel-Max7728 Před 24 dny +21

    Another awesome session. Thank you brother Jeremy and God bless you 🔥✝️🕊🙏

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 15 dny +1

      If it's so awesome, can you answer that?
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @tammymullins1151
    @tammymullins1151 Před 23 dny +17

    Father God I pray for this poor lost man. Open his eyes to see the truth of your word. Remove the veil from his eyes. Remove his heart of stone and give him a heart of flesh. In Jesus name amen.

    • @elmarecoetzee8517
      @elmarecoetzee8517 Před 21 dnem +2

      ❤ me too

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      So your eyes is open without veils... Can you answer these challenges?
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @zalezola7472
      @zalezola7472 Před 3 dny


  • @mystrength5640
    @mystrength5640 Před 18 dny +5

    Sooo many Prayers For this Young Rabi to Get to know Our Lord Jesus Christ!
    God will make many doors open For him and his Family! ✝️

  • @bernardallauigan3027
    @bernardallauigan3027 Před 22 dny +8

    Thank you very much, Sam. God bless you and keep safe.

  • @Facts13404
    @Facts13404 Před 24 dny +60

    Sams knowledge is from the Holy Spirit ❤🎉

  • @cdh1492
    @cdh1492 Před 24 dny +18

    The Best example scriptures 😮for the trinity

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 16 dny +1

      If this is the "Best" explain, you're in bad shape...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      If you cannot answer but still believe in trinity you're the stubborn one and can't see the truth....

  • @livedisk
    @livedisk Před 21 dnem +10

    This is absolutely GOLD, Thank you Sam, God bless you.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      This is gold plated....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @ukeb6682
      @ukeb6682 Před 10 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125 please can you give Sam a call we want to learn from your knowledge or God logic. Pls.

    • @greenbird679
      @greenbird679 Před 6 dny

      @@nathankupczyk3125 Looks like u r very upset. That is why u r spamming same comment everywhere. Please do a debate with Sam Shamoun and bring these points in the debate. Let us see how it goes.

  • @sansan-if8vv
    @sansan-if8vv Před 23 dny +20

    nobody defeat sam because he is in the side of the truth

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 16 dny

      Here is a defeat....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      If you cannot answer but still believe in trinity you're the stubborn one and can't see the truth....

    • @3pepra
      @3pepra Před 15 dny +2

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125can you debate Sam

    • @trollsearching8968
      @trollsearching8968 Před 14 dny +3

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125 These may be great points. Will you please call in for an episode and make sure he includes your CZcams handle so I know which episode to look for. I am honestly eager to hear both sides.

    • @cesarbst8170
      @cesarbst8170 Před 12 dny


  • @andresbenavides1768
    @andresbenavides1768 Před 19 dny +4

    You are a blessing brother. Thank God for your ministry.

  • @Legendwill876
    @Legendwill876 Před 24 dny +12

    Damn, Sam indeed is blessed on his teachings👏🏽👏🏽

  • @anthonyesenu4091
    @anthonyesenu4091 Před 21 dnem +11

    Thanks Sam, you've helped me understand the trinity much better! May the Lord bless and increase your grace and wisdom to continue sharing this basic and plain truths about the Godhead!

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny +1

      There are much more in scripture which helps to refute trinity which Sam doesn't want to share...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @gregoryderosa8045
    @gregoryderosa8045 Před 22 dny +4

    Wow what a blessing this session is !

  • @mikehenson819
    @mikehenson819 Před 23 dny +10

    Oh Sam. The veil on this one is very thick my friend. Only the Spirit of GOD is going to remove it, and allow him to see clearly.

    • @terezka5340
      @terezka5340 Před 16 dny +2

      He is already removing it or he would not have engaged with Sam

  • @misfitking_0143
    @misfitking_0143 Před 23 dny +6

    A Disciple of God is Subject to other Disciples but an Angel of the LORD is Subject to no man...??? GRACE and Mercy and Forgiveness and Peace and LOVE be with you always from God the FATHER and Our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ... Amen!

  • @bigdog4574
    @bigdog4574 Před 18 dny +2

    My God, thank you for giving us Sam in this most needed time! I pray You continue to protect him as we need Sam to continue educating us and clarifying to us your Word that we are too ignorant to understand in this age!

  • @thomasokun5952
    @thomasokun5952 Před 19 dny +3

    God has anointed Sam to preach the truth in these end times. Praying for Sam shamoun here in Papua New guinea

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      The "truth"? Please answer my challenges...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....

  • @happywinnings741
    @happywinnings741 Před 7 dny +2

    Great discussions, I’m praying that this Jew will get blessed with the understanding he’s lacking in CHRIST JESUS AMEN AMEN HALLELUJAH 🙌💖🙏

  • @theophilusayantokun5581
    @theophilusayantokun5581 Před 8 dny +3

    Sam, thank you for the way you have dealt with this matter. God bless you.

  • @Teslaharmonic
    @Teslaharmonic Před 23 dny +7

    tree stages of truth
    1 ridicule
    2 Anger
    3 self evident

  • @biblegeek5978
    @biblegeek5978 Před 19 dny +5

    This person cannot be serious 😂 by far the best tap dancer yet 🕺
    That Angel is not like the rest of the messengers of GOD he is unique does what GOD does is GOD.
    Sam GOD bless you …I applaud your patience
    Jesus is Lord 🎉

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....

  • @U4Eye
    @U4Eye Před 21 dnem +8

    Sam is an incredible teacher 🎉of the Lord Jesus Christ🙏✝️ I wish one day he'll talk to Ben Shapiro as Ben will finally understand that there is a Jesus Christ

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      People who know scripture "understand" that Sam is cutting scripture to his favor....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @papichulo8288
    @papichulo8288 Před 16 dny +2

    Our God the Holy Spirit truly helps him remember the Bible remarkably! All Glory to God! I still wonder his study habits?

  • @debrapittman2603
    @debrapittman2603 Před 23 dny +9

    Thank you Sam you did a brilliant representation from the scriptures that Jesus is the Messiah prophesied to come into the world. It is sad to see how are Jewish brothers and the Rabbis have misinterpret the scriptures and lead many away from the truth and now they cannot see the truth of what the Torah, tenach, Moses and the psalms and prophets say about who the Messiah is. The Rabbis use to include Isaiah 53 in the readings Naftara but had so much confusion and discrepancy over it they decided to exclude it. God open their eyes to the truth of your word.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      Jewish brothers and rabbis have misinterpreted scripture? Not Sam? What's about that:
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      Do you have any proof that Isaiah 53 was included In the weekly Haftarah? On which Parashah have they have they read it?.... Obviously there is nothing to be confused there.
      Isaiah 53 can't be Jesus for many reasons.
      1. 52:15 "For what had not been told them they shall SEE". can you tell me when they Saw Jesus?
      2. The Hebrew text in 53:3 says "a man of pain", not "sorrow", obviously a man of pain is being called someone who chronically have pain, not just a few ours n the cross.
      3. the Hebrew text in 53:3 says that he has " disease", not "grief".
      4. If it's true that "multitudes" followed him it doesn't make sense that suddenly in the last minute all turned their neck to him. a person who multitudes Saw him as a "sinless" person and healed them from their diseases can't be rejected from one minute to the other, especially when they saw that Isaiah 53 plays out "exactly" according how it's written....
      5. He opened his mouth by saying my God my God why have you forsaken me.
      6. According to the NT narrative it would have to say he made his DEATH with a wicked and with a rich at his GRAVE.
      7. The text says he had offsprings.
      8. Jesus justifies many with his "knowledge" or with his "death"?...

    • @Swifthectares
      @Swifthectares Před 5 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125Isaac cannot bless anyone with his own power but invoke God to bless. Same thing Jacob did. The question is why is Jacob invoking God and the angel to bless? When only God has the power to bless.

    • @Swifthectares
      @Swifthectares Před 5 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125If you watched the video you'd see in Zachariah 3:3 that the angel did forgive sins.

    • @Swifthectares
      @Swifthectares Před 5 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125in Isaiah 6:6-7 the coal was taken from the altar which is where sacrifices are made for the remission of sins. The coal touching his mouth shows that his sins have been forgiven not that the seraph forgave him of his sins like the angel did in Zachariah 3:3.

  • @justonbrown4881
    @justonbrown4881 Před 19 dny +2

    Love hiss boldness, even when dealing with the people who SHOULD know what they are talking about. Contending and defending the gospel ...hallelujah

  • @yaro-v
    @yaro-v Před 19 dny +2

    Thanks. I learned something new today. God bless you abundantly

  • @RebiwGiant-um8vp
    @RebiwGiant-um8vp Před 12 dny +2

    I've seen many people clip Sam's videos but Christ Over ALL does it the best. Wow! It's perfectly edited. Keep up the good work, brother.

  • @jeffreydsouza7273
    @jeffreydsouza7273 Před 24 dny +12

    he doesn't know his book but ready to debate

  • @gerdusloubser4817
    @gerdusloubser4817 Před 8 dny +2

    "Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called; I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. (Isaiah 48:12, NASB) Note that this is God speaking. Now note the following verse:
    "Come near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, From the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord GOD (1)has sent Me,(2) and His Spirit."(3) (Isaiah 48:16, NASB)

  • @ArmorofValor
    @ArmorofValor Před 11 dny +1

    I've been waiting to see this for a long time.

  • @MultiAlphaZ
    @MultiAlphaZ Před 23 dny +15

    Every person, be he Jewish, JW, Muslim, Morman, Iglesia ni Cristo etc, when ever the PLAIN Scripture tells then something that proves their own version of 'doctrines' is NOT CORRECT, they immediately PRESUME "Oh! It must be an analogy". How very CONVENIENT for them to dodge the Truth, but hit a BRICK!

    • @gabrielkovalov8966
      @gabrielkovalov8966 Před 22 dny

      You do the same thing hypocrite.
      Moses is called to be God for Aaron and the people of Israel, but you all agree it is just a representative of God, not literally God.
      Bunch of hypocrites, at least the jews are consistent.
      Also, he is called the angel of the Lord, thus he has a Lord, but then he is jesus which is God himself, so how can he have a Lord?
      As usual, you will jump through hoops to prove your trinity mumbo jumbo. Instead of just saying the obvious, the angel is representing God and they are being blessed by the angel but everything is through God.
      When a pastor blessed you, it is the pastor who blessed you that is true, but we all know it is ultimately God.
      Such a simple concept.

    • @CustomGamesStudios
      @CustomGamesStudios Před 22 dny +4

      @@gabrielkovalov8966bro read Exodus 4:16 and 7:1 they both say “LIKE” God not “BE” God.
      Stop butchering scripture and just admit you’re anti-scripture.
      The angel of the Lord is God. Representation or not. You’re wrong, you’re anti-scripture and there is no walking around that.
      Jesus is also the Word of God and the Angel of the Lord. He has many names. But he is still God. That’s what scripture says, you can not like it but butchering what has been written or even worse….following a false prophet instead is just wrong.

    • @gabrielkovalov8966
      @gabrielkovalov8966 Před 22 dny

      @@CustomGamesStudios Sorry you don't know Hebrew, it doesn't say moses will be like God.
      That he will be Elohim to Aaron. That's how it is written. Learn Hebrew, or ask someone that can read.

    • @gabrielkovalov8966
      @gabrielkovalov8966 Před 22 dny

      @@CustomGamesStudios only one butchering stuff is you.
      You also only get forgiveness of sins by butchering a human body.

    • @CustomGamesStudios
      @CustomGamesStudios Před 22 dny +1

      @@gabrielkovalov8966 before I reply to you, what is your religion?

  • @jexcaliburning
    @jexcaliburning Před 23 dny +9

    I wish sam's knowledge can be copy paste to all christians

  • @rays3865
    @rays3865 Před 20 dny +3

    The Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. You cannot see God but he has a spirit and to see God you have to look at Jesus which is his form. Prays God and give him all the glory.

  • @gad163
    @gad163 Před 18 dny +2

    This is an absolute clinic and one of my favorites from Sam cause there’s no yelling just clear exegesis 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    • @paulrussell6495
      @paulrussell6495 Před 8 dny

      Sam is the man, muslims can't handle him either 💪

  • @TOMReefer
    @TOMReefer Před 23 dny +4

    I like these debates. 😊

  • @gizelop8481
    @gizelop8481 Před 19 hodinami +1

    “Seat thou at my Right Hand…”says the LORD.

  • @MarquezoElive-vn6pu
    @MarquezoElive-vn6pu Před 24 dny +25

    how can you debate someone who already know the verse your running to..this people don't learn..there's no human being now on this earth that can defeat Sam Shamoun..he just completely wipe the floor with this poor Rabbinic jew..this is a completely smashing

    • @enockt6218
      @enockt6218 Před 23 dny +4

      This is nothing new. Jesus use the same text about himself. Same Jews wanted him killed😂

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 16 dny

      Here is a comment from an angel... I defeated Sam, so I'm not a human being....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      Do you think when Sam debates only unknowledgeable Jews he "can't" be defeated?!....

    • @MarquezoElive-vn6pu
      @MarquezoElive-vn6pu Před 16 dny

      @@nathankupczyk3125 stop hidden in the comment section you son of mutah..you're no match for Sam..I challenge you to challenge him so that he can wipe the floor with you

    • @NicholaWallace
      @NicholaWallace Před 16 dny +1

      ​@@MarquezoElive-vn6puPaul warns Christians not to become arrogant or conceited towards Jews who don't see things the way Christians do. See Romans 11:25.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 15 dny

      @@MarquezoElive-vn6pu how many of the verses I quoted here you knew before?... Don't tell me if I'm a match with him.... So far I wipe the floor with him on the videos posted from him "explaining" Hebrew scripture & rabbinic interpretation...

  • @kylemelanieflynn2344
    @kylemelanieflynn2344 Před 24 dny +17

    Wow, I can’t fathom how God’s chosen people can so deliberately deny the Word 🤷🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️… it’s not funny because they who deny the Son will perish, but I’d be lying if I said I don’t laugh when these people try to tell all of the human race that God’s Word doesn’t mean what it says 🤦🏻‍♂️…apparently God’s chosen people believe that God is a liar

      @MARINAVOUPOURAS Před 24 dny +5

      Well said 💯. For the life of me I could never understand how His Chosen Race has denied him...Sad 😔

    • @rosenmel
      @rosenmel Před 24 dny +5

      ​@MARINAVOUPOURAS he didn't get their country back so they rejected him. They are in it for the land, not God.

    • @kiwiburciaga
      @kiwiburciaga Před 24 dny +2

      Wrong; because God said in Amos 9:14-15 that God will gather them back to land that promised to Abraham, and God will plant them and NOONE WILL TAKE THEIR LAND AWAY FROM THEM, they will eat from the plant, and drink from the vid.
      It was necessary that the Jewish people returned to Israel, not only to fulfill scripture, but is because JESUS IS GOING TO RETURN TO JERUSALEM FOR A SECOND TIME, and guess WHERE JESUS IS GOINT TO PUT HIS FEET ON.

    • @PabloVelasco-hr3ko
      @PabloVelasco-hr3ko Před 23 dny +5

      @@kiwiburciaga Amos 9:14 already happened, the Jews were freed from Babylonian exile and came back to Israel. And Jesus already came and left. And he left us the 2nd Covenant which the whole world can be saved if they follow Jesus. Not just the jews, not the Jews and Christians, but those who follow Christ.

    • @kylemelanieflynn2344
      @kylemelanieflynn2344 Před 23 dny

      @@kiwiburciaga you need more study Mr kiwi, funny how you would comment here with me at this particular video instead of asking the true apologist Sam to discuss this doctrine if demons 😂

  • @elmarecoetzee8517
    @elmarecoetzee8517 Před 21 dnem +3

    Amazing debate ❤

  • @Readthefineprint221
    @Readthefineprint221 Před 23 dny +8

    I truly don’t understand why Jewish people don’t see that there are 3 persons and that Jesus is the Messiah/Christ

    • @tammymullins1151
      @tammymullins1151 Před 23 dny +1

      Satan has blinded them.

    • @CustomGamesStudios
      @CustomGamesStudios Před 22 dny +1

      Their rabbis are lying to them and they fell for it. Plus they are no longer very religious. They’re an overall secular group now.
      Kinda sad really.

    • @JenepherDEEPLAL
      @JenepherDEEPLAL Před 21 dnem

      They think like the Ishmaelites. They hate each other but hate Christians and our Savior more. Please Jews we are to stand together.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny +1

      How can they see when it's non-existent?....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @NicholaWallace
      @NicholaWallace Před 16 dny

      See Romans 11:25

  • @benvinoarts1875
    @benvinoarts1875 Před 16 dny +2

    God bless you

  • @user-uu9fz2gv2l
    @user-uu9fz2gv2l Před 18 dny +7

    Hello My Brother Praise God
    God is using you to rescue these People 🙏 from their wretched and nakedness Revelation 2:9-God Loves this man-Lord open the Brother's eyes we are praying 🙏 for you Jesus Loves you-
    Ezekial 18:04-For God Owns ALL Souls, HE owns the Soul of the FATHER as well as the Soul of the SON, SIN IS DEATH-Roman's 6:29-For the wages of SIN is Death- Jesus Christ is Knocking at the Door of your Heart, Open Your Heart🎉 Open Your Heart my Brother come on Jesus Loves you He created you-HE paid the Highest price for you Jerusalem Post 1st Century had a picture of Jesus on The Tree 🌳 Love you my Brother

  • @Richfreerunner2
    @Richfreerunner2 Před 24 dny +11

    Every time he whistles, it cracks me up. "Woow, *Whistle*" 😂

  • @marcusdavenport1590
    @marcusdavenport1590 Před 18 dny +2

    Wow! Amazing video!

  • @jacobmaliakal5908
    @jacobmaliakal5908 Před 23 dny +3

    God please change their hearts.

  • @randyfernandez665
    @randyfernandez665 Před 13 hodinami

    A very intelligent, educational and full of purpose daebate, thanks gents! thanks brother Sam, turuly, you're a fine general of our LORD JESUS....

  • @alemarja
    @alemarja Před 4 dny

    I appreciate how calm and patient you are here Sam. ❤

  • @keltar4071
    @keltar4071 Před 23 dny +4

    Word of the day. "Well"

  • @philmullineaux5405
    @philmullineaux5405 Před 23 dny +14

    I don't blame Jews for not getting this. God himself put a wedge between us, to not see the Trinity. Yet the Holy Spirit can overcome all things. And in the end of times, that wedge will be removed, and the Jews...or should I say, true Israelites in spirit....truly circumcised in heart...will believe, in by the look of jealousy, for what the Christians will accomplish.

    • @enockt6218
      @enockt6218 Před 23 dny +8

      Jesus ask his disciples who are Jews. Who do you say who i am ?
      Peter say the Son of living God.
      Jesus said its the Father who reveal that too him.
      Too know Jesus is a personal revelation. You can read scripture how much you want and still cannot see the hidden Kingdom of God.
      Only when you seek him truly from your heart it will be given to you.
      I can read old testament and see Jesus all over it.
      A jew or a muslim can read the same passages and see nothing and totally blind.
      The time they have a will then it will be given.

    • @rjbz554
      @rjbz554 Před 21 dnem +1

      there is only father and son

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA Před 17 dny

      God only puts 'blindness' upon those who are hardened against Him in their hearts. He doesn't blind people who truly want salvation. Those who do not understand are those who do not *want* to understand.

    • @philmullineaux5405
      @philmullineaux5405 Před 17 dny

      @@Rapturo_to_YESHUA true, yet this was done to both Christians and Jews, one could say. The early church was all Jewish, tho they did get gentile followers here and there. But the original apostles and disciples were being disobedient. Jesus said"Go!...
      And make disciples of all nations..."
      They weren't going.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 16 dny

      This is why Jews don't getting this, the question is how you get this...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      If you cannot answer but still believe in trinity you're the stubborn one and can't see the truth....

  • @12svaner
    @12svaner Před 17 dny +1

    1 Corinthians 2:9-10 KJV
    But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. [10] But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God.

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 Před 21 dnem +1

    So how does God's presence go before him, but it's God who gives them rest?
    God's spirit goes before him the way that a man's hand extended before him, to accomplish a task. But the credit for that task Being accomplished goes not to the man's hand, but do the man.

  • @RepairtheBreach5812
    @RepairtheBreach5812 Před 20 dny +1

    It is amazing that Sam wants people to go by the text, but in St. John 20:17, Yeshua says He is is going to his Father and his God. So, God has A God.

  • @luvpamelanewton
    @luvpamelanewton Před 23 dny +3

    So only God can be high and lofty and Israel as a nation of people can be high and lofty, but for Jesus Christ it is blasphemy, but not for a group of men...
    Isn't this majorly hypocritical?

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      No one says that it's blasphemy to say Jesus is high and lofty, it's simply not true....

  • @carlos_790
    @carlos_790 Před 21 dnem +1

    Dear God, please help your message go out, and continue to bless and use this servant. Also for evil sinful men who attempt to block your message, may you take their health away, and life if you have to, for they rebel against you, your message and servants, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

  • @Luvurenemy
    @Luvurenemy Před 19 dny +1

    Sam always proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that God inspired His prophets and every other author of Scripture. When Sam recites Scripture I just keep being amazed that The only God of the Heavens and Earth are revealed in our Holy Bible. We are so blessed to have Sam and infinitely blessed to get to humbly worship the Holy Trinity. We know the TRUTH and THE WAY TO ETERNAL LIFE! I look forward to seeing everyone in the new Heavens and Earth. Hallelujah.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      If you know the "truth" You suppose to answer my challenges...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      If you cannot answer, how do "know" that you "know" the truth?....

  • @Teslaharmonic
    @Teslaharmonic Před 23 dny +2


    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      Some more REVEALING....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @Zangified02
    @Zangified02 Před 23 dny +3

    Every time Yossi is refuted
    -not necessarily
    Like come on man🤦🏾‍♂️. May he be illuminated and convicted to the truth by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      The "truth"? Can you answer these Challenges?
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @nananhyiraaman-kwafo2571

    There is a reason why the scripture says " the Lord your God is one" . This mystery of God was to show how he manifests not because he's not a plurality

  • @maxinist
    @maxinist Před dnem

    I will only say THANK YOU!

  • @KenKopelson
    @KenKopelson Před 7 dny

    Verse 8 ends with the word "Moshiach", where it is translated as Savior, but that word means Messiah, which is the Annointed.

  • @yvonnesegers3214
    @yvonnesegers3214 Před 13 dny

    I have great respect for the Jew from Chabad.
    They always are more humble than us and that is to théir victory. No matter how much Bible knowledge one may have…..this attitude of humbleness of the chabad Jew, is worth a thousands times more! There is nóthing, I said: nothing, an "outsider” can do, to “outsmart” the Jewish people. Théy are those branches we belong to, not the other way around, nor in circles - priority principle -
    Let them…..HaShem will show them Himself, because of His Own Swearing, to Himself and His Holy Name. 🕊

  • @hopelessstrlstfan181
    @hopelessstrlstfan181 Před 23 dny +2

    I am very impressed by Sam's knowledge of the Hebrew text and his debate prowess. Still, I have to deduct points because of his confrontational approach and lack of charity. Although I do give props for his compliment to his interlocutor for being honest at 11:30 or so.

    • @NicholaWallace
      @NicholaWallace Před 16 dny

      I also find there is not a lot of charity in some of the commenters on this site. How will that provoke Jews to jealousy?

  • @ReptiVilla
    @ReptiVilla Před 6 dny

    I’m speechless right now Sam , driving and just let out a WOOOWW😮 🫡🙏🏼✝️

  • @peterthompson6651
    @peterthompson6651 Před 22 dny +3

    Rabbinic Jew talks in English without any punctuation, and so lack an understanding of English and concede at 30:40. Isaiah 52:13. Behold my servant shall prosper, he shall be exalted and lifted up and he shall be very high.

    • @NicholaWallace
      @NicholaWallace Před 16 dny

      So? He knows Hebrew, the language that the Bible is written in. Didn't you hear when he was asked what the Hebrew said, not what the English said?

    • @peterthompson6651
      @peterthompson6651 Před 16 dny +1

      @@NicholaWallace Precisely what did I write that was wrong?
      Did he say the Hebrew had a different definition and meaning by the translation?
      The Bible was written in Hebrew, did you not mean the Torah?
      My clear understanding is the Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek, along with some of those original scriptures in Aramaic?
      Did he not speak without punctuation if you understand English and did Sam not slow him down to fully understand what he was saying in English?

  • @nicolasnicolas9653
    @nicolasnicolas9653 Před 15 dny +1

    We will pray for him that the iord will open his eyes to know the truth and the truth will set him free

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 14 dny

      So your eyes are open... Can you answer these challenges?​
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @StageMan57
    @StageMan57 Před 23 dny +4

    God told us that there are those humans who will refuse to believe the truth no matter the circumstances.
    God could come down from Heaven and stand right in front of this guy and tell him stuff that no one else knows. and this guy would probably come up with a illogical reasons why God knows it and would tell him it.

    • @MuzorewaRatshikuni
      @MuzorewaRatshikuni Před 18 dny +1

      How do you think it was that barely a few short hours after YHVH appears to the children of Israel on Sinai, they're off worshipping the golden calf?

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      ​@@MuzorewaRatshikuniwhat do you want to say, that gentiles would never do that?....

    • @NicholaWallace
      @NicholaWallace Před 16 dny

      You don't know that at all. Only God knows the heart of a man. Be careful what you say.

    • @StageMan57
      @StageMan57 Před 13 dny

      Yes I do know that.
      Unfortunately you are commenting from the position of being an ignorant young male that doesn't know what God wrote to us in His written Word that we know as the Bible.
      For example, Yeshua

  • @FrankPCarpi
    @FrankPCarpi Před 19 dny +1

    I pray for Yossi to be able to see that the Most High has appeared and visited man as man and the Angel of God several times throughout history, and He is the essence of God in bodily form. He saw many scriptures that demonstrate that God has three components to His Godhead. His stubborn rejection will condemn him to Hell if he doesn't read each of those passages slowly and meditate on them until his dim eyes are opened wide, and he finally puts his trust in Yeshua Messiah.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      You're so convinced of the proof of trinity? Let see if you can answer my challenges...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      If you cannot answer but still believe in trinity, you're not less stubborn...

  • @shannonlandre4442
    @shannonlandre4442 Před 17 hodinami

    You can have all the scriptures for thousands of years and without the Holy Spirit it's of no use. The spirit of God is the only One who correctly can interpret His Word!

  • @RepairtheBreach5812
    @RepairtheBreach5812 Před 20 dny +1

    The servant is still under God. Where did the Rabbi say he the servant is God?

  • @kiwiburciaga
    @kiwiburciaga Před 24 dny +3

    Min 27. We don’t see GOD in his full ESSENCE because if we do, WE WILL INSTANTLY DEATH.
    Remember GOD IS KADOSH( HOLY).

    • @luvpamelanewton
      @luvpamelanewton Před 23 dny +1

      That would be God the Father. So He sent His Son.

    • @Rapturo_to_YESHUA
      @Rapturo_to_YESHUA Před 23 dny

      Even if He shielded us from death, we would want to be killed because we'd instantly see how much of a cancer our sin is in Gods universe. We'd instantly see how unworthy we are to even take one breath of Gods air. So God is merciful in many ways to us, including shielding us from seeing just how much of a wretch we are in our sinfulness.

  • @passionfly1
    @passionfly1 Před 21 dnem +3

    "Not necessarily, "However", "Not necessarily, "However", "Not necessarily, "However", "Not necessarily, "However", "Not necessarily, "However", "There, I disproved your entire argument." Automatic refutation by added these words is not a debate nor argument when you add those words constantly in perpetuity. This Jewsh man is extremely stubborn! Goodness, how much patience Sam has with him. When a person lives their entire life in ignorance, its so difficult to have them see THE TRUTH and THE LIGHT such as Jesus is. God, please help that Jewish man see the TRUTH for his sake and yours. ❤❤

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      THE TRUTH? I'll "not necessarily" use these words "not necessarily, "however ", I'll use some other words.... Let see if you see THE TRUTH...
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

    • @masozimwenifumbo3080
      @masozimwenifumbo3080 Před dnem


  • @Watchdog123go
    @Watchdog123go Před 9 dny

    Wow oh wow .... Truly a man fit for the work of his Master...

  • @phloriaernas2149
    @phloriaernas2149 Před 7 dny +1

    Dude is blessed by G-d! Praise the Lord!

  • @losdeldostacos8007
    @losdeldostacos8007 Před 21 dnem +1

    This is so dope. Sam is the man. I learn so much from him, glory be to God.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      There much more to learn which Sam doesn't want to learn with you....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @mannyvasquez3733
    @mannyvasquez3733 Před 21 dnem

    Do you have a video explaining how and when you finally understood that Christ was in the ild testament. I can't believe those verses you quote flew way over my head. I am going to re-read the Old Testament with new eyes. Thank you.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      There are many verses in the old testament which refute everything Sam says which Sam will never reveal to you....
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing him to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      If your "new eyes" will be like Sam's eyes you gain nothing by re-reading.....

    • @forbesjugo7558
      @forbesjugo7558 Před 16 dny

      Buddy if you have to comment every comment. By just copy and pasting. May God bless you and reveal to you the truth.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 15 dny

      @@forbesjugo7558 this what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to reach out to the comment writers here who are "convinced" with the truth they should answer my challenges, but so far not even one of them replied with any answer!! Should I believe that this is the "truth" if no one can answer?... What's about you, can you answer something? If you can't, how can it be the truth?

  • @FeetMusical
    @FeetMusical Před 13 dny +1

    (ESV), “Draw

    • @Eric-fq5wx
      @Eric-fq5wx Před 8 dny

      This does not prove that the spirit is a separate person. The son is his only begotten. Meaning he came forth from the father. The son is equal with the father because he inherited his name.

    • @FeetMusical
      @FeetMusical Před 8 dny

      @@Eric-fq5wx John 15:26 states regarding the Holy Spirit, “he will bear witness of
      e”. The Sprit gives commands in Acts 8:29, Go over a join the chariot”. Many, many more examples.

    • @Eric-fq5wx
      @Eric-fq5wx Před 8 dny

      @@FeetMusical the spirit of God refered to as the comforter does bear witness of christ because it is the spirit of christ. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
      17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
      18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.
      Jesus will come to you. Jesus is the comforter.

    • @jacquesvincent3897
      @jacquesvincent3897 Před 2 dny

      HEBREWS 1:3.....TALKING ABOUT JESUS :....Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of HIS PERSON (GOD'S BODY) (SINGULAR ...HIS PERSON!!)...ARE YOU POLYTHEIST??? .
      JOHN14:7....If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.

  • @12svaner
    @12svaner Před 17 dny +2

    In the old testament when it states (The Angel ) its Jesus.
    And in Jericho.
    Joshua 5:13-15 NKJV
    And it came to pass, when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted his eyes and looked, and behold, a Man stood opposite him with His sword drawn in His hand. And Joshua went to Him and said to Him, "Are You for us or for our adversaries?" [14] So He said, "No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and worshiped, and said to Him, "What does my Lord say to His servant?" [15] Then the Commander of the LORD's army said to Joshua, "Take your sandal off your foot, for the place where you stand is holy." And Joshua did so.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 15 dny

      If Jesus is the angel, why says God that the angel doesn't pardon transgressions? Does it fit with Jesus?....

    • @Swifthectares
      @Swifthectares Před 5 dny

      ​@@nathankupczyk3125Joshua 24:19 says God will not pardon transgressions. Does that God cannot?

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 3 dny

      @@Swifthectares if you read this verse plainly face value, was Joshua a liar?

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 Před 21 dnem +1

    Sam, you even interrupt the rabbi as he's reading scripture that you told him to read.
    At least allow the man to read the entire scripture before you interrupt him to make your points. You never give him a chance to make his points because you never even let him finish reading the scripture!

  • @ezkl9424
    @ezkl9424 Před 21 dnem +1

    The Holy Spirit is what God is. God is a Holy Spirit. God is THE Holy Spirit.
    Just as a man can send out his arm from himself to accomplish a task, likewise God can send out his Holy Spirit to accomplish a task. The Holy Spirit is a part of God just as the man's arm is a part of the man.

  • @DS-ll5fn
    @DS-ll5fn Před 17 dny +1

    Just like the Muslims and other religious people so ist this Jewish man defending his religion and not seeking The Truth.
    Because The Truth points to Jesus! Jesus is THE TRUTH.
    Dishonesty always defends religion.
    Honesty leads to the Truth and the Truth shall set us free.

  • @botlhalenxumalo280
    @botlhalenxumalo280 Před 7 dny +1

    Sam has given this man too much prove for him to deny it.

  • @raymallan
    @raymallan Před 19 dny +1

    God bless this man Sam Shamoun.

  • @TheWordManifest-
    @TheWordManifest- Před 23 dny +4

    This is stubbornness to even, evidential truth. The Israel kid was mocking himself.

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      Hiding other parts of scripture is "evidential Truth"??
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!

  • @user-pt4ws6cl3h
    @user-pt4ws6cl3h Před 12 dny

    Does anyone know the name of the rabbi that wrote the exposition? Thank you

  • @jakestrother9032
    @jakestrother9032 Před 21 dnem +1

    you know Sam this is a good example of why the Jewish rabbis and religious leaders especially are so blinded he just keeps proving how blinded they are the more you throw the facts out

    • @nathankupczyk3125
      @nathankupczyk3125 Před 17 dny

      So you're not from the blind ones.... Let see you answer my challenges...?
      1 when Jacob and Esau asked Isaac for blessing in Genesis 27 was it because they thought Isaac was god?...
      2 if the angel in exudes 23:21 is god, why doesn't he pardon transgressions something God does?...
      3 What is forcing you to say that whatever the angel does is because he's god, not because everything he does is as a messenger of God?Isaiah 6:6-7 "then one of the seraphim flew to me, having in his hand a live coal which he had taken with the tongs from the altar. And he touched my mouth with it, and said: “Behold, this has touched your lips; Your iniquity is taken away, And your sin purged.” are the seraphim also god?....
      4 if genesis 35:1 proves trinity, Jacob said in Genesis 49:2 "gather together and hear, you son's of ja, and listen to Isreal your father". David said in 1 kings 1:33 "the king also said to them "take with you the servant of your lord ", were Jacob and David trinity?...
      5 do you know that the word "owner" in exudes 21:29-34-37 and many other places are written in Hebrew as "plural"?...
      6 if the angel in Isaiah 63 is a part of trinity, why is Moses not a part of trinity? Isaiah mentioned Moses who brought them out of the sea, Moses brought or God brought?... Moses also had spirit (numbers 11:17) God said to Moses (exudes 3:10) "come now therefore and I will send you to pharaoh that YOU MAY BRING my people the children of Isreal OUT OF EGYPT" but all over scripture God says that he brought them out. Isaiah 63:14 says that the spirit of the lord guided them, in exudes 32:34 God said to Moses "go LEAD the people". Moses is being called elohim in exudes 7:1, why is Moses not a part of trinity?....
      7 The word exalted and lifted is also mentioned in Isaiah 2:12-13-14 not referring to God!!
      If you cannot answer but still believe in trinity, you're the one who is blind....

  • @SourMation
    @SourMation Před 23 dny +2

    Remember the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Jesus was given to us as our savior but Jesus savior is his God and Father

  • @christallaktorides6904

    I found this fascinating. Just one teeny tiny criticism- please let him talk before you continue debating. Thank You

  • @RepairtheBreach5812
    @RepairtheBreach5812 Před 20 dny

    He does not say the angel will forgive, He says the angel will not forgive because my Name is in him.