Otočec Castle

  • čas přidán 18. 10. 2019
  • Otočec Castle is a castle hotel on a small island in the middle of the Krka River in Otočec, Slovenia. It is the only water castle in Slovenia. The name Otočec means 'small island'. The town of Otočec was renamed in 1952 by the communist government from the religious name Sveti Peter 'Saint Peter' to Otočec, and the castle itself was renamed from its former German name Werth to Otočec.
    The castle was first mentioned in documents in the 13th century, and the walls are said to date to 1252. Of the 30 small islets in the Krka River in this area, Otočec Castle is on the largest island, which was formed by cutting a southern channel around the castle, to form a moat around it.
    The island is linked to both banks of the river by two wooden bridges (one northern bridge and one southern bridge), so that one can drive from either the north side or the south side, straight through the islet, to the opposite side of the river. There is parking at the entrance of the northern bridge and on the islet itself, but there is no parking at the entrance to the southern bridge.
    Otočec Castle has now been converted into a small luxury hotel, and it also has a world-class restaurant on-site. Bradt Travel Guides calls it "one of the most famous hotels in Slovenia." It is also a member of Relais & Châteaux, which is a global fellowship of individually owned and operated luxury hotels and restaurants.
    There is also a golf course, a castle park, and an adventure park.
    The castle was once owned by Ivan Lenković, the leader of the Uskoks, and the chief commander of the Croatia-Slavonia March. The castle was home to the de Werde nobles in the 13th century, who were also known as the Knights of Otočec, and the other tenants were the Villanders of Tyrol.
    Before World War II the castle was owned by the House of Marghieri de Commadona. At the beginning of World War II the castle was seized by the Italians and used as a fortress. In 1942, it was burnt by the Partisans and only ruins remained of the two bridges. The castle’s restoration began in 1952 with the restoration of the roof and lasted for 6 years, with the help of various international work brigades. In 1959, the first restaurant was opened in the restored castle. Over the next few decades, the castle changed its appearance until it was restored to its original Gothic and Renaissance appearance.
    Aerial views are Google Maps
    Moji izleti: Dvorac Otočec
    Dvorac Otočec je dvorac hotel na otočiću usred rijeke Krke u mjestu Otočec u Sloveniji. To je jedini vodeni dvorac u Sloveniji. Ime Otočec znači 'mali otok'. Grad Otočec je 1952. godine preimenovala komunistička vlada iz vjerskog naziva Sveti Petar u Otočec, a sam dvorac preimenovan je iz nekadašnjeg njemačkog imena Werth u Otočec.
    Dvorac se prvi put spominje u dokumentima u 13. stoljeću, a za zidine se kaže da su iz 1252. Od 30 otoka u rijeci Krki na ovom području, dvorac Otočec je najveći otok, nastao rezanjem južnog kanala oko dvorca, da se ustvari jarak.
    Otok je povezan s obje obale rijeke sa dva drvena mosta (jedan sjeverni i jedan južni most) tako da se može voziti bilo sa sjevera ili s juga, ravno kroz otočić, na suprotnu stranu rijeka. Parking postoji na ulazu sjevernog mosta i na samom otoku, ali na ulazu u južni most nema parkinga.
    Dvorac Otočec sada je pretvoren u mali luksuzni hotel s restoranom svjetske klase. Bradt Travel Guides naziva ga "jednim od najpoznatijih hotela u Sloveniji". Također je član Relais & Châteaux, globalne asocijacije luksuznih hotela i restorana.
    Tu je i brodica (smještena na južnom kanalu u stražnjem dijelu dvorca). Na otoku se nalazi i golf teren, park dvorca i pustolovni park koji uključuje užad za djecu i rekreativce.
    Nekada je dvorac bio u vlasništvu Ivana Lenkovića, vođe Uskoka i glavnog zapovjednika pograničnog područja Hrvatske i Slavonije, koje je svojedobno bilo provincija koja je proširila južnu granicu Habsburške monarhije, a kasnije Austrijsko Carstvo i Austro-Ugarsko carstvo. Pisac Ivan Tavcar je u dvorac smjestio dva svoja romana, Otok i Struga, i Janez Sonce. Dvorac je bio dom plemića de Werde u 13. stoljeću, koji su bili poznati i kao vitezovi Otočec, a ostali su stanari bili Villanderi iz Tirola.
    Prije Drugog svjetskog rata dvorac je bio u vlasništvu Kuće Marghieri de Commadon. Početkom Drugog svjetskog rata dvorac su okupirali Italijani i koristili kao tvrđavu. 1942. godine zapalili su ga partizani, a od mostova ostale su samo ruševine. Obnova dvorca započela je 1952. obnovom krova i trajala je šest godina uz pomoć raznih međunarodnih radnih brigada. 1959. otvoren je prvi restoran u obnovljenom dvorcu. Tijekom sljedećih nekoliko desetljeća dvorac je mijenjao svoj izgled sve dok nije vraćen u izvorni izgled gotike i renesanse.
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Komentáře • 1

  • @sasodcfred
    @sasodcfred Před 4 lety

    Ovde sam vec bio jednom sa tobom, cini mi se 1992... Divno mesto. Pozdrav iz Skopja!