
  • čas přidán 24. 06. 2024
  • 今日茶席,第162席【珍錫茗緣】
    清乾隆期,社會安定,經濟得到快速發展,民間手工藝和珍玩器具不斷進步翻新,以錫壺為主的錫器也成為貢品。清石韞玉等編修道光《蘇州府誌》記載:乾隆三十六年(1772 年)戶部覆蘇撫李湘奏,江蘇省年額辦解物料甚多,內惟立錫、黃蠟,繫委員自行解辦。另有“吳中錫作所造,專供禦用者。”
    茶品 / 2018年文山包種
    急須 / 清代肇城五興點銅款梅花詩文紋、瑪瑙翡翠鑲嵌摘、綠玉石橫手錫壺
    公道 / 大正時代綠硝子耳付公道
    水註 / 江戶時代古伊萬裏青瓷水註
    茶盞/ 平安春峰《七碗茶歌》紋茶盞
    茶托/ 清代黃忠老店款喜字透雕木瓜型錫托子
    茶盒 / 清代堆雕牡丹芭蕉人物紋三段重箱
    茶勺 / 清代黃楊木透雕唐草紋環付茶匙
    茶盤 / 清代朱恆泰仁記造款蘭草紋桶盤
    茶桌 / 李朝八角型“一人膳”卓
    🍵今日の茶席 第162回 【素晴らしい錫と茶の縁】🍵
    🍵Today's Tea Party No.162 [Amazing Tin and Tea]🍵
    As early as the Bronze Age, humans have mined tin and used it as an alloy.
    Tin vessels are said to "make water sweet, wine fragrant, not deteriorate the taste of tea, and make fresh flowers last longer."
    At the same time, in addition to its beautiful metallic color, tin also has excellent ductility and processing properties. It is easy to carve into crafts and realistically reflects creativity in every detail, making tin handicrafts lively.
    According to historical records, the first person to make a tin teapot was probably a man named Zhao Liangbi/趙良壁 who lived in Suzhou during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. It is also said that during the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, a man named Shen Cunzhou/沈存周 engraved his own poems on tin vessels, making tin tea utensils a part of the culture of literati. During the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, society was stable and the economy developed rapidly, so folk art and beautiful tea utensils were constantly improved and renovated, and tin products such as tin teapots were also presented as gifts to the emperor.

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