Who Wrote the Bible?

  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 887

  • @waynejennings7046
    @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety +40

    I would say after watching this: Now tell me Who wrote the bible?

    • @turaychu
      @turaychu Před 3 lety +9

      Ninja from fortnite

    • @waynejennings7046
      @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety +2

      @@turaychu That is what I thought.

    • @al7oat
      @al7oat Před 3 lety +1

      Totally agree 👍

    • @shelbygottfried5452
      @shelbygottfried5452 Před 2 lety +4

      technically God wrote them but through people. i watched apostle paul recently and I saw that when paul was in prison, luke had went in there secretly to help him write his letters. luke then took them to his hide out where all the other Christians were and they all copied what paul told luke to write and that's how copies were written. you should watch it if you have questions, or open the Bible. God gives us answers through that so don't be ashamed to open it.

    • @waynejennings7046
      @waynejennings7046 Před 2 lety

      @@shelbygottfried5452 If you believe God wrote the bible. What else is there to say. Plus you watched it all, I assume in a video of some kind so it is true.

  • @Danielle-dy2pc
    @Danielle-dy2pc Před 2 lety +51

    How did they know it was god talking to them?

    • @helenrodgz7037
      @helenrodgz7037 Před 2 lety +22

      They don’t , people base their whole science on this book , they litteraly could’ve had dementia from all we know. The people who wrote it were regular people who claimed god was talking to them , but anyone can claim that

    • @willian2848
      @willian2848 Před 2 lety +18

      @@helenrodgz7037 So, in this case, the bible being completely fictional it's kinda likely

    • @randomcommenter3202
      @randomcommenter3202 Před 2 lety +3

      @@willian2848 it's not, you little kid

    • @willian2848
      @willian2848 Před 2 lety +12

      @@randomcommenter3202 I would like to know why, than, big adult

    • @randomcommenter3202
      @randomcommenter3202 Před 2 lety +1

      @@willian2848 god is real

  • @abdulm_7
    @abdulm_7 Před 2 lety +22

    So I can write a book and call it the new bible? 😂

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      Yeah of course, then you will be welcomed into hell by Satan

    • @ethancarter7533
      @ethancarter7533 Před 2 lety

      Pretty much what happened the first time.. if you say god told you to do it gullible Christians fall In line

    • @subzer1655
      @subzer1655 Před 2 lety +1

      You cañ call it with aný namè no one will ask you to remove it/ rename it so go ahead and do it and im not responsible for aný consequenses okkkae ! You are responsible you and you alone...
      Dudè im also not a 100% believeŕ but i dnt play with biblè or with god but its okkae to be a doubter but dnt be a dumb
      My doubts:
      Planets & aliens
      Dinosours and biblè : Noah's ARK and animals ! does dinosours where included on it ? does the biblè refer's dinosours on it !
      Does the aliens distroyed dinosours ?
      Does the humans and dinosours lived at the same timè
      Scìence and biblè : Befoŕe humañ's step foot in the moon there was a reference in biblè human's will go to the moon and they will build nest's therè but the god will makè them comedown , does science follow's bible ?
      (And thè deep sea and the monsters inside it like meg, krakkaken, etc does it all are hiding then why ? Or its all fake )
      But onè thing is surè thè real magic or fantasy or reality is the humañ braiñ .

    • @ajmalvks
      @ajmalvks Před rokem +2

      I think God won't inspire you to make conspiracies..😄

    • @nezukoc38373
      @nezukoc38373 Před rokem

      Not if God doesn't allow it. Since the Bible were all from each person who had a journey with God and if say some atheist would try to blend in God would stop it as God says in the Bible
      2 peter 2:1 for example

  • @randomguy8666
    @randomguy8666 Před 3 lety +98

    How is it possible that authors of New Testament were receiving inspiration from god? Revaluation stopped at Jesus. They were regular men. They weren’t prophets. They were Greek who wrote it 70 years later after the supposed death and resurrection of Jesus. They all contradict each other in some way. If god had talked to them directly as you claim , the book should be perfect, but it’s not.

  • @chadlayman2799
    @chadlayman2799 Před 3 lety +85

    "The bible is the best selling book in history" explains everything

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 3 lety +2

      Ok. Found a reference for you about the lost sheep of Israel.Bible Questions Answered
      Menu icon
      Spend Eternity with God
      Receive Forgiveness from God
      Home Content Index Books of the Bible Matthew Lost sheep of Israel
      Why did Jesus say that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24)?
      lost sheep Israel
      Jesus was in the area of Tyre and Sidon, a coastal region in extreme northeastern Galilee (Matthew 15:21) when a Canaanite woman came to Him with a request to heal her demon-possessed daughter. For a while, Jesus did not respond to the woman’s entreaties, and she followed Him and continued to beg for mercy. Finally, the disciples, feeling that the woman was a nuisance, asked Jesus to send her away. Then Jesus said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 15:24).
      We should understand Jesus’ words here not as an outright rejection of the Gentiles-moments later, He heals the woman’s daughter (Matthew 15:28)-but as a fulfillment of prophecy, a setting of priorities, and a test of the woman’s faith.
      In Jeremiah 50:6, God calls Israel His people and “lost sheep.” The Messiah, spoken of throughout the Old Testament, was seen as the one who would gather these “lost sheep” (Ezekiel 34:23-24; Micah 5:4-5). When Jesus presented Himself as a shepherd to Israel, He was claiming to be the fulfillment of Messianic prophecy (Mark 6:34, 14:27; John 10:11-16; see also Hebrews 13:20; 1 Peter 5:4; and Revelation 7:17).
      Jesus’ words to the Canaanite woman also show an awareness of Israel’s place in God’s plan of salvation. God revealed through Moses that the children of Israel were “a holy people to the LORD . . . chosen . . . a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 7:6). It was through the Jews that God issued His Law, preserved His Word, and sent His Son. This is why, elsewhere, Jesus tells a Samaritan that “salvation is of the Jews” (John 4:22). In Matthew 15, when the Jewish Messiah says that He was sent to “the house of Israel,” He is simply connecting His presence with God’s purpose in Old Testament history. Christ was “born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law” (Galatians 4:4-5).
      Every ministry must have priorities, and Christ’s ministry was no exception. When Jesus sent His disciples to preach the good news of the kingdom, He expressly told them, “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (Matthew 10:5-6). Jesus did not forbid their preaching to all Gentiles; He did, however, narrow their focus to the areas which should be most receptive-those who knew the Law and were expecting the Messiah. Paul, in his missionary journeys, followed the same priority of preaching to the Jews first (Romans 1:16).
      Finally, Jesus’ words to the Canaanite woman served as a test of her faith. She came to Jesus believing that He was the “Lord,” the “Son of David,” and the giver of mercy (Matthew 15:22). His delayed answer and seemingly exclusionary statement brought from her a further, passionate, public expression of her faith in His unlimited power (Matthew 15:27).
      This act of compassion and healing of a Gentile is a beautiful picture of Christ’s ministry to the whole world-the Jewish Messiah is also the Savior of all who will believe (Matthew 28:19; John 10:16; Acts 10:34-36; Revelation 5:9).

    • @ramonaguayo1429
      @ramonaguayo1429 Před 3 lety +5

      Do aliens or other living beings in the universe have the same god as us ?

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 3 lety +4

      @@ramonaguayo1429 there are no people on other planets. Aliens don't exist.

    • @chadlayman2799
      @chadlayman2799 Před 3 lety +10

      @@AnnetteMurphyger either does god

    • @Dav4d1507
      @Dav4d1507 Před 3 lety +1

      @@chadlayman2799 it neither … and yes he does

  • @nt1331tn
    @nt1331tn Před 7 měsíci +4

    Honestly why would they write this ancient book for no reason

  • @macirink6356
    @macirink6356 Před 15 dny

    The Bible was written by 40 different men over 1500 years on 3 continents Europe, Asia, and Africa in 3 different languages Greek, Hebrew, and Aramaic and tells one United story.

  • @msf5792
    @msf5792 Před 3 lety +11

    Thats where i Think Muslims are right that Bible has been corrupted... and its not the same what God revealed... So many aurthors and books written by so many self proclaimed writers of God Word instead of having a single Prophet as a writer.
    I would like to know who selected that whether thus bk should be added in Bible ?
    I would lik

    • @Yazmínmf
      @Yazmínmf Před 3 lety +1

      I agree. I believe the true Bible was lost in translation.

    • @hvnhll733
      @hvnhll733 Před 3 lety

      Some people doesn't understand the difference between the version and translation. If the Holy bible was maintained its original form and didnt change to other language im sure there will be no doubt. As Isa A.S or Jesus is one of our mightiest Messenger. No muslim is a muslim if didnt believe in Isa son of Maryam. If you wish to make a translation keep the original verse in its original language because different translator create different translation because the choice of word used . You can read Quran in many part of the world , old or new one it still contain the same verse letter by letter .

    • @ewolz
      @ewolz Před 3 lety +1


  • @stillbill6408
    @stillbill6408 Před 2 lety +3

    The Catholic Church at the “Council of Rome” in 382 A.D. finalized which books would be included in the Holy Bible. This is known as "The Decree of Pope St. Damasus" and reads as follows:
    "It is likewise decreed: Now, indeed, we must treat of the divine Scriptures: what the universal Catholic Church accepts and what she must shun. The list of the Old Testament begins: Genesis, one book; Exodus, one book: Leviticus, one book; Numbers, one book; Deuteronomy, one book; Jesus Nave, one book; of Judges, one book; Ruth, one book; of Kings, four books; Paralipomenon, two books; One Hundred and Fifty Psalms, one book; of Solomon, three books: Proverbs, one book; Ecclesiastes, one book; Canticle of Canticles, one book; likewise, Wisdom, one book; Ecclesiasticus (Sirach), one book; Likewise, the list of the Prophets: Isaiah, one book; Jeremias, one book; along with Cinoth, that is, his Lamentations; Ezechiel, one book; Daniel, one book; Osee, one book; Amos, one book; Micheas, one book; Joel, one book; Abdias, one book; Jonas, one book; Nahum, one book; Habacuc, one book; Sophonias, one book; Aggeus, one book; Zacharias, one book; Malachias, one book. Likewise, the list of histories: Job, one book; Tobias, one book; Esdras, two books; Esther, one book; Judith, one book; of Maccabees, two books. (Note, Baruch was considered part of Jeremias in this listing; however, is listed separately in later editions). Likewise, the list of the Scriptures of the New and Eternal Testament, which the holy and Catholic Church receives: of the Gospels, one book according to Matthew, one book according to Mark, one book according to Luke, one book according to John. The Epistles of the Apostle Paul, fourteen in number: one to the Romans, two to the Corinthians, one to the Ephesians, two to the Thessalonians, one to the Galatians, one to the Philippians, one to the Colossians, two to Timothy, one to Titus one to Philemon, one to the Hebrews. Likewise, one book of the Apocalypse of John. And the Acts of the Apostles, one book. Likewise, the canonical Epistles, seven in number: of the Apostle Peter, two Epistles; of the Apostle James, one Epistle; of the Apostle John, one Epistle; of the other John, a Presbyter, two Epistles; of the Apostle Jude the Zealot, one Epistle. Thus concludes the canon of the New Testament. Likewise it is decreed: After the announcement of all of these prophetic and evangelic or as well as apostolic writings which we have listed above as Scriptures, on which, by the grace of God, the Catholic Church is founded, we have considered that it ought to be announced that although all the Catholic Churches spread abroad through the world comprise but one bridal chamber of Christ, nevertheless, the holy Roman Church has been placed at the forefront not by the conciliar decisions of other Churches, but has received the primacy by the evangelic voice of our Lord and Savior, who says: "You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it; and I will give to you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you shall have bound on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you shall have loosed on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
    St. Jerome was chosen to perform the translation who finished his work in 404 A.D. The very first Bible was published in 405 A.D. and is known as the "Latin Vulgate"; this was (and still is) the official Bible of the Roman Catholic Church. It is interesting to note that the 7 books later known as the "apocrypha" (and considered “not Biblical” by protestants in KJV and other protestant Bibles) was (and has always been) part of the Canons of the Bible. These canons were taken out by Martin Luther during the Protestant reformation and not "put in" by the Catholic Church at the Council of Trent as many Protestant denominations incorrectly believe. Likewise, it is interesting to note that Martin Luther (in addition to the 7 Old Testament Books) also left out (for over a century) 4 books of the New Testament. They are/were Hebrews, James, Jude and the Apocalypse (Revelation). The New Testament books were eventually put back in; however, the 7 Old Testament Books remain deleted. An examination of the “left out” books (both old and new) coincidentally are books which support/bolster the Roman Catholic Doctrines/practices of Purgatory, Intercessory Prayer, Praying for the Dead, Salvation by both Faith and Good Works, the Mass, the celibate priesthood and reconciliation. The later councils: Carthage (391 A.D.), Hippo (393 A.D.), and Trent (1545~1563 A.D. which addressed the Protestant heresies) further ratified the Canons as Scripture.

  • @ajmalvks
    @ajmalvks Před rokem +7

    While I was reading the Quran..this question has popped up in my mind..thank you for the clarity..God is almighty ♥️ May God bless his dutiful servants..✌

  • @RahadShekh
    @RahadShekh Před 2 lety +4

    to cover up faults and flows in the bible they're saying it was written by them through god😆😆😆😆😆😆how pathetic

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      If any man have ears to hear, let him hear... But don't tease Bible otherwise you'll get curse of the God

    • @RahadShekh
      @RahadShekh Před 2 lety

      @@hanahana2644 i won't be cursed by Allah...... because u guys corrupted your own scriptures.... you guys r cursed instead

    • @thewatcher2269
      @thewatcher2269 Před 2 lety +2

      @@hanahana2644 where does it say that you will get a curse

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      @@thewatcher2269 The curse of God and judgement of him is interrelated... If you disobey word of God then you'll get curse of him means you'll be punished or will get his judgement without any partiality

  • @banqkaiqai5567
    @banqkaiqai5567 Před 3 lety +4

    Wrong Question....the real question is...?who is this people wrote the bibble according to..they don't even know each other..and why they dont write the bible the same time Jesus is still alive

  • @roosyana955
    @roosyana955 Před 2 lety +21

    So everyone can write the Bible as long as he/she inspired by God. I can write the Bible also because I feel inspired by God......good idea.

    • @anandjesypureddy183
      @anandjesypureddy183 Před 2 lety +3

      As they have seen Jesus in real & seen and been with him after he rosed from the dead. That's what inspired them. By the way, what is your inspiration to create a new one?

    • @roosyana955
      @roosyana955 Před 2 lety +2

      @@anandjesypureddy183 Paulus never met Jesus in real, how he could become a prophet? How did his letters perceive as firman? Your comment is so stupid.....hahhahahhaha

    • @longmelinda
      @longmelinda Před 2 lety

      Don't be dense? You can write whatever you want, but it'll NEVER be a part of the original collection of history, direction and GOD'S moral laws.

    • @roosyana955
      @roosyana955 Před 2 lety +6

      @@longmelinda why not? It will after 200years or 2000years for now.

    • @burjanadze3988
      @burjanadze3988 Před 2 lety

      @@longmelinda yes you must be king 👑👑 😂

  • @nanomachinesson3635
    @nanomachinesson3635 Před 3 lety +35

    If some one time travel with marvel comics we probably would have hulk as our god

  • @SalXxx85
    @SalXxx85 Před 2 lety +27

    This is the hardest Q that no Christian can answer and they won’t ever 😅

    • @InsightfulBibleExploration
      @InsightfulBibleExploration Před 2 lety +3

      not Christian only but human being in general

    • @user-rb3tk5th2i
      @user-rb3tk5th2i Před 6 měsíci +2

      what do you mean? theres around 40 named authors of the bible (old and new testament) and that is common knowledge, theres nothing "hard" in that question at all

    • @SalXxx85
      @SalXxx85 Před 6 měsíci +2

      @@user-rb3tk5th2i you only know their first names but still cant prove it, you dont know their full names or biography, you cant prove their credibility
      Have you ever heard of chain of narration?

    • @Happiness11112
      @Happiness11112 Před 5 měsíci


    • @warryor2am185
      @warryor2am185 Před 2 měsíci

      @@SalXxx85why don’t you read the bible and find out the truth for yourself

  • @wiremuporter5044
    @wiremuporter5044 Před 8 měsíci +2

    So it still doesn't answer the question though does it.
    Who are these men that put pen to paper??
    Who are these men that decided what could and couldn't be compiled to create these works??
    Who circulated all this for publication??
    Who are the publishers and who's making money from the sales??
    Who even interpreted and translated all the scripts??
    I got no problem with peoples beliefs but answering with doctrine and faith doesnt exactly answer these questions directly now does it... Your just pushing your faith and totally ignoring the question altogether

  • @redgrange3485
    @redgrange3485 Před 3 lety +17

    I would say Psalm 68:11
    The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it

  • @zandvoort8616
    @zandvoort8616 Před 8 měsíci +2

    Very informative.

  • @poozer1986
    @poozer1986 Před 2 lety +12

    One thing I know for certain. None of the 3000 god's, man has created, had anything to do with it.
    They're just stories, written by earlier man

    • @jenex5608
      @jenex5608 Před 2 lety

      Prove it

    • @poozer1986
      @poozer1986 Před 2 lety

      @@jenex5608 and seeing as you cannot prove your faith, by definition, means you're being willfully ignorant

    • @paulhuang1694
      @paulhuang1694 Před 2 lety

      @@poozer1986 Destroyed him.

    • @Jin-dc7gl
      @Jin-dc7gl Před 2 lety

      You made the allegation
      The onus of proof is on you

    • @poozer1986
      @poozer1986 Před 2 lety

      @@Jin-dc7gl that's not how it works. I haven't broken the null hypothesis, so I need prove nothing.
      If you take my comment literally, then we know man wrote the bible, whether through god or not. The bible wasn't given to humanity. It was written by human authors.
      The fact I claim no god had anything to do with it, didn't break the null hypothesis. It's on those who believe a god was involved to prove it

  • @Zulkifli_sungkan
    @Zulkifli_sungkan Před 2 lety +10

    Actually God inspired me today to write new version Bible 2.4 check it on playstore tomorrow
    You can believe me without a doubt as you believe these people inspired by God to wrote Bible, by the way gospel of Mattew is Contradicting gospel of Mark and many more

    • @superpacemaker444
      @superpacemaker444 Před 2 lety

      Hey look some commen sense in the comment section. Be careful with all your critical thinking skills. You might upset some sheep.

    • @jasonbyrne8487
      @jasonbyrne8487 Před 2 lety

      Which God?
      Thor, Odin, Allah, or one of the other 4,000 gods that have been worshipped throughout time?

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 2 lety

      No it is not

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 2 lety

      @@jasonbyrne8487Elohim Jehovah, Abba, Adonai Father God has lots of names. Allah is not God as there is only one true God, who is triune Father, Son and Holy Spirit 🙏.

    • @jasonbyrne8487
      @jasonbyrne8487 Před 2 lety

      @@AnnetteMurphyger There is no evidence that can be verified for the existence of any God or gods, there never has been and I very much doubt there ever will be.
      If you are happy to believe in something purely upon blind faith and because you were brought up to believe that, well, that is up to you, however, I truly pity you for your lack of curiosity and blindness to education...

  • @moisesdanielalvarado5578

    Whenever non believers are attacking people who do believe in Jesus Christ it's not just the believers that are being attacked they are hurting the Lord Jesus Christ and that is the reason he forgives them whenever they ask for forgiveness

    • @Maplechab
      @Maplechab Před 8 měsíci +1

      He can be hurt?

    • @majokuntzen5631
      @majokuntzen5631 Před 6 měsíci

      Hey there, firstly i hope youre doing well in life. I hope i can ask you this question without that you feel offended or attacked, i myself do believe in a higher power but not exactly like in the bible or other religions. I respect your believe absolutely and i want no harm to you, but i have to ask tough questions because i want to get more educated, exchange opinions for a better understanding and because you seem to have red the bible and know the bible and i dont. What i wanted to ask you is a thing that bothers me since i started to look into these topics. With people that believe into jesus, i always had one point i could never understand. As an example, lets say you are a person that is committing sins on the regular. Not very bad things but sins. Youre not the nicest person, you dont have the biggest hearth and/or sympathy for others, and you have hurt other people before. BUT, youre a hard core christian, you pray everyday, you go into the church everyday. As jesus/god sayd, he will forgive you your sins, and you will still get into heaven. Now, on the other side, we have another guy, same age, looks, everything the same. The only difference is, he the PERFECT human beeing, he is nice to everyone, never hurt a single soul, he is nice to his people, he is an absolute "angel" to the world. BUT, he says i dont believe in jesus, he is not religious, he doesnt believe in god and he states his opinion that he dont believe in jesus or heaven and that he doesnt want to have smth to do with god. Now,after the bible or/and christians, the guy that is a much worse human, comitted ev il acts and behaved very badly, but is believing in jesus and following the bible properly will get into heaven. The other guy, that was a nearly perfect human beeing, was much better person and behaved like no one else you ever saw, but wasnt religious, wont get into heaven, and will be indirecrly punished. For me, this makes absolutely no sense, because then god would punish people who are very very nice humans just for not believing into him, but would grant much worse humans only because they believed in him paradise. Also, im not a fan of this whole thing that you can sin and hurt people but go into a church, ask god for forgiveness and he will always forgive you. For me, thats very dangerous, because people can basically act like they want, go to pray after and know they will be forgiven their sins anyways...i hope you may answer me, i wish you the best in life and i hope you really dont see me as an enemy, just as an Interested guy that wants to speak with you. :)❤😊❤❤

    • @Maplechab
      @Maplechab Před 6 měsíci

      @@majokuntzen5631I know this isint the person who you asked this question to but I wanna respond to you in Islam. So we believe the world is just a test, this test is about believing and worshipping Allah. Of course that means peace but let's say you were a good person in life but you don't believe in god. Even though god gave him every sign he needs Wich means he doesn't pray to him or worship him in any way so basically he neglects him and in response god would neglect him back why would he let disbelievers who didn't want believe in him enter his paradise BUT, we have the phrase called allahu alam ( god knows more) Wich basically means YOU DONT KNOW WHO WILL ENTER PARADISE only god knows and because God is the most merciful and every single human will only enter paradise at his mercy he might enter paradise but only god knows. For the person who sins and asks for forgiveness ( you might need to confirm my information) it would be on how the person accually feels about the sin let's say he committed sins and he went for forgiveness knowing that he will just do it again the sin might not be forgiven a person like that probably does not listen to the word Allah is greater and that Allah know better Wich he probably isint a good believer Wich might get him to hellfire.

  • @prathyushprathyush7011
    @prathyushprathyush7011 Před 3 lety +3

    Librarians often review their collection to see if any books have gone out of age yet a corner seems dusty

  • @scottprice5379
    @scottprice5379 Před 2 lety +1

    Men telling men that God spoke to them.........

  • @peternospam342
    @peternospam342 Před 3 lety +3

    If Matthew really wrote Matthew, why does he refer to Matthew in the third person? And why did he plagiarize his own biography word for word from Mark, who scholars agree was written first?

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety

      None of the 12 apostles wrote books in the New Testament. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are anonymously written with the books being named by the church, and none of authors claimed to have been one of the apostles. They were also written decades after the supposed time of the crucifixion, likely beyond the lifespan of any of the 12 given the life expectancy of the day. Most of the books on New Testament were written by Paul, who was not an original apostle and who never knew Jesus in the flesh. However, nearly half the books attributed to Paul are now

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety

      The four New Testament gospels were all written anonymously, without the titles attributing them to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John respectively. They remained anonymous until the second century, when the Church Fathers sought to establish who, in their opinions, were probably the original authors.

    • @user-rb3tk5th2i
      @user-rb3tk5th2i Před 6 měsíci +1

      @@Bugsy0333 you are really deep into conspiracy theories dude, theres no evidence from ancient history to suggest that the authors of the new testament did not write the new testament, virtually everyone unnanimously agreed on the authors, other than a few 21st century internet trolls like you lol

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 6 měsíci

      @@user-rb3tk5th2i It would be nice if you did some research instead of just spouting off like a dick!
      Most of the Bible is of unknown authorship. All of the Old Testament except some of the prophetic books has unknown authors, and some books, like Genesis, show clear signs of being amalgamates of separate narrative traditions.
      In the New Testament, the gospels are anonymous, as is Acts (believed to be written by the same anonymous writer as gLuke, but we still don't know who that was!). There are thirteen Pauline epistles, whereof scholars disagree on how many he really wrote -- probably between seven and nine. The letters of Peter are probably pseudepigraphic (i.e. inscribed with a false name, a polite term for forgery). The author of Revelation is not anonymous, but claims to be someone named John. That's fine, but it's a common name and there's no information on which John it might be. There are also three letters of John...we don't know who wrote those. And there are epistles of James and Jude, both of unclear authorship.
      So there it is. The Old Testament is of entirely unknown authorship. The New Testament contains some letters most likely written by Paul, some forgeries, some books written by people with very common names, and some very important anonymous books.

  • @user-cn6ii1eg1r
    @user-cn6ii1eg1r Před 2 lety +3

    Moses Stories are so entertaining is well

  • @ljre3397
    @ljre3397 Před rokem

    Today anyone who claimed they wrote a book that God dictated to them would be locked up.

  • @Bugsy0333
    @Bugsy0333 Před 3 lety +34

    Written over the course of almost a century after Jesus' death, the four gospels of the New Testament, though they tell the same story, reflect very different ideas and concerns. Most of the Bible is of unknown authorship. All of the Old Testament has unknown authors, and some books, like Genesis, show clear signs of being amalgamates of separate narrative traditions.
    In the New Testament, the gospels are anonymous, as is Acts (believed to be written by the same anonymous writer as Luke, but we still don't know who that was!). There are thirteen Pauline epistles, where of scholars disagree on how many he really wrote -- probably between seven and nine. The letters of Peter are probably pseudepigraphic (i.e. inscribed with a false name, a polite term for forgery). The author of Revelation is not anonymous, but claims to be someone named John. That's fine, but it's a common name and there's no information on which John it might be. There are also three letters of John...we don't know who wrote those. And there are epistles of James and Jude, both of unclear authorship.
    So there it is. The Old Testament is of entirely unknown authorship. The New Testament contains some letters most likely written by Paul, some forgeries, some books written by people with very common names, and some very important anonymous books.d of forty years separates the death of Jesus from the writing of the first gospel.

    • @emme197990
      @emme197990 Před 2 lety +6

      Plain and simple. If you have Crist in your heart and believe he is God the father the son amd the holy spirit. You shouldn't have to be wondering who wrote the books, if God is everything and rose the dead,.gave eye sight to the blind and rose from the dead.in 3 days after being sacrificed and tortured. Brother, don't over work yourself and just believe the rest will just make you confuse.
      God bless you

    • @emme197990
      @emme197990 Před 2 lety +4

      What more evidence do you have. Can a human make a women body so perfect thag she can carry a seed from a man and a man varrys a seed that both woman and man creat anlther life ! Stop making excuses for yourself and why you shouldn't beleive im the creator. For he is your God and only God that has given you life. And this is how you pay him. My brother you do not know what you are saying. You know so mucha and seem very intelligent, but no nothing or you just are trying to find a reason that would help you find an answer you will never find.
      God is love and God will love you and wait for you till you are ready.
      God bless you and I will pray for you my brother that God answer's what yoi are looking for to be revealed to you🙏

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety +4

      @@emme197990There is no discussion with people such as yourself. Your close-minded you're right everyone else is wrong. Someday you will realize exactly what is happening with any hope. Take care.

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety +3

      @@emme197990 If God was real he wouldn't hide. There would be no reason for him to. It's just another stipulation made by the authors in order to fool you into believing in ancient mythology.

    • @claytonlaney
      @claytonlaney Před 2 lety +6

      @@Bugsy0333 no, people like you just don’t want to believe or change. God never hides, you turn your eyes away. If he proves himself then it wouldn’t be a choice. You have to take a leap yourself and by yourself own free will. You aren’t a baby who needs to be spoon fed. You choose to accept Gods free gift or you live alone and die alone, it’s simple, fair, and even better you have control of it.

  • @makcikwilly3506
    @makcikwilly3506 Před 3 lety +4

    bible have more updated version than iphone and people still say that is word of God

  • @chieludz
    @chieludz Před 3 lety +16

    The first manga to ever exist

  • @BelenfromLB
    @BelenfromLB Před 3 lety +13

    So close your eyes and open your heart. God spoke to these men, so God can speak to you too.

    • @kaybeeMoAfrika
      @kaybeeMoAfrika Před 3 lety +4

      Why can't God just speak to us directly? And the Bible is for sale?

    • @BelenfromLB
      @BelenfromLB Před 3 lety +2

      @@kaybeeMoAfrika just keep praying. Good thoughts will lead to a good life.

    • @kaybeeMoAfrika
      @kaybeeMoAfrika Před 3 lety +2

      @@BelenfromLB no need to pray. Good thoughts are achievable without prayer. But thanks for the advice.

    • @abochyps3
      @abochyps3 Před 3 lety +2

      How would we know if it’s god or satan or just a hallucination ? Stop playing cuz what you say isn’t objective it’s subjective
      God sent prophets with messages from adam to Mohammad peace be upon him
      Open your eyes your book was written to gain money not to guide people that’s why one of the writers is a tax collector although he didn’t write it
      It was named after him.

    • @abochyps3
      @abochyps3 Před 3 lety +1

      What god gave Jesus Christ never got to you
      You only got fragments of the truth.
      Paul fooled you
      Although he was a prosecutor of Christians you still believe him

  • @joannerodriguez8912
    @joannerodriguez8912 Před 2 měsíci

    how amazing that all of these writers had connections from God but at different times. How are these possible? but it was such an amazing long time ago that writers experienced and saw. They also wonder at that point of time too and are amazed.

    • @dddavid132
      @dddavid132 Před měsícem

      You play the game of life without any instructions. You make mistakes and the world reveals what to do and not to do

  • @cosmichrist
    @cosmichrist Před 3 lety +17

    Great content!

  • @billmcdowell6604
    @billmcdowell6604 Před rokem

    My question is.....Who decided to take those various books to create the Bible?

  • @salimalsibani
    @salimalsibani Před 2 lety +2

    "Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “We believe in Allah and what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his descendants; and what was given to Moses, Jesus, and other prophets from their Lord-we make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we ˹fully˺ submit.”
    Quran 3:84

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 2 lety

      Jesus was not just a prophet, but the divine son of God The Father not of Allah. Allah is not the God of the Bible sadly you are deceived by Mohammed a sex crazed pedophile and child molester hardly a prophet of God the Almighty.

    • @salimalsibani
      @salimalsibani Před 2 lety

      "And argue not with the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), unless it be in (a way) that is better (with good words and in good manner, inviting them to Islamic Monotheism with His Verses), except with such of them as do wrong, and say (to them): "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you; our Ilah (God) and your Ilah (God) is One (i.e. Allah), and to Him we have submitted (as Muslims)."
      Quran 29:46

    • @salimalsibani
      @salimalsibani Před 2 lety

      "In God’s eyes Jesus is just like Adam: He created him from dust, said to him, ‘Be’, and he was"
      Quran 3:59

  • @shellybelle7441
    @shellybelle7441 Před 3 lety +7

    The Bible was written by men who CLAIM to be speaking on behalf of God. Not God. There's a BIG difference.

    • @prettygay
      @prettygay Před 3 lety +4

      Oh thank God, someone with sense

    • @hansm3195
      @hansm3195 Před 3 lety +2

      "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. (Matthew 9:9)
      This is weird. Why on earth is Matthew writing like this. Why did he not write that Jesus approached me and I followed him. Does this mean someone else wrote the book?

    • @prettygay
      @prettygay Před 3 lety +2

      @@hansm3195 besides multiple people writing it and other multiple people deciding what goes into it and once again multiple people deciding to mistranslate, yes

    • @shellybelle7441
      @shellybelle7441 Před 3 lety +1

      @@hansm3195 yeah. None of the gospels were written by the people's names on them.

    • @shellybelle7441
      @shellybelle7441 Před 3 lety +1

      @@hansm3195 Because the book wasn't authored by Matthew. Nobody knows the author. Same for all the gospels, and probably a good chunk of the rest of it.

  • @bartbannister394
    @bartbannister394 Před 2 lety +8

    This guy is fricken' nuts. Next he'll be telling us Batman really did save Gotham City.

  • @dagyomdiyum9062
    @dagyomdiyum9062 Před 2 lety +1

    while so many things going arround the world, why God doesn't communicate now?

  • @thwejc3184
    @thwejc3184 Před 2 lety +1

    Thank you brother

  • @mohammedbinhaftu9459
    @mohammedbinhaftu9459 Před 3 lety +2

    It is a collection of anonymous books. Most wrongly attributed to the writers just for convenience.

  • @IHS333
    @IHS333 Před 6 měsíci

    Thank you, Catholic Church for compiling the Bible and 382

  • @ewolz
    @ewolz Před 3 lety +3

    I wish today's Bible was existing & accurate, in Aramaic. Not Greek, not English. Aramaic.

  • @kathrynhagemeier2505
    @kathrynhagemeier2505 Před 3 lety +1

    It was the first book printed by the Guttenburg press.

  • @briansykes2806
    @briansykes2806 Před 2 měsíci

    This video makes the Bible sound like a nursery rhyme that magically descended from Heaven.
    Even the layman can do better than say the Bible was written by a "collection of men". Are we to imply from the video that Moses wrote Deuteronomy, Matthew wrote the Gospel of Matthew and Luke (if we even know who "Luke" is) wrote the Gospel of Luke? Just about no modern scholar holds this position. As for a thousand other questions....

  • @Christian_Maoist.
    @Christian_Maoist. Před 3 lety +5

    I thought the bible was composed around the 6th century BC, after the babylonian exile?

    • @Paulthored
      @Paulthored Před 3 lety +5

      Some parts were written down around that time...
      But many of the earlier books were written down quite some time before... and some Old Testament books were finished within 2 centuries or so.
      Then there is a 3-4 century gap, where various things happened... The prophecies concerning Alexander the Great, and his generals succession wars (including the defilement of the Temple, which resulted in Hanukkah or the feast/festival of Dedication that Jesus was described as celebrating) happened. The maccabees were written in this era, and would have been well known during Jesus Christ's time.
      Then after Jesus Christ's death & resurrection around 33-35AD...
      His disciples were writing down & discussing the New Testament texts in the following decades...
      With the first books considered finished within 2, 2½ decades... and most finished by about 70AD.
      With the prophesied destruction of the Temple, by the Roman soldiers looking for the gold that melted when they set fire to the Temple. (Literally no stone left standing, nor one stone not overturned.)
      This was about the time when they hid the Dead Sea Scroll's.
      Then in 90, and 95 AD, the last two books were finished. One of which was Revelation.
      Then about 3 centuries later, in the 4th century AD I think...
      The Council of Nicea, was able to convene legally. They decided some issues with some beliefs that had cropped up over the centuries... like clarifying God was One Being. But had 3 persons. (The Trinity) And wasn't a polytheistic religion in the least.
      But they also made it clear that 2nd century texts, were not considered Canonical. As well as various other false scriptures...
      But the biggest thing that they did, was collect the scripture texts into a single book. A Bibliography I think is the term...
      But it was known as *The Bible* .

    • @hansm3195
      @hansm3195 Před 3 lety +2

      "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. (Matthew 9:9)
      This is weird. Why on earth is Matthew writing like this. Why did he not write that Jesus approached me and I followed him. Does this mean someone else wrote the book?

    • @Christian_Maoist.
      @Christian_Maoist. Před 3 lety

      @@hansm3195 this wasn't original to the gospel writers lol. Caesar at him referred to himself in third person in his writings, as well as pagan authors like Porphyry and Lucian.

    • @Paulthored
      @Paulthored Před 3 lety

      @@hansm3195 It's most likely the manner of writing, for the contemporary time period. ( _Especially when writing a biography. I think that there's something like 7 other contemporary biographies, which are written in a similar format._ )
      Aside from that, it could just be plain old, garden variety humility. Remember, while not every disciple died penniless, none were by any means wealthy during their Christian years. Fame was never a goal, aside from spreading the Biblical Message.
      In any case...
      Many Happy Blessings this Easter Weekend!!🙏😷
      ✌😁✝️😇👍 Sincerely, Have a Good Easter.

    • @Mavors1099
      @Mavors1099 Před 3 lety

      @@hansm3195 That`s because Matthew didn`t write tthe gospel.

  • @jubrillasisi3599
    @jubrillasisi3599 Před 3 lety +2

    You are kidding me, Matthew, wrote Matthew 9:9,in which he was writing in third person mode, and Moses wrote his obituary in Deuteronomy 34,and Paul gave 2 different accounts from the same event,on his way to Damascus in act of apostles,it seems they are inspired to write in errors

  • @QueenGleaux
    @QueenGleaux Před 7 měsíci

    I can truly believe this cause the Holy Spirit definitely helped me write out a few books! This truly makes sense to me. If you never truly had God reveal anything to you in a manner where the information is intense and you GOTTA write it down then you would never understand this. And none of it contradicts itself in the Bible. None! Now if there was a book where it talked about it's ok to beat women and here's the directions to enslaving people then I would side eye it: Islam. Cause God doesn't contradict himself.

  • @pepercat17
    @pepercat17 Před 2 lety

    This doesn't answer the question of who wrote the Bible. Which should be specifically asked "who made the Bible". The Bible is a collection of books and texts. Now. These texts were specifically debated on and by religious leaders. So they quite literally chose what went into the Bible and what did not, like how they did not include enouch's story into the Bible.

  • @fightnews365
    @fightnews365 Před 2 měsíci

    Dang what if you get sent back to earth every time you die being a non believer

  • @moisesdanielalvarado5578

    God told his people to write the Bible and yes Jehovah is his name and yes Jesus Christ is his son

  • @rv.9658
    @rv.9658 Před 2 lety +1

    "gOd ToLd ThEm WhAt tO wRiTe!!!" 🤓🤓

  • @shellybelle7441
    @shellybelle7441 Před 3 lety +4

    1) a collection of books. Which have been further cherry picked by men to control the masses. What about the gospel of Thomas, omitted more recently which has Jesus as a child, acting in a mischievous imp-like manner with his powers.
    2, 3 & 4 (Basically the same points)) God used people to write the Bible. Riiiight.... lol. They were inspired by God! The true word of God, and men who CLAIM to know what He said, are two VERY different things. Even if i gave you that it could be proved these people existed (all men notice), there's absolutely no way to prove that these words came from a divine being. Think about that, seriously. Be critical.

    • @benjammin9471
      @benjammin9471 Před 2 lety

      Asking a Christian to think critically is the same as asking the sun to orbit around the earth!

  • @juniu6796
    @juniu6796 Před 7 měsíci

    Even demons know who Jesus is thats why I believe in the Bible.

  • @nadeem8111
    @nadeem8111 Před 2 lety +1

    That why I wonder that who wrote pronography and x-rated content in Bible now I understand that bible is work of God but corrupted by human

  • @ahmedmahmoud9369
    @ahmedmahmoud9369 Před 3 lety +2

    Why u believe that God inspired people to write bible ..but u believe that quran is not inspired to prophet Muhammad both inspired by God.. and they carry the same message to people

  • @99Gara99
    @99Gara99 Před 7 měsíci

    1:47 so God really exists and told people to write the Christian writings? So can I ignore other religions?

  • @HomechillGaming
    @HomechillGaming Před 2 lety

    Your telling me god was telling these people what to write and they still contradicted eachother?? God told one person to write Isaiah was 22 when he became king and told the other to write that he was 42 when he became king

  • @adamtokolo6276
    @adamtokolo6276 Před 2 lety +2

    This sounds like dogma. How are you certain that the Bible as we know it, was borne from God's inspiration? How can we be sure about this? Are we just supposed to take your word for it and not ask questions? What assures us that this indeed is the case?

    • @carlkpsplucky5554
      @carlkpsplucky5554 Před 2 lety

      The scripture 2 Timothy 3:16, which states all scripture is given by inspiration from God. Thats how we can be sure.

  • @noahsolomon1550
    @noahsolomon1550 Před 3 lety +6

    nice job!!! Guys! you are doing great

    • @hansm3195
      @hansm3195 Před 3 lety +1

      "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. (Matthew 9:9)
      This is weird. Why on earth is Matthew writing like this. Why did he not write that Jesus approached me and I followed him. Does this mean someone else wrote the book?

    • @prettygay
      @prettygay Před 3 lety +1

      @@hansm3195 uuuuuuuuu😂

    • @VsCFreeFire
      @VsCFreeFire Před rokem +1

      @@hansm3195 It's not Arabic. Always same. The other languages have reformed. and have grammar changes etc. "Thy" "ye" such words and older English etc. I don't know why LGBTQ hate Christianity. JESUS never told hate anyone

    • @Dontbestupidlittleboy
      @Dontbestupidlittleboy Před 3 měsíci

      ​@@hansm3195 if you're going to comment something like that, do it with the intention of debating someone who can actually defend their faith. Not some random commenter, idiot. You can ask better questions than that.

  • @waynejennings7046
    @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety +2

    So what is the purpose of praying? What is the purpose of the bible if you can talk directly to God by praying? Ask God who wrote the bible. ( God answers prayers, does he not?)

    • @waynejennings7046
      @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety

      @Philip Wheeler The Devil who was created by God, so God can blame him for all evils and then God takes credit for all good? How convenient!

    • @waynejennings7046
      @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety

      @Philip Wheeler Thank you. And you are doing what? If God created everything then God must have created the Devil. Again thank you for showing your colors. BTW God also created the swine.

    • @ghostgamingxd7881
      @ghostgamingxd7881 Před 3 lety

      @@waynejennings7046 I see what your saying and god literally did create the devil. He does not deny this even admits Lucifer was the most beautiful out of all angels. But the devil can be very cruel

    • @waynejennings7046
      @waynejennings7046 Před 3 lety

      @@ghostgamingxd7881 No matter how cruel the devil is, God still created the Devil. If God created everything.

    • @ghostgamingxd7881
      @ghostgamingxd7881 Před 3 lety

      @@waynejennings7046 duhh he created evil by giving creatures free will , but he also created a lot of good too give him sum credit bruh

  • @MeiGunner
    @MeiGunner Před 2 lety

    My question is who decided what books went into the bible and why did they pick 66 and not 67 there's a lot of gospels out there that should also be in the bible..

  • @Quitplaying360
    @Quitplaying360 Před měsícem

    So, who created the universe, all of these things, couldnt write a book himself? 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • @dddavid132
      @dddavid132 Před měsícem

      I believe the Bible is like a manual script on how the world operates. The creator doesn't need to tell you how the game is played. You play and figure out. There's already been many people in the past who played the game and figured out and are revealing to you by the Bible. I'm curious because sometimes I wonder how it's decided what to pass down

  • @al7oat
    @al7oat Před 8 měsíci +1

    So do we have prophets after Jesus, receive revelation ?!!

  • @heseesyou582
    @heseesyou582 Před 2 lety +1

    Good video. Thanks for the on-site

  • @delichsan1669
    @delichsan1669 Před 3 lety +4

    🤣🤣🤣 and still didn't answer who wrote the bibble. And didn't explained why someone who used to be a bounty hunter for roman to capture christian, wrote the bibble. And did't explained why they don't have last name. And didn't say the first writing was 40 years after Jesus died.

    • @al7oat
      @al7oat Před 3 lety +3

      Totally agree 👍

  • @sarahjones3007
    @sarahjones3007 Před 2 měsíci

    It sounds right

  • @warrenwoodley2708
    @warrenwoodley2708 Před 3 lety +11

    congrats on proving that the bible is the work of man inspired by God ...

  • @moisesdanielalvarado5578

    Paul wait wasn't he the one that his name was originally Saul and he was one of those men that would be persecuting the believers of God and Jesus Christ and then the Lord Jesus Christ came to him in a vision saying "why does thou hate me" and then Saul who's name is later on changed to Paul asks him "Who are you" and then Jesus Christ said that he is the one who he has been attacking because since he was attacking and killing a lot of his believers and then Paul fell down to him and asked for forgiveness and Jesus Christ he did forgive him and yes he was the same one that got blinded because of the light that was shining from Jesus Christ but later on Jesus told him to speak to some man who was already a believer and Paul got healed from his blindness

  • @bluwng
    @bluwng Před 2 lety

    How would you know? You don’t, none of us do. This is what you were taught you don’t know, trying arguing the NT with a practicing Judaism Jew. This video is good if you are 10 years old.

  • @lynntempleton9640
    @lynntempleton9640 Před rokem

    Why did god use people?...whey didn't he just do it himself? Why does god need messengers and buffers? Why doesn't god just walk into a Denny's, order the Grand Slam, and communicate whatever he feels is necessary and important to mankind? All the mystery, interpretations and debate would then be cleared up because the word would come directly from the source. Why doesn't god do that?

  • @tinakinney7909
    @tinakinney7909 Před 2 lety

    You know what the wildest thing about this is? If someone, anyone who is of strong Christian faith claims to have heard the word of the Lord and that God wants to add more stories to the Bible no one would even consider allowing any addition to the scriptures. Most people would have him committed.. Unless of course you happen to?be Warren Jeff's of the FDLS

  • @nathantuckey8664
    @nathantuckey8664 Před 3 lety +16

    Videos are always insightful. Great job! Few misses on this one. Less mechanical than "God told them what to write." Luke and others researched. It's a supernatural process whereby God orchestrated that what the writers wrote to be His divine revelation. In some cases God directly revealed and told them what to write. In many cases God breathed His Word through authors' research, study (Luke), and poetic expression (King David).

    • @zwoterkorinther7194
      @zwoterkorinther7194 Před 3 lety

      Even though I think that they got your point widely explored, I also think that there are some missing information. One is the historical matter you mention and the theological claim: How did God write the Bible? It was a partnership of God and the men He chose to write his Word(-s) down. Then we could talk about how it should be read and how it all is synchronised. Repetition and patterns that work throughout all kind of styles make the Bible to the most extraordinary book of all times. Not to forget the prophecies that are fullfilled and that will be! But maybe that is one for some other videos 😊

    • @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50
      @jesushad12gayfriendwhoallb50 Před 2 lety +2

      Luke and the others didn’t write the Bible in fact it wasn’t even written when the events supposedly happened.

    • @Bugsy0333
      @Bugsy0333 Před 2 lety +2

      Most of the Bible is of unknown authorship. All of the Old Testament has unknown authors, and some books, like Genesis, show clear signs of being amalgamates of separate narrative traditions.
      In the New Testament, the gospels are anonymous, as is Acts (believed to be written by the same anonymous writer as Luke, but we still don't know who that was!). There are thirteen Pauline epistles, whereof scholars disagree on how many he really wrote -- probably between seven and nine. The letters of Peter are probably pseudepigraphic (i.e. inscribed with a false name, a polite term for forgery). The author of Revelation is not anonymous, but claims to be someone named John. That's fine, but it's a common name and there's no information on which John it might be. There are also three letters of John...we don't know who wrote those. And there are epistles of James and Jude, both of unclear authorship.
      So there it is. The Old Testament is of entirely unknown authorship. The New Testament contains some letters most likely written by Paul, some forgeries, some books written by people with very common names, and some very important anonymous books.

  • @muhammadisalimon6070
    @muhammadisalimon6070 Před 2 lety

    Too bad the original scriptures are gone. There is no way to authenticate today's Bible

  • @natidani7120
    @natidani7120 Před 2 lety +1

    Why not turn the comment section off

  • @ahmadbayrakdar
    @ahmadbayrakdar Před 7 měsíci

    God just inspired me to tell you that you're worshipping those people and Jesus, not god.

  • @Inamulhaq__67
    @Inamulhaq__67 Před 2 lety +1

    Many don't believe that God revealed to them what to write. How do i explain them? They ask me questions like "have you seen it? "

    • @magoutdoorxtvt8972
      @magoutdoorxtvt8972 Před 2 lety

      at last somebody with good iq and knowledge speaking...... congrats

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety +1

      There's Old and New Testament in bible... They're written in different times but both have many familiarity about prophecies... That's why they're saying it was written by man with the help of Holy Spirit...

    • @magoutdoorxtvt8972
      @magoutdoorxtvt8972 Před 2 lety

      @@hanahana2644 but in fact the writer never meet Jesus face to face am i right? Jesus also never claim in bible he is god and worship him, so where do you get the Jesus is god?

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety +2

      @@magoutdoorxtvt8972 Yeah but if we read Bible fully we can find that the father, son(jesus) and the Holy Spirit are one... At first they're one and now they're separated to do their works in different ways and after the judgement day they'll become the one... Only the spiritual person can understand it clearly without reading bible we can't understand it

    • @magoutdoorxtvt8972
      @magoutdoorxtvt8972 Před 2 lety

      @@hanahana2644 blur and confusing should be the book clearly mention who is god simple as that.....my question Jesus never claim he is god actually Paul who spread this doctrine which is not logic to human mind......10 commandments already mention the god is One.......but NOT the God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus is One.....remember that

  • @TheRamiYT
    @TheRamiYT Před 2 lety +4

    This video is really shocking and tells a lot about humans... how can more than 1 billion base their belief and ultimate world view on anonymous authors!!! WOW...

    • @jenex5608
      @jenex5608 Před 2 lety +1

      None of the author is anonymous to Christians and Jews.
      No doubt according ro Christians Matthew mark Luke and John wrote Matthew mark Luke and John

  • @tsma24
    @tsma24 Před 2 lety

    don’t know who wrote the book but can give an estimate of the time it was written. Just like an estimate of how long dinosaurs had went extinct

  • @MajaAngel89-gs5ty
    @MajaAngel89-gs5ty Před měsícem

    In the old days ,everyone was illiterate,they could not read or write??😮😅
    I bealive in God Jesus and Mary but no one knows what's the truth

  • @amina-pr8xt
    @amina-pr8xt Před 3 lety +2

    Who wrote Vedas, Upanishads and Mahabharata?

    • @tushar243
      @tushar243 Před 3 lety +1

      I am not a great reader but I'll try to answer it. I might be wrong here but confirm it from other sources too. Lord Ganesh wrote Mahabharat and Saint Vedavyas recited it. It is said same saint wrote vedas too. Upanishad I guess is word of god kinda thing. Not sure though.

  • @Michaelclayatc
    @Michaelclayatc Před 2 lety

    Using words from the Bible that was written by men, to claim that the Bible was actually written by God… anyone else see the flaw there?

  • @FRN2013
    @FRN2013 Před 3 lety +8

    Nice try, Gloria, but "the Catholic Church" as we know it did not appear until _long_ after the Bible was complied and affirmed as God's Word.
    If Catholicism gave us the Bible, then why is there no mention of the papacy, worship/adoration of Mary, the immaculate conception of Mary, the perpetual virginity of Mary, the assumption of Mary, or Mary as co-redemptrix and co-mediatrix, petitioning saints in heaven for their prayers, apostolic succession, infant baptism, confession of sin to a priest, purgatory, indulgences, or the equal authority of church tradition and Scripture?
    Those things were invented hundreds of years after the Lord gave us the New Testament. They were invented when Christianity was _corrupted._

    • @glorias805
      @glorias805 Před 3 lety

      Please see facts I quoted.

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 Před 3 lety +2

      Most Roman Catholic beliefs and practices regarding Mary are completely absent from the Bible. The Roman Catholic view of Mary has far more in common with the Isis mother-goddess religion of Egypt than it does with anything taught in the New Testament. Interestingly, the first hints of Catholic Mariology occur in the writings of Origen, who lived in Alexandria, Egypt, which happened to be the focal point of Isis worship.

    • @goor1322
      @goor1322 Před 3 lety +2

      @@glorias805 It's true. Roman Catholicism is a mixture of paganism and true Christianity. Rather than converting the pagans, the Roman Emperors paganized Christianity. Constantine began this around 313AD. Approximately 280 years after Jesus' resurrection. That kept getting added on to by following Emperors. There is so much to unpack there. But I can assure you. Catholicism is not the true proclamation of God's word.

    • @user-xt9jw4gt7o
      @user-xt9jw4gt7o Před 3 lety

      Catholicism i.e Catholic Church, included the 5 Patriarchates (Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Rome and Constantinople). This was the True Church that in the 5th-7th century, with the 7 Ecumenical Councils, gave us the 76 books of the Bible, choosing them among hundreds of others.
      Did you know that there were 17 Gospels? But the Fathers of the True Church rejected the 13 and kept only the 4 for the Bible.
      Later, in 1054 AD, the Patriarchate of Rome left the Catholic Church with the Great Schism and the Catholic Church was divided into Orthodox (Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, Constantinople) and Roman Catholic - Papal (Rome).
      The only criterion for the selection of the 76 books and the giving of the Bible to us by the Fathers, was whether they are in accordance with the Tradition and the teaching of the Church.
      The Bible exists because it agrees with the Tradition and teaching of the 7th century Church. If did not agree, we would now have another Bible.
      (Papism appeared in the 10th century).

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 Před 3 lety +2

      There are 66 books in the Bible.

  • @samdri6742
    @samdri6742 Před 2 lety

    Did you really think that God inspired false truths about creation to this men who wrote the bible ( such as : Earth is flat + there was the first man on earth so God did not know the evolution + God made man from clay) ????

  • @kathrynhagemeier2505
    @kathrynhagemeier2505 Před 3 lety

    I would have to say which one.

  • @nickbrasing8786
    @nickbrasing8786 Před 3 lety +4

    So God is the author of the Bible because the people that wrote the Bible say that God inspired them to write it? By that logic, the Koran is the last and final word of the last and final prophet because Muhammad told us that in the Koran. This is a position based on faith. Not history. That's not a problem mind you, but to say it's somehow true because you believe it to be true doesn't follow historically. We simply know better.

    • @hansm3195
      @hansm3195 Před 3 lety

      "As Jesus went on from there, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. “Follow me,” he told him, and Matthew got up and followed him. (Matthew 9:9)
      This is weird. Why on earth is Matthew writing like this. Why did he not write that Jesus approached me and I followed him. Does this mean someone else wrote the book?

    • @nickbrasing8786
      @nickbrasing8786 Před 3 lety

      @@hansm3195 Of course someone else wrote the book. That's true of all the Gospels, except for possibly the author of Luke. The Gospels were written anonymously with the titles added over 100 years later, based on the evidence. Plus, they're written in highly literate Koine Greek, probably outside of Jerusalem. Most everyone that's bothered to look into this at all would acknowledge that. It's mostly fundamentalists that would argue otherwise.

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 3 lety

      @@hansm3195 no

    • @kingheartzz894
      @kingheartzz894 Před 3 lety +1

      Read Qur'an and find out

  • @al7oat
    @al7oat Před 3 lety +2

    I got two more question please
    # which Bible you are talking about:
    Or the Jesus Bible
    # Why there are variation in number of books. Dose some one miss some words of GOD.

    • @levipapichulo_6655
      @levipapichulo_6655 Před 2 lety

      Umm there is only one Bible?

    • @KaiserHanstedt
      @KaiserHanstedt Před 7 měsíci

      Think of it as witness testimonies. All are basically the same story with slight variences to prove that the stories were not fabricated by the men who wrote them

  • @SSS-bf1de
    @SSS-bf1de Před 2 měsíci

    God is the source and people are the tool BUT then God had been telling to different people different things? Because there are discrepancies. And one book you are including from before the birth of Jesus, so the Bible started even before his birth?

  • @magoutdoorxtvt8972
    @magoutdoorxtvt8972 Před 2 lety +2

    bible come from collection of many books???? what a laugh....so the bible is not word of god because that collection of many book is wrote by a human......where is the logic when you claim bible is word of god?

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      There's Old and New Testament in bible... They're written in different times but both have many familiarity about prophecies... That's why they're saying it was written by man with the help of Holy Spirit...

    • @thewatcher2269
      @thewatcher2269 Před 2 lety

      @@hanahana2644 stop making up stuff if it's in there then give us a verse

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      @@thewatcher2269 I'm not making anything... 1st you have to believe that there's a Holy Spirit
      Old Testament was written in Hebrew language and the new was in Greek... There was a huge gap in between them
      Can you answer my question???
      The prophecies from both testaments are similar to each other... John wrote Revelation in a island of Patmos lonely that same thing is written in Old Testament too... In modern world we do copyright but in that time how is it possible???

    • @thewatcher2269
      @thewatcher2269 Před 2 lety

      @@hanahana2644 you didn't answer mine I said give me a verse and you didn't so you just proved my point stop making stuff up

    • @hanahana2644
      @hanahana2644 Před 2 lety

      2 Timothy 3:16 [All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness,]
      The God is a Holy Spirit bible clearly tells about it
      2 Peter 1:21 [For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit]
      Bible is also known as prophetic book
      Isaiah 34:16 [Seek and read from the book of the Lord: Not one of these shall be missing; none shall be without her mate. For the mouth of the Lord has commanded, and his Spirit has gathered them]
      Just seek and read Bible with help of holy spirit without him you can find nothing
      Answer my question

  • @yurysharov4499
    @yurysharov4499 Před 3 lety +1

    Yeah, right. Then who wrote holy books of other religions?

    • @shelbygottfried5452
      @shelbygottfried5452 Před 2 lety

      if you read the Bible you would read that Ismael went and made the Islam religion. also if you read in exodus you would see how the Egyptian "gods" were created, there's a Bible series you could also watch on many platforms if you are not the reading type.

    • @yurysharov4499
      @yurysharov4499 Před 2 lety

      @@shelbygottfried5452 hmm. Now I wonder what are other religions' thoughts on how the Bible was created?

    @DZONTRAH Před 8 měsíci

    the sound and voice are so hard to listen. just a tip

  • @gamkal7231
    @gamkal7231 Před 8 měsíci

    Pfft! Jewish scribes wrote the Bible and modified it constantly for political purposes over the centuries, as the all the variants in their scrolls plainly show. They were still re-writing passages in 300 BC as the Dead Sea scrolls demonstrate. (Plus, please tell us which extant text dates from the 2nd millenium? We'd love to see it.)

  • @brandongranados5569
    @brandongranados5569 Před 3 lety

    So it’s paragraphs with personal “waken” sentences story’s and sentences?

  • @spookiemc1243
    @spookiemc1243 Před 2 lety

    The bible is not a selling book...it does not have a cash price its free.

  • @kaml.7341
    @kaml.7341 Před 3 lety +1

    This is too far fetched! I wonder if the authors of the Bible were writers trying hard to make a living in the old days.

  • @muddymoisturizer4691
    @muddymoisturizer4691 Před rokem

    OK so this guy David was a king right? So he must be well-known, right? So what's his family tree? To which Tribe does he belong? Who were his children? How old are was he when he wrote the bible, and how old when he died? How did he gain the knowledge to write the Bible (if you say its a miricle, that's not a good justification, because I can wite one too and say its also a miricle) how did he share his knowledge so that its compiled in the bible?
    Are there any convincing answers? I think not, but let's see!

    • @muddymoisturizer4691
      @muddymoisturizer4691 Před rokem

      3 final questions: why does the first page in the bible say "according to name" according to could mean that it has error or was heard incorrectly. They aren't certain it's true, it's basically saying read it with a bit of salt. 2. If god really revealed the bible to them, or used them, why would you even have to say according to someone? Especially is that someone is originally God? 3. If God wrote it, why does it have different ending in the same story? Like when judas (im not sure) had silver with him and gave it to someone at the temple then hung himself. The same story sais that he didn't do that, he bought land with the silver, then fell face on the ground and died. Inconsistent at best, and contidicting at worst.

  • @juancampanur7548
    @juancampanur7548 Před 2 lety

    God bless his heart the big question here is not only who put the Bible together but what religion put the Bible together and in the year 382 announced to the world that the Catholic Church had put a book together called the Bible that it was God‘s word and inspired by God through men this is the part that he failed to say and this is a fact that no one in the entire universe can refute

    • @AnnetteMurphyger
      @AnnetteMurphyger Před 2 lety

      Jesus is not a religion and He was Jewish not Catholic and the Bible wasn't written by the RCC it was sourced from fragments. None of the Apostles were Catholic but mainly Jewish ✡. The RCC has no right to credit here. The RCC only came about in circa 330 AD/CE under Constatine.

  • @lroyjohnston5560
    @lroyjohnston5560 Před 5 měsíci

    Man wrote the bible

  • @ChrisDied
    @ChrisDied Před 2 lety

    So living people with brains that actually function, believe this?? They watch this and think "hmmmm yes! That makes perfect sense!"???

  • @arshii1227
    @arshii1227 Před 7 měsíci

    Is god dependent on humans to send his message?
    If we get wrong information from the book....then how can we make creator responsible for that ...he is not human to do mistakes. ......if there is a mistake then that words are not from god.
    Think for a second .....can creator give creation the wrong information .😭😭😭😭what we made picture in mind.....he is as like human.

  • @edgarmorales4476
    @edgarmorales4476 Před 2 lety

    It is important you should understand that the pressure of public opinion weighed with Jesus' followers. While they truly believed Jesus had brought a "soul-saving" message to the Jews and was the Messiah, the "Son of God", they were also of the world, trying to relate to the world as best they could. Therefore, although they knew Jesus' reactive feelings towards Jewish beliefs, they were not happy to dispense with the Old Testament altogether, since the Old Testament had supported and kept the Jews together throughout their history. In the interests of preserving what they thought to be valuable in the old dispensation, they suppressed any description of the "person" Jesus was.
    Jesus' disciples and Paul built their own complex system of "sacred beliefs" on what they wanted to preserve from Jesus' life and teachings. They only taught and consolidated what they deemed to be valuable to people - Jews and Gentiles alike - at that time and in the future.
    Consequently, they distilled what they could use and they "let go" most of what Jesus termed the "secrets of the Kingdom of God" for they never understood them. Nor found them desirable in the creation of a new perception of the Divine - the Father.
    So to preserve the Jewish belief in "salvation from punishment for sins" by means of sacrifice in the Temple - the "person of Jesus" was adopted as the "supreme" sacrifice who had paid for men’s sins by his crucifixion. This belief served many purposes at that time.
    It gave Jesus' death on the cross a valid and heroic reason. It proved to the people that Jesus was the "Son of God" who had carried out a specific mission to the very end of his life.
    This belief also proved to be of great comfort to Jews when their Temple was destroyed by the Romans - and led to many converts taking place.
    Many sects of Jews and Gentiles - also did not believe in life after death. Consequently, it was greatly comforting to hear that "Jesus Christ" had overcome death and retained his body. Too much human thought, life was not possible without a body. Therefore, life after death could only mean the resurrection of the body.
    It also kept Jesus' name constantly alive in the minds of people. Jesus was the "historic figure" who had valiantly died to ensure that men should be freed of all fear of hell and damnation. Providing they believed in "Jesus", they could walk as "freed men".

  • @phhorrorstories1793
    @phhorrorstories1793 Před 2 lety

    Why didn't god wrote the bible himself?