【Ocean Park Channel】Ocean Park InsideTrax Episode 2 -- The Secret Life of a Giant Panda (HD 1080)

  • čas přidán 8. 08. 2012
  • Update: Good news! Though giant panda is still a threatened species, their wild population has increased to around 1,800! Let’s conserve the habitat of giant pandas by using forest resources wisely. Choose products with Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification.
    Did you get to see An An, Ying Ying or Le Le last time you came to Ocean Park? In this episode, trainer Elke brings you to the giant pandas' back-of-house facility to see how the Park takes care of their daily living, and an exclusive demonstration of a body check procedure.
    Have you ever imagined yourself touring the panda dens, just like the panda keepers at Ocean Park? Now you can live your dream, with Ocean Park's programmes “Honorary Panda Keeper” and “Meet the Giant Panda”!
    Honorary Panda Keeper programme details: www.oceanpark.com.hk/en/park-...
    Meet the Giant Panda programme details: www.oceanpark.com.hk/en/park-...
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Komentáře • 2

  • @hyhy8005
    @hyhy8005 Před 5 lety

    可唔可以定期一個月拍一次安安 盈盈 樂樂 嘅 “有趣” 視頻放上來畀大家知道佢哋嘅近況? 其他國家嘅熊貓都可以喺CZcams上搵到大量每個時期嘅影片, 但香港三隻熊貓就只有幾年前嘅影片, 其實咁樣無助吸引更多人去貴公園。
    在利用熊貓吸客方面, 大陸嘅兩大熊貓圈養場做得最好, 其次台北動物園都做得唔錯, 當北動嘅熊貓吸引到一班熊貓忠實粉絲後, 北動就向粉絲推出優惠年票, 令唔少粉絲經常去探熊貓 同拍片放上網, 都唔駛北動自己拍, 所以北動嘅熊貓最多粉絲,亦最吸客, 希望你哋可以參考下。