Are Tongues Always Recognizable Languages? | Responding to Cessationist Movie

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024

Komentáře • 117

  • @clayshaffer260
    @clayshaffer260 Před 3 měsíci +24

    Im a former cessationist one my first gifts was speaking in tounges and interpretation of tounges.

    • @marvelousbenjamin3668
      @marvelousbenjamin3668 Před 3 měsíci +2

      Wow, God bless you
      Please enlighten as many cessationists as you can

  • @awaitingthetrumpetcall4529
    @awaitingthetrumpetcall4529 Před 3 měsíci +18

    Thank you brother Kolenda. I prayed in unknown tongues 'and' groanings several decades ago when I was going through the worst trial of my life.
    There was no way to know everything that was going on around me in the spiritual world or by people that were privately scheming against me. I prayed in English about everything I was aware of and then in an unknown tongue to address everything that I couldn't see. I consider unknown tongues one of the most powerful weapons we have.

  • @raphaelfeneje486
    @raphaelfeneje486 Před 3 měsíci +28

    I really enjoy this cessationists series. Thanks for equipping the body of Christ and standing for the truth

  • @clevelandstreetpreachers
    @clevelandstreetpreachers Před 3 měsíci +28

    All cessationists speak gibberish. I can’t understand what they’re saying. Praying in tongues is biblical 1 Cor 14:14. God knows every language. Even if someone is praying to God in tongues He doesn’t see it as gibberish. He understands them. God sees their heart, their faith, while they’re praying. Who God doesn’t listen to is a Pharisee who I don’t know, say a cessationist who believes in their heart “oh God I pray correctly in a language I understand unlike those charasmatics” Luke 18:11.

    • @mynameis......23
      @mynameis......23 Před 3 měsíci

      Continuationism is Biblical.
      - People doing miracles who are not apostles proof-Luke 9:49-50, mark 9:38-41, Acts 6:8; 8:6; 10:45; 21:9, 9:10-17, Zecharias filled with SPIRIT prophesied in Luke 1:67. 6 examples
      Prophets in acts 13:1
      2 prophets in acts 15:32, 4 Prophetess in acts 21:9, Agabus in acts 21:10-12 & acts 11:27-28.
      - Paul said that you lack no gift until the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:7)
      - 1 Cor 13:1-8 says Gift of the Holy Spirit will not cease until we see Christ face to face, meaning until Lord Jesus Christ returns.
      - Peter said in Acts 2:16-21 in the end days God will pour His Spirit on His people and they will all prophecy, see visions and dreams, sun will turn dark, and moon into blood until the coming of the Day of the Lord. ((Notice how the ends days begins during acts 2 and is still going on because the Day of the Lord has not returned which also means God is still pouring out His people so they can prophecy, see dreams and visions.))
      - 1 cor 15:5-7 more than 12 Apostles
      - Paul and Barnabas called apostles (acts 14:14; 4:36). Paul not inferior to super apostle(2 cor 11:5; 12:11)
      - Paul in 1 Cor 1 is speaking to all Christian (1Cor 1:2). And he also says that you DO NOT LACK ANY GIFT UNTIL THE DAY OF THE LORD.(1Cor 1:7-8).(notice says Christians should lack no, not one gift. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 tell us about the Gifts and we can see that teachings and healing are said together so you can't say we Gift of teaching is present but not healing)
      - Prophesying is a sign for unbelievers 1cor14:24-25
      - Received Gifts when believed in JESUS acts11:17
      - Eph 4:11 . Now if there still are Evangelists, Pastors, teachers, there also must be Apostles and Prophets.
      - Bible says not to neglect Gifts that is in us 1 Tim 4:14. Bible says keeping using the Gift of Holy Spirit like a small flame that grows into fire.
      - And remember paul said in 1 Cor 13:2 "though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains".
      - Speaking donkey, Elisha throwing salt in spring to make it pure, Lord Jesus spitting on eyes to heal, Isaiah walked naked because God told him, Elisha threw a stick in water to get the axe from water, Paul' napkin, peter shadow, Isaiah was naked. God doesn't have to do rational miracles. He can do it however He wants
      - Pray in SPIRIT
      Jude 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit
      Eph 6:18
      18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
      Eph 5:18
      .. in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
      In acts 2:4, 4:31, 10:46 when they were filled with SPIRIT they spoke in Tongues.
      James 5:17-18 Elijah prayed to God not to rain, notice power of prayer
      - Unknown tongues accusations debunked
      1 Corinthians 14:2
      2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
      1 Corinthians 14:28
      28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God.
      - And no the Gifts were not fading away in Acts 28 Paul was close to going asleep in the Lord (dying) he went on the island of Malta, and a poisonous snake bite him (the islanders thought he was gonna die) but nothing happened to him rather he healed all who came to him through the Holy Spirit. Second example is John when he was old wrote the Book of Revelation way after the Apostles were martyred. So you can see the Gifts were not fading.
      - There is difference between Apostles and miracles doers( Apostles do perform miracles as well) - 1 Corinthians 12:28
      28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.( As you can see first are Apostle and around 4th are people with Gifts of Holy Spirit, you don't have to be Apostle to do miracles). Futher proof, John 14:12
      12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
      Mark 16:17-18
      17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
      Mark 11:23-24
      Acts 21:9
      9 Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.
      James 5:14-15
      ( Notice prayer of Faith will heal the sick, not pray of Apostle)
      - Holy Spirit speaking directly= Acts 13:2, 16:6
      - God speaking in dreams and visions
      To non apostles= acts 9:10-12, Matt 2:12
      To apostles= acts 16:6-10; 10:17; 13:2-3; 18:9-10.
      - Now my main argument ,if the New Testament says not to commit adultery and I say commit adultery then what will you call me? A heritic right, because I'm going against the New Testament. Same way the New Testament says do not forbid speaking in tongues(1 Corinthians 14:39) , not to despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20), desire Spiritual gifts(1 Corinthians 14:1), Lord Jesus Himself said that these signs will follow them that believe (mark 16:17-18),and you(cessationists) FORBID speaking in tongues, you(cessationists) despise prophecies, and you(cessationists) insult those who desire Spiritual gifts which means you(cessationists) are going against New Testament and Apostles and most importantly you are going against Lord Jesus Himself which concludes you(cessationists) are heritics.
      The same Jesus which said "father take this cup away" is the same Jesus who said "ask anything in my name and I'll do it", is the same Jesus who said "if you have faith of a Mustard Seed, you can move mountains", is the same Jesus who said "23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. . Is the same Jesus who said "the thing that I did greater than these you'll do" is the same Jesus who said "17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”. Same Jesus who said," if you leave wealth, wife , family, in this life will get 100 folds back in the same life(mark 10:29-30)". Same Jesus who said "all things are POSSIBLE with God",. Same Jesus who said "nothing will be impossible for you(Matt 17:20)". I hope you get the point
      One more thing in Isaiah 53 with forgiveness, healing is also given. And if you think that only forgiveness is given then you are wrong. Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
      He was bruised for our iniquities;
      The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
      And by His stripes we are healed.
      God said He will raise a prophet like Moses every generation.
      Cessationist say only in the time of Moses Elijah and Lord Jesus miracles great miracles happened. Not true 👇
      Moses, abharam, Samson(super power), Samuel(bringing rain to prove his prophetship), David prophesied, Saul did as well and also saul's messengers, Nathan the prophet, Gad the prophet, Man of God(1 kings 13), and old Prophet(1 king 13 as well), Elijah(Elijah called himself prophet in 1 king 18:22) and he also called himself a man of God (2 kings 1:10), Elisha(2 kings 5:8),(. ahijah the prophet(1 king 14), jehu the prophet(1 king 16), 100 Prophets (1 king 18:4), Prophet ( 1 kings 20:13), a man of God ( 1 kings 20:28), micaiah the prophet (1 kings 22), sons of prophets in Bethel (2 kings 2:3), sons of prophets in Jericho (2 kings 2:5), 50 men of sons of prophets in Jordan (2 kings 2:7). prophet Isaiah saves Hezekiah (2 kings 19). Daniel the prophet. Huldah the prophetess (2 kings 22:14). Prophets in(2 kings 23:2 notice it says Prophets pural). (2 kings 23:18)The sons of asaph, and of Herman, and of jeduthun prophesying with music (1 chro 25:1). shemaiah the prophet (2 chron 11:2, 2 chron 12:5). Prophet iddo (2 chroni 13:22), more Prophets (pural) God sent to save His people 2 chronicles 24:19. A man of God in 2 chroni 25:7, and a prophet as well in 2 chron 25:15. Prophet oded 2 chroni 28:9. another prophetess in 2 chron 34:22, Jer 32:20 "says You have continued signs and wonders to this day"
      Elijah, Elisha took few tries
      1 kings 18:43; 17:21
      2 kings 4:33-35; 5:14
      Mark 8:23-26.
      Being charismatics doesn't mean you're not Sola Scriptura
      - Sola Scriptura means Scriptures are the Sole infallible authority for doctrines. Doesn't say only authority rather only infallible authority. There is Church authority as well but it's not infallible. Rather cessationism is unbiblical because there is not one verse that say Gift of the Holy Spirit ceased. Bible do not forbid speaking in tongues 1 Corinthians 14:39 , don't despise prophecies 1 Thessalonians 5:20, desire Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 14:1, Lord Jesus said signs and miracles will follow them that believe Mark 16:17-18.
      -There were 50 prophets in the time of Elijah but their writings were not there.
      - Same with Apostles Barnabas. His writings are not there. Where as Luke who is not Apostle his writings are Scriptures.
      - Prophetess Anna in Luke 2:36-38 her writing are not there
      - acts 11, 21 Thus says Holy Spirit
      - many Prophets in acts but thier writings were not written/ 50 Prophets in Elijah' time their writings were not added.
      - Paul said if any thinks he is a prophet let him acknowledge that my writings are Commandments of God. There were prophets in the time of Pentecost but their writings are not there.

    • @John-Christchurch-NZ
      @John-Christchurch-NZ Před 3 měsíci +1

      Funny that when I pray in tongues the Holy Spirit speaks
      I pray to God
      I connect to Him
      If you have not heard Him perhaps you have theorised Him out of your life
      I often wonder how people have fellowship with Him without connecting

    • @edge2sword186
      @edge2sword186 Před 3 měsíci

      When I pray it's a known language .When I give a message it sounds like what some call that heavenly language.

  • @gideonob
    @gideonob Před 3 měsíci +15

    Thank you man of God! The Devil is busy trying to get us to move away from one of the most powerful weapons in prayer: tongue-speaking!

  • @clevelandstreetpreachers
    @clevelandstreetpreachers Před 3 měsíci +10

    The fact there’s a gift of interpretation of tongues proves there are also tongues unknown. How do they define the gift of interpretation? It’s not someone who is interpreting their native language that’s not miraculous at all. And if it’s someone interpreting another earthly language without knowing it, how would anyone know they’re interpreting an earthly language correctly unless there’s people there who know that native language? In which case there would be no need for an interpreter because the crowd already speaks that language. It must be a supernatural knowing in the moment of a language nobody else listening knows otherwise if they knew there’s no point of an interpreter. Operating in the gifts requires faith, cessationism requires skepticism. What pleases God the Bible says? Without skepticism, it is impossible to please God? Come on cessationists where’s your faith?!

    • @Meisha3033
      @Meisha3033 Před 2 měsíci

      All of THIS 🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @markvanoostrum
    @markvanoostrum Před 3 měsíci +3

    Daniel, you are so right. Thank you for the effort to make these series.
    I grew up under cessationist teaching and used to believe, defend and teach the whole cessationist world view. I never spoke in tongues, didn't want it and believed it was all human suggestion or demonic. But one day I decided to read the Bible without the cessationist lense, to only study the Bible, not the commentaries. Boy, what a revelation it was! Everything I had learned and taught, believing it was biblical, was corrected by the Bible itself, which resulted in a complete U-turn. Now I speak in tongues, pray for the sick, etc. While still learning and growing, this has become normal to me. And the interesting thing is, that while speaking in tongues the 'extatic experience', as it was called, doesn’t exist the way it apparently is presumed. It actually is a merely sober, calm but joyful and peaceful experience. Nothing extatic at all in a negative sense. The only 'extatic' is the joy (give me more of that!) or not knowing what the Spirit is saying. However, when I ask for explanation, the Holy Spirit even often reveals what He said.
    It has been such a deliverance to be free from the cessationist world view and understand what the Bible really says. Cessationism is unbiblical, undefendable and in nature disobedience to the Holy Spirit. I know, because I had to repent of it myself.

    • @DanielKolenda
      @DanielKolenda  Před 3 měsíci +2

      This is excellent! What a great perspective and summary. Thank you

    • @markvanoostrum
      @markvanoostrum Před 3 měsíci +1

      ​​@@DanielKolenda ❤ Keep up the good work, brother. I really love your series.

  • @jasonlewis5350
    @jasonlewis5350 Před 3 měsíci +8

    I can personally testify to two different forms of tongues that I witnessed myself. The first was on a mission trip and the host was speaking with a local in their native language and I understood and translated it to the team. The host then verified that I had been correct. He was explaining the story of creation, Adam and Eve in the garden, the fall and then the significance of Jesus as the Messiah.
    Second was when a friend of mine said to another of our friends that God had told him to pray over him. He was speaking “gibberish” as he prayed but the Lord told me that he was declaring that the friend being prayed for, was going to have a child within the next year. Him and his wife had not been able to have children for years, and was even told they never would. I told the two what I heard the Lord say and about a year later our friend and his wife had their first child. Now they’re pregnant with #3.
    I have no idea how I understood any foreign “heart” language and also “gibberish”, as well as hear a voice that sounded way different than mine, which explained the language and gibberish to me - and then follow that up by bringing it to pass - unless God is real, His word is true and Holy Spirit is still hanging around and fully capable of doing God things. Otherwise, I’m wrong, the whole thing was a mere coincidence and everyone’s just crazy except the cessationists. 😊

    • @BestElisaKatunzi
      @BestElisaKatunzi Před 3 měsíci

      AMEN BROTHER, cessationist is the doctrine manufactured directly from hell by the devil himself as his last weapon against Christianity

  • @41srn
    @41srn Před 2 měsíci +1

    Praying in tongues has been an absolute life saver for me when ive been going through immense spiritual attack from the enemy. Its like a lifeline back to God that brings peace, comfort and spiritual strengthening

  • @bbenkert
    @bbenkert Před 3 měsíci +3

    I had a friend who ministered in Brazil. He preached the gospel with an interpreter present. At the end of his message people wondered why he had some next to him repeating his words verbatim. My friend only speaks English. Apparently he was speaking the native language and it was a sign to those that heard the message. Everyone that heard the gospel that day was in awe that this happened.

  • @richardsemione7012
    @richardsemione7012 Před 3 měsíci +4

    Very clear expression of what the Bible says about tongues. Man shall live by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

  • @samcrane9048
    @samcrane9048 Před 3 měsíci +9

    Please keep these videos coming Pastor Daniel! So good!

    • @DanielKolenda
      @DanielKolenda  Před 3 měsíci +4

      Thanks Sam🙏

    • @mynameis......23
      @mynameis......23 Před 3 měsíci +1

      ​@@DanielKolendaContinuationism is Biblical.
      - People doing miracles who are not apostles proof-Luke 9:49-50, mark 9:38-41, Acts 6:8; 8:6; 10:45; 21:9, 9:10-17, Zecharias filled with SPIRIT prophesied in Luke 1:67. 6 examples
      Prophets in acts 13:1
      2 prophets in acts 15:32, 4 Prophetess in acts 21:9, Agabus in acts 21:10-12 & acts 11:27-28.
      - Paul said that you lack no gift until the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:7)
      - 1 Cor 13:1-8 says Gift of the Holy Spirit will not cease until we see Christ face to face, meaning until Lord Jesus Christ returns.
      - Peter said in Acts 2:16-21 in the end days God will pour His Spirit on His people and they will all prophecy, see visions and dreams, sun will turn dark, and moon into blood until the coming of the Day of the Lord. ((Notice how the ends days begins during acts 2 and is still going on because the Day of the Lord has not returned which also means God is still pouring out His people so they can prophecy, see dreams and visions.))
      - 1 cor 15:5-7 more than 12 Apostles
      - Paul and Barnabas called apostles (acts 14:14; 4:36). Paul not inferior to super apostle(2 cor 11:5; 12:11)
      - Paul in 1 Cor 1 is speaking to all Christian (1Cor 1:2). And he also says that you DO NOT LACK ANY GIFT UNTIL THE DAY OF THE LORD.(1Cor 1:7-8).(notice says Christians should lack no, not one gift. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 tell us about the Gifts and we can see that teachings and healing are said together so you can't say we Gift of teaching is present but not healing)
      - Prophesying is a sign for unbelievers 1cor14:24-25
      - Received Gifts when believed in JESUS acts11:17
      - Eph 4:11 . Now if there still are Evangelists, Pastors, teachers, there also must be Apostles and Prophets.
      - Bible says not to neglect Gifts that is in us 1 Tim 4:14. Bible says keeping using the Gift of Holy Spirit like a small flame that grows into fire.
      - And remember paul said in 1 Cor 13:2 "though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains".
      - Speaking donkey, Elisha throwing salt in spring to make it pure, Lord Jesus spitting on eyes to heal, Isaiah walked naked because God told him, Elisha threw a stick in water to get the axe from water, Paul' napkin, peter shadow, Isaiah was naked. God doesn't have to do rational miracles. He can do it however He wants
      - Pray in SPIRIT
      Jude 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit
      Eph 6:18
      18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
      Eph 5:18
      .. in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
      In acts 2:4, 4:31, 10:46 when they were filled with SPIRIT they spoke in Tongues.
      James 5:17-18 Elijah prayed to God not to rain, notice power of prayer
      - Unknown tongues accusations debunked
      1 Corinthians 14:2
      2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
      1 Corinthians 14:28
      28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God.
      - And no the Gifts were not fading away in Acts 28 Paul was close to going asleep in the Lord (dying) he went on the island of Malta, and a poisonous snake bite him (the islanders thought he was gonna die) but nothing happened to him rather he healed all who came to him through the Holy Spirit. Second example is John when he was old wrote the Book of Revelation way after the Apostles were martyred. So you can see the Gifts were not fading.
      - There is difference between Apostles and miracles doers( Apostles do perform miracles as well) - 1 Corinthians 12:28
      28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.( As you can see first are Apostle and around 4th are people with Gifts of Holy Spirit, you don't have to be Apostle to do miracles). Futher proof, John 14:12
      12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
      Mark 16:17-18
      17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
      Mark 11:23-24
      Acts 21:9
      9 Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.
      James 5:14-15
      ( Notice prayer of Faith will heal the sick, not pray of Apostle)
      - Holy Spirit speaking directly= Acts 13:2, 16:6
      - God speaking in dreams and visions
      To non apostles= acts 9:10-12, Matt 2:12
      To apostles= acts 16:6-10; 10:17; 13:2-3; 18:9-10.
      - Now my main argument ,if the New Testament says not to commit adultery and I say commit adultery then what will you call me? A heritic right, because I'm going against the New Testament. Same way the New Testament says do not forbid speaking in tongues(1 Corinthians 14:39) , not to despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20), desire Spiritual gifts(1 Corinthians 14:1), Lord Jesus Himself said that these signs will follow them that believe (mark 16:17-18),and you(cessationists) FORBID speaking in tongues, you(cessationists) despise prophecies, and you(cessationists) insult those who desire Spiritual gifts which means you(cessationists) are going against New Testament and Apostles and most importantly you are going against Lord Jesus Himself which concludes you(cessationists) are heritics.
      The same Jesus which said "father take this cup away" is the same Jesus who said "ask anything in my name and I'll do it", is the same Jesus who said "if you have faith of a Mustard Seed, you can move mountains", is the same Jesus who said "23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. . Is the same Jesus who said "the thing that I did greater than these you'll do" is the same Jesus who said "17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”. Same Jesus who said," if you leave wealth, wife , family, in this life will get 100 folds back in the same life(mark 10:29-30)". Same Jesus who said "all things are POSSIBLE with God",. Same Jesus who said "nothing will be impossible for you(Matt 17:20)". I hope you get the point
      One more thing in Isaiah 53 with forgiveness, healing is also given. And if you think that only forgiveness is given then you are wrong. Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
      He was bruised for our iniquities;
      The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
      And by His stripes we are healed.
      God said He will raise a prophet like Moses every generation.
      Cessationist say only in the time of Moses Elijah and Lord Jesus miracles great miracles happened. Not true 👇
      Moses, abharam, Samson(super power), Samuel(bringing rain to prove his prophetship), David prophesied, Saul did as well and also saul's messengers, Nathan the prophet, Gad the prophet, Man of God(1 kings 13), and old Prophet(1 king 13 as well), Elijah(Elijah called himself prophet in 1 king 18:22) and he also called himself a man of God (2 kings 1:10), Elisha(2 kings 5:8),(. ahijah the prophet(1 king 14), jehu the prophet(1 king 16), 100 Prophets (1 king 18:4), Prophet ( 1 kings 20:13), a man of God ( 1 kings 20:28), micaiah the prophet (1 kings 22), sons of prophets in Bethel (2 kings 2:3), sons of prophets in Jericho (2 kings 2:5), 50 men of sons of prophets in Jordan (2 kings 2:7). prophet Isaiah saves Hezekiah (2 kings 19). Daniel the prophet. Huldah the prophetess (2 kings 22:14). Prophets in(2 kings 23:2 notice it says Prophets pural). (2 kings 23:18)The sons of asaph, and of Herman, and of jeduthun prophesying with music (1 chro 25:1). shemaiah the prophet (2 chron 11:2, 2 chron 12:5). Prophet iddo (2 chroni 13:22), more Prophets (pural) God sent to save His people 2 chronicles 24:19. A man of God in 2 chroni 25:7, and a prophet as well in 2 chron 25:15. Prophet oded 2 chroni 28:9. another prophetess in 2 chron 34:22, Jer 32:20 "says You have continued signs and wonders to this day"
      Elijah, Elisha took few tries
      1 kings 18:43; 17:21
      2 kings 4:33-35; 5:14
      Mark 8:23-26.
      Being charismatics doesn't mean you're not Sola Scriptura
      - Sola Scriptura means Scriptures are the Sole infallible authority for doctrines. Doesn't say only authority rather only infallible authority. There is Church authority as well but it's not infallible. Rather cessationism is unbiblical because there is not one verse that say Gift of the Holy Spirit ceased. Bible do not forbid speaking in tongues 1 Corinthians 14:39 , don't despise prophecies 1 Thessalonians 5:20, desire Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 14:1, Lord Jesus said signs and miracles will follow them that believe Mark 16:17-18.
      -There were 50 prophets in the time of Elijah but their writings were not there.
      - Same with Apostles Barnabas. His writings are not there. Where as Luke who is not Apostle his writings are Scriptures.
      - Prophetess Anna in Luke 2:36-38 her writing are not there
      - acts 11, 21 Thus says Holy Spirit
      - many Prophets in acts but thier writings were not written/ 50 Prophets in Elijah' time their writings were not added.
      - Paul said if any thinks he is a prophet let him acknowledge that my writings are Commandments of God. There were prophets in the time of Pentecost but their writings are not there.

  • @pbm8264
    @pbm8264 Před 3 měsíci +22

    It’s sad that those who don’t have a Biblical understanding of tongues and have never experienced tongues are trying to tell us the proper way to operate in tongues.
    How much arrogance does that take? It is mind boggling.

    • @clevelandstreetpreachers
      @clevelandstreetpreachers Před 3 měsíci +3

      So true. People with zero personal experience with the Holy Spirit are somehow the experts on the Holy Spirit because they saw some videos online mocking charasmatics, that their hearts delighted in

    • @jasonlewis5350
      @jasonlewis5350 Před 3 měsíci +4

      They don’t even believe in Holy Spirit. They deny His presence, His power and His actual being, but rather believe in a version of Holy Spirit. This is how they’re able to deny the gifts of the Spirit and say that signs, wonders and miracles have all ceased. All of those flow from the Spirit, so if the Cessationist is correct, Holy Spirit has gone away, ran out of power, or they’re just dead wrong. I’m betting that He’s still here - like Jesus stated He would be - and that He has plenty of power and opportunities to demonstrate His power. Just saying.

    • @clevelandstreetpreachers
      @clevelandstreetpreachers Před 3 měsíci +6

      @@jasonlewis5350 cessationists believe in the Holy Spirit as much as Muslims believe in Jesus. Muslims believe somethings about Jesus and some things He did but reject other things. Cessationists believe some things about the Holy Spirit and His works but reject the others. They believe He regenerates and convicts and that’s about it. But He does much more like through the gifts and is also to be our Teacher John 16:13, yet they deny these things. So how can they say they believe in the Holy Spirit while rejecting part of who He is and part of what He chooses to do?

    • @jasonlewis5350
      @jasonlewis5350 Před 3 měsíci +2

      @@clevelandstreetpreachers exactly.

  • @GreatDataVideos
    @GreatDataVideos Před 3 měsíci +7

    1 Corinthians 13:1 "If I speak with the tongues of mankind *and of angels,* but do not have love, I have become a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal."

    • @Acontinuist
      @Acontinuist Před 3 měsíci +1

      And where do you think love comes from?
      Jude 1 20-21
      King James Version
      20 But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost,
      21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.

    • @user-zh7ye5wk9l
      @user-zh7ye5wk9l Před 2 měsíci

      What Paul says there don't be pride about it and leave love in them , doesn't mean he told them to stop talking in tongues and love that's no where in bible

    • @phlaxus5288
      @phlaxus5288 Před 2 měsíci

      Read further. He also speaks about having ALL knowledge. Is it possible to have ALL knowledge? I do not think so.
      Paul is using hyperbolic language and same goes with verse 1 and the tongues of angels.

    • @GreatDataVideos
      @GreatDataVideos Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@phlaxus5288 I don't think that's true. He's comparing the gifts of the Spirit: tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, faith. If you understand the gift of the word of knowledge, it's knowing something that you could not know naturally. William Branham operated in this gift powerfully. Chris Reed does as well. The gift gives access to the mind of Christ, who knows all things.

    • @user-zh7ye5wk9l
      @user-zh7ye5wk9l Před 2 měsíci +1

      Paul never forbade them talking in tongues just don't be proud about it than love faith hope. The point is not to leave love faith hope while using these gifts

  • @micaiah0109
    @micaiah0109 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Keep up the good work! People are talking 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

  • @StonyKalango
    @StonyKalango Před 3 měsíci +1

    Amen. Keep defending these essentials of the faith. Amen

  • @danielstewart5689
    @danielstewart5689 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Me and my wife were new to a church, and someone was speaking in tongues. She was a teacher and had taught Latin, and said the person a few seats over was speaking in Latin in tongues.

  • @NavyVetE5
    @NavyVetE5 Před 3 měsíci +3

    2 Timothy 3:5
    having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! They walk defeated and defenceless because they deny the very weapons of our warfare.

  • @shaunb8294
    @shaunb8294 Před 3 měsíci +1

    With regard to the Acts reference to tongues, if you're paying close attention, the scripture does not say that they _spoke_ in known tongues, but that each person there _heard_ what was said in their own native tongue. This is an even greater, overtly supernatural event than we're usually taught. If you were to hear me suddenly speak in, say, Spanish or French, you'd might reasonably conclude that I know either Spanish or French. But if I speak and one man hears Spanish while another hears French, you would indeed be amazed! You'd _know_ something miraculous was taking place. The text in Acts strongly indicates that it was this latter that took place, which is why it was noteworthy at all.

  • @ronel8204
    @ronel8204 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Truth❤ Holy Spirit is só amazing, can't without Him. Greatly blessed with the speaking in tongues❤❤❤

  • @magne6049
    @magne6049 Před 2 měsíci

    4:49 When Paul in 1 Cor 14:14 says: "For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful." he is talking in the context of being in the congregation. If he was praying in one of the human languages he knew, but that no one in the congregation spoke, then _to whom_ would his prayer be fruitful? That's why he later in the passage says how could they then "say 'Amen' to your thanksgiving"? The mind bearing fruit means that others are able to receive what's on the mind.

  • @matthewthomas3580
    @matthewthomas3580 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Tongues is certainly more than just known languages. 1 Cor 14 makes it clear that when you pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit understands but people don't. Also when you pray in Tongues, it says very clearly that it builds you up spiritually. I don't know of any believer that wouldn't benefit from that. It's a wonderful gift of the Holy Ghost

  • @CharismaticCheetah
    @CharismaticCheetah Před 3 měsíci

    Thank you for this! As a new continuationist channel, I appreciate this.
    Doing a series on tongues myself now

  • @MitziGardner
    @MitziGardner Před 3 měsíci +1

    Very good! I love speaking in tongues, it moves mountains! Holy Spirit is my best friend

  • @danielcornide4927
    @danielcornide4927 Před 3 měsíci

    Once Again Pastor Daniel using Scripture to illuminate and refute False Doctrine! Grateful for You!
    Early in my Christian Walk, baptized in the Holy Spirit;
    I remember praying to The Lord for This Gift and for understanding! Surely enough one day in prayer out of my belly began to flow living water and my lips began stammering! I sought counsel to understand from my Spiritual Father🙏🏼.
    The Lord would bring me to
    Is 28:11-12
    "For with stammering lips and another tongue
    He will speak to this people,
    12 To whom He said, “This is the rest with which
    You may cause the weary to rest,”.
    And, “This is the refreshing”;
    Yet they would not hear.
    The Revelation was made clear and would be followed that Apostle Paul spoke about speaking in toungues more than all, as Pastor Daniel affirmed!
    I have used this in my daily pesonal prayer life and devotion ever since, and have always prayed for revelation of what was being imparted!
    I have been cautious in public settings not bring reproach and I do understand that there have been abuses....but to refute the Gift is unbiblical and false!
    Thanks for Your Unwaivering... Relentless..Persuit of Truth!!!

  • @magne6049
    @magne6049 Před 2 měsíci

    5:21 When Paul says in 1. Kor 14:13 it means (my disambiguation/interpretation is in brackets): "For this reason the one who speaks in a tongue should pray that they [referring to the others, not themselves] may interpret what they [themselves] say." He is speaking about the others in the congregation (not understanding what he is saying), as he does in that whole passage. He is not speaking about not understanding himself.

  • @noahphillips7404
    @noahphillips7404 Před 3 měsíci

    Amen, Hallelujah, Maranatha, Glory to Christ Jesus ✝️ 🙏 🙌 ❤️

  • @magne6049
    @magne6049 Před 2 měsíci

    2:51 In the Corinthians letter, Paul may be talking about people in the congregation praying in human languages not generally known to the people in Corinth. That's why.

  • @williamwallace9583
    @williamwallace9583 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Thank you Holy Spirit

  • @keekokkou9467
    @keekokkou9467 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I wonder how they come about some of these terminologies '''Cessationism'''... Looks like that's all they know, the use of jargons

  • @vtownSTP
    @vtownSTP Před 3 měsíci +1


  • @robross180
    @robross180 Před 3 měsíci

    Brilliant revelation! Hallelujah! Let God be true and every man a liar.

  • @RichFranzmeier
    @RichFranzmeier Před 3 měsíci +1

    I agree with what Rick Renner says. The miracle in Acts 2 was in the hearing. If there were so many people there, even if all the 120 spoke, there were more than that hearing because 3000 were added. So it was those in the audience that heard their own language (that was the miracle, not that they spoke languages they didn't know). The 120 may have been speaking in unknown tongues.

  • @magne6049
    @magne6049 Před 2 měsíci

    4:23 Paul praying in tounges might simply mean that he varied between praying between one of his known languages, since he spoke fluently Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek, and likely also some Latin.

  • @FRN2013
    @FRN2013 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Well done, Daniel! But I wonder if a different understanding of Acts 2 is needed...? Maybe the apostles spoke in unknown tongues, and God gave the gift of interpretation to many people in the crowd. That would explain why some mocked and said the apostles were drunk, if they did not receive the gift of interpretation. Maybe God gave gift of interpretation to those who were seeking him during the Feast of Pentecost, and maybe God withheld the gift from pretenders...?

    • @DanielKolenda
      @DanielKolenda  Před 3 měsíci +1

      Yes, these are all possibilities.

    • @skyeprophet3564
      @skyeprophet3564 Před 3 měsíci

      The problem being that an interpretation is not necessarily a translation. It could be a description of the meaning of what is being said. I think the text is pretty strong on the idea that the Holy Spirit translated the words to them.

  • @justinm2232
    @justinm2232 Před 3 měsíci +2

    The guys from the movie seem to be willingly ignorant of tongues, beyond that they are against something that's a powerful gift from God. Really sad so see.

  • @tikanfrank4733
    @tikanfrank4733 Před 2 měsíci

    There is time we were praying for Ethiopian. For us we are Kenyans. They say as we were praying in tongues. We were addressing the issue with their native language. Tongues is the wisdom of God

  • @bradmaggard1996
    @bradmaggard1996 Před 3 měsíci +2

    I really want to insert the possibility of the miracle of HEARING in their language. It said they all heard in their native languages.

    • @FRN2013
      @FRN2013 Před 3 měsíci +1

      Yes, maybe they were given the gift of interpretation. That would explain why some there mocked--they didn't have the gift of interpretation.

    • @skyeprophet3564
      @skyeprophet3564 Před 3 měsíci

      Exactly and if you read it properly without bringing a theological preconception to the text, this is actually what the text says. In the greek Acts 2:6 uses the word ἤκουον or "they heard" from which we get our word "echo" which is something you hear. It does not actually say that they began to speak in other known human languages just that they were heard to be speaking in other human languages. It makes much more sense in the context that they were speaking in tongues just as Pentecostals do today, otherwise it makes no sense that some interpreted their behaviour as being because they were drunk which the text also says.

  • @Acontinuist
    @Acontinuist Před 3 měsíci

    1 Corinthians 14:2
    King James Version
    2 For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries.

  • @dobberdop
    @dobberdop Před 3 měsíci +1

    The wonder is in Acts 2 not the speaking in languages. But the hearing. When 120 people are talking through eachother and in different languages, it is impossible to hear what there is saying. Even it is your language.
    So the wonder in this case is the hearing. Not the speaking in the language.

  • @jonahsmith7434
    @jonahsmith7434 Před 2 měsíci

    Also want to add how many times in Acts when people spoke in tongues, they were not speaking known languages to others of those languages naturally. Like Cornelius and the gentiles when they were baptized in the spirit and spoke in tongues.

  • @RevAlexWilcox
    @RevAlexWilcox Před 2 měsíci

    I believe that the audience on the Day of Pentecost “HEARD” the 120+ people speaking in their own languages. So for example, “Bob” heard all 120 speaking Greek while “Jason” heard all 120 speaking Arabic, etc.. Acts 2 doesn’t say they were actually speaking those languages, but that the individuals in the audience HEARD them speaking in their own native languages. The initial evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is speaking in other tongues, which is our prayer language, so could it be that they were just speaking in other tongues and because of the “devotion” of these Jews (as opposed to the non-devout whichheard gibberish, accusing them of being drunk), God allowed them to hear it as a sign that Jesus had poured out the Holy Ghost!

  • @mynameis......23
    @mynameis......23 Před 3 měsíci +3

    Continuationism is Biblical.
    - People doing miracles who are not apostles proof-Luke 9:49-50, mark 9:38-41, Acts 6:8; 8:6; 10:45; 21:9, 9:10-17, Zecharias filled with SPIRIT prophesied in Luke 1:67. 6 examples
    Prophets in acts 13:1
    2 prophets in acts 15:32, 4 Prophetess in acts 21:9, Agabus in acts 21:10-12 & acts 11:27-28.
    - Paul said that you lack no gift until the second coming of Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Cor 1:7)
    - 1 Cor 13:1-8 says Gift of the Holy Spirit will not cease until we see Christ face to face, meaning until Lord Jesus Christ returns.
    - Peter said in Acts 2:16-21 in the end days God will pour His Spirit on His people and they will all prophecy, see visions and dreams, sun will turn dark, and moon into blood until the coming of the Day of the Lord. ((Notice how the ends days begins during acts 2 and is still going on because the Day of the Lord has not returned which also means God is still pouring out His people so they can prophecy, see dreams and visions.))
    - 1 cor 15:5-7 more than 12 Apostles
    - Paul and Barnabas called apostles (acts 14:14; 4:36). Paul not inferior to super apostle(2 cor 11:5; 12:11)
    - Paul in 1 Cor 1 is speaking to all Christian (1Cor 1:2). And he also says that you DO NOT LACK ANY GIFT UNTIL THE DAY OF THE LORD.(1Cor 1:7-8).(notice says Christians should lack no, not one gift. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 tell us about the Gifts and we can see that teachings and healing are said together so you can't say we Gift of teaching is present but not healing)
    - Prophesying is a sign for unbelievers 1cor14:24-25
    - Received Gifts when believed in JESUS acts11:17
    - Eph 4:11 . Now if there still are Evangelists, Pastors, teachers, there also must be Apostles and Prophets.
    - Bible says not to neglect Gifts that is in us 1 Tim 4:14. Bible says keeping using the Gift of Holy Spirit like a small flame that grows into fire.
    - And remember paul said in 1 Cor 13:2 "though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains".
    - Speaking donkey, Elisha throwing salt in spring to make it pure, Lord Jesus spitting on eyes to heal, Isaiah walked naked because God told him, Elisha threw a stick in water to get the axe from water, Paul' napkin, peter shadow, Isaiah was naked. God doesn't have to do rational miracles. He can do it however He wants
    - Pray in SPIRIT
    Jude 20 But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit
    Eph 6:18
    18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit
    Eph 5:18
    .. in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit
    In acts 2:4, 4:31, 10:46 when they were filled with SPIRIT they spoke in Tongues.
    James 5:17-18 Elijah prayed to God not to rain, notice power of prayer
    - Unknown tongues accusations debunked
    1 Corinthians 14:2
    2 For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.
    1 Corinthians 14:28
    28 But if there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in church, and let him speak to himself and to God.
    - And no the Gifts were not fading away in Acts 28 Paul was close to going asleep in the Lord (dying) he went on the island of Malta, and a poisonous snake bite him (the islanders thought he was gonna die) but nothing happened to him rather he healed all who came to him through the Holy Spirit. Second example is John when he was old wrote the Book of Revelation way after the Apostles were martyred. So you can see the Gifts were not fading.
    - There is difference between Apostles and miracles doers( Apostles do perform miracles as well) - 1 Corinthians 12:28
    28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues.( As you can see first are Apostle and around 4th are people with Gifts of Holy Spirit, you don't have to be Apostle to do miracles). Futher proof, John 14:12
    12 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father.
    Mark 16:17-18
    17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
    Mark 11:23-24
    Acts 21:9
    9 Now this man had four virgin daughters who prophesied.
    James 5:14-15
    ( Notice prayer of Faith will heal the sick, not pray of Apostle)
    - Holy Spirit speaking directly= Acts 13:2, 16:6
    - God speaking in dreams and visions
    To non apostles= acts 9:10-12, Matt 2:12
    To apostles= acts 16:6-10; 10:17; 13:2-3; 18:9-10.
    - Now my main argument ,if the New Testament says not to commit adultery and I say commit adultery then what will you call me? A heritic right, because I'm going against the New Testament. Same way the New Testament says do not forbid speaking in tongues(1 Corinthians 14:39) , not to despise prophecies (1 Thessalonians 5:20), desire Spiritual gifts(1 Corinthians 14:1), Lord Jesus Himself said that these signs will follow them that believe (mark 16:17-18),and you(cessationists) FORBID speaking in tongues, you(cessationists) despise prophecies, and you(cessationists) insult those who desire Spiritual gifts which means you(cessationists) are going against New Testament and Apostles and most importantly you are going against Lord Jesus Himself which concludes you(cessationists) are heritics.
    The same Jesus which said "father take this cup away" is the same Jesus who said "ask anything in my name and I'll do it", is the same Jesus who said "if you have faith of a Mustard Seed, you can move mountains", is the same Jesus who said "23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. . Is the same Jesus who said "the thing that I did greater than these you'll do" is the same Jesus who said "17 And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; 18 they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”. Same Jesus who said," if you leave wealth, wife , family, in this life will get 100 folds back in the same life(mark 10:29-30)". Same Jesus who said "all things are POSSIBLE with God",. Same Jesus who said "nothing will be impossible for you(Matt 17:20)". I hope you get the point
    One more thing in Isaiah 53 with forgiveness, healing is also given. And if you think that only forgiveness is given then you are wrong. Isaiah 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions,
    He was bruised for our iniquities;
    The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
    And by His stripes we are healed.
    God said He will raise a prophet like Moses every generation.
    Cessationist say only in the time of Moses Elijah and Lord Jesus miracles great miracles happened. Not true 👇
    Moses, abharam, Samson(super power), Samuel(bringing rain to prove his prophetship), David prophesied, Saul did as well and also saul's messengers, Nathan the prophet, Gad the prophet, Man of God(1 kings 13), and old Prophet(1 king 13 as well), Elijah(Elijah called himself prophet in 1 king 18:22) and he also called himself a man of God (2 kings 1:10), Elisha(2 kings 5:8),(. ahijah the prophet(1 king 14), jehu the prophet(1 king 16), 100 Prophets (1 king 18:4), Prophet ( 1 kings 20:13), a man of God ( 1 kings 20:28), micaiah the prophet (1 kings 22), sons of prophets in Bethel (2 kings 2:3), sons of prophets in Jericho (2 kings 2:5), 50 men of sons of prophets in Jordan (2 kings 2:7). prophet Isaiah saves Hezekiah (2 kings 19). Daniel the prophet. Huldah the prophetess (2 kings 22:14). Prophets in(2 kings 23:2 notice it says Prophets pural). (2 kings 23:18)The sons of asaph, and of Herman, and of jeduthun prophesying with music (1 chro 25:1). shemaiah the prophet (2 chron 11:2, 2 chron 12:5). Prophet iddo (2 chroni 13:22), more Prophets (pural) God sent to save His people 2 chronicles 24:19. A man of God in 2 chroni 25:7, and a prophet as well in 2 chron 25:15. Prophet oded 2 chroni 28:9. another prophetess in 2 chron 34:22, Jer 32:20 "says You have continued signs and wonders to this day"
    Elijah, Elisha took few tries
    1 kings 18:43; 17:21
    2 kings 4:33-35; 5:14
    Mark 8:23-26.
    Being charismatics doesn't mean you're not Sola Scriptura
    - Sola Scriptura means Scriptures are the Sole infallible authority for doctrines. Doesn't say only authority rather only infallible authority. There is Church authority as well but it's not infallible. Rather cessationism is unbiblical because there is not one verse that say Gift of the Holy Spirit ceased. Bible do not forbid speaking in tongues 1 Corinthians 14:39 , don't despise prophecies 1 Thessalonians 5:20, desire Spiritual Gifts 1 Corinthians 14:1, Lord Jesus said signs and miracles will follow them that believe Mark 16:17-18.
    -There were 50 prophets in the time of Elijah but their writings were not there.
    - Same with Apostles Barnabas. His writings are not there. Where as Luke who is not Apostle his writings are Scriptures.
    - Prophetess Anna in Luke 2:36-38 her writing are not there
    - acts 11, 21 Thus says Holy Spirit
    - many Prophets in acts but thier writings were not written/ 50 Prophets in Elijah' time their writings were not added.
    - Paul said if any thinks he is a prophet let him acknowledge that my writings are Commandments of God. There were prophets in the time of Pentecost but their writings are not there.

  • @nicknovello5589
    @nicknovello5589 Před 3 měsíci

    1 Corinthians 4:20 have For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power, (dynamis: miracle working power). Cessationists have denied the power of the living God! The Lord have mercy on them…2 Timothy 3:7…”ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”

  • @DanOBrien888
    @DanOBrien888 Před 3 měsíci +1

    In this movie I have not seen one thing that is new, it is just an upgraded presentation of old content. They failed to prove anything at all, and whoever purchased it for proof, clearly got ripped off.

  • @BoskiM
    @BoskiM Před 3 měsíci +1

    Keep defending the faith from these charlatans/agents of satan masquerading as saints

  • @marcuscurtismusic
    @marcuscurtismusic Před 2 měsíci

    Awesome video

  • @magne6049
    @magne6049 Před 2 měsíci

    7:04 But those are intelligible actual human languages, evidenced by the listener understanding it in their own language. Even if the speaker didn't understand what he was saying. You may hear phrases from others praising God in their own language, and even though you may not understand what they are saying, it may stick subconsciously, and you may repeat it later (like a catch phrase), when praying yourself.

  • @pastorkeri
    @pastorkeri Před 3 měsíci +1

    Daniel I remember an occasion where I spoke in tongues and a person started crying out because they 'heard' me speak of the gospel the person was Mongolian and although I heard my self in what I usually speak in tongues the person heard their language also I was praying with a young person on an occasion and this time the person was English speaking yet I was speaking in tongues and again the person broke down because the love of God was revealed to him and thereby gave his life to Jesus

  • @Mike_Sage
    @Mike_Sage Před 3 měsíci

    Praying in tongues is an act of faith. Those that deny the gift of tongues also reject the other gifts. The issue is that they have a lack of faith.

    • @skyeprophet3564
      @skyeprophet3564 Před 3 měsíci

      Cessationism is predicated on unbelief. Jesus can't speak to us today, God doesn't speak outside of the Bible. God is not a living God. It is also predicated on Idolatory or conferring to an object the qualities of God. Thus the fallacy of "sola scriptura". It isn't Scripture alone otherwise scripture would be God. And that is effectively the position that cessationists are in. Practically there is NO sola scriptura anyway, because the Bible is a text. Text just transfers meaning which is reliant on the reader to understand. If the reader misunderstands the text then the text isn't sufficient so you need explanation of the meaning of the text. So it is no longer "sola scriptura" and in practice Cessationists are listening to their expositors and teachers so it is Scripture + the expositors interpretation.. doesn't sound like "sola scriptura" to me but rather "scriptura et Interpretatio" or scripture and interpretation and who is to say that their interpretation is authoritative?? only them. We would claim it is not and prove that from scripture. Also I might add that they leave absolutely 0 space for the Holy Spirit yet Jesus clearly taught in the Bible that after he went our interactions would be with the Holy Spirit who would also teach us all things. I choose to allow the Holy Spirit and his voice to guide my path, cessationists know no such thing. Their heresy is damned and condemned on that basis.

  • @Thegiftofgod777
    @Thegiftofgod777 Před 3 měsíci +1

    Hey sir would watch you apostle Iren emmanuels respons to Allan Parr on tongues. He explains that the acts 2 tongues have never been know languages and that the miracle resides in the fact that troughs the tongue they heard their own language. So they had a glimpse of what the gift of interpretation would feel like. Thats why others said they were drunk cause they did hear known languages but just gibberish.

  • @pastorgscottw
    @pastorgscottw Před 3 měsíci +2

    Absolutely dishonest teaching they are doing. How do they cherry pick a certain verse and ignore the rest of Scripture

  • @user-zh7ye5wk9l
    @user-zh7ye5wk9l Před 2 měsíci

    Daniel bro, how can we answer when some believes its gift from few not to all? Please explain

  • @schalkbuys9030
    @schalkbuys9030 Před 2 měsíci

    If I didn't walk in any gifts I would also start making up gibberish to prove why I am walking without power.

  • @musinguzimarvin-xr1ov
    @musinguzimarvin-xr1ov Před 3 měsíci

    We are Waiting for you in Lira city

  • @user-zh7ye5wk9l
    @user-zh7ye5wk9l Před 2 měsíci

    Daniel, one question i do believe in tongues. Some say its a gift to some not to everyone. How can i tell them?

  • @rorywynhoff1549
    @rorywynhoff1549 Před 2 měsíci

    There are a diversity of tongues, not all are earthly.
    1Cor 13:1 Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

  • @phlaxus5288
    @phlaxus5288 Před 2 měsíci

    What exactly is the difference between the gift of speaking in a language that absolutely nobody understands, that has to be translated and the gift of prophecy?
    Both are the Spirit of God speaking into the life of the believers.
    Why should God make such a thing? It just seems not logical to me. Why doesn't he just give people a prophecy instead of giving a prophecy in another language that nobody understands, that has to be translated?
    It makes perfect sense, when they are languages that some people actually understand. And the translation is there, so the rest of the congregation can understand as well.

  • @WilliamJohnson-ft4du
    @WilliamJohnson-ft4du Před 3 měsíci

    My first question is: known to who? If it someone else besides the people hearing the tongues, then how do you know the tongues are not a known language to someone in the world? Secondly, if it is a known language to the speaker, then how is it supernatural? Third, if it is only the hearer that knows the language, then why does it need an interpretation? Maybe I'm missing something here. However, as Daniel is saying, I do think it can be a known language but doesn't have to be.

  • @dansidora
    @dansidora Před 3 měsíci

    Daniel, I don’t think the speaking in tongs from Acts 2 was diferent from the one in 1 Corinthians 14. If we study clossely the two pasages we can see a paralel between the two. But you cannot go first in Acts and make theology since the Hermeneutics does’t allow us to do that. One principle of hermenutics says that you have to go first in a prescriptive text for theology and only after that you go in a descriptive text. So since Acts 2 is a descriptive text you don’t go there first to understand speaking in tongs but in 1 Corinthians 14 where we have a prescriptive (explanatory) text. So if we go in Corinthians first we find the definition of speaking in tongs (vs. 2) as speaking to God so that NOBODY undestands it, and with the spirit he speaks misteries. So, acording to this definition the people from diaspora in Acts didn’t heard a speaking in tongs when they heard wonderfull things of God. But the men from Judea and those living in Jerusalem heard the speaking in tongs and concluded the apostles were drunk.
    If we go back to Corinthians we see that Paul make a paralel between profecy and speaking in tongs and interpreting the tongs, both giving the same result: people will worship God and acknowledge He is present among the church. The same thing happened in Acts. The apostles started to speak in tongs, the people from Jerusalem concluded they were drunk, the interpretation gift activated and the people from diaspora heard wonderfull things of God. It is important to realize that the people from Jerusalem and around it were very familiar with the languages of the diaspora people present at Pentecost since the diaspora people would come at list three times an year in Jerusalem for the main holidays. I am a Romanian but I can discern the most languages from Europe even if I don’t know them. So if the apostles would have started from the begining to speak directly in the languages of the diaspora present there the jews from Jerusalem would have distinguished them and wouldn’t have said they were drunk. So what people from diaspora heard at Pentecost was speaking in tongs plus interpreting tongs. So there aren’t at all two kind of speaking in tongs (inteligible and not inteligible). It just speaking in tongs and interpreting tongs. In fact that fenomena that happen in Jerusalem at pentecost was God’s way of saying Well Come to all the nations and it can happen in the church today to unbelivers from any nation coming in the church. God bless!

  • @lethimwhoboasts
    @lethimwhoboasts Před 3 měsíci +1

    Though I speak with tongues of men and of angels...... Oh, I guess the Bible does use "tongues" to refer to non-human languages. 😅

  • @johnexonyango4953
    @johnexonyango4953 Před 3 měsíci

    Thank you so much. I have been following this series, and it has been very edifying.
    I do have a question, though. If believers are praying together in one room, each praying individually to God with no one leading the prayers, and you feel moved to speak in tongues but hesitate because there is no interpreter, what should you do?
    Is it even right to speak in tongues in such a space

  • @genesummers1111
    @genesummers1111 Před 3 měsíci

    The Bible doesn't say that the unbelievers thought the 120 were out of their minds but it does say some mocked and said they were full of new wine. Peter even had to tell them they were not drunken as ye suppose. That could indicate that at least some of the tongues could not be understood even though others clearly heard known languages.

  • @josephgalasso8780
    @josephgalasso8780 Před 3 měsíci

    I believe in tongues and speak in tongues ! But I see on Sid Roth where they all speak in tongues at once And other Pastors encourage people to do so ! Is what they are doing in a group wrong ? Should it only be done when your alone ?

    • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
      @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 Před 3 měsíci

      On your own, no interpretation is needed. When believers gather in the assembly or local church and one is exercised to speak in tongues, an interpreter is needed. Scripture couldn't be any plainer. Collective speaking in tongues with no interpreter is condemned. Avoid Sid Roth and his awful t.v. programme. He and the guests he features and the false teachings and practices promoted is exactly the sort of thing that gives pentecostal/charismatic Christians a bad name and plentiful ammunition for the cessationists.

    • @bloodboughtbigphilr8266
      @bloodboughtbigphilr8266 Před 3 měsíci

      In the church, absolutely nothing wrong with praying in tongues silently in your spirit during prayer times as I often do. I attend a non-charismatic E Free church that would not be cessationist but cautiously continuationist.

  • @skyeprophet3564
    @skyeprophet3564 Před 3 měsíci

    Point 1 is linguistic mumbo jumbo and doesn't follow. There is no evidence of "implied synonymy" and this is isogesis or reading into the text based on his (lack of) understanding. I don't agree that they were speaking human languages. The text does NOT say that. It says that "they heard them speaking in their own languages' which is quite different. Even if they were actually speaking those languages which is a different kind of miracle, it just means that tongues in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost and Tongues in 1 Corinthians were completely different phenomenon. The problem being that one lot of tongues was the miraculous ability to speak in human languages one has never learned and the other was the ability to speak to God in languages that the speaker cannot understand without interpretation. It is a totally consistent with the Bible to interpret Acts 2 tongues as equivalent to contemporary Pentecostal tongues with the miracle being that they heard them speaking in their own languages. I am not going to get into the very interesting issue of how in a crowd of people they could actually hear them speaking in their own languages through what must have been a total cacophony. The ability to pick out someone speaking your language against the background of many other people speaking a range of languages as the scenario suggests would itself be a miracle. I will note that no where else in the New Testament is it clear that this miracle was replicated, and that along with the manefestation of a vision of tongues of fire appearing over their heads and the rush of a mighty wind all suggest that this was a non-normative miraculous happening. I think it would be an interesting study in psycho-acoustics to actually test this scenario.. maybe one for the mythbusters. Cessationists are just wrong on what they understand tongues to be. Contemporary Pentecostal tongues is totally equivalent to New Testament Tongues. You can align them on the basis of the "duck" analogy... if it quacks like a duck, has feathers and webbed feet like a duck and looks like a duck, it is highly likely that it is a duck. One more thing... not everyone of the pilgrims in the crowd heard them speaking in their own languages.. they assumed that the disciples were drunk which much more aligns with the idea that they heard them speaking what seemed to them unintelligable gibberish. In this teaching they are committing the linguistic fallacy pointed out by D.A. Carson in his book Exegetical Fallacies about word meanings. So it appears cessationists are totally unaware of proper methods of linguistic analysis of word meanings and the New Testament text. You could drive a truck through the holes in their teachings. Nathan Busenitz is is the worst kind of expositors of scripture and is completely self decieved and fallacious in his scriptural interpretations. I'll note that the modern charismatics didn't understand tongues either and many thought that they could go off to foreign mission fields and start babbling in tongues and didn't need to learn the languages of those to whom they were going. That didn't work out for them, exposing the wrong understanding that tongues are known human languages. They could in theory be, because "for with God nothing will be impossible" but normatively they are not, which is actually the picture that scripture provides.

  • @josiahrandolphbaldwin8272
    @josiahrandolphbaldwin8272 Před 3 měsíci

    Shaka Bonky 🗿

  • @bradleywesson7488
    @bradleywesson7488 Před 3 měsíci

    So, why don't I see any evidence for speaking in tongues today? Why do I feel like people like your self are lying? Misleading, and teaching a false gospel? This is a serious question.
    Also I constantly see you guys using scripture like
    1 Corinthians 14
    To argue the fact about speaking in tongues, but also in the same chapert it clearly states that woman are to be silent in the church? This makes no sense to me.
    And I know that people that have this same argument, argue the fact that woman should be allowed to preach.
    Please give me some clarification?

    • @DanielKolenda
      @DanielKolenda  Před 3 měsíci +2

      No evidence!? 🤦‍♂️ Seriously? “There is none so blind as those who will not see.”

    • @bradleywesson7488
      @bradleywesson7488 Před 3 měsíci

      @@DanielKolenda like when i say evidence, I personally haven't seen it, I'm not saying that it doesn't exist, I just don't see it, but could you clear up my problem with 1 Corinthians 14? With the women to be silent in Church?

    • @Acontinuist
      @Acontinuist Před 3 měsíci

      1 Timothy 2:12
      King James Version
      12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    • @bradleywesson7488
      @bradleywesson7488 Před 3 měsíci

      @Notacessasionist Whats the reason for the scripture 1 Corinthians 14:34-35?

    • @Acontinuist
      @Acontinuist Před 3 měsíci

      Gods order is for man to have the authority over women, and that the system is put in place that the authority in not transgressed, or shows the appearance of being transgressed, or usurped.
      So it is agreed that women can speak in churches, share testimonies, prophesy, etc but when there is questions, to discuss it with their husbands.

  • @stefanglasner8105
    @stefanglasner8105 Před 3 měsíci

    In Acts ist Not a speaking wonder its a Hearing wonder. Why some of the jews understand them perfekt and Others dont understand a word and think they are drunk? By the way Sometimes when a Brother or sister speak in a tongues, IT IS exactly Sound Like me, in my old Life, drinking way too much🙏🏼🙂

  • @jalapeno.tabasco
    @jalapeno.tabasco Před 26 dny

    appeals to experience, typical

  • @ditaalvarez5652
    @ditaalvarez5652 Před 3 měsíci

    Correction: …”God is speaking mysteries back to Paul ( not back to God)”.. 🤗☺️❤️

    • @DanielKolenda
      @DanielKolenda  Před 3 měsíci +3

      Uh, no, that’s not correct.

    • @ditaalvarez5652
      @ditaalvarez5652 Před 3 měsíci

      Min 5:45 gone Daniel K. Says “ God is speaking mysteries back to GOD”, hence I brought the correction in Love. I don’t think I am incorrect.

    • @markvanoostrum
      @markvanoostrum Před 3 měsíci

      ​​@@ditaalvarez5652Since the Holy Spirit is speaking, and not us with our own minds, and the Holy Spirit IS God, the mysteries spoken, are spoken back to God by God.
      Daniel is right.
      Of course the Holy Spirit prays on our behalf, not against us. Even if we don't understand what He is saying, we can rest assured that it is good.
      See also Romans 8:26-27 (emphasis on verse 27):
      [26] In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
      [27] And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.
      See? God listens to God the Spirit, interceding for us: God speaking mysteries back to God.