Skyrim Creation Kit - Creating An Interactive Bookshelf

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • In this tutorial I will be covering the steps needed to create your own book stoarge device! also known as a bookcase or bookshelf.

Komentáře • 107

  • @leongt1954
    @leongt1954 Před 12 lety

    One of the forum members solved my problem I needed to set the Primitive Tab to L_UNIDENTIFIED.
    Your vids are a great help to a novice like me thanks

  • @lepoulet88
    @lepoulet88 Před 12 lety

    Was searching how to make this. First link on google is this video.

  • @Veginite
    @Veginite Před 11 lety +1

    IF YOUR BOOKS ARE BEING PUSHED IN THE SHELF PLEASE READ THIS! The container has collision, which means that if you place the container in the shelf in the books they will fly all over the place. Place the container (orange block) under the shelf under the floor so the player cannot reach it. My books are displaying perfectly. I don't need collision objects :) Thumbs up so people can see!

  • @XdacrazycatX
    @XdacrazycatX Před 12 lety +1

    I didn't need to use that stuff with the triggers.
    Bookshelfcontainer, link the book markers, make the container cover the books. Et voila! Working bookshelf!

  • @wolf87410
    @wolf87410 Před 12 lety +1

    I'm having the same trouble, even if I duplicate shelves from other houses and upload them to my own home they cease to recognize that they can hold anything.

  • @DredDarkwater77
    @DredDarkwater77 Před 12 lety

    Make sure when you place the book markers they are not touching the shelf, the best way to do this is leave free space between the shelf and the book marker, this also applies to the ends of the shelf and above the markers. The exact amount of space you need is trial and error but I have found that 2 "ticks" of free space beneath the book works rather well while much more space is required above and at both ends as you have to account for the largest book size.

  • @thekbshouse
    @thekbshouse Před 12 lety +1

    Reload earlier save, before you loaded the mod or were in the cell. It happens because the bookshelf data is cached in your save or computer.

  • @Geekelite
    @Geekelite Před 12 lety

    For the collision objects, they're probably hidden right now. Go to view > Show/Hide Window > check the Collision objects box. Once that's on, you can handle them like regular markers, with "M".

  • @MandiSmash
    @MandiSmash Před 12 lety

    If you can't place a collision object then go to View -> Show/Hide Window and make sure Collision Objects is checked. That was unchecked for me and so I could only copy/paste collision cubes from other cells and could not actually make new ones. I checked it and it works fine now, so I hope that helps others.

  • @amisner2k
    @amisner2k Před 12 lety

    @XdacrazycatX The non-interactive trigger that is supposed to cover all the book markers (called PlayerBookShelfTrigger) is meant to detect when the player manually "takes" a book from the shelf by reading it so that it can remove it from the bookshelf's inventory. Without it, the book will still remain in the bookshelf's inventory and you will have a duplicate book in your own inventory. I think the collision cubes play a part in this detection process as well but I'm not sure.

  • @Faylien64
    @Faylien64 Před 12 lety

    You don't have to place the container inside the bookshelf itself. You can put it behind the bookshelf. So long as it's linked to all of the books on that particular shelf (1 container for each shelf), to and from the trigger, and from the click trigger it should work (after also placing collision boxes. I'm still having issues, however, so I popped by to see if you had any suggestions on your tutorial.

  • @thekbshouse
    @thekbshouse Před 12 lety

    Reload earlier save, before you loaded the mod or were in the cell. It happens because the bookshelf data is cached in your save or computer.
    If you cannot activate the bookshelf your trigger is not facing the right way or it's not placed properly. The click trigger is the one you are suppose to click.

  • @chickenmobile
    @chickenmobile Před 11 lety

    I found that if you select all the entities and duplicate them, the bookshelves will keep their references.
    You would only need to do this once if you have the same sized bookshelves ;)

  • @Mjenmae
    @Mjenmae Před 12 lety +1

    Thanks again for another fine tutorial. I don't know if it's Ok to ask questions (!) but presumably it isn't super crucial if the individual book markers overlap a bit, I'm thinking in order to get 18 on a narrower bookshelf (i.e. the noble ones). Also presumably for doing multiple shelves, the final step keyword would be bookshelftrigger02 etc? Last question, does it work just putting 1 collision cube around the whole thing or should there be 1 per shelf?

  • @megothier
    @megothier Před 12 lety

    Don't let the stand-in books touch the shelf. If you "f" them to the ground etc then when you put the books into the container they actually tend to spawn inside the book-case collision box and therefore Havok wants to get them out. Think of the collision box as the farmer's daughter and Havok as the farmer... With a shotgun...

  • @evilmanmark
    @evilmanmark Před 12 lety

    Thx so much for showing now i can place more bookshelves in breezehome

  • @jocelyn1992
    @jocelyn1992 Před 11 lety +1

    You would think with how good the creation kit is they would include working bookshelves

  • @andrewsomething1078
    @andrewsomething1078 Před 9 lety

    for anyone who is copying a shelf from an existing home in the game. I was having the problem where id click on the shelf and it would say you may place 0 more books. save your game outside your house befor testing your shelf aperantly loading inside the house screws up the triggers. I now have 2 walls full of copyed bookcases from valindrel hall.

  • @JNtolm
    @JNtolm Před 12 lety

    Go to the view tab and make sure collision layers is checked. It's near the bottom.

  • @amisner2k
    @amisner2k Před 12 lety

    @misery4020 Thank you so much for that. I was having the same problem. There was absolutely no indication given in the editor (or anywhere else on the wiki) that suggested that the click trigger had to be facing outward in order to be interacted with. I'm going to see if I can update the wiki to note this pitfall. You rock!

  • @thekbshouse
    @thekbshouse Před 12 lety

    True, althrough people cal glitch those bookshelves to produce infinite amount of books and you cannot take single book out of the shelf by pointing at it.

  • @MrYendor1968
    @MrYendor1968 Před 12 lety +1

    i got it to work but it tell's me 0 book's and when i try placeing any in it tell's me there is no room for book's

  • @thekbshouse
    @thekbshouse Před 12 lety

    You have to load earlier save (before you loaded the mod or when you are outside the mod cell) and get in the room where your bookcases are. That bug happens when the cell data is still cached in in your computer or the save.

  • @alex99443
    @alex99443 Před 12 lety

    Thank you, loving your tutorials.

  • @theenglishtutorial
    @theenglishtutorial Před 12 lety

    thanks, helped a lot!! The wiki is very poor at explaining this!
    I look forward to seeing some more videos!

  • @DredDarkwater77
    @DredDarkwater77 Před 12 lety

    Not really if you cram the markers slose you can have close books as long as they are small size books, remember that the marker is spaced for the largest size books so if you have markers too close and fill it with large books you get back to the problem you were having. Good luck and happy modding.

  • @CastroCassius
    @CastroCassius Před 12 lety

    Don't know if this was said or not, but you don't drag and click a collision marker. From what I've seen, you have an object selected, and then click the collision marker box at the top. Found this out by clicking on the shelf and hitting the box. A green box came up, and I could adjust it.

  • @theryan96
    @theryan96 Před 12 lety

    I just created a collision cube by clicking that c button then clicking back on the render window and a box should appear so you can edit. Hope it helps!

  • @animaphotic
    @animaphotic Před 12 lety

    Big help, thanks for your work.

  • @Marsuvees1298
    @Marsuvees1298 Před 12 lety

    The enchanting table is an interactive item... You should just be able to place it to have it work. The item is called "CraftingEnchantingWorkbench"

  • @mliccione89
    @mliccione89 Před 12 lety

    Can't reply for some reason, but I left the cell and came back and the shelf now shows that I can place 13 books, like I originally intended. Didn't need to change the Refs. Also, pro tip: leave a bit of spacing between the books; they will intersect one another and get confused and explode if you put the book markers *right* next to each other. Still working on why I can't see anything through the collision plane...

  • @misery4020
    @misery4020 Před 12 lety

    @amisner2k No problem^^ i´m like a pitbull when something is bothering me like this. Nice to hear it helped, and that i found a solution not only for me^^
    As i see you (or someone else) updated the ckwiki already. would´ve been so much easier if that was standing there when i was trying xD

  • @DerAlleinTiger
    @DerAlleinTiger Před 11 lety

    Not far off, actually. You should be able to duplicate them and just move them over a bit. I haven't tried it myself yet, but it should work.

  • @mliccione89
    @mliccione89 Před 12 lety

    I'm having some trouble with this. The collision barrier seems to block access to the bookshelves; I moved it away and now have the ability to place books on the shelf. But now it's saying I can place "0 more books" on the shelf. I'm messing around with the Refs, hopefully I can get it to cooperate.

  • @Azianshredder91
    @Azianshredder91 Před 12 lety


  • @Faylien64
    @Faylien64 Před 12 lety

    Duplicated bookshelves, at least from the Warehouse, don't work like player housing bookshelves. I've tried. You can copy paste them but all it will do is place a bookshelf with random books in it. If you want to get a player housing bookshelf you either have to make one yourself or go into a house (like in Windhelm) and copy one. However, that has yet to work properly for me.

  • @RavenKnight11
    @RavenKnight11 Před 11 lety

    I'm having problems... I set everything up like you described in the tutorial. When I am in the game, it says to press E to activate the bookshelf. But pressing E doesn't do anything. I double checked to be sure the PlayerBookShelfClickTrigger is set to player activation, and it is. Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

  • @leongt1954
    @leongt1954 Před 12 lety

    The Bookshelf Activation message comes up ok for me until I put a collision marker then I get no activate bookshelf massage at all.

  • @Leto85
    @Leto85 Před 11 lety

    My books fall through the bookshelf when I try to place them ingame on the shelf. What have I done wrong?

  • @willlamme1988
    @willlamme1988 Před 11 lety

    You can duplicate shelves already present in the game, you cant however move shelves already present. Also to make a collision you dont use collision planes, you select an object and make a collision cube.
    Bookshelf Containers must be placed outside of player reach because they create HAVOK collision and thus are typically better outside walls.
    Also the natural bookshelf system is bugged so you should only interact with shelves using the click trigger.

  • @chickenmobile
    @chickenmobile Před 11 lety

    Indeed, as long as you use the duplicate function.

  • @DredDarkwater77
    @DredDarkwater77 Před 12 lety

    hrm not working for me right =( I and up with a bookshelf that holds 0 books. I have gone through it step by step with the walkthrough several times I always get the same problem ... am I missing something?

  • @bosna12345
    @bosna12345 Před 12 lety

    followed step by step and still getting you can store 0 books. any idea what is the problem. thanks....

  • @fruitgnome
    @fruitgnome Před 12 lety

    In the unowned cell it works, but at breezehome it doesn't. What could be the reason?

  • @Leto85
    @Leto85 Před 11 lety

    How did you copy objects from behind other objects all in one? When I do it I only can download the objects I am facing and need to move these to be able to copy the rest. It would be so much more convenient when you just copy/paste everything to build yourself a library.

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    It works for me, but the books all derp out and fly off the shelf as soon as I leave the inventory menu.
    Any ideas?

  • @Volldagora
    @Volldagora Před 12 lety

    How did you enable the tool that allows you to stretch out objects without keeping proportions (the one that had colorful arrows when you klicked on the markers)?

  • @MagiaEreba
    @MagiaEreba Před 12 lety

    Is there a way to create this working bookshelf, and then put actual books in there? So that when I go to the shelf in-game, it'd already have, say, 2 books on it, and when I activate the bookshelf, it'd tell me that there's only 1 remaining space on it....

  • @Pierrelestafier
    @Pierrelestafier Před 12 lety

    I cant get the collision markers to pop up either, which in turn means that my books just fall out. Furthermore if itry to pull the books back then they duplicate.

  • @misery4020
    @misery4020 Před 12 lety

    I used your tutorial and that from ck wiki and my bookshelf didn´t work.
    I couldn´t interact with it, so i thought the click trigger is the problem...and it was, but the solution was so simple that i almost went crazy because i spend 4 hours on that.
    I just turned the clicktrigger 180° and know everthings fine -.-
    I wonder why bethesda didn´t put an arrow on the clicktrigger, like on the mannequin direction trigger, if they can just be accessed from one side... maybe that helps one or two

  • @emso_87
    @emso_87 Před 11 lety

    When I try to activate my bookshelf it doesnt activate. And when I search the shelf it says I can place 0 books in it. What am i doing wrong?

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    @DredDarkwater77 Okay, that seems to work, but is there any way to get the books to fit together more nicely like the player house ones, as in the all sit right next to each other, and sort of fall over on each other?

  • @Combicon
    @Combicon Před 12 lety

    If you have multiple bookshelves, do you still use 'bookshelf trigger 01' or do you go up the numbers for the different bookshelves?

  • @megothier
    @megothier Před 12 lety

    I managed to fix it by leaving the cell, then leaving the new cell to a different cell (I think your previous cell is kept in memory hence the 157 mb cell size limit) then proceed to go back to the cell with the book case. (I had the cell linked to an in-game cell so I just left that area then went outside and came back in. COC might not work...)

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    @DredDarkwater77 I have been lining all the books up exactly, but resizing the bookshelves was something I hadn't though of, so hopefully that works...

  • @MPaton83
    @MPaton83 Před 12 lety

    Fast Travel then return... Worked for me

  • @MandiSmash
    @MandiSmash Před 12 lety

    No problem! Glad it works for you. =)

  • @theryan96
    @theryan96 Před 12 lety

    once you finish making an entire bookshelf cant you just copy and past that whole entire peice or do you have to just make on entirely over again?

  • @Mab_Starsurge
    @Mab_Starsurge Před 12 lety

    Question: When you've finished a book shelf and you wanna make another of the same amount, can you just copy it or do you need to start from scratch again??

  • @Leto85
    @Leto85 Před 11 lety

    And when you copy them all copied items will just link to each other and not to other items if you copy them again? I mean with that, that I hope not that all bookshelf will link to each other this way.

  • @MultiHalfpipe
    @MultiHalfpipe Před 11 lety

    i've got the same problem but after connect my cell with the location from where i goto my room it works :-) I build my room as basement storey in whiteruns breesehome, i make the connection in Cell View right click and Edit then "Common Data" Tab Location Field select WhiterunBreezehomeLocation and yeaaah it works. Maybe its a solution for you.

  • @lionplonker
    @lionplonker Před 12 lety

    Nice tuts man

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    @DredDarkwater77 I'm not sure what the issue is... I've tried to redo from scratch, I've literally copied and pasted from other homes just to see if that even works (it was more broken that way, wouldn't let me put any book on that shelf), I tried you method... and nothing is working... I'm using a NobleShelf03

  • @Kampinator
    @Kampinator Před 12 lety

    what is the diffrence between clicktrigger and trigger? and what was that L_collision?

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    @DredDarkwater77 & @LouisAT444
    I did Havok settle my book markers so I'll try that, and every single book flies off regardless of the location the game puts it on the shelf (as in I fill the shelf, or don't, and all the books I placed fly off). When it happens, it seems like they are spawned inside a solid object and the game is forcing them out. I'll give it another try, but idk, and thanks for the advice

  • @mvangrun
    @mvangrun Před 12 lety

    Okay all worked as expected from your video...have re-created several of these now. Just curious if you know why would one set want to float above the intended plane? May be something stupid I did hour 9 and I still can't figure this one out.

  • @LouisAT444
    @LouisAT444  Před 12 lety

    @BWchief117 try adding a collision plane? check if your books are inside each other or the bookcase also

  • @emso_87
    @emso_87 Před 11 lety

    Did you get the bookshelves to work? I can't find an answer anywhere to the problem.

  • @MrYendor1968
    @MrYendor1968 Před 12 lety

    are potion's done the same way i just use the marker and use potion as referance not book's
    like potion01..02..03

  • @megothier
    @megothier Před 12 lety

    My first attempt worked fine, then decided to do it over again for a different type of bookshelf and I'm getting this problem now... Getting annoying.

  • @MrKendubz09
    @MrKendubz09 Před 12 lety

    @theryan96 yes you can but you need to make sure all of it is selected first tho

  • @chickenmobile
    @chickenmobile Před 11 lety

    Try leaving the cell and returning. In the end I just copied and pasted a bookshelf from another house.

  • @RandomClipMan
    @RandomClipMan Před 12 lety

    Er, I guess my CK is glitched? Common shelf/anything food related apparently does not exist on the list. Anyone run into this problem?

  • @mvangrun
    @mvangrun Před 12 lety

    Are you creating more than 4 of these in a cell? If so, you'll need to create new keywords in the object window for , per se BookTrigger05,

  • @NightOwl79a
    @NightOwl79a Před 11 lety

    anybody know why my books disappear if spam click open? they disappear and the books allowed on the shelve double. they don't go into my bags..

  • @LouisAT444
    @LouisAT444  Před 12 lety

    @theryan96 im not too sure, I read somewhere that they can be duplicated but never tried myself sorry

  • @vorpaltek
    @vorpaltek Před 11 lety

    Are you actually loading Skyrim's master file first? i.e. File->Data

  • @cozythemozy
    @cozythemozy Před 11 lety

    cant you find one premade in game and copy the lot thats what i did with the mannikins

  • @KawaiiLink
    @KawaiiLink Před 11 lety

    you are a beautiful person.

  • @fruitgnome
    @fruitgnome Před 12 lety

    Damn it! I solved the problem, YOU HAVE TO LEAVE THE CELLL AND REENTER IT, thats it, damn arghh!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @MegaWhatty
    @MegaWhatty Před 12 lety

    Hey, could you do a video on how to manipulate objects and houses?

  • @WathiWolf
    @WathiWolf Před 12 lety

    @theryan96 I tried copy and paste in my house and I haven't had ant problems with that method so it seems it works fine.

  • @Sundaydish1
    @Sundaydish1 Před 12 lety

    fek me! thank you. I been trying to find why i cant make a collision box for about 2 hours!! lol

  • @LouisAT444
    @LouisAT444  Před 12 lety

    @seoman49 euuugh i feel like such a derp. I spent so long going through menus and searching the net. Thanks so much

  • @Veginite
    @Veginite Před 11 lety

    Just do one shelf. Then duplicate what you've created. It's as simple as that. I've made ten bookshelves in 10 minutes :)

  • @chickenmobile
    @chickenmobile Před 11 lety

    Well technically you can skip this whole tutorial and just copy a bookshelf from another map like the player's house in whiterun.
    They have all their triggers and books apart from each other so they are easier to select.

  • @darksummit4820
    @darksummit4820 Před 11 lety

    I'm sure we have a wider range of books i still have thousands of tomes to study.

  • @Leto85
    @Leto85 Před 11 lety

    And how do I do that?

  • @Evolvedbullet1
    @Evolvedbullet1 Před 12 lety

    Did everything you said, by the letter:
    "You have 0 slots left on this shelf"

  • @KawaiiLink
    @KawaiiLink Před 12 lety

    I have six bookshelves. That's 18 shelves total. This will be hell.

  • @megothier
    @megothier Před 12 lety

    Thanks :)

  • @ShepGAMING.
    @ShepGAMING. Před 11 lety

    just make one row then clt+d (duplicate) as you wish. (i think)

  • @lordlionthe1
    @lordlionthe1 Před 11 lety

    you can just select it al and copy and paste

    @SUPERWSXQAZ Před 11 lety

    Copy and paste?

  • @LouisAT444
    @LouisAT444  Před 12 lety

    @MegaWhatty check my gizmos summary and part 1 of the custom house tutorial on my channel

  • @Sanctumate
    @Sanctumate Před 11 lety

    Good video, but please speak up I had to turn volume all the way up

  • @XdacrazycatX
    @XdacrazycatX Před 12 lety

    @amisner2k Ah! then I know that! Thanks! :)

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    LMAO, great analogy

  • @BWchief117
    @BWchief117 Před 12 lety

    @DredDarkwater77 And they say the CK is what they used to make the game.. bah! Thanks anyways though

  • @Geekelite
    @Geekelite Před 12 lety

    @LouisAT444 Just a lucky guess! :)