First Time He Kissed a Boy ► Most mesmerizing overall at Animecon 2016

  • čas přidán 12. 09. 2024
  • Info about my other channels;
    My secondary channel:
    / kirarel
    My back-up channel:
    / kirarelx
    If I lose this account you can find me from these two accounts.
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    Don't get me started on how I should've translated this honorary mention. It literally translates to so many different things (like adorable [in some context], impressive, captivating, encapturing...) but I think this is what the judges were after. After all you can't call this video adorable overall. I'm very happy to have received something with this video!! It's a different kind of a project from me and I loved making it~ Thank you everyone! :3 Love!!
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    ★ Animecon 2016 (Finland) AMV contest finalist
    Pfff. My bad luck with thumbnails is astonishing.
    Waaaaaah!! I can finally publish this video! ♥ Super Lovers is my new love and these two have stolen my heart. I watched every episode weekly when it aired and couldn't been more happier that I did. I've been saving this work of mine for a special occasion. The series literally ended a week and a half before Animecon's deadline so I couldn't resist. I've had this song in my mind for awhile and it could've worked with many of my favorite series. But in the end I decided that it should be this series combined with it because it knows how to be adorable and horrible at the same time. This song is also a new love of mine and can't seem to get enough of it.
    This is a very different video project from me but then again not. I think I've finally found a song type that works with my style and at the same time isn't all that dark like most of my videos. Because even though this was mostly happy/”fast”, this was fairly easy for me to edit. I usually struggle a lot with happier songs but I think it had to do with the fact that this song just simply can't decide whether it is happy or sad. :'3 ♥ It's the golden middle. Though I did struggle with the coloring because I think the dark coloring is too much implemented in me, I need to edit stuff like this more often. BUT HEY~ It's colorful! :3
    Thank you again to all my betaers for helping out with this one, I was originally afraid this was going to be too slow but I think it turned out alright. I wanted to keep the original series with the video but created my own story with the clips and audio available. It differs from the original series quite a lot and everything happens but for entirely different reasons and in different contexts.
    Aaah~ Haru and Ren fit so well together and I absolutely love how this BL is totally different from what you usually see. Feel free to fangirl with me! I am so happy to get this published, honestly!! Thank you everyone. Hope you enjoy!
    For search engines First Time He Kissed a Boy by Kira, Super Lovers AMV
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    In Finnish / Suomeksi:
    Olen erittäin onnellinen, kun sain tällä videollani tunnustusta!! Se on aina sanoinkuvaamattoman mahtavaa, mutta erityisesti tässä tapauksessa, koska olihan tämä minulta erityisen poikkeava video ja rakastin sen editoimista~! Kiitokset kaikille. ♥ Love!!
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    ★ Animecon 2016 AMV-kisan finalisti
    Aaaah!! Saan vihdoin julkaista tämän!! ♥ Olen ollut Super Lovers sarjan fani huhtikuusta asti ja katsonut jaksot aina viikottain. Niinhän siinä sitten lopulta kävi, että rakastuin tähän sarjaan ja hahmoihin aivan täysin. Se on erittäin iloinen yllätys, sillä turhan harvoin oikeasti löydän sarjoja, joita rakastaisin. Tähän varmasti auttoi se, että tämä on hyvin poikkeava BL-sarja.
    Kappaletta olen pyöritellyt hyppysissäni jo jonkin aikaa, miettin mihin sarjaan tätä teemaa lähdetään toteuttamaan, sillä se sopii hyvin moniin suosikkisarjoihini. Super Lovers valikoi tällä kertaa tämän kappaleen toteutukseen juuri siksi, että se osaa olla suloinen ja kamala samaan aikaan.
    Ajattelin aluksi, että tulen taistelemaan tämän videon kanssa erityisen paljon, sillä kappale on pääosin onnellinen/”nopea” ja tämä alue on jostain syystä ollut minulle aina haastavin. Yllätyin kuitenkin, kuinka omalta tätä tuntui editoida ja se oli erittäin positiivinen kokemus. Uskon tähän vaikuttavan sen, ettei kappale oikein itsekään osaa päättää onko se positiivinen vai negatiivinen. Täytyypi lähteä kaivelemaan lisää tämäntyyppisiä biisejä. Videon väritys taisi olla haastavinta, siksi että aivonit ovat liian iskostuneet tummien videoiden värittämiseen. Mutta HEI Se ON värikäs! :3
    Itse kilpailussa salin basso tappoi aika pahasti tämän kauniin ja kirkkaan kappaleen, eivätkä puhutut äänetkään toimineet kovin loistavasti. Ystäväni sanoivat, ettei tämä paljon haitannut, joten toivottavasti tämä oli tilanne vain editoijan omasta näkökulmasta. Kiitokset vielä kaikille aplodeista ja kun tulitte katsomaan kisaa. Olette mahtaaaaavia~!

Komentáře • 78

  • @chibifoxflame7174
    @chibifoxflame7174 Před 7 lety +22

    I loved this anime and this video was the best. I loved how it captured the best parts of the anime and told the story as well. Thank you.

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 7 lety

      Thank you for liking it :) ♥

  • @gabspokie
    @gabspokie Před 5 lety +7

    ''Haru + Ren best friends forever''
    ''Haru + Ren LOVERS forever'' AAAAAAH UWU

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 4 lety +1

      You're like one of the only peeps that noticed this. Thank you for that. Apparently the scene goes a bit fast so it's understandable but again, thanks for noticing the detail. ♥

  • @chemromance
    @chemromance Před 8 lety +3

    My OTP

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      One of my OTPs as well. ♥ And thank you so much! :)

  • @camilapujadas2878
    @camilapujadas2878 Před 7 lety +1


    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 7 lety

      Thank you so much!! ;w; ♥ ♥

  • @EasyVision148
    @EasyVision148 Před 8 lety +1

    gosh all your vids are so beautiful! although I have to say this one is a favorite♡

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Thank you so much!! ;w; You're so nice for saying that. I try to progress each time I make something! This makes me so happy~

  • @fernandamezatorres7249
    @fernandamezatorres7249 Před 8 lety +2

    Beautiful video 😍
    I Love It so

  • @SakuraYuki112Jr
    @SakuraYuki112Jr Před 8 lety +1

    This was very beautiful and well done.

  • @viivi4848
    @viivi4848 Před 8 lety

    Tämä on yksinkertaisesti niin ihana ;w;
    Tämä biisikin sopii Super Loversiin aivan loistavasti! Pidän tyylistäsi editoida ja loppu tulos on kerta kaikkisen mahtava! Olin katsomassa animeconissa AMV- kisaa ja tämä AMV oli ehdoton suosikkini! ♥
    Onnittelut vielä valloittavimmasta kokonaisuudesta, tämä todella ansaitsee sen!

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Aaaah~ Kiitos paljon! C:
      En tiedä muista kommentoijista, mutta omasta kommentistasi käy selväksi, että olet oikeasti nähnyt Super Loversin. Ihanaa oikeasti saada kommenttia toiselta sarjan fanilta, joka on nähnyt sen ja pystyy kommentoimaan asioita, kuten kappaleen sopivuutta animeen. ♥ :') Mietin aika kauan, lähdenkö vakavalle linjalle vai en ja kuvittelinkin alunperin että tällä kappaleella tästä tulisi jopa pirteämpi mutta kun kappaletta oikein alkoi kuuntelemaan, ei se olekaan erityisen happy-happy. Ja mukavaa tosiaan kuulla, että tyylini miellyttää ja kiitos, että koit tämän kisan parhaakisi. Arvostan todella! ;w; ♥ Ja kiitos vielä kerran, en olettanut tosiaan saavani yhtään mitään, kun kisakin oli niin kovatasoinen.

  • @nikonniko4250
    @nikonniko4250 Před 7 lety

    Amazing >w< congrats to a new subscriber!!! One of my new favourites ❤️

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 7 lety

      Thank you so much!! ♥ ♥

  • @travellerofdawn
    @travellerofdawn Před 8 lety

    Beautiful as always Kira! :3 Sorry for taking so long to watch! I got a new job that has me working weekly vs. sporadically so I've been busy settling in! And now that our department manager has left, I have to take some parts of her shifts the next few weeks until we get to the week where she wasn't scheduled. so I'm a busy girl! XD

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Thank you, Shelby ♥ And it's fine~ I'm working full time too.

  • @Bloomharuka
    @Bloomharuka Před 8 lety +1


  • @stargazergalaxy5346
    @stargazergalaxy5346 Před 8 lety

    amazing love anime and this song great video

  • @madcowwetwilly
    @madcowwetwilly Před 6 lety


    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 6 lety +1

      Awww, you're super sweet! I am so happy you enjoy 'em so much!! ♥

  • @Princess_Hailey
    @Princess_Hailey Před 3 lety

    Why lm blushing 😳

  • @vildemarkussen2420
    @vildemarkussen2420 Před 6 lety +2


  • @GOKI408
    @GOKI408 Před 8 lety

    really so well Done !!! so much talent ! i hated that song but you made it go si well with the vidéo that i almost like it!! your awsome. but why!! didnt you use the best scène where haru show ren that he's also excited 😢

    • @GOKI408
      @GOKI408 Před 8 lety

      Forget what i said, i sooo live that song now!!!!!! i've seen the video 5 time and i love that song now!! you're awsome!

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Haha, I totally fell in love with this song when I first heard it so had to edit to it. I'm sorry that I got you into liking it. :'3 ♥ "but why!! didnt you use the best scène where haru show ren that he's also excited 😢" You mean the scene from episode 9? I don't think that scene is very cute nor emotional and it wouldn't have worked with the concept of my video. After all I thrive to make meaningful videos and not lustful ones. :'D I wanna make something a bit different. So for the sake of cuteness and good taste that scene wasn't used.

  • @lynritsu9589
    @lynritsu9589 Před 8 lety

    Amv good . First like :)

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety +1

      Awww, thank you!! :3 ♥

  • @midorima453
    @midorima453 Před 8 lety +1

    like it

  • @Thetyi
    @Thetyi Před 8 lety

    Mahtavaa työtä! Huusin yleisössä hulluna

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Haha~ Joku tosiaan älähti videon aikana, kun tajusi videon sarjan, mutten tiedä kuka mahtoi olla :D Ja kiitos~

  • @nada_tycok
    @nada_tycok Před 3 lety


    @RAWRSOFFE Před 8 lety

    Siis tämä on todellakin ihan uskomattoman kaunis video! Ja oon niin samaa mieltä, että on lumoava. Melkein itkin tätä katsoessani. _Melkein_

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Aaah~ ;w; Tosi paljon kiitoksia, kiva että tykkäsit! ♥

  • @Pertrinkrey
    @Pertrinkrey Před 8 lety

    im a dunce cant see where the anime is stated (through video or description). May i please get the anime name from ya?

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Read the descirption, it is in there.

  • @yandere8613
    @yandere8613 Před 8 lety

    mä oon kattonu tän varmaan kymmeniä kertoja jo enkä vaan pääse yli tästä. Aivan loistavasti tehty

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Awww~ ;w; Kiitos, kiitos!! ♥ ♥ :3

  • @poisonygirl
    @poisonygirl Před 8 lety

    Aa olin ihan fiiliksissä siellä yleisössä, tää on ihana

  • @woodyplayzz6148
    @woodyplayzz6148 Před 7 lety

    What anime is it? The video was beutifull and I love it so much, but now I'm really curious about wat anime it's it??

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 7 lety +1

      Thank you. It is mentioned in the description you could've found it there as well but it's called Super Lovers :)

    • @woodyplayzz6148
      @woodyplayzz6148 Před 7 lety

      Kirarell thank you, and sorry, i realise that's what the anime was

  • @Elfeni
    @Elfeni Před 8 lety

    Eturivistä kyl joo huomas että ääniraidat jäi basson alle mut ei haitannut kun tekstit oli ja kuuli että siellä se ääniraita on kuitenkin : 3 tää oli tosi hyvä~

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Okei eli en ollut ainoa :'D Sääli sinäänsä, kun bassolaite kuvitteli tämän biisin omaavan vahvatkin bassot. Ne oli asetettu aika herkäksi. Ilmeisesti(?) se ei silti ollut ihan yhtä paha kauempana, me vaan satuttiin istumaan siinä ihan bassojen vieressä. Ja kiitos~ ♥ Kiva kun tykkäät!! ;w;

  • @Lune0101
    @Lune0101 Před 8 lety

    oi että kun on kaunis video ;-;

  • @user-en1fx8sc9v
    @user-en1fx8sc9v Před 8 lety

    what track is that?

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      It's quite rude to just comment about the song on the video without actually saying anything about the effort the editor went through to get this done. The song name should be pretty obvious.

    • @user-en1fx8sc9v
      @user-en1fx8sc9v Před 8 lety

      Kirarell I'm sorry, I do not really understand English so what track?

    • @me-gj7ms
      @me-gj7ms Před 7 lety

      Бред Инопланетянина first time he kissed a boy

    • @me-gj7ms
      @me-gj7ms Před 7 lety +1

      Kirarell I understand that you think it's rude to do that, but if the person doesn't really understand English and can't hear the words right, then just let them be. maybe they don't like this at all and that's fine. maybe they do like the edit but they didn't quite word it that way. either way, it's fine.

    • @me-gj7ms
      @me-gj7ms Před 7 lety

      Бред Инопланетянина also if you dig deep enough it's in the description

  • @ImVNedits
    @ImVNedits Před 8 lety


  • @kuparikuppi
    @kuparikuppi Před 8 lety

    Ihania videoita oli kyllä koko kisa täynnä, en osaa valita suosikkiani.
    Rakastan tätä kyllä ;w;

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Aaaah!! Kiitos paljon. :3 ♥ Siellä olikin kyllä todella monta erittäin hyvää videota.

  • @Pupuleidi
    @Pupuleidi Před 8 lety

    Harmi kyllä miten kisan bassot söi replat :/ Onneksi näen tämän täällä niin kaikki äänet kunnossa plus eikä ole ruudun keskellä toisen katselijan päätä :'D Tykkään todella paljon näistä siirtymistä ja efekteistä! Plus värityksestä mikä on pehmeä ja raikas!

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Joo, sitä ne teki kyllä aika pahasti. Enkä muutenkaan välittänyt, että bassot oli ihan niin kovalla. Se teki palveluksen toimintavideoille, mutta omiani se ei mitenkään imarrellut. Onneksi sentään videot kuitenkin toimi, eikä tullut tökkimistä tai mitään! Aaaah~ Ja kiitos tosi paljon!! ♥ ♥

    • @thatrandomguylol
      @thatrandomguylol Před 8 lety

      oliks siellä toimintavideoitaki?

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 8 lety

      Olihan siellä? Yllättävän montakin :'D

    • @thatrandomguylol
      @thatrandomguylol Před 8 lety

      jaa en huomannu

  • @AloutkaKazawa
    @AloutkaKazawa Před 4 lety

    Overall a disturbing story: child abuse, neglect, abandonment, trauma, probable alcoholism, sexual exploitation of a minor (the big one), grooming to boot (the small one). Where exactly is this romantic? A title "super love" is a sarcasm, isn't it?
    I admit the characters are very likeable though, and it seems a funny story, which is very confusing. Maybe the title should be "practice compassion but don't buy bs"?

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 4 lety

      You know you're being really rude with your comment since this is an art channel for my AMVs. I take creating art with my AMVs very seriously so this is a bit degrading you'd comment on a series I chose instead of like.. how do you think I did with my editing. I understand you wanting to lecture about this to peeps and you're free to do so but please do not do it on a video I made from the heart and spent over 100 hours on. I mean I get having a differing opinion and leaving it on a say... upload of a whole episode. But you're literally leaving this on an AMV of a person who clearly enjoys the series. Because otherwise why would I have spent my free time on making this AMV and entering into a contest with it. I enjoyed the series very much and don't see the problem. They didn't grow up together, only spent a couple of months together and only started to associate further when the other was a teenager. And the younger one is the initiative party so all I'm seeing is consent.

    • @AloutkaKazawa
      @AloutkaKazawa Před 4 lety

      @@Kirarell i am truly sorry my comment saddened or angered you, it was not about your video, after all it was the song that brought me here. I just pose questions, why is it rude? I watched the series, I quite enjoyed it and just wanted to share my doubts about it being dangerously persuasive. Who is a better to discuss it with than a person who knows the story? :) p.s. you wrote yourself that it knows how to be "adorable and horrible" at the same time, didn't you?

    • @Kirarell
      @Kirarell  Před 4 lety +1

      @@AloutkaKazawa You haven't angered me or anything, it's just saddeningly common on people to comment on a series edited and completely ignore the work that went into editing AMVs. It's the only thing that you seemed to comment on too. I also very much love creating whole new stories with my videos that usually do not comply with the original series concepts. Say for example making a character go blind even if that's not in the canon (my Blinded video), making a complete parody of a music video (Homous on SYNTIkkapoppia, with Take On Me music video), making people have mental health issues when they actually don't in the canon (Beautiful Ones), a character having visions of the future when they don't in canon (Prophecies). Just some examples. Characters usually act as puppets in my videos and they usually don't comply with the canon. I understand this is not as apparent with my older videos but anyway, just wanted to explain myself a bit. As for the series, I choose them based on what I liked. But yeah, I just wish peeps would comment more on the editing rather than taking the characters as face value where they're originally from. If you take a look my other Super Lovers video (See me too?) you'll notice there's a whole story there that is completely my own so I don't treat the characters as same from the series in the videos in the first place. Cheers~

    • @AloutkaKazawa
      @AloutkaKazawa Před 4 lety

      @@Kirarell I will take a look, I appreciate storytelling and creativity. All the best.

    • @AloutkaKazawa
      @AloutkaKazawa Před 4 lety

      @@Kirarell after close self examination I must confess that probably this series triggered me in more ways than one, also because of memories: I had a friend, an adult at the time already, who fell in love with a 16yo girl who looked just like Ren, the cutest puppet imaginable. She was from an abusive family and her mother neglected her, and he took care of her, sounds familiar? She was barely the age of consent, just like Ren and he was an lovable idiot with lots of issues, including drinking, sounds familiar? 8 years later she became a woman in her own rights, a graduate, and he was still stuck in being an ugly ass, and a dropout, with a simple work. He hanged himself fearing she would leave him one day. Sorry that my rant fell on your work. Cheers