  • čas přidán 6. 09. 2024
    Groundwater Hydrogeology and geochemistry webinar.
    Autor: Daniel Gonzalez-Duque (Ohio State University)
    From Mountains to Bedforms: Multiscale Groundwater Dynamics and its
    Influence on Solute and Energy Fate and Transport
    The emergence of multiscale, nested flow systems is intrinsic to
    hydrologic systems across landscapes. This seminar explores this
    multiscale behavior in two distinct hydrologic system scales.
    In mountainous terrains, the role of deep Regional Groundwater Flow
    (RGF) is of great importance for the lowlands’ overall water, energy,
    and solute budgets. To this end, we implemented flow and transport
    models for a series of synthetic mountain-to-valley transition systems.
    These models underscore the critical role of topography and geology in
    the RGF and the spatial patterns of solutes and energy, resulting in
    unique patterns of subsurface electrical resistivity and constraining
    our ability to image the subsurface with electromagnetic geophysical
    methods. Our analyses assess the potential of magnetotelluric surveys to
    map the nested nature of mountain groundwater flow and provide vital
    information to characterize unconventional groundwater resources.
    In the second part, we explore the role of meanders as natural
    biogeochemical reactors along river corridors. We used groundwater flow
    and transport models to assess the role of the meander’s geometry and
    topology and the RGF in the hydrodynamics and denitrification potential
    of the sinuosity-driven hyporheic zone. Our results show that a narrow
    meander neck shields the hyporheic zone from the modulating effects of
    RGF. Moreover, this model allows us to explore when a meander acts as a
    net nitrogen source or sink by using a handful of dimensionless physical
    and biogeochemical parameters. Finally, to upscale these analyses from
    individual reaches to watersheds or continents, we developed a novel
    Python package that enables the supervised and unsupervised
    identification of meandering features along river networks using a
    spectral decomposition approach. These efforts pave the way for more
    accurate quantification of sinuosity-driven hyporheic exchange and
    provide critical information for river restoration strategies.

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