Let's talk about failed states and the US....

  • čas přidán 16. 02. 2022
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  • @kevincarter4111
    @kevincarter4111 Před 2 lety +589

    Beau, you always say “When someone tells/shows you who they are, believe them.” That political party is trying to take us down the road of fascism, they know exactly what they are doing. Their followers might not know, but the party does, in fact, know.

    • @pumpkinheadghoul
      @pumpkinheadghoul Před 2 lety +3

      There is no possible way you aren't talking about the Democratic Party. It's the very reason I stopped being a loyal democrat. Which is to say, the Democratic Party is nowhere near the party I supported for over 30 years.

    • @fairwitness7473
      @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +80

      I feel like the republican party let the tiger out and thought they could control it, and the best they've managed to do is hold onto the tail and try not to get mauled.

    • @schrodingerthecat
      @schrodingerthecat Před 2 lety +130

      @@pumpkinheadghoul If you think the democratic party is the one leading us down the failed state path, well then, I have a bridge to sell you.

    • @Mondfischli
      @Mondfischli Před 2 lety +32

      @@schrodingerthecat ...let me guess, there's a troll living under that bridge 🤔

    • @jonb914
      @jonb914 Před 2 lety +116

      @@pumpkinheadghoul Fascists are hyper-nationalist authoritarians. There is one party whose head openly stated he was a nationalist as he railed against immigrants then tried to end democratic governance and install himself as an autocrat. Can you guess which party that was? Words have definitions. They don't mean whatever you want them to mean.

  • @Tycon
    @Tycon Před 2 lety +80

    When you're working two jobs, and living in a tent. When a house costs a million bucks and you can't pay the rent. When politicians say they'll help but it keeps getting worse. Each time the landlord lobby pulls the strings of the purse. When the human right to housing isn't even part of the debate you know you're living in a failed state.

    • @pamgori8008
      @pamgori8008 Před 2 lety +5

      I love it..right on..BOSTON🍀

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +27

      When millions of citizens are spending half their lives. Locked up in a prison for trying to survive. When laws must be broken just to have a place to stay. When the prisons pay the senators to look the other way. If you have to be a criminal to put food upon your plate. You know you’re living in a failed state.

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 Před 2 lety +1

      Truth!!! Been watching this nonsense from the bottom, where sh!t3 rolls, since before the burst bubble 2008. It's just gotten uglier. Not sure what's going to happen with the next crash. 😡💔

    • @safe-keeper1042
      @safe-keeper1042 Před 2 lety

      It's not a failed state, and tbf, most of the things you mention aren't even symptoms of failed states. But I understand the sentiment.

    • @Tycon
      @Tycon Před 2 lety

      @@safe-keeper1042 "Failed State" by David Rovics

  • @thedudegrowsfood284
    @thedudegrowsfood284 Před 2 lety +203

    OK, so I'm getting tired of living in "interesting times".

  • @aidancampbell5644
    @aidancampbell5644 Před 2 lety +109

    I have had that conversation with a few Republican voters over the last few years: They spout off their usual Republican nonsense. I suggest they live for 6 months in a country where the kinds of policies they want to implement here are already in effect. They ask where, and I give them a list. They whine that all the countries I have given them are failed states. I ask them if that tells them something about the policies they want to enact. They throw a temper tantrum like a 2 year old.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +22

      _"throw a temper tantrum"_ last line of defense when giving a reasonable response is not seen as an option.

    • @altrag
      @altrag Před 2 lety +22

      Yep, depending on how much they want to tie religion to government, the two closest extant comparisons to the policies Republicans keep demanding are Iran (for those who want a religious dictatorship) or China (for those who want a purely political dictatorship).
      But they don't have the historical or geopolitical knowledge to really understand what they're asking for, so when you start suggesting that they're becoming more and more alike those they deem "bad", they just assume you're insulting them. They simply don't have the context to recognize that you're drawing real parallels.
      Its sad and its frustrating and I have no idea how it can be fixed when they're in such a terrible state of ignorance that they can be easily convinced to keep voting for people who are invested in keeping them ignorant by doing nothing more than catering to their bigotry. Its a downward spiral that I have yet to see a viable escape from.

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Před 2 lety +8

      @@altrag the short version: our societies must not allow monopolies of any kind to exist (benefiting a few at the cost of the rest) anywhere, be it political or economical.
      the long version: we are living things, individuals, and billions of years of selection has found that 'survival of the fittest individual' doesn't know empathy or morals. Anything goes. As long as you survive, procreate and maybe have some fun - ANYTHING goes.
      This stops working in a social organism which is made up of said individuals. Just like a multicellular organism is made up of individual cells and each of them need it's resources to survive, so does each individual in society need resources to survive.
      But ANY individual is incentivized (per it's nature) to benefit at the cost of the rest. In multicellular organisms we call that cancer.
      In a society those are the rich and wealthy (and this is not based on communist/socialist logic, but on free market capitalist republican democratic logic).
      If you want/need a longer winded explanation on this let me know.

    • @altrag
      @altrag Před 2 lety +6

      @@joansparky4439 I mostly agree, but I would stop short of bringing "survival of the fittest" into it, at least in any sort of evolutionary sense. There are many social species out there that operate under what we would arguably compare to monarchic, fascist, feudal or even authoritarian rule. In fact that's the vast majority of them.
      Anything approaching democracy is.. I can't say uniquely human but at the very least extremely rare.
      Humans are in a very real sense a special case. We are the only creatures (as far as we know) with the ability for introspection and true self-awareness. We're the only species with ability for long-term (ie: generational) future planning. And we are (again as far as we know) the only species that can contemplate death and suffering as a concept rather than just as an experience.
      Most of what we consider "great" human civilizations have been built around trying to emphasize our ability for contemplation over our base desires - ie: promoting the most obvious feature of humanity that we presume separates us from other animals. And most of prior civilizations' collapses have been attributed to (often overly-attributed but that's a digression) the backlash from those who aren't interested in contemplation and prefer to cater primarily to those base desires - tribalism, violence and sexual conquest.
      Anyway I'm starting to go off on a rambling tangent here. The main point is that ideas like democracy and social equality are not really comparable to anything "natural" - those things we (liberals, at least) most treasure are distinctly human endeavors.
      And there's no reason to believe humanity would stop surviving if we gave up on those things - after all, we managed for tens of thousands of years prior to their widespread adoption. It would simply be a much more miserable survival for the vast majority (including for those who parrot the desire to go that direction - most don't really understand what they're asking for).

    • @joansparky4439
      @joansparky4439 Před 2 lety +1

      ​@@altrag _"And most of prior civilizations' collapses have been attributed to [..] the backlash from those who [..] prefer to cater primarily to those base desires .."_
      Which is exactly my point and why I wrote 'survival of the fittest *individual* '.
      Seems we are in near perfect agreement on things.. very very rare occasion for me.
      Which leads me to this statement of yours: _"a downward spiral that I have yet to see a viable escape from."_
      The 'escape' is relatively simple to see, once you really understand what you yourself already wrote.
      Are you identifying with the American 'liberal' or the European one?
      Because over in the US they use 'libertarian' for the European 'liberal'.. IMHO.
      Anyway.. my take on things.
      Each and everyone of us is a (more or less) selfish individual life form, which needs resources to survive, reproduce and have some fun. The more resources at least cost (work, risk, etc.) the better for us personally. And as this is 'Nature' anything goes - no morale or ethics involved.
      This is how life has operated on this planet since its inception. Survival of the fittest individual, no remorse, no empathy. Take what you can get, even at the cost of other life. Billions of years.
      Along comes this phenomenon of cooperation and work sharing (specialization) enabled by a species that can communicate and contemplate how others might feel about its actions and how the reactions would look like.
      That's what makes us so special. But not all of us have this ability.. see narcissism.
      So cooperation and work sharing requires some rules that all have to follow to make it work - you can't just walk up to someone and take his stuff and enslave or end him, to get his resources. This throws ALL back to having to watch their back 24/7, just like in 'wild' nature.
      Which is why groups, clans, tribes, folk (evolutionary) came up with successful strategies to anchor rules within their 'societies' that make it very costly for an individual to behave a-social.
      The first very successful method on large scales have been religions.
      Imagining a higher being that will punish an individual for a-social behavior. If all believe in this it works, but some do not and thus the feedback mechanism that makes a society possible fails.
      Societal evolution began to experiment with man-made and enforced rules (politics) a couple thousand years ago in the Mediterranean (Code of Hammurabi being an example) with it's most successful first pluralist implementation being Greek Democracy - we still use this term for it, 2500 years later.
      Economically (the part of society that deals with the creation and distribution of resources) had been pluralist defined about 250 years ago, when Adam Smith coined the term 'free market'.
      But selfish and ruthless individuals are still being born and their goal still is to garner as much resources for themselves as possible, at the cost of the rest.
      And this is where our social rules and frameworks come in - the ones which benefit a few at the cost of the rest.
      Adam Smith put it like this in his 'Wealth of Nations':
      _"The interest of the dealers [referring to stock owners, manufacturers, and merchants.. anyone really], however, in any particular branch of trade or manufacture, is always in some respects different from, and even opposite to, that of the public. To widen the market and to narrow the competition, is always the interest of the dealers. To widen the market may frequently be agreeable enough to the interest of the public; but to narrow the competition must always be against it, and can serve only to enable the dealers, by raising their profits above what they naturally would be, to levy, for their own benefit, an absurd tax upon the rest of their fellow-citizens."_
      _"The proposal of any new law or regulation of commerce which comes from this order, ought always to be listened to with great precaution, and ought never to be adopted till after having been long and carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most suspicious attention. It comes from an order of men, whose interest is never exactly the same with that of the public, who have generally an interest to deceive and even to oppress the public, and who accordingly have, upon many occasions, both deceived and oppressed it."_
      And this is where we can end these downward spirals.
      Identifying that this is the root cause and not implementing ANY rules or frameworks that benefit a few at the cost of the rest.
      Patents, Licenses, Tariffs, IP, Copyright, trade unions, picking winners.. all examples for this existing and creating resourceful individuals who will then use those resources to further THEIR personal agenda at the cost of the rest.
      I call those things monopolist niches and the societal phenomenon monopolism.
      And one of the most basic and important monopolies out there right now is how our fiat currencies work and that a flaw (zero lower bound interest problem) leads to a monopoly that causes economic stress (inefficiencies) for all except a few once the economic growth falls below 2-3% YoY, due to how it works. And this is all due to an accounting error upon creating fiat, which has been carried over from metal commodity currencies when we improved upon that as it is very prone to the deflationary death spiral, which causes economic stress right when an economy starts to try to provide society with all its resources it needs for itself.
      We solve that (turning the zero lower bound into a negative lower bound) and we get some breathing space to take on those other monopoly niches in our societies.

  • @holly_gmTwb
    @holly_gmTwb Před 2 lety +548

    I heard your voice crack when you said "we're on our way." You are spot on. It's scary to watch this happen, with open eyes, shouting the solutions, but continuing along in slow motion. Like a frog in tepid water slowly being boiled alive.

    • @DarkElfDiva
      @DarkElfDiva Před 2 lety +8

      I wish it would hurry the hell up then so we can get to the next pack of yahoos who think they know better than everyone else.

    • @limeyndixie
      @limeyndixie Před 2 lety +49

      I noticed that, too. Haven’t heard that often from Beau. The resignation and sorrow was palpable… and totally justified.

    • @lezlipolm8229
      @lezlipolm8229 Před 2 lety +24

      Nailed it. I feel like that frog.

    • @user-qo7dy2ih7s
      @user-qo7dy2ih7s Před 2 lety +34

      Republicans know they are doing that. Its been Russia through the NRA FUNDING THEM.

    • @lonewanderer9982
      @lonewanderer9982 Před 2 lety +21

      Same with climate it's over this is extinction.

  • @huss4realz
    @huss4realz Před 2 lety +185

    Imagine destroying the system that allows you to hold power just to try to stay in power

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +18

      I've been trying to make that exact point for the last 5 years.

    • @clickykbd
      @clickykbd Před 2 lety +17

      fascists' imagine it every day. :-(

    • @gemanscombe4985
      @gemanscombe4985 Před 2 lety +7

      Maybe they have a different system in mind? It's a one-party system.

    • @judithbradford9130
      @judithbradford9130 Před 2 lety +11

      plenty of people try to torch a ladder they've used to scramble up, because once they've reached some pinnacle, they're determined to prevent anyone else from doing the same.

    • @davidb6606
      @davidb6606 Před 2 lety +4

      The two party system holds them (somewhat) accountable for their actions. They want to destroy it so they can install a one party system and remove any opposition. I think they're all in at this point. They don't even try to hide it or pretend anymore.

  • @barbaramcspadden6351
    @barbaramcspadden6351 Před 2 lety +212

    How about a private citizen being able to ignore a congressional subpoena?

  • @sadtothebone5767
    @sadtothebone5767 Před 2 lety +367

    This is really scary.
    "The inability to make decisions." You can't pass legislation or fill vacant government positions if one party refuses to show up to vote.
    And, I can see the republican party--if they retake congress and the wh--refusing to provide services for blue states and urban areas.
    Really scary.

    • @williamsifton6270
      @williamsifton6270 Před 2 lety +10

      Poll watchers, with AR 15, JUST incase any DEMOCRATS, ANTIFA or BLM SHOW UP TOO VOTE !

    • @fairwitness7473
      @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +27

      @@williamsifton6270 what is wrong with you? We're all Americans here, voting in the US. (And don't be an idiot about immigrants voting. They can only vote after being naturalized. )

    • @Smiley_Face_Killer
      @Smiley_Face_Killer Před 2 lety +22

      @William Sifton so you want one political party controlling shit. Got it.

    • @doc7000
      @doc7000 Před 2 lety +20

      @@Smiley_Face_Killer I do not know if he meant this or was making the comment that you sometimes hear conservatives say.

    • @hks2377
      @hks2377 Před 2 lety +18

      @@fairwitness7473 I reported that comment as “promotes terrorism”. Glad CZcams finally has an option for it.

  • @Erin-Thor
    @Erin-Thor Před 2 lety +144

    “We can all just turn and look at Texas on failed infrastructure...” 😳🤠

    • @donaldwert7137
      @donaldwert7137 Před 2 lety +17

      We don't need to look at any state, we just need to look at what has been done to the US Postal Service. We know who did it and why.

    • @texasca9753
      @texasca9753 Před 2 lety +4

      Hanging head in shame in Texas.

    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 Před 2 lety +6

      Adn which party controls Texas, boys and girls? That's right - the ever-controlling GOP

    • @kensmith5694
      @kensmith5694 Před 2 lety +1

      @@texasca9753 Anger may be better for driving you to act against it.

  • @Leprechaunproduction
    @Leprechaunproduction Před 2 lety +287

    I feel like a passenger on the Titanic after realizing that it's going to sink: everything still seems normal, but you know it's only a matter of time before the floor beneath your feet is going to be submerged, and even if you do your utmost to try and help, you'll only delay the inevitable while other passengers are actively blowing holes in the hull and cheering as people drown.

    • @pumpkinheadghoul
      @pumpkinheadghoul Před 2 lety +4

      Yep, that's exactly how every non-leftist in the country feels.

    • @davidkelley5382
      @davidkelley5382 Před 2 lety +6

      They realize Beau, it’s a way to have the crazy wing of the party (tfgism) enforce the rules they want (getting progressive protest out of the street). They just don’t think there are liberal/leftist (they don’t know the difference between those) who would use that law against them as they rarely protest.(so they think)

    • @fairwitness7473
      @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +22

      @@davidkelley5382 The republican party let the tiger out and thought they could control it and the best they've managed to do is hold onto the tail and try not to get mauled.

    • @fairwitness7473
      @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +54

      @@pumpkinheadghoul well, those left leaning folks didn't participate or celebrate in a coup. If righties feel that way, they've only got themselves to blame. No one else is brandishing guns and threatening their neighbors, friends, and coworkers. Lefties didn't attack and harm over 100 police officers. It's just a thought...

    • @chrisspieker4202
      @chrisspieker4202 Před 2 lety +41

      @@pumpkinheadghoul Really. What in God's name for? You have all the Power. Dear God the Parties are Center Right and Far Right. There's like 5? Maybe 8 Leftists in any real positions of power in the country. Unless you are just sad Cuz the Browns and the Gays get to vote too?

  • @thatjeff7550
    @thatjeff7550 Před 2 lety +104

    "The inability to provide services. We can just look at Texas and go on..." LOL!

    • @grmpEqweer
      @grmpEqweer Před 2 lety +6

      I know, right?
      Thanks, Greg Abbott...

  • @thedirty530
    @thedirty530 Před 2 lety +225

    I see law enforcement having hesitation enforcing laws depending on who it is doing it as quite problematic in the long run...

    • @CaptWesStarwind
      @CaptWesStarwind Před 2 lety +9

      This is why the police should always try to remain neutral.

    • @charleshanks6186
      @charleshanks6186 Před 2 lety +8

      not new selective enforcement...happens all the time state federal local...its never new it started in this country on july 4 1776

    • @charleshanks6186
      @charleshanks6186 Před 2 lety +6

      @@CaptWesStarwind neutral my ass police are seldom neutral...they make snap decision on reports seldom talk to the complainant but go to the so called problem it's almost always the called on that is the problem even when he is totally innocent

    • @secular1323
      @secular1323 Před 2 lety +9

      That's cause Far Right Extremists infiltrated some branches of Law Enforcement.

    • @secretredfoxx1
      @secretredfoxx1 Před 2 lety +6

      @@CaptWesStarwind lol and the supreme court should be non partisan, fantasy land is fun

  • @Bugg...0_o
    @Bugg...0_o Před 2 lety +35

    “I wish it need not have happened in my time,” said Frodo.
    “So do I,” said Gandalf, “and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
    J.R.R. Tolkien - The Fellowship of The Ring
    I see a lot of folks in the comments all but giving up hope. Maybe there is none. But the fight must be fought nevertheless. If I'm going to lose either way, I'm going down doing what is right. Have courage, friends.

    • @safe-keeper1042
      @safe-keeper1042 Před 2 lety +7

      Probably a whole lot of people who feel this way in the USA right now.

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 Před 2 lety +2

      Thank you for the encouragement! LOTR!💚 That's why I watch Beau and read these great comments!

    • @KOKO-uu7yd
      @KOKO-uu7yd Před 2 lety

      Trying to teach my kids that the single person they CAN control, is THEMSELVES. Trying to help them learn to treasure and protect that, so they do not give it away to another in a desire for "someone else fixing a problem". If there is a person saying "follow me and I'll fix XYZ for you" - NO! That person ONLY wants CONTROL of your very SELF! It's the one thing that can never be taken from another, it must be given. The individual who says "I have ideas I believe in. Work WITH me, and I can HELP you." THAT person is worth examining. MAYBE worth listening to and supporting. But life doesn't really care about "fair" or "nice". Life demands work.
      [ And in the end, if absolutely everything, EVERYTHING ELSE, is taken from you, at least you STILL HAVE YOU. Even if your life is taken, AT LEAST your SELF ("soul" perhaps?) is yours. The value of that just can not be overstated. And along the way, the difference one may have made to others is also invaluable. ~~ This is all self musing, btw. A bit too heavy for my kids yet...🤨 ~~ ]
      These are becoming scary times. Whatever the future holds, we can only directly choose our own selves. We can but influence all else.
      I'm in this fight with you.

  • @cashandraven2369
    @cashandraven2369 Před 2 lety +18

    I would disagree, the United States failed decades ago with the passing of citizens united ruling. The only saving grace was we were so far ahead, it took this long to fall, which only makes it all the more painful to watch. I live in the south, in the heart of Alabama, and I can promise you, at this point nothing short of literal civil war will please these people.

    • @ebybeehoney
      @ebybeehoney Před 2 lety +2

      - I feel the same way, in Missouri

    • @eyeofthetiger6008
      @eyeofthetiger6008 Před 2 lety +1

      Even earlier we could say with the end of the Cold war and reaganism failing and the "war on terror"

  • @StarShipGray
    @StarShipGray Před 2 lety +48

    Hence why my wife and I are seriously looking at emigrating to Ireland when she finishes her RN.
    Our baby son deserves to grow up some place where he won’t live in fear.

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +9

      The fact that even with Brexit threatening to restart "the troubles" you're still probably right that it would be a safer place is telling....that said, if things go totally SHTF here, there isn't a place on Earth that will be safe.
      The fallout zone will be global...(and likely to include _that_ kind of fallout as well)

    • @p3u3g3poultree7
      @p3u3g3poultree7 Před 2 lety +17

      After leaving the US 15 years ago from NYC I can tell you things are very normal and stable in Ireland. The political system puts stability above all else. Learn to know your political representatives and have a relationship with them. They are extremely useful. You will pay more for everything and something's are hard to get. However the basic necessities are always within reach. You are giving up fancy cars and gold watches for proper healthcare, never being homeless, and always having an income. We also have Citizens Advice to keep you informed before dealing with government bodies.

    • @emsleywyatt3400
      @emsleywyatt3400 Před 2 lety +3

      Oh, the irony...............

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 Před 2 lety

      @@p3u3g3poultree7 Any prospects for someone with teaching experience? Is it difficult to find employment there?

    • @p3u3g3poultree7
      @p3u3g3poultree7 Před 2 lety

      @@erinmcdonald7781 for primary and secondary teachers yes it is difficult to find employment in Ireland. You need to look up your field of study and work backwards.

  • @tygrkhat4087
    @tygrkhat4087 Před 2 lety +48

    They won't provide public services so they can blame the other side for the lack of services.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +5


    • @MrChillerNo1
      @MrChillerNo1 Před 2 lety +5

      They always blame the other side, no matter what. That's basically the whole open political agenda of theirs.

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +4

      They won't provide public services or do anything good for the people because they want, not just to "blame the other side" but undermine the very idea that democratic governments can do good things (and, to be clear, they oppose the existence of democratic governments because of the "democratic" part)
      They want to reduce government do a non-democratic institution that exists purely to be a weapon wielded under selective "populist" pretence against outgroups....while constantly expanding that role along with what's part of the "outgroups"

    • @MrChillerNo1
      @MrChillerNo1 Před 2 lety +3

      Of course what did you expect from authoritarian acting politicians.
      The US is over. just a question of time imho. Give it 4-12 years. depending on what happens.

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +2

      @@MrChillerNo1 or....we could...you know, NOT lie down and just let the fascists take over the most powerful military in history and a big enough nuclear arsenal to trigger WW3 and end human civilization in radioactive fallout and runaway climate change....

  • @lorinelson7523
    @lorinelson7523 Před 2 lety +19

    Ban dark money and severely limit corporate donations to political campaigns and it will cure many of the problems in our country.

    • @jenniferr9519
      @jenniferr9519 Před 2 lety

      Yes, white supremacy groups make money off of this, too. You're right.

    • @eyeofthetiger6008
      @eyeofthetiger6008 Před 2 lety +1

      General good policy. Call it democratic socialism or social democracy

  • @spadog63
    @spadog63 Před 2 lety +111

    yep, buckle up. It's going to get tough. We have been sliding into a failed state for 40 years now.

    • @fulanodetal9994
      @fulanodetal9994 Před 2 lety +27

      Yeah, since Reagan.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +27

      @@fulanodetal9994 : Since 1981 I've trying to warn people of this, like so many have tried to warn us about man-made climate change since the 1960's. Interestingly, today I just learned myself from another commenter on Beau's video today about the climate that we had at least one warning about it over 120 years ago. Svante Arrhenius published his paper "On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground" in April, 1896.

    • @hks2377
      @hks2377 Před 2 lety +1

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 🤯

    • @jacobthorns5776
      @jacobthorns5776 Před 2 lety +15

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 yeah, that's the thing. people initially think that humans can't harm the planet, that this is all part of a natural cycle and that noone but god can end the earth. I know this, because that was my initial beliefs till i read and studied the scientific reporting on this. but the big talking heads on republican side still claim it's a hoax. rush limbaugh, glenn beck, , all nut jobs who i used to listen too till i finally woke the hell up. the only hoax is that they are telling you it's a hoax because the rich require us to burn oil to be profitable.

    • @DennisMoore664
      @DennisMoore664 Před 2 lety +7

      In the United States at least, I'm sure part of it was all the dystopian messaging of the future we read about and especially saw at the movies and on television during the 1970's and '80's. I remember they played Rolf Forsberg's _Ark_ when I was in the 5th or 6th grade ('79-'80) for the entire class so it was everywhere. But our entire socio-political counter-culture also went through a change after really blossoming a decade or so earlier, lagely dying away during the 70's, and culminating with the election of Reagan in '80. Regardless of what you think of Trump, I predict Donny's 2016 election will mark a similar inflection point in recent history that we will reference back to like we do with Ronnie's 1980 win. Buckle up indeed!

  • @MuteLunatic
    @MuteLunatic Před 2 lety +76

    With the attempt to use the military to impede legal asylum seekers we were pretty damn close.

  • @janetjongebloed6446
    @janetjongebloed6446 Před 2 lety +54

    Thank you for validating this, cause honestly it feels like I've sort of gone insane sometimes. Like... everyone around me is still going on vacations and engaging in petty daily nonsense and I feel like Chicken Little sometimes 'the sky is falling, the sky is falling' and sometimes it starts to feel like I'M the conspiracy theorist sitting in my parent's basement. But this is real, this is happening, and I wish really hard that more people were talking about it. It's terrifying to have to go through it mostly alone. Like I was talking to my sister and I told her, you know, if America has another Civil War or falls to fascism, I think I'm gonna move to Canada. She looked at me like I had two heads. It just seems everyone I know is of the "it can't happen here" ideology, but like there's nothing that says it CAN'T-- there's nothing remarkable about this America country that makes it any different from any of the multitude of other countries who have become failed states. This is happening, this is real and we NEED to talk about it.

    • @shadowguy321
      @shadowguy321 Před 2 lety +11

      don't come, and I'll tell you why. Canada is currently in a...shall we say situation...from ultra right wing organized groups that brought the convoy to Canada. It is not actively violent but there is an ever present threat of it. This ultra right group is located in the country but seems to be organized by external forces, including America (mostly America). There is a problem of foreign interference from the USA. It doesn't seem to be government mandated from the USA, but more individuals who just want to see chaos because reasons. This means, Canada is not immune so we here in Canada should not fall into the trap of, "it can't happen here" just because our country is mostly slightly more left leaning. Our government is currently debating what to do about it. 2 parties declared a national emergency (1 of them is a bti on the fence about it) and our right wing originally supported the protest, but has since walked back their support telling them to leave. It is still up in the air how this will end.
      Second: if hell breaks loose in the USA in 10 years, or so your country is going to need people like you. People like you will be needed to help steer it back. People like you with level heads will be needed to help heal the wounds. People like you will be needed to be a voice of reason in a sea of hatred. People like you are what keeps the USA from sliding into a dark place right now.

    • @janetjongebloed6446
      @janetjongebloed6446 Před 2 lety +9

      @@shadowguy321 Thank you! I've been feeling really depressed because of the state of things lately and this helped. I will stay. I will fight.

      @KYSOKYSO Před 2 lety +5

      @@janetjongebloed6446 But you're still welcome in Canada nonetheless! Nova Scotia is beautiful this time of year!

    • @janetjongebloed6446
      @janetjongebloed6446 Před 2 lety +3

      @@KYSOKYSO Thank you. I've been there twice and it's truly a lovely country.

    • @alistairmackintosh9412
      @alistairmackintosh9412 Před 2 lety +6

      While we would welcome you, it would be like fleeing Germany in 1933 to go to Austria.

  • @nathanmead9585
    @nathanmead9585 Před 2 lety +92

    The stranglehold corporate interests have on the government has certainly convinced the Republican party to go all in on a this weirdly nihilistic "allow and encourage absolutely anything as long as profits go up" strategy. The fact that it can only lead to there being no more people to provide profits feels like the result of a corporation...as a force independent of any people involved in it...and its profit drive literally being put behind the steering wheel. Mr Corporation doesn't care what the consequences of the push to profit are, and if a failed state is the result...it doesn't really matter so long as money is being made at that one exact moment in time. The Republicans will swing a baseball bat into the face of democracy just to make sure that they can stay in power and continue to grind up the country to make cash.
    Unfortunately, even if the Democrats aren't really supporting the death cult, they've refused to use the tools of the legislature and judicial system to stop it. All the hand-wringing about the consequences of holding people in government responsible for January 6th? A total sign of that exact thing. Both parties are doing their part...the Republicans just happen to revel in the cruelty of it all, whereas the Democrats just look on haplessly.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +7

      The thing I think at least some of may finally be realizing though is the fact that a fascist dictator can just as easily take money, or whatever else they want, from those corporations too. And those corporations have a whole lot more to take. So they are an even more tempting target. Why go through the trouble of taking small amounts of money from millions of different people, when you can take far more money than that from just one of them?

    • @nathanmead9585
      @nathanmead9585 Před 2 lety +9

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 It's true, though I think those dictators still end up being slaves to the corporation as an entity, and they'll ride the money train way past the point where they're no longer acting in their own self-interest. They want to take more money from the corporation, so they make sure the corporation continues to make money, regardless of what the cost is. If you're making money by putting a state's electrical grid under privatized, unregulated control (as a totally fictional and definitely not real example), you're going to do anything to prevent regulations from being enacted. But when that causes catastrophic failures, the people consuming the electricity start dying. Which they don't care about at all, because the deaths were just one column on the profits spreadsheet. But eventually, either people will run out of patience, or there won't be people left to be killed. A corporation is an inherently self-defeating entity, since it exists to fleece consumers; ethical leadership and government could balance profits with derived benefits (I assume...), but leaders who only want the money will drive the corporation along its desired path until it implodes. Corporations don't...can't...care about people or laws or governments, since all three are profit limiters, and if you have a dictator (or wannabe dictators) riding the money train, they're going to guarantee that people are subjugated, laws are subverted, and states fail.

    • @pixie6133
      @pixie6133 Před 2 lety +6

      Why are corporations people? It's like some Sov-Cit reverse flat earth.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +4

      @@nathanmead9585 : I totally get what you're saying and agree with all of it. But a dictator can simply take the corporation away too (my bad for not mentioning that previously), then make all of the money themselves, or still destroy the corporation if they choose. Also: _"as a totally fictional and definitely not real example"_ lols
      I love that people like you are sill able to make us laugh. It would be so much harder to deal otherwise. ^-^

    • @nathanmead9585
      @nathanmead9585 Před 2 lety +5

      @@pixie6133 I wish I knew! The Supreme Court's explanation wasn't particularly convincing, that's for sure... Actually, is that maybe another symptom of a failed state? The judicial arm of the government elevating corporations to the status of some sort of weird super-entity? Certainly seems apocalyptic to me!

  • @maartenvandam344
    @maartenvandam344 Před 2 lety +289

    You always had a somewhat strange look on the monopoly of violence in the US.
    I wash shocked to find out that people like Kyle Rittenhouse got to go home after he shot two people. Got arrested much later. There were other instances where this happened: things get out of hand, angry words, someone gets shot, the shooter claims self defence, and goes home.
    Speaking as a European, that is fucked up. That is an unacceptable, dare I say uncivilized response to someone shooting someone else in the street.
    You need a much closer handle on that principle than you have.
    You're not making it easier with 300 million guns thrown into that equation.

    • @marisadallavalle393
      @marisadallavalle393 Před 2 lety +57

      Not to forget the assassination of Trayvor Martin by George Zimmerman, who was found not guilty.

    • @charleshanks6186
      @charleshanks6186 Před 2 lety +36

      let's not forget the Amador abary case in Georgia

    • @thejackofalltravels8267
      @thejackofalltravels8267 Před 2 lety +28

      As long as the NRA infiltrates society with a false gun safety/right to own narrative it won’t change. You’re right.

    • @dongillespie1518
      @dongillespie1518 Před 2 lety +34

      speaking as a human I agree 100%, and as an expat I am happy to be away from the crazy place

    • @cheriann6461
      @cheriann6461 Před 2 lety +12

      The violence enacted by the population against the population doesn't rival or threaten the government's monopoly. It's like the government is Google, and citizen violence is some company you've never heard of.

  • @MaRi-zp9zk
    @MaRi-zp9zk Před 2 lety +136

    Yes, because when you only have 2 parties and one starts going down that road, there’s no easing up on that, they will not.

    • @clarkthomas354
      @clarkthomas354 Před 2 lety +6

      It's kinda like 1 party and lots of political drama out front. They both work for mostly the same people . ? 😮 🦧

    • @MaRi-zp9zk
      @MaRi-zp9zk Před 2 lety +4

      @@clarkthomas354 yeah, but that’s on the economic side, doesn’t mean public services can’t go down the drain, even further.

    • @altrag
      @altrag Před 2 lety +6

      Its worse than that. When you only have two parties and one of them is going down that road, _both_ options lead to the same end - a one-party system and the eventual end of democracy.
      Democracy requires choice for the same reason that capitalism requires competition.
      No matter how "good" you think your preferred party is today, if there is no opposition to keep them in line then it will be only a matter of time before the party is taken over by a new generation of people with nefarious intent, and there will be no way to stop them at that point.

    • @Subjagator
      @Subjagator Před 2 lety

      Correct, either the Republicans will succeed in their plans and grab power permanently, turning the US into a 1 party state, effectively a dictatorship. Or they will fail and collapse, leaving the US as a 1 party state, effectively a dictatorship. Unless things radically change, the US is going to get a hell of a lot worse.

    • @MaRi-zp9zk
      @MaRi-zp9zk Před 2 lety +2

      @@altrag exactly, and another party is not truly on the cards in America, the way they fund the 2 right now kind of insures nobody else can come close, and Americans seems incapable or unwilling to see party politics with that amount of private sector money for what it is. Welcome to neoliberalism, but we can’t even say that world in America, cause they say it’s leftists talk, lol nope, it’s just reality, privatized elections is a terrible idea, even in corrupt countries, red tape countries, we know that.

  • @donsland1610
    @donsland1610 Před 2 lety +17

    How sad that what was once a great nation has been reduced to this by one man and a political party supporting him. Please wake up America and don't allow this to continue.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +6

      The problems we all still face started thousands of years ago. They all go under the heading of _bigotry._

    • @mattdonna9677
      @mattdonna9677 Před 2 lety +6

      Please do not refer to bunkerboy as a Man.

    • @safe-keeper1042
      @safe-keeper1042 Před 2 lety +2

      It started long before him.

  • @gibblespascack1418
    @gibblespascack1418 Před 2 lety +81

    "I don't know what the logic is." We are dealing with idiots, it's possible that there is no logic involved.

    • @shawnr771
      @shawnr771 Před 2 lety +15

      The ones you see are idiots.
      The ones pulling the strings know exactly what they are doing.

    • @one2112
      @one2112 Před 2 lety +6

      This is a 3 dimensional chess game, you are only watching the pawns.

    • @altrag
      @altrag Před 2 lety +2

      The people pulling the strings are not anywhere near as idiotic as those who follow them. The logic behind removing public services is "I can use that money to give myself/my buddies a massive tax break and sell it to the idiots for pennies on the million - pennies that they'll also end up paying for sooner or later".
      And before anyone says "but we just printed money for covid!" Well, yep we did. And that wasn't free either. We're paying for it now with inflation. Its certainly nowhere close to the hyperinflation fear porn that the talking heads in the media want you panic over, and its unlikely to get anywhere close to that range, but nonetheless its the price we have to pay for not all dying throughout 2020 and 2021. (For context, American economists start worrying when inflation hits double digits. "Hyperinflation" is typically defined to be in the _thousands_ of percent - a few orders of magnitude above where those in the US who actually know what they're talking about even begin to be truly concerned.)

    • @matthewdunham1689
      @matthewdunham1689 Před 2 lety +3

      The rich know what they are doing, the Trumpoid masses not so much.

    • @trueriver1950
      @trueriver1950 Před 2 lety +1

      Possible??? Probable

  • @pixie6133
    @pixie6133 Před 2 lety +36

    The quiet part out loud: what happens when a failed state has the strongest military in the world?

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +11

      I can't rightly say.
      But world war is what happens when fascists come into power.

    • @gnaskar
      @gnaskar Před 2 lety +4

      Near as I can tell, that's only happened twice in human history. Egypt leading up to the Greek Dark Ages and Rome leading up to the Medieval Dark Ages. The good news is that neither period was quite as bad as pop history makes them out to be.

    • @samfetter2968
      @samfetter2968 Před 2 lety +9

      That title once belonged to Germany.
      Open a history book and look at pictures of Germany after WWII.
      That is what happens when a failed state has the strongest military in the world.
      The authoritarians use the chaos, that is a result of the state failing, to seize power.
      Then they use that power. Everyone else has to Band together to thwart them.
      And the destruction that follows is on an apokalyptic scale.
      A scary thought...right?
      Now factor in that all sides have nukes.
      Greetings from Germany 🙋‍♂️

    • @spiderpickle3255
      @spiderpickle3255 Před 2 lety +2

      the rest of the world will see and influx of weapons as people within the failed state start selling things off.
      much like the surge of weapons after the fall of the USSR

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +3

      "In the simulation played by authoritarians, all eight Elite roles were taken by men. The game quickly became highly militarised, with no countries choosing to disarm their nuclear weapons. The game opened with the Elite from the Middle East doubling oil prices, and the Soviet Union investing in armies to invade North America. The North American Elites retaliated with nuclear weapons, instantly ending the game in a nuclear holocaust."
      -Wikipedia article on the "Global Change Game" educational simulation for when participants were filtered into seperate games based on high vs low RWA (Right Wing Authoritarianism) scores.

  • @debrasmith4675
    @debrasmith4675 Před 2 lety +37

    When human beings are fighting for their lives they need words of encouragement.
    They need words like ‘you can do this!’ ‘“Put everything into this effort!
    Pull out all the stops! Remember what you love,
    Come on USA!
    Your noble experiment deserves to keep going. Democracy is worth fighting for!

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +11

      I wish I could give you the biggest hug right now!!
      Our country needs that kind of message so much.
      Thank you. ❤

    • @debrasmith4675
      @debrasmith4675 Před 2 lety +9

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 - I felt the hug! Keep hope alive!

    • @safe-keeper1042
      @safe-keeper1042 Před 2 lety +2

      I agree. The USA is worth fighting for.

    • @kellyberry4173
      @kellyberry4173 Před 2 lety +3

      .. . ..and will always be worth fighting for.....FOREVER.....REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!!!!

    • @donhuber9131
      @donhuber9131 Před 2 lety

      Please define how we can "fight" this? Teach ins? Street theatre? General strikes? Non-violent marches? Prayer vigils? Letters to the editor? None of this is going to work out for those with an unhinged neighbor, flags waving, who remembers your Obama yard sign and saw you speak up at a school board meeting defending a Toni Morrison book. Won't matter if your kids played soccer together and you were the coach. For the first time, many Americans will not feel safe in their own homes, and yes, better be ready to "fight"...what ever that means. Political violence is the most horrific of all.

  • @greorbowlfinder7078
    @greorbowlfinder7078 Před 2 lety +5

    When Flint Michigan failed to provide clean drinking water and then the people in power at all levels local, state and federal couldn't agree on how to fix it, was when I knew the USA was a failed state. My college professor disagreed. But of course he gets paid by the state. We aren't at the beginning of failed statedom, we are near the end.

  • @ChrispyNut
    @ChrispyNut Před 2 lety +88

    If a Bald Eagle looks like a duck, smells like a duck and sounds like a duck, but has the weaponry to wipe out all intelligent life on the planet, you'd better duck if you're gonna call it a duck.
    EDIT: Added Bald Eagle reference and reworded the weapon reference. This was done with 4 replies showing.

    • @oapfu
      @oapfu Před 2 lety +3

      If it duckspeaks like sheep, even if it claims to be a sheepdog, it is still a wolf.
      Or: sheep with chronic wasting disease, sheep dogs with rabies, and 'wolves' are all dangerous. But the worst is, IDK, running out of meaningless animal metaphors, grey foxes or pumas or crows/ravens/vultures...? Or ninjas, always gotta watch out for ninjas.

    • @ChrispyNut
      @ChrispyNut Před 2 lety +4

      @@oapfu Quite the opposite, Paul.
      If you manage to see a ninja, it's too incompetent to worry about, so don't waste your effort. The ones worth worrying about can't be seen until it's too late.
      As for the rest of the post, uh, sure bro, sure. ;-)

    • @queenboudicca31
      @queenboudicca31 Před 2 lety +7

      Looks like we are totally flocked.

    • @oapfu
      @oapfu Před 2 lety +2

      @@ChrispyNut Thank you for the clear explanation on your edit! I apologize for mostly missing your intent.
      I had already been trying to think thru a play on 1984's "duckspeak", plus the "...like a duck" saying, plus the sheep-sheepdog-wolf trope.
      (The trope is supposed to be: sheep= helpless masses of the general population; sheepdogs= mil + LE + pro2A citizens; wolves= whatever is scary)
      At the time, you had the first "..like a duck" comment I came across so I jumped on it. Plus you're subscribed to BOM and many of the good engineering channels.
      Anyway... I'm talking more at the individual-human level rather than the nation-state level, plus I was trying too hard to be clever, and then defuse it by being goofy.
      Your "competent ninjas" are basically what I was going for with "grey fox", combining the "gray man" (blend in with the crowd and do not stand out... which by this point I personally am COMPLETELY FAILING to do) and the "fox" as the archetypal clever adversary who isn't going to be recognized as an obvious "wolf". Except then I didn't what that to come off as looking like I was talking ONLY about FOX "newz"...

    • @ChrispyNut
      @ChrispyNut Před 2 lety +3

      @@oapfu Yea, I'm around 70-30 on just deleting what I've typed most of the time, especially when trying to blend clever and humorous, as I realise the recipient/wider readership won't understand, misinterpret and I'll have to do the frustrating explainer ... as you've just demonstrated.
      Text comms with strangers, such joy! :-D
      I've been meaning to rewatch (and/or read) 1984 for a few months as it's been over a decade at least since I last ingested. I'll try to remember your reference so I'll have a chance to understand it.

  • @lisadodson2271
    @lisadodson2271 Před 2 lety +91

    What worries me is that in a couple of years you will be doing videos on how we can protect ourselves in the new "regime "

    • @fairwitness7473
      @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +23

      OMG yes. This is one of my big fears

    • @thedudegrowsfood284
      @thedudegrowsfood284 Před 2 lety +5

      CZcams will be the Official Reeducation Video Department.

    • @user-fx4qz8pt3w
      @user-fx4qz8pt3w Před 2 lety +15

      It looks like it's pretty much a coin toss whether we beat back these fascists or not. Not the odds I like, but pretty much what it looks like.

    • @VincentValentine33
      @VincentValentine33 Před 2 lety +7

      That terrifies me.

    • @maygodbewithus6392
      @maygodbewithus6392 Před 2 lety +6

      Do remember what has been implanted in people that THE MEDIA IS THE ENEMY to me that would beau too any one with a different TUNE. There is a book by rod dreher Were he says that the leftist ARE the ones pushing for communism and it's number one seller, because we believe in free speech and freedom of religion that idiot is destroying us from within in my opinion. If you ban his book he would use it towards his propaganda and if we don't people like trump's cult will believe what he says is true but if you were to investigate him you'd find dirty money from Russia. May God have mercy on us, that's what I got to say.

    @ZOOTSUITBEATNICK1 Před 2 lety +96

    Being really old feels good because I'm unlikely to see the end game of all this.
    I find myself saying this more and more often.

    • @oldfartatplay
      @oldfartatplay Před 2 lety +7

      Me to, Charley. 😟

    • @tonyjones1560
      @tonyjones1560 Před 2 lety +8

      Never thought I'd say this, but I'm nearly jealous I'm *not* really old (59). What's kinda frightening is that my grandmothers/great grandmothers lived to be 93, 100+?(no one knew for sure how old she was), 102 and 106 (and she's got two surviving sisters that are 97 and 102). There's a "longevity gene" in my family...what if I'm the lucky winner 🤔😱

    • @SqueakyBarbarian
      @SqueakyBarbarian Před 2 lety +6

      @@tonyjones1560 same. I've thought several times that I'm lucky to be on this side of life - though likely to be here longer than I would like to be ..

    • @abjectt5440
      @abjectt5440 Před 2 lety +7

      I'm an old Canadian and I see nothing but a downward spiral. I've got health problems so I think my time is limited. I know the US holds Canada in contempt but to actively try to destabilize our system by Republican political figures is infuriating. I told my wife when Trump got elected at some point they will invade Canada to "restore order". The sad thing is most Canadians don't give a damn. It would be easy.

      @ZOOTSUITBEATNICK1 Před 2 lety +14

      What my geezerhood doesn't exempt me from is worrying about my kids and grandkids and what they'll live through...

  • @gangrel138
    @gangrel138 Před 2 lety +4

    Real conversation I had with the cashier at Bass Pro Shop yesterday. Mind you I only went to get ammo with gift cards from the holidays. He started off talking about what guns he owns and then did a Segway right into why he didn't have a concealed permit here in Florida because he didn't want the government to come take them away. It devolved from there into the government putting pressure on the banks not to do business with gun manufacturers and finally ended with the Democrats wanting to install Obama as a dictator. It took lots of willpower not to tell him he needed to clean his own house but it gave me a firsthand look at someone who fell into a right wing conspiracy theory information silo.

  • @Hellgrinde
    @Hellgrinde Před 2 lety +4

    Beau after finishing a breakdown of how we are on the way to a failed state: “ anyway, its just a thought”
    That end sentence keeps getting more and more ironic as the years go by 🤦‍♂️

  • @ebonyblack4563
    @ebonyblack4563 Před 2 lety +44

    "Because they don't understand it." When a person's ignorance started being posed as equal to another's expertise we lost a lot of our overall stability and potential.

  • @e-spy
    @e-spy Před 2 lety +2

    Yes, and it has been coming for a very long time, but we cannot give up! We must resist until the end. Please vote however you can.

  • @DontMockMySmock
    @DontMockMySmock Před 2 lety +15

    "we can all just take a look at Texas and move on. . ."
    it's funny and sad at the same time

  • @Justanotherconsumer
    @Justanotherconsumer Před 2 lety +113

    There’s a distinction here that I found important - it’s not vigilante violence, it’s government endorsement and reliance on vigilante violence.
    That should sound very familiar to those familiar with Mussolini’s history.
    Might be useful to talk about the history of “volunteers” in historical fascist movements, or maybe the MM’s of It Can’t Happen Here, and compre and contrast them to historical sheriff posse volunteers (volunteer law enforcement under a government’s control).

    • @ninamartinez5596
      @ninamartinez5596 Před 2 lety +21

      That's exactly what Trump was tuning into , way back when he told the cops , not to be "too nice" to that guy that they threw put of tge rally. That was him reaching out to make the law go against the law.
      And purposely doing the dog whistles to stir up that crowd. The "other"-ing of Muslim, and immigrants. Demonizing democrats and asylum seekers. I've recognized so many of the lessons he took from Hitler and Andrew Jackson.

    • @thisisit333
      @thisisit333 Před 2 lety +13

      Hence why many of us started calling him Mango Mussolini.
      Our country was already in a confusing time. Then we lost another valuable 4+ years.
      The UNITED States is only as strong as it’s people. Sadly we have 30% out for American bloodshed.
      It’s heartbreaking.
      I despised Bush Jr. but never did I say ‘all republiCONS must be eradicated’…which is their favoritething to say about democrats and liberals, or anyone that sees trump for the stupid ‘wannabe mob boss, but he’ll settle for a dictatorship’ poor excuse of a human he truly is.
      I do believe there are some in the GOP that have violence in their minds and hearts too.
      These are dark days, but we need to try to see our neighbors how we used to. Try and remember what we enjoyed together. See that our country is in peril. Or at least make sure they have all the correct information, not Fox ‘news.’
      Yet, these cult trumplicans are also not someone I want around my area. Sadly, my once very diverse and friendly neighborhood in the Burbs has become so divided.
      It’s horrifying. The LGB signs have tripled, as have the MAGA and QAnon stickers on big trucks and luxury cars, and the massive trump 2024 or ‘don’t blame me I voted trump’ flags, waving below Our American flag. It’s sickening. And frightening. I’ve never had so many racist remarks the last few years, but more so last 18 mos. spewed at me, or my family. Quite a few times Ive heard a couple of people say they’re ’1776 ready.’ These people are 100% in on anything trump or Q says. It’s disturbing.
      There are many houses owned by POC, and the LGBTQ+ community. I don’t doubt they would say the same. In fact, I have talked to a few families, and they’ve commented it’s progressed since covid.
      The only thing I pray Biden pulls his thumb out and Executive Order as much of the BBB he can before November, AND
      I just pray those that voted against trump and what would become trumpism, in 2016, 2018 and most definitely against trump in 2020, come out in droves to Vote Against Trumpism, the GOP trumplicans and QAnon loonies in 2022!!!
      If republiCONS win. The UNITED States will fall to those trump fascists by 2024.

    • @pixie6133
      @pixie6133 Před 2 lety +1


    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +5

      See also: ". . .demonstrations should not be prepared or organized by the party, but insofar as they erupt spontaneously, they are not to be hampered." -Goebbels, leading directly up to the infamous "Night of Broken Glass"

    • @altrag
      @altrag Před 2 lety +3

      Its why they're trying so hard to whitewash Nazism and reframe Nazis as being evil because they're "socialists" rather because they were you know, genocidal monsters. I don't know that Trump himself has enough mental acuity to understand what the hell he was doing, but his advisors and other people around him sure as hell did, as do the Republicans in Texas who implemented the recent vigilante-based anti-women law and the conservative judges on the Supreme Court who are letting it stand.
      (PS: Yes, I'm aware Mussolini and his regime is not the same as the Nazis, but there's a pretty deep connection and you can be absolutely sure that if knowledge of Mussolini ever gains as much widespread recognition within the US as the Nazis have, anything related to him will get the same whitewashing treatment.)

  • @brianadams3189
    @brianadams3189 Před 2 lety +42

    Welp, that cheered me up. Thanks Beau!
    ^that's sarcasm, if anyone was wondering

  • @jeremyhockett9463
    @jeremyhockett9463 Před 2 lety +18

    The recent downgrading of the U.S. to an "anocracy" and the knowledge that civil wars rarely happen in "fully" democratic or "fully" autocratic nations portends a dangerous road ahead.

  • @coolaunt516
    @coolaunt516 Před 2 lety +14

    I think we are witnessing the end of an empire.

  • @Pets-n-Treats
    @Pets-n-Treats Před 2 lety +24

    They passed those run over protester laws during the BLM protests. Those laws can also be used to run down WS marches. I wonder if they thought of that when they passed those laws.

    • @tygrkhat4087
      @tygrkhat4087 Před 2 lety +16

      Of course not. They'd be screaming bloody murder if that happened. And my phrasing was deliberate.

    • @marcning918
      @marcning918 Před 2 lety +16

      They're conservatives they never think about how things might work in the future. Half the policies they pass end up hurting them the most in the long run.

    • @lsmmoore1
      @lsmmoore1 Před 2 lety +11

      And in cases like that, it would be prudent for protesters to recruit a wall of cars surrounding them, so that the cars trying to run them down would have to get through the cars first. That or putting bricks in the street so cars can't run through the protest line so easily. Something to make running over protestors physically harder.

  • @tomtrask_YT
    @tomtrask_YT Před 2 lety +80

    I feel like failure is in fact the end game of American Exceptionalism

    • @whssem4793
      @whssem4793 Před 2 lety +11

      Whatever goes up will come down, eventually.
      The higher it goes, the harder the fall.

    • @VoidDragon82
      @VoidDragon82 Před 2 lety +18

      The funny thing is, only Americans think they're exceptional at anything. I'm sorry, I take that back, Americans ARE exceptional at 3 things -
      1. Extreme levels of arrogance.
      2. Earth shattering levels of egotism.
      3. The love of war.
      How can a group of people, that aren't even able to provide universal healthcare, living wages, who literally burn educational books etc. seriously consider themselves exceptional? Mind boggling.

    • @Subjagator
      @Subjagator Před 2 lety +8

      Every empire collapses eventually. The best the US can hope for is that there is enough other democratic countries willing to step in and help when it happens. I know that China and Russia will be all to eager to swoop in and pick the carcass apart.

    • @dsnodgrass4843
      @dsnodgrass4843 Před 2 lety +2

      @@Subjagator But China and Russia will fail even faster; because they have only dumb force as a tool to use. They're slowly failing in their own countries, for that very reason.

    • @eyeofthetiger6008
      @eyeofthetiger6008 Před 2 lety

      American Exceptionalism is a cult

  • @d123mahesh2
    @d123mahesh2 Před 2 lety +39

    👋🏾Add: We’re on our way.
    5 scariest words I’ve heard in a while.

  • @caroleappling2007
    @caroleappling2007 Před 2 lety +1

    What do we do t stop this from coming to fruition? I am so scared for my country right now. But, beyond the fear there has to be action.

  • @rosalinagdossantos8974
    @rosalinagdossantos8974 Před 2 lety +28

    Good evening Beau and internet people 👋

  • @wolfgangfalck1250
    @wolfgangfalck1250 Před 2 lety +8

    You forgot the whole monetary aspect of being able to rule on currency and taxes. High Inflation or the unwillingness to collect taxes from the rich maybe criteria of a failed state too!

  • @shanesimpson3455
    @shanesimpson3455 Před 2 lety +2

    As I have pointed out to a few Republicans that keep banging on about freedoms that Somalia is one of the most free nation I have ever visited. .

  • @acewiza
    @acewiza Před 2 lety +11

    "I don't know that they know they are doing that..." One thing seems certain: They don't know what they're doing.

  • @zenseed75
    @zenseed75 Před 2 lety +27

    Besides the obvious for everyone, having all my retirement depending on the Fed Gov(military, fed emp), this is terrifying. 😬. That doom feeling when Trump was elected was spot on.

    • @tnkmch
      @tnkmch Před 2 lety +4

      I can only imagine the surprised look on white conservative rock ribbed republican voters faces when they realize they voted for politicians that took away their social security. But the politicians will probably say we voted for it but somehow think of a way to blame the usual scapegoats.

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 Před 2 lety +1

      Yeah. That physical, stomach dropping sense of dread hit me hard and probably won't truly stop until he and his are in a position where I feel they're no longer a threat. 😡

    • @zenseed75
      @zenseed75 Před 2 lety

      @@erinmcdonald7781 that's a better word for it, dread. I'd never felt it that intense before.

  • @railroad7401
    @railroad7401 Před 2 lety +15

    Did anybody else get an advertisement for the "Epoch Times" before the video? I wouldn't wrap mullet or carp with that paper!

    • @04beni04
      @04beni04 Před 2 lety +4

      I've been getting that one for over a week. I'd laugh at the irony of it weren't such a disgusting specimen of pseudo journalism.

    • @kg4gav
      @kg4gav Před 2 lety +2

      Ad Block browser plugin is a wonderful thing. No ads on anything, including CZcams pre roll ads.

    • @ebybeehoney
      @ebybeehoney Před 2 lety +3

      I click on the "ask not to see this ad" and tell them it's inappropriate.

    • @HavaWM
      @HavaWM Před 2 lety +1

      I pay for CZcams Premium so I haven’t seen ads in years.
      But we do get the Epoch Times mailed to us, completely unsolicited, ofc. We use it to clean the glass on the woodstove. Turns out, even papers with complete bullshit printed on them still cleans glass well. 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • @danielfranks6565
    @danielfranks6565 Před 2 lety +9

    Of course those behind this know what they are doing. The last major power to collapse (USSR) provided an enormous financial opportunity for those in "the know". Imagine how much could be plundered from a failing USA by the 1%. The average republican worrying about which bathroom people use however, is absolutely clueless.

  • @timwrigley102
    @timwrigley102 Před 2 lety +18

    Don't forget loosing the ability to maintain and create national infrastructure.

    • @dsnodgrass4843
      @dsnodgrass4843 Před 2 lety

      Which will doom any attempts at dictatorship, including theirs.

  • @coenvanwyk1
    @coenvanwyk1 Před 2 lety +8

    Another way to look at it is that in a failed state the social contract between citizens disintegrates. Social services, the infrastructure that serves the common good is neglected or actively dismantled for the gain of individuals. I think you are some way from that situation. In South Africa gangs are dismantling railroads to sell the steel for scrap, Result: Less and less mass transport of people and goods. The Post Office is less and less able to serve the public because it is badly managed, workers steal parcels, service is slow and impolite. Just examples of a deteriorating state. If you catch the rot early you can stop it.

  • @scottrumbolz3348
    @scottrumbolz3348 Před 2 lety +6

    Been saying it for years we're on our way to hell in a hand basket and we're picking up speed. Even I am amazed at how fast it is happening

  • @justaboutbroken5013
    @justaboutbroken5013 Před 2 lety +18

    Thanks Beau, love from Canada, you help me lots

  • @lisacox8109
    @lisacox8109 Před 2 lety +17

    This is my thinking is that the right knows what they are doing, knows how they are influencing the country and the world.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +5

      It's what conservative think tanks are paid good money for. :/

    • @cocoanbella
      @cocoanbella Před 2 lety +1

      A good portion of the party is uneducated and too busy working hard at physical labor jobs to bother figuring out the long term effects of policies. All the party has to do is wave a dollar in front of them and make promises of tax breaks and a better economy and countries you hate having to pay more money to the US. They don't want to hear about your silly science and changing how things work until the old way stops working entirely. A lot of them are living in the moment for themselves. They don't have big plans and they don't want to be part of any plans which they can't see having a direct effect on their lives. And it's in the party's best interest to make sure they remain largely uneducated and unsuccessful so they can be led easily.

  • @elenavaccaro339
    @elenavaccaro339 Před 2 lety +19

    "Be very careful what you ask for, you might get it."

  • @alm5693
    @alm5693 Před 2 lety +4

    VOTE every time you can while you still can.
    PS: Don't vote for the fascist.

  • @everypaneofglass
    @everypaneofglass Před 2 lety +3

    Never thought I'd take being told I'm living in a country that's on its way to becoming a failed state so well, honestly. I already knew, but hearing someone say it out loud is.. oof.

  • @thisisit333
    @thisisit333 Před 2 lety +12

    For those of us that see it’s here already…
    this may be how many in the resistance felt in the 1930s in Germany.
    We CANNOT lose the UNITED States to fascists!

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +4

      I stand in solidarity with anyone who stands for freedom and justice for *everyone.* ❤🌍🌎🌏
      Therefore I am proud to call myself _Antifa_ (anti-fascist).

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +3

      Yeah, between climate change, there actually being just 1 superpower now, and nukes all on the table, we don't really have a choice.
      If we don't stop them, the backup plan isn't a multi-front war to beat them back. The back-up plan is more likely (at minimum) the destruction of human civilization.
      Failure isn't really an option. Either the fascists loose, or everyone looses.

  • @admiralpaco507
    @admiralpaco507 Před 2 lety +39

    "They don't have to use a club; they can use a checkbook" This also changes the violence from physical to financial. It's a more indirect form of violence, but violence nonetheless.

    • @janetjongebloed6446
      @janetjongebloed6446 Před 2 lety +9

      As a therapist, I can confirm this. Financial abuse is still abuse, and this is it just on a grander scale.

    • @jimcrelm9478
      @jimcrelm9478 Před 2 lety +5

      Financial violence is always backed up by physical violence. Break the financial rules for long enough and you will go to prison. (In the case of financial abuse, the abuser either has legal control - i.e. violence-backed control - over the money, or uses some other form of physical or social violence to exercise control.)

    • @dougberry4535
      @dougberry4535 Před 2 lety +2

      Poverty is violence of the few against the more so they can be richer. The richer they become the larger the more part and the more that part of society suffers. Just ask the serfs. Ignorance and want destroy societies.

  • @Myrddnn
    @Myrddnn Před 2 lety +12

    Beau, I have to say, your ability to ad lib so well is astounding. One can see you carefully choosing your words as you go. Being as thoughtful, logical and eloquent without a script is a talent that would stand you well in many things other than this platform. Have you considered running for sheriff or school board? It's just a thought. 😉

  • @one2112
    @one2112 Před 2 lety +6

    Oligarchy is the end game, it's pretty obvious what to "one" party wants and will use any means to get there.

  • @jeffphakenewz8556
    @jeffphakenewz8556 Před 2 lety +1

    Hey Florida... we here in Texas are slowly catching up to you. We are so proud that all one needs to do is mention "Texas" in lieu of going through a laundry list of dumbassery.

  • @laurajarrell6187
    @laurajarrell6187 Před 2 lety +6

    Beau, again, I get here early, watch and learn, share, then get interrupted before I can comment. Darn life! Well, it just amazes me that those who so desperately fear change, actually want their 'good old days', are the very ones who are losing it for us. Almost like on purpose! Oh great, my phone sent it, half done, lol. Love to all! 👍🥰💞✌

  • @cheriann6461
    @cheriann6461 Před 2 lety +10

    It feels like many are experiencing simple disillusionment. I'm sure it hurts. It can be useful. We will make it ya'll.

    • @Smiley_Face_Killer
      @Smiley_Face_Killer Před 2 lety +4

      I hope so.

    • @janetjongebloed6446
      @janetjongebloed6446 Před 2 lety +2

      What evidence do you have to support your "we will make it ya'll" optimism?

    • @cheriann6461
      @cheriann6461 Před 2 lety +5

      @@janetjongebloed6446 The majority of the Black experience in the United States. Plenty of other experiences as well.
      A literal Civil War and all of the unrest that has followed didn't break us. A vicious rash of fascism and renewed White Supremacy won't either.

    • @Jay-ho9io
      @Jay-ho9io Před 2 lety +3

      @@cheriann6461 ♥️

  • @michaeldowson6988
    @michaeldowson6988 Před 2 lety +2

    It's always very interesting to live next door to a failing nation.

  • @tonyaustin6868
    @tonyaustin6868 Před 2 lety

    If they don’t know they should not be in office. We have people in power that represents us and they don’t care about us. Thank you Beau

  • @johnwall7968
    @johnwall7968 Před 2 lety +12

    Ohhhhh….. oh no. That’s us. Oh no.

    • @d123mahesh2
      @d123mahesh2 Před 2 lety +2

      Yes. yes….😞

    • @briansmutti
      @briansmutti Před 2 lety +2

      and a huge contrast when democrats didn’t storm the capitol when bush2 stole the election from Gore via the Supreme Court
      a good read by Vincent Bugliosi is, The Betrayal of America
      Bugliosi stated it succinctly when he said that FIVE Supreme Court justices canceled each and every democratic vote
      they tried to steal a second election - i hope they don’t succeed next time

  • @BardovBacchus
    @BardovBacchus Před 2 lety +19

    Thoughts: The monopoly on violence is also the monopoly on the threat of violence, and the threat of oppression. Assimilate or else. I have two main worries, the radical group that can wreak havoc and 'disappear' into the hinterlands with local law enforcement giving cover to those groups. Think Balkanizing (State's Right) not just of red states but red rural areas in purple states. Are there states where the exercise of rights are met with state sponsored coercion.? We are on our way. I expect that some localities, be they state or regional, will try to define 'local control' in ways that oppress certain peoples. Second, the tyranny of the minority, that games the system, plays on the most base human fears, and views all people as suspect and with contempt. We must trust each other and deal with the aberrant as just that, imho

    • @erinmcdonald7781
      @erinmcdonald7781 Před 2 lety +2

      Unfortunately, to your first point, there are areas, communities, states that this has been an ongoing legacy, especially in the South or areas that have a history with white supremacist movements. People who are hardcore "States' Rights" advocates either accept this or ignore this. It was/is the federal government that provides the overarching protections of rights. As we're seeing with voting rights, the Republican's are trying, and meeting with some success, in undercutting the right to vote, not to mention employment and gender issues.
      We need a strong, "leftist" or pro-people government to support, so we can protect and uphold rights in these red states/regions.
      (Biden's going to have to do better when it comes to human rights, as well as supporting voting rights & BBB instead of the Pentagon, etc)

  • @lynnlobliner3933
    @lynnlobliner3933 Před 2 lety +1

    Did you hear about how PA charged gas taxes for infrastructure repairs and then siphoned the money away for something else and use the money for that? This came to light with the failure of that bridge. This is under the heading of government not getting it done.

  • @kevinstoneburner1116
    @kevinstoneburner1116 Před 2 lety +1

    We all feel it coming. Thank you for articulating it. Words have power, and definition focuses that power.

  • @chaserofthelight1737
    @chaserofthelight1737 Před 2 lety +6

    On the Tucker Carlson Show about a year or so ago, there was a man with the GOP who made a prediction. His prediction… “In the next 10 to 20 year the democrats will force the GOP to elect a fascist leader”. Tucker repeated, “That’s understandable”. Tucker has over 4 million viewers. There’s only been me and one other person who say they saw that interview. There has to be others who’ve seen it, why is no one talking about this?

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety +3

      Tucker is a flat-out fascist pushing whitewashed Nazi propaganda on a network that was already pushing whitewashed Nazi propaganda.
      Of course he expects the GQP to elect a fascist. He knows they already did with 45.

  • @nitanice
    @nitanice Před 2 lety +4

    Pretty much letting loose the brown shirts. Pretty awful situation. 😞

  • @matthewsaxe6383
    @matthewsaxe6383 Před 2 lety +1

    The Empire has reached its pinnacle. We are at a cross road, evolve or die.

  • @elainegoad9777
    @elainegoad9777 Před 2 lety

    Sad and frightening. As a senior I could pass at any time in the next 10 years or so and I'm not afraid to leave and be at peace.

  • @lineedemouy1047
    @lineedemouy1047 Před 2 lety +6

    1. Not yet...sort of
    2. ✅
    3. ✅
    4. But without the trust of the rest of the world.
    Yeah, we're f*cked.

  • @LaundryFaerie
    @LaundryFaerie Před 2 lety +30

    Hey, before you move on from inability to provide services and the great state of Texas, we once again need to talk about the USPS under Louis DeJoy. You probably know the USPS has raised its prices, lowered its standard for delivery times, decided not to care about the percentage of time it actually gets something to its destination... But did you know that the USPS has decided it can no longer send mail to Australia? Yep, a first-world, English-speaking sibling nation of the British Empire. Too difficult. Too much trouble. Maybe too many koalas and kangaroos. But you can't send mail to Down Under anymore, at least not through the United States Postal Service.

    • @badomaji
      @badomaji Před 2 lety +4

      There are mail carriers on the wrong side of right now, too. ‘A fish rots from the head’.

    • @CantankerousDave
      @CantankerousDave Před 2 lety +4

      @@badomaji A carrier in Houston was just caught on a doorbell cam throwing out a stack of voter registration forms.

  • @destmichael
    @destmichael Před 2 lety +1

    I knew it! What do we do about it? Yes I am a voter. My husband is an election judge, I vote on every election, no matter how seemingly insignificant. Always have.

    • @cam4636
      @cam4636 Před 2 lety

      That's the real question--what DO we do about it? Sitting back and saying "oh bummer, that's so sad" as fascists take office does not stop fascists from taking office in the country with the biggest military and a lot of aggression

  • @timallsopp9622
    @timallsopp9622 Před 2 lety +1

    I really enjoy listening to your straight up, wise and intelligent videos. Awesome topics and much needed.

  • @theunknownunknowns5168
    @theunknownunknowns5168 Před 2 lety +33

    Aggred. You guys are well on path to Collapse, and have been for some time.
    Ayn Rand done a real hit job on your country. Good luck.

    • @ninamartinez5596
      @ninamartinez5596 Před 2 lety +16

      I know, I really hate that lady. People act like she was some wise person, just because she hated communism. Everything she delighted in was the worst of humanity. And she was a stubborn old bat too! She was arrogant and narcissistic, no wisdom. And that's what these people want to emulate and embrace?Selfishness, nastiness , no dues to the society you live in??? Just watching the woman's demeanor should make one cringe.

    • @aylbdrmadison1051
      @aylbdrmadison1051 Před 2 lety +7

      @@ninamartinez5596 : Yea, and you have to ask why she hated the idea of a classless, moneyless, and stateless society that much.

    • @cam4636
      @cam4636 Před 2 lety +1

      @@aylbdrmadison1051 Especially when she was living off State funding at the end of her life...then again, she hated women and thought they only existed to be raped by 'real men,' all while being a woman herself. Not the brightest bulb, but she told the ignorant and selfish what they want to hear

    • @theunknownunknowns5168
      @theunknownunknowns5168 Před 2 lety

      To be clear I am not enjoying watching the demise of the US. I think I can speak for a very large portion of non US citizens around the world. It's f'ing scary to watch!
      Side note.
      I consider NASA to be probably the greatest institution that has ever existed, [maybe the British WW2 intelligence network is more important]. They are the best of the human endeavor. Do they only exist because some of the worst of the human endeavor surrounds them?

  • @joshuaedwards1174
    @joshuaedwards1174 Před 2 lety +8

    The Power of the Algorithm compels you!

  • @mattisonquinn6486
    @mattisonquinn6486 Před 2 lety +1

    If only the people who are ok with this understood they are not exempt from the fall out.

  • @charlesbeaudry3263
    @charlesbeaudry3263 Před 2 lety +2

    Empires always fail from within.

  • @fairwitness7473
    @fairwitness7473 Před 2 lety +18

    I feel like a Shadowrun future is not far off... we already have doc wagons, look at the Purge. Doc wagons.
    We already have enormous corporations. It won't be long now before we stop having states and start having corporate city-states... Nevada is working on that one...

    • @jackolantern7342
      @jackolantern7342 Před 2 lety +2

      Funny how the unfettered freedom afforded to corporate entities and capitalism by our democracy is the very thing undermining it.

  • @monkeyfist.348
    @monkeyfist.348 Před 2 lety +18

    Odd thing in Canada, a truck load of 2000 rifles and mags coming from the US, was stolen. Just a thought...

    • @marqsee7948
      @marqsee7948 Před 2 lety +3

      4 days ago

    • @monkeyfist.348
      @monkeyfist.348 Před 2 lety +4

      @@marqsee7948, and I just heard the truck was recovered. Still, lots of hands in the pot these days. Not enough to go around. Expect pirates...😁

    • @dynamicworlds1
      @dynamicworlds1 Před 2 lety


  • @garlicbreathandfarts
    @garlicbreathandfarts Před 2 lety +1

    I permanently moved abroad during the Bush era. (Ironically, I kind of miss him compared to the current options.)

  • @bettyswallocks6411
    @bettyswallocks6411 Před 2 lety +1

    The UK is trying very hard to go down that road. And the ruling party knows it is doing it.

  • @evee8462
    @evee8462 Před 2 lety +9

    Yay Beau

  • @patrowan7206
    @patrowan7206 Před 2 lety +4

    "We're on our way. We're on our way. Anyway, it's just a thought. Y'all have a good day."
    Not such a good day.

  • @Lemurion287
    @Lemurion287 Před 2 lety +1

    I think the GOP completely understands it's working towards a failed state. That's their goal.

  • @omnichrome9784
    @omnichrome9784 Před 2 lety +1

    There is no logic to the third thing; it’s simply naked greed and short term profit motive.

  • @ivyepsilon8269
    @ivyepsilon8269 Před 2 lety +6

    Re: Your last line about not understanding the logic of conservatives being against government run social programs... I've heard conservative relatives say "That shouldn't be the government's job, charities should handle that", by which they mean christian charities, and donating to them is a tax write off.
    Food stamps only have income requirements. If a church gives out food assistance, they can and DO force the recipients to attend a church sermon as a requirement to receive the food. You can figure out why that's prefered.

    • @ericespiritu1468
      @ericespiritu1468 Před 2 lety +2

      And it is completely legal for the church to discriminate, Infact it is encouraged.

    • @cam4636
      @cam4636 Před 2 lety

      I think even that's an overestimation of thinking-abilities; we're dealing with the people who shouted "don't take away from social security to support socialism" with no irony

  • @Talon771
    @Talon771 Před 2 lety +16

    Random comment for channel interaction.

    • @hattielankford4775
      @hattielankford4775 Před 2 lety +6

      Random reply to random comment.

    • @comfortablynumb9342
      @comfortablynumb9342 Před 2 lety +4


    • @rexdink
      @rexdink Před 2 lety +5

      Sounds like this is the Al Gore Rhythm section.

    • @hattielankford4775
      @hattielankford4775 Před 2 lety +7

      @@comfortablynumb9342 Overly specific reply to boost. Emoji, emoji, emoji.

    • @hattielankford4775
      @hattielankford4775 Před 2 lety +4

      @@rexdink Standard reply to determine if comment is from bot or idiot tailored with specific insults to confuse or enrage, respectively.

  • @aaronsande
    @aaronsande Před 2 lety +1

    We're well down the road of 2 and partly 3. So depressing.

  • @troyheald77
    @troyheald77 Před 2 lety +1

    Good Thing we have a Fifth Column in these Troubled Times=======AAA+++Bedford, Texas

  • @BBoC
    @BBoC Před 2 lety +5

    Gotta be honest, not easy to have a good day after that thought my friend...

    • @Smiley_Face_Killer
      @Smiley_Face_Killer Před 2 lety +2

      It’s like watching a car crash in slow motion and being helpless to do anything about it.

  • @keithdavies6771
    @keithdavies6771 Před 2 lety +8

    Hello everyone

  • @hyliancrab5959
    @hyliancrab5959 Před 2 lety +1

    I’m mad, I had to watch an Amazon ad before this video played lol (I’ve had a personal boycott on Amazon since the Alabama nonsense a few years ago)

  • @LexoG33
    @LexoG33 Před 2 lety +1

    I never really adopted the "not my president" stuff when Trump was president, but I did feel it often because Trump would make it so clear that he did not care to be president of Americans who did not kiss his ass unconditionally.