Why Ideology Is More Important Than Race

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Ben Shapiro destroys the argument that culture is intrinsically tied to race.

Komentáře • 155

  • @cap-lelite246
    @cap-lelite246 Před 5 lety +66

    Someone has seen James Allsup video 😏

  • @rayanakesty
    @rayanakesty Před 5 lety +22

    This kid gets his knowledge about Brazilian politics from mainstream leftist media if he thinks Bolsonaro is a far-right candidate.

    • @eldermillennial8330
      @eldermillennial8330 Před 5 lety +1

      He’s closer to Center-Right Libertarian populist, as far as I can tell.

    • @AndrewJackson-lg2bs
      @AndrewJackson-lg2bs Před 5 lety

      Elder Millennial
      No. He's a controlled opposition gate-keeper. His entire platform is based upon Civic Nationalism (Fake Nationalism).
      (For the record I'm talking about Ben Shapiro in this comment. Not Bolsanarro.)

    • @rayanakesty
      @rayanakesty Před 5 lety +2

      Bolsonaro built his platform through voluntary campaigns on social media. He had no air time, almost no money. He didn't collude with any political party, had the entire media working against him, a smear campaign orchestrated by the Left. He's going against the entire system and they have nothing on him. A rare case of integrity in a country consumed by corruption.

    • @rayanakesty
      @rayanakesty Před 5 lety +2

      User4321 Yes, but it's distributed according to the size of the electoral bench. Bolsonaro was granted 8 seconds.

  • @Jbee333
    @Jbee333 Před 5 lety +2

    He said "*uh*" 10 times in the first 17 seconds, chill my dude hes a nice jew

  • @user-st8ho9zl1k
    @user-st8ho9zl1k Před 5 lety +3

    I'm sorry but look at white countries compared to black ones. There's no way you can tell me race doesn't effect how well a country is run. Places like Africa and the Middle East have had plenty of time to catch up.

    • @blargblarg2118
      @blargblarg2118 Před 5 lety

      They are not going to catch up either. They literally can't.

    • @gismohewitt4371
      @gismohewitt4371 Před 5 lety

      +Genghis Khan those arent the countries being invaded. europe is being completely destroyed

  • @LawofCinema
    @LawofCinema Před 5 lety +6

    Ben looks like a Hollywood actor in the thumbnail first some reason

  • @CharlesDickens111
    @CharlesDickens111 Před 5 lety +2

    Different races have different IQ averages among other things. For instance, empathy. In 5000 years China never thought of the concept of human rights or animal rights or charity organizations.

    • @eldermillennial8330
      @eldermillennial8330 Před 5 lety

      That’s a product fundamentally of belief in “Karma”, combined with endless forms of Authoritarian Discipline derived from Confucian nationalism. Indians also had Karma limiting them, but had more natural freedom from jungle life lowering the capacity of the Maharajas to micro manage everyone most of the time. China, however, has a lot more harsh environments as well as communities that were wide open to invaders in early ages. That motivated defensive projects like The Great Wall that could only be accomplished through ruthless authoritarianism, which instilled on an archetypal level extraordinary levels of conformity and mindless loyalty.
      There was one story that has bugged me that was originally meant as a tale of moral virtue.
      An emperor receives word about a man who was seen flying. He investigates personally and gathers all who witnessed it and the flying man, an inventor and pure entrepreneurial genius, full of ideas for making China a greater place. The emperor hears him out, then commands he be summarily executed, his works burned and all who witnessed him silenced on pain of death to never reveal any details. Begging to know why as his lest request, the emperor explained, “What if an enemy of the empire decides to use your flying machine as a weapon to get over our Great Wall, and drop Stones or bombs on our people? Think of the wars in the sky that would ensue”, and then had him killed.
      By that logic, no man should have ever made a knife from stone to hunt and butcher prey with, lest rivals turn them on one another. Objectively, the invention of blades has saved FAR more lives then it has taken, as have every tool that is a potential weapon from fire to guns. Yes, it’s tragic that war planes were in the air less then ten years after the Wright Brothers’ breakthrough, but planes have saved more lives then they’ve killed, from delivering food quickly, to evacuation from dangers that would overtake any other form of escape, and millions of other examples, not to mention the improvements in living standards that such convenience makes in a million little ways. That emperor was a short sighted fool, and a coward afraid of change, and the fanatical pragmatism Of karmic and Confucian beliefs fueled this stagnant way of thinking. But, that philosophy could have arisen anywhere. The earliest roots of that pragmatic simplicity came from the very practical spirituality of Animism, and there certainly was plenty of that among primitive Europeans, it just never became quite so sophisticated in isolation as in the orient. The Rise of Roman Republicanism steered Europe in a different direction, casting first skepticism of Animist pragmatism and cyclical fatalism, then radically upended by the rise of the Logos.
      The Chinese were hardly incapable of this sort of revolution, they were just not lucky enough to get the opportunity in a relatively easy order.

  • @Carguylogan
    @Carguylogan Před 5 lety +1

    Wow, there's a lot of too-far-right commenters in here. I wasn't expecting that. America is probably the single most non-homogeneous country, racially. So being "American" means holding a set of ideals much more than being of the white British ethnicity. If every person in America was Nigerian and they held the same ideals that we as Americans currently hold then what is the problem?

    • @azathoth2679
      @azathoth2679 Před 5 lety

      This non-homogeneity is both very recent and detrimental; it was also done quite deliberately. I am old enough to have seen it with my own eyes and watched the decline that came with it. It's most certainly not about holding the same ideals. I used to believe as you do; life has opened my eyes. Before 1965, the US was overwhelmingly whiter and cleaner and safer. Forget what they taught you in public school and look for yourself.

    • @windowsVD
      @windowsVD Před 5 lety

      @@azathoth2679 Anecdotal evidence isn't proof of a trend, likewise a person in America who grew up experiencing racism isn't proof that America is overwhelmingly racist. According to the Department of Justice statistics, crime rates have been in decline for the past few decades so there is no evidence to support your claim that America was safer before mass immigration.

  • @tripptank
    @tripptank Před 5 lety

    70 people think that eating ice cream increases their chance of getting attacked by a shark.

  • @GameBoi36
    @GameBoi36 Před 5 lety +5

    James Allsup is gonna make a video about this. I already see it coming.

  • @rudydominguez6628
    @rudydominguez6628 Před 5 lety +3

    It’s funny how one of the questioners accused Ben of being a racist, and then this guy shows up criticizing Ben for not caring about race.

  • @michaelkane1606
    @michaelkane1606 Před 5 lety +3

    God blessed Shem (Blackman) God blessed Japeth (White man) God cursed Ham (Blackman)

  • @michaelepstein2570
    @michaelepstein2570 Před 5 lety +2

    All -isms, all ideologies, be it capitalism, socialism, communism, libertarianism, anarchism, liberalism or nationalism, prevent Lucidity. All beliefs, religions, traditions, philosophies, opinions, perspectives, theories, prevent Lucidity.

    • @michaelepstein2570
      @michaelepstein2570 Před 5 lety +1

      They act like a filter, which limits, distorts, shapes and colors all perceptions.
      Therefore, your brain never Perceives anyone or anything as it actually is.
      Moreover, they invent the illusion of division, separation, and disconnection between the me and the not me, which breeds conflict, violence, and suffering.
      See the danger.
      The brain must be Totally Free in order to Perceive what is...the isness, the fact, the act, the actual...what is actually taking place from moment to moment, free of any interpreter or censor.
      Then and only then is one capable of actually Living Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Goodness, Compassion (Passion for All), Beauty, Creativity, Feeling, ExperiencING, Lucidity, Truth, Wisdom...in Communication, Communion, Relationship with everyone and everything, for the very first time, in each and every moment of daily life.
      So first Inner Total Freedom. Then and only then can there be Outer Total Freedom in the society.
      Only such a brain can usher in a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.
      Without Inner Total Freedom, you will only be moving from one form of tyranny to another form of tyranny, calling it growth, progress, or evolution.

    • @michaelepstein2570
      @michaelepstein2570 Před 5 lety +1

      Ever since at least 1980, We the People of planet Earth have had the capability of providing the highest quality of food, the highest quality of clothing, the highest quality of shelter, the highest quality of health care, and the highest quality of education for each and every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth, and to do it in such a way that was in Harmony with Nature.
      We already have gazillions of practical creative solutions.
      What we don’t have here in the USA is at least 80 million individuals who are well-informed, free of disinformation and misinformation, on all the major issues of today AND devoting their time, energy, resources, and talents to the political process to make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants.
      Then and only then will we be in a position to actually implement them on a grand scale and finally begin the process of transitioning to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom, with little or no need for government.

    • @michaelepstein2570
      @michaelepstein2570 Před 5 lety +1

      Here's my proposal: First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world. "Creating a Wonderful World" (my group on FB).

  • @maxhunt2519
    @maxhunt2519 Před 5 lety +1

    ben “my wife is Morocan” Shapiro

  • @cecilhenry9908
    @cecilhenry9908 Před 5 lety

    When they ask us whites “Why are you concerned about your people disappearing?”, our response is to try to JUSTIFY our concern about our group’s survival.
    The QUESTION, for any other people, would bring a person under suspicion of genocide.

    • @gismohewitt4371
      @gismohewitt4371 Před 5 lety

      +VansSkully you are no canadian.. you are a peasant

  • @user-gp5rt9ol5o
    @user-gp5rt9ol5o Před 5 lety

    Anyone, regardless of race or ethnicity, who has formally converted to Orthodox Judaism can make Aliyah (Jews returning to the homeland) and be granted Israeli citizenship.

  • @-scrim
    @-scrim Před 5 lety +10

    Is Ben Shapiro a race-realist? Or does he believe humans are a blank slate (etc.)?
    Serious question.

    • @MrFallenone
      @MrFallenone Před 5 lety +5

      Based on his ignorance he must believe in the blank slate. The reality is proof enough for race realism. If you don't realize this and just call it "scientific rasicm" ... you are no better than the brainwashed leftists.

    • @VansSkully
      @VansSkully Před 5 lety +7

      Race realism is a pseudoscience term. Just call it a racist. Do you believe one race is inherently superior to another? That's the definition of a racist, and people who try to frame it as "realism" should be executed

    • @petyrbaelish1216
      @petyrbaelish1216 Před 5 lety +1

      He's a chameleon. He is what he needs to be in the moment when he is asked about it.

    • @billcarson482
      @billcarson482 Před 5 lety +1

      VansSkully if believing that races differ in their Bell curves regarding some traits, and this belief is supported by science, then being a racist (using your definition and I agree that that is one common and accepted definition) would be a scientific and moral stance. The term race realism is used by some to distinguish these (possible) legitimate beliefs, from the way that some people use race as a justification to treat people poorly. I would not call it a pseudoscience word exactly, though I concede that some who are indeed racist in every conceivable may use the term as cover.

    • @MrNinjaone1
      @MrNinjaone1 Před 5 lety +1

      @@blargblarg2118 you paranoid conspiracy idiots really have been fear mongered to sheepledom, its pretty goodshit alhamdulillah ✌😂

  • @proaguy101
    @proaguy101 Před 5 lety +1

    Yikes, some of these comments. Even if race predisposes you to a certain ideology that doesn't mean there aren't outliers. If someone truly shares your ideology you'd be shooting yourself in the foot by dismissing them just because of some stats. I guess you can play the odds if you want, but don't be an asshole.

  • @antman1672
    @antman1672 Před 5 lety +18

    I think Ben is wrong on this issue. Even if you say race doesn't completely determine culture, in some kind of genetic determinism argument. It still effects how likely you will be to adapt to a culture. People are *more* to shift towards the culture of people who look like them.
    Bringing in someone will have them mix into the race and culture of people they most closely identify with. Meaning an African immigrant will more often than not, shift to be like other black people.

    • @antman1672
      @antman1672 Před 5 lety +2

      @Genghis Khan You would say culture is identified by the media you consume?

    • @turbotrup96
      @turbotrup96 Před 5 lety +2

      @Genghis Khan that's becauae there are many more whites in the 1st countries, though

    • @antman1672
      @antman1672 Před 5 lety +2

      @Genghis Khan Media does not refer exclusively to electronic media. It can also refer to books, and plays. Which were around long before electricity.
      The media you consume is not a good data point for determining culture. I don't think it is a good way to compare culture if you are trying to determine culture of different races.

    • @antman1672
      @antman1672 Před 5 lety

      @Genghis Khan Then it is a difference in definitions. I view culture as the social norms, behavior, mythology, political philosophy, and social institutions a group of people share.
      Art and media is a universal, and is often shared across people. How people behave, and govern themselves is what I mean by culture.

    • @samjuarez8416
      @samjuarez8416 Před 5 lety +1

      Might be true, but I sure as hell don't. I'm Hispanic and I sure as hell don't want to be mixed in with the Hispanic culture. Hell my siblings and I born in the US and raised in the US, broke the culture that is well practiced by other Hispanic families that hold the culture and traditions from Latin America. We broke away from it so much, that my mother is going crazy.

  • @LastMinuteGuess
    @LastMinuteGuess Před 5 lety +8

    I don't understand how out of all the clips taken from Shapiro's talks, it is this one that sparks the most controversy in the comments. I don't understand how me being Latino has made it significantly more difficult to identify as a conservative; the only major influence for me to be a liberal were family members, but my dad's basically a Blue Dog Democrat. Cultures do take time to develop in their ability to accept certain ideologies, especially ones so radical in context and times like the West's must be. Asian Americans certainly haven't seemed to have rejected so greatly the ideals of the United States, considering how successful they are.

  • @jlovenotzri
    @jlovenotzri Před 5 lety +1

    Okay everyone needs to chill on the if this people move in then would it still be that nation. Certain nations are built around ethnicity and race ie Britian, Sweden, Greece, India, Japan, China, etc. But other nations are built on creeds and principles such as the US and even though its hard for many to see but also Israel, even some of the Arab states are built on principles, though their starting premise is of the Islamic religion, kind of a bad hybrid if you ask me because Islam promotes Arab centric views hence why a lot of Muslims dress like seventh century Arab merchants.
    The modern state of Israel is more of an creedal and principle nation because they do have an immigration process that is open to everyone but of course there is a preference for Jewish migrants because of the basis in a common Jewish heritage. There are reports of Black Hebrew Israelites from the US being able to do aliya regardless of their genetic, ethnic, and race connection because they are willing to live , assimilate, and identify with that common Jewish heritage. Just like in the US how we are pushing for a meritorious immigration reform so we can receive migrants who are vetted to think like us and assimilate into American society.

  • @chaumetlouis19
    @chaumetlouis19 Před 5 lety

    Certain demographics tend to hold certain ideologies. Race is irrelevant in itself, it is a predictor.

  • @cconsul2061
    @cconsul2061 Před 5 lety

    A second world country would refer to a communist country like the USSR, its satellites or china. Third world just refers to countries that are not industrialised or communist.

  • @White-Devil666
    @White-Devil666 Před rokem

    Ideology and culture spring out of race and natural instinct

  • @muhammadisapedophile7058
    @muhammadisapedophile7058 Před 5 lety +49

    Unless you're Jewish! LOL

    • @77Avadon77
      @77Avadon77 Před 5 lety +3

      Jesus Christ you people. Judaism is a race and it's also a religion. I am 50% Ashkenazi Jew from my dad and 50% European from my mom. It is a fucking race. Go look on ancestry.com. there is a specific DNA profile for Jew.
      I am aware it's also a religion and you can convert too and convert out of Judaism

    • @manuforever143
      @manuforever143 Před 5 lety

      Ben has addressed this multiple times. He addressed it on the Rubin Report with Jordan Peterson. There is an ethnic and an ideological perspective on Judaism. And when you get a DNA test you don’t get “white” DNA or “black” DNA or “Jewish” DNA. DNA tests tell you where your ancestors came from geographically and genetically. Judaism as a religion is not coded into your genes

    • @djfirst1851
      @djfirst1851 Před 5 lety


    • @TheSvs1
      @TheSvs1 Před 5 lety

      @Pop Warner Israel doesnt require a DNA test. where do you get this stuff?
      in order to be qualified as jewish you need to prove that your mom or dad are jews and that you have connection the the religion. thats about it.

    • @77Avadon77
      @77Avadon77 Před 5 lety

      That's because Jewish can also denote a geographically genetic region. Just like "Arab" isn't denoted as a major race but there is a genetic signature for it. The religion is not coded into your DNA but the genetic signature of the people who ascribe to these religions may. E.g I don't practice Judiasm, I'm an atheist to the Abrahamic faith and yet I have Jewish blood.

  • @LeVraiMec1st
    @LeVraiMec1st Před 5 lety

    Where is he full event? Anyone know?

  • @ELRamunde69
    @ELRamunde69 Před 5 lety +1

    I admire Ben for trying to be consistent on this issue but I just don’t believe him. If 100,000 supposed Jewish Ethiopians came to Israel and started to grow in numbers he would change his mind very quick.

  • @jessr1693
    @jessr1693 Před 5 lety

    That kiddo saying that Brazil is a third world country.... Dude... No....

    • @LesPaul2006
      @LesPaul2006 Před 5 lety

      It was briefly out of the shame club but... socialism made it come back.

  • @Lastindependentthinker
    @Lastindependentthinker Před 5 lety +2

    He said a whole lot of nothing. If you self identify with the culture or society that built a nation. As you are decended from those people. Then race and culture are connected. Try telling an Australian Aboriginal that Race and Culture are not connected. If it were not connect then who are all these people we are giving welfare to? If they were not connected we could end a lot of the worlds problems.

  • @djtforever1414
    @djtforever1414 Před 5 lety

    My own brother is a liberal - my own brother.

  • @Pubtomfoolery
    @Pubtomfoolery Před 5 lety

    Baffling how so simply becomes so hard for liberals to grasp.

  • @hq4251
    @hq4251 Před 5 lety

    You can "become" a Jew? So you don't have to be born to a Jewish mother?

  • @billcarson482
    @billcarson482 Před 5 lety

    Shapiro discussing this with Jared Taylor would be interesting

  • @chrisware9265
    @chrisware9265 Před 5 lety

    Wow that guy exposed he was dumb multiple times in such a short space of time

  • @RandomYouTubeNameAgain
    @RandomYouTubeNameAgain Před 5 lety +1

    Uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh

  • @ipodguy7869
    @ipodguy7869 Před 5 lety +1

    I had written a longass comment on why whites are different than other races and race is tied to culture, but the page got refreshed. Basically, whites hold the Faustian Spirit, others do not. Only whites go to space for exploration, and only whites are naturally gravitated to always explore, always learn, and never settle. IQ Statistics, Crime Rates by demographics, and correlation between the Freedom index and white demographics all prove that race is tied to culture and ideology. Western Culture needs Western People, anyone who says otherwise is a liar and trying to subvert what little of the white race is left. Ben shapiro isn't that much of an idiot that he hasn't seen and processed the data, he just refuses to realize it apparently. I wonder why...

    • @raccoonking3877
      @raccoonking3877 Před 5 lety

      Maybe those traits are tied to culture and not race. As you say race is tied to culture and ideology (while it's actually culture being tied to race) so if these traits are tied to race, it stands to reason, within what you've said, that it might have
      "nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture" - Ben Shapiro
      The fact of the matter is cultures that were isolated had no reason to develop as fast as european cultures did because they didn't have to defend themselves from others. They also had little exchange of ideas with other cultures. They simply became stagnant as nothing threatened their survival. It just so happened that the cultures that had to fight for survival were white...

  • @CyclopsWasRight
    @CyclopsWasRight Před 5 lety

    He said he understood that, but did he really?

  • @user-qj7ou8ok6n
    @user-qj7ou8ok6n Před 5 lety

    Race matters

  • @anthony452
    @anthony452 Před 5 lety

    "I understand that"
    Doesn't look like it

  • @kiadimundi8348
    @kiadimundi8348 Před 5 lety

    What about the droid attack on the Wookiees?

  • @jyodurron87
    @jyodurron87 Před 5 lety

    Ben seems to be a virtue signaler sometimes

  • @diegopaloma8740
    @diegopaloma8740 Před 5 lety

    If there is only one race, ideology is more important. The American Civil War was fought between WASP Southerners and WASP Northerners over ideology. Northern soldiers fought not to free the slaves, but to preserve the Union. The Southerners fought a defensive war to maintain the independence of the CSA. When there is more than one race as is the present condition of the USofA, there is only one ideology. It was best expressed by Stalin with the words...."Who, Whom?" Leonard Cohen expressed it with the words... "Who will serve and who will eat.?" Race will almost always trump ideology, or to put it in practical political term; a Race will adopt any ideology that best serves their immediate needs to wealth and power.

  • @AndrewJackson-lg2bs
    @AndrewJackson-lg2bs Před 5 lety

    Mirrors of this video have more views on other jewtube channels than the actual channel owned by Bebe Shekiro.
    Top kek.

  • @PDZofficial
    @PDZofficial Před 5 lety

    ok, now THIS is epic.

  • @JeauSchmeau
    @JeauSchmeau Před 5 lety

    Good he said he only cares about Jewish ideals... everyone knows Jewish isn’t a race

  • @ronniebravo6244
    @ronniebravo6244 Před 5 lety

    True,He's absolutely Right,

  • @Moniq2898
    @Moniq2898 Před 5 lety +2

    Open Borders for Israel.

  • @ElijahDavis
    @ElijahDavis Před 5 lety

    Uhh uhh ... uhh

  • @chernofilms
    @chernofilms Před 5 lety


  • @MrFallenone
    @MrFallenone Před 5 lety +2

    You are free to reupload this as many times as you want I will dislike it and point out you are wrong every time.

    • @Linkl0nk
      @Linkl0nk Před 5 lety +2

      Andrej Mišún They re-uploaded it because the aspect ratio was fucked up, but have fun with whatever you’re doing on the Internet.

  • @77Avadon77
    @77Avadon77 Před 5 lety

    Yet another topic that Ben Shapiro cannot understand