尊古董為師 認識背後獨特的歷史故事【香港古董及藝廊商會2】|2019

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • (Please scroll down for the English version.)
    「誰是你的老師?器物 (古董) 就是你的老師。」身兼香港古董及藝廊商會及明成館館主的黃少棠 (Elegant) 說。要深入認識一件器物,只站在博物館裏、吹着冷氣和隔着厚厚的玻璃觀賞是不夠的。又不知道從何時開始,藝術如詩、書、畫、古董等,在一些人心中只會跟「天價」及「高等人的玩意」等標籤擺在一起。當人們只着眼那一件藝術品拍賣又創新天價時,往往就忽略了作品背後獨特的歷史故事。
    香港古董及藝廊商會 (HKAAGA) 致力推廣的,就是希望大眾親身接觸藝術,破除舊有觀念。「大眾常有誤解,覺得藝術是高攀不了的。」身兼香港古董及藝廊商會公關及吉慶堂主理人王澤怡 (Jamie) 說。正因為刻板印象,HKAAGA嘗試以大眾化活動拉近大眾與藝術的距離。例如2017年夏天舉行的「樂.故.節」,就囊括了一系列的「行家論壇」。由專業行內人現身說法,向大眾分享收藏和欣賞書畫及古董的心得。
    「我們永遠跟客人說,不要只從投資角度出發... 例如買了那件古董,三年後會有多少回報。那倒不如買股票,還賺得比較快。」Jamie 認為每件古董背後都有獨特的故事,而其色澤也是現代技術彷製不來的。「其實原因很簡單,以前做工用的水、泥土甚至用作燒製的窯都不一樣。每個朝代的顏色都不一樣,無論現代技術有多厲害都沒可能做到一模一樣的。」
    而Elegant 回想以前在古董店當學徒時,學習過鑑定古董的方法。「碳十四」及「色光法」等雖然受某些喜愛科學鑑定的行家追捧,但「碳十四」終究存在二百年的誤差。而「比較方法」為行內人經常使用。先以流傳有序的藏品,如博物館或清官舊藏當標準,再拿其他藏品比較。這樣的方法需要廣闊的人脈才能做到,如HKAAGA就由不同方面的專家組成:「商會的專家面向多元,如家具、銅器甚至佛像也有。」他認為這個行業需要依靠大家傳承才能可持續地發展,商會正好提供了機會讓不同背景的人走在一起,互相進行藝術交流。
    ‘A piece of antique is your best teacher.’ said by Elegant Wong, Founding Member of Hong Kong Antique and Art Galleries Association and Founder of Ming Gallery. If you want to have a deep understanding of a piece, studying through a museum glass display is not practical. Most kinds of art, such as poem, literature, painting and antique, have been labelled as “sky-high price” and “upper class hobby”. They often only focus on the auction price of a specific piece, and neglect the unique historical story of the pieces.
    Hong Kong Antiques and Art Galleries Association (HKAAGA) aims to promote art and antiques as history that everyone can related to and breaking the old-fashioned thoughts towards this field. “The general public always have a misconception that art is impossible to reach.” said by Jamie Wang, Publicity Director of HKAAGA and Director of Orientique. HKAAGA have been organizing interactive activities of art and antiques for the public to reduce the stereotype of this particular field. In 2017 summer, HKAAGA organized “Lok Ku Festival”. The festival included a series of “Connoisseur’s Talk” hosted by the experts from the field of art and antiques. The experts shared their experience in collecting and their thoughts in art appreciation.
    Elegant recalls the methods he learnt to appraise antiques when he was still an apprentice in an antique shop. “Carbon-14” and “chromatic aberration” are used among some dealers who seek after scientific authentication; however, carbon-14 can lead to an inaccuracy of 200 years. The “compare and contrast” method is widely used among the dealers in this field. They would first search through the collections from museums or collectors in chronological order, set the standard and compare the piece with selected collection. This particular method requires a broad network of connection, and this is why HKAAGA consists different experts. ‘The experts from the association are diversified. Their expertise cover furniture, bronze and even Buddhist statue.’ Elegant said. He believes that the sustainable development of the industry relies on everyone to inherit. HKAAGA provides an opportunity for people with different backgrounds to gather and exchange art knowledge with each other.
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