The Rise and Fall of the Italian National Team

  • čas přidán 12. 06. 2024
  • #Italy #EURO2024 #Azzurri #ItalyFootball #ItalyEuros #EuroChampionship #FootballAnalysis #SportsStrategy #Soccer #Football #ItalyNationalTeam #WinningMindset #UEFA
  • Sport

Komentáře • 226

  • @matteobodeiacademy
    @matteobodeiacademy Před 13 dny +42

    In 2006 World Cup, they won with 10 players scored out of 11. That's a team.

  • @rosariorusso7777
    @rosariorusso7777 Před 18 dny +87

    As italian i can say that if we find the square we are able to beat anyone... if we don't we are able to lose against macedonia😅 this is italy crazy and we love that❤

    • @webrevolution.
      @webrevolution. Před 13 dny +2

      Battere chiunque quando si è in forma? Fra non scherziamo per favore. Lo scorso Euopeo lo abbiamo vinto con un culo immenso, mi riferisco in particolare alle partite con Belgio, Spagna e Inghilterra, che hanno giocato considerevolmente sotto quello che chiunque si sarebbe aspettato. Se loro fossero stati in forma come lo eravamo noi, entrambe le partite sarebbero finite molto diversamente. L'Italia al suo meglio non aveva grandi speranze contro Belgio, Spagna o Inghilterra anch'esse al loro meglio. Se poi vuoi illuderti che già allora fosse una vittoria di campionato meritata, allora puoi illuderti allo stesso modo che l'Italia possa battere chiunque in una buona giornata. Vedi te.

    • @FDK_Danilo17
      @FDK_Danilo17 Před 12 dny +1

      ​@@webrevolution. Concordo solo in parte, perché le partite che hai menzionato dello scorso europeo sono state vinte sia per demerito delle squadre avversarie, che per merito della gran prestazione degli Azzurri, quindi non vedo assolutamente nessun culo nella meritata vittoria. Per il resto sono d'accordo, l'Italia non è ai livelli delle altre grandi squadre in Europa in questo momento, e difficilmente vedo l'Italia battere una squadra come Spagna, Germania o Inghilterra (anche se ovviamente non è impossibile). Purtroppo il problema della Nazionale è che ci sono dei cali costanti nelle prestazioni, in particolare nell'ultimo decennio, che ci hanno portato a diversi fallimenti.

    • @webrevolution.
      @webrevolution. Před 12 dny

      @@FDK_Danilo17 Io non dico che non abbiamo una nazionale che è forte quando si impegna. Però mi sembrava molto tirata la frase del tipo "nel giorno giusto possiamo battere chiunque", perché penso proprio che non sia così. E non solo ora, nemmeno allora (nel 2021) lo era. Ci sta che abbiamo giocato bene e ovviamente quella è una cosa da non dimenticare, però se anche le altre squadre avessero giocato bene, non c'era nulla da fare non importa quanto ci si poteva impegnare la nostra nazionale. Semplicemente abbiamo avuto culo che abbiamo beccato non una, non due, ma tre partite in cui la squadra avversaria (al contrario nostro) non era affatto in forma. Ma quello è culo. Non è qualcosa che gli azzurri possono controllare oppure un loro merito.
      Se c'è qualcosa che potrei dire di positivo riguardo l'Italia è che durante tutto lo scorso europeo siamo stati senza ombra di dubbio la nazionale più costante di tutte. Di gran lunga anche. Perché così com'è capitato a loro, sarebbe potuto capitare anche a noi di giocare male, ma non è stato così. Quindi costanza e culo (principalmente culo secondo me) sono le cose che hanno contribuito a quella vittoria.

    • @FDK_Danilo17
      @FDK_Danilo17 Před 12 dny +1

      @@webrevolution. Giustissimo. Quello che secondo me manca alla Nazionale sono i nomi in campo, quelli che possono contribuire a far girare la squadra. Quando ho visto per la prima volta i convocati a questo Europeo ho subito pensato che l'Italia col tempo sia diventata più carente di giocatori di qualità "superiori", e allo stesso tempo colma di giocatori mediocri; se pensi a quali erano i nomi degli Azzurri nel mondiale del 2006, o magari anche in quello del 2002, il paragone diventa spaventoso.
      Riguardo lo scorso Europeo penso che messa così tu abbia ragione, l'Italia era decisamente in forma e fra le squadre più costanti, e ha vinto le ultime 2 partite con Spagna e Inghilterra sia per un'ottima prestazione azzurra, che per una prestazione più scarsa rispetto al normale delle avversarie; quindi io non lo vedo più di tanto come culo, piuttosto come una superiorità dell'Italia nel gioco rispetto un gioco più fiacco di Spagna e Inghilterra. Il culo sarebbe stato se avessimo fatto 4 goal con questa squadra alla Spagna del 2010, e lì si che si potevano chiamare furie rosse!

    • @webrevolution.
      @webrevolution. Před 11 dny

      @@gabrielepoles8558 Non credo che serva a molto il valore dei giocatori. Il prezzo di mercato cambia in base alle prestazioni in campo e non sono le prestazioni in campo a cambiare in base al valore dei giocatori. Ci sono molti esempi di squadre con valore complessivo totale più grande degli avversari che però comunque ne escono sconfitti. Quello è solo un modo per avere una vaga idea di quanto un giocatore sia desiderato da vari club. Ma in questo caso non c'entra nulla.
      A prescindere dal valore di mercato che uno può avere, è una cosa oggettiva e che chiunque con un minimo di correttezza non può negare il fatto che la nazionale dell'Italia fosse ed è tutt'ora inferiore a abbastanza altre squadre. E non parlo del valore di mercato, ma proprio di capacità dei vari giocatori. Non puoi venirmi a dire che l'Inghilterra o la Spagna è una squadra peggiore (o anche al pari) dell'Italia solo perché qualche giocatore loro è sopravvalutato.. perché poi ti vengo a chiedere cosa ti sei fumato.
      Sarà anche vero che ci sono giocatori sopravvalutati, ma non cambia la realtà dei fatti ossia che c'erano e ci sono squadre contro cui non possiamo vincere se entrambi giochiamo al meglio. Se poi una delle due ha una giornata no e gioca di merda allora tutto è possibile e lo abbiamo visto allo scorso Europeo più volte, ma quelle sono eccezioni. Perché altrimenti significherebbe dire pure che la Svizzera che ha battuto la Francia è una squadra migliore o anche solo alla pari perché è riuscita a portarla ai rigori.

  • @fabianpatrizio2865
    @fabianpatrizio2865 Před 14 dny +39

    Best moment ever: beating England at Wembley, 2021 🙂

  • @what9483
    @what9483 Před 18 dny +36

    “I’m playing on all sides, so I always come out on top.”

  • @alessioficarra8842
    @alessioficarra8842 Před 17 dny +26

    Watch out, we start playing when the competition is on. We become the best group, a family. VINCERE.🇮🇹

  • @luchoc602
    @luchoc602 Před 17 dny +58

    Happened in 1998 and 2002.... Players like Maldini, Cannavaro, Buffon, Del piero, Totti, Vieri, Baggio, Albertini couldnt even pass the quarters.... Conte's team did lose to Germany but beat Spain and Belgium. Only lost to Germany in pens. Conte had made a good team out of nothing

    • @vortanoise.2625
      @vortanoise.2625 Před 13 dny +2

      Conte played with Giaccherini that was a back-up player at Napoli.

    • @user-ef8qe4ne2c
      @user-ef8qe4ne2c Před 13 dny +2

      I remember Italy had at least 7 injured players when they play against Germany in 2016

    • @norbert0036
      @norbert0036 Před 12 dny

      Out of nothing like Buffon chiellini bonucci de rossi barzagli insigne

    • @fabriziogarreta7400
      @fabriziogarreta7400 Před 12 dny +1

      Italys problem back then is that they had TOO many world class players so coaches couldn’t figure out how to all play them together effectively . Now we have the opposite problem lol

    • @elpidionastro8336
      @elpidionastro8336 Před 11 dny +2

      Don't forget Eder..Pelle..Parolo..Zaza..Candreva..Sturaro lol.

  • @mundheral.askari3450
    @mundheral.askari3450 Před 17 dny +7

    Hello 👋🏻 😁I came from X platform to check out this video. Forza Azzurri 🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹

  • @mas3ymd
    @mas3ymd Před 17 dny +26

    Don’t forget: the Azzurri had eleven different goal-scorers in the 2006 World Cup.

  • @FrankDAmico-dr5dl
    @FrankDAmico-dr5dl Před 17 dny +6

    I agree with your observations. Italy is definitely in the stealth mode and will surprise everyone. Their players are solid and if cohesion as a team is attained as they have done in the past, we can win it again.

    • @ernestopiovesan1229
      @ernestopiovesan1229 Před 2 dny +1

      Didn't age well. A player like verrati was highly missing throughout the whole tournament

  • @carlobeny7400
    @carlobeny7400 Před 12 dny +3


  • @apurbadas6539
    @apurbadas6539 Před 12 dny +9

    Italy is Italy. Forza Azzuri from India

  • @Franseven
    @Franseven Před 6 dny +2

    the dream is still alive

  • @mightygamerlord
    @mightygamerlord Před 18 dny +18

    I sadly don't think Italy can compete for the trophy this summer, many of these teams are so elite. But it would be a happy suprice if they could maybe reach the semis.

    • @yonzgaming8602
      @yonzgaming8602 Před 17 dny +2

      We don't care what u think.. u didn't play.. they played 😂😂

    • @mightygamerlord
      @mightygamerlord Před 17 dny +1

      @@yonzgaming8602 uhh… i don’t understand what you’re talking abaout

    • @matpayne8866
      @matpayne8866 Před 17 dny +2

      Yeah like euro 2020

    • @michelep9825
      @michelep9825 Před 17 dny +3

      There are no elite teams in this tournament. There are good teams

    • @mightygamerlord
      @mightygamerlord Před 17 dny

      @@michelep9825 France and England left the chat. For your knowledge i consider something like Croatia, Italy, Netherlands and Spain good teams.

  • @carlonozs8535
    @carlonozs8535 Před 17 dny +1

    Amazing work on the video got a perfect understanding of everything. Solid man A+ content

  • @navirbox4913
    @navirbox4913 Před 10 dny +17

    Spain: "ok here's why not"

    • @benjinlama8108
      @benjinlama8108 Před 10 dny


    • @soumikkarmakar601
      @soumikkarmakar601 Před 8 dny

      Spain are perhaps the favourites after 2 games but that Italy performance was embarassing

    • @diodoruscronus
      @diodoruscronus Před 5 dny +1

      Spain couldnt actually score against us. It took an own goal. Otherwise that vane was 0-0

      @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny +1

      Croatia: *never* underestimate them again

  • @lucabrambilla2486
    @lucabrambilla2486 Před 13 dny +6

    È la verita,noi italiani siamo ipercritici vs la nostra nazionale ma troviamo la forza di compattarci nelle competizioni,e diventiamo piu forti di quello che siamo durante gli europei e i mondiali.
    Non siamo mai partiti come squadra favorita per vincere..poi vinciamo.
    Speriamo che sia così anche in questa competizione europea.

  • @curiousfurious5877
    @curiousfurious5877 Před 10 dny +4

    After the game yesterday it doesn't look like that...

  • @LatteDetergente
    @LatteDetergente Před 3 dny +2

    Il bro sta facendo video come questo su ogni squadra dell'europeo

  • @roccociccone597
    @roccociccone597 Před 18 dny +6

    I'll be honest... as an Italian I think if we make it out the group stage, we'll get to the quarter finals... with a lot of luck maybe semis but I heavily doubt that... I'd rather not win this year and make it to the world cup in two years :)

    • @brotherarmox605
      @brotherarmox605 Před 12 dny +1

      Magari tutte e due, no? A me i trofei non fanno schifo

  • @XxaborataxX
    @XxaborataxX Před 18 dny +1

    Good video!

  • @masnun1217
    @masnun1217 Před 17 dny +13

    Who came here from troll football?

    • @SgtHawk13
      @SgtHawk13 Před 17 dny +1

      Only here cause it’s so garbage 😂😂😂

    • @EliasRoy
      @EliasRoy Před 15 dny +1

      Trash Football*

    • @EliasRoy
      @EliasRoy Před 15 dny

      You mean the Social media channel that made of cancer?

  • @vincedidiana5781
    @vincedidiana5781 Před 17 dny

    Good video, but I wish you would’ve gotten into the ‘90 WC semifinal loss to Argentina in Napoli and the ‘94 Final loss to Brazil more.

  • @jesus360noscope5
    @jesus360noscope5 Před 6 dny +2

    that did not aged well (PS : without Donnaruma, Italia will be the last team on their group)

      @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny +1

      They're still in the tournament, don't jinx Switzerland like that

  • @ethanedward575
    @ethanedward575 Před 17 dny +1

    I really want to edit your videos at high quality

  • @princeofpersia8391
    @princeofpersia8391 Před 12 dny

    I appriciate the prestigious coaches to come to the much needed assistance instead of going to other countries club names

  • @petruconduraru7130
    @petruconduraru7130 Před 11 dny

    These are great points. That's exactly why if Romania keep playing as good on defence and being dangerous on counters, have a big chance going far.

    @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny

    Just a small correction: Barzagli *was* a 2006 World Cup champions, as one of the backup defenders. I'd mention that because you said "only Pirlo and Buffon remained from 2006" but then mentioned the other one

  • @oldskoolmusicnostalgia
    @oldskoolmusicnostalgia Před 14 dny +1

    I want to believe in this team, but feel Spalletti hasn't entirely gotten a grip on this squad. Maybe in 2026 (if they do qualify).

  • @MyJesus30
    @MyJesus30 Před 17 dny

    Please do Why Spain

  • @adhdtv4500
    @adhdtv4500 Před 18 dny

  • @princeofpersia8391
    @princeofpersia8391 Před 12 dny

    They have world class talent, barella, bastoni, chiesa's movements, dimarco among the best lwbs! What else?!

  • @pasqualeamabile5672
    @pasqualeamabile5672 Před 17 dny +1

    Forza Italia ❤🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹✌️👍

  • @Rainstorm4000
    @Rainstorm4000 Před 18 dny +1

    Bro said every favourite country to win the UEFA Euro 2024 so he can have 100% win rate 💀☠️

      @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny

      Reminded me of that guy who used to make "why X year will be the worst one ever" and then have a backup video about it being the _best_ just in case

  • @Iron-Bridge
    @Iron-Bridge Před 17 dny +1

    Italy were horrendous in 2010 as defending World Cup champions. I can see Italy doing just as badly defending this European title. Shame to say this as I do like them.

    • @PaulRayProductions
      @PaulRayProductions Před 17 dny

      No chance, no comparison.. in 2010 it was 2006 + 4 years added to every player.. This team is young, hungry..

  • @francis87589
    @francis87589 Před 4 dny

    this vd was before the rise of italian new star Riccardo Calafiori ! watch and see. He and Chiesa will be powerhouse for this team future :)

  • @DMC1982
    @DMC1982 Před 15 dny

    Coin toss was in the semi final in the final there was a rematch after draw.

  • @nicolaborgna3097
    @nicolaborgna3097 Před dnem

    They don’t struggle anymore 😊

  • @HarryPoovakottu
    @HarryPoovakottu Před 2 dny +1

    This is not ageing well sadly 😢😢😢

  • @FireOnYouTube
    @FireOnYouTube Před 10 dny +5

    aged like milk

    • @TheHightier
      @TheHightier Před 10 dny

      yeah they got outplayed the 1st half, second half they were a bit better by changing out some of the midfield, however their defense was quite solid for only conceding 1 goal and it was an own goal

      @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny

      Isn't it too early to say that? At least wait until Switzerland beats them. 2nd place in a group stage doesn't mean "yeah they won't win it"

  • @LegendaryItalianPower
    @LegendaryItalianPower Před 18 dny +8

    Acerbi is injured mate

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 16 dny

      Yeah this was recorded before. Shame he got injured tho, fantastic CB

    • @LegendaryItalianPower
      @LegendaryItalianPower Před 13 dny

      @@pedtalkssports ah fair play mate, Not that we need him Calafiori looks good as always

  • @lumiereteindre
    @lumiereteindre Před 10 dny

    well this aged well so far

  • @silvio2164
    @silvio2164 Před 16 dny +1

    Forza Azzuri

  • @A_DR
    @A_DR Před 16 dny

    4 defending world cup champions have exited the following world cup, not 3.

  • @classicrise1
    @classicrise1 Před 10 dny +14

    This did not age well.

  • @JOJO-oj8gy
    @JOJO-oj8gy Před 9 dny

    No attack , average midfield, sloppy defence
    Yep they are 2024 euro champions😂

  • @user-ky9px1po1g
    @user-ky9px1po1g Před 4 dny

    Bertie spaghetti. HIMSELF .

  • @roymilanista1
    @roymilanista1 Před 18 dny +1

    Stevie Nicols should be kept away from football punditry.

  • @Pvrge.
    @Pvrge. Před 17 dny

    Next video:
    Vodka 🤝🏻 Polish Pep Guardiola 🤝🏻 Power of friendship

  • @lankylame8
    @lankylame8 Před 16 dny

    Italy love the suffer in major competitions

  • @treydawg018
    @treydawg018 Před 18 dny

    POV: you’re here from thefootballtroll

  • @gabrieldepinto6506
    @gabrieldepinto6506 Před 18 dny +3

    1:31 Two consecutive editions of the WORLD CUP not euros

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 18 dny +2

      It was corrected in the blue text underneath it :)

  • @just_fedee
    @just_fedee Před dnem

    Well....I expected nothing less from italy, even tho i am always positive about my own national team, this year i just felt something wasnt right and of course they lost against switzerland with a horribly poor perfomance

  • @DMC1982
    @DMC1982 Před 15 dny

    FORZA ITALIA 🟩⬜🟥✌🏼

  • @murraycampbell4043
    @murraycampbell4043 Před 11 dny

    No superstars no, but Chiesa and Barella together are close.

  • @ItsKinok
    @ItsKinok Před 17 dny

    Where "Why POLAND - EURO 2024 CHAMPIONS" ???

  • @VJ29110
    @VJ29110 Před 18 dny

    Next video- why Romania = euro champions.

  • @louisfong8624
    @louisfong8624 Před 18 dny +1

    Man City = Euro2024 champion

  • @klajdirexha7840
    @klajdirexha7840 Před 12 dny

    Itally also getting scored on by Nedim Bajrami in the 32 second

  • @nevalelapena
    @nevalelapena Před 12 dny

    I'm a simple Italian....I read the title = I wear out my right hand on my testicles....
    ... Thanks

  • @ThrE3-GeS
    @ThrE3-GeS Před 10 dny

    aged well LioPEN Pessi fanboy

  • @humptydumpty20
    @humptydumpty20 Před 17 dny

    Didnt he just say that England will win Euro 2024 not long ago?

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 17 dny

      There’s a video on what each country must do to win. Not a difficult concept to grasp

  • @massimofalcinelli5043
    @massimofalcinelli5043 Před 16 dny

    I've got the feeling that Spalletti Is NOT the right One!!

  • @vortanoise.2625
    @vortanoise.2625 Před 13 dny +1

    It's not Italy that doesn't have superstars but England that is full of overrated players.
    Rice, Walker, Trippier, Saka for example are extremely overrated and would sit on Italy's bench.
    Chiesa is 10 times better than Saka, Di Lorenzo way better than Walker as well, and let's not even talk about defenders and goalkeepers.
    The only English players that would make it in the starting lineup of a combined team between Italy and England would be Bellingham, Kane and maybe Foden.
    England will never win a trophy(again) unless they hire a manager from Italy.

  • @arshath-10b90
    @arshath-10b90 Před 17 dny

    U getting trolled on X bro

  • @Jhjhjj675
    @Jhjhjj675 Před 15 dny

    As an Italian we don’t know how we will do…”sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit” we just want the league season to start again 😂

  • @valeriozoncheddu1033
    @valeriozoncheddu1033 Před 17 dny

    BTW 1934 38 was the World Cup, not the euro's

  • @antoniolopes646
    @antoniolopes646 Před 16 dny

    This is funny

  • @brunoporcari
    @brunoporcari Před 13 dny +1

    You said a lot of nonsense about Italy's defensive tactics. For example, in the last example you gave when Italy won the European Championship against England at Wembley. Well, I was there, and I think we played for 75 minutes in England's half, always trying to score. England, apart from the first goal, never touched the ball again. Furthermore, we focus on the strength of the group, but we have had very strong players, such as Del Piero, Totti, Filippo Inzaghi, Cannavaro, Buffon, Chiellini, Barzagli, Bonucci, Pirlo, Grosso, Balotelli, and I could go on. Let's stop with the stereotypes.

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 13 dny +1

      Novody made any stereotypes and nobody said Italy don’t have great attackers. The point of the video was that Italy play better together as a unit rather than rely on individual brilliance. Nice that you were at the game but idk how that impacts comprehending a basic point made throughout the video

  • @Polentaccio
    @Polentaccio Před 10 dny

    Sorry, through two games this team is vanilla bland. No stand outs, no top tier guys that are making good runs and getting good shots on net. The game against Spain was pretty embarassing really. Italy needs to start developing strikers and stars again, not just guys covered in tattoos.

  • @user-hm5xw2hn8r
    @user-hm5xw2hn8r Před 10 dny +4

    the 2020 Italy had Mancini.
    the 2024 Italy don’t really have a manager!

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 10 dny +2

      Nice disrespect to Spalletti who literally won a Scudetto before leaving Napoli

    • @gergiglio
      @gergiglio Před 10 dny

      @@pedtalkssportshonestly it doesn’t mean anything it’s like comparing a player like donnarumma when he plays for the club and when he plays for the national team he is completely different

    • @diodoruscronus
      @diodoruscronus Před 5 dny


      @NIDELLANEUM Před 5 dny

      Just because Spalletti is technically semi-retired doesn't meant you can disrespect him

  • @user-ey6ps8yq8j
    @user-ey6ps8yq8j Před 17 dny

    Who came from Twitter?

  • @HK-pp9ig
    @HK-pp9ig Před 10 dny

    You are butchering Italian names... LOL, Forza Azzuri!
    Will see how they will do with Croatia now.

  • @buggy8737
    @buggy8737 Před 17 dny

    Why brazil = euro 2024 champion

  • @ParAculam
    @ParAculam Před 8 dny

    Italy has the potential, but something was off about the organization of the players, like they wanted to lose or something. The goal keepr did 80% of the job with Spain, and still that goal was just bad luck, NOT SCORED BY SPAIN. However Spain seems to be more organized than Italy. As to northern friends of germany, netherlands, england, and france, they are all dreaming to win the cup, but they are just dreaming. I don't think any of them witll even be in the final. For sure Portual. Spain, second highest probability. Italy, can surprise, this won't be the first, or the second time it did that. France's team as of today is funny to watch. Croatia hals has a false image of its potential, but won't stand a chance against Spain, let alone Portugal.I mean if you want to bet money, you should see this clearly. At least who is NOT going to win.

  • @wickdy6467
    @wickdy6467 Před 16 dny +1

    Next Why ARGENTINA = EURO 2024 CHAMPIONS pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻

  • @Chris-gw2xg
    @Chris-gw2xg Před 2 dny

    Italy lose so many good players from their 2020 squad… no Insigne, no Beradi etc.. front players for Italy suck.

  • @MBowe-yo1np
    @MBowe-yo1np Před 10 dny

    Italy vs Spain and now😂😂😂

  • @AndrewFord-tg3jx
    @AndrewFord-tg3jx Před 12 dny

    Italy 2024 champions already bet on it before Albania game. Watch Spain get upset.

  • @salvatoremattiamozzillo5739

    zio pera

  • @istaranlaura4342
    @istaranlaura4342 Před 18 dny +2

    No the will flop at the euros😂😂

  • @EnriqueBartulac
    @EnriqueBartulac Před 17 dny +3

    Next video, “Why the USMNT will win the Euros” 🤣

  • @a41166
    @a41166 Před 9 dny

    MAdre mía qué baño, qué baile les dió España......Y fue así y no fue una vergonzosa paliza porque el díos de la fortuna estuvo de su lado, de lo contrario habría acabado el partido con un 5 a 0 fácilmente......QUÉ VERGÜENZA!!!!

  • @TheSheriff1873
    @TheSheriff1873 Před 12 dny

    Good analysis. You can never underestimate Italy especially when they’re playing at their best as a team

  • @angrychickenyt
    @angrychickenyt Před 16 dny +1

    I can't wait to laugh at this later

  • @bonito34
    @bonito34 Před 15 dny

    Disappointing against Albania

    • @DMC1982
      @DMC1982 Před 15 dny

      1st half was miracously good apart from the 1st minute. Forza Azzurri 💙

  • @blaugrapunzel
    @blaugrapunzel Před 18 dny +3

    Most didn't expect Italy to win 2020 euro. But back then there was veratti, donnarumma, chiesa's prime performance. Can you really say the same for this euro? I don't think so.

    • @riccardo5281
      @riccardo5281 Před 18 dny +4

      This is a better quality side than the Mancini one. Facts

    • @istaranlaura4342
      @istaranlaura4342 Před 18 dny +1


    • @Whoami691
      @Whoami691 Před 18 dny

      Helps when the officials don't award fouls against you. 😊

    • @roccociccone597
      @roccociccone597 Před 18 dny +3

      to be very honest we have Bastoni, Barella, and Fagioli and Donnarumma. They're all pretty good players. And if Tonali wasn't a smooth brain we'd have him too...

    • @calciofan828
      @calciofan828 Před 17 dny +1

      @@riccardo5281three years ago we had Chiellini and Bonucci in the back. Not as defensively now imo.

  • @williamwallace4080
    @williamwallace4080 Před 16 dny

    Beating belgium or england ia not an upset. Fooball heritage over phony rankings or supposed talents. Bellingham is a real talent, saka isn't

  • @Rank1Artist
    @Rank1Artist Před 16 dny

    2-1 vs Albania

  • @jenuinekarki7526
    @jenuinekarki7526 Před 18 dny +2


  • @lenzpc4821
    @lenzpc4821 Před 15 dny

    Madonna che gufata state a mannà

  • @captainfalconmain6576
    @captainfalconmain6576 Před 10 dny

    their shit

  • @porrocinetico1361
    @porrocinetico1361 Před 14 dny +1


  • @James-vv9dp
    @James-vv9dp Před 16 dny

    34-38 was World Cup mate. Jesus.

    • @pedtalkssports
      @pedtalkssports  Před 16 dny

      Yeah mate it was corrected in the text right below it. Not that deep, a quick glance would have fixed you saying the lords name in vain

  • @kevin-uy3yh
    @kevin-uy3yh Před 16 dny


  • @xzzz444x9
    @xzzz444x9 Před 8 dny


  • @adhdtv4500
    @adhdtv4500 Před 18 dny

    England & Portugal = flop 👋 👋 👋

  • @Whoami691
    @Whoami691 Před 18 dny

    England have already beaten the 'defending champions' twice in qualifying ..

    • @NYRangers928
      @NYRangers928 Před 18 dny +9

      You don't have to use quotes. They really are defending champions as hard as that is for you to accept..

    • @carrrlo796
      @carrrlo796 Před 18 dny


    • @vincenzobianco3728
      @vincenzobianco3728 Před 18 dny +8

      You can win 100/100 games vs Italy in qualifiers and friendlys but Italy only wins the games that matter - that’s why we have 4 WC and 2 Euro’s.
      Wc 2014 2-1 Italy
      euro 2012 0-0 Italy penalties
      Euro 2020 Italy champions in Wembley.
      Only 3 games, true, but more important that all friendly s and qualifiers.
      “Defending champions”

    • @Whoami691
      @Whoami691 Před 18 dny

      @@NYRangers928 someone doesnt understand the intricacises of language do they? :)

    • @Whoami691
      @Whoami691 Před 18 dny

      @@vincenzobianco3728 How did italy do in the last world cup?
      Oh right! They failed to qualify! :D
      Sorry, were you saying something about winning games that matter?

  • @-21ram-77
    @-21ram-77 Před 10 dny +1

    LOST TO SPAIN 😂😂😂😅

  • @wingedhussar1453
    @wingedhussar1453 Před 16 dny


  • @joomo1944
    @joomo1944 Před 16 dny +1
