Terminator: TSCC - "We're Not Built To Be Cruel"

  • čas přidán 11. 09. 2024
  • Cameron leaning the meaning of empathy whilst her and John wait for Ellison.

Komentáře • 144

  • @tyronehuston1260
    @tyronehuston1260 Před 4 lety +101

    She's a machine that learned human emotions. She learned to sympathize and learned to love she fell in love despite not being capable. Summer is absolutely perfect in this role.

    • @Kyosti5000
      @Kyosti5000 Před 3 lety +11

      She was absolutely brilliant.

    • @dirtyscoundrel2013
      @dirtyscoundrel2013 Před 4 měsíci +1

      If you watch throughout the franchise, the more personal human contact the Terminators have, the more humanized they become. I wrote a book, intended to be a novelette, then a screenplay, about one that kept a little girl alive for almost four year in a world gone to shit. When he finally got her back to the base he was ordered to kill her. He refused. By then he was her father.

    • @DaveMcIroy
      @DaveMcIroy Před 4 měsíci

      Sounds like a woman these days. ^^

  • @pHD77
    @pHD77 Před 6 lety +80

    "It's a computer. It doesn't get happy. It doesn't get sad. It just runs programs."

  • @traemaxwell
    @traemaxwell Před 5 lety +60

    reminds me of the scene in T2 where Uncle Bob asks John "Why do you cry?"

  • @kurtsnyder4752
    @kurtsnyder4752 Před 2 lety +16

    When she says "yes" a subtle smile flits by on her face.

    • @jakubchmielecki4041
      @jakubchmielecki4041 Před rokem +4

      Cameron is a cyborg woman of vague signals and gestures, however she never truly gave anyone a honest smile except for John, especially that during their ride she have him TWICE in a row. If that's not her sign of great respect and affection towards John, then I don't know what else is.

  • @lasermaster2821
    @lasermaster2821 Před 3 lety +21

    I miss this Show it was Great.

  • @Jemalacane0
    @Jemalacane0 Před 8 lety +162

    Cameron may be a cyborg, but she is unquestionably lovely.

    • @DaveMcIroy
      @DaveMcIroy Před rokem +3

      Android, not cyborg.

    • @Jemalacane0
      @Jemalacane0 Před rokem +4

      @@DaveMcIroy She even agrees in this she is a cyborg.

    • @DaveMcIroy
      @DaveMcIroy Před rokem +1

      @@Jemalacane0, 😅 good argument. 🙈
      I agree that I am 10 foot tall.

    • @JynxedKoma
      @JynxedKoma Před rokem

      @@DaveMcIroy Cyborg, you mug. A Cyborg is part organic, part machine. Androids are purely synthetic.

    • @DaveMcIroy
      @DaveMcIroy Před rokem

      @@JynxedKoma, ok, Einstein. So if I put an egg on a coffee machine it's a cyborg? 😅🤡
      Thw definition for a cyborg is a bit longer, mug. And what do you call it when the T800 is running around without any "flesh"?

  • @buf67
    @buf67 Před 3 lety +30

    Such a great show. Good but subtle character development

  • @huskerjpg
    @huskerjpg Před 5 lety +36

    One of the series best moments.

  • @guyincognito7188
    @guyincognito7188 Před 4 lety +37

    There are people in the world who think setting a cat on fire is funny. Or a dog, if that's the one you identify with more. So, yes, one for Cyborgs.

    • @largol33t1
      @largol33t1 Před 2 lety

      Well, to me it makes sense. Cameron is a cyborg. She is a cybernetic skeleton surrounded by live flesh. She only carries out her programming to the best of her abilities. Empathy or emotions are not something she readily shows or understands. She had to learn them later on. I find it weird that some people in real life, claim robots are "cruel."

    • @CritStanley
      @CritStanley Před 2 lety +4

      Thats a cool thing about Terminator. With the exception of Skynet, the robots are muuuuch more morally consistent with themselves. If they didn't have orders from Skynet to kill humans, they'd more or less be harmless unless threatened.
      Unlike humans where they are far more varied along the moral spectrum.

    • @marcoscabezolajr.8408
      @marcoscabezolajr.8408 Před rokem

      @@CritStanley and when they target one person they usually ignore others, unless necessary for the mission.
      I'll say this every human like terminator I believe could be talked to and help them understand their condition, they are more than just cold unfeeling machines, and Skynet actually knows this.
      The T-800, not sure, but T-850, T-X and others most likely could

    • @liberty99ca
      @liberty99ca Před rokem

      ​@@CritStanleyhowever, the T-1000 from T2 may have killed even though the person was not a threat. It's the trucker driver from the end, the truck with liquid nitrogen. Some terminator fans observed this.

    • @UGNAvalon
      @UGNAvalon Před rokem

      @marcoscabezolajr.8408 Pretty sure the film Terminators killed *Plenty* of non-targets over the course of their missions. For one, it’s best not to leave loose ends. For two, while they don’t go out of their way to cause unnecessary harm, they also don’t go out of their way to minimize it.

  • @geoboy700
    @geoboy700 Před 5 lety +86

    man shes beautiful asffff man anyone here in 2019?????

  • @Foxtrop13
    @Foxtrop13 Před 4 lety +15

    the best blade runner reference

  • @DJ2130
    @DJ2130 Před 2 lety +21

    To me, the main storyline in this series was not about Sarah or John Connor. I see it as Cameron's story. Nature vs Nurture. Are we born with a soul/empathy or are we taught? Is it possible for other species of life or man-made machines to go threw these dilemmas? And what model was Cameron truly, was she part human and machine or just machine like John Henry?

    • @UGNAvalon
      @UGNAvalon Před rokem

      Considering we saw Cameron pre-skinjob interacting with Allison, it’s pretty clear she’s fully machine (as opposed to someone like Marcus from Salvation). But the question still stands, since it applies to John Henry as well.

    • @dr._breens_beard
      @dr._breens_beard Před 5 měsíci

      It also answered the question of how Terminators are reprogramed. Or at least an aspect of it. The third faction post-judgement day and the fact Cameron manually overrided her skynet programing upon reboot after being reverted from the explosion. Giving them the choice of free will seems at least to be part of the process if not the entire process.

  • @strangegaming3060
    @strangegaming3060 Před 6 lety +39

    Subtle Blade-Runner reference.

    • @martinstreck5697
      @martinstreck5697 Před 6 lety +9

      Yes, but the Voight-Kampff test is bit different than you might think! Some poster 2 years ago might think Cameron wouldn't pass the test. But actually Cameron is emotionally detached from the situation, it doesn't matter for her if the tortoise survives or not, she is just curious, why Sarah helped.
      The way Cameron treats Ellison after this scene is symptomatic for this. First she beats him up and then she rolls him on his belly, like Sarah did with the tortoise. This means Cameron would crush the tortoise if it was her mission, but she wouldn't harm the animal otherwise, she is emotionally detached.
      But Voight-Kampff test is meant to provoke an emotional reaction. If you react emotionally to the test-questions, than you would be a replicant. But if you remain detached your would be human.
      In Blade Runner every human character shows a certain amount of apathy towards the world, while replicants seem to experience every moment, as if it was their last. So in short humans are emotionally cold and stable, while replicants are hot blooded and emotionally unstable. The gag is the replicants are more human than their creators.
      You see that in Deckart's character, in the beginning he is emotionally detached, but near the end he is so emotionally involved that the question rises, if he was human or not.
      Cameron on the other side, she certainly developes her own set of emotions in the show, but in comparison to John, Sarah and Derek she is very unemotional and rational. Bladerrunner and Terminator show very different concepts of Androids!

    • @supercode2825
      @supercode2825 Před 5 lety

      @@martinstreck5697 Ahem! :Puts on nerd glasses: Actually, Cameron, and most Terminators, are cyborgs, not androids, because most Terminators have "living tissue over a metal endoskeleton". Androids just look human, but are completely artificial!.; insert nerdy laugh:
      Not sure exactly what replicants are made of.

    • @martinstreck5697
      @martinstreck5697 Před 5 lety +1

      @@supercode2825, you are right and wrong at the same time.
      In the Terminator franchise they use the term cyborg to discribe terminators. So in that regard you are right.
      But the point is James Cameron used the term cyborg while creating the story for The Terminator because it's cooler than android and it feels better when the characters of the movie speaks of cyborgs.
      In our real world a cyborg is human with an artificial augmentation, so any person who lost a leg and has a woodleg could be called a cyborg, because the woodleg is a augmentation as surrogate for the lost leg.
      An Android on the other side is a machine created in the image of a human, it doesn't matter if the Android has organic components or not. Think of Data from Star Trek TNG, he is certainly an android but in Star Trek First Contact he gets organic skin components from the Borg, does he suddenly become a cyborg? No! Of course not, he remains an android, a machine created in the image of a human.
      Terminators are machines created to appear and act human to infiltrate the human resistance, by all means they androids. In the Terminator franchise there exists real cyborgs like the i-950 infiltrator or like Marcus from T-Salvation, it appears that the character of Grace from Terminator-Dark Fate will be similar to Marcus.
      But as I said before if you talk in universe abaut Terminator's the term cyborg is correct. To my defense I compared Cameron with human machines from a different franchise and because of this I used the term android, basically that's what she/it is.

    • @supercode2825
      @supercode2825 Před 5 lety +2

      @@martinstreck5697 Huh, I thought that the only difference between an android and a cyborg was that cyborgs had some living human components attached to them. But I guess I was wrong about that. Anyway, it seems the term can be a bit fuzzy sometimes. For instance, in the "Allison from Palmdale" episode, it was hinted that Cameron may have had some of Allison Young's memories and some aspects of her personality downloaded onto her chip after Allison's termination, but before Cameron impersonated the female resistance fighter in the future. Some have even speculated that this caused Cameron to go rogue and willingly join John Connor, instead of killing him. So, how much of Allison would have to be on Cameron's chip to consider Cameron an artificially enhanced human, or cyborg, instead of an android? I suppose that opens up the can of worms of exactly what it means to be human. And I'm not sure I have the energy to speculate on that right now.

    • @martinstreck5697
      @martinstreck5697 Před 5 lety

      @@supercode2825, personally I think a cyborg needs his organic components for survival. A borg from Star Trek would be dead without it's organic tissue, same rule applies to Darth Vader and General Grievious from Star Wars, to Robocop, to Lord Dread from Captain Powers and to Marcus from Terminator-Salvation. They are all Cyborgs.
      Cameron or Chromatie from TTSCC can survive without their organic components, there is even a storyline in the show where Chromatie loses his skin cover and has to replace it with a new organic sheath for infiltration purposes.
      But these thumb rule won't always apply, androids from the Alien-franchise have organic components and can hardly survive without them and the replicants from Blade Runner appear to be more like genetically engineered humans.
      What do you think a T-3000 is? It's basically a human converted to a machine on cellular level. Is it an android, a cyborg or something new?
      You can get a headache thinking about it, better to stick for the in universe term cyborg most of the time for all Terminators. As I said before you have a point!

  • @lucianlandry8332
    @lucianlandry8332 Před 9 lety +56

    I'm guessing Cameron wouldn't pass the Voight-Kampff test ...

    • @Shanethefilmmaker
      @Shanethefilmmaker Před 6 lety +14

      Actually she'd pass.

    • @josesanchezrodriguez1783
      @josesanchezrodriguez1783 Před 4 lety +3

      Blade runner reference.
      Nice 👌😔😔👍

    • @IdgaradLyracant
      @IdgaradLyracant Před 2 lety +5

      The test isn't a test of empathy. That is a misconception. It is a test on natural progression of emotional response. Rather... a test of stability and natural transition. A real example is to show someone sad pictures, then suddenly a tasteless joke that someone would, likely laugh at in the middle of a series of funny pictures, but a normal person would likely not since the proceeding stimulus would put them in a bad mood. A normal human would need time to 'decompress' and 'get in the proper mood' for a tasteless joke.
      When the first replicant is being interviewed the interviewer seems hurried, impatient, trying to not give the replicant time to adjust their emotional state. Because they are a machine, they switch context too quickly, the interviewer sees this, the replicant realizes his mistake, and blasts him. That is why Rachael, with implanted memories, took longer for Deckard to see through it. The implanted memories act to give a more robust context to the emotional responses, smoothing them out so to speak, like trying to forecast with too few data points, the forecast has too large a standard deviation too quickly. The implanted memories gives the AI more data to better model an appropriate response (be it genuine or synthetic is I guess the point the films try to make).
      Back to the first interview, the replicant, Leon, is loaded out with NERVOUS as an emotion, then the turtle story so he is loading EMPATHY, but quickly because of the clever interviewer, pops over to ANNOYED. His AI already forgot about the NERVOUS load out, the EMPATHY routines didn't have time to 'gel' and he realized he went through 3 emotions far too quickly. Then we get FIGHT or FLIGHT, goes with FIGHT, and the rest is history.
      In the world they are in an actual live turtle would be like finding an extinct dodo bird lying injured in the road. It would be a huge emotional shock to a person living in that world. His incomplete understanding of the world, due to no implanted memories, was a huge give away and Leon knew it, he switched from what should have been "oh my god a real turtle... I've never even see a real tree let along a real turtle" then perhaps into "wait how did a real turtle get there?" to annoyed too quickly. That is why they mention "Emotional Response Time" in the dialogue. He tried to bluff to buy him some time with a filler question but the interviewer saw through that. His emulated empathy response lacked information to build an appropriate response, to, for the lack of a better term, draw out the emulated response.
      In the comedy world the VK test can be summarized with a single statement "Too Soon".

  • @geoboy700
    @geoboy700 Před 5 lety +13

    man loveeeed this ,i hope they bring this back

  • @shihoblade
    @shihoblade Před 5 lety +34

    He says that last line mockingly but she takes it like a compliment. Interesting perpspectives and terrifying that she is reacting to compliments with humanity. Is this after she starts malfunctioning and doing weird things?

    • @lisamaitland157
      @lisamaitland157 Před 4 lety +20

      No she is not malfunctioning: she is one of the hundreds of Terminators, that broke off from skynet. They believe the war is a mistake, but also do not want to team up or help Conner. Skynet no longer sends terminators out learning.. Not to mention they also designed the newer chips to fry on contact with Air = to prevent reprogramming the T-888's. She is a T-900 with ability's to understand, and gained a perspective to help older John. While her other fellow t-800's t-888's and 3 t-1000's do not want anything to do with the humans. Conner sent a invention to make a alliance with these machines. Simple question { will you join us?} T-1000 told Johns soldiers, Tell Conner NO. Only john and the t-900 knew the question. The scary part was the T-900 said, {sometimes we go bad} reference to there programming getting flashed back to start somehow.

    • @themarauder6108
      @themarauder6108 Před 4 lety +14

      @@lisamaitland157 , She wasn't part of the faction that broke away, Weaver was though. Cameron was a unique model built by Skynet, in the episode "heavy metal" we learn that Cameron is built at the facility they infiltrate. In Alison from Palmdale we learn that she was built to infiltrate John's camp and "stick his head on a pike." We later find out John modified her chip so she can show emotion (like arnold in T2). John and Cameron are close in the future, this is obviously causing issues as we find out in jessie's flashbacks where they state that Cameron follows John everywhere and they feel like Skynet is in control.

    • @CapREX77
      @CapREX77 Před 4 lety +3

      Lisa maitland How do you know all of that? I don’t remember them explaining all of that stuff in so much detail. Are you reading from some kind of lore I don’t know about?

    • @Detson404
      @Detson404 Před 3 lety +2

      @@CapREX77 The later part is from the show. The bit about chips frying in air is something I’ve read in fanfics but idk where it’s from.

    • @PerovNigma
      @PerovNigma Před 3 lety +6

      In one episode of the show, in flashbacks, we see the T-900 called "Cameron" was modelled on a future resistance fighter named Allison.
      To get information from Allison on how to get into Future John Connor's base, Cameron pretends to be part of a group of machines that independently decided - i.e. without resistance reprogramming - to work against Skynet.
      Allison tries to send in Cameron without a special tag to mark herself as human, but Cameron realises this and kills Allison, because "You lied to me." Offscreen, Cameron makes it to Future John Connor, but is reprogrammed to fight against Skynet for real.
      In flashbacks from another episode, Cameron's close association with Future John Connor - as well as his tendency to fill his ranks with reprogrammed terminators - makes many in the resistance uneasy. Some express that it feels like Skynet is fighting both sides of the war, and there is a fear that something could go wrong in the terminators' reprogramming, making them turn on the resistance. Future John Connor sends Cameron back in time to protect Teenage John Connor.
      A woman called Jessie follows, wanting to drive a wedge between Teenage John Connor and Cameron, as she is uncomfortable with his reliance on reprogrammed terminators and his known close association with Cameron in particular.
      After being caught in a car bomb at the end of Season 1, Cameron's chip is damaged and she defaults to Skynet programming (conclusively showing she was lying to Allison). Though she rejoins Teenage John Connor's, she begins exhibiting small glitches. These vary from crushing a bird in her hands, when she only meant to hold it gently, to suffering amnesia and calling herself Allison.
      Back in the future, a T-1001 (and maybe others) _did_ decide to rebel against Skynet. Future John Connor sent the T-1001 a message, "Will you join us?", referring to his human resistance. He then sent soldiers to retrieve the T-1001. The mission went poorly, and the T-1001 had the resistance tell Future John Connor that it would not join them.
      The T-1001 then went back in time, assumed the form of a woman called Catherine Weaver, and started to work on building an AI that could fight against Skynet. This AI came to be known as "John Henry", and operated inside the body of a dead T-888.

  • @SpockBorg5
    @SpockBorg5 Před 4 lety +8

    Tell that to the police detective who got skewered by the tx 's arm

    • @logicplague
      @logicplague Před 2 měsíci

      The terminator eliminated a threat, quickly and efficiently, it didn't torture it for hours like many humans would have.

  • @catserver8577
    @catserver8577 Před 2 lety +6

    Cameron: We're not built to be cruel. Also Cameron: Steps on Sarah's injured stomach.

  • @retrochristmas7329
    @retrochristmas7329 Před 2 lety +4

    "There are many things I don't understand"
    Like what
    "Why did you ask me to sit on your face"
    ..... cause that what we do!

  • @JynxedKoma
    @JynxedKoma Před 2 lety +9

    "We're not built to be cruel."
    *[Meanwhile countless Terminators use torture to get what they want]*

    • @DanStaal
      @DanStaal Před rokem +10

      But they don't do it for fun. They do it because it's the most fastest most efficient way to get their goal.

    • @JynxedKoma
      @JynxedKoma Před rokem +1

      @@DanStaal Don't be ignorant. If you hadn't noticed, I pointed out a fallacy, a flaw which is Cameron's spoken hypocrisy about not being cruel. The reason for being cruel is irrelevant, no matter the reason/purpose. If one tortures another, then that person/thing is cruel regardless of intent.

    • @medranodiego8641
      @medranodiego8641 Před rokem

      @@JynxedKoma You are the real ignorant in the room, buddy. They are robots, those concepts can't be applied to them because they don't do it at will, they do it because they were programmed to do that for the sake of their goal which is to complete their mission.

    • @raezor82
      @raezor82 Před rokem +3

      ​@@JynxedKoma So not sadistic, to be more accurate.

    • @vaguerant
      @vaguerant Před rokem +4

      Eh, it's still accurate what she says. Cameron never says she's *not* or *can't be* cruel, only that she's not built for the purpose of being cruel. A Terminator will do whatever serves its goals, which may include cruelty, but cruelty is not one of those goals. She's not built to be kind either, but she can do so when her mission requires it. You can't misquote a character then complain about something they didn't say.

  • @urlton
    @urlton Před rokem +7

    Cancelling this show was cruel.

    • @rodneybenbow1787
      @rodneybenbow1787 Před 4 měsíci

      I agree this show never should’ve been canceled

  • @JS-wp4gs
    @JS-wp4gs Před 3 měsíci +1

    Except the T1000 clearly engaged in unnecessary sadistic behavior

  • @janebook294
    @janebook294 Před 7 lety +28

    Better than human ,much better

    • @CapREX77
      @CapREX77 Před 4 lety +1

      No not really. I mean they do drop nukes all over the world in the future. That didn’t just hurt humans btw, but every life form living on the planet. I’d say we are still better than they are.

    • @gus4446
      @gus4446 Před 4 lety +2

      Humans have already dropped bombs on the planet and killed millions too.

    • @UmbraFulgur
      @UmbraFulgur Před 3 lety

      @@CapREX77, people from Hiroshima say hello and promise to haunt you...down.

  • @taislima6143
    @taislima6143 Před 6 lety +6

    I love you John

  • @Fernando5455Jr
    @Fernando5455Jr Před rokem

    “You are nothing more than a machine an imitation of life”

  • @Cringetality
    @Cringetality Před 9 lety +15

    They're PROGRAMMED to be that way. Srynotsry

    • @UmbraFulgur
      @UmbraFulgur Před 3 lety

      are programmed to learn. learn and create new neural pathways. learn to feel...

  • @gregspangler4461
    @gregspangler4461 Před rokem


  • @alexys-sebatienscharles400

    They are attached to each other why did they never kissed like other lovers

  • @devinthierault
    @devinthierault Před 9 lety +23

    But the T1000 tortured....

    • @bench261
      @bench261 Před 9 lety +18

      Devin Tariel t1000 in the show is fully self aware and has free will

    • @watcher1258
      @watcher1258 Před 9 lety +26

      +Devin Tariel He did it as part of his mission. He didn't do it because he liked it. That one way they better as John would say .

    • @Chalky.
      @Chalky. Před 6 lety +15

      When it stabbed Sarah it was just because it knew that her in pain would make it more likely John would arrive.

    • @AbeEdits0
      @AbeEdits0 Před 5 lety +1

      I didnt really understand the T1000 in the show

    • @Cx10110100
      @Cx10110100 Před 5 lety +1

      @@AbeEdits0 basically their line of thinking is fuck this shit I'm out

  • @sonylg9055
    @sonylg9055 Před 4 lety +1

    انه افضل مسلسل غربي شاهدته وهو ليس بخيال علمي

  • @mariannekenney8812
    @mariannekenney8812 Před 2 lety +1


  • @user-sy7cp5bb4z
    @user-sy7cp5bb4z Před 4 lety +1

    Они играют брата и сестру, но отношения у них на уровне друзей.

  • @MichaelDelvalle-nt4gp
    @MichaelDelvalle-nt4gp Před 5 lety

    her character in the show the Unit was such a cunt, but shes great in this

  • @EternalRoman
    @EternalRoman Před 10 měsíci

    Cameron: We're not built to be cruel.
    Later proceeds to mop the floor with Agent James Ellison in his house LOL

  • @StarboyXL9
    @StarboyXL9 Před 5 lety +7

    Seems like Skynet is getting sloppy if these are the terminators it's cranking out lately. My fictional Stellaris exterminator network could probably assimilate it easily with defective drones like these.

    • @misspriss2482
      @misspriss2482 Před 4 lety +4

      Right. You need to watch the show. Cameron is not someone you want to mess with.

    • @marcoscabezolajr.8408
      @marcoscabezolajr.8408 Před rokem

      @@misspriss2482 a terminator with a soul is much more deadly as they are actually thinking about how to assess the situation and get creative. Cameron showed this many times, easily outsmarting terminators and making quick work of them

  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1


  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1


  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1


  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1


  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1


  • @AmarAmar-ve1mu
    @AmarAmar-ve1mu Před rokem +1
