What is your best D&D story? 🅿️4

  • čas přidán 10. 05. 2024
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    DnD players: What is the most creative character you've seen someone play as?
    DND players, what was your funniest “nat 20” moment? Part 2 (r/askreddit)
    What’s the DUMBEST thing a player rolled for and Succeeded?
    D&D players, what was the NAT20 that made your DM facepalm?
    What's the funniest thing PC's latched onto? #1 (r/dndstories)
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Komentáře • 59

  • @happyhafer1403
    @happyhafer1403 Před 2 měsíci +11

    an advice to the DM of that last story.
    try using deadly enemies that can't be reasoned with and therefor befriended if the party keeps this trend of stupid lucky rolls up.
    or just use more than one at once, that would make the chances of ending a battle before it started more in your favor.
    if two or three such enemies end up fighting each other, make it clear that the parties new ally is the weaker one of the enemies even if you have to change some stats on the fly.
    or accept that combat encounters are just not gonna be the main challenge-focus for the rest of the campaign and re-design encounters to have more RP-heavy solutions.
    if they can keep winning fights without actual combat, let them have it.

  • @xbe0wu1f76
    @xbe0wu1f76 Před 2 měsíci +14

    I got an old one, it was back when I was still newish to the game. I was playing a human Monk Barbarian, who had been captured while pursuing the man that killed his master. Quick note: this was in Out of the abyss, so spoilers. In the beginning when we were all in chains each of the players were waiting to break free to start the campaign. None of us had played the campaign before so we didn’t know what we were in for. All we knew was that the campaign was centered around the demon lords, which interested us. Unbeknownst to us, the DM, and another seasoned player decided to expose us to some homebrew role playing. The player, an astute scholar of D&D lore gave us an amazing twist, when he manifested in the beginning of the campaign as a Devil commander from the Nine Hells, who had been sent to continue the conflict between the Devils and Demons in the material planes. We were shocked, as he introduced himself as the Sin of Wrath, who would recruit us in the conflict. The whole thing was a shock to everyone, as us noobs were introduced to the greater lore of the setting and got to experience a player role playing a powerful homebrew character, who did not make us feel redundant.
    The best part of the whole initial encounter was that when he arrived, and subsequently threw everything into chaos, allowing us to escape, everyone started going ham on our captors. I myself got lucky rolling a nat 20 to break free from my chains, before proceeding to punch one guy through a wall, killing them in one hit, and drop kicking another into a deep pit. It was the first time I ever played a Strength monk btw. Although it feels trivial when compared to the badass devil tearing his enemies apart, but hey, it was a hell of a start to crazy campaign.

    • @shingarou3023
      @shingarou3023 Před 2 měsíci

      Out of curiosity, how did the rest of the campaign go?

    • @xbe0wu1f76
      @xbe0wu1f76 Před 2 měsíci

      @@shingarou3023 Honestly it was interesting. As we made our way through the campaign there were some added homebrew points, mainly for the interactions between the Devil PC and some demons, along with an Angel NPC that was sent down to keep an eye on him. Overall, it went well, although we did end up losing the Devil PC, mainly because the player had IRL obligations with their work, however, the way the devil was written out was badass, as he dragged a rogue devil back down to the nine hells with him, leaving us to go on to defeat the Demogorgon without him. It was a little bittersweet after we beat the campaign without him, especially when we planned to go through Descent into Avernus with the same characters. However, we all agreed that once our friend comes back, we're going to pick up where we left off, and conclude this little epic the right way, with our Devil Commander, the Sin of Wrath.

  • @theskullboy8700
    @theskullboy8700 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Our party had a kobolt NPC that was my character’s mentor in getting a Druid. I remember thinking to myself “hey I got a character I can practice rping with”. Then in the next combat session the cobalt fucking died……….by a Nat 20…………..five of them to be exact.

  • @kinsan89
    @kinsan89 Před 2 měsíci +18

    A bard played a song and then the goblins cried and we killed them. The end!

  • @skeepodoop5197
    @skeepodoop5197 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Probably that time I played a red chromatic dragonborn from Fizbans, where I fought a bunch of lava elementals inside a volcano, while casually walking through molten lava, as I was immune to fire damage thanks to my chromatic warding feature.
    At one point I was standing on a floating lava rock and a lava elemental burrowed beneath me and threw me off the lava rock into the lava. While I was below them, they were still holding the lava rock. I noticed a bunch of magma mephits like 20 feet away beyond the lava elemental ontop of a lava rock, so I asked the DM if I could cast thunderwave and mathmatically calculate what angle I could cast thunderwave at to launch the lava rock onto the mephits. I rolled a 23, and not only killed that lava elemental, but launched the lava rock smack dab onto EVERY Mephit, killing them instantly with a boom. Basically I killed 5 mephits and a lava elemental with one stone!

  • @onelife7572
    @onelife7572 Před 2 měsíci +2

    In a one shot on Thursday that took place as an alternate event for about halfway through our first campaign in our homebrew saga I played as butthead (as in the show, he’s a recurring one shot character), the psychic warrior. Had to fight an asmodeus possessed demigod, during the fight we were getting absolutely mogged, earlier I had asked if I could use graft to steal the ruby rod and be killed, to be sent to hell and confront asmodeus after 100 years to delay him a further 200 (4 d100, I rolled a fucking 7 )before gaining access to the material plane again. After being stunned the first few rounds I saw that he was in front of me, so I grappled and grafted his caliburn fused with the ruby rod, then proceeded to crit this bastard 3 times in a row, sealing the deal with fate. Getting him down to below 20 health before kneeling down in front of my paladin and asmodeus, saying that I’m prepared for what comes next as I stare asmodeus in the eyes and tell him “I’ll see you in hell” he was so shocked he couldn’t react as our paladin smites me with brass knuckles, killing me instantly as asmodeus couldn’t do anything but yell at us in anger as he was smited from this earth by our paladin, Micah. Butthead now serves as the archdevil with asmodeus stuck in a microcosm by his side because he’s been slowly leaching power from him. Because of my rock bottom intellect psiwarrior the world and universe is forever free from asmodeus, the book of vile darkness, and Lums machine, he’s now known across the world and feared in hell as “the chosen martyr”
    Edit* included why it was 200, exact was 202 for 302 years

  • @---ze8tc
    @---ze8tc Před 2 měsíci +2

    We were tired of saving the world, so we decided to play bad guys. For the first mission we had from our boss, we had to find a supply of drugs. We search for dealers and attacks one, but killed him. We tried again, but with the same result. After a while, we were attacks by a group of the same band, which was kind of piss of we kill two of their friends. We barely managed to survived, and killed almost everyone, but thankfully one of us looked at the end of the battle if he could save one of the agressors for interrogation, he had luck (or maybe the DM was nice).
    We transport him to a discret place, and when he woke up, tied to a chair, we started to intimidate and interrogate him. Social skill were not our strong suit, and we fail miserably. The barbarian was pissed off and decided that torture was the good way to do it, on a prisonner that was barely alive. Before anyone had time to react, he said :
    B : As he doesn't want to speak, maybe pain will do, I stab him with my axe in the leg and ask again where we can find his boss.
    DM : You great axe ?
    B : Yes
    DM : Roll for damage
    B : 13
    DM : as you cut his leg, he screams and die of blood loss.
    We had to find another drug dealer after that.

  • @SK3L3_T0N_PLAYZ
    @SK3L3_T0N_PLAYZ Před 2 měsíci +2

    Just Happened but we were playing Tyranny Of The Dragon King and were at the floating castle, we finally got to Rezmir and the battle started. Our Dwarf Fighter/Artificer Dealt 12 damage (We are lvl 7) Then it was my turn. I Play a Dragonborn Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer, I cast Blight at 4th lvl along with Heightened Spell. 2 Nat 1s rolled by our dam for her save. 88 damage total. And that’s how we killed Rezmir in 2 turns!

  • @KiriMantiss
    @KiriMantiss Před 2 měsíci +3

    A month into a campaign with a few friends as my second-ever game of DnD; I play as a Thri-kreen rouge,and the party is a high-elf ranger, a stereotypical edgelord human ranger, a centaur fighter, and an adorable but incredibly dumb saydr (think I got that right?) Warlock. We were in a city general store, run by a cheery and squeaky gnome. The rangers bought some fire arrows from the gnome, and all was going well. Que the elf to start haggling the *crap* out of the shopkeep, and fails at a charisma check. Gnome proceeds to get defensive, elf intimidates. Gnome is now terrified of this elf. Que our adorable little saydr who can feel nothing but joy, burst out laughing maniacly, putting more terror in the gnome. Edgy ranger leans against the counter with his hood up, wordless, further scaring the already shitless gnome. Centaur doing absolutely nothing but looming, theres more fear. Then there's me in the back, a giant bug rapidly waving antennae and appendages to get the shopkeep's attention (thri-kreen can't speak, but can communicate telepathically to a willing creature) Gnome shits a brick after finally seeing me, and says to the party "A-alright! Just take it! J-just don't feed me to the bug!"
    One of my favorite interactions so far in this campaign. And, as a bonus, thri-kreen see elves as delicacies. I am just waiting for a reason and a chance when the rest of the party's back is turned to eat the murder-hobo elf..

  • @zackposey592
    @zackposey592 Před 2 měsíci +1

    The end to a two year campaign. My recollection could never do it justice. But our party had been dealing with mind flayer control everything. We went through insane battles. Had 1 TPK had to roll new characters. People left, and new people jumped halfway through the 2nd half. But the end killed me. In our 2nd to last session, we defeated a cosmic elder brain dragon. We were hurt pretty bad and had zero spell slots. When we got into our last session, the player who missed the last session returned and was having a main character moment. He was essentially about to bring about ragnarok. Instead of trying to fight him, the four others my paladin, the wizard/ sorcerer, the cleric, and the sniper just decided to give up and go with him into the portal to safety. No resistance, no battle. Just said yup fuck this world. We go through the portal into avernus and are talking about it. Turns out our sniper never went into the portal and linked up with the norse gods. So hundreds of years pass back in that world. The sniper opens a portal and is talking to the player who betrayed us the fighter. I pull the cleric and the W/S and the DM into a side chat. I devise the plan to use my nightmare to sneak into the portal, push the sniper through, and close it. With only a strength roll, my paladin appears behind the sniper and shoves him through the portal, and we close it from the other side. Now, myself and the other two are in valhalla. Well our W/S uses a wish spell to return me to other to avernus with the other two. My paladin appears next to the fighter and the sniper. Who were fighting. After seeing me, they stopped fighting and decided to make a truce. We then devise a plan to return to valhalla and kill the other two. Once we return to valhalla, the other two start acting really chummy and my paladin and fighter are about to go into the hug they offer. We planned on getting close and using our martial abilities to really mess them up. Well as we step close these guys bite down on the last two magic beans they had like cyanide suicide pact. The W/S get obliterated by a statue of himself spawning from his head. The statue is designed to talk shit about his character too. The other spawns a pyramid killing him as well sending me and the fighter flying back taking a bit of damage and the sniper ends up inside the pyramid. He eventually gets out no issue. Then we get arrested by the norse gods. The sniper gets off free to go because he was allies to them. The fighter gets 500 years in prison because he set off ragnarok and my paladin initially gets 5 year's because of trespassing but the sniper vouched for me and I got sent to the new midgard. The cleric and the W/S get praised as heros and the cleric gets a statue made in his image, and they use the one that looks like the W/S that is still talking shit about him as the statue for him. A whole lot of fuckery, chaos, really hard fights and sacrifice, all for it to end like that

  • @llawliet8467
    @llawliet8467 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I got a old one, my first DND game I was playing a elf my friend was playing a halfing that hid behind us in combat to jump out at our enemy's and used us as human shields. At some point my other friend a half orc barbarian got fed up with him getting away with no damage after every enemy encounter. When our DM got us to a village where the locals were having trouble with a nearby cave. The half orc had a plan in mind but the only problem was that it could only be reached by boat so before we set sail. The half orc announced that he could not take it any longer and then grappled and tied up the halfing with rope and attached it to the boat and threw him in the ocean. Then our DM said it was time to set sail and we dragged him in the freezing water for the whole time. While he was in the water he asked the DM if there was any fish around him. Our DM was confused because he was being dragged and was completely tie up but he wanted to see where this was going and gave an unsure yes. He then announced he would try to catch a fish with his mouth Nat 20 We all died laughing at our friend roleplaying being tied up while catching a fish in his mouth. Then our DM announce that we made it to the cave entrance and we started trying to find a safe place to get off. While we were doing that the halfing tried to wiggly his way to freedom but didn't roll high enough to escape. Then our DM told us that we notice something under the boat. Then suddenly an octopus grabbed onto the side of the boat. We all were still on the boat safe but our halfing was tied up in the water behide the boat unable to escape. We all had to distract the octopus as much as possible so our half orc could try to get him back in the boat. Nat 20 he flings the halfing over the boat and onto safe ground. He then runs and hides as we try to battle this octopus. In the end we defeated the octopus and got to the entrance to the cave and that is when we stopped the first session.

  • @A_cozy_fire
    @A_cozy_fire Před 2 měsíci +3

    A guy tried and succeeded to suduce a table

  • @user-vt4si1ef6r
    @user-vt4si1ef6r Před 2 měsíci +1

    I have used Hunter, Mark and colossus slayer together to great affect many a time, my longest running character is arranger, and I love her to pieces. She’s a bit difficult to describe her, since I kind of throw myself into my characters. Biba mercurial temper, hesitancy to shoot and ask questions later, unless of course you fascinate her, at which point she’ll ask questions first. She’s a wolf, outlander background, yes, literally raised by wolves, and then wars, and then taught herself the rest. That should have been wood elf, I happen to like how they treat the natural world, it’s similar to how the Native Americans of this country do, the use everything of what you kill, do not make more waste than you have to, do not take more than you must, And of what you take be extremely respectful

  • @user-vt4si1ef6r
    @user-vt4si1ef6r Před 2 měsíci +2

    As for my own best story, there are several, I don’t know all the details, you better ask our DM, Jorge. The best of I can actually remember, the reason it took me over a year in real time, actually more like three years in real time and over a year in game time to forgive our wizard paladin? I remember that story very well, start to finish. Or, you can go with the crazy one of how we got through a castle, found the object we have been task with finding, and got out, without being detected. We just finished doing that one, Got out. It was a Sunblade, but I’m pretty well satisfied or at least my character is, one of the things she hates most in all the world is the undead, to her mind you kill something, it dies, it stays dead. You do not revive it in any way, shape, or form. Did I mention that characters Ranger? first character driver made, still player, lover

  • @bag-o-ventures4255
    @bag-o-ventures4255 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Hopefully, I'm not too late to this. Let me introduce you to Kong, Son of the Conqueror, a level 5 bugbear barbarian. Now at level 5, our DM threw a Tarrasque at us, controlled by the BBEG. Yes, you read that correctly, a F***en Tarrasque at level 5. The idea was to force us to flee the region, lose our loved ones, and give us reason to despise the BBEG.
    Through a series of events that I'm still not sure were real or how they even happened, spanning over four hours of playtime, our ranger rained down a few fire arrows on the Tarrasque trying to distract it an impair its vision with smoke. While the rest of our party used the forest as cover to escape, as you'd expect, this did absolutely nothing to the Tarrasque. However, it did manage to spread the fire and ignite the whole damn forest. This, with some help from the druid and cleric, ended up pissing off the forest spirit (a minor god in the region worshiped by the locals), and she unleashed nature's wrath on the Tarrasque.
    This is where Kong gained his now legendary weapon. As the party investigated the Tarrasque for clues, Kong asked the DM, "Is it male or female?" "Uhm, male," he replied. "I'd like to cut off its testicles." The DM was utterly baffled. "I'm not even sure what you should roll here, so roll a d20, I guess. If you roll high enough, you can keep them." *Nat 20... silence. Then the table broke out in laughter at the way the DM sighed as he started describing Kong going nuts on the Tarrasque's genitals to obtain his war trophy.
    Kong was now the proud owner of a pair of intact Tarrasque testicles, which were turned into a pair of nunchaku-style weapons early in the next session. This pair of legendary weapons deals 2d8 bludgeoning damage with +2 necrotic damage.

  • @ReinaSaurus
    @ReinaSaurus Před 2 měsíci +1

    every campaign my character survives

  • @user-jr5ee6ej7v
    @user-jr5ee6ej7v Před 2 měsíci +1

    TL;DR Level 4 sorcerer beats CR 30 devil at his own game.
    At that moment I was playing level 4 Human Sorcerer who has crippling gambling addiction, who met Aasimar Monk's enemy - Mighty CR 30 devil with the Deck of Many Things. My character decided to play with him, and the devil agreed. The rules were:
    -Players are pulling cards until the Moon or the Fool are pulled.
    -Player with the Moon card is a winner.
    -Player with the Fool card is a winner.
    I started to pull first. First spin - Euryale, kinda bad but bearable.
    Devil goes with it -and he got the Jester card.
    Third pull - I've got balance card. Became Lawful evil.
    Devil pulls - Fate. That's pretty bad for me.
    Fifth pull - Comet. Pretty nice.
    Devil pulls - Wacky. Nice, he doesn't got any more advantages.
    I pull - AND IT'S THE MOON. I've got 2 wishes for it, and idk what to do with them.

  • @DragonsDungeon
    @DragonsDungeon Před 2 měsíci

    Alistair VS The General has still got to be my favourite moment of one of my home brew campaigns. Bit of context, the party have been travelling the world to get Fragments of Divinity, pieces of divine power left behind by the gods after the were sealed away. After finding their first fragment - a book of the god of knowledge, and learning the Hexblade Warlocks pact weapon was a Scythe of the god of suffering the party arrived in Alistair’s (a cleric of the god of the sun and sky, Venuray) hometown, to find his younger half brother missing, and kidnapped. They rescued his brother, and Alistair goes to pray to his god to thank them for sending him home to save his brother - instead, his prayer was interrupted. By The General. Alistair suddenly found himself alone, in some dream sequence with a armoured man with a giant sword while he was completely out of spell slots, and on 3HP after saving his brother. The General introduced himself, claimed he had an army that would declare war on the kingdom they were in unless they handed over 1 of the 2 fragments. The Book or the Scythe. And then threatened if they did not he would seek out Alistair’s god’s instead. The player in one of the most intense moment up until that point replied “May Venuray guide you” and was saved by celestial of their god. This started a long intense sending banter, as Alistair grew cocky and would update the General every time they beat his men (the war did start but they ditched the kingdom in search of other fragments after warning the king). Sessions later, after finding the fragments of Venuray, to stop The General fufilling his threat, and the god of secrets’ fragment, Alistair sent another sending, and the General replied he’d be sending executioners. The party then immediately got arrested for treason, and were on a prison ship being transported to the now at war kingdom to be put on trial for “starting the war” from the kings knowledge. On this ship, Alistair and one other party member were poisoned and nearly died, at the hands of one of the General’s men. Surviving, Alistair cast sending and told The General to send better executioners next time. Cut to after the trial were the party have to help in a party of nobles and the kings advisors to promote the war effort and get support, when they he large heavy metal footsteps, and The General himself walks in. Everyone but Alistair fails the save to not fall to their knees prone and paralysed in his presence- and The General Demands a fragment. Just one. And each time Alistair refuses he will kill someone in the room. Alistair tries once to refuse but as an advisors through this slit he immediately hands over his own artefact of his god. And watches as the General destroys it in front of him - then attacks the city.
    There banter and rivalry would continue but Alistair being the only one in the room able to act, and handing over his own gods power to the BBEG was so intense and one of my faviourite moments that will forever live in my head.

  • @Discolittle
    @Discolittle Před 2 měsíci +1

    Good choice of music. Inner light is good song

  • @CheesyKnobby
    @CheesyKnobby Před 2 měsíci +1

    I will keep this short and weird. My party used the corpses of a massacred town to build a meat wall. We jerkied the meat, so it was durable. Oh, yeah, well, the corpses were a result of a misadventure. My bad on that one. But the idea of building the wall was mine, and it saved the town (the buildings). The flood eventually subsided and the wall kept the buildings from being ruined! (oh, my bad on causing the flood...)

  • @ShadowDude6488
    @ShadowDude6488 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Our campaign has a running joke in which our Human Ranger and our Aasimar Circle of Stars Druid, who primarily use bows, on a Nat 1 shoot an ally on the ass. He's done it to her, she's done it to him, I think even our Human Fighter was hit on the joke before.
    However, my character got involved.
    We're fighting 6 orcs and 2 ogres, and I'm soloing and ogre. The ranger is standing behind me and wants to shoot the ogre I'm fighting, I asked him if he'd rather move to shoot instead, but he rolls anyway.
    Nat 1, so I get shot on the ass.
    I should probably explain my character a bit. Meet Bugogi (Korean for Beef), a Large Crocodillian Lizardfolk Beast Barbarian in the middle of a rage.
    He looks back and shouts, "Later..." The Ranger pleads, "No, not later...", but the Barbarian shouts, "LATER!!!"
    After combat concludes, the Ranger runs for the hills, but the Barbarian simply pulls out the arrow and goes to burn it. Being conservative of his arrows, the Ranger goes back to retrieve it. So the Barbarian calmly walks up, put his left hand on the Ranger's right shoulder, and holds out the arrow with his right. As the Ranger accepts the arrow, the Barbarian whispers...
    "Bugogi cast Detect Weakness."
    The Ranger was a bit confused as the Barbarian used Reckless Attack to Unarmed Strike the Ranger in the nuts, then makes another as both succeed as he drops to the ground, crying in a higher octave.
    No actual malice was involved, just a fun mutual expansion to the joke. Ranger was actually choosing to fail if I didn't roll high enough.

  • @scottrybak767
    @scottrybak767 Před 2 měsíci

    In the same campaign the mayor was having a problem with rats and sent the players to investigate. After protecting the food storage area from a small onslaught they followed 1 fleeing rat back to its lair where they came across the 2 leaders Mickey and Minnie. Without saying the names in just the decription 2 players recognized what was going on and announced it to everyone. The players were out for blood as initiave hadn't even been rolled and they were describing how they wanted to attack. After battle they brought the heads back to the mayor and announced that the rat problem had been solved.

  • @scottrybak767
    @scottrybak767 Před 2 měsíci

    A few years ago I ran a homebrew campaign for my daughter and some of her friends. Being teenagers I drew upon things they were very fond of as kids or so i believed. For the first quest they went to the school and encountered a turtle, a duck and a hampster. Took them a few minutes to realize they got a quest from the Wonder Pets. They had to go to the local pet shop and free an animal there, I put up 3 paw prints on things and described them as they worked through perception checks. When done they were able to open a secret door and in the room was Blue locked in a cage, using the key which was one of the clues they set her free. After searching the room and getting a bit of loot they decided to once again use speak with animal and talk to Blue, to their surprise Steve had been arrested. When they stormed the jail demanding to know why Steve was locked up I had the captain of the guard explain to them that Steve had bitten a merchant and was deemed unsafe to be set free for the time being. They decided to adopt Blue for the time being and royally chewed out Steve for biting another NPC. I witnessed all the kids in that first session have virtually every emotional outburst, and during cleanup they all decided they wanted to keep playing. This campaign lasted around a years time and everyday was taking something out of an old TV show and reskinning it to make it fit.

  • @AliGaming08
    @AliGaming08 Před 2 měsíci

    Here's one from a game I was at a couple of weeks ago. For context, I'm playing a goblin bard who's chaotic good. In a mainly rp game. There's a lot of quirky members in the party. We were adventuring through a fishing village on the way to a funeral of an npc. While passing through, the party had caught wind of a fishing festival and tournament taking place the day after. After staying in the tavern that night, the day had come. My character Al heard of a trophy for the tournament and got even more pumped and exited. But when applying to partake, he couldn't participate in the adults league cause of his height. Being the goblin bard he is, this wouldn't stop him. When no one was looking, he disguised self'ed as a small fish person. And without thinking leaped into the water. After rolling some bad checks, we learned that this new glamoured body was hard to swim in. After struggling to swim but somehow rolling high on stealth, he clamored his way up the rock face and took a sec to breathe. Still fully top half glamoured fish person. Of course one, and only one npc passes the perception check. one VERY old man, sitting with his wife on the pier.... screaming to her that he sees a mermaid. In which she replies "you senile old man! i told you you need your meds!" and storms away. If you think it ends there, youd be wrong. Al was determined to get the trophy so he quickly scurried over to the other side of the pier and jumped in over there. After swimming around for a second, and some really high rolls from both me and another pc. I was able to latch myself onto her line and get ripped up by it and her [ofc taking damage in the process.] This was the final round of the tournament, thankfully. so my character didnt have to remain like this for long. But the entire time they were taking measurements of all the fish, she held me up like the fish in guy's tinder profile pics. my character sideyeing her and her being really creeped out by this 4ft half fishperson staring into her soul.

  • @Thundarr100
    @Thundarr100 Před 2 měsíci +2

    My best story is of how my favourite character, the human male CG berserker barbarian Nord Steelheart of The Tribe Of The Bear in Icewind Dale, single handedly defeated three Ibrandlin. First of all, this was WAAAAY back in 2nd Edition. Also, my group had a few house rules that we played by. Second, if you don't know what an Ibrandlin is, it's a magically altered fire lizard used by priests of the deity Ibrandul to defend their temples. They're smarter, sentient, and more powerful than regular fire lizards, but not nearly as powerful as red dragons (I figured that I might need to explain what Ibrandlin are, as many things didn't survive the conversion from 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition, let alone 5th Edition).
    Anyway, our party was going through a dungeon (possibly an ancient temple of Ibrandul). Nord came upon a locked door and, being the impulsive type, he decided to smash trough it. As soon as he entered the room, an iron portcullis crashed down behind him locking him in there with three Ibrandlin, apparently a mated pair and their offspring. Back then I was a bit of a murderhobo, and my solution for just about everything was "I hit it with my axe". So I drew my bastard sword with my right hand, and my war axe with my left hand, summoned my berserker rage, and challenged them to fight. The largest of the three, I'm guessing the male, attacked as the other two stayed back. Nord was 7th level at the time, and specialized in both of his primary weapons (the bastard sword and the war axe), and had 2 attacks with each weapon, so he had 4 attacks per round. He slew the Ibrandlin, then challenged the other two to attack, even though he was at about half hit points. The female attacked and they fought. Nord slew her too, but was brought down to 2 hit points in the process. Covered in blood and feeling no pain, Nord Steelheart challenged the final Ibrandlin to finish what the other two had started. The smallest of the three wet itself and ran away, leaving my berserker to pass out in exhaustion. When he came to, among the remains of the Ibrandlins past opponents, Nord discovered a magical war axe and a magical bastard sword. They turned out to be a War Axe Of Sharpness +2 and a Bastard Sword +2 Nine Lives Stealer. I named the axe Hack, and the sword Slash.
    And that's the story of how Nord Steelheart acquired Hack and Slash.

    • @user-vt4si1ef6r
      @user-vt4si1ef6r Před 2 měsíci

      What, may I ask, is a bastard sword?

    • @Thundarr100
      @Thundarr100 Před 2 měsíci

      @@user-vt4si1ef6r slightly larger than a longsword but not as big as a greatsword. It can be wielded either one handed or two handed. In 2E, you didn't need any special training to wield it one handed, as long as you were proficient in bastard sword you could use it either one handed or two handed. In 3.5, you had to take the Exotic Weapon Proficiency feat in the bastard sword in order to wield it one handed. I have no idea what the rules are in 5e for wielding a bastard sword or bastard sword type weapon (such as the dwarven war axe, which went by similar rules in 3.5). The sword Conan's father made in the beginning of the 1982 Conan movie is an excellent example of a bastard sword.

  • @Sandstorm-TheTraveller
    @Sandstorm-TheTraveller Před 2 měsíci

    Was doing a non-canon route for a session I’ve been making. One of the players asked if he could do something.
    He did not disappoint.
    We also had this one villain who everyone probably hated, and every time I bring her back, I watch as everyone goes full on no-mercy mode on her.
    Maybe next time she shouldn’t pick a fight with the wrong people-

  • @robertsilvermyst7325
    @robertsilvermyst7325 Před měsícem

    I played my Open Sea Paladin/Aberrant Mind Sorcerer/Swashbuckler Rogue White Tiger Tabaxi, Byakko D. Blackstripe. Now, this was a discord server One shot, and mythic level. We were to investigate a rash of dissapearances from the port city. Through the party's investigations, we arrived into the cave system of the mountain. One of our party, a Dragonborn Crown Paladin/Battle Master Fighter, managed to sway the kobolds into letting us through. When the party arrived, we saw an arena-like pit where gnolls were fighting armed yet frightened civilians. Watching this spectacle were kobolds, an ancient purple dragon, and several wyrmlings.
    Now, when a character reaches level 20, they get one epic boon. Byakko's is Boon of the Planar Lord, making him immune to planar effects, and giving him the ability to Plane Shift 3/long rest. We jumped down into the pit, and Byakko Plane Shifted himself and the civilians to Celestia, promising to return them home in a bit. Next turn, he Plane Shifted back, quickened a Lightning Lure and one shot a gnoll with it.
    The dragonborn paladin demanded to know why she was kidnapping civilians, she said it was to entertain and educate her children.
    Before the party attempted to attack, Byakko decided to attack the last gnoll by grappling it, and with permission of the DM, Stone Cold Stunnered the gnoll. "Now, look at this! No simple peasant is gonna provide more entertainment than a professional!" Byakko yelled out, becoming more of a showman than a hardened warrior. DM had me roll performance, and I got a total of 27.
    Byakko then went into negotiation mode. "Stealing folk from their homes ta do something they ain't trained to do is just boring after a while, and not at all profitable! But, if you want real entertainment, real combat education and real profits? Why not open this arena put up into a public arena for tournaments. Offer prizes for participants, which will be offset by entry fees. That large empty space before the tunnel leading down? You could set up a gambling hall. Sell tickets to these tournaments, let people gamble on the fights, of which you keep a cut of the pot, this place will be a prosperous tourist attraction in no time!"
    DM asked me to roll persuasion with advantage because of how well Byakko was keying into the dragon's wants, and got a 32.
    After the encounter, Byakko and our Wizard returned to Celestia, Gated back to town, and we had an out of session social rp. The city now has a guardian ancient purple dragon and monthly tournaments.

  • @samzilla1281
    @samzilla1281 Před 2 měsíci

    I'll go old school for this one. Way back in 2E AD&D. We had finished Temple of Elemental Evil successfully and done a city campaign for a few months. We were getting ready for the next campaign. To get us into it, the DM planned to kidnap one of the characters to get the rest to go rescue him. He chose my Wizard. He could have just said, you get kidnapped when you walk the barmaid home. Instead, he played out the attack. I killed or disabled 20 bad guys and left the party an easy trail to follow. Hmm it looks like a fireball went off here. Hmm, who are those guys trapped in that web. The barmaid, who eventually married my wizard, and the wizard were only captured when he completely ran out of spells. Considering he was an 8th level wizard that took a while.

  • @Xecryo
    @Xecryo Před 2 měsíci +1

    Ok this isn't a super exciting story but it's my best one because my players enjoyed it. They had just finished their first dungeon the previous session and were on their way to their next location. Now this was a survival campaign and part of what I did was make these huge random encounter tables so really hard nearly impossible enemies and a lot more of weaker ones. This time they encountered....a Flumph. Flumph being what it is showed a slight curiosity in the party but didn't say anything. The lawful evil duergar player says "I don't trust this thing." I go "Do you say that out loud?" he says "No but I think it." It's only now I remember flumphs are telepathic. So quickly trying to come up with an internal voice for this weird jellyfish thing I say in my squeakiest high pitch voice "That's ok I'm telepathic and I know what you're thinking" The whole table cracked up laughing at the voice alone and I don't know if it's because of the voice or they just didn't expect the voice, or if they didn't expect it from me. They even asked if it hurt my voice to do it which it didn't.
    So that alone was a great story because my players loved it but to top off that same session the dragonborn fighter threw out two balls from the bag of tricks he had and got a badger, and a giant badger. And with that he charged into battle with now named "Badger legion"

  • @westenplatt179
    @westenplatt179 Před 2 měsíci

    My team was doing a monster battle arc so we were collecting cr 2 monsters for it, as we were waiting around to get a pixie a green adult dragon showed up, we had history with this particular dragon because in the first session he nearly killed us and we had to run away you are very near fight that ended with all the rogue initialize a team combo attack from ryokos guide, and getting a nat 20 on a sneak attack, the dragon used a legendary action to negate it only for me to use my combo to let him use an additional hide action, and he ended up blowing the brain out, the funny part is our rouges character is a small 14 year old who was sent adventuring inorder to stop him from blowing everything up.

  • @dannyleo5787
    @dannyleo5787 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Conversating with a elder abolith... I kid you not, were it not for common ground it'd have been a early tpk. Alas it's the deal I made that's gonna come back for me if I don't become a demi god...😢

  • @GingerMafia48
    @GingerMafia48 Před 2 měsíci

    My players are terrified of carpets
    I had the party hired out to aid a guard commander secure additional funding for his troops during a siege by robbing a bank frequently utilized by enemy agents. After dodging a tamed mimic guarding the manager's office and puzzling out the various magical puzzles acting as the security system, one player went to check out the high security lock boxes.
    He got 15 ft before the enchanted carpet of smothering literally pulled the rug out from under him. He failed the subsequent strength saves vs. floor covering, and proceeded to take suffocation damage. Meanwhile, the party's paladin went looking for the MIA player, only to be confronted by a screaming, thrashing form on the floor of the small vault. Bc it was literally a carpet over a person, both the magic rug and the player it was mummifying took damage when the paladin threw a panicced SMITE at the horror of the floor in front of him...

  • @eemelimansikkamaki9695
    @eemelimansikkamaki9695 Před 2 měsíci

    This happened in my first game I ran, for first time players, not DnD but call of cthulhu. Let me set the scene: The players named Robin and Frank and the npc Private detective PJ Mass had passed all of their sanity checks by flying colours, I was worried that no one would be having any bouts of madness. That was until they found a professor from a cottage with his brains smashed in and bunch of cult paintings on the walls.(painted with blood) Well all of the investigators failed sanity rolls. And failed them badly. Resulting PJ and Frank having bouts of madness. Frank started thinking the other investigators were bears and decided to hide in the bedroom. PJ tried to run away from the cottage but Frank was able to talk him down. When PJ came to check on them Frank decided to light the bedroom curtain on fire and jump out of the window. In the attempt to put the fire out PJ falls down and ha a concussion losing two hitpoints. It all ended fine. Waiting to get all of them to return in a future campaign were Frank is aiming to became a bear cult leader, Robin will try to rekindle her long lost love and PJ Mass will be played by one of our new players.

  • @Drocksas
    @Drocksas Před 2 měsíci

    I've got a few good stories, but the one that comes to mind now is what I call "The Time We (metaphorically) pants'd Strahd." Very minor Curse of Strahd spoilers ahead.
    Context: A friend running the game decided that DM'ing wasn't for them, but still wanted to have some kind of cool note for us to go out on in the last session. The campaign didn't get very far; our party of 3 was only level 3. It was a Halfling Monk, a Firbolg Cleric, and my Shadar Kai (reflavored lore-wise) Blood Hunter. The only relevant story info is twofold. First, my character's being pulled into the mist was in pursuit of two friends/teammates from his world that had been kidnapped by Strahd's minions in the middle of a job. Two, we had connected with Ireena (the gal Strahd was obsessing over) and her brother, and were in transit via our own personal horse-drawn cart to Vallaki with both of them in tow.
    As we travelled, the DM informs us that my Blood Hunter's nose - being enhanced as an Order of the Lycan practitioner - picks up two familiar scents. Seeing his obvious concern that he is likely sensing his kidnapped friends, the rest of the party agrees to follow the trail with him. In doing so, we find a small camp set up a ways off from the main road that's got several werewolves. As well as two cages.
    But before I try to rush in, we see the man himself in the camp: Strahd Von Zarovich. We end up approaching cautiously, and Strahd tries to snidely offer a trade. My friends for Ireena. We're having none of it. But I also don't want to leave my friends in cages at the whim of a vampire lord. Our party exchanges looks, and above game we agree - we're doing this.
    So, I go into my hybrid werewolf form, and we roll initiative.
    By all accounts, we should have died doing this. There were several werewolves - at least 5 that I can remember - and Strahd himself. We could have easily been annihilated. But the dice were telling a story that night. The DM kept getting terrible rolls for the werewolves against us, allowing me to dart past them in a flash to the two cages. I immediately went to tear the locks off the cages, and did so with ease thanks to my lycanthropic strength (read: advantage on athletics checks). Once free, both of my fellow blood hunters shifted as well, and began to hit and run back to the road where our cart waited for a getaway.
    And while that was happening, the rest of the party was doing their damndest to both harry the werewolves and keep Strahd from making off with Ireena. By some insane luck, quite a few of Strahd's attempts to grapple Ireena to teleport out with her failed. Then, when he actually did manage to grab her, both the cleric and Ireena's brother focused all their energy on him to try to get him to drop her. By some miracle, he got Strahd to drop Ireena long enough for her to get distance not once, but TWICE.
    And of course our monk was darting around causing as much trouble as he could for both lycanthropes and Strahd. At least one werewolf got hit square in the crotch, and together we actually managed to kill at least one of the lycanthropes.
    Once both Ireena and the two hunters were free, we all booked it as fast as we could from the scene. And in doing so, I ended up taking an attack of opportunity from Strahd himself. I managed to get off a blood curse to reduce the attack roll by a d4, but one hit was likely going to spell the end for me, either from being knocked unconscious or by triggering my hybrid form's bloodlust to run back into the middle of all the swarming enemies. The DM rolled. And that d4 saved me by a single point as I made good my own escape.
    Thus, we all made a mad dash back to the cart. We hopped on, and the horses ran like they never had before. Eventually, we stopped at a relatively safe spot, far away from the werewolf camp. With not only my character's kidnapped friends newly freed, but Ireena saved from a close encounter with the Lord of Ravenloft himself. And not a one of us went down.
    We were all hyped out of our minds. If there was any place this campaign had to end before going through the whole thing, that was a phenomenal spot.

  • @D3M0N_K33per
    @D3M0N_K33per Před 2 měsíci

    I apologize in advance for the long story, but this takes me back to the campaign I did about a year ago with a few friends first character was named Shiva a monk shifter. Our second player was named crusader a knight paladin. Our third companion was named orcGrove delvish a. Demigod catfolk dragon and our cleric gnome Tina bell pepper and myself a dampier arcane trickster named alucard and we took on a job going through the sewers. Well while doing so me and a companion end up slipping and falling into the water to where we get deposited right next to five trolls we were like level. We run and hide in the corner and as we hide in the corner we get attacked by skeletons and a black skeleton as we're fighting them off shiva's on his last hit point and I've got maybe a few to go. Our other group is trying to break through the wall and they managed to make a whole big enough to put an object through so oakGrove pulled out a black swirling potion and through it at Shiva. turns out The potion was an unstable polymorph potion and it transformed him into a small to medium size blue lightning dragon but the problem was his arms and legs were broken making him cripple. So my quick thinking I picked him up wrapped him around my arms and used him as a lightning Cannon killing all the skeletons of course. But by the time our friends got to the wall, the five trolls were already heading towards us to where I ran up to the water, pointed Shiva at the water, and he released a powerful white lightning blast at the water essentially electrocuting the five trolls and killing them. We ended up leveling up from that. We got so excited we deemed that session The adventures although blue eyes white crippled dragon.

  • @scottrybak767
    @scottrybak767 Před 2 měsíci

    Same campaign... traveling on a road they come across Dora and get a quest to save Diego from a band of orcs. I notice 2 of the kids whispering to one another then telling others at the table in whispers so I can't hear. All the kids look at me and tell me they are surrounding Dora and one kid describes how she is holding a knapsack. I explain to the kids that this may not be the best answer to this situation. They talk amongst themselves for a min and agree to talk to Dora and if that doesn't work the bag is ready. I say ok make a persuasion check daughter rolls a nat 1 (first face palm) person with the bag announces they are making a str check and gets a nat 20 ( second face palm) as I am now describing how they just bagged Dora and are taking her along on the adventure. Immediately after all this trying to get moving along again 1 of the kids starts singing the Dora themesong then another joins in, and in mere seconds all the kids are singing that song while hauling Dora along with them in the knapsack... at this point i have head in hands wonding what I did wrong

  • @Polar_Pyro_YT21
    @Polar_Pyro_YT21 Před 2 měsíci

    All I can remember is: I stole another party member's acorns, etheir he tried stealing them back with magic or he tried stealing my charecter's SOUL, failed, and became part acorn by stealing the acorns souls.

  • @Florida_Man_
    @Florida_Man_ Před 2 měsíci

    It was my friend's first time playing as a DM. He decided to use a pre-made campaign with some custom scenarios.
    We ended up fighting a family of Orks and I just finished playing red dead 2 the day prior, and I thought it would be funny to skin one of the orks alive for its pelt so I could sell it. He gave me a look I can't even begin to describe. It was a mix of *holy sweet mother of God, what the actual F is wrong with you, omg this is hilarious.*
    He was eating a sandwich at the time and he just stopped eating with food in his mouth for like 2 minutes as we all just laughed 🤣
    When he finally spoke he said:
    be a DM they said, it would be fun they said. YOU WANT TO SKIN A GOD DAMN ORK IN FRONT OF ITS FAMILY!?
    Fine, DC 22.
    Nat 20+5
    He then proceeded to throw his sandwich at me as he saw the 20. Whole table falls of their chairs laughing
    and said I get a permanent +10 intimidation for the remaining orks.
    The next session we entered a mining deposit, and he described to the table that their were kids playing catch outside the building, and everyone including the DM stared at me and I laughed, dm later thanked me for passing his morality test and all I said was, *I hate orks*
    Was a Dwarven wizard BTW.

  • @xxninjaxfoxxx4401
    @xxninjaxfoxxx4401 Před 2 měsíci

    In are party’s each member get 1 thing you are permitly immune to one state. In my party we had a dwarf which picked poison he wants to make always wants to make poison. We go into some random guys house the dwarf goes to the kitchen and rolled to make poison rolled a 1 he makes a the best soup in the world which heals 20 hp and clears poison. The dwarf “…..how do I make that with the intention of making poison.

  • @shanecollett819
    @shanecollett819 Před měsícem

    Don't do stupid shit if your DM gives you a chance to change your mind.
    I gave him FOUR very clear, ominous "Are you sure you want to go in there alone" before he proceeded through the door.
    And that was the first time I had to TPK a party. An exhausted, sleeping party vs a Vampire lord and 3 spawns.
    3 year long campaign with all OG characters dying to one guys stupidity. He still feels guilty to it this day especially given he actually made it out alive by fleeing where as the rest tried to fight

  • @immortalmonk2891
    @immortalmonk2891 Před 2 měsíci +1

    So many. Do I tell the story of how I turned myself into an artillery shell as a druid. When I fought and killed two balors with my Paladin so as to let the rest of the party regroup and secure our flanks? The time that I died falling down the stairs after missing a trap? Or when myself and the cleric managed to kill 400 zombies in 3 turns?

    • @jonathanmarks3112
      @jonathanmarks3112 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Tell them all, but especially the last one.

    • @immortalmonk2891
      @immortalmonk2891 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@jonathanmarks3112 so you wish, so it shall be.
      One time the party was sneaking through an abandoned castle that goblins and other monsters took over. (Little did we know those other monsters were doppelgangers).
      The party was fairly new and I was a veteran player, the party insisted on splitting up to cover more ground and to loot faster. The party figured that after we killed the goblins everything else would have come out already so we didn't need to be cautious. Against all my experiences I let them.
      Fast forward, two of the party members are knocked out and replaced with doppelgangers. None of the other party figures it out (bad rolls) until we regroup, notice inconsistent behaviors, and a check is finally passed. The doppelgangers sneak attack us and a fight starts. We beat one and the injured one starts dashing away. I (a druid) shape change into a falcon since it is the faster animal I can change into to chase down the last enemy. We exit and I dive bomb the last one, I then change into a bear at the last second. Crushing him to death and almost being knocked out of my bear form from fall damage.
      The other party members save the two who were ambushed by the doppelgangers. And they all learned something that day.
      Another time, much higher level campaign. The party was the tip of the spear, breaking an occupation of an elven city. The occupiers? Devils, and fiends. After sneaking in (due to the fighter having service in this city in their background and knowledge of hidden entrance) we manage to face off against the leader by bypassing the balor outside. We fought him and his body guards, with half the party being knocked out, but living and getting partially healed. We loot the plus 3 glaive from the boss but a message gets out and now we are trapped in a tower and surrounded.
      We make it to the top, and hold up while the party starts healing. Our incoming forces start the siege and we send a message telling them where we are.
      Only problem, the balor, and a second one gets summoned to the battle. Our forces are getting wrecked.
      I tell the party I need all their best equipment, I get the +3 Glaive from the fighter, a few potions and spell scrolls, and a cloak of displacement stacked on.
      The party doesn't understand my plan, I tell them I'm jumping. I say my Paladin prayer, and jump off the tower heading straight for one of the Balors.
      I roll to save and take half damage crashing into the Balor who broke my fall, taking the rest of the damage. I also managed to crit my dive bomb attack, dumping a huge smite into him. Multi attack finishes him off.
      I rally our NPC army and I square off with second Balor, through the parties combined magic items, some good rolls, and the rest of the party switching to ranged attacks from the tower. I somehow managed to survive with about 7 hit points left.
      DM is shook.
      The enemy army starts breaking with no leadership and we save the city. My God is so impressed, they enchant the glaive I used from fighter making it vorporal (decapitation on a crit).
      I returned the borrowed magic items (including the newly blessed glaive) and we are rewarded for our pivital roll in breaking the occupation.

    • @immortalmonk2891
      @immortalmonk2891 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@jonathanmarks3112 second comment for space to type it out.
      While playing a warforged, I played him as a sheltered experiment of a wizard who was tragically killed and my last orders were to "Find help, and learn what it means to be human."
      I do manage to find help, (the party) I make friends, we go on adventures, My warforged learned what jokes and humor was. He bonded with animals, and he had grown close to the party wizard since he had an easier time understanding her.
      We get hired to clear out a haunted mansion. Unfortunately, this is where my warforge's fatal flaw got the best him. See, I played him as having no understanding of self preservation, he can't actually die, just become destroyed, his master always fixed him up if an experiment went wrong. He also couldn't "feel" pain, so he no concept of his mortality.
      After several fights, and taking quite a bit of damage, we started to leave, however, I sadly missed on a check to spot a trap, the trap activated on the stairs and the damage was enough to "kill him". After his body was destroyed, the party found his soul gem, but sadly didn't have the knowledge to rebuild his body. So his soul gem is now a necklace being worn by the wizard, so she can still feel close to warforged. One day, if wizard learns enough, or finds someone who could help, perhaps warforged could come back. It is kinda sad, but because one of the first things he learned was humor, and had no fear or concept of death, he was able to take it well. His last words were an echo of a lesson from wizard "be good, goodbye friend". I say it was a good story since I knew the danger of the type of character I played, he would likely die but the story and character is a legend at my table to this day.
      Last story:
      The party was level 14, we were sent to kill an undead dragon hiding in a mountain range.
      We find the entrance to the cave, but we realized that EVERY other adventures group, military, etc who had previously failed this task, were raised as undead.
      The party is surrounded, 400+ zombies.
      I (druid) set wall of fire to our backs, cleric get spirit guardians, and the rest of the party is keeping the zombies of me and cleric (the casters). Second round, I cast stone to mud on the stone floor, trapping 2/3s of the zombie in muds to their knees, I then drop/reverse the spell, turning the mud to stone again. Restraining the zombies. I look at cleric and I tell him, "Dash! They are restrained and will auto fail your save on spirit guardians (DM makes shocked Pikachu face).
      Cleric dashes around for several turns and I buff him with haste. Wall of fire, and the rest of the party finishes off the several dozen not trapped zombies.
      Cleric laughs like a maniac as he melts away easily 350+ zombies himself.
      Bonus story, we fought the dragon shortly after killing the zombies, dragon kidnapped teo party members, cleric and I use our flight to carry barbarian after the other party members and dragon.
      In flight I give barbarian a necklace of fire resistance, and start stuffing a backpack full of alchemist fire, oil, and anything else that was explosive or flammable.
      Cleric and I drop barbarian over of the dragon, who rages and slamdunks the homemade bomb on the dragons back, nearly killing himself, killing another party member, nearly killing everyone else, and killing the dragon. (The dead party member was resurrected later).
      All of that, to be the first people in hundreds of years to kill a dragon in DMs world.

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio Před 2 měsíci +3

    PANR has tuned in.

  • @williamsrdan
    @williamsrdan Před 2 měsíci

    Really long stories, leaves very few stories.

  • @ossl10929
    @ossl10929 Před 2 měsíci +2

    first ig

  • @KingofCanada22
    @KingofCanada22 Před 2 měsíci

    Might be the worst Mr ripper video yet, the majority of the video was taken up by a single post where the DM had his DM PC single handedly befriend and pacify a dragon AND an owl bear.