The Most UNHINGED Dreadnought in the Blood Angel's Death Company

  • čas přidán 11. 02. 2024
  • Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio
    Additional Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio - released under CC-BY 4.0.
  • Hry

Komentáře • 1K

  • @El_Chico_des_Galos
    @El_Chico_des_Galos Před 4 měsíci +7775

    “Some Dreadnaughts are epic, some are sad, and some are just insane” and then we have Cassor who’s all three

  • @bigbat443
    @bigbat443 Před 4 měsíci +2801

    Giant space bug-dinosaur: opens mouth

  • @akshatmandody5484
    @akshatmandody5484 Před 4 měsíci +7617

    Bro imagine your steak starts lecturing you and then just shoots you point blank

    • @cstgraphpads2091
      @cstgraphpads2091 Před 4 měsíci +257

      With an energy weapon that destroys things at the atomic level.

    • @adampeace7902
      @adampeace7902 Před 4 měsíci +133

      I hate it when that happens

    • @noxion4143
      @noxion4143 Před 4 měsíci +125

      And that Steak believing itself to be at its mothers slaughterhouse

    • @sleepyboi5804
      @sleepyboi5804 Před 4 měsíci +17

      The ultimate disrespect

    • @alexanderzhmurov9624
      @alexanderzhmurov9624 Před 4 měsíci +45

      _~ So damn inconsiderate of them!! This whole damn galaxy has the worst buffets!!_

  • @KnightJusticiar
    @KnightJusticiar Před 4 měsíci +4060


  • @janihuhtanen8289
    @janihuhtanen8289 Před 4 měsíci +1787


  • @trixus4768
    @trixus4768 Před 4 měsíci +2812

    Cassor's reaction to being impaled was pretty much:
    "Oi! Bit rude, innit?!?!?!" 😂😂😂

    • @megan00b8
      @megan00b8 Před 4 měsíci +90

      Somewhere in between the mental insanity and being a literal walking tank a little stab wound is easy to be ignored.

    • @mememachine3963
      @mememachine3963 Před 4 měsíci +66

      Bit rude to put that knoife in me chest innit bruv?

    • @lamename8030
      @lamename8030 Před 4 měsíci +15

      ​@@megan00b8i don't think carnifex staber isnt small

    • @anka_art7372
      @anka_art7372 Před 4 měsíci +24

      oi oi oi you got a permit for that bruv?

    • @GlennM53
      @GlennM53 Před 3 měsíci +10

      He just dismisses it even happening. Then proceeds as if it hasn't happened. There is no way it could be more epic lol

  • @feris2137
    @feris2137 Před 2 měsíci +289

    Walking definition of "God Emperor allowed me to live another day and I'm about to make it everyone else's problem"

  • @josephmchugo8284
    @josephmchugo8284 Před 4 měsíci +1306

    "I know I am no longer sane, but I still serve"
    Cassor was partially self aware within the rage.

    • @beyondblood2707
      @beyondblood2707 Před 4 měsíci +70

      That's why I'll always remember reading his death.

    • @geaskadosh
      @geaskadosh Před 4 měsíci +11

      @@beyondblood2707 can you give us the source?

    • @pimpskittelz
      @pimpskittelz Před 2 měsíci

      @@geaskadosh This is an excerpt from the Shield of Baal novel Deathstorm
      The carnifex continued on, lumbering through the smoke of the warrior’s passing. Its bio-cannon swung about, vomiting more strangling thorns across the plaza, and its scything talons swung out in deadly arcs, sending Death Company berserkers crashing to the ground in clouds of blood and entrails, their power armour cracked open and their torment ended. It spat plasma, incinerating anything that dared stay its progress. And when none of those weapons sufficed, it simply crashed through the opposition, be it a living warrior or an unfeeling statue. It was unstoppable, and it was heading right for Karlaen and the others.
      As one, the Terminators fired. The carnifex shrugged off the explosive shells and continued to bull forwards. It would not stop, Karlaen knew, until it was dead, or until something even bigger decided to get in its way. Nevertheless, he continued to fire, his targeting array trying to find some weak point in its carapace. The ground shook beneath his feet as the carnifex closed in. Joses readied himself to meet it, his face split by a wide, feral grin. Karlaen could smell the incipient blood-lust in the other Blood Angel’s sweat, and see it building in his eyes. He hesitated, wondering if he should order the sergeant to step back. Would that stop him? Would he listen? Or was he already too far gone?
      Before the question could be answered, something black smashed into the charging carnifex from the side and sent it slewing through a column. The carnifex rolled to its feet in a cloud of dust, but its attacker was on it before it could move. Metal talons, each as long as a sword blade, flashed out, carving bloody tracks in the carnifex’s flesh. The alien reared back, screaming in rage. Its cry was answered by its opponent.
      ‘Come, traitor. Come to Cassor. Come and fight, come and die, but come all the same,’ the vox-speakers mounted in the Dreadnought’s hull crackled. ‘Come and meet thy doom, dogs of abomination. Come and feel the angel’s wrath, curs of Angron. Come screaming or in silence, but come so that Cassor might lay thy hearts at Sanguinius’s feet. The walls of the Palace stand, the Eternity Gate remains barred and Cassor will break thy crooked spines across his knee.’
      The Dreadnought, hull painted black and daubed in red, set itself as the carnifex charged towards it. The talons mounted on the ends of the piston-like arms rotated and flexed. Then one rose, revealing a storm bolter mounted beneath the claw. The storm bolter spat, and the carnifex shuddered as its already abused flesh received new punishment. It crashed into the Dreadnought and drove it back into a statue. The Dreadnought shrugged off the blow and rammed itself into the carnifex’s gut, lifting the beast into the air momentarily before smashing it down onto the ground.
      ‘By the wings of the Angel, it’s Cassor,’ Alphaeus breathed as he watched the battle unfold before them. Karlaen did not ask him how he recognised the Dreadnought, for there was only one Cassor.
      Cassor the Chained, Cassor the Mad, Cassor the Damned - whatever name he was known by, he had been one of the greatest warriors ever produced by the Blood Angels, even before he had been interred in a Dreadnought sarcophagus, to rise and fight again after his death on some far-flung battlefield.
      He was also a warning, a testament to the dark truth that even the dead were not truly safe from the curse which afflicted the Sons of Sanguinius. For almost three centuries after his death, Cassor had served the Blood Angels from the war machine’s sarcophagus, until that final, fateful day at Lowfang. In the early hours of the battle, his mind had shattered, though no one could say why. Some swore that it was the shadows of the wings of the Sanguinary Guard falling on him as they passed overhead. Karlaen suspected that there was more to it than that. Whatever the reason, however, Cassor now belonged to the Death Company and was far too dangerous to be unleashed without cause. He could barely tell friend from foe, and he was, in his own way, as monstrous as the tyranid creature he was now fighting.
      ‘The Damned One,’ Zachreal murmured, as he watched the battle. He looked at Karlaen. ‘Truly, our mission must be important if Commander Dante has unleashed him to aid us, captain.’
      ‘Were you ever in any doubt?’ Karlaen said, watching as the black-hulled Dreadnought crashed into the carnifex again. The two maddened beasts, one metal, one flesh, came together like rival bovids. The stones of the plaza were crushed and churned to rubble as they strove against one another.
      ‘Ho, traitor, strive and strain all you wish, you will never conquer Cassor. While Cassor stands before the gates of Holy Terra, none shall pass. Shriek, daemon. Scream out your prayers to the gods of wrong angles and shattered skies. Summon them. They shall not defeat Cassor. It cannot be done.’
      Cassor’s emotionless, rasping monotone echoed across the plaza, drowning out the shrieks of the carnifex. The carnifex ripped at the Dreadnought with its huge claws, scoring the ancient armour but failing to pierce it. Cassor slashed at the beast with his own talons.
      Xenos and Dreadnought reeled across the plaza, brawling through the ruins, the carnifex howling out bestial challenges as Cassor roared out gibberish in reply. Suddenly, a ceramite plate buckled, and one of the carnifex’s claws lanced down into the nest of grav-plates and fibre bundles that made up the Dreadnought’s innards. The claw crashed down through the war machine and on into the ground, pinning Cassor in place.
      ‘Pinned. Inconceivable. Cassor shall not stand for this, puppet of false gods. Release me, so that I might wipe thy stain from the earth,’ Cassor rumbled.
      In reply, the carnifex opened its maw wide. A greasy ball of plasma began to form between its jaws.
      ‘Sorcery. You dare? Suffer not the witch to live, so says Cassor.’ One heavy mechanical claw closed around the carnifex’s throat, holding it in place. The beast, as if understanding what Cassor had planned, began to struggle, but to no avail. As surely as it had the Dreadnought pinned, Cassor had it held fast. Before the monster could release the burst of bile it had prepared, the Dreadnought brought up his wrist-mounted meltagun and shoved the barrel between the creature’s jaws. With a dull hiss, the back of the beast’s skull vanished in a cloud of superheated gas.
      The carnifex toppled sideways, freeing Cassor in the process. The war machine shoved himself upright. His chassis rotated, as the optic augurs mounted in the hull scanned the plaza for more enemies. ‘Listen, traitors. Hear Cassor’s words: I still stand. The Emperor’s hand is upon my shoulder. I am death incarnate!’ The words echoed out over the area. But no new challengers appeared. Then, with a grinding of unseen gears and a whine of servos, Cassor the Damned stalked towards the palace, in search of new foes to slay.

    • @b1zzarecont4ct
      @b1zzarecont4ct Před měsícem +2

      @@geaskadoshit’s rude that he couldn’t just answer your simple question

    • @geaskadosh
      @geaskadosh Před 29 dny +5

      @@b1zzarecont4ct and i am still waiting

  • @patrickpromen3605
    @patrickpromen3605 Před 4 měsíci +238

    "Come at me, you traitor!"
    "Bro, wtf? I'm a tyranid."

  • @ghostranger5255
    @ghostranger5255 Před 4 měsíci +581

    My favorite line will always be "Sorcery?! You dare?!"

    • @DarkonFullPower
      @DarkonFullPower Před 4 měsíci +47

      As a response to TEETH from an ALIEN, yes. He is truly mad.

    • @hughmungus8340
      @hughmungus8340 Před 4 měsíci +18


    • @steelgear3876
      @steelgear3876 Před 13 dny +4


    • @usuariopromedio963
      @usuariopromedio963 Před 11 dny

      Diomedes 😂

    • @gameplaysuffering1620
      @gameplaysuffering1620 Před 11 dny

      you know, its likely one of Sanguinius final words, same with Pinned, inconceivable . Not many does could pin a primarch ,except another, traitorous one (Horus)

    @ULTIMATZEKROM Před 4 měsíci +622

    The Black Templars: Are we sure he's not one of ours?

    • @johngavin3180
      @johngavin3180 Před 4 měsíci +70

      Grimaldus: it's 50/50 really.

    • @Banthisyoutube-zs6sx
      @Banthisyoutube-zs6sx Před 18 dny +41

      Black templars channeling their inner blood raven and liberate cassor to hang out with and go on adventures with.

    • @carsoncasmirri3874
      @carsoncasmirri3874 Před 10 dny +5

      It may explain why our dreadnought has been screaming and claiming our battle brothers are Horus

  • @seankillingsworth8618
    @seankillingsworth8618 Před 4 měsíci +4267

    "Come" said Cassor, and everyone came. Even the Emperor.

  • @HasvenWorld
    @HasvenWorld Před 4 měsíci +267

    Cassor: "I KILLED HORUS!!"
    Death company marine in the distance that just stepped on a swarmer: "SO DID I. WOOOOO!!!"

  • @WingedDynamite
    @WingedDynamite Před 4 měsíci +1620

    Cassor: HORUSSSSS!!!
    Carnifex: ?????

    • @LordCrate-du8zm
      @LordCrate-du8zm Před 4 měsíci +158

      carnifex translates to butcher lmao

    • @ariahsacramento6203
      @ariahsacramento6203 Před 4 měsíci +66

      ​@@LordCrate-du8zmI mean it ain't wrong technically since they do butchered any that's weaker then it or can't take it out in time

    • @battlez9577
      @battlez9577 Před 4 měsíci +33

      ​@@ariahsacramento6203 its latin for butcher

    • @TheRealSharkface
      @TheRealSharkface Před 4 měsíci +36

      I never knew carnifex was latin for butcher

    • @IAA2152
      @IAA2152 Před 4 měsíci


  • @westernmorris7075
    @westernmorris7075 Před 4 měsíci +1073

    I like to imagine he just doesn't shut up

    • @StressmanFIN
      @StressmanFIN Před 4 měsíci +171

      Like a veteran grandpa, who suffers from PTSD and just rambles as he fights.

    • @PerkolatorTheTerminator
      @PerkolatorTheTerminator Před 4 měsíci +77

      It makes every situation he’s in SOOO much more fun to imagine! 😂

    • @FreedomIII
      @FreedomIII Před 4 měsíci +67

      ​@@StressmanFINAnd fighting is all muscle memory by now so he has plenty of attention to just keep talking 😂

    • @greyfox788
      @greyfox788 Před 4 měsíci +18

      The Deadpool of the 41st millennium...

    • @starlightglimmer3260
      @starlightglimmer3260 Před 4 měsíci +6

      Hail cerberus

  • @climax050
    @climax050 Před 4 měsíci +308

    “The palace is under attack” 😐
    “Angron and the world eaters are assaulting the gates” 😐
    “Sanguinius is dead and the emperor is a vegetable” 😐
    *literally gets impaled* 😐
    *Detects magic* 😡

  • @HobbiesGamesChillin
    @HobbiesGamesChillin Před 4 měsíci +767

    "40k is a serious thing that is only grimdark"
    Cassor the mad .....

  • @RyanRicardo-nw7fe
    @RyanRicardo-nw7fe Před 4 měsíci +159

    He is dealing direct psyquic damage to the hive mind itself, as it had to hear 17 thousand more hours of this from each new nid he continued killing never shutting up ever for a moment.

  • @Mad_Geniuz
    @Mad_Geniuz Před 4 měsíci +753

    hear me out, a plush of cassor were when you pull the string it says a differnt line

  • @deadknight1402
    @deadknight1402 Před 4 měsíci +977

    "I am coming, Cassor." - Black Legionnaire
    "I am coming, Cassor." - Emperor's Children Legionnaire

  • @cernunnos8344
    @cernunnos8344 Před 4 měsíci +49

    The fact that even crippled on life support and completely insane a death company dreadnought will just go on an epic monologue about how violently he's going to murder you, truly the poet legion.

  • @kaijukingdom2686
    @kaijukingdom2686 Před 4 měsíci +296

    I don’t know why. But this guy actually seem very funny, that poor ass Tyranid was probably confused as shit xD

    • @DarkonFullPower
      @DarkonFullPower Před 4 měsíci +53

      Dude was convinced his TEETH was a magic spell. He is completely mad.

    • @benjamincuevas9627
      @benjamincuevas9627 Před 3 měsíci +25

      It probably did that little head tilt that animals do when confused.😂

    • @aaronstorey9712
      @aaronstorey9712 Před 29 dny +9

      ​@@DarkonFullPowerhe was trying to do that bile spit when cassor said that tbf

  • @g.sergiusfidenas6650
    @g.sergiusfidenas6650 Před 4 měsíci +300

    Sorcery from a son of Angron? Cassor truly was mad to imagine such a thing.

    • @terminallove3531
      @terminallove3531 Před 4 měsíci +48

      Well.... the Twelfth did have Librarians, but we all killed trying to prevent Angron's apotheosis.
      They're actually quite tragic figures.

    • @twilightofapprentice8280
      @twilightofapprentice8280 Před 4 měsíci

      I read abt very tragic ​@@terminallove3531

    • @g.sergiusfidenas6650
      @g.sergiusfidenas6650 Před 4 měsíci +38

      @@terminallove3531 yeah poor guys, they were treated like crap but they still loved their father and tried to save his soul

    • @tadhgmcelligott3693
      @tadhgmcelligott3693 Před 12 dny +3

      Well in the full thing he name drops the NL and EC as well
      "Cowards! The dark shall not hide you from the Emperor’s light. Come out and fight, or die in the dark. Make your choice,’ Cassor roared, as if echoing his thoughts. The Dreadnought hurled his words into the dark like artillery fire and clashed his claws together. ‘Come, dogs of Chemos. Come vermin of Nostramo. Fight Cassor the mighty or be damned for your timidity."

  • @detaexpunged9859
    @detaexpunged9859 Před 4 měsíci +128

    Ah shit, peepaw Cassor escaped the nursing home

    • @johngavin3180
      @johngavin3180 Před 4 měsíci +34

      Death company chaplain: Code RED BROTHERS!
      Death company sergeant: What happened chaplain!?
      Death company chaplain: Grandpa Cassor has breached containtment and is now fighting tyranids.
      Death company sergeant: I almost feel sorry for the xenos... almost.

  • @Saiyuhhh
    @Saiyuhhh Před 4 měsíci +53

    "SORCERY?!? YOU DARE!!!"

  • @dillasoul2228
    @dillasoul2228 Před 4 měsíci +55

    Orks are the only one's enjoying the setting
    Cassor: "Hold my melta gun"

  • @gazamaza7739
    @gazamaza7739 Před 4 měsíci +73

    yes exactly how dare the carnifex betray the emperor

  • @mitchellclark6458
    @mitchellclark6458 Před 4 měsíci +179

    Even consumed by madness and bloodlust, the blood angles are noble warrior poets to a man.

    • @Xen_the_legend
      @Xen_the_legend Před 4 měsíci +16

      The angles must be pretty sharp for blood to be on them

  • @spottedslash4256
    @spottedslash4256 Před 4 měsíci +148

    He's like a Deranged Paladin. Amazing.

  • @Lisichkin_Topishe31
    @Lisichkin_Topishe31 Před 4 měsíci +320

    When an Alpha Legionnaire says he is Alpharius that's fine, but when a Blood Angel says he is Sanguinius he is sent to the Death Company?

    • @dolomaticus1180
      @dolomaticus1180 Před 4 měsíci +71

      Yep. Cause that means the angel is about to go bezerker mode and think every enemy is Horus.

    • @ronanchristiana.belleza9270
      @ronanchristiana.belleza9270 Před 4 měsíci +5

      @@dolomaticus1180 FACTS

    • @donnellebarfield3964
      @donnellebarfield3964 Před 4 měsíci +31

      Trust me, you don't wanna be around when they start saying that 😂

    • @bioshock2712
      @bioshock2712 Před 4 měsíci +29

      You see, the Alpha Legion is supposed to be Alpharius, due to their primarch(s) being space marine sized. The Blood Angels however, are NOT supposed to be Sanguinius because their primarch is not a dwarf by primarch standards, also the Alpha legion don't get fuck ass mad and have Nemesor Zandrekh syndrome.

    • @Kareszkoma
      @Kareszkoma Před 4 měsíci +18

      @@bioshock2712 That sounds like something Horus would say.

  • @guyver441
    @guyver441 Před měsícem +49

    That is far more eloquent and coherent than I would expect from a son of Sanguineous fallen to the black rage and interred in a Dreadnaught

    • @justinbruck9602
      @justinbruck9602 Před 11 dny

      C'mon man, we aren't animals we are sophi-HORUSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @Thesilentone88
    @Thesilentone88 Před 4 měsíci +32

    "SO SAID CASSOR!" Cassor said calmly.

  • @LaughingJokerProd
    @LaughingJokerProd Před 4 měsíci +28

    Sons of Sanguinius are known for their love of art, Cassor just happens to have learned of the great scholar Eminmius Emmus the Angry and his vaunted “diss tracks”

  • @secondarytrollaccount666
    @secondarytrollaccount666 Před 4 měsíci +16

    Cassor: pinned?!?! Inconceivable!!! Cassor shall not stand for this!!!

  • @rip.tear.
    @rip.tear. Před 4 měsíci +33

    I love the way he calls a Tyranid a traitor, lost his marbles spectacularly!

  • @Hunk666
    @Hunk666 Před 3 měsíci +19

    that Dude sounds like a real riot on the battlefield, imagine fighting next to him and hear him incessantly ramble

  • @Mycatcouldbeatyouup
    @Mycatcouldbeatyouup Před 4 měsíci +99

    Bro's got those medieval rimes

  • @conradicalex01
    @conradicalex01 Před 4 měsíci +88

    *impaled by carnifex*

  • @CallMeAlphys
    @CallMeAlphys Před 4 měsíci +13


  • @daniel-zh9nj6yn6y
    @daniel-zh9nj6yn6y Před 4 měsíci +10

    Cassor speaks like a very articulate Ork.

  • @liamace1107
    @liamace1107 Před 4 měsíci +7


  • @notribadsvault
    @notribadsvault Před 4 měsíci +18

    “Welcome to the COME ZONE!”

  • @vanessalaplaige8806
    @vanessalaplaige8806 Před 4 měsíci +43

    Cassor is so deep in his character that it becomes funny

  • @antcow1239
    @antcow1239 Před 4 měsíci +227

    Cassor mad! CASSOR SMASH!

    • @SilasKeon
      @SilasKeon Před 4 měsíci +7

      CASSOR RA-

    • @elixavibuddies2951
      @elixavibuddies2951 Před 4 měsíci +7


    • @crosssans6245
      @crosssans6245 Před 4 měsíci +5

      @@elixavibuddies2951it is the emperor’s will brother!!

    • @succmama1039
      @succmama1039 Před 3 měsíci

      ​@@elixavibuddies2951 IT HAS A KNIFE! CASSOR KILL!

  • @chrisbeckett9748
    @chrisbeckett9748 Před 4 měsíci +13

    Best character in 40k. Threatens to break spines with his kneed - but doesn't have any knees - but little stompy legs.

    • @nocturnaljoe9543
      @nocturnaljoe9543 Před 2 měsíci +5

      He is still alive, because the knees in his heart burned brighter than the knees on his legs.

    • @tadhgmcelligott3693
      @tadhgmcelligott3693 Před 12 dny

      Box dreads do have knees, u can see em on the back of the models

  • @12coudak000
    @12coudak000 Před 4 měsíci +42

    Now this is a guy who loves his job

  • @painforfree2604
    @painforfree2604 Před 3 měsíci +2

    Deathcorps Member with Popcorn : "That guy is my fckn Idol ! "

  • @the98themperoroftheholybri33

    Cassor: "come sons of Angron!"
    Tyranids: "huh?"

  • @diraltmcallister3523
    @diraltmcallister3523 Před 4 měsíci +16

    I mean, you've got time to think up monologues when you're trapped in a living power tomb of doom.

  • @dueinuremom5082
    @dueinuremom5082 Před 4 měsíci +11

    “COME“ cyber punk music starts playing

  • @NightLord36
    @NightLord36 Před 4 měsíci +138

    Cassor: Long rhymes and speeches as he fights.
    That 1 Iron Warrior: Hi. Let’s fight.
    Edit: Honsou

  • @Sir_Radahn_the_fearless
    @Sir_Radahn_the_fearless Před 4 měsíci +72

    Man’s dropping those beats

    • @nocturnaljoe9543
      @nocturnaljoe9543 Před 2 měsíci +2

      "Cassor da Mad giving everyone da feels.
      Cracking those spines without having any knees." - CRassor da Mad

  • @luzifershadres
    @luzifershadres Před 4 měsíci +11

    "Come fight me!"
    gets chocked by Tyranide.
    "Wait, thats illegal"

  • @JoeTheCrusader
    @JoeTheCrusader Před 4 měsíci +370

    Maybe he should be called Cassor the Lond Winded instead.

    • @IlHansenIl
      @IlHansenIl Před 4 měsíci +8

      Lond Winded, ey?

    • @thatotherguy8138
      @thatotherguy8138 Před 4 měsíci +26

      @@IlHansenIl I'm not going to argue with Cassor the Lond Winded over something as mundane as a typo in his name. If that's what he wants to be called, Cassor the Lond Winded it is!

    • @d.n5287
      @d.n5287 Před 4 měsíci

      Cassor the coomer.

    • @nolanbaker2360
      @nolanbaker2360 Před 20 dny +1


  • @MichaelJohnson-fr8yr
    @MichaelJohnson-fr8yr Před 4 měsíci +19


  • @timmorin6657
    @timmorin6657 Před 4 měsíci +9

    Death company marine: HORUUUUS I WILL GET YOU TRAITOR!
    Tyranid gaunt: My name's Steve ... are you gona eat that used napkin?

  • @redclayscholar620
    @redclayscholar620 Před 4 měsíci +12

    "Oh you'll come. They ALWAYS COME!" AluCasador

  • @JWP-56
    @JWP-56 Před 4 měsíci +55

    Something tells me him and Bjorn would get along like a house on fire.

    • @centric3125
      @centric3125 Před 4 měsíci +11

      Cassor probably has put a lot more than a single house to the torch...

  • @justincancelosa5773
    @justincancelosa5773 Před 4 měsíci +25

    “Oh he’s a mad marine he’s gonna go ‘aywire some day and kill a whole lot of shock troops or heretics” but when dreadnoughts go mad it’s considered quirky and cute.

  • @simbriant
    @simbriant Před 4 měsíci +10

    Tech Marine: I am here to repair your damage, brother.
    Dreadought: You will not touch my cables or motors! You are a pervert marine!
    Tech Marine: I am a tech marine! A tech marine!

  • @17thcolossus91
    @17thcolossus91 Před 4 měsíci +35

    Never seen a dreadnought yap this much

    • @sirkelendor5429
      @sirkelendor5429 Před 11 dny

      "What is blud wafflin abo-" -some poor termagaunt, probably

  • @orums2606
    @orums2606 Před 4 měsíci +54

    Dude just loves his job sheesh

  • @johnnyboy90528
    @johnnyboy90528 Před 3 měsíci +5

    Horus, you're looking an awfully bit scalier than usual.

  • @maelradec2381
    @maelradec2381 Před 4 měsíci +29

    Noise marines be like: call me Horus all day everyday

  • @wildspirewarrior211
    @wildspirewarrior211 Před 2 měsíci +4

    *gets fucking impaled*
    Cassor: The audacity!

  • @seanransom6227
    @seanransom6227 Před 4 měsíci +7

    Tyrannids: Do not come…Do not come
    Cassor The Mad: I’m gonna come!

  • @dolphinboi-playmonsterranc9668
    @dolphinboi-playmonsterranc9668 Před 4 měsíci +10

    He talks about coming more than the straightest Emperor's Children legionnaire

  • @ProcyonDei
    @ProcyonDei Před 4 měsíci +14

    Roasting the enemy with a freestyle and a flamer...

  • @GhostOfSnuffles
    @GhostOfSnuffles Před 4 měsíci +3

    Cassor (gets impaled) "Tis's but a flesh wound"

  • @SeanCrosser
    @SeanCrosser Před 4 měsíci +22

    Cassor says to come.

  • @avalontheeldritchwhorror8212
    @avalontheeldritchwhorror8212 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Cassor: WE ARE THE HAMMER!
    Dante: Sigh...Cassor... that's the Grey Knights thing not ours...
    Dante: ...ugh....

  • @francescosacca6674
    @francescosacca6674 Před 4 měsíci +8

    He was lucky to not fight Daemonettes, they would have obliged him

  • @deeen4304
    @deeen4304 Před 4 měsíci +277

    The fact that right before this short there is a beautiful, peaceful and quite sad short about Dorn is kinda funny ngl, like the 180 from this too that
    Edit: Thank you all for the many likes, im happy you all liked it

  • @DonutHolestien
    @DonutHolestien Před 4 měsíci +20

    These shorts are so fantastic. Excellent bite sized lore bits that really show the fantastical heights of Warhammer

  • @gutsytoadsage6497
    @gutsytoadsage6497 Před 4 měsíci +9

    Cassor the Sultan of Yappistan

  • @Eramiserasmus
    @Eramiserasmus Před 4 měsíci +5

    Cassor just doing his best to break their spines.

  • @QuantemDeconstructor
    @QuantemDeconstructor Před 4 měsíci +4

    The funniest part to me is he asked to be pulled out of the Dreadnaught so he could kill the traitorous dog with his own hands

  • @kindasupersonic7114
    @kindasupersonic7114 Před 2 měsíci +4

    Homie out there Spitting mad flows while he is cleansing heresy HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH

  • @alsorensen2484
    @alsorensen2484 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Cassor: I came-
    Alien: "What?"
    Cassor: To this planet.
    Alien: Oh

  • @LightandDarknessLion
    @LightandDarknessLion Před 4 měsíci +4

    "Generously liberating the back of its skull from its body."
    Thrones I love that line

  • @Warlord_Gruktak_Rukrak
    @Warlord_Gruktak_Rukrak Před 4 měsíci +18

    Trazyn: Nice get into my pokeball💀💀

  • @Azeral.
    @Azeral. Před 2 měsíci +4

    Me when 5 MGs show up: "Pinned?! Inconceivable!"

  • @b1on1k638
    @b1on1k638 Před 4 měsíci +1

    I don’t like how enthusiastic he is about “coming”

  • @irefusetogiveupto80s65
    @irefusetogiveupto80s65 Před 4 měsíci +11

    This is my kingdom Come

  • @garethrns
    @garethrns Před 4 měsíci +3

    Oh Cassor, you crazy bastard... never change.

  • @leonardovegaolmedo5483
    @leonardovegaolmedo5483 Před 4 měsíci +9

    Meanwhile, avatar of Khaine tries the exact sane thing and gets slammed by carnifexes.

  • @DefinitelyNotBlackOpalDirect
    @DefinitelyNotBlackOpalDirect Před 4 měsíci +15

    Don’t stop I’m about to come

  • @usernamealreadytaken9330
    @usernamealreadytaken9330 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Cassor with the steel chair!!! Carnifex is out cold

  • @NotAnNPC343
    @NotAnNPC343 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Bro sure likes the word "come"💀

  • @thonderstorms5256
    @thonderstorms5256 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Yes, I am inmature.

  • @blacktemplar1139
    @blacktemplar1139 Před 4 měsíci +2

    Calmest member of the Death Company

  • @StickL0rd
    @StickL0rd Před 4 měsíci +4

    Cassor ain't mad he's just full of rhymes

  • @TheOdinCrusade
    @TheOdinCrusade Před 4 měsíci +10


  • @gamemongers4215
    @gamemongers4215 Před 4 měsíci +4

    Not gonna lie that dreadnought got some mad bars

  • @azarelazarel
    @azarelazarel Před 4 měsíci +2

    He fought the same carnifex 3 times and always won. GOAT

    • @nocturnaljoe9543
      @nocturnaljoe9543 Před 2 měsíci

      That's what I'm talking about! That's why he's the mvp! Da *GOAT.*

  • @Khornecussion
    @Khornecussion Před 21 dnem +4

    " How we doing this, traitor? You come at me. I come at you? Ohhhh. Maybe we come together - at the same time? Oh, you'll come. THEY ALWAYS COME! "

  • @spacemarine6212
    @spacemarine6212 Před 4 měsíci +9

    I need to meet this one some time.

  • @egoraptorschin9412
    @egoraptorschin9412 Před 4 měsíci +3

    Okay....I just found my favorite space marine

  • @laurel9629
    @laurel9629 Před 3 měsíci +3

    He’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit

  • @Maxsmack
    @Maxsmack Před 21 dnem +2

    Such a hard line, he’s already winning every second, and has been for 10k years