The Ghost King 鬼王大士爷

  • čas přidán 5. 09. 2024
  • The Ghost Festival, also known as the Hungry Ghost Festival in modern day, Zhong Yuan Jie is on the 15th night of the seventh month. Most people believe that in the seventh month, the emperor of Hell would open the gate of hell to release suffering ghosts and spirits, including those of the deceased ancestors, come out from the lower realm to receive ritualistic offerings performed by their descendants. Activities during the month would include preparing ritualistic food offerings, burning incense and burning joss paper, a paper form of material items such as clothes, gold and other fine goods for the lost spirits and ghosts. Others would name this ritual as “paying tribute to the Best Brothers”. In the festival, ”King of Ghosts” will be worshipped, made of bamboo rack and paper, the huge statue of the ghost king, bearing two horns on the head, big fangs and green face. On top of his head a small statue of “Guan Yin” or “Goddess of Mercy” is seated. All the ghosts and spirits roaming around the earth during the ghost month are controlled by this ghost king. That is why before performing the ritual, the ghost king must be worshipped at the very beginning.
    農曆七月的夜晚对于华人来说会较少夜归或外出,因为七月就正好是中元盂蘭節,也就是我们一般俗称的鬼节,七月半。一般坊间大众都相信七月地狱城隍的阎王会把地狱鬼门打开,让那些终年在地狱受苦受难的孤魂野鬼在七月初一日开始进入阳间,接受阳间后人为他们设下的普渡祭典,而接近十五日为之孤魂野鬼为数最多的时期,普渡祭典在七月三十日结束后,同时地狱鬼门也再度关上。所以人们在農曆七月里举行普渡祭典,普渡已离逝的先人及孤魂野鬼,坊间大众也会在马路边烧纸衣冥钱,元宝香烛来拜祭那些路过的孤魂野鬼,也有人称呼为 ” 拜好兄弟“。因此大家在这个農曆七月里,就因“鬼”而內心恐懼,都不想在夜晚时分与他们擦身而过。
    Production Team
    Executive Producer- TS Kwan / Engelbert Angku Chong
    Director- Engelbert Angku Chong
    DOP- Engelbert Angku Chong
    Copywriter- TS Kwan
    Script Translator- Liew On (Liew Su Hai)
    Voice Over- Engelbert Angku Chong
    Animation- Aks Kwan
    Post Production- Tham Ken Hwa
    製作:江賜良 / 葉建葳
    錄音 / 合成:江賜良
    Special Thanks-
    兵南邦钻石园,崑崙山三教殿主持 - 黄法权法师
    永发神料纸紮贸易 Weng Fatt Joss Stick Trading
    Chester Pang / William Chiang / Tian Long / Dicky Loh

Komentáře • 4

  • @junanyeoh6311
    @junanyeoh6311 Před 8 lety +8


  • @Tony-fb4cj
    @Tony-fb4cj Před 7 lety +2

    普渡公是來自蒙山科儀的一段 修設齋筵 阿難因緣起 救苦觀音示現焦面鬼 念佛宣揚 秘密功德力 拔濟孤魂來受甘露味

  • @empireentertainmentevents1353

    Excellent video!

  • @ongch2667
    @ongch2667 Před 2 lety
