"Tenting Tonight On The Old Campground"

  • čas přidán 17. 12. 2022
  • Walter Kittredge of New Hampshire received his draft notice in 1863, and was soon expecting to leave for the front. Kittredge had been a professional singer, so it was natural that, thinking of the coming separation from his wife and daughter; and perhaps imagining himself on some lonely and devastated battlefield, his response was to write this song, "Tenting Tonight On The Old Campground." However, Kittredge was rejected for military service because of a childhood brush with rheumatic fever. His song, however, fared better and it was an enormous success both during and after the war. Every local reunion and meeting of the Grand Army of the Republic and all its national conventions featured this song, which arguably may be one of the most affecting of the Civil War period. I believe Kittredge‘s lyrics so perfectly match the music and speak true for today’s soldiers as they did over 150 years ago. We would like to dedicate this song in remembrance of all our soldiers who have served and those that have fallen…who made the supreme sacrifice…who have given their last full measure

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