This concept is EMOTIONAL JET FUEL

  • čas přidán 14. 08. 2023
  • ►►Ask Rabbi Manis Friedman Your Questions In His Private VIP Community:
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    Rabbi Manis Friedman is a world-renowned author, counselor, lecturer and philosopher who uses ancient wisdom and modern wit to captivate audiences around the world. For bookings, please call Zalman at 800-656-5669
    Produced by It's Good To Know

Komentáře • 101

  • @saracampbell7475
    @saracampbell7475 Před 10 měsíci +13

    I learned as a child that man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever.

    • @breal546
      @breal546 Před 10 měsíci +2

      I wish I had a good teacher when I was younger, I bought into what the radio and television was selling and took the wrong road and have suffered greatly, now I spend all my time glorifying God, worshipping, and working outreach. I really just want to be fruitful and repent for my transgressions.

  • @observeroflife2024
    @observeroflife2024 Před 10 měsíci +21

    I just saw a really good short video from someone I follow. He was sharing a story about a man with young daughters asking him for advice about how to handle their teens, and his answer was priceless.
    He said, it's simple. When they are three and want to have a tea party with daddy... Do it. Will they remember that tea party at the age of 17? Probably not. But they will remember it at the age of five, when they ask you to do it again. And again at the age of 8... And then when you get to their teens and life is horrible and hard and they need a hug or some advice, they will still come to you. Because daddy has always been there when they needed you.
    A child who says, "I never asked to be born" didn't just read that on the internet somewhere and decide to quote it for sympathy.
    A child who says that, heard it somewhere and understood what it meant immediately because they could relate. Because they recognized that there is an emotional void in their life.
    We aren't born with a God shaped hole in our heart. We are born with specific needs that God ISN'T responsible for filling for us because that is what He created US to do for each other.
    Man shall leave his father and mother, be joined to a wife, and the two shall become one.
    When parents are not emotionally available to their children THAT creates a hole in their heart. A void. An empty space that they instinctively know shouldn't be there.
    But have absolutely no clue whatsoever how to fill it... Because they can't. They don't have enough knowledge, Wisdom, or understanding yet to even know it is an emotional vacancy they are feeling. Someone else's contribution is missing from the equation... Their parents.
    Who are supposed to be teaching them how to live. Showing them they are loved. Giving them direction and correction as necessary. Guiding them through their emotional journey to adulthood.
    Not shipping them off in a big yellow bus, with a bunch of other emotionally deprived peers, to an "institution of education", to sit in a chair for 8 hours listening to lectures about things that are far less valuable to their life and living than the emotional presence of their parents is.
    I never asked to be here either, but I bet if my parents had been emotionally available to me as a child I never would have felt that way in the first place.
    Because I would have felt valued, loved, and needed at home. In the life I was born in to, by the ones who brought me into this world in the first place.
    Destroying the family unit has been the downfall of civilization.
    The good news is, we can and are rebuilding. In a wiser manner this time because we are learning from our mistakes.
    🤔 Perhaps the third temple that is being built is not a physical building for people to come worship.
    But rather the restoration of what God created to be the true representation of Himself on earth. The family unit, where worship is shared by all.

    • @yvonneollivier7088
      @yvonneollivier7088 Před 10 měsíci +3

      Your comment is very beautiful, and I think completely true.

    • @DebiGranite
      @DebiGranite Před 10 měsíci +1

      perhaps as you say, the real Temple is within us!

    • @bladimirbetancur327
      @bladimirbetancur327 Před 10 měsíci

      ​@DebiGranite no ,we can't become G-d's temple, is not possible, we are way too limited ,sinful, flawed , full of weakness, limitations, short life span , get tired , sick , hungry ,stress out in life for our daily common needs , we just aren't made to handle G-d's holiness and sechina ,too many rules , of conduct to follow, too many demands to remain holy just so we can keep carrying the sechina and not let go on galut ( exile ) , so many things one has refrain from doing ,keeping kosher , controlling lashon hara ,ayin hara ,yetzer hara , it requires high dedication besides our tantamount mundane physical needs of the earthy world ,on top of that add more responsibilities to carry over the holy sechina of G-d.
      Is very strict.
      I'm still carrying it and trying very hard not to do anything stupid and listen to it whether on the choices I'm making what I should and shouldn't do.
      Is easier to build the temple and dedicate it to the dwelling for G d.
      G-d's holiness is too fragile.
      When tisha be'av came I asked the galut sechina to come dwell on me I will carry it while it doesn't have a dwelling temple .
      Trust me is easier to build Him a temple with whatever it demands for the construction.

    • @observeroflife2024
      @observeroflife2024 Před 10 měsíci

      @@bladimirbetancur327 I don't think she meant it as we are individual temples. "Little god's" that a bigger God inhabits.
      But think about this...
      We are all made in "God's image and likeness", right?
      What that means is that He built into each one of us, some of His own characteristics.
      Just like a child who has a meek Mother... If raised properly, as the child grows and matures they will exhibit the meek behavior learned from their relationship with their Mother and her character.
      We mimic the behavior of those around us. It's in our nature to do so, because it is how we learn. From each other.
      So to say the "real temple is within us" isn't within US... Individually.... But rather corporately.
      The behavior and characteristics we reveal to the world, whether the characteristics of the One whose image we are created in, or the characteristics we have been taught by society since childhood has a direct impact on the "whole" because we naturally mimic the behavior of those around us, of those whose voice we are listening to, of those we are allowing to "teach" us.
      So for God to BE glorified, would literally BE for humanity as a whole to be revealing His characteristics... The ones He created us with... TO each other... Instead of those we have been taught since childhood.
      Because mimicking the current behavior we are seeing in society is exactly how we got where we are today. 👍

    • @bladimirbetancur327
      @bladimirbetancur327 Před 10 měsíci

      @@observeroflife2024 in other words society is a victim of their own environment.
      No longer have the guts and leadership to be strong and dare reveal the essential nature of all things which lies hidden beneath layers and layers of physically fashioned creatures.
      Society has never been able to have the audacity to display who they truly are when they were born .
      No one is born as a damaged goods ,the environmental world surrounding their growth and development almost always defines their trajectory.
      So few of us dare get out of the rat race and dare question their indoctrination.

  • @ChildofGod98765
    @ChildofGod98765 Před 10 měsíci +8

    As Christians it’s vital to trust God no matter what we are facing. I want to give up so bad! But God won’t allow me because he is our only strength in this world. As a single mom, things are tough on me. My husband passed years ago. I feel so alone. Both of my sons are autistic and non verbal. I’m constantly struggling to provide for my boys. Now that I’m home schooling them I’m having trouble getting their school supplies. I’m overwhelmed and so ashamed. Father God hear my prayers. My faith in you is strong! Even as I constantly struggle to pay my rent. And I constantly struggle to provide groceries for my children! I trust you Lord! I’m choosing to keep faith. Walking with faith is the most important thing us christian’s must do. That’s why love compassion and prayers are all we truly need. Please keep me in your prayers. Prayers are all I need.

    • @breal546
      @breal546 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Praying for you and yours Tiff!

    • @gerald7367
      @gerald7367 Před 10 měsíci +2

      Praying the same.

    • @sallyhurst9322
      @sallyhurst9322 Před 10 měsíci +2

      Praying for you

    • @maryw4609
      @maryw4609 Před 10 měsíci +1

      I will pray for you this is a tough hoe for any woman
      Sounds like g-d has given you your mission
      Do you see it? Let’s pray the support people will come into your life snd wisdom to maneuver thru this difficult time I am so sorry for your loss

    • @maryw4609
      @maryw4609 Před 10 měsíci +1

      Thank you rabbi Friedman

  • @sveno.1273
    @sveno.1273 Před 10 měsíci


  • @georgbloemer4099
    @georgbloemer4099 Před 10 měsíci

    Amen. God wants to be with us. That's why he made himself vulnerable.

  • @akai.christo
    @akai.christo Před 10 měsíci +3

    Thank you Rabbi Friedman!!
    Wish you and everybody here a wonderful day !!

  • @valariesusan52
    @valariesusan52 Před 10 měsíci

    Our children are our greatest treasure

    • @valariesusan52
      @valariesusan52 Před 10 měsíci

      They love their parents unconditionally.Their love is pure,there are so many kinds of love in this world.Vive Le Difference.

  • @Adeleef
    @Adeleef Před 7 měsíci

    Thank you Rabbi 💎

  • @saracampbell7475
    @saracampbell7475 Před 10 měsíci +1

    I learned that nature is my first parent...I love nature.

  • @stephenroman9015
    @stephenroman9015 Před 10 měsíci +1

    We owe everything to GOD the father, we may not understand why.... It is our responsibility to get to know him as best we can and maybe then we'll find the answers.....🙏🙏🙏🔥

  • @petrabliss2558
    @petrabliss2558 Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you for your inspiration and insights and deep knowledge. I am not Jewish, but I lived in a Jewish family in Utah as an exchange student long ago, I support the Lev HaOlam community in Israel and my heart is close to Jewish wisdom.❤

  • @jeffl7825
    @jeffl7825 Před 10 měsíci +2

    Thanks Rabbi. Your videos are always interesting!

  • @lovelearnandgrow2853
    @lovelearnandgrow2853 Před 10 měsíci +1

    You are Here to Let your Light Shine 🙂

  • @alisonmurphy-maley1470
    @alisonmurphy-maley1470 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Baruch HaShem
    Thank you Rabbi for sharing this with us 😊

  • @augustreigns9716
    @augustreigns9716 Před 10 měsíci +3

    don't matter whether or not i asked to come here.
    i am here.

  • @janatnalwoga
    @janatnalwoga Před 10 měsíci

    Knowledge is power

  • @paulbarrett6093
    @paulbarrett6093 Před 10 měsíci

    Wise sermon Rabbi 🙏🏾.

  • @Blessed_21
    @Blessed_21 Před 10 měsíci +1

    You're an amazing man! Your knowledge is great, God bless🙏❤️

  • @user-hh9lf8rw3l
    @user-hh9lf8rw3l Před 10 měsíci

    i appreciate profoundly your sincerity and beautiful discourses of every time.
    “ Seek Me and live! “
    Treat others as G-d’s points and live G-d’s attributes, with joy!
    G-d bless you and all the editor.

  • @richardannaken
    @richardannaken Před 10 měsíci

    I’m amazed as a bloodline of World War Two nazism because of my heritage BUT taught to love God and ALL others. I’m amazed at how much knowledge/wisdom and insight WE ALL lost because of the horrific atrocities. However, I know WE ALL have an opportunity thru GOD to live in GODS WORLD.

  • @andreasgigmai7707
    @andreasgigmai7707 Před 10 měsíci +3

    Thank you Rabbi Manis Friedman. There has to be a true teacher and a true listerner. If the world listens to your Wisdom as we are supposted to the world could have been much elevated! 😊

  • @analysisonlight605
    @analysisonlight605 Před 10 měsíci

    Rabbi Friedman, thank you for doing these videos. This is exactly what I needed to hear and I didn't even know it.

  • @eitonkamelgarn9150
    @eitonkamelgarn9150 Před 10 měsíci

    You're right child, you didn't ask to be born, your parents NEED you, and that is why you were born,,, how grateful a child would be to learn this, and how eager to clean its room!

  • @FaithF8490
    @FaithF8490 Před 10 měsíci

    This is so strong and clear. Thank you for making it understandable Rabbi.

  • @storkbreath
    @storkbreath Před 10 měsíci

    We are here to create our purpose.

  • @aksesscrypto3626
    @aksesscrypto3626 Před 10 měsíci

    Thank you Rav'. This teaching is very wise. Thank you for sharing this out. This is a mitsva in itself.

  • @ricsancho
    @ricsancho Před 10 měsíci +2


  • @jeffreyrwilliams9345
    @jeffreyrwilliams9345 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Thank you

  • @egyur
    @egyur Před 10 měsíci +1

    כי אני אוהבת אותך ואת כול יהודי העולם ואני רוצה עוד יום ליכרו את תפילת שמע שעל המיטה שם יש וידוי והשם מגשים מישלות אבור היחודים שיהיה לכם שימחה ושפעה לעד 😊

  • @anthonyviljoen9988
    @anthonyviljoen9988 Před 10 měsíci


  • @EnglishAudioBooks33
    @EnglishAudioBooks33 Před 10 měsíci +1

    very nice.

  • @valariesusan52
    @valariesusan52 Před 10 měsíci

    We are here to learn to love each other in all our differences. If you want to find God look at the thousands of Near death experiences on youtube.God is love. Not hate.

  • @melissaraeracz5622
    @melissaraeracz5622 Před 10 měsíci

    Not only did I know the purpose but I had an idea and I volunteered to fall. The second I was put in this consciousness I was so excited about Him coming with me I forgot. I still followed him willingly to the river over the falls and into my body and everything is gone. However he stayed with me my entire childhood showing me dreams and telling me stories and being anything I needed him to be when I needed him to be it even when I didn't know it. He says that I am to become and he is to cause me to become...he's cute and when I get ice cream I say Yahoo!! 😉

    • @yvonneollivier7088
      @yvonneollivier7088 Před 10 měsíci +1

      In this lifetime, I had forgotten the purpose. I had to re-member. But like you, I did recall that I'd wanted to come here.
      "We didn't fall. We jumped."
      In service of God.
      I think, as I type, it's more accurate to say that I did not remember HOW to serve God, rather than forgetting the purpose. I just didn't know how to accomplish it.
      At low times, when it seemed more like a "fall" than a "jump", I recall the peace that came with a thought, "Trust the fall."
      It's kind of like Douglas Adams' "Don't Panic." But it went straight to the heart when I heard the thought in my head. "Trust the fall."
      Thanks, so much, for your post.

  • @marleneschoenfeld4939
    @marleneschoenfeld4939 Před 10 měsíci +2

    You woke me up

  • @johnlynch-kv8mz
    @johnlynch-kv8mz Před 10 měsíci +2

    17:26 this is the deal, why Hate anyone? If you have a choice or think so, why choose to hate. I would imagine such a person would have a genuine concern ( if they are hateful) to be in the right. Would t this require multiple levels of reflection? I mean hating is a serious thing, and I believe those who hate think they have an idea of right and wrong. Since when is anyone perfect? I thought that Guy got put to an untimely end, which didn’t even take!
    If you Can Hate Someone, then you have the power to Love them instead. It’s as real as rain. That is what is Needed, and wanted. Have an enemy, then Love him. Yes?

  • @jujujudithYahudit
    @jujujudithYahudit Před 10 měsíci +1

  • @derekbotha9405
    @derekbotha9405 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Thank you for teaching us the Truth, not like preacher's who are witch doctors bewitching the minds of billions!

  • @paulklemer
    @paulklemer Před 10 měsíci +1

    You seem to be a good man

  • @sammiejoyner3532
    @sammiejoyner3532 Před 10 měsíci

    It's explained I'm a means to end ok I'll be the best❤

  • @melvinjefferson2812
    @melvinjefferson2812 Před 10 měsíci

    Isreal has awakened that's what brought the judgement

  • @besottedorchids3605
    @besottedorchids3605 Před 10 měsíci

    My 13 yr old son, often says " I didn't ask to be born"

  • @mohammadfallata2744
    @mohammadfallata2744 Před 10 měsíci

    The creator created us and showed us the good and bad in his books Torah Ingile Zabour and Quraan and the books before from Adam to Noah and Ibrahime all these books guide us and the all call for one thing worship the only one creator

  • @OmriSama
    @OmriSama Před 10 měsíci

    Can this emotional jet fuel melt emotional steel beams?

  • @jocelynbolduc2769
    @jocelynbolduc2769 Před 10 měsíci

    D ie U. J xoxo ❤😊

  • @irisbloo5462
    @irisbloo5462 Před 10 měsíci

    If a person knows they are invalid/ a means to an end = recognition of this they have a responsibility to not coerce others with their unholy brokenness ( religius methods!? Blind spots people dont see about themselves spewed out on others=monumental stupidity=human condition? I'm trying to get it...Life🤔🤦🤷

  • @marleneschoenfeld4939
    @marleneschoenfeld4939 Před 10 měsíci

    Please send me a link to Wednesday 1:00 VIPs to zoom.

    • @marleneschoenfeld4939
      @marleneschoenfeld4939 Před 10 měsíci

      For get about. I'd. rather have a death in the near future than last unconsciously
      For years and years

    • @marleneschoenfeld4939
      @marleneschoenfeld4939 Před 10 měsíci

      But in assistant living I could LIVE for a bit until I 'm a miserable body pushed around.

    • @marleneschoenfeld4939
      @marleneschoenfeld4939 Před 10 měsíci

      OK Link me up - but not sure

  • @Puzld01
    @Puzld01 Před 10 měsíci

    Irregardless of the validity of the content - I wish comments were more concise.

  • @mark10.8
    @mark10.8 Před 10 měsíci

    Please explain these.
    1. If somethings are the end and others are the means to an end, why did God say after creation that, He beheld everything and it was all good? Doesn't that imply the opposite of what you said?
    2. Are you talking about Satan not being content with God had created him to be?

  • @valariesusan52
    @valariesusan52 Před 10 měsíci

    There are always 2 sides of a coin but it is still 1 coin.The Jews destruction in WW2 became their freedom in the 60 s Yin and Yang.Its in the book of Isaiha. Reincarnation.The one you hate becomes your saviour.

  • @monaiannucci9434
    @monaiannucci9434 Před 10 měsíci

    Emotional rescues?

  • @Abolfazlification
    @Abolfazlification Před 10 měsíci +1

    You want certainty? How do you know it won't kill you? Specially if it happened once already? This is close to "God has to prove himself" by Deepak Chopra. What God does are all bestowing gifts. He created the world so we can get to know him by worshiping him. getting close to him by attributes that he likes. You'll come off as ungrateful if you keep going down this path. I know many think they have a chance at rapture here. Do they really? can you force it on God? You'll be shown presence of God come this winter or next. don't push it.

  • @smpeace2683
    @smpeace2683 Před 10 měsíci +1

    But Abraham wasn't Jewish.

  • @valariesusan52
    @valariesusan52 Před 10 měsíci

    The poison becomes the small doses

  • @kacythomas1327
    @kacythomas1327 Před 10 měsíci

    God I guess

  • @stephencampbell2018
    @stephencampbell2018 Před 10 měsíci

    Why did I wake up? I guess it was to have you tell me why I woke up. Come on man...

  • @melvinjefferson2812
    @melvinjefferson2812 Před 10 měsíci

    The creater didn't know what was happening he looked through me and seen haplo group x blood type o was under attack with biological weapons targeting the humans

  • @datwistyman
    @datwistyman Před 10 měsíci

    That's not exactly true because you/I/we don't need to feel grateful for anything because we are a part of God and with out feeling like you/we need something than there is no room to move into a new thought of what we need. If life is perfect there will be no questions asked on how to feel better.
    No one will ever feel totally fullfilled because God is not totally fullfilled so we will always feel like asking for more.
    No human is ever happy with everything because everything is only as good as what you thought was everything then when you get it it is nothing much and can be expanded on

  • @Nevenkavukmalivuk967
    @Nevenkavukmalivuk967 Před 10 měsíci

    povejte mi rabbi..kako se bi vi pocutili, ce bi vas imeli 24 ur dnevno neprestano na okah..da ,neprestano me gledajo, poslusajo.gledali kaj pocnete, kaksni ste..neprestano..dan in noc..

  • @michellesmith5436
    @michellesmith5436 Před 10 měsíci

    6:53 God created sins? Isn't a sin transgression of his law? And I must say I never heard human beings referred to as "the sin" and "the nonessential," although there is elite talk of useless eaters, so I won't act surprised.

  • @JBNetBreaker
    @JBNetBreaker Před 10 měsíci

    Very shallow questions, just because a child asks the question, does not mean it is valid; teach a child the way he should go, don't just let him fish out of every pond..!

  • @taylorheath4158
    @taylorheath4158 Před 10 měsíci

    I challenge anyone rabbi or not on the original story of mankind if anunnaki is true than all mankind comes from enki, remember our image not my image it all collapsed on this knowledge and no rabbi priest muslum has the courage to go there for obvious reasons, the creator is true for all including anunnaki one only has to see phi to know this but religion is guilty of borrowing knowledge and claiming it.. from India to middle East well enough is enough no more lies because of lies the world is in the state it's in..

    • @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu
      @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu Před 10 měsíci

      This is my understanding the tru G-d the G-d of the Hebrews and all existence created Angels some of the Angels lied to mankind and started false religions sometimes it was Angels and sometimes possibly most of the time it was humans imagination of making up stories when it comes to false religions. Mankind many times has bin decieved. Judaism is the only correct religion in truth only one G-d exist and I want you to know that I personally believe the mesopotamian religion was started by Angels that decieved mankind G-d did not create other Gods and Thier is only one true G-d that exist the G-d of Judaism is the G-d of all mankind and G-d did not create other Gods, some of the Angels started all types of false religions Abraham was from Mesopotamia before G-d told Abraham the truth and chose him to tell everyone the truth that only one G-d exist and from my understanding G-d created Angels some of the Angels lied to mankind many times in the past to live like kings and have many wives and be honored, remembered, feared and respected what happened was that G-d told Abraham the truth and if you think about the fact that the Angels told humans partial truth and G-d told Abraham the 100% truth then you should understand Judaism is 100% truth and The Torah is 100% truth and the rest of The TaNaKH is 100% truth. Read the TaNaKH JPS TaNaKH 1917 [public domain] Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

    • @taylorheath4158
      @taylorheath4158 Před 10 měsíci

      @@PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu So anunnaki is older but fallen angels new Judaism was coming and made a replica to deceive all? Epic story of Gilgamesh compared to Noah flood story came from Gilgamesh not Noah that's not comparing 12 tribes first came from astrology the number 7 first came from chakra in India and mosses wasn't mentioned from outside people's 1000years so no one herd of this man besides Jews for 1000yrs it's obviously borrowed knowledge and that's fine but don't claim it n defiantly don't say your chosen.. you are aware that in Australia there is aboriginal art that is 50 thousand yrs old n some can't b dated it's that old. I'm not convinced either way but religion would not last one day in court as originally coming from Jews facts. Gog vs maygog is even coppied knowledge so we all got similar storytelling finding it's true source continues..

    • @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu
      @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu Před 10 měsíci

      ​​@taylorheath4158 No you just took what I said and twisted it backwards. Listen to me Judaism is the truth Angels decieved mankind and started the mesopotamian religion we did not borrow knowledge the book of Genesis up to Abraham was told to Abraham from G-d himself the one and only true G-d. When the Angels only told partially true stories they lied to fit thier needs when it came to mesopotamian religion and other false religions they told only partial truth the only true religion is Judaism the knowledge was given by G-d the reason why almost every culture has a flood story is because the flood really happened the reason why false religions like the mesopotamian are similar stories is because the Angels wanted to be treated like kings: honored, feared respected and have many wives obviously Angels have free will they know good and evil and they are suppose to be good and holy except some Angels went down the path of evilness in order to live like kings. G-d told Abraham the whole truth and explained what had happened from my understanding the mesopotamian religion was had similarities to the truth without being the truth and as for as saying I was chosen I will say yes I'm chosen being born Jewish to be a light to the world meaning being a representation of extreme righteousness except it is not that you could not choose to be chosen anyone can choose to be chosen and convert to Judaism if you wish to be chosen I say welcome to the 12 Tribes of Israel if not perhaps that is not the path that G-d has for you anyone can choose to be chosen Judaism is not only made up of descendants of Abraham it has bin made up of converts from all over the planet earth from the beginning if you wish to be chosen or if you are born chosen that doesn't mean you are better or worse than everyone else it means that you are suppose to represent extreme goodness it doesn't mean everyone Jewish is saying I'm chosen to say that look at me I'm special in truth all humans are special in thier own individual way so yes I'm chosen and anyone can choose to be chosen if you are not Jewish you could follow the laws of Noah and still be chosen or choose to be chosen in your beliefs and try to be extremely good rightously you could be chosen in your own individual way trust me G-d has a plan for everyone if you wish to believe whatever it is you believe perhaps that is the path you are sent on I will not tell you to convert to Judaism I could just tell you if you want to be one of us then you can be one of us I will tell you Judaism is 100% true and I hope G-d will send you signs in your life that what I am telling you is true this is from my understanding

    • @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu
      @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu Před 10 měsíci

      When placing the verse from The Torah in the first response to the comment I did not have the intention to say that what I'm saying is correct because of the verse what I was saying is that is my understanding of what happened and I honestly think all religions are false except for Judaism which is 100% correct I think when it comes to other religions other than Judaism they are all false and when I said that it was Angels that started false religions I honestly think that most of the time if not all the time it was humans making up stories not Angels except the similarities between Judaism which is the truth and the mesopotamian religion which is false is to the point that I honestly think that Angels lied and told partially truth before G-d told the entire truth to Abraham and I was not making this statement that it is a fact I was not trying to imply that the verse I placed in my original answer to the comment is saying exactly what my personal opinion is I was saying that is how I formed my opinion from that verse I did not have the intention of taking the verse out of context I had the intention of showing how I formed my thoughts on this subject again Read the TaNaKH JPS TaNaKH 1917 [public domain] Genesis 6:4 The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.

    • @taylorheath4158
      @taylorheath4158 Před 10 měsíci

      @@PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu the nephilim are the anunnaki they even have a demi called yewha or yewhova who led his tribe , I've read on nephilim and find it similar to anunnaki all being relatively close to each other stories could definitely b copies weather the fallen created the whole anunnaki to deceive is the only answer to scholar historian or conspiracy theories isn't really a answer but I agree that all religion is false only if one claims it and calls it original God's real that's not my argument I argue that u can't trust people to know who and were god is n what god thinks and to write a book about it. For instance the bible says if u rape someone u pay 50 peices of silver to the father of that someone, in that same book you have your nephilim story so I know that it was man not God who put those words in ,the old saying I don't know who god is but I know who he isn't look the 10 commandments is all we need to b good people I agree with em it makes sense to have rules. Hoozba is ok also. I'll look into what u said to read thanx 👍

  • @taylorheath4158
    @taylorheath4158 Před 10 měsíci +1

    Did the anunnaki start all origin, not one jew will answer this question borrowed knowledge is ok as long as u admit this it's obvious that anunnaki is older than Judaism Israel so what's the problem?? Ohh ego pride and the collapse of lies is why the truth of mankind isn't revealed so sad that people's feelings might get hurt.. let's keep the lie going 😂😂😂

    • @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu
      @PlanetEarthChannel-lc5tu Před 10 měsíci

      This is my answer I'm Jewish you said not one Jewish person would answer well this answer is of my understanding: Angels lied to mankind and started false religions sometimes it was Angels and sometimes it was humans imagination of making up stories when it comes to false religions mankind many times has bin decieved recently also I want you to know that I personally believe the mesopotamian religion was started by Angels that decieved mankind G-d did not create other Gods and Thier is only one true G-d that exist the G-d of Judaism is the G-d of all mankind and G-d did not create other Gods, some of the Angels started all types of false religions Abraham was from Mesopotamia before G-d told Abraham the truth and chose him to tell everyone the truth that only one G-d exist he created Angels some of the Angels lied to mankind many times in the past to live like kings and have many wives and be honored, remembered, feared and respected what you have happening is that G-d told Abraham the truth and if you think about the fact that the Angels told humans partial truth and G-d told Abraham the 100% truth and Judaism is 100% truth and The Torah is 100% truth and the rest of The TaNaKH is 100% truth.

  • @JH-bf6qy
    @JH-bf6qy Před 10 měsíci

    Because the Lifeforce which is the essence and source of all life forms wakes up all of life...

  • @nashrinhossain9267
    @nashrinhossain9267 Před 10 měsíci

    I went to stop this bs