Gene Simmons to women: Stop depending on men

  • čas přidán 23. 10. 2014
  • Trending with Andrea Tantaros: KISS rocker Gene Simmons says women should assume the worst and prepare themselves accordingly
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Komentáře • 171

  • @sherrisolomon4596
    @sherrisolomon4596 Před 9 lety +11

    Gene, please continue to share this information to the masses of women esp in the poor communities.

  • @angelr.5479
    @angelr.5479 Před 9 lety +9

    His mother was a single mom who raised him alone and had several jobs to do so. He does come off arrogant but is absolutely right. Work hard and do not depend on men or women. Be self sufficient. He is very lucky that Shannon put up with all his crap throughout the years. I have known many men over the age of 40 who have never grown up but I do believe there are still decent men out there, somewhere. :)

  • @Torturephile
    @Torturephile Před 9 lety +7

    Both genders depend on each other. That's how I see it.

    • @robinbrl
      @robinbrl Před 6 lety

      Thank you Alexander. That is what I would like to have. I would love a partner that I could share my life with.

  • @doctorwatson9253
    @doctorwatson9253 Před 9 lety +5

    He is absolutely right. My first husband died and my second one was a loser. I ended up raising two kids alone. Fortunately, I thought the same way Gene did and got a Ph.D.-- thus could easily support myself and my sons on my own.

  • @veronicacougar5687
    @veronicacougar5687 Před 9 lety +6

    Gene, you are absolutely right that women should depend on themselves only. I agree with you that women should assume the worst and prepare accordingly. That is excellent advice. However, not all men are "14 until they are 40." A lot of them are, but not all, thank God. I personally work with over 100 municipal building inspectors who are great guys, come to work every day, take care of their families, talk about their wives like they are still dating......listen up, Ladies: BORING IS GOOD. You should marry a man who bores you to death! And love him like he's a king, because he IS!!!! Nice guys should always finish first!

  • @Shorty2Die4
    @Shorty2Die4 Před 9 lety +6

    I agree for the most part what he is saying. There's a lot of women that if god forbid their husband's left, would not know what to do with themselves.

  • @staceycarroll7973
    @staceycarroll7973 Před 9 lety +7

    I have a litmus test and I apply it liberally. I pay all my own bills, I do all my own house repairs and car repairs or I hire someone to do those things. I have to clean, do laundry and make food. If I have a man around and I am STILL doing all those things, he's gone. Usually shockingly quickly for him. LOL cause I won't put up with any garbage or slacking. You'd be surprised with how many dumbfounded looks I've gotten when I wake up after a few months and go . .hmm . . man has been here six months. My life has not improved. In fact, I think I'm poorer and the house is even dirtier. BE GONE

    • @iep4657
      @iep4657 Před 9 lety +1

      maygbe you have bad taste in men?/ hmm or maybe you dont know how to be in a functional relationship .

    • @TowerofAboveandBelow
      @TowerofAboveandBelow Před 8 lety +1

      I agree on the improvement. But why should you stop functioning and do less?

  • @joaopaulob80
    @joaopaulob80 Před 3 lety +2

    This man is a genius ! One of mine inspirations ! Thank u so much Mr. Simmons. God bless you !!!

  • @Valkyriexvx
    @Valkyriexvx Před 9 lety +4

    I don't think you should depend on men but I don't think that means men get a free pass from supporting their kids and upholding their responsibilities.

    • @Valkyriexvx
      @Valkyriexvx Před 9 lety

      How about this? Don't depend on men for yourself. Your kids have a right to depend and expect support.

  • @DinaStrange
    @DinaStrange Před 9 lety +13

    I like this guy.

  • @xlxfjh
    @xlxfjh Před 9 lety +12

    Only about 15% of people are naturally entrepreneurial. More than 80% of new businesses fail within the first year. I could go on. Using one's own unusual experience as if it were a reasonable template for others to follow, as Simmons does here, is the height of arrogance.

    • @PBowler48
      @PBowler48 Před 9 lety

      Very true and very well said.

    • @gooangel2
      @gooangel2 Před 9 lety +2

      He actually has a good point about finding different jobs to find one's own niche. It worked for me. I worked 2-3 jobs since I was 15. Now I'm in a regular job and enjoying it.

  • @longhornblondie99
    @longhornblondie99 Před 9 lety +7

    That one guy does exist; if he leaves you, he wasn't it. No matter how much love you give, no matter how patient, caring and time; you can't force a man to LOVE you. Took me 21 years to get this through my thick head.

    • @ashmadux
      @ashmadux Před 9 lety +1

      Smart lady. You will do well, if not already so. Cheers :)

  • @MsOscara
    @MsOscara Před 9 lety +3

    Gene - I figured this out 3 decades ago. You know, when guys like you thought all women were good for was one night stands. And I HAVE prepared myself accordingly.

  • @deedeew4040
    @deedeew4040 Před 9 lety +2

    This man cheated on his girlfriend and waited almost 30 years to marry her. He gave money to his kids all of the time on the show and he says don't give children allowance. I love these celebrities that they feel they have all the answers.

  • @TudorMuse
    @TudorMuse Před 9 lety +24

    I got screwed by being a stay-at-home mom. I'm 50 now and kicking myself because all those years I could have been building a career of my own when I was home and trusting my husband to secure my future. So Gene's right on that point - always be able to take care of yourselves ladies. But guys - don't be one of those assholes that doesn't take care of your kids. My kids are grown now, but still struggling because Daddy was more interested in booze, broads and blow than being a parent or helping his kids get educations.

    • @gooangel2
      @gooangel2 Před 9 lety +1

      Hang in there Tudor. It's not too late to take care of those things and have the career you want. It's like when your kids are grown that is your second chance. I speak from experience at 52. ;-) Have a great day!

    • @1ManNamedDan
      @1ManNamedDan Před 9 lety

      I'm sorry you did not get a good man to spend the better part of your life with that was a rather long lesson and I hope it makes you wise instead of bitter, but life is surely not over for you to close the book on anything just yet there are many men out there who have similar experiences as you.

  • @AwoudeX
    @AwoudeX Před 9 lety +8

    I agree in today's world that women need to stop depend on men, however i really dislike the part where he bashes on all men saying they're 14y old boys till they're 40, it's a wrong generalization.
    just from my own experience: when i was 13y and my sister 15, i already was more responsible with money. at the end of the week i usually had a part of my allowance left over, whilst my sister burnt through all in the first days of the week, and she got more because she was older.

    • @11bravo1789
      @11bravo1789 Před 9 lety +1

      Theres always exceptions. Its a rule thats typically true.

    • @AwoudeX
      @AwoudeX Před 9 lety +3

      No, it's not. It's what society wants you to believe though.

    • @11bravo1789
      @11bravo1789 Před 9 lety

      And your entitled to your opinion. You can also believe that the sky isn't blue. But that doesn't make it right. It only makes it your opinion.

    • @AwoudeX
      @AwoudeX Před 9 lety +1

      Ok, Gene says 2 things that are contradicting: how can women depend on men when men are 14y old boys till they're 40? Fact is that men are earning more because they're more responsible and mature than women are(put in more hours, choosing harder or more dangerous jobs to get the stuff that is needed), and from a younger age because else this world would not be as it is today.
      On this is my opinion based, yours is based on what?

    • @djpdyson
      @djpdyson Před 9 lety +5

      Since when is it a "fact" that men are earning more because they're more responsible and mature than women are(put in more hours, choosing harder or more dangerous jobs to get the stuff that is needed), and from a younger age because else this world would not be as it is today? You are off your rocker. That is the most uneducated thing I've heard in a very long time and there's no proof of that statement what so ever. Just because you say it's true, doesn't make it a fact.

  • @colingleason777
    @colingleason777 Před rokem +1

    I hear some women say “Having a job as a woman is embarrassing!” Any woman with that sense of entitlement, NEEDS to see this.

  • @JacobsTrash
    @JacobsTrash Před 9 lety +1

    "Men depend on women for sex" That's so untrue, It's an added bonus to any healthy relationship. Beyond sex, I look to my girlfriend for emotional support, overall her companionship. I believe any relationship is a partnership, can't have a relationship with someone who isn't a team player. Be prepared to make certain sacrifices, It's part of being in any type of relationship. If you're too selfish to acknowledge that being in a relationship translates into having to make certain sacrifices, don't be in one.

  • @TowerofAboveandBelow
    @TowerofAboveandBelow Před 8 lety +1

    I have an unpleasant physiological reaction to folks who aren't self sufficient.

  • @Cldfsn0200
    @Cldfsn0200 Před 9 lety +3

    How come every time I listen to this guy I feel like I'm listening to Lucifer's press spokesman?

  • @marthamontoya9335
    @marthamontoya9335 Před 6 lety

    so so right Gene, being one of the youngest of 10. 8 brother and 1 sister . My father always advised my sister and I . EDUCATE , EDUCATE your self ❗❗❗❗❗ work hard and become successful . Never Never depend on Men ❗❗❗❗ I love you Daddy butterfly kisses all the way to heaven and thank you .

  • @jamestoikka2580
    @jamestoikka2580 Před 9 lety +1

    Feminists demand equal rights in the work place, but many woman do depend on men financially. Its all an uphill battle for men. We have a harder time getting into relationships than women and then we have to support them? I agree with Gene on this one. Unless a man has a strong cash flow, it is very difficult for us to support and pamper a woman like they expect us to. Women have such high expectations of the men they enter into a relationship with. That is why I believe men and women should contribute to the relationship equally. Just my two bits. I don't blame the people, I blame society.

    • @bleedingsyringe
      @bleedingsyringe Před 9 lety +1

      I agree with you James. I believe in equal financial investment when it comes to relationships. I'm a woman who doesn't require men to pamper me with lavishing gifts and exquisite meals. Buy me a video game and a $5 pizza and I'll return the favor.

    • @jamestoikka2580
      @jamestoikka2580 Před 9 lety

      Thanks bleed! And Sandy I am making a generalization. You're absolutely correct that a number of women do not see themselves that way. Its a really gray area. Sorry if I am offending anyone, but that is my two bits.

  • @elizabethbrown1829
    @elizabethbrown1829 Před 9 lety

    As a 50 year old woman I agree with everything Gene said in this interview. Married over 32 years it is the truth. We may not like hearing it but that's life. Look at it as for the most part instead of every "Man".

  • @MsBee777
    @MsBee777 Před 6 lety +1

    However, women's reproductive abilities disappear or become risky by 40 years old (generally speaking) Gene is a lot more intelligent than I ever realized. I'm glad I came across this video. Awesome.

  • @rgoddess1
    @rgoddess1 Před 9 lety +1

    I agree with him. We women can be stupid about men...

  • @robdog4062
    @robdog4062 Před 5 lety

    He made a good point my mama got a job but not a good as job and my parents divorced so my mama had to learn how to depend on herself. She had to work many side jobs. We still made it but he's right my mama wish someone gave her that advice when she was younger.

  • @scruz4774
    @scruz4774 Před 9 lety +2

    Well, this doesn't come off as condescending at all.

  • @anitahaywood7620
    @anitahaywood7620 Před 9 lety

    I think this is good. He is being brutally honest. Women should have a career first. Depend on themselves and not men.

  • @PecsInDaCity
    @PecsInDaCity Před 9 lety

    "If it's not you, then sorry I gotta go". Love this guy haha!

  • @hippielawyer
    @hippielawyer Před 9 lety

    See my newly published book "I Inhaled, Rantings, Ramblings and Ravings of a Hippie Lawyer" available on Kindle which has a chapter about when Gene and I played in a band together as teens and how hung up he was about getting the girls' attention. Seems like things haven't changed much, right Gene?

  • @greekfreak1980
    @greekfreak1980 Před 9 lety

    First of all,Gene Simmons knows greek,holy cow!
    Second of all,the guy is right and for the record I say this as a man.Yes there are many nice,caring guys out there but there are also many arseholes who will exploit you women without a second thought.Just listen to the lyrics to the Thin Lizzy song ''Don't believe a word'',that's how most of us guys think,don't fall for the sh*t most of us guys are telling you.Oh and this doesn't stop when we men are getting older,I've seen older guys who are behaving more imature than 16 year old boys.

  • @2000Betelgeuse
    @2000Betelgeuse Před 9 lety +4

    I just to dislike this guy, but he has good points and he is being straight about it, unlike most celebrities.

  • @veronicacougar5687
    @veronicacougar5687 Před 9 lety

    LOL I LOVE YOU, GENE!!! I'm going to buy your book!

  • @annestrickland1689
    @annestrickland1689 Před 9 lety +4

    i agree women need to learn to depend on themselves first and men second. get the education then the career be dependent on yourselves because he is right men will run out on you and leave you high and dry. learn that you can do it alone and you will be happier i believe. and have the family you want

  • @jessceyen4872
    @jessceyen4872 Před 9 lety +1

    Would be easier if we could get equal pay.

  • @MrUndersolo
    @MrUndersolo Před 8 lety

    He is as tough on himself as he is on any other woman...or man. I know that people don't always like to hear what he has to say, but he is telling a lot of painful truths here. Keep it out there, Mr. Simmons...

  • @IWashMyOwnBrain
    @IWashMyOwnBrain Před 9 lety

    Right on Gene. This is good advice for everyone men and women.

  • @DebraMontgomeryMetalArtist

    He has good points. I will say that not all men are as he describes but some are. The point is though, that women, well no one really, should put themselves in a completely dependent situation on someone else. Even if a woman has a family first, its never too late to take control of your finances, education, etc. If you are in a solid relationship, it should be no problem to discuss this. What the interviewer, Andrea's father said to her - good advice also. Going onto a bit of a different topic, these days, there is too much entitlement expected - don't be afraid to work. As for the other comments about Gene being arrogant, at least he admits he was not so pleasant early on. There are plenty of guys who are still struggling to admit that. And women can be jerks too. Everyone should have a back up plan, that's all.

  • @margaret928
    @margaret928 Před 9 lety +1

    Great advice

  • @11bravo1789
    @11bravo1789 Před 9 lety

    absolutly agree. My parents are divorced. Have been for 20 years. And my mom has not had a nickel since. And i have. Family of my own. I cant support her either shes 56 now and still trying to find jobs. No retirement.

  • @jzman55550
    @jzman55550 Před 9 lety

    I agree 100% it's a different world and women need to be more dependable on themselves

  • @aliciabelanger1320
    @aliciabelanger1320 Před 9 lety

    Women do need to be self supportive I agree with Gene , to many woman that depend on the man end up in trouble if the relationship fails

  • @deepdark5909
    @deepdark5909 Před 9 lety

    A very interesting discussion here. Every woman should hear some version of this; we grow up as little girls, even now, with the background idea of a man who will take care of us. Sorry, not! Even though not all men are selfish, not all men will run out on families, HOW do you know which ones? There is no DNA test for this. What I would tell all women, all little girls learning about life is, even if you luck out and find a trustworthy man (and there ARE a lot of them), you can never, NEVER trust circumstances. They can change in the time it takes for a car to crash. For whatever reason, if he runs out or he dies or becomes extremely disabled, suddenly YOU are in charge. Before you get into a relationship that's meant to last, learn what you need to know to be in charge. Because at any moment you may have to be. And that's my rant for this week.

  • @robinstanley486
    @robinstanley486 Před 9 lety

    I have never depended on anyone but myself....

  • @kraftymomma1979
    @kraftymomma1979 Před 9 lety +1

    My dad gave me very similar advice.

  • @edvanesch178
    @edvanesch178 Před rokem

    But on the other side...
    If people leave each other, that will maybe make more damaged people...
    Than money will be much more important for man than real love.
    Is that the intention?

  • @sirbrad4
    @sirbrad4 Před 9 lety

    Women can't do both? Tell that to Kate Gosselin.

  • @jansmith1985
    @jansmith1985 Před 9 lety +1

    That's too funny. He made his fortune on mostly women going to watch him. I never could figure out why though. I had free tickets to a show and was bored through it. I like rock but a bunch of guys who look like Halloween just don't cut it

  • @Liz-tq9oi
    @Liz-tq9oi Před 9 lety

    Tell me more about how men don't depend on women Gene.

  • @elmolegs
    @elmolegs Před 9 lety

    So a woman should put the drive to succeed financially over family and love and relationship because none of those things are reliable but money is......I swear I don't understand this world

  • @wildone81
    @wildone81 Před 9 lety


  • @liminal5062
    @liminal5062 Před 9 lety

    I agree that women need to become independent and rely on themselves. I'd rather have a nice career than a man who has to take care of me every step of the way.... But apparently some women just need that extra attention and don't want to work for themselves. lol

  • @nehapaul4532
    @nehapaul4532 Před 4 lety

    And then the mighty prince barges in, rescues the princess, and then they lived happily ever after.... And my eyes falls down giving a break to my daydream and I fall asleep thinking of my own prince charming.... Day after day year after year... the prince charming comes in real and rescues... And after 20 odd years the princess wakes up to the realization of where the hell that princess is lost... Its only the prince and the prince and the prince....
    All the wealth of the kingdom and the sweet songs of romance proves meaningless and the princess goes back to the time by timetraveling and burns that same old daydream into ashes
    And begins the rising from the ashes part 2.0
    She daydreams again surrounded by venomous snakes and deep cliffs... Tigers roaring at her and eagles throwing stones from above... And in this daydream it was the world of woman... No man even in the psyche of her mind... And she fought fearlessly and she magically and miraculously defeated all monsters... Using the same sword her prince used in the burned daydream....yes the same sword the same weapon....
    And she lived happily ever after... Yes she did and when she looks back 20 years later there she is... there in the making... She is. There were love songs there was romance too but there was one more thing.... there she was.....the princess... And when she died she had no remorse... She used her might... All of it...

  • @Whimsicalartistry
    @Whimsicalartistry Před 9 lety

    Maybe Gene should get his advice TV show.

  • @fire-dp2dc
    @fire-dp2dc Před 9 lety +2

    I agree we should work on our own fortunes and not depend on men for support. It would be nice if our male population didn't have the option of running out once they're married with children. Women do need to operate from a position of strength, regard their love life the same way men do. Secondary to creating our own lives as a priority.

  • @0peinup
    @0peinup Před 9 lety

    He is projecting a bit too much from his own personal experiences. Learning to rely on yourself, though, is always good advice regardless of sex.

  • @sirbrad4
    @sirbrad4 Před 9 lety

    Not all men are I never cheated on any girl 40 years to date. I was mature at 15 also, just because Gene is a douche bag does not make all men that way.

  • @pilarcama3269
    @pilarcama3269 Před 9 lety

    The closer we get to death the sooner we wake up.

  • @bashkillszombies
    @bashkillszombies Před 9 lety

    *Pretty sure that's Muammar Gadaffi you're interviewing there.*

  • @macdaddymandalorian7305
    @macdaddymandalorian7305 Před 7 lety +1

    genes mom made him she built him to what he is today

  • @magister343
    @magister343 Před 9 lety +3

    Simmons is horribly sexist against men.

  • @stefaninafla
    @stefaninafla Před 9 lety

    So, Mr Simmons, would you support Equal Pay laws? Somehow I doubt it.

  • @josephmatero7946
    @josephmatero7946 Před 9 lety

    Yea, they want equal rights till the divorce, then its pay my way for free I am just a poor women !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @marykayewaterson6771
    @marykayewaterson6771 Před 9 lety +2

    My mom told me the same thing, 40 years ago LOL. Damned good advice.

  • @kalel311superman9
    @kalel311superman9 Před rokem


  • @sbarr10
    @sbarr10 Před 9 lety +3

    Well considering the nature of show business and rock and roll, which is full of narcissists, his description of himself and his peers is probably accurate. But I hardly think that is a fair portrayal of all men.

  • @MattVelic
    @MattVelic Před 9 lety +4

    Gene Simmons should stop depending on his fans for support.

  • @larkmacallan4257
    @larkmacallan4257 Před 9 lety +15

    Someone gets famous for one thing, we have to hear their opinions about fucking everything. side effect of this digital age. go dye your hair again you creepy fuckin' burnout

    • @jujurawks
      @jujurawks Před 9 lety +6

      Yeah but no one forced you to click the video. You were curious enough to listen to his opinion. Why don't just leave it at that and let him believe what he wants to believe. What he does or say has no effect on you, except getting you worked up for no reason at all. You don't always have to react defensively. Just move on.

    • @larkmacallan4257
      @larkmacallan4257 Před 9 lety +1

      jujurawks yeah I was curious, so that means I can't have an opinion? take your own advice. I'm not worked up just because I used curse words. go away.

    • @11bravo1789
      @11bravo1789 Před 9 lety

      Yet you clicked on the you tube video and forced yourself to watch if under gun point didn't you? You are an ignorant piece of shit. Nobody forced you to watch Gene.

    • @larkmacallan4257
      @larkmacallan4257 Před 9 lety +3

      ***** hahah. No, gene is the ignorant piece of shit. God you kiss fans are all worked up. you can KISS my ARSE

    • @11bravo1789
      @11bravo1789 Před 9 lety

      Im not a Kiss fan, i was watching the news. You are a moron because you claim somebody forces you to watch this. Nobody forced you to listen to Gene. Quit exaggerating you idiot.

  • @ashleymcgee3536
    @ashleymcgee3536 Před 9 lety

    He's right. He's a douchbag, but he's right. However, he dehumanizes men, therefore releasing them from accountability because they are too stupid or immature to be held accountable. He shifts all of the accountability to women. I do agree that women need to stop depending on men, but he's saying it for all the wrong reasons.

  • @The59801
    @The59801 Před 9 lety

    Some seriously archaic opinions here....

  • @Opeth221
    @Opeth221 Před 9 lety

    So he says women need to be more independent . Marry when you are financially stable and everyone blows up ....LOL

  • @lorizettler9939
    @lorizettler9939 Před 9 lety

    No kidding!

  • @Kenne5antione
    @Kenne5antione Před 9 lety +9

    WOAH WHY SO MANY DISLIKES, this shit right here was church AMEN!

    • @robinbrl
      @robinbrl Před 6 lety

      Because he does not have any respect for women. His record shows that.

  • @marik-c7794
    @marik-c7794 Před 9 lety +4

    As a woman I don't depend upon a man to tell me what to do. Including former rockstars.

  • @timothyj1962
    @timothyj1962 Před 9 lety

    What a waste of bandwidth.

  • @TheHeartful1
    @TheHeartful1 Před 9 lety +1

    I love this guy! :) Lol

  • @i.d.dequine.miaeugeniastef7070

    omg look at this old woman with the black wig.

  • @maysisem
    @maysisem Před 9 lety


  • @webbpittmansally20
    @webbpittmansally20 Před 9 lety


  • @signiustalas
    @signiustalas Před 9 lety +1

    This guy is just trying to stay relevant.