The 10 Best Army's in the world


Komentáře • 67

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 722 billions $
    effective : 1563996
    tanks : 5795 + 447 (marines)
    navy : 71 submarines (14 nuclear attack), 11 aircraft carries, 22 cruisers, 59 destroyers and 22 frigates
    aircraft : 1808 + 370 (marines)

    @MINIAWARFR Před 12 lety

    @CDRaccoon yes world war 2 ... against japan and later Russia during the cold war I think

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 34 billions $
    effective : 1325000
    tanks : 4117 (but many of which are obsolete)
    navy : 16 submarines, 1 aircraft carrie, 10 destroyers and 12 frigates
    aircraft : 665

  • @TheArmchairSoldier
    @TheArmchairSoldier Před 11 lety

    [2/2] Furthermore, the ranking I posted was not for military power, you dolt. It was a national power ranking, factoring in population, economics, agriculture, education, energy, socio-politics, international politics, environment, health, infrastructure and technology.

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 43 billions $
    effective : 341967
    tanks : 254
    navy : 9 submarines (11 nuclear attack), 1 aircraft carrie (nuclear), 13 destroyers and 11 frigates
    aircraft : 328

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    LOL !!! with both list of the ISS

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 134 billions $
    effective : 2285000
    tanks : 7050
    navy : 71 submarines (9 nuclear attack), 13 destroyers and 65 frigates
    aircraft : 1687

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 10 billions $
    effective : 510600
    tanks : 4503
    navy : 14 submarines and 17 frigates
    aircraft : 426

  • @benfreerider
    @benfreerider Před 12 lety

    La France et l'Angleterre possèdent un savoir-faire militaire millénaire et une armée surentraîné.
    Les Etats-Unis croient avoir une armée mais ils n'ont qu'une colonie de vacance pour délinquants.

  • @godofbiscuits2978
    @godofbiscuits2978 Před 9 lety

    Some people don't seem to realise that the "best" doesn't mean the biggest or the most powerful. Here's an easy example; the persian empire was the biggest and most powerful empire at the time but the greeks' army was the best between the two belligerents.

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 61 billions $
    effective : 1046000
    tanks : 2800
    navy : 67 submarines (17 nuclear attack), 1 aircraft carrie, 6 cruisers, 18 destroyers and 7 frigates
    aircraft : 1604

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 11 lety

    Somewhere in the east of Asia, in the Pacific ;)

  • @boodly2
    @boodly2 Před 12 lety

    I'm English but the Russians have the best army. The most nukes,tanks men, ground. Basically they have it all.

  • @Igosuki
    @Igosuki Před 12 lety

    The key is that Hitler didn't go all out against England because Germany had to keep a front with Russia which eventually led to its demise while England resisted well. The kind of opression that the German army did was just too much to win any war over the long term (genocides, gestapo etc...).

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 41 billions $
    effective : 251465
    tanks : 768
    navy : 7 submarines and 13 frigates
    aircraft : 2227 (but only 8 aircraft)

  • @GymmFFreak89
    @GymmFFreak89 Před 13 lety

    @EuropeAboveAll In ww2 What you must remember is that when the rest of europe fell quickly ( without a real fight ) ,From 1939 It was the UK ALONE for 2 years(1941 Usa joined the war), who kept Europe out of Nazi controll, Thus being the battle of Britain... Hitler said himself that he didnt expect the kind of difficulties he got against britain (if britain fell, = No d-day etc)..Germany built up a war machine secretly and sucker puched us.Anyone can put up a fight with the element of surprise

  • @dumai8130
    @dumai8130 Před 11 lety

    And how much of it is financed by American taxpayers?
    Japan's Basic Policy for National Defense stipulates the following policies:
    1. Maintaining an exclusive defense-oriented policy.
    2. To AVOID becoming a major military power that might pose a threat to the world.
    3. Refraining from the development of nuclear weapons, and to refuse to allow nuclear weapons inside Japanese territory. (Three Non-Nuclear Principles)

  • @TheArmchairSoldier
    @TheArmchairSoldier Před 11 lety

    [1/2] Yeah, a country with the fifth-largest defence budget in the world, four helicopter carriers, 37 major surface combatants, 800 main battle tanks, and 353 combat jets hasn't got an army at all, has it? What a tit...
    Have you even researched into he Japanese military at all? They may be a self-defence force but to say they haven't got an army is downright ludicrous.

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    2010 military budget : 15 billions $
    effective : 176500
    tanks : 3501
    navy : 3 submarines and 3 frigates
    aircraft : 460

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    @CDRaccoon Im like you i totaly dont know antything about old chinees wars
    but at Roman ages, AN chinees army was around 500 000 men while the mighty roman empire was around 50 000 soldiers, the great wall just show us the greatness of old china
    but i thougt it where really big clans foughting against each other, always bigger armys then we've ever seen in europe (till the Napoleon ages)

  • @yukihiro5507
    @yukihiro5507 Před 11 lety

    i mean like, their army should be in the top ten

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    I just wanted to say, yes the chinese had fought severals even many (big) battles, but they arent recorded to ore History. Only the Hun (azie) would come into ore history and changed everything dramastically

  • @boodly2
    @boodly2 Před 11 lety

    No..... Check the records. Russia is the most mobilised army in the world with 21,000 tanks and with the USA falling back by about 5.000 with 16.000 tanks. Russia with 16.200 ICBMs whilst USA have 9.600 Nuclear Weapons

  • @AshBash2805
    @AshBash2805 Před 12 lety

    to be fair, UK should be a bit higher, not because im british my self but because they have the best accurate units ever trained, Portugal sends there army to britain for sniper school and some of USA snipers are being trained by the british, remember being the strongest country dosnt mean your invincible, stragety is the key to victory

  • @TheArmchairSoldier
    @TheArmchairSoldier Před 11 lety

    "How can a top 10 world military have a [blah blah]". Once again, that's not a question to ask me. That's a question you should put forward to the Atlantic Council who made that ranking. I wasn't arguing with you about Japan being a major military power, I was arguing against your point about Japan having "no army", which is downright false. They have an "army" (military, rather), financed using the fifth-largest defence budget in the world.

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    Well the french and german army are also very well-trained thats is were the force of Brittain, France and Germany is it arent really big army's like the americans, russians or Chineses but they are very good trained and well equipment soldiers

  • @asikos250
    @asikos250 Před 11 lety

    I can also make these montages

  • @johnnyfknbee
    @johnnyfknbee Před 11 lety

    It's not who has the biggest army wins, who can go anywhere in the world at short notice, strike instantainiously, be trained in modern combat, have the weapons and equipment, have the organisational structure, infantry, marines, SF, intelligence, all these make a difference in order it goes US RUS CHN UK FRA IND GER JAP TUR ISR

  • @Igosuki
    @Igosuki Před 12 lety

    I can't help but be scared of the Chinese army ...

  • @GymmFFreak89
    @GymmFFreak89 Před 13 lety

    @EuropeAboveAll Germanys industry is very good, especially on Armour... most Eu countrys dont care about a big army anymore, you can say the same about the UK, the world knows what kind of standard we can produce if we want a powerfull military ( Largest empire the worlds ever , and will ever, see ) ...

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    not really it was only the US, the french expelled the americans of france under Charles de Gaulle after the conflict in Egypt and the british had nothing to say there cause you decided it on your own (well in many things the british just followed you)

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 13 lety

    @EuropeAboveAll The french, German, and English army are all very close to each other

  • @boodly2
    @boodly2 Před 12 lety

    The dude who made this isn't making it fair. Just be cause he's a Yankee he says hees the bes,never though they are getting beaten by mountain terrorists

  • @bejsimpatico
    @bejsimpatico Před 12 lety

    Iran Iran and Iran is the best!

  • @benfreerider
    @benfreerider Před 12 lety

    The 10 MOST powerful armies of the world according to the ISS:

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    1) im Belgian, my country isnt in the list
    2) Russia cant mobilize as much men as China or the USA
    3) havent you guys also been defeated by the same mountain terrorists?
    4) The USA has more nukes, tanks, aircrafts, men and allies

  • @boodly2
    @boodly2 Před 12 lety

    The Indian army is large due to the occupation of Britain.

  • @benfreerider
    @benfreerider Před 12 lety

    lol Atlantic what? It is just as reliable as my grand mother.

  • @AshBash2805
    @AshBash2805 Před 12 lety

    guys it not england, its UK!!

  • @GymmFFreak89
    @GymmFFreak89 Před 13 lety

    @EuropeAboveAll Thats great, but like i said you built up a Secret army hell bent on world domination... You imagine if we at that time secretly built up a military with a crazy leader in charge, it would be the same scenario.. anyways enough about the past :-)

  • @CDRaccoon
    @CDRaccoon Před 12 lety

    have the chinese actually fought a battle the last 4000 years?

  • @OW41N
    @OW41N Před 12 lety

    @turner2123 ahem by the americans, british and french i believe chummy

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 11 lety

    were do you get that? wikipedia in russian? dude the american army is the strongest and biggest in the world, only china will be able to have an bigger one in the future. But yes the americans are falling back while Russia is still growing, but not as fast as China, India or Brasil

  • @lokna
    @lokna Před 12 lety

    @turner2123 actually the roman empire was about 300,000...150.000 in the legions and the other 150,000 as auxiliaries. by about 200AD the roman army was about 400,000 strong....god knows where you got 50,000 from.

  • @KB5G
    @KB5G Před 12 lety

    lol the USA have over 3 million troops
    1.5 million are able to be deployed any where around the world at one time and the other half are reserve lol

  • @1918bibi
    @1918bibi Před 11 lety

    Ce n'est pas les armées les avec le plus d'effectifs qui devraient être considérées comme les "best" in the world. À titre d'exemple j'ai des copains canadiens qui participent à la simulation CAN-AM tanks battle (USA vs CANADA) et qui finissent bien souvent à faire mordre la poussière aux "Ricains". Le résultat est fort similaire avec les simulations de combats aériens alors que mes compatriotes sont souvent victorieux avec du matériel bien plus vieillissant. Bref, ce palmarès est de la bullshit

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 11 lety

    Wikipedia is doing your thinking guy, try searching on some good sites.

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    @CRISTIANORELAX that was one of the errors the allied made after WW1 but after WW2 Germany didnt have an "real army" it was "occupied" bye the russians and at the other side by americans

  • @turner2123
    @turner2123  Před 12 lety

    @gflsilviu yes of course the roman empire had an half million soldiers, with such an empire
    ps: but the romans werent that stupid. They couldn't ressemble the hole army to fight in an battle else they would be attacked bye other nations at the other side of the empire

  • @mwillis1000
    @mwillis1000 Před 12 lety

    Britain is the best and most powerful. :)

  • @GymmFFreak89
    @GymmFFreak89 Před 13 lety

    @EuropeAboveAll Germany hardly has a Navy or Airforce... No chance

  • @benfreerider
    @benfreerider Před 12 lety

    L'Allemagne et la Japon n'ont pas l'arme nucléraire

  • @yukihiro5507
    @yukihiro5507 Před 11 lety

    Wheres Japan?

  • @sovietique76120
    @sovietique76120 Před 12 lety

    Je ne suis pas d'accord la France et la meilleur Armée au monde.

  • @donga33260
    @donga33260 Před 12 lety

    France is 4th.

  • @gaspotetheone
    @gaspotetheone Před 12 lety

    chinese army 2 ? rofl

  • @Agounet
    @Agounet Před 12 lety

    United Kingdom
    2010 military budget : 56 billions $
    effective 178470
    tanks : 325
    navy : 11 submarines (11 nuclear attack), 1 aircraft carrie, 7 destroyers and 17 frigates
    aircraft : 334