Pim Fortuyn A Democracy In Shock

  • čas přidán 10. 09. 2024
  • Pim Fortuyn, A Democracy In Shock.

Komentáře • 30

  • @dopplereffeckt675
    @dopplereffeckt675 Před 12 lety +6

    I remember this day, it was a terrible a day for the Netherlands
    I was coming back from work on the Den Helder train from Amsterdam, when a woman exclaimed that she had just heard on the radio that Pym had been killed in Hilversum.
    People were just stunned, people were crying or in shock. My wife at the time picked me up from the station, and I spent the rest of the evening watching the news.
    He said things that needed to be said.

  • @TheDutchViewer
    @TheDutchViewer Před 12 lety +6

    Fortuyn a hero of Dutch politics!

  • @M42KX
    @M42KX Před 11 lety +4

    I was driving home to Den Helder from Alkmaar. And while driving home I was listening to Ruud de Wild's radioshow, in which he invited politicians to come and speak about a lot of things. When I was home, and eating dinner I heard on the radio that he had been shot. It was so unreal. A real sad day for the Netherlands.

  • @Justmynewaccount
    @Justmynewaccount Před 10 lety +4

    "Laten we onze kalmte bewaren" "Let us stay calm" - you can see how frightened he was. Frightened of the idea that the masses would tear him to pieces.

  • @frjoshuan7991
    @frjoshuan7991 Před 11 lety +4

    Mooie documentaire, maar ik had toch liever gehad dat hij nooit gemaakt hoefde te worden. RIP PIM!

  • @Makaveli13Xroy
    @Makaveli13Xroy Před 12 lety +3

    If only he were stil here , things wouldn't have been so messed up in the netherlands to day , We missen je pim ! At your service !!!

  • @frjoshuan7991
    @frjoshuan7991 Před 11 lety +3

    HERO! Someone who is not affraid to open his mouth

  • @kriddie88
    @kriddie88 Před 11 lety +4

    Geert Wilders does not even come close to the qualities that Pim Fortuyn had. This man would have saved our country. Everything that is wrong here now, from the economic situation, to integration problems, to the spread of the wealth he foresaw and had solutions for. Wilders is not even half what Fortuyn was, and I think that if they still both lived, Fortuyn would not want to work together with Wilders. He was never the rascist people said he was. Rest in peace, mr. Fortuyn

  • @IMightBeJesus69
    @IMightBeJesus69 Před 12 lety +2

    The bastard would be out in 2 years...

  • @Partypooper6660
    @Partypooper6660 Před 11 lety +2

    I hope the day Volkert gets out of prison he is diagnosed with terminal cancer and dies within a month in excruciating pain and suffering!

  • @thebergbok8279
    @thebergbok8279 Před 10 lety +1

    A magnificent man who should not have passed. Now, with all the films being released on the political ascent of the late & honourable Pim Fortuyn,while watching them, I am fascinated by his scrupulous levity in analysing the current (then) trends in his country & Europe. The politically hostile climate in which he operated with such aplomb & bravery says much for his character & patriotism, that unfashionable word. But then the old adage of" Prevention is better than cure", was an idiom which the flat earth liberals did & still do not want to hear.
    The Netherlands & "Great Britain" had to reinvent themselves after the loss of all their lucrative colonies & polish their image of being ruthless exploitive colonial powers . Closely linked multicultural countries,linked by blood & trade , Israel & South Africa were regarded as inconvenient reminders of their own past & these two states were, mercilessly & continuously attacked by all the media.
    Ironically the famed "Golden years" of Holland,the wealth so magnificently displayed along the grachts of her cities must serve as an uncomfortable reminder of her past (to the puritan leftists) & seen as being the fruits of shameful practices.
    All helping to contribute to the mental ballast of the classic "White mans guilt" syndrome. All countries have a past . We have to live with that.
    Morally noble, but politically unsound this guilt base, motivated by historical wrongs perpetrated by ones ancestors, when used as a judgemental tool for complex issues faced by the modern world is suicidal. Pim was aware of this hence his strong stance on the integration of the minorities who were present in the Netherlands & his abhorrence of the restrictive & demanding presence of the faith Islam in Europe.
    The faces of the politicians @ his funeral somehow awakened the vision of the Roman senators after the assasination of Julius Caesar. While they had not pulled the trigger they collectively stand guilty of creating the climate which ultimately led to his murder. R.I.P.

  • @andreheemskerk1
    @andreheemskerk1 Před 9 lety +2

    r.i.p. pim

  • @boomroos12
    @boomroos12 Před 10 lety +3

    hij had wel gelijk,maar er is niets veranderd

  • @Brulluhman
    @Brulluhman Před 12 lety +3

    Wel leuk om het verhaal in het Engels te doen, maar vergeet dan niet her en der ondertiteling weer te geven bij stukjes die in het Nederlands zijn gesproken (7 min 50).

  • @CharlesvanDijk-ir6bl
    @CharlesvanDijk-ir6bl Před 5 lety

    Lee Harvey Oswald also used an amateur weapon (Italian Carcano) but was not an amateur (certified marksman US Marine Corp). Yes 6 hits neck and head takes some practice. There should never have been a parole, 11 years is short if you get set up for life. But nobody in the Dutch government will admit it if it is true.

  • @kriddie88
    @kriddie88 Před 11 lety +1

    Besides that, I totally agree with you, and my next vote goes out to Wilders indeed. A lesser man than Fortuyn, but no less one who speaks our feelings. The great difference between the two is that Fortuyn would happilly bear responsibility of government, something I think Wilders is less capable of.

  • @mariohendriks1
    @mariohendriks1 Před 11 lety +1

    I didn't like his political ideas at all. But in a democracy he should have taken part in Dutch politics, and still I would loved to meet him.

  • @kevindesmet5857
    @kevindesmet5857 Před 10 lety +1

    Rip pim...

  • @nielezzzie
    @nielezzzie Před 12 lety +1


  • @zakarias1886
    @zakarias1886 Před 11 lety

    How do you feel about Geert Wilders? Since your from holland and all.

  • @bloedeter
    @bloedeter Před 12 lety +1

    lees, kijk, leer, en probeer vooral eens logisch na te denken. Er is wel meer gevonden dan alleen een paspoort van Atta, er zijn ook andere dingen gevonden uit het vliegtuig, ook persoonsgebonden dingetjes. Met een paspoort heb je overigens nog niets, want atta kon ook gewoon een normale passagier zijn. Toen Al Qaida zei dat zij verantwoordelijk waren voor de aanslagen, hadden we pas echt bewijs. Don't be a hippie and try to use your own logic.

  • @JarNO_WAY
    @JarNO_WAY Před 6 lety +2

    En in 2017 krijgt Thierry Baudet nog steeds dezelfde behandeling als Pim Fortuyn, simlelweg om wat hij zegt en vindt. Binnen nu en twee jaar zal hij ook het loodje leggen tot mijn grote verdriet, daar kunnen we de klok op gelijk zetten.

  • @ForOdinAndAsgard
    @ForOdinAndAsgard Před 11 lety

    Het kwartje van Kok zou ook tijdelijk zijn toch? Hele hoge boom, iets langer touwtje, nu dat zou een goed einde voor hem zijn geweest. Jammer dat de zakkewasser al dood is.

  • @HMClagi
    @HMClagi Před 12 lety

    Do not be fooled by "quotes" spoken out by others. Slander.
    Hero, but, yes, right wing. I am left wing

  • @HMClagi
    @HMClagi Před 12 lety

    Ondertiteling is een paar keer slecht.
    En nog 1 dan:
    Vergeet aub niet dat Mohammad Atta's Paspoort op de grond naast de twin towers werd gevonden.
    Lees, kijk, en leer.