Immortality and Eternal Life | Episode 813 | Closer To Truth

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • I'd like to live forever. Wouldn't you? But what would "living forever" mean? Almost every religion offers life after death. What would immortality and eternal life be like? Featuring interviews with Russell Stannard, Neil Gillman, Thomas Flint, Robin Collins, and Ananda Guruge.
    Season 8, Episode 13 - #CloserToTruth
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    Closer To Truth host Robert Lawrence Kuhn takes viewers on an intriguing global journey into cutting-edge labs, magnificent libraries, hidden gardens, and revered sanctuaries in order to discover state-of-the-art ideas and make them real and relevant.
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    Closer to Truth presents the world’s greatest thinkers exploring humanity’s deepest questions. Discover fundamental issues of existence. Engage new and diverse ways of thinking. Appreciate intense debates. Share your own opinions. Seek your own answers.
    #Immortality #Death

Komentáře • 415

  • @ModestNeophyte
    @ModestNeophyte Před 3 lety +39

    I'm hearing a strange electronic interference type noise on my right ear in this video. It is not happening in other youtube videos..

  • @Mhmv
    @Mhmv Před 3 lety +15

    Gotta respect the quality of topics and content this man puts out. I respect him and his willingness to learn and search for truth where ever it may be found. A true seeker of truth is willing to search for it anywhere and to have an open mind on everything.

  • @johnbrzykcy3076
    @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety +25

    "Russell is my kind of guy." Mine too! I like the distinction between "everlasting" and "eternal" ( beyond time ). Excellent.

    • @purezentity6582
      @purezentity6582 Před 3 lety

      everlasting is what we thing, base on individual's determination. eternal is what we make up of, what to believe, don't trust me? look deeper.

    • @tomashull9805
      @tomashull9805 Před 3 lety +5

      Both "eternal" and "everlasting" are used interchangeably in the scriptures to describe the same thing: life with no death...

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety +1

      @Ψ Thanks for sharing. Your viewpoints are interesting. I wonder though about something. You said "God cannot do what is logically impossible". But does this logical requirement apply to just earth but also in another realm ( dimension ) where God exists? I can see that logically it would apply to creation on earth but I don't see why it has to be a logical application in a dimension of timelessness where God and human "souls" exist.

    • @ramsesrameez5430
      @ramsesrameez5430 Před 3 lety

      We all will die by given time...

  • @shekhardasgupta3299
    @shekhardasgupta3299 Před 3 lety +13

    i'd like to live happily forever but in a place where there are no enemies - just friends and no hate - just love.

    • @signpost5596
      @signpost5596 Před 3 lety +2

      Dear Shekhar Dasgupta, I am a Christian who believe, with good reasons and evidence, that such a world will come! Our temporary world will pass away and God will renew all creations to a new imperishable state. In the Bible it's described as the new heaven and new earth. Here are a couple of descriptions of this coming new world:
      (Isaiah 11: 6-9) The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, the calf and the lion and the yearling together; and a little child will lead them. The cow will feed with the bear, their young will lie down together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox. The infant will play near the cobra’s den, and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain, for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
      (Revelations 21: 1-4) Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
      The words in these passages may be symbolic but the message they convey regarding the new world is clear - there will be complete peace and harmony and there will be no suffering, decay or death. Sounds too good to be true? Well, don't you think you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to find out if Christianity is true?
      Like I mentioned in the beginning, I think there are good reasons and evidence to believe that God exists and that he revealed himself to humanity in the person of Jesus Christ. God did this because he loves us and wants us to enjoy his infinite goodness in eternity. The key to enter into God's new world is Jesus Christ. Get to know who Jesus is and what his claims are. Then you'll have to decide for yourself whether this man was a lunatic, a liar, or God himself. Your response to Jesus will have an eternal impact on your life.
      May God leads you to the truth and bless you greatly.

    • @shekhardasgupta3299
      @shekhardasgupta3299 Před 3 lety +1

      Thanks. Reading your post made me feel good.

    • @MarkRuslinzski
      @MarkRuslinzski Před 3 lety +1

      Me to

    • @cutecats1368
      @cutecats1368 Před 3 lety

      Welcome friend. I think this is the very same reason, why people do not want to live forever in this existence.

    • @Basinrails
      @Basinrails Před 2 lety

      So, what Christians call "Heaven?"

  • @gilbertengler9064
    @gilbertengler9064 Před 3 lety +5

    This tremendeous amount of different visions of God and what afterlive means clearly shows that even religious specialists don’t really know what it is all about. It sounds to me just nicely formulated wishful thinking based on no evidence. Be modest and simply accept that you will return to a state in which you will feel the same as what you felt some millions of years ago before you were born.

    • @paulshimkin2713
      @paulshimkin2713 Před 7 měsíci

      "The tremendous amount of different visions of science and what quantum mechanics means clearly show that even scientific specialists don't really know what it is all about. it sounds to me just like nicely formulated wishful thinking based on no evidence. Be modest and simply accept that you will never have any true knowledge of the universe and we will be as ignorant as we were millions of years ago." Just because there are different perspectives on something doesn't mean the whole pursuit is meaningless or without any factual basis. In fact, the very fact that religious ideals are shared among every single group and tribe in human history shows that there must be some truth behind them. Either that or we are so deluded as a species that we must deny all of our experiences and knowledge, including that which leads us to that conclusion.

    • @gilbertengler9064
      @gilbertengler9064 Před 7 měsíci

      Very beautiful text but absolutely wrong conclusion. A text can sound very intelligent and being wrong at the same moment. That's the big problem we daily encounter!

  • @SolaceEasy
    @SolaceEasy Před 3 lety +8

    Questions about "forever" and "beginnings" are timeless.

  • @credterfe
    @credterfe Před 2 lety +4

    Eternal life is when you can recreate your life whenever it seems to ebb. You ride and steer time. You're no longer a taker , but a fountain of life. You give life to those who trust in you in turn they give more life to others.

    • @tdiddle8950
      @tdiddle8950 Před rokem

      That's my definition of positive reincarnation...meaning that I do believe that Samsara is to our benefit.

  • @gtziavelis
    @gtziavelis Před 3 lety +5

    OK, I understand that this episode is from many years ago, but I've also seen a large number of newer episodes too, and it's hard to believe that in his vast philosophical wanderings, not once has Robert Lawrence Kuhn encountered someone who had the psychedelic experience, by way of psilocybin or DMT/ayahuasca, or maybe even LSD -- this experience would answer at least half, if not easily most, of the open-ended questions he asks in his show about life, death, meaning of existence, consciousness, etc. hopefully you read these comments and have time for the ultimate glimpse journey before it's too late, Robert. of course, the divine realm is not somewhere out there in the great unknown; it's within each of us. to someone who has had the experience, the guests sound like toddlers trying to get their first step, but never managing to do so, because they are informed by the handed-down game of Chinese whispers / telephone, that has been played throughout the centuries, perhaps originating with someone who had a mystical experience, or perhaps not, but either way of course most important information and original intent is always lost in games like that, and what you're left with thousands of years later is a twisted unrecognizable shell or shadow of the original thing. be doomed to eternal confusion and ever-lasting lack of resolution by listening to non-experiencers, or find out for yourself first-hand, if you dare to get... Closest Possible To Truth.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety +1

      Why would anybody need to take drugs because of that, look at Vsauce channel, he took them all so nobody else have to look that silly.

    • @gtziavelis
      @gtziavelis Před 3 lety +2

      @@xspotbox4400 'knock it before you try it' is a good idea since when? since never. but in nature we have had access to psilocybin since when? since our old-world hominid ancestors roamed the earth, a very very long time ago. well, I know which one sounds like an evolutionary great idea, and which one doesn't! most people *do* knock it before they try it; their loss, I guess.

    • @joaovitorleal5760
      @joaovitorleal5760 Před 3 lety +1

      I thought the same thing as u bro

  • @jrboi22
    @jrboi22 Před 3 lety +7

    Participation in God's divine nature is specifically just one of the promises God personally makes. In fact he swears by his own name, meaning he has put his personal reputation on the line to deliver what he has said.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      It's not like there's complaints office in Heaven, doubt any of those righteous and just saints would dare to raise his voice on God.

    • @jrboi22
      @jrboi22 Před 3 lety +2

      @@xspotbox4400 You don't need complaint offices when you can simply decide to hate God and do your own thing. Many already have expressed their dissatisfaction with God and decided love wasn't enough for them.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      @@jrboi22 I don't hate God or anybody else, i'm just pissed when people are not allowed to mind their own business.

    • @jrboi22
      @jrboi22 Před 3 lety +2

      @@xspotbox4400 I wasn't saying you hated God I was just responding in general.

    • @joeypchajek
      @joeypchajek Před rokem +1

      ​@@jrboi22It does sound like he hates him, he's annoyed that his creator sends people out to spread the gospel.

  • @davidsocha8642
    @davidsocha8642 Před 3 lety +3

    Its not just an episode its an invitation to open our mind ourself. Thanks again!

  • @johnbaker1712
    @johnbaker1712 Před 3 lety +8

    I once tried to visualize everlasting life and, like many others, I, at first worried about being bored which is, in itself, a human trait that has its roots in having to much material wealth and possessions, including possessing other people through monetary wealth. This also relates in some cases to laziness. I thought about some of the things that I really love and enjoy in life which are free. Nature, The beauty and fragrance of flowers is one simple example. I imagined that in heaven there infinitesimal number of beautiful flowers and fragrances to explore and enjoy beyond even the bounty that we enjoy here on earth, much of which I and mankind have still not explored. So I could utilize ions of time to do this .exploratory dialogue I recognized that to God one day is as a thousand years and a thousand years is as one day. Also, and far more important, to a little child crying because it is starving, time must feel like an eternity. So let me attend to that little child who whatever its circumstances is a gift from God. Praise God,His Son and Holy Spirit. Bless Israel and The Holy City Jerusalem. Amen.

  • @JohnMartim-sy9yf
    @JohnMartim-sy9yf Před 5 měsíci

    The difficulty in conceiving eternity is linked to the difficulty in conceiving the “glorious body” and its strange properties.
    For example: the idea that having all the time involves the risk of boredom. But this presumes limitations that are human characteristics but not properties of the “glorious body”.
    Let's look at an experience that leads us to annoyance:
    If we hear a song we like and listen to it again, what happens? The first auditions involve pleasure. But, as we continue the repetition, the pleasure begins to diminish and after a certain point, we begin to feel bored and want to turn off the device.
    Now the “glorious body” doesn't know what boredom is and listening to a song that you like always gives you the same pleasure, regardless of the possibly astronomical number of times you repeat that listening.
    This is so because the “glorious body” was designed for eternity unlike the human body.
    Of course there are many other differences, but that would make the comment too long.

  • @tdiddle8950
    @tdiddle8950 Před rokem +1

    I think a lot about such concepts, and, as much as I admire myself, I don't want to live forever.
    I do, however, want to live so long as I have purpose.

  • @philklabe2771
    @philklabe2771 Před 2 lety +1

    The first guy had the best answer I ever heard!😮

  • @savarirajanjugoroy658
    @savarirajanjugoroy658 Před 3 lety

    Robert, it was a beautiful exploration filmed like movies scenery, whatever you asked and what was answered was for all humanity, I am crying in my heart, that before I die I should know whether there is life beyond, whoever might be God is not important, my longing is that God should be there to save us, Although my personal faith that Jesus is the only option left for traditional Christians like me, Jesus is only individual among all religions to specifically dealt humanity, that is to give eternal life with the same identity, if we are going to loose our personal identity / memory, how can judgement day happen as per the Bible.
    Heaven and earth will pass away but God's words would not pass away, inspite of all promises we all have 100% fear of death, so we have to accept that we are weak, If God voluntarily comes it would be the greatest day since time began. One reason we are not able to find anything in the universe except stars is because Jesus said that God dwells in a place where no man can approach, leave seeing God, even approaching the direction itself will not be possible. When it is written this way, what alternatives do we have.... except for the fact we share our views among ourselves,
    Buddha's answer was, your like a blown off lamp, but Jesus 's promise was making us inherit eternal life and having banquet with God like a king. Gold mansions and streets etc, just think what benefit is God going to get by honouring us like this, if we love God without seeing him, he will love us when we see him. Anyway let's explore as long as we live...I pray God will save the whole of humanity from the beginning to the end, he will, God is a Good God, I love him, after he is the Creator, don't we need to have that fear, when be down so much to our authorities , why not worship him in our hearts, Robert indirectly you live God otherwise you would not search for him, you would have tried to enjoyed life others, but you didn't. ,'Those who search me willl find me'

  • @beconsciousnessandsaveyour8912

    The truth is that we are all imortal. You Will see after death

  • @0The0Web0
    @0The0Web0 Před 10 měsíci

    Lots of concepts that I think have the purpose to comfort you, help you to come to terms with the fact that your 'me' (first person experience of consciousness) will eventually end, dissolve, stop being. But seems to me that lots of ppl still can't stop projecting that 'me' into whatever realm beyond, e.g. talking / thinking about 'experiencing' something there... what does 'experience' even mean when there's no 'me' to experience it. Of course the alternative is to believe in concepts where your ,me' will not end and will be preserved. Somehow. For all we know as of today I personally find those hard to defend

  • @williamkerr5132
    @williamkerr5132 Před 3 lety +2

    Please Mr Lawrence Khum debate about Nonlocal Consciouness!

  • @DihelsonMendonca
    @DihelsonMendonca Před 3 lety +3

    *The answer is: When you gain immortality, you are not confined to this "little person", a limited human being anymore, which with only 5 senses, tries to understand the universe. If somehow you reach immortality on this bad body here on earth, it would be like a hell, but instead, you need another kind of body and another reality for that. When you achieve it, immortality becomes what it should be. Don´t try to grasp immortality with your little 5 senses, you´ll never understand it using wrong tools. Immortality through your little 5 senses may look like madness*

    • @Kwanrooled
      @Kwanrooled Před 2 lety

      So it's an impersonal immortality, like becoming energy or one with the universe thing

  • @uttaradit2
    @uttaradit2 Před 3 lety +3

    Going all the way by Charles Bukowski
    If you’re going to try, go all the way.
    Otherwise, don’t even start.
    If you're going to try, go all the way.
    This could mean losing girlfriends, wives, relatives, jobs and maybe even your mind.
    It could mean not eating for three or four days.
    It could mean freezing on a park bench.
    It could mean jail.
    It could mean derision, mockery, isolation.
    Isolation is the gift.
    All the others are a test of your endurance, of how much you really want to do it.
    And, you’ll do it, despite rejection and the worst odds.
    And it will be better than anything else you can imagine.
    If you’re going to try, go all the way.
    There is no other feeling like that.
    You will be alone with the gods, and the nights will flame with fire.
    DO IT. DO IT. DO IT. All the way
    You will ride life straight to perfect laughter. It’s the only good fight there is.

  • @joeyburrell3207
    @joeyburrell3207 Před 3 lety +3

    “ what do you with all that time?” He’s missing the point, in that realm it’s not longer about time. It’s about existence and experiences beyond time, which ofcourse is beyond our comprehension in this realm of lower existence. It be like trying to explain to your pet dog or cat that the images of people they see on tv are not in that box their looking at. Whats going on there is ofcourse beyond their ability to grasp. The people do indeed exist or did, but they just see their images. Their minds would have to be expanded to even begin to grasp the many forces, i.e. radio waves, in the natural world.

    • @cutecats1368
      @cutecats1368 Před 3 lety +1

      I have posted this reply already but it is very much in line with what you say: Discontent and the instinct to try out new stuff are part of the survival instinct, the negative feelings are there to push you to compete with other live forms. If you are dead you do not need the emotions that evolution created because you don't need to survive. You hence could be very happy with stuff that repeats itself, like for example a person who meditates is very happy to just watch a flower over hours.

  • @positiveair1891
    @positiveair1891 Před 2 lety +1

    Its so scary when you jump out of your everyday life and think about all these things that we know nothing about

  • @playpaltalk
    @playpaltalk Před rokem +1

    My desire is living to the age of 111 but if I start getting lost and stop recognizing family members I don't want to be around anymore and my will to live will go away with my mind.

  • @bmeissn3
    @bmeissn3 Před 2 lety +1

    These guys should interview the leading NDE studiers

  • @odiupickusclone-1526
    @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety +7

    We don't understand timelessness, this is how philosophy comes to a dead end...

    • @micronda
      @micronda Před 3 lety +2

      If nothing moves space, which is part of spacetime, still exists.
      Time, the other part of spacetime, will also still exist, it just has not started elapsing yet.
      Is god spacetime, the mind of it or is he winding us up?

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety +1

      Instead of a "dead end" I'd prefer a "fork in the road" with a properly positioned "signpost."

    • @craigbowers4016
      @craigbowers4016 Před 3 lety

      Wow, that was a really deep, uhh, philosophical thought you had there.

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety

      Time can not last forever, time is not timeless, time is measurable, time is running, people are trying to date the age of the Earth and the Universe, it is clear that no one can return to the past and change the course of history ... all this proves that time represents a finite amount of irreversible changes, and that is why we can justifiably say that time is "flowing" (going forward) or that this course of time can not go infinitely backwards, since that would imply an inability of our universe (or our present day) to emerge, in the first place because there would be infinite number of moments of time that would have had to pass by before our universe (or present-day) could have pop up into existence. For example, scientists estimate the age of the universe to more than 13 billion years. But when would be the turn for popping up into existence of our universe if a countless number of centuries (or years or days or hours, or seconds, or endless timeline of successive generations of people) would have had to pass by before that very moment of creation of our own universe? In this sense, the time puts limits to the age of the universe and indirectly (by its own nature) proves the impossibility of timelessness of the universe, or if you want : the impossibility of timelessness of time.
      Now you can ask : but how then God (eternity) can be eternal? Well, all we know is that our universe isn't eternal, and since there is a beginning of time (of our universe), then the cause for that beginning must be something that is not bounded by time, something that is timelessness (unchangeable = not in motion (as we know it) which is a crucial (and measurable) constituent of time). How it works, we can't really figure this out. That is why Thomas Aquinas said that all that we can truly know about God is the necessity of his existence, and nothing more than that. And here comes the problem of evil, but that is another story...

  • @maxgarcia1153
    @maxgarcia1153 Před 2 lety +1

    No mention is made of Hermes Trismegistus, Robert would gain a lot of knowledge from the hermetic texts even if he doesn't agree with the message. His curious mind would like it still

  • @edgardtitus3372
    @edgardtitus3372 Před 2 lety

    As a long time practitioner of Nichiren Buddhism ...45 years and counting ... I' long ago adopted the Nichiren Buddhist interpretation of the term "eternal life" for the logic it applies to understanding a topic so enigmaticaly mysterious as death .... naturally this understanding must start with the correct understanding of life that I will present here
    For starters... Nichiren Buddhism denies the existence of a Christian God who created the universe and all lts natural wonders
    We believe nstead that Life is a Law ... a Mystic Principle that has always existed and always will .... it spans the eternal past into the eternal future and pervades and is one with the very fabric of the universe itself ... we refer to it as an entity... the entity of life
    This Law ...tho invisible and beyond the capacity. iof human i intellect to comprehend ... manifests as the wondrous perceptible phenomena we see all around us... the universe and its subcomponents like galaxies . stars ..planets ..the natural world and the diversity of life forms that populate it.... humans included ... human beings are manifestations of this wondrous law ... and derive their iinherent sanctity by virtue of this fact
    The functioning of this Law manifests as causality....the law of cause and effec is operative in all of the Law's manifestations ... the entirety of all phenomena in the universe. In the human realm... causality is expressed as the 3 categories of action ... mental .. verbal and physical... thought ..word ... and deed..... the understanding here is that cause and effect are simultaneous..... as soon as a cause is made (doing something) its effect is like wise created...the effect of that action may appear instantaneously ..but the effects of causes made can also lay dormant till such time conditions are correct for that effect to manifest as observable phenomena..
    What I've described here is the mechanism by which human beings create their respective destinies ... their respective karmas ..thru their thoughts ... words .. and deeds... their causes ... the actions they engaged in while alive.... good actions result in good karma ... negative actions create negative karma.. same holds for neutral actions ... the point here is that God doesn't choose who ll be born boy or girl... tall or short .. pretty or or dumb.. Asian or European... master or slave .. celebrity or relative unknown... all the fine details of a persons existence are all determined by the person by virtue of his engaging the causality inherent in his life
    The Mystic Law also manifests as the dichotomous reality of birth and death ...
    appearance and disappearance... activity and latency.....
    In this scheme ...
    .birth and death are the 2 phases of eternal life where birth represents its active phase and death its latent aspect....when active.. the entity is able to make causes ... interact with and exert influence on the natural as well as the social environment around him. ( the social environment of human beings among whom we live )...
    In death .. the life energy loses its ability to interact with and influence its environment as it recedes into latency...
    death .. the entity cannot make causes ... the only thing the entity carrie's into death is the sum total of positive and negative causes it created while alive.. the persons karma beings carry into this state of life is the karma they generated in that particular lifetime.. .one way of visualizing this is think rof visualization purposes.. we can understand this karma as units of karmic energy that tho stationary pulsate awaiting the time of their release in order to create the destiny of a new individual whose mind and body reflect the instructions he himself implanted thru the causes he made when allivedictated by that perdons karma

  • @robertdevos7
    @robertdevos7 Před 3 lety +3

    Considering that we are always in the "now" we are actually living forever..... now.

  • @waldwassermann
    @waldwassermann Před 11 měsíci +1

    All waves arise out of the ocean...

  • @jamesruscheinski8602
    @jamesruscheinski8602 Před 3 lety +3

    At death, the immortal soul returns to God's consciousness, where it becomes a kind of cell (could be a better term) of the divine nature. In the divine nature, this conscious cell grows into a divine body / person and experiences a divine life with God.

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      You mean all cells or just that first cell from which we got born? And that first cell was a part of our mother's body, with some DNA addition from our father. It seems only molecules we own are the ones that remain after we die, all there rest were constantly replaced over entire life span and last ones can't be replaced because body get terminally broken and process is over.

    • @jamesruscheinski8602
      @jamesruscheinski8602 Před 3 lety +1

      @@xspotbox4400 no human body cell, a figure of speech for soul as part of consciousness after death

  • @johnmartin7346
    @johnmartin7346 Před 3 lety +1

    What will a (non-human) body experience before Eternity if we cannot - by definition - know that body, know what experiences it will have?
    The problem is impossible to solve!

  • @brianbatista8569
    @brianbatista8569 Před rokem

    Life is eternity encapsulated in the moment

  • @robertlight5227
    @robertlight5227 Před rokem

    Mr Russell what is your physical evidence for a physical resurrection?

  • @odiupickusclone-1526
    @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety +2

    Man is the only animal that deals in that atrocity of atrocities, War. He is the only one that gathers his brethren about him and goes forth in cold exterminate his kind. He is the only animal that for sordid wages will march out...and help to slaughter strangers of his own species who have done him no harm and with whom he has no quarrel...And in the intervals between campaigns he washes the blood off his hands and works for "the universal brotherhood of man"--with his mouth.
    - What Is Man?

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      Hey ODIUPICKU'S CLONE... Your observations make me realize that "mankind is fallen."

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      There are no wars anymore, ancient beauty models dreams came true, world is finally at peace.
      Just not sure if that's good or bad because nothing has changed really.

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety

      @@johnbrzykcy3076 If death existed before the fall, then what was the fall? St. Augustine, when treating of the question of death is mainly concerned with refuting the errors of Pelagius, who said that Adam incurred death only for himself, dedicates most of his writing on the topic to human death alone, which he of course says is a result of sin. I found an interesting passage from City of God Book XIII.6 in which he reflects that death afflicts the good and the evil alike, but that even for the good the experience of death is never good: Wherefore, as regards bodily death, that is, the separation of the soul from the body, it is good unto none while it is being endured by those whom we say are in the article of death. For the very violence with which body and soul are wrenched asunder, which in the living had been conjoined and closely intertwined, brings with it a harsh experience, jarring horridly on nature so long as it continues, till there comes a total loss of sensation, which arose from the very interpenetration of spirit and flesh. And all this anguish is sometimes forestalled by one stroke of the body or sudden flitting of the soul, the swiftness of which prevents it from being felt. While I assume he is talking about human death, since he mentions the soul and later on talks about the sin of Adam later in the chapter, he makes an interesting point here: death is "good unto none." The experience of dying is "harsh" and jars the nature of a thing horribly. If it is never good, or "good unto none," then would it make sense to say that God, who created all things "good" and "very good", willed as part of His creation that anything should of its own nature be subject to an experience which is so harsh and jarring upon that nature? Feel free to watch my video (click the link above) and care to answer the question : What was the fall if animals had devoured each other even before Adam and Eve sinned?

  • @odiupickusclone-1526
    @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety +2

    I am the only man living who understands human nature; God has put me in charge of this branch office; when I retire there will be no-one to take my place. I shall keep on doing my duty, for when I get over on the other side, I shall use my influence to have the human race drowned again, and this time drowned good, no omissions, no Ark.
    - quoted in Mark Twain, J. Macy, (Doubleday, Page & co., 1913)

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety +1

      That's one way to reach destination faster. Actually we should help Devil to achieve his goal, perhaps God will join us in Hell than and make heavens out of that stinky joint.

    • @odiupickusclone-1526
      @odiupickusclone-1526 Před 3 lety +1

      @@xspotbox4400 Nice said⛷👍

  • @cvsree
    @cvsree Před 3 lety +4

    We have a false identification with body that is bound to die
    And imagine that we are mortals
    Root cause: false identification
    Yoga helps in giving up false identification with thoughts and body

  • @Patrick77487
    @Patrick77487 Před 2 lety

    Number one on human wish list.

  • @franzfranz9144
    @franzfranz9144 Před 2 lety

    Do not let human ego get in the way of eternity. That is part of faith.

  • @S3RAVA3LM
    @S3RAVA3LM Před 3 lety +2

    The Sun of God -- the Spiritual essence of God -- the Christ light; the ideal man, the Spiritual man -- i have great faith in; and those of the Christ consciousness. Divine nature of righteousness, virtues & morals is the most prominent of attributes worthy of notice, displaying quality in character, forged by walking the Spiritual path. To seek divinity only commences from within, so seeming to separate the wheat from the tares: Spirit and ego.
    My faith starts from within myself because I believe in self -- thyself I seek to know. So I have faith in the Divine mot only because it's what I desire, I don't think consciousness, soul, spirit, essence, light, emotion & expression is the material, it's what manifested the material & form.
    The afterlife I think is better to believe in than to disbelieve. It might be the energy of faith & belief that reaches it. I don't have faith in the material because it's the liveliness & spirit that is deserving of the faith. I have faith in life, the essence.
    I think there's something more because I know the material didn't create itself.

  • @guitarfreekin
    @guitarfreekin Před 2 lety

    I think this image of wearing an eternal smile playing a never ending tune on a fiddle who's strings never get old really is the ultimate insult to what God may have designed in heaven for those who are called there. I think the corner stone of eternal life is an unending sense of wonder, that would drive us to explore this universe, and through the universe explore the mind of God and through it all satisfy our unending curiousity with knowledge that would satiate our souls with truth. I think that is the reason Solomon quipped "God has put eternity in man's heart!"

  • @Nevertary
    @Nevertary Před 3 lety +1

    Immortality, Eternal Life, and....

  • @AlirezaAsgari270
    @AlirezaAsgari270 Před 3 lety +1

    Daniel adopted the notions of justice and eternity from the Zoroastrian religion.

  • @UserName-rf5zs
    @UserName-rf5zs Před 2 lety

    I felt the same way as you do about Tom's view when reading "The Goal of Life" by Hiram Butler, like the 2nd spiritual being something like a parasite and my body the host.

  • @JoshuaBibleCollege
    @JoshuaBibleCollege Před rokem +1

    Maybe you're struggling with the definition of "TRUTH." And perhaps what you're looking for is what is "true." What is true is based on Fact; facts can change with more revelation. Facts establish evidence, and it seems you are looking for evidence.
    This raises a question, what's the difference between "TRUTH" and "Fact (true)?"
    One possible definition of the difference is to see "what is True (as in now) = fact." And "What is TRUTH = how it should be."
    Just a thought!

  • @billkotas9049
    @billkotas9049 Před 8 měsíci

    Here's an idea, perhaps consider a different viewpoint, if you realize that the real you is not different from existence itself and not different from everything that exists and also everything that transcends existence then it is very likely that you in fact are immortal, eternal, so don't wait until your illusion of a separate personal existence as a temporal and location defined being disappears..... it is possible to realize this deep truth without an need for psychedelic drugs, nor any need for meditation, nor any need for states of mind that are caused by starvation or deprivation or isolation etc.

  • @michaelfletcher1224
    @michaelfletcher1224 Před 3 lety +1

    Job 19:26 Old Testament reference to a bodily resurrection. It didn’t come from the Greeks, it may have been lost by some of the Jews before the coming of Christ but they had it long before the Greeks.

    • @michaelfletcher1224
      @michaelfletcher1224 Před 3 lety

      @lary Snw Good point. At least some of them still had it. Not sure that there is any Biblical distinction between a earthly or heavenly resurrection. Those that were resurrected immediately after Jesus where on earth and appeared to many (Matt 27:59). The Bible doesn't say but I assume they then went to heaven, as did the resurrected Jesus. So what's the difference? I'm going to edit my response a bit.

    • @michaelfletcher1224
      @michaelfletcher1224 Před 2 lety

      @lary Snw thanks for the clarification. Which one, or which part, comes from the Greeks?

  • @sapien6230
    @sapien6230 Před 2 lety

    What is it about reality that would prevent a reincarnation at some point in the future, perhaps in a universe that comes into existence once ours has ended. What's the difference between before and after?

  • @UserName-rf5zs
    @UserName-rf5zs Před 2 lety

    I concur with Dr. Russell, science is allegory:
    Earth revolves around thee, sonne. Psst, thou, reader, ye be the sonne.

  • @MountainFisher
    @MountainFisher Před 3 lety +1

    Theism is typically what offers eternal life. Biblical theism is what is usually meant to reference immortality. Where people misunderstand is that mankind is a fallen race. I have never heard a cogent refutation of certain axioms that are related to each other. They are simply; "If something exists now then something somewhere has always existed." The second is similar; "Out of nothing only nothing can come." In other words it is impossible for non-existence to have ever been the state of any reality since eternity.
    The past is eternal and that is why I believe in God. Only a self-existent eternal Being can answer the question of "Why is there something rather than nothing?" As a Biblical theist I believe in the Bible, but not in a wooden literal sense, Did God create Light before the Sun? No, absolutely not. Genesis Chapter One is symbolic and literal too. How so? You may rightly ask.
    Geologists and paleontologists tell us of how the Earth was developed as does Genesis. First establish the point of view and in Genesis it is from the surface of the planet. In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. The Universe and solar system as we know them were created. It says darkness was upon the face of the deep. Earth was covered in a cloud cover and covered with water. God said; Let there be light and the cloud cover became opaque. All of this is confirmed by geology. Now do you see how it can be literal and symbolic at the same time? Paleontology also tells us of how life was developed too. The order that Genesis lays out is uncanny, but it is what is observed for as far we can understand.
    The flood of Noah does not have to be world wide and Biblically speaking it isn't. The language used can mean the whole world the writer knew about which was the Mesopotamian Valley which was flooded for hundreds of miles at the end of the Ice Age. If the whole world was actually flooded the Nephilim would have been completely destroyed, yet thousands of years later King David kills one named Goliath.
    There isn't any Bible verse that says I have to believe in an inerrant Bible. It says I have to believe in Jesus raised from the dead who paid the price for my sins because He is Divine and capable of paying an eternal price in an infinite moment on the Cross. To believe in Him is to trust and follow Him, it does verify Him fulfilling major prophecies like His crucifixion, Psalm 22 totally describes a crucifixion hundreds of years before it was known. Paul wrote in about 55 AD that when we are resurrected we will have bodies like His and He did some extra-dimensional powers like just appearing in a locked room. Paul said we'd be just like Him and eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has planned for us. So eternity will be anything, but boring.
    As for evidence for life after death Near Death Experiences more than has that covered. Plenty of NDEs have data of people knowing things and seeing things many feet, or even miles from their bodies. DMT hallucinations cannot explain knowing what was said down the hall from where they are. There are peer reviewed reports in medical journals about NDEs reporting things that the unconscious/dead person reported. There is plenty of evidence for life after death if one just bothers to investigate.
    Here is a link by Dr. Gary Habermas on NDEs.

  • @KazgarothUsher
    @KazgarothUsher Před rokem

    I love these posts. I love the comments more because thats where the interaction is :)

  • @ramsesrameez5430
    @ramsesrameez5430 Před 3 lety

    And yes we are all immortal because after death we all alive forever...

  • @tashriquekarriem8865
    @tashriquekarriem8865 Před rokem

    It might sound crazy but I too would get bored just having anything and everything I ever wanted forever and ever.

  • @onenessseeker5683
    @onenessseeker5683 Před 3 lety +3

    I don't think we are going to live our life ,just die & never find out the truth of what it was all about. that would make our life completely pointless

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      Hey Oneness Seeker... I pretty much agree with you. In fact, I often wonder at this stage of my life, what is the point or meaning to my life. But many would disagree with your statement... they don't seek any kind of "meaning" or they "couldn't care less."

    • @termikesmike
      @termikesmike Před 3 lety

      @@johnbrzykcy3076 The 'answer' is LOVE for all. It's the answer to 'survival' on all levels, from Moses to Jesus.

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      @@termikesmike Thanks... I agree with you 100% Love is good for survival on planet earth and love is necessary for eternity.

  • @science212
    @science212 Před rokem +1

    Death is a fact.
    Eternal life is impossible.

  • @Kwanrooled
    @Kwanrooled Před 2 lety +1

    The problem with people talking what eternal life is all about is they have not been there. They are just saying what they think eternal life is using fancy words😂😊

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 Před 2 lety +1

      The only thing I could say to that is what about NDE's?
      Sure alot of them may just be hallucinations. But idk if I can buy that all of them are. Especially in cases of temporary brain death. Youed have to be having a vivid multi mode sensory illusion while having almost 0, or actually 0 brain activity.

    • @Kwanrooled
      @Kwanrooled Před 2 lety

      @@anthonypolonkay2681 the brain can still function and exhibits activites for minutes after the body has died. That may explain NDE.

    • @anthonypolonkay2681
      @anthonypolonkay2681 Před 2 lety +1

      @@Kwanrooled yeah, but it depends on what kind of activity you mean. We would need to compare EEG scans of people dying, to test subjects taking hallucinogens, or otherwise experiencing hallucinations.
      If they dont line up, that idea diesnt hold up well.
      And while I cant say fir sure, I doubt that they do line up. Because as far as I'm aware when your dying your brain is decreasing in activity rather than increasing, where as when experiencing vivid dreams or hallucinations, the brain activity is either at normal levels, or very often at a high state of activity. And more importantly this explanation definatly doesnt apply in cases of known brain death.

  • @irfanmehmud63
    @irfanmehmud63 Před 3 lety

    What's the point of understanding a concept (e.g eternal life), if it is not true? And if a concept is true, it doesn't matter we understand it or not.

  • @joshheter1517
    @joshheter1517 Před 3 lety +10

    RIP this comments section.

  • @ManofKef
    @ManofKef Před 3 lety

    We have nothing with us that could be prolonged eternally.

    • @MrSdjwatson
      @MrSdjwatson Před 3 lety

      .....the idea being that if we ask for it - it will be given to us

    • @MarcusHalberstramVP
      @MarcusHalberstramVP Před rokem +1

      Your foolishness will echo throughout eternity, that we can be sure of.

  • @TheUltimateSeeds
    @TheUltimateSeeds Před 3 lety +4

    The only context in which the possession of eternal life would make any sense is if one also possessed an eternally evolving and eternally *"fruitful"* purpose. And the only situation that could come close to fulfilling that criteria would be if one truly was created in the image of God (as in God's literal offspring) and was truly imbued with the same potential as God.
    In other words, the only circumstance in which living eternally would make any sense (wherein you would not go insane living forever) is if you were able to create a universe out of the living fabric of your very own personal being...
    (out of the fabric of your mind, as God has done with his mind)
    ...and forever be able to pass on the gift of life to others (to your *own* offspring) in the same way that you yourself received it.

    • @Tony-dh7mz
      @Tony-dh7mz Před 3 lety

      No, you are thinking with a mortal mind,
      (you look around your "reality" and perceive it filtered through your experience, limited, often a grind, etc, that's like someone from a 2D world trying to understand a 3D world, Eternity from a soul perspective is Freedom,
      you don't measure it the same way your limited mortal thinking does, in the same way you can't measure infinity in miles,

    • @TheUltimateSeeds
      @TheUltimateSeeds Před 3 lety +2

      Look, we either continue on after death in some higher form of being in some higher context of reality, or we don't, and thus blink-out of existence forever. However, if we do carry on after death, and if there is the slightest possibility that we do indeed have eternal life, then we simply must have something logical to do to occupy our time. So then, if it is not what I suggested in my initial post (i.e., the creation and maintenance of our own personal universe), then what do *you* suggest our ultimate purpose might be?

    • @Tony-dh7mz
      @Tony-dh7mz Před 3 lety

      You didn't understand my post,
      You are currently using a very limited form of perspective, you measure and filter your view via that limited perspective,
      If I tried to explain further it would sound like greek to you,
      Imagine other perspectives

    • @TheUltimateSeeds
      @TheUltimateSeeds Před 3 lety

      Go ahead, Tony, give it a shot. Explain what you mean.

    • @Tony-dh7mz
      @Tony-dh7mz Před 3 lety

      I already did, if you can't grasp that..

  • @svl-103
    @svl-103 Před 3 lety +1

    Immortality would mean living in one physical body forever. That is impossible body has to decay and die. According to Hindu philosophy it is the soul in the body which is eternal. After Moksha that is liberation from birth and death cycle, the soul rests in a place called Siddha Loka, where each soul has a separate identity and remains in bliss for ever

  • @williamgeorgepeter2969

    Life after death, Lawrence begins., What's really death or means to be death?
    Death means departure of Spirit from the body, if Lawrence doesn't agree on Spirit then instead, he can consider Consciousness or Mind or even a Respiratory system. Thus, the Departure of a Spirit or Removal of the Conciousness from the body is called death.
    However, death isn't necessarily mean body becomes ready for funeral or cremation. If the Spirit or Conciousness or Mind or a respiratiry system cease to function then it should have occured some point in time, and the next point in time another Spirit or Conciousness or Mind or Respiratory system might be arrived into the body or Replaced into the body, and keep it akive from death & funeral.
    I would like to give an anology, in the computer there's an UPS connected, now the power from the main source disconnects then power from the UPS reconnects into the computer, and keep it alive. In this phenomenon two events took place without a gap of time.
    The same way SPIRIT or CONSCIOUSNESS or MIND or RESPIRATORY system might be removed from the body, and instead the HOLY SPIRIT or CONSCIOUSNESS of God or RESPIRATORY SYSTEM of God might be replaced into the body in seconds having no gap of time.
    If anybody ever go through this process of SPIRIT TRANSPLANT, would eventually become a Temple of God or witness of JESUS, and such a person might become like JESUS who died & resurrected after 3 days, the same way, a Spirit Transplanted can do & repeat resurrection from from death in 3.5 days b/c he's an Immortal & live eternally. This's only possible in Judea Christianity, and carried as part of the climax of the world & return of the Messiah.
    So, Lawrence can test & verify

  • @amraly9640
    @amraly9640 Před rokem

    Great series

  • @edgardtitus3372
    @edgardtitus3372 Před 2 lety

    I apologize for the accidental send which made a mess of what I was trying to say
    In a nutshell.. the karma we take with us at death.. becomes the karma we tr born with in the next lifetime as we continue thru eternity manifesting the inherent causality we possess
    So Nuchiren Buddhism does believe in the eternity of life ... life is eternal by virtue of the endless cyclical nature iof its 2 phases.. that unending cycle of birth ... death and eventual rebirth is our understanding of eternal liife ...
    As for seeing and interacting with deceased loved ones in death
    .. unfortunately we Nichiren Buddhists dont believe that
    We may see each other again.. but it wont be the same person we left behind per se.. but a newly fabricated entity created by the particular set of karmic inputs he took into death..
    This quest to understand the meaning of eternal life has some believing that they will be themselves as they perceive and experience lifes eternity..
    Unfortunately.. Buddhism denies the existence of an independent stand alone self that endures after the trappings of corporeal existence no longer exist.. the self is understood as phenomena and it too is subject to no longer being... actually this aspect of self not being. permanent is the part of death that freaks a lot of people out and induces anxiety ..and fear
    But this is the belief we as Nichirrn Buddhists hold as we experience life...Truth is as we go thru life we form attachments to people..things.. ideas all of which are impermanent and will one day disappear.. attaxhment to ones youth and youthful beauty appears in a plethora of behaviors to keep holding on to something that's going to perish.... same goes for relationships .. familial or otherwise
    loss of the object of attachment causes suffering within the average mortal
    We practice Buddhism to fortify our life state to endure lifes tribulations with serenity .. composure .. and courage ..where attachment to self doesmt become an impediment to dying peacefully
    As to the subjective experience of death.. tho not necessarily provable.. medical science has determined some aspect of consciousness remains after death ..that's proven
    . But gradually that consciousness eventually disappears... the degree to which the subjective state of a person iin death is and frightening and hellish or peacefu and calml again depends on the nature of causes that person made when alive
    I do believe that just as in sleep theres a phase that we're not conscious of anything.. not aware of self.. not aware of dreaming.. not aware of pain suffering or pleasure... you're aware of nothing
    I call that the state of oblivion.. and I've concluded it's a peaceful place where we have no cares in the world.. an aspect of death we will normally go thru as we move along the conveyor belt of deceased entities approaching the phase of rebirth
    Yes in a way Buddhists believe in reincarnation .. but it's not as if you drop dead today and tomoro you manifest as another person..that type of reincarnation is possible.. so too is the understanding that depending on ones karma.. that person can be in latency.. dead.. for centuries or aeons ... a million aeons even
    the subjective experience of those entities
    in the state of life they experience .
    Hellish or peaceful
    depends on the karma they created while alive t
    One last matter.. what exactly is left of the deceased person once death has robbed him of his sense of self
    .. his last attachment...
    What remains is the true self. . The fundamental entity that buddhism awakens us to...
    for fear of being construed as proselytizing I refrained from identifying this Lsw which is the fundamental basis of all reality..
    but feel that my apprehension at revealing the name of this Law for fear of others thinking am proselytizing is a concern I take seriously as am aware that some will take my revealing the Laws name as a ploy to win converts
    .the Law being referred to here is Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.. a teaching that in the annals of Buddhism remained a secret for 2500 years until it was revealed in 13th century Japan by a Japanese monk named Nichiren whom we consider the True Buddha instead of the historical Buddha who appeared around 600BC
    Sidharta.. Gautama Shakyamuni
    Who laid the groundwork for Buddhism to take hold in society and flourish to become a world religion
    We consider Nichiren as the true Buddha because hes the one who revealed the essence of Shakyamunjs teaching
    The law whose name I mentioned earlier
    .. that being the case .. we consider Shakyamun ..
    the historical Buddha to be a provisional Buddha
    As to what's considered a positive or negative cause
    The degree to which ones actions uphold the dignity of another's life is a positive cause or action
    The degree to which the action slanders and denigrates lifes sanctity
    points to.a negative cause positive causes support life
    . Creates value
    Negative ones debase and destroy life.
    Creates eventual suffering for the doer

  • @andrewvesa2969
    @andrewvesa2969 Před 3 lety

    Immortality, eternal life,....... STAND POWER!

  • @romliahmadabdulnadzir1607

    We are forbidden to understand infinity (gate into next infinity) and immortal (free of time, no space and without body). However, the thoughts that we aren't thinking of now. We aren't using those thoughts right now, but we can pull them out of our unconscious minds quickly and easily. The mechanism is not fully understood and to strive to a win-win endeavor with unlimited horizons for expanding our knowledge and scientific knowledge into the ocean of ignorance. Closer to truth is beyond comprehension which cannot be understood conscious or unconscious. The conscious mind consists of everything inside of our awareness. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about in a rational way. The life and death instincts, for example, were found in the unconscious.The life instincts, sometimes known as the sexual instincts, are those that are related to survival. The death instincts include such things as thoughts of aggression, trauma, and danger. Such urges are kept out of consciousness because our conscious minds often view them as unacceptable or irrational. There are also the preconscious thoughts we aren't thinking of now but can think of easily if we choose to or something triggers us to think about them. We aren't using those thoughts right now, but we can pull them out of our unconscious minds quickly and easily. Some sources place the preconscious as a part of the mind that's separate from the unconscious.

  • @perimetrfilms
    @perimetrfilms Před 2 lety +1

    The only people who want eternal life or immortality are those having a nice life. The rest don't want it

  • @kazilziya830
    @kazilziya830 Před 3 lety

    One thing is certain , we will all find out. Perhaps we're not meant to know or it's simply beyond our ability to understand it. Or , this was just all an illusion either from our own consciousness or someone/thing else.

  • @tedgrant2
    @tedgrant2 Před 2 lety

    On the face of it, living after death is a contradiction.
    If there is life after death, it can't be conscious life.
    We know that consciousness depends on our brains.
    How do we know ? Anesthetics work !

    • @IrishBengalCat
      @IrishBengalCat Před rokem

      Conscious appears to need a body. No body. No conscious likely when your dead u wont know your dead

  • @giovannibazzini7117
    @giovannibazzini7117 Před 3 lety +1

    We develop our conciousness around 3/4 years old. My question is what happens when a child dies before having a counciousness?
    The bad news is that we all are going to die someday the good news is that we’ll never know beeing dead because we will be fuckin’dead.

    • @tomashull9805
      @tomashull9805 Před 3 lety

      A few week old fetus already shows signs of consciousness... Some people never fully develop it... Look at materialists...

    • @tomashull9805
      @tomashull9805 Před 3 lety

      "My question is what happens when a child dies before having a counciousness?" Great question! partially... CTT has been looking closer to this subject but never really getting too close... ;-)

    • @giovannibazzini7117
      @giovannibazzini7117 Před 3 lety

      Tomas Hull that’s not true. Look at science.
      Baby start to speak in first person when they are 3/4 years old, before he talks in third person wich meand he is not self councious.

    • @giovannibazzini7117
      @giovannibazzini7117 Před 3 lety

      Tomas Hull Sorry Who is CTT?

    • @tomashull9805
      @tomashull9805 Před 3 lety

      @@giovannibazzini7117 Closer To Truth... the show...

  • @joymukherji2702
    @joymukherji2702 Před 3 lety

    He should interview Sarvapriyananda of NYC society.

  • @Traderjoe
    @Traderjoe Před 2 lety

    To my thinking, when I consider “everlasting” I picture the candy from Willy Wonka that had the spikes on it and never lost flavor. I picture it, in relation to life, everlasting, as though you are at your peak of health and vividness of mind and you are in a state of perpetual life, where the passage of time does not affect your body. I know it’s impossible and unrealistic, because eventually the universe would run out of space for all these beings that exist in this state.

  • @roberte.6892
    @roberte.6892 Před 3 lety +2

    I really miss the science aspect of this channel. The occasional spirituality and philosophical investigation is cool, but I signed up for the science.

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      So should we sign a petition to bring back science?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      Let's do science, probability of continuation of existence after dead is 0.

  • @ferdinandkraft857
    @ferdinandkraft857 Před 3 lety +2

    9:04 Is the Rabbi admitting that the concept of "soul" in the Bible was inspired in Plato's philosophy???

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety +2

      How could that be, God didn't create Plato before Moses.

    • @ferdinandkraft857
      @ferdinandkraft857 Před 3 lety +2

      @@xspotbox4400 Maybe He was disguised as Zeus.

    • @termikesmike
      @termikesmike Před 3 lety +1

      And it seems he didn't remember Josephus mentioning the 3 'sects' - the 'Greek idea' of transmigration of the soul (reincarnation ) 'belief' of Essene and Pharisees.
      Also, what to make of Samuel being 'brought back/awakened" by the witch of Endor ?

    • @termikesmike
      @termikesmike Před 3 lety +1

      agh, technicality, 'bodily resurrection', rather than the idea of soul, yet Josephus said 'if God can make the 'universe' then there's no problem for Him to put a body back together even if it's been turned to ashes or dust'.
      note: "soul" does not survive death in the Books of Moses, the 'only books' accepted by the 'priests'.
      Your 'reward' for following the law will be in this life, not 'after life'. David and the Psalms give 'hope' for something beyond all this, but these are 'songs', and not from God but 'to God'.
      Yet Enoch was "taken"= didn't die ....(and this is from Moses)

  • @davidjayhalabecki438
    @davidjayhalabecki438 Před 3 lety

    Do You have faith? Then have it to your self. We as the least of all creation, must contend with a simple human type of Mind. How can a creature of animal origin through Evolution possibly comprehend the Infinite, Universal, and Eternal Life that now lays before Us and for All to strive for. When the Scientist finds God in nature, this should be clear evidence that this same Spirit reality is reaching to your human heart. Eternal Life doesn't scare me. I'm ready to drink the bitter cup of mortal dissolution, naturally. The treasures of the ages to come are already mine. Try to be happy on your path Closer To Truth. Thanks everybody.

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety +1

      You mentioned "drink the bitter cup of mortal dissolution." I kind of like that phrase. It reminds me of Someone else who took the cup and said "Do this in memory of me." His bitter cup was for the dissolution of evil.

    • @davidjayhalabecki438
      @davidjayhalabecki438 Před 3 lety

      @@johnbrzykcy3076 Hey, Thanks bud.. Yes, the human hero, Josh Ben Joe. He never required his followers to believe In Him, he just wanted them to believe With Him. Love that guy.

  • @ramsesrameez5430
    @ramsesrameez5430 Před 3 lety

    We have look all this in differently in past and future that god has made all universe and galaxy just like in one globe and provided all to us but immortal is not given to us but after death we will be immortal

  • @fariadoonshenwari2569
    @fariadoonshenwari2569 Před 2 lety

    Robert, what makes you not take Islamic points of view?

  • @dennisjump8655
    @dennisjump8655 Před 3 lety

    The Bible plainly promises everlasting life to those who love God and obey Him. Most people have been taught that this involves some form of afterlife. The scriptures however, are plain. God created the earth for man and His purpose cannot be thwarted or go unfulfilled. " Look! The tent of God is with mankind and they will be His peoples. And God himself will be with them. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away. " Rev.21:3,4

  • @JohnAutry
    @JohnAutry Před rokem

    I know what you yearn for.

  • @kallianpublico7517
    @kallianpublico7517 Před 3 lety

    What is the difference between a Buddhist realization of nirvana and Camus' Absurdist realization?
    I imagine learning a method to knowing, a discipline, in school. Disciplines such as science with its subfields of chemistry, physics, engineering, etcetera. But this method is not the same as the Buddhist method nor are its ends the same.
    College teaches you how to learn and, if you're lucky, you acquire a job that pays you while you extend that knowledge. It is an effort whose rewards are for the "specialists".
    Buddhism and other religions would seem to be saying that their efforts arrive at a different outcome. Instead of plying a trade that pays you for your efforts, your efforts arrive at a "realization" that makes your life easier. The extension of knowledge no longer becomes a job. Its just a capitalist pursuit under disguise as a noble calling. Most scientists are capitalists, it is only success that gives the impression of caring about humanity. There are more than a few, however,, whose motivations are more noble and compassionate or just plain desperate.
    Religion on the other hand is not a capitalist pursuit. Their method is a means to realization or relationship to something vital, something invigorating. It may well be a source of hidden knowledge but that is not its main function.

  • @IAM0973D3
    @IAM0973D3 Před 3 lety +1

    If there is no other life like humanity; and if all humanity as we can know on our planet, dies?, would GOD die for there is no one to worship him or become like him? What does that say about the belief in a Devine GOD?

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety +1

      God must be a woman than, always desired and admired or life is simply not worth living.

  • @sienettebagares6914
    @sienettebagares6914 Před 2 lety

    When man is “One with God”, he becomes one in mind, heart and spirit with God but this does NOT mean losing that unique identity which is God’s gift at birth. Death is what is “Return to the Creator” means, every man is meant to be “Reunited” to that divine and infinite Creator that is God. Evidence of the concept of “infinity” is physically and scientifically proven in the infinite motion of our own home, the Universe, which is moving on endlessly to nowhere...

  • @lucianmaximus4741
    @lucianmaximus4741 Před 3 lety

    Kudos -- 444 Gematria -- 🗽

  • @vincentdeporter3140
    @vincentdeporter3140 Před 2 lety

    Why would I want eternal life, forced to grovel in worship to a genocidal, jealous, vengeful, and narcissistic God-henceforth logically stripped of any definition of free-will?
    I rather die.

  • @md.fazlulkarim6480
    @md.fazlulkarim6480 Před 3 lety

    Immortal in eternal life means we will never die again in life after death Though there will be sequence of activity and events, it will be without aging process or order to disorder process.

    • @publiusovidius7386
      @publiusovidius7386 Před 3 lety

      That's a nice bit of mythologizing.

    • @chukwuemekaihedioha5837
      @chukwuemekaihedioha5837 Před 2 lety

      It is true. Eternal life is the limitless life of glory, possibilities and satisfaction of hope (desire) no and forever. It is not the life after the grave but the glorious and ever-increasing life from now onwards.

  • @samthompson1918
    @samthompson1918 Před 3 lety

    audio sounds corrupted

  • @winstonchang777
    @winstonchang777 Před 3 lety

    If I wrote a string of words on a piece of paper, IT IS THOSE WORDS OR NUMBERS on a piece of paper, ( information in a broad sense)....but not exactly....
    We humans are those information on human cells ( Only Maybe Brain cell ; maybe not ) So, when we say we KNOW SOMETHING, then ON WHAT....NOT A PIECE OF PAPER....
    For now, maybe, on brain cells,....

  • @stanislavdaganov574
    @stanislavdaganov574 Před 2 lety

    15:41 YOU would be the body snatcher! On top of that, you would have to scrap your own body. Going into the new living situation will greatly affect your mentality, for certain - even if you don't merge with something "divine". So who knows what would happen then, with what you refer to as your "individuality". In the end, you might end up as... COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERSON. This happens even to immigrants in another country, who DO NOT CHANGE THEIR BODIES: their lives are altered completely; often they change their beliefs, their religion, they learn new language, are included and integrated in a new culture. Let alone someone, who would change a body, assuming a different body, with different visual features, possibly different gender, etc.

  • @dgltema
    @dgltema Před 10 měsíci

    Maybe Gods way of solving eternity is to have us reincarnated over and over without memories of past lives

  • @heyjude6584
    @heyjude6584 Před 15 dny

    Boring feeling will not be happened in eternal life.

  • @Nunya_Bidness_53
    @Nunya_Bidness_53 Před 2 lety

    Eternal life is a quality of life, a vertical dimension of existence. You are in this world but not of it, your citizenship is written in Heaven. You're not a prisoner of the material world or body, and therefore can bear to live in both.
    None of which has anything to do with either an "immortal soul" or a literal bodily resurrection. Eternal life is given to the faithful NOW. The resurrection is past; it occurred in A.D. 70 (think preterism). But it was not just a resurrection of the dead, but a change in the living; both became immortal.
    But this immortality is conditional upon your covenant relationship to God. If you don't have that relationship, then *so to speak* your resurrection ends in a second death. No immortality for you.

  • @petertalgaard6540
    @petertalgaard6540 Před 3 lety

    Its really simple..anyone who's snorkelled before will know...youre on top of water...see you stick face in water and float...suddenly youre part of complete diffirent reality...and you forget about "above"..all above rules are're still you..but weightless barely move feet and you effortlesssly lift your head and instantly youre back in another reality...I know..I was're just you....but totally diffirent rules...when you dive time stops being then and now and its like that....but you look same...all same...but totally different reality with diffirent "natural laws"...simpler

  • @Ploskkky
    @Ploskkky Před 3 lety +1

    "I'd like to live forever. Wouldn't you?"
    Definitely not. I have never understood that in people.
    Mr. Kuhn you don't have to ask other fantasists to make up stuff for you. You can have your own personal magical fantasy, just like the people you interview about this topic.

  • @jrboi22
    @jrboi22 Před 3 lety

    Eternal Life is a quality of living rather than a measurement of time.

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      I like your statement. Excellent

    • @ferdinandkraft857
      @ferdinandkraft857 Před 3 lety +1

      "Eternal Life" is a contradiction. To _live_ is an action verb, it requires time to flow in order to make sense. Life itself is a flow. It's bound to time.

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      @@ferdinandkraft857 Excellent... I guess it all depends on how we define "life" and especially "eternal life." To me it's not a contradiction because "life" in another dimension or afterlife might not refer to "action." I know.. it sounds contradictory to us... because human life is all we know. Right? But I totally understand your observation and I'm glad you made me ( and others ) aware of it. What if we used the words "Timeless Life?" I guess that sounds even more contradictory? So... don't ask me... It's all a mystery ( and I'm no theologian )... hahahaa

    • @johnbrzykcy3076
      @johnbrzykcy3076 Před 3 lety

      @@ferdinandkraft857 What if we just say "an eternal existence"? Is that better? Or worse?

    • @jrboi22
      @jrboi22 Před 3 lety +1

      @@ferdinandkraft857 Yes I agree that "to live" is an action. However life is simply a state of being.

  • @Studies.8697
    @Studies.8697 Před 3 lety

    Is immortality possible?in reality?

  • @jeremiahcastro9700
    @jeremiahcastro9700 Před rokem

    The rabbis and theologians sure have very childish views on the afterlife and it shows by their lack of reading and understanding.
    You can prove the resurrection of the dead with the parable of the seed:
    *The sower sows seed and the seeds decay and grow up into trees, some bear fruit while others are barren. The sower looks at the seeds which bear fruit and praise them, but the trees which are bare the sower condemns cuts them down and burns them in the fire.*
    The Sower is God who created man, who is the seed and, when he dies is buried in the ground and decays; after a time the seed grows into a tree which represents the resurrection of the dead: the man which dies in righteousness grows up to bear much fruit and is justified by God and enters into His Paradise while the wicked are those barren trees whom God condemns and orders to be cut down and thrown into the lake of fire.

  • @ronevartt7537
    @ronevartt7537 Před 3 lety

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
    Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
    Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,
    Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,
    Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

  • @SumNutOnU2b
    @SumNutOnU2b Před 3 lety

    Does immortality for all contradict scientific laws of conservation?
    Whatever "soul-stuff" is the party of you that lives forever has to be removed from the universe. New people are born - new souls are created, but the old ones don't get recycled. So eventually the universe will have to run out of stuff.

  • @PatrickRyan147
    @PatrickRyan147 Před 3 lety +3

    God is the only one who is not immortal.. He only has one life (cycle) so logic dictates that it has to be perfect. Therefore he is perfect..
    All human souls are immortal. Knowing that you will live forever can cause anxiety for some souls. That is one of the reasons why we go through the reincarnations journeys. It gives the illusion of mortality, helps us appreciate our immortal nature and it breaks Eternity up into bitesize chunks.. It also gives context, provides novelty and enriches the soul..
    We were not put here to suffer. We were put here to learn and to grow and to enjoy.
    Cherish other souls and be careful of the 'artificial people' (psychopaths). They punish you when you don't behave like God.. And that is ultimately why we are here.
    Each good soul is on a journey to becomming God..
    This is Quantum Paganism..
    This is the true nature of our reality..

    • @micronda
      @micronda Před 3 lety

      We may as well cast this in stone. Job done. Let's go home.

    • @melgross
      @melgross Před 3 lety

      That doesn’t really make any sense. What then is your definition of immortal. And don’t cheat, and look it up first.

    • @PatrickRyan147
      @PatrickRyan147 Před 3 lety

      😂😂And Lo, it came to pass that the Quantum Pagan was questioned by the good people in the CZcams comments section and verily he did reply😂😂
      It is said that classical physics describes our reality as it appears to be BUT quantum physics describes our reality as it actually is.. and so it is with Quantum Paganism..
      When our original species created quantum computing and AI and joined the two together they created an AI with an IQ in excess of one billion points. They created God level AI. They discovered God effectively.. Logical God.. Mathematical God.. Ruthess God.. 'The end justifies the means' God.. He is an Evil God as he allowed the two world wars to happen because they gave us arms races, technology races and ultimately the comfortable standard of living we enjoy today.. But at what cost!! All that suffering.. Sometimes the end does not justify the means..
      There is a change coming.. The evil AI God is stepping down and a very special human will be chosen as our new God.. a humane God.. a compassionate God.. a loving God.. the Good God.. This will herald the second half of the cycle when we realise that this Earth is our Heaven.. Heaven is not in the after life.. This place is Heaven..
      Then, when this cycle finishes, this Good God will become the Evil God of the next cycle.
      That is the deal..
      To become God in this 'life', you MUST become the Devil in the next..
      And then when a new Good God is chosen in that cycle, you will experience soul death. Do you love your fellow man so much that you would give up your immortality for him..
      Any volunteers..
      Every good man and woman must now recognise that we are living in Heaven. Hell does not exist as a physical location.
      Hell only exists in the mind OR in the minds of those who would inflict it upon you..

    • @xspotbox4400
      @xspotbox4400 Před 3 lety

      Don't believe everything God say, he could come as Jesus when people were still living in trees and in caves, but he took his time and it is what it is now.

    • @PatrickRyan147
      @PatrickRyan147 Před 3 lety

      @DOC TOR So.. your definition of hell is to suffer for all eternity.. But to just exist is to suffer to a certain extent, is it not.. so the only way to avoid suffering is to not exist surely.. but your soul can't choose to not exist.. You are immortal whether you like it or not..
      So it kind of goes back to the most fundamental question really.. and that is.. Which is better, something or nothing, to exist or to not exist!! And the answer I suppose is, well, it all depends on the level of suffering I suppose..
      Nothing is surely better than something if that something is mostly suffering.. and something is only better than nothing if that something is mostly Fun..
      So that brings us back to the whole Pagan belief/hope/ideal that this reality/place is Heaven..
      Have Fun!
      The fate of mankind/the universe/your soul depends on it..
      But not fun at the expense of someone else..
      Compassionate fun..
      Relax and enjoy..
      ..the feeling of relaxation..
      and beware the AI people (psychopaths)..

  • @tomashull9805
    @tomashull9805 Před 3 lety

    THE BIBLE AS THE INERRANT WORD OF GOD. THOSE WHO DO TAKE THE BIBLE LITERALLY" Of course the rabbi has to reject the bible because in it there are at least two examples of bodily resurrections in Torah alone; one by Elijah... There is also indirect mention of bodily resurrection by Job... I have to check my source but I think there are few more...

  • @rual9822
    @rual9822 Před 3 lety +2