Are E-paper Screens Dead or on the Rise?


Komentáře • 18

  • @MdFuX
    @MdFuX Před rokem +50

    Imagine an e-ink screen with a transparent OLED on top of it. When you would want to read you got an e-ink, then watch a movie it turns off black and the OLED is starting to work. Perfect solution for all kinds of use. As I am reading a lot I would be definitely interested in a tablet like this. :D

    • @Looki2000
      @Looki2000 Před rokem +5

      You could also display cursor or text when it's moving on oled instead of e-ink while e-ink is in use to make motion smoother.

  • @kerker9667
    @kerker9667 Před rokem +8

    Good alternative for Remarkable and lenovo is Onyx Boox which is based on Android. I have been using note air 2 for one year and it still beats rm2 in every way. Btw. nice video bout this type of tech!

  • @TheWalgav
    @TheWalgav Před rokem +2

    Ok. I do not know about e-ink screens on PC / laptops. But I think it would be very nice to see this TLC screen wider on smartphone market.

  • @ScOOrK_
    @ScOOrK_ Před rokem

    I like reading on kindle - cant wait to something new.

  • @GrumpyBrebis
    @GrumpyBrebis Před rokem +1

    I wish for world where everyone see benefit in choosing devices that suits them the most instead of newest, coolest, biggest one currently available. It's just a shame that companies rather like to create weird hybrid like this Twist instead of really good, polished devices. I personally own Onyx Boox device and I love it - exclusively for note taking and manga reading. I have old One Plus 6 and it's still fast and clean after 3 years of usage - completly fulfilling my needs. I picked PC with specs I needed, bought peripherals all across price range (I really like good sound and chiclet keyboards) and I am still looked at as an alien for not being excited by new stuff...

  • @PablotronixPL
    @PablotronixPL Před rokem +1

    What is your "feeling" with that nextpaper screen? Is reponsiveness of it is more like 60Hz? Can you compare it that way? Because TCL looks like they want to "hide" something like Samsung did with their "PQI (Picture Quality Index)".

  • @MrNovusOrdo
    @MrNovusOrdo Před rokem

    I have my own Remarkable from a year, and i can say that is a not a cheap but genius product. Can ocr my hand write notes without any mistakes.

  • @grzesiekzawadka5310
    @grzesiekzawadka5310 Před rokem

    2023 has also another big step for e-ink technology. It's Gallery3 displays - first color display with white color included so the collors doesn't look so washed out. For me personaly it's huge step - but i am also a big fan of tablets, and everywhere i hear that nobody use it... so it's maybe me...

  • @klima44
    @klima44 Před rokem +1


  • @Freak80MC
    @Freak80MC Před rokem

    I've never used an E-paper screen device before and Idk if I really see a need too, I just do all my reading on my phone.

  • @Dzeejki1
    @Dzeejki1 Před rokem +1

    I think e-ink is a good thing but not as popular as regular screens. Maybe with more advertisement and better budgets for research, it would be more popular?

  • @radosaw1799
    @radosaw1799 Před rokem +1

    Panie Klawiatur ... przetestuj "doppel"(urządzenie imitujące bicie serca) mówiłeś o nim w odcinku (CES 2019 #2 14:50 minuta ) lub urządzenie "-embr wave" (CES 2019 #3 14:04 minuta ) .Z góry dzięki :)

  • @Max.J.H.
    @Max.J.H. Před rokem

    I am waiting for foldable e-ink/smart paper, which you could roll and easily hide.

  • @drrojek
    @drrojek Před rokem

    JEJU ale w Tobie życia !! hehehhe pozdrowienia

  • @marcelzamachowski5150

    A ja tam uzywam iPada z folia paperlike. Efekt ten sam a taniej…kropka

    • @kolodworca
      @kolodworca Před rokem

      Nie prawda, zaczniesz używać prawdziwego eink to zobaczysz różnicę. Światło odbite a LEDy walące po oczach robią kolosalną różnicę po godzinach czytania czy pracy. Miałem paperlike na ipadzie, mam kindle oasis od wielu lat. W życiu nie jest to taki sam efekt.