The Russians Captured The Aggregate Plant | The AFU Entered Hlyboke. Military Summary For 2024.06.17

  • čas přidán 16. 06. 2024
  • This video describes the military situation in Ukraine on the 17th of June 2024
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Komentáře • 427

  • @LGK-official
    @LGK-official Před 9 dny +207

    Never bring a Bradley to a shovel fight

    • @aneurindavies5943
      @aneurindavies5943 Před 9 dny +9

      Lol 😀

    • @rogerlevy57
      @rogerlevy57 Před 9 dny +6

      Yes, its very unfair

    • @user-gu1ld3nb3y
      @user-gu1ld3nb3y Před 9 dny +6


    • @deadpoolguy283
      @deadpoolguy283 Před 9 dny

      @@rogerlevy57 Your Tears are sweeeeeet! How hard will you cope once CultFuhrer ZelenSSky is in Hell?
      Now you will go "That wont happen! He will reign for 1k years!!!"

    • @Te-00091
      @Te-00091 Před 9 dny

      The Reason Why The Climate is Hot: Nothing Can Ever Surpass the Truth
      “I have always been keen on guiding the astray who followed those who earned the wrath of Allaah. Unfortunately, they were never guided because they did not use their minds to understand the Words of Allaah in the Great Qur'an, to believe it is the Truth. But, they will never understand it (the Qur'an) except through the torment of Allaah, Lord of the heavens, earth, and what is between them, and Lord of the Great Throne. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:
      {وَإِن مِّن قَرْيَةٍ إِلَّا نَحْنُ مُهْلِكُوهَا قَبْلَ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ أَوْ مُعَذِّبُوهَا عَذَابًا شَدِيدًا ۚ كَانَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْكِتَابِ مَسْطُورًا ‎﴿٥٨﴾وَمَا مَنَعَنَا أَن نُّرْسِلَ بِالْآيَاتِ إِلَّا أَن كَذَّبَ بِهَا الْأَوَّلُونَ ۚ وَآتَيْنَا ثَمُودَ النَّاقَةَ مُبْصِرَةً فَظَلَمُوا بِهَا ۚ وَمَا نُرْسِلُ بِالْآيَاتِ إِلَّا تَخْوِيفًا ‎﴿٥٩﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [سورة الإسراء]
      Qur'an - Surah: al-Israa' - Verses: 58-59
      O mankind, here you are feeling the approach of the torment of Saqar, the greatest calamity. And I have already told you with truth that you have entered the summer of Saqar starting from 2023, despite having been constantly warning you of the passing of planet Saqar for 19 years. Unfortunately, the more I warn you, the more you run away and disbelieve in the existence of Allaah. Today's nations are like the people of the prophet Noah, they do not fear the majesty of Allaah (See Qur'an, Surah: Noah). Anyway, following a sweltering summer at the North Pole, the people of planet Earth, in both north and south, have declared the arrival of the autumnal equinox. At the same time, residents of Antarctica declared that the vernal (spring) equinox had begun there. And far is that from happening.
      I had already given you a ruling before with the truth in a previous statement that the summer of Saqr was on the horizon of the Antarctic continent of the planet Earth, eliminating the winter of the far pole where nobody lives. Then, Saqar annihilated the winter of countries that share the Antarctic climate. Their winter has been replaced with heat, so that they may understand what I am warning them of. Those who live in the Antarctic are waiting for which spring after the annihilation of the Antarctic winter? Do they not reason?! Here is the summer of Saqar, which will attack the two temperate seasons (autumn in the north of the Earth and spring in the south of the Earth). And it will scientifically fail all your weather forecasting devices. It will mystify your knowledge and destroy your credibility among the peoples of the worlds. Indeed, ultimate proofs belong to Allaah, O worshippers of the Physics of Nature. We shall wait and see if the Physics of Nature, given to you by Allaah as a means of mercy for you, will submit to the power of Allaah, thus it turns against you and makes your knowledge equal to zero. Anyway, given that the summer of Saqar swept through the four seasons, there will be a war of hurricanes of fire attacking forests and homes, and a flood of water pouring down at the suitable time whenever Allaah wills and not when you will. So where are the inventors of artificial rain to extinguish wildfires if they are truthful? I truly pity Arabs for being manipulated by Arab and non-Arab devils to demolish the fundamental beliefs in the clear verses of the great Qur'an, thus they believe in the opposite of the challenge of Allaah in His Words:
      {أَفَرَأَيْتُمُ الْمَاءَ الَّذِي تَشْرَبُونَ ‎(٦٨) أَأَنتُمْ أَنزَلْتُمُوهُ مِنَ الْمُزْنِ أَمْ نَحْنُ الْمُنزِلُونَ ‎(٦٩) لَوْ نَشَاءُ جَعَلْنَاهُ أُجَاجًا فَلَوْلَا تَشْكُرُونَ ‎(٧٠)‏} صدق الله العظيم [ سورة الواقعة]
      Qur'an - Surah: al-Waqi’ah- Verses: 68-70
      Lo and behold, non-Arabs and Arabs! I swear by Allaah, I am thinking of disbelievers in the eras of prophets and I find them closer to knowing Allaah than the nations of this atheist world in the era of Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi. Disbelievers in the era of prophets were closer to becoming believers if it was not for their association of partners besides Allaah owing to their blind following to their fathers. See their response to the messengers sent by their Lord in the Word of Allaah the Exalted:
      {وَلَئِن سَأَلْتَهُم مَّنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ ۚ قُلْ أَفَرَأَيْتُم مَّا تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ إِنْ أَرَادَنِيَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ هَلْ هُنَّ كَاشِفَاتُ ضُرِّهِ أَوْ أَرَادَنِي بِرَحْمَةٍ هَلْ هُنَّ مُمْسِكَاتُ رَحْمَتِهِ ۚ قُلْ حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ ۖ عَلَيْهِ يَتَوَكَّلُ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ ‎﴿٣٨﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [سورة الزمر]
      Qur'an - Surah: az-Zumar- Verse: 38
      So call upon your gods that you worship other than Allaah to save you from the evil of Allaah's cosmic and Corona war if you are truthful. Here you have entered the summer of Saqar, so do not wait for the four known seasons from now on because they along with winter in the south pole and the coming winter have been replaced by the summer of Saqar. Do you reckon I am talking nonsense? How strange your stance is, non-Arabs and Arabs! Logically if Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani were truly truthful in announcing the entrance of planet Earth in the climate of planet Saqar, the four seasons would be annihilated that perhaps you may think. Indeed Allaah's proofs are far-reaching. Planet Saqar is going to be blazed by the command of Allaah to be a mercy from Allaah upon you for it is better for you to feel its blaze than aboding inside it. Also, perhaps feeling its hotness causes you any remembrance. Indeed, Hellfire (Saqar) will produce fuming and growling sounds towards the Earth and they shall surround the four cardinal directions (South, North, East, and West). This is the loud roaring of Planet Saqar which appears to mankind on the horizon from time to time, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:
      {إِذَا رَأَتْهُم مِّن مَّكَانٍ بَعِيدٍ سَمِعُوا لَهَا تَغَيُّظًا وَزَفِيرًا ‎﴿١٢﴾‏} صدق الله العظيم [سورة الفرقان]
      Qur'an - Surah: al-Furqan- Verse: 12
      Because it will pass on the Earth from a distance, it will not collide with it. You will see the circle of planet Saqar when it rises from the far Southeast to the far Southwest. It will be conspicuous in the visible universe. On the night it passes, it will obscure the horizons of planet Earth from the four cardinal directions. You are also going to witness the sign of the evident smoke of a painful torment. So wait, indeed I too am waiting with you, and I know what I am saying, in line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted:
      {حم ‎(١) وَالْكِتَابِ الْمُبِينِ ‎(٢) إِنَّا أَنزَلْنَاهُ فِي لَيْلَةٍ مُّبَارَكَةٍ ۚ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُنذِرِينَ ‎(٣) فِيهَا يُفْرَقُ كُلُّ أَمْرٍ حَكِيمٍ ‎(٤) أَمْرًا مِّنْ عِندِنَا ۚ إِنَّا كُنَّا مُرْسِلِينَ ‎(٥) رَحْمَةً مِّن رَّبِّكَ ۚ إِنَّهُ هُوَ السَّمِيعُ الْعَلِيمُ ‎(٦) رَبِّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ وَمَا بَيْنَهُمَا ۖ إِن كُنتُم مُّوقِنِينَ ‎(٧) لَا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ يُحْيِي وَيُمِيتُ ۖ رَبُّكُمْ وَرَبُّ آبَائِكُمُ الْأَوَّلِينَ ‎(٨) بَلْ هُمْ فِي شَكٍّ يَلْعَبُونَ ‎(٩) فَارْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِي السَّمَاءُ بِدُخَانٍ مُّبِينٍ ‎(١٠) يَغْشَى النَّاسَ ۖ هَٰذَا عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ ‎(١١) رَّبَّنَا اكْشِفْ عَنَّا الْعَذَابَ إِنَّا مُؤْمِنُونَ ‎(١٢)‏} صدق الله العظيم [سورة الدخان]
      Qur'an- Surah: ad-Dukhan- Verses: 1-12”
      Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani
      09- Rabi’ Awwal- 1445 AH | 24- September- 2023
      Full Official Statement: Mahdialumma com

  • @saaj2010
    @saaj2010 Před 9 dny +218

    Zelensky is just a dead man walking

    • @FrancesSanchez-gw7lt
      @FrancesSanchez-gw7lt Před 9 dny +29

      the cocaineshki show in switzerland was a flop

    • @GeorgesPatapon
      @GeorgesPatapon Před 9 dny

      @@FrancesSanchez-gw7lt cope harder Ruscist

    • @O-wo5le
      @O-wo5le Před 9 dny +12


    • @Slowv8Fiero
      @Slowv8Fiero Před 9 dny +11

      ​@@GeorgesPatapon cope harder fascist at zelenskys loss or this war

    • @idarpolden5913
      @idarpolden5913 Před 9 dny +11

      ​@@GeorgesPataponClownskyy is putting all eggs in one basket before Trump get elected President!
      Don't you see it?

  • @efghggdxlmfn33
    @efghggdxlmfn33 Před 9 dny +70

    The West is not prepared for this kind of war. To most Western experts, attritional strategy is counterintuitive.

    • @rogerlevy57
      @rogerlevy57 Před 9 dny +6

      And yet here we are two years in, Ukraine Is holding its own, and Western support is increasing week by week. The Russian oil industry is not prepared for any kind of war, they can fix pipes and storage tanks, but not cracking towers and frozen solid pipes in the tundra, very vulnerable.

    • @efghggdxlmfn33
      @efghggdxlmfn33 Před 9 dny

      @@rogerlevy57 epic b.s go and collect firewoods.
      "Russia will run out of money sooner." 😂
      IMF: GDP Growth Russia 3.2% | Germany 0.2%
      World Bank has noted since the war started that Russia passed both Germany and Japan in economic size
      Russia's budget deficit in 2023 was a mere 1.9% and forecasted to be only 1% in 2024.
      Meanwhile the US deficit was 6.3%, Germany 2.1%, UK 4.2 %, France 5.5%, Italy 7.4%
      Russia's National Wealth Fund (NWF) is growing again in 2024 after being reduced by $70B from its peak but again remember much of these are paper losses owing to valuations in Russia's private industries being lower.
      Russia's income tax rate of a flat 13% has been adjusted to a progressive tax rate that will range from 13% to 22%. Increasing the tax burden for the rich but still being very low compared to much of the world. The increased tax revenue ensures fiscal stability in case of a fall in commodity prices.
      So what are the Russian problems they cite?. So they argue that since Gazprom lost $7.1B in 2023 that the Russian economy will collapse, ignoring that this is a trivial number in a massive economy or that Gazprom paid over $8B in taxes to the Russian government. Gazprom has about $18B cash in the bank and sells natural gas on the domestic markets for a pittance. Raising gas prices slightly would return Gazprom to profitability and consumers would still pay some of the lowest prices in the world.
      Russia's fiscal position is vastly superior to any country in the West, having little debt and running small deficits.

    • @efghggdxlmfn33
      @efghggdxlmfn33 Před 9 dny +26

      @@rogerlevy57 looks like you did not understand mu comment at all. Attritional wars require their own ‘Art of War’ and are fought with a ‘force-centric’ approach, unlike wars of manoeuvre which are ‘terrain-focused’. They are rooted in massive industrial capacity to enable the replacement of losses, geographical depth to absorb a series of defeats, and technological conditions that prevent rapid ground movement. In attritional wars, military operations are shaped by a state’s ability to replace losses and generate new formations, not tactical and operational manoeuvres. The side that accepts the attritional nature of war and focuses on destroying enemy forces rather than gaining terrain is most likely to win.

    • @mikewardrop5962
      @mikewardrop5962 Před 9 dny

      Nearly all logic is counter intuitive to western "experts".

    • @redbaron6322
      @redbaron6322 Před 9 dny

      SMH...checker players!

  • @NB-kq4nm
    @NB-kq4nm Před 9 dny +52

    That is how Spetznaz do it 😊

  • @tomasnovak71
    @tomasnovak71 Před 9 dny +17

    And how many lives did it cost to occupy a few buildings? Does anyone know how many Ukrainians died there during the time they were attacking? How long can Ukraine keep adding troops? In my opinion, the Kharkiv region is only pushed by Russia to drain the strength of the Ukrainians, and they are succeeding.

    • @EldarMigovich
      @EldarMigovich Před 7 dny

      ну и как там Харьковський контирннаступ ? уже взяли Харьков ? бо я вижу огромное количество видео из Харьковского направления как росиян з дронов накривают!!

  • @grunthorful
    @grunthorful Před 9 dny +57

    Longue vie à M. Poutine ! Vive la glorieuse Fédération de Russie ! Force à ses valeureux combattants !💪💪❤❤💪💪❤❤💪💪❤❤💪💪❤❤

  • @gregchijoff9959
    @gregchijoff9959 Před 9 dny +51

    Spasibo, Dimka. Privet iz Avstraliyi! 🇦🇺

  • @Slowv8Fiero
    @Slowv8Fiero Před 9 dny +85

    Ukraine economy has already collapsed. Its over

    • @dmitryxxx26
      @dmitryxxx26 Před 9 dny +14

      You cant collapse something that doesnt exist 😅

    • @rodolfofelipe7588
      @rodolfofelipe7588 Před 9 dny

      Are you not informed??? It’s the Russian economy that’s collapsing, rouble going down the drain and Ukrainians fighting Russia using Russians money!

    • @briansimon8969
      @briansimon8969 Před 9 dny +17

      It’s not Ukraine economy that is powering their defense. It is the economy on 32 countries.

      @BUBBLEBUBBLE7 Před 9 dny

      @@briansimon8969 Thirty-two countries do not support with their money
      I only support it with Russian money.
      So what's their economy like
      I've never been hit
      Only Russia and Ukraine have been hit

    • @sarahbrown5073
      @sarahbrown5073 Před 9 dny +7

      The economy of Ukraine is supported by the taxpayers of western nations. This isn't disputed. The IMF just gave them $50 billion, and EU citizens will repay the loan.

  • @pvladimir
    @pvladimir Před 9 dny +38

    There will be no negotiations. Ukraine canmot concede defeat nor can the West, while Russia's victory mandates a harsher term for Ukraine every day. It is impossible for Russia to accept anything less than Odessa+the 4 oblasts(in full) and crimea already incorporated, neutrality and probably no ukranian armed forces. Ukraine cannot concede to such terms, or more acurately the politicians and the military cannot accept such terms since it means not only has every sacrifice been in vain but Ukraine's future will no longer exist.

    • @benjammin3381
      @benjammin3381 Před 9 dny

      Its pretty clear that giving in to Putins demands only delays the inevitable so its better than Russia drains its resources in Ukraine than allowing them to rearm for a better offensive later down the road. Its sort of funny how Russia claims to not wanting NATO on its border but then proceeds to invade Ukraine shortening the distance from NATO significantly.

    • @JimSmithInChiapas
      @JimSmithInChiapas Před 9 dny +5

      ​@@benjammin3381Regarding your last few statements: Russia's concern was that NATO (in Ukraine) would not only be on Russia's border, but could also station nuclear missiles within 5-10 minutes' flight time from Moscow.

    • @arneh.180
      @arneh.180 Před 9 dny

      ​@@JimSmithInChiapas look at countries like latvia and estonia to see how ridiculous your statement is. You think that the US or NATO needs ukraine if they want to hit Russia? Russia just has expansion fever, hitler-esk dreams

    • @GlobalResearch2001
      @GlobalResearch2001 Před 9 dny

      No one asked the Ukrainians !!?? This war was planned by USA and Victoria Nuland war machine in order to destroy Russia. Ukraine is just being used as a Proxy for US/NATO imperial interests !! Senator Lindsey Grham admitted it on few occasions and many other US politicians !!

    • @davidkiely1727
      @davidkiely1727 Před 9 dny +4

      Russia is big
      Even ukraine it's cousin should know .
      Don't enrage Russia , you won't like the result .

  • @florenthamen1592
    @florenthamen1592 Před 9 dny +58

    Z from France...

  • @paulneufarn
    @paulneufarn Před 9 dny +25

    Once upon a time a country named Ukraine...

    • @davidkiely1727
      @davidkiely1727 Před 9 dny +6

      Believed a fairy story told to them by America and their ruling corporations. 😅

    • @GeorgesPatapon
      @GeorgesPatapon Před 9 dny +1

      @@davidkiely1727 Do you see Russia as the hero of your story? 😂

  • @Corsa15DT
    @Corsa15DT Před 9 dny +44

    Comander Dima, REPORT!

  • @chanpasadopolska
    @chanpasadopolska Před 9 dny +28

    I trusted AFU since day 1 and they not disappointed me, last year with Robotino and now with Hlyboke those are strategic successes that everyone was waiting for!

    • @UnDeadArmy935
      @UnDeadArmy935 Před 9 dny +17


    • @bjabbbjabb1286
      @bjabbbjabb1286 Před 9 dny +19

      That is so funny. Specially when we know you think the opposite. On the other hand, some fools dont. Keep the amusing comments coming. 333

    • @user-xh9ju6gt4b
      @user-xh9ju6gt4b Před 9 dny +7

      🤣😂😁 you make my day 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Dungshoveleux
      @Dungshoveleux Před 9 dny +9

      'trusted AFU' 😂😂😂

    • @bjabbbjabb1286
      @bjabbbjabb1286 Před 9 dny +7

      @@Dungshoveleux he is joking. 😀😃😄

  • @guapasylistas
    @guapasylistas Před 9 dny +10

    Russia does not need stronger positions before negotiations. Just need to keep on pushing. All words about negotiations are from the west, not from Russia

    • @leodefine86
      @leodefine86 Před 9 dny

      Putin has declared his terms. He will not accept anything less than a total defeat of the ukrainian army.

  • @mark4262
    @mark4262 Před 9 dny +81

    I guess the Ukranians were lieing always 🎉

    • @nenadpaldrmic
      @nenadpaldrmic Před 9 dny +10

      Both sides lie but I think Russia is slightly more honest 😊

    • @mikewardrop5962
      @mikewardrop5962 Před 9 dny +6

      @@nenadpaldrmic There is a distinction between contradicting immutable objective facts i.e. "lying", and misrepresenting/ dis-informing in progress dynamic events. Rarely will you see an official Russian government representative "lie".

    • @mark4262
      @mark4262 Před 9 dny

      @nenadpaldrmic more honest is Russia..the Battlefield and Deep State Maps do not lie

    • @RtFa-ol7vd
      @RtFa-ol7vd Před 9 dny +1

      ​@@nenadpaldrmicоднако российские коллеги в министерстве обороны оказались не менее воровитые

    • @lobohez7222
      @lobohez7222 Před 9 dny

      Russia reports hyped numbers, but reports are based on real events.
      Ukraine reports overhyped numbers and creates virtual victories and events.
      Both sides obviously dont report about their fuckups.

  • @FrancesSanchez-gw7lt
    @FrancesSanchez-gw7lt Před 9 dny +30

    Hello from London

  • @mbp1652
    @mbp1652 Před 9 dny +12

    Wonder how long it is before a group of concerned citizens take Zalinskl out back and........ Then call Putin to come get this suspiciously "head sized box" from Kyiv?

  • @uralprospector
    @uralprospector Před 9 dny +75

    From Ukrainian blogger Anatoli Shariy;
    На днях российские войска взяли сёла Новопокровское и Новоалександровка к западу от Авдеевки.
    Сейчас идут бои за Новосёловку Первую и Сокол. Оборону там держит 47-я бригада ВСУ.
    Далее на запад простираются около 5 км полей.
    Если ВС РФ возьмут эти сёла, то могут выйти на оперативный простор.

    • @user-rz7ih2vh1c
      @user-rz7ih2vh1c Před 9 dny +7

      Да нет уже никаких 'оперативных просторов'. Какие просторы в эпоху фпв и точной артиллерии

    • @jiridrapal7512
      @jiridrapal7512 Před 9 dny +7

      @@user-rz7ih2vh1c is eaier to advance in fields, in villages and towns ukrops can dig in better than quickly digging shallow trench in couple hours.

    • @Diwana71
      @Diwana71 Před 9 dny +1

      🙏 Thanks .

  • @RobertKing-yi3vm
    @RobertKing-yi3vm Před 9 dny +4

    Thanks for the update!

  • @julianandygumbs4363
    @julianandygumbs4363 Před 8 dny +4

    The next 5 month's on the Geopolitical Landscape, 1. BRICS Bank Sept 2. Israeli Hamas War 3. Ukraine War 4. US Presidential Elections 5. BRICS October more nation's, BRICS Bank Launch date.
    Wow, Wow, Wow

  • @00REEEEE
    @00REEEEE Před 9 dny +77

    Dima is a legend. Accurate reporting and is cautious with changes to the MAP rightly. Very factual, summaries and some humour. Z

  • @neppuccino4
    @neppuccino4 Před 9 dny +55

    President of war and beggary👉🏼ZELE😊

    • @pacivalmuller9333
      @pacivalmuller9333 Před 9 dny +1

      He no longer President, he is a tyrant. His term expired.

    • @et2709
      @et2709 Před 8 dny

      He ans gus wife should be sent to the frontlines.

  • @MrIaninuk
    @MrIaninuk Před 9 dny +9

    There's been some epic historical battles on Russia's Eastern Front , Moscow, Leningrad, Kursk,...Volchansk Aggregate Plant.

  • @TrephineArtist
    @TrephineArtist Před 9 dny +28

    Courage au peuple russophone du Donbas, vivement la paix, la vérité et la justice 🙏

    • @FineBlackSea
      @FineBlackSea Před 9 dny +1


    • @TrephineArtist
      @TrephineArtist Před 9 dny +4

      @@FineBlackSea 🤡

    • @FineBlackSea
      @FineBlackSea Před 9 dny

      How many rublos do you receive for your comments?
      ...or you receive in Dollars?
      - ,The russian Banks have no Dollars anymore and rublos is Trash

    • @TrephineArtist
      @TrephineArtist Před 8 dny +1

      @@FineBlackSea If you're not a bot then it's yet another example of a person so indoctrinated by our globalist western media that they can no longer see the truth or have any inclination to know the truth which is there if you look for it, even with all the censorship that now exists. I've known about what the Kiev regime has been up to since 2014 as a good friend of mine originally from Donetsk had to rescue her mother from there and bring her safely to France, several times until she received permanent residency here.

  • @SvenjaIpsen
    @SvenjaIpsen Před 9 dny +3

    Thank you for keeping us so well informed!!

  • @user-sb9my6md7c
    @user-sb9my6md7c Před 9 dny +6

    Merci encore Dima pour les informations.

  • @verypleasantguy
    @verypleasantguy Před 9 dny +23

    *_URA_*_ !!!_

  • @MrMmccoll
    @MrMmccoll Před 9 dny +6

    As always, thank you Dima for your hard work Huge respect

  • @alexandernorman5337
    @alexandernorman5337 Před 9 dny +12

    Most of Donetsk Oblast will be under Russian administration in five months if the current rates of advance hold. The Ukr side may want to have that meeting sooner.

    • @antonoksenenko275
      @antonoksenenko275 Před 9 dny +1

      Они будут очень спешить скорей провести второй саммит и при этом что то там отвоевать.
      Нашим тоже нужно не оплошать - я верю, что все будет в нашу пользу!

    • @GeorgesPatapon
      @GeorgesPatapon Před 9 dny +2

      At this rate? Absolutely not. Rather 24 years or so.

    • @alexandernorman5337
      @alexandernorman5337 Před 9 dny +1

      @@GeorgesPatapon You ain't paying attention then. The lines in Donetsk Oblast is moving pretty quickly as far as trench warfare is concerned.

    • @sarahbrown5073
      @sarahbrown5073 Před 9 dny +1

      ​@@GeorgesPataponthe speed of western movement is increasing every day. The ability to change the direction of movement does not exist.

    • @GeorgesPatapon
      @GeorgesPatapon Před 9 dny

      @@sarahbrown5073 Can you develop? I'm curious.

  • @user-cv9vi7hp7n
    @user-cv9vi7hp7n Před 9 dny +13

    Любые переговоры бесполезны, пока хотя бы одна из сторон, считает, что не добилась желаемого и может сделать это военным способом. Для хода переговоров, не особо важно, насколько, та или другая сторона продвинулась. Важна только уверенность в том, что твоя сторона может добиться желаемого в будущем и цена которую она заплатит, приемлема.

    • @rogerlevy57
      @rogerlevy57 Před 9 dny +2

      I like this comment, and line of thinking. It is also useless if they negotiate and achieve a ceasefire but one side in particular is planning on re-equipping and resuming the war to achieve those aims, like you say.

    • @user-cv9vi7hp7n
      @user-cv9vi7hp7n Před 9 dny +2

      @@rogerlevy57 Несомненно обе стороны будут это делать. Это происходит на протяжении всей истории человечества. Из недавних можно вспомнить Германию, которая потерпела сокрушительное поражение в Первой Мировой Войне. Но уже через несколько десятилетий, решила попытаться взять реванш. Потом ее раздели на два государства. А сегодня Германия снова готовится к войне. Или можем взять, как пример, Польшу... Которая подвергалась разделу несколько раз... и каждый раз не упускала возможности, влезть в очередной конфликт с соседями... Не Вы, не я... не можем изменить суть человеческой природы.

  • @rogerboniface8086
    @rogerboniface8086 Před 9 dny +4

    Romania 3 v Ukraine 0.The BBC commentator said "Ukraine time is fast running out" How true.

    • @knurft886
      @knurft886 Před 8 dny

      Nope it was a 3-0 draw, ukraine didn't loose.
      If that was the case the players would be send to the front.
      Btw lots of ukrainian divisions from Monaco in that stadion

  • @sg8539
    @sg8539 Před 9 dny +7

    Thanks Dima.

  • @rizazo9035
    @rizazo9035 Před 9 dny +14

    Make art no war

    • @ansonang7810
      @ansonang7810 Před 9 dny

      When they suppressed an ordinary Austrian from becoming an Artist.

  • @ashleywiedemann1005
    @ashleywiedemann1005 Před 9 dny +4

    Russian forces have received a number of new Su-34s to attack Ukrainian ground targets. This twin-engine, two-seat aircraft with an armored cockpit is equipped to engage effectively against both small and mobile targets. It features advanced avionics and can deploy cutting-edge aerial munitions like glide bombs, which enhance its ground target engagement range and bombing precision. In early September 2023, it was revealed that a Su-34 Fullback was equipped with a Kinzhal hypersonic missile, which it had also fired on a target inside Ukraine.

  • @c4me540
    @c4me540 Před 9 dny +3

    At this point, I don’t think the Russians will attend

  • @uhadme
    @uhadme Před 9 dny +29

    Like and Subscribe to #1 Military Summary

  • @bernfrank3966
    @bernfrank3966 Před 9 dny +3

    Thank you 👍

  • @user-nz6dt1nc3c
    @user-nz6dt1nc3c Před 9 dny +5

    Jake Sullivan the Ukraineins are winning 😂😂😂😂😂

  • @user-qg2xp3dz3b
    @user-qg2xp3dz3b Před 9 dny +27

    Its very annoying that thay are doing but to be expected. 50 years agp when i was 8 years old at school here in new Zealand. We had kids from England. One told me his dad said we need wars to keep the population down .So good to see thay are sticking to the plan. I never agreed with that but what choices do we hiave now .although i kthink that plan needs some adjustments. If you haven't noticed thay have been keeping at it over the last 5 decades. Large numbers have been deleted. But who and whos next

    • @andyhobbs2812
      @andyhobbs2812 Před 9 dny +4

      It's a huge money spin as well buddy!!!🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🇬🇧👍👍😎😎🍀🍀

  • @JosipRadnik1
    @JosipRadnik1 Před 9 dny +6

    Vovchansk just looks like a mini cauldron to me. The same principle as used in Avdiivka and Bachmut. The forces at the aggregate plant might act as bait to draw Ukranian reinforcements into the town.

    • @antonoksenenko275
      @antonoksenenko275 Před 9 dny +2

      Spetznas. " Ukis are in front, behind, and on both flanks. They cant get away this time."

  • @user-zl1kv9fv6s
    @user-zl1kv9fv6s Před 9 dny +6

    Sehr guter Bericht

  • @domfel2123
    @domfel2123 Před 9 dny +5

    if you had a penny for every trip zalensky took these past 2 yrs!

    • @peterelson2828
      @peterelson2828 Před 9 dny

      If you had a penny for every million Zelensky and his corrupt government has stolen you would be better off but same applies to UK corrupt government over last 4yrs

  • @RickyRisnandar
    @RickyRisnandar Před 9 dny +6

    i thought you said from your previous video, the Russian is encircled in the north

    • @antonoksenenko275
      @antonoksenenko275 Před 9 dny +4

      Spetznas. " Ukis are in front, behind, and on both flanks. They cant get away this time."

  • @philippeclerat4524
    @philippeclerat4524 Před 9 dny +2

    DAVAÎ Russie from Normandie ❤

  • @user-bc9ju1cf2x
    @user-bc9ju1cf2x Před 9 dny +2

    Tend to disagree about the part towards heading to peace negotiations in five months and eventually ending the war on that timeline. I don’t think the Russians are close enough to physically achieving their objectives for the Ukrainians to concede to something that’s acceptable for the russians

    • @truthseekerodinson5094
      @truthseekerodinson5094 Před 8 dny +1

      Peace negotiations before winter are worth a try. Both Russia and Ukraine are going to have cold, hard winters. It's also right before the US election, it'll be up in the air whether Biden wins (endless weapons for Ukraine) or Trump wins (no weapons for Ukraine). The uncertainty might make positions soften a bit.

  • @GrandHeresiarch
    @GrandHeresiarch Před 9 dny +14

    5 months eh? When was that USA election again?

  • @jjshebanow
    @jjshebanow Před 8 dny +3

    Prisoners? But Ukriane has only lost 30,000 soldiers. Zelenskyy said so, and everything he says is true! Also, he has never used cocaine.

  • @bottomrung5777
    @bottomrung5777 Před 9 dny +2

    Russia needs say that no negotiations in one week means all electricity supply routes in Ukraine will be shut down. 😢

  • @Jose59649
    @Jose59649 Před 9 dny +1


  • @jonathanhartley3454
    @jonathanhartley3454 Před 9 dny +9

    Russia has a strong standing for negotiations because they have 4 regions of Ukraine

  • @redbaron6322
    @redbaron6322 Před 9 dny +2

    'Gluboke' seems to translate to 'Ukrainian death'!
    Why would anyone of them want to live there?

  • @yodamaster3079
    @yodamaster3079 Před 9 dny +9


  • @mbp1652
    @mbp1652 Před 9 dny

    Let's go

  • @brekgar89
    @brekgar89 Před 9 dny +5

    Lol the next peace summit,...

  • @callejondorado
    @callejondorado Před 8 dny

    The WP article also said “Recruiting criminals - a common practice in Russia, where tens of thousands were freed to fight in Ukraine - is the latest sign of Kyiv’s struggle to replenish its forces” What can you say about it? Does it sound correct “tens of thousands”?

  • @Jeremiah20vs9
    @Jeremiah20vs9 Před 9 dny +22

    King 👑 JESUS is Coming

    • @benjammin3381
      @benjammin3381 Před 9 dny

      God is dead.

    • @dmitryxxx26
      @dmitryxxx26 Před 9 dny +6

      ​@@benjammin3381god is immortal by definition

    • @user-gu1ld3nb3y
      @user-gu1ld3nb3y Před 9 dny +2

      He is very close, yes.

    • @deadpoolguy283
      @deadpoolguy283 Před 9 dny

      @@benjammin3381 Who are you, Simp Reznor!?

    • @benjammin3381
      @benjammin3381 Před 9 dny

      @@dmitryxxx26 God isnt real and only lives on in the older generations. Give it a few 100years and todays religions will likely be more or less gone. Hence, dead but i guess dying would be more accurate.

  • @gandhi9936
    @gandhi9936 Před 9 dny +19

    Z and his acolytes / masters have been accumulating $billions during this conflict; what have their troops been accumulating apart from medals, handshakes, and nightmares?

    • @rogerlevy57
      @rogerlevy57 Před 9 dny

      When you say Z, I assume you mean Gerasimov and Shoigu, the Z leadership team and their 40 thieves.

  • @Dav-uo4ci
    @Dav-uo4ci Před 8 dny

    No negotiations, fight fight.

  • @captainvardia9923
    @captainvardia9923 Před 9 dny +2


  • @Starrsy4
    @Starrsy4 Před 9 dny +2

    Skrewtoob is messing up with ads and video interruptions.

  • @booger65man
    @booger65man Před 9 dny +2

    I thought the Ukrainian army had been decimated and they left with just a bunch of old men?

    • @legbreaker2762
      @legbreaker2762 Před 8 dny

      Even the Germans in the dying days of WWII were able to amase troops for offensive actions.
      Those were of course doomed to failure, wasted lives and achieved nothing, but they could still manage to scrape units together for the insanity.

  • @ceemor3404
    @ceemor3404 Před 9 dny +1

    How can either army still transport troops in this manner in 2024???? 😢

    @NYDBLoCK Před 8 dny +1

    " 0:07 " Did Russia capture a portion of Western Ukraine near Moldova?

    • @MojoBonfire
      @MojoBonfire Před 8 dny +2

      It is a breakaway state called Transnistria and they align themselves with Russia

  • @Carnivore-Chronicle
    @Carnivore-Chronicle Před 9 dny +1

    The storm troopers are not playing around

  • @jimrobcoyle
    @jimrobcoyle Před 6 dny +1

    Hail the algorithm! 😉

  • @mv69969
    @mv69969 Před 9 dny +26

    Russians have Possibilities, Ukrainians have possibilities, Russians understand, Ukrainians understand, everybody understands and so on… according to information we have or something like that 😅

    • @rockybalboa3469
      @rockybalboa3469 Před 9 dny +2

      his language is so primitive, pointed it out many times. 'Strong Winter' (c)! why not to say 'harsh' or something?...

    • @samuelarthur9247
      @samuelarthur9247 Před 9 dny +6

      ​@@rockybalboa3469not a native speaker 😅

    • @rockybalboa3469
      @rockybalboa3469 Před 9 dny +1

      @@samuelarthur9247 it is not my mother tongue either, but his English is unbearable (((

    • @Jocular-mt3jb
      @Jocular-mt3jb Před 9 dny +11

      @@rockybalboa3469 I am a native speaker and Dima makes all clear to me, I understand why he says things the way he does.

    • @rockybalboa3469
      @rockybalboa3469 Před 9 dny +2

      @@Jocular-mt3jb and why?, please enlighten me )))

  • @pascalparis5353
    @pascalparis5353 Před 9 dny +1


  • @tanmaypandey4028
    @tanmaypandey4028 Před 9 dny +2

    Vivchans'k is truly Vivcha

  • @giselamalik8693
    @giselamalik8693 Před 9 dny +1

    Yesterday you have told: the Russians in Vochansk are enzirkelt by UAs and without al what is nessesary. Now they have the Aggregat and al is ok?? Can they break throu???

  • @lance9150
    @lance9150 Před 9 dny +1

    Smash the like button, commander.

  • @Andrew-bs1mi
    @Andrew-bs1mi Před 8 dny

    It would be nice to get some analysis on how long this thing can continue. I don't understand why these ukrainians just don't quit

  • @-anna-6468
    @-anna-6468 Před 9 dny

    Overall summer pause, it seems.

  • @nadiawheeler4772
    @nadiawheeler4772 Před 9 dny

  • @patrickcerta4998
    @patrickcerta4998 Před 9 dny +3


  • @ostryabear2914
    @ostryabear2914 Před 9 dny +1

    Hi Dima, A Yankee, very pro Ukrainian Channel ( The Enforcer) claimed that yesterday 400 Russian Soldiers surrendered in the Vovchansk battle, probably bs but what are your thoughts. Keep up the Great Work Dima.

  • @corruptcsgo3354
    @corruptcsgo3354 Před 9 dny +3


  • @giselamalik8693
    @giselamalik8693 Před 9 dny

    Theire have ben about 200 Soldiers, 2 Companies . Whats about them?

  • @amarsta
    @amarsta Před 8 dny

    Is it Volchansk or Vovchansk? 🤔

  • @antonoksenenko275
    @antonoksenenko275 Před 9 dny +1

    Про фаб 5000 реальная новость или фейк?

  • @Slowv8Fiero
    @Slowv8Fiero Před 9 dny +11


  • @rustam5003
    @rustam5003 Před 8 dny

    But, but author yesterday said that Ukrainians winning Volchansk

  • @user-friendlyhuman
    @user-friendlyhuman Před 9 dny +1

    Euro Cup Romania smashed Ukraine 3-0! Romania 🇷🇴 ❤ 🇷🇺

  • @MrChovo2
    @MrChovo2 Před 9 dny +6

    As alwais he confuses desires with reality.

  • @xKevmachinex
    @xKevmachinex Před 9 dny

    Any protests going on in ukraine recently? or ever? just curious.....

  • @mohammadashraf1671
    @mohammadashraf1671 Před 9 dny

    Can anyone explain the reasons why the Russian army could not gain in the southern war field despite the redeployment of a large number of Experienced Ukrainian troops with equipment from Kherson and Zaparazhoe area to the Krarkiv front?

    • @Andrew-bs1mi
      @Andrew-bs1mi Před 8 dny

      They are digging in defense positions in case anything goes wrong but it'll happen

    • @rilmehakonen9688
      @rilmehakonen9688 Před 7 dny

      "the Russian army could not gain" That is a big assumption.

  • @schroder1972utrecht
    @schroder1972utrecht Před 9 dny

    what about the 300.000 men waiting for them across the border?

  • @user-kf5jv7ut5j
    @user-kf5jv7ut5j Před 9 dny +4

    Greetings and good luck from Ireland.we stand in solidarity with the mighty Russia.

  • @johnvl6358
    @johnvl6358 Před 9 dny


  • @tanksmakau7672
    @tanksmakau7672 Před 9 dny +12

    Lunatic zelenskyy must surrender

  • @kraegk
    @kraegk Před 9 dny +3


  • @kreuz8170
    @kreuz8170 Před 9 dny +8

    LOT of wishful thinking for the Ukrainians in this report.

  • @JohnDoe-tv4zf
    @JohnDoe-tv4zf Před 9 dny

    Put your likes

  • @cornflake9654
    @cornflake9654 Před 8 dny

    What is with the red colored zone next to Moldavia? Why is that?

    • @MojoBonfire
      @MojoBonfire Před 8 dny +2

      It is a breakaway state called Transnistria and they align themselves with Russia

    • @cornflake9654
      @cornflake9654 Před 5 dny

      @@MojoBonfire Thanks mate!

  • @Short_Clips44
    @Short_Clips44 Před 8 dny

    can russia survive a nuclear scenario? Do they have realistic plans? Im curious.

    • @rustam5003
      @rustam5003 Před 8 dny

      Yes, Putin voiced that plan - “we will die and go to heaven the rest just will die” a good plan, don’t you think so?! 😄

    • @Short_Clips44
      @Short_Clips44 Před 7 dny

      @@rustam5003 I asked a serious question, your answer seems sarcasm ? Really wanna know.

    • @rustam5003
      @rustam5003 Před 7 dny

      @@Short_Clips44 Look, nuclear scenario is the end once and for all. There are retaliation strikes plans and automatic “dead hand” launch system for ICBMs. Is that answer serious enough?

  • @AbisaeOketch
    @AbisaeOketch Před 9 dny +1

    Washing machine in action

  • @juansantana8448
    @juansantana8448 Před 8 dny

    Why Russia, with all its power, nuclear weapons, and aviation, etc., etc., doesn´t just burn any and all enemies where they stand - I know that is what the US would do if they were fighting this war. So, unless the West is correct in saying Russia cannot handle a third-class enemy (which I don't believe for a minute), it is very hard to understand why Russia is playing this cat and muse game.

  • @consciousklick
    @consciousklick Před 9 dny +2

    Ukraine is not restoring a dam thing dude sometimes your grasp on reality is questionable

  • @jucelinocousseauneres4832

    O ce não sabe faser comentário sobre a guerra não faça na capa tava que a Rússia tinha conquistada uma sidade mas você não mostrou nada tem alguns lugares com a bandeira da Rússia e só tá em branco no Mapa
    De floripa sc Brasil

  • @user-li5cr6wv5b
    @user-li5cr6wv5b Před 9 dny +1

    Mate, listen to your deer 🦌 friend. Ability and possibility are different words in English, and possibility is used for measuring a chance of event. You are not doing it right, tovarisch

  • @cententcymbalsusa1590

    Its always easy to spot the trollls and newbies 😂