Why Flat Earth Will Never Be Taken Seriously By Serious People

  • čas přidán 7. 09. 2024
  • Today I want to look at why flat earth will never be taken seriously by anyone serious. Flat earthers will claim conspiracy, but it's more due to the fact that flat earthers don't make an effort to make flat earth something serious. This analysis can also be applied to other things like Young Earth Creationism too.
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Komentáře • 792

  • @redcedar425
    @redcedar425 Před 2 měsíci +31

    "Flat earther don't take flat earth seriously." If they did, they would actually work on developing a flat earth model. They would test the models to find out which ones work and which ones don't. Instead they seem proud of not having a model and somehow this is better than the globe model that has been tested and confirmed to work.

    • @88mphDrBrown
      @88mphDrBrown Před 2 měsíci

      My guess is that reality is sort of like a filter. The flerfs who are serious make a real attempt and become disillusioned by all the problems, so the only ones left are the dishonest, delusional, and lazy.

    • @noinfo9130
      @noinfo9130 Před 2 měsíci

      the best grift is the one where you take real world things, and twist words around and gaslight so the words used dont mean what they actually mean. and you can 'prove' it with definitions that have magically recently changed. you know things like 'vaccination' and 'global warming'
      its how government and big business work. flat earthers just cant get enough money together to get big media to run stories that 'prove' what theyre claiming. if the news says 'buy it' morons will buy it.
      tl;dr all flat earth needs to do to become 'reality' is throw more money at main stream media.

    • @John.0z
      @John.0z Před 2 měsíci +7

      A few have tried in the past. They even parade physical models at "conferences" - where they think there will be few people to notice and critique the nonsense. The number of exceptionally thorough debunks each attempt attracted has seen a distinct avoidance of that approach of late. They now think that claiming that they "make no claims" excuses them. In short, it doesn't.

    • @Kualinar
      @Kualinar Před 2 měsíci +3

      For most flatards, having a model is a Bad Thing. It's something to avoid at all cost.

    • @Tsudico
      @Tsudico Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@John.0z That is because they don't realize that their "make no claim" excuse isn't actually a negative claim but almost always a positive claim indicating a negative result. The only viable "make no claim" nowadays would be "I don't care about the shape of the Earth" which would actually be perfectly fine for most people.

  • @Graeme_Lastname
    @Graeme_Lastname Před 2 měsíci +10

    Those that refuse reality should NOT be allowed to vote or roam unattended.

    • @SysterYster
      @SysterYster Před 2 měsíci +3

      Or use the internet

    • @Graeme_Lastname
      @Graeme_Lastname Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@SysterYster Yeah m8, that to. 🖖

    • @route2033
      @route2033 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Agreed so if you say you're a gender you're not get an evaluation from a dr.

    • @Graeme_Lastname
      @Graeme_Lastname Před 2 měsíci

      @@route2033 Reality is reality. 🙂

  • @brucethen
    @brucethen Před 2 měsíci +31

    "The earth spins, specifically when I am drunk, it wants to have a good time", that line sure made me chuckle

  • @dawnmcauley6411
    @dawnmcauley6411 Před 2 měsíci +96

    One of the major differences between flat-earthers and scientists I find: flat-earthers want (or at least appear to want) to be *right.* In science, not only do you expect to eventually be wrong, you work to *prove* yourself wrong.

    • @Scudboy17
      @Scudboy17 Před 2 měsíci

      All of pseudoscience revolves around finding one thing they can point to that casts some doubt on conversational scientific understanding, ignoring the 999 other pieces of evidence that do NOT support their belief. Flerfs and other conspiracy nuts also have 0 scientific rigor. They conduct 1 experiment 1 time and call it a success. No controls, no documentation, hell, no hypothesis other than "I'm already right."

    • @BlazeMakesGames
      @BlazeMakesGames Před 2 měsíci

      yeah that is ultimately the biggest misconception that a lot of these kinds of anti-establishment people have. They want to be right, so they assume *everyone* feels the same way they do. But the reality is that if you can actually conclusively prove a bunch of scientists wrong, they will gladly help you do it and give you tons of awards and sponsorship money when you do!
      But of course from their perspective because they're just peddling complete nonsense that they don't understand, nobody takes them seriously, and so their perspective is "Big Science is trying to ignore us and put us down! They don't want this to come to light!" when it's really more the equivalent of a 2 year old nagging their parents about wanting them to buy a spaceship and getting ignored.

    • @Schmidtelpunkt
      @Schmidtelpunkt Před 2 měsíci +13

      Yep. Or in other words: Flerfers don't understand scientific methodology.

    • @GrumpyMunkyGameDesign
      @GrumpyMunkyGameDesign Před 2 měsíci +6

      Same as game design, its easy to make a system WORK, then you let the public loose and they find all the ways it DOESNT, we need that information more than we need the information on what DOES work.

    • @cnp172
      @cnp172 Před 2 měsíci +2

      well, scientists do not actually work to prove themselves wrong, but they definitely scrutinize their results and the preconditions to find any flaws in their own arguments.
      I myself, when I have created an electronic design that works, I ask myself the question: why does it work 😛 and what is the likelihood that it will fail and if it does, how.
      You may say that it is an attemp to prove themselves wrong, but nevertheless 🙂

  • @MariaMartinez-researcher
    @MariaMartinez-researcher Před 2 měsíci +103

    The major objection about flat Earth is that it has nothing to give. Nothing in flat Earth improves anything. It has nothing to do with real life.
    For example:
    - Chilean here. I cannot see the North Star from my location, not even with a telescope, since the bulk of spherical Earth gets in the way. People in the Northern Hemisphere above 26° latitude cannot see the Southern Cross. But we can see the stars if we travel, either North or South, and see them appear very low in the night horizon.
    - The Southern Cross can be seen from Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, which have it in their flags. The southern Chilean Region of Magallanes has it in its flag too. There are time lapses in CZcams of that constellation seen from those countries. All of those countries point in different directions in the flat Earth map.
    - The stars turn counterclockwise around the North Star in the Northern Hemisphere, they turn *clockwise* around a point where there is an almost invisible star (Sigma Octantis) in the Southern Hemisphere. How come that a flat Earth can have two celestial poles?
    Similarly, Earth has magnetic poles, negative and positive, that's how all magnets and all compasses work. Two opposite poles.
    - Flatearthers say that the Sun (and the Moon) somehow floats above Earth and it never really sets. Every clear sunset here in Santiago, the shadow of spherical Earth climbs the Andes mountains as the Sun is setting. This can be seen wherever there are mountains to the East, or tall buildings. Also, us the people in the border of flat Earth should see the Sun and the Moon having a semi-circular path high in the sky, instead of a straight one from East to West.
    - Chile is *very long.* Long enough so that in our Summer (November to January) there are noticeably more hours of daylight in Punta Arenas (Southernmost city) than in Arica (Northernmost city). How come that the Sun stays less time above the center of flat Earth and more time above the border of it? Does it move at two different speeds simultaneously? The opposite happens from May to July, when daylight hours are remarkably short in Punta Arenas while in Siberia, Canada and Alaska they have no night. The daylight differences between Chile's North and South tips can be seen in the Chilean IFIS website (Internet Flight Information System, aipchile . dgac . gob . cl / camara), which has cameras of the Chilean airports from North to South. This also matches the observations of midnight Sun in the Southern Pole, which matches with an spherical planet, spinning on a tilted axis.
    - In the flat Earth map, the meridians split like the spokes of a wheel. But days, nights, hours, are not consistently longer in the places situated in the borders of flat Earth, all year long. Two places located at the same distance in *degrees of longitude* are at a shorter distance in miles or kilometers both in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere, the shorter the more closer they are to the Poles, and at a longer distance the closer they are to the Equator. Accurate distances matter to every traveler, specially for the ones on planes.
    - The year 2024 has had northern and *southern* lights, a big solar eclipse, and it is a leap year. All those events cannot be explained consistently in the flat Earth model - which does not exist. There is not a single model in which all flatearthers agree.
    - All what Flat Earth gurus do is criticize the globe model. If they were right, they should produce the best maps, the best weather forecasts, the best predictions of astronomical phenomena. But, they can't even agree on one explanation for Moon's phases. Not to speak about the cause of earthquakes.
    That's why we know Earth is a sphere, "we" including every person whose profession or trade has to do with the shape of Earth. Because, since the ancient Greek onwards, we do believe to our own eyes and use our brains instead of believing to some guy in a conspiracy theory video. We *know* it is spherical, as every navigator, pilot, cartographer, meteorologist, climatologist, ecologist, geographer, surveyor, geologist, long-distance communications expert, ballistics expert, etc., knows it.
    We in the evidence-based world speak about practical reality, which says that no flat Earth guru is a professional in any trade related to Earth's shape. None. No whistleblowers here. Just people who live from videos, clicks, likes, books, conferences.

    • @Slicerwizard
      @Slicerwizard Před 2 měsíci +16

      Excellent post. Thank you.

    • @Cynicalgeek743
      @Cynicalgeek743 Před 2 měsíci +11

      I cannot conceive of writing such a long post without a single grammatical or typographical error. Bravo! Oh, and everything you write makes, perfect sense, is demonstrably accurate and reproducible, and represents clear evidence of a globe Earth, I could add numerous complementary arguments but how many examples do you need?

    • @normancharlesworth1289
      @normancharlesworth1289 Před 2 měsíci +7

      Wow-absolutely amazing summation.'Nuff said.........

    • @TheStevecas9860
      @TheStevecas9860 Před 2 měsíci +5

      Maria A perfect explanation based on reality!

    • @camustang1966
      @camustang1966 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Well said!

  • @mgrzx3367
    @mgrzx3367 Před 2 měsíci +12

    A flat earth convention announcement stated " People from all over the globe are coming." The flat globe?

    • @noinfo9130
      @noinfo9130 Před 2 měsíci +3

      global flat earth conventions are fun.

    • @John.0z
      @John.0z Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@noinfo9130 When an Australian TV news crew attended one, they thought it was a good laugh. 🤣

  • @Mayurpaj
    @Mayurpaj Před 2 měsíci +7

    Yesterday I was directed to Quartering hosting a debate for Adam Witless(A.K.A. the word salad guy) and Dave. Couldn't watch the whole video because of my habit of going to comment section of long videos to learn what other viewers are saying, all the flerfs and suddenly converted to flerfs were attacking Dave's attitude and character and not his points. Reading those comments, I found no reason to take flerfs seriously.
    I would have a serious conversation with a newborn baby before trying with those "believers" again.

    • @theultimatereductionist7592
      @theultimatereductionist7592 Před 2 měsíci

      "Couldn't watch the whole video because of my habit of going to comment section of long videos to learn what other viewers are saying" ME! GUILTY!

  • @northernbrother1258
    @northernbrother1258 Před 2 měsíci +13

    I just want a flat earther to explain their model... I'll wait ...

  • @myeyeswentdeaf6213
    @myeyeswentdeaf6213 Před 2 měsíci +5

    The reason flat earth should never be taken seriously is because if the Earth was flat, the edges would be THEE BIGGEST travel destination in history. Also it shouldn’t be taken seriously because absolutely stupid

  • @adventureswithedna
    @adventureswithedna Před 2 měsíci +30

    Seems like Flat Earth Millionare could afford to visit Antarctica

    • @Anson_AKB
      @Anson_AKB Před 2 měsíci +19

      maybe he could _pay the costs_ to travel there,
      but NO flerf can *_afford_* to travel there ...
      because he no longer could be a flerf afterwards (without _obviously_ lieing).

    • @thegrumpyoldmechanic6245
      @thegrumpyoldmechanic6245 Před 2 měsíci +6

      Antarctic Logistics offers a fully supported ski trip to the South Pole for a mere $89250.

    • @BreakYourBubble
      @BreakYourBubble Před 2 měsíci +6

      ​@@Anson_AKB You underestimate the power of denial

  • @stephenmonaghan6030
    @stephenmonaghan6030 Před 2 měsíci +6

    "Based on vibes" = best single phrase debunk of flat earth ever. This need a t-shirt.

  • @jbz4788
    @jbz4788 Před 2 měsíci +30

    Flat Earthers saying that the horizon is due to things just getting too far away falls apart just from going to a higher elevation.
    You see further higher up, which on a flat plane would mean that any object would actually be further away from you when you’re at (say) 1000 feet/metres/whatever measurement elevation than at 0 of it.
    Pythagorus must be spinning in his grave.

    • @EmeraldLavigne
      @EmeraldLavigne Před 2 měsíci +10

      You can prove to yourself that the Earth is round by going to a coast that looks west, laying down, watching the sun set, and then standing up as soon as it dips below the horizon to watch it set again.

    • @logicbdj
      @logicbdj Před 2 měsíci

      @@EmeraldLavigne There's a video that disproves what you're saying. But what do I know.

    • @logicbdj
      @logicbdj Před 2 měsíci

      You do realize that if we were on a ball, you would have to look down to see the horizon when in a plane, but you don't... it's straight ahead. The highest part of the Earth would always be directly below you, whereas into the distance it would curve away from you in all directions. But it doesn't.

    • @m_chupon5131
      @m_chupon5131 Před 2 měsíci +14

      @@logicbdj Have you done the math to know what angle downward you'd expect to be looking from a plane? I know you haven't, or you wouldn't have posted that. It's like 3 or 4 degrees. That's not going to be obvious unless you've brought scientific instruments to measure it. Feel free to bring a theodolite along next time you get on a plane and get back to us.

    • @BreakYourBubble
      @BreakYourBubble Před 2 měsíci +10

      ​@@logicbdjYou can do this at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Sunset at ground level and then again in the tower

  • @DaveFromColorado
    @DaveFromColorado Před 2 měsíci +19

    I have multiple sclerosis, and a vestibular neuroma. I always feel like the Earth is spinning. Therefore, it must be spinning. Even my eyes track as though it is spinning, that's a truly unfortunate part of ms, but it happens. But because I have this disease, that means I'm more enlightened?

    • @nunya_bizniz
      @nunya_bizniz Před 2 měsíci +4

      Well, you just didn't pray hard enough...
      Edit: I'm being sarcastic.

  • @vickanid1862
    @vickanid1862 Před 2 měsíci +14

    The one oddity is flat earthers don't explain how the other planets are globes. I mean you can see through telescopes etc., how they revolve and are definitely not flat. Yet they think Earth is flat. odd reasoning.

    • @bobblum5973
      @bobblum5973 Před 2 měsíci +4

      They tend to latch onto blurry, unfocused images and video, claiming they are real. I agree, they are real... Real blurry, really out of focus. 🙄

    • @edkrzywdzinski9121
      @edkrzywdzinski9121 Před 2 měsíci +4

      They say they are either special, lights, holograms on the dome. Just lights. Not really planets or just other flat disks.
      They got a whole heap of excuses.

    • @SysterYster
      @SysterYster Před 2 měsíci

      They can't even agree about those things. Some say the planets are round, but earth is flat. Some say planets are not real and just lights in the sky. Other say all are flat. Which in itself is proof to me, that they don't know what they're talking about and shouldn't be listened to.

    • @Robert08010
      @Robert08010 Před 2 měsíci

      Reasoning? You expect too much!

  • @grahvis
    @grahvis Před 2 měsíci +123

    Flat earth will never be taken seriously, mainly because it is so simple to show basic observations do not match with the Earth being flat.

    • @michaelcole506
      @michaelcole506 Před 2 měsíci +17

      No kidding. It gets really weird when they try to explain the behavior of the stars. 🤦‍♂️

    • @williamrowe8387
      @williamrowe8387 Před 2 měsíci +10

      ​@@michaelcole506don't even mention the moon...

    • @korbit8307
      @korbit8307 Před 2 měsíci +12

      Flat earth has to work backwards a LOT. Not only to they have to conclusively disprove the globe earth works as a model- something they fail to do in good faith all the time- but they ALSO have to find an explanation for how something works on a flat earth. Stars is a great example, how they rotate is so nonsense that they came up with personal skies explanations, as if that makes more sense than just saying they're wrong.

    • @AndySmith4501
      @AndySmith4501 Před 2 měsíci

      What about the moon

    • @AndySmith4501
      @AndySmith4501 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Give me an example of one of these basic observations

  • @BillGarrett
    @BillGarrett Před 2 měsíci +79

    Flat earth is the grift that keeps on grifting

    • @jeffknight904
      @jeffknight904 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Ain't that the truth!

    • @jonnawyatt
      @jonnawyatt Před 2 měsíci +1

      That's capitalism for ya.

    • @tornagawn
      @tornagawn Před 2 měsíci

      Flerfs are the gits that keep on grifting…..
      Cheers NASA….love my globe shill bitcoin.

    • @noinfo9130
      @noinfo9130 Před 2 měsíci

      it doesnt earn anywhere near as much money as the green energy scam or the magic wu flu.

    • @SGW4K
      @SGW4K Před 2 měsíci +3

      And by not participating in the final experiment they guarantee the grift will live on

  • @ALaModePi
    @ALaModePi Před 2 měsíci +24

    If flat earthers wanted to be taken seriously, they'd take the time to do their math right, they'd take the time to get their geometry right, they'd take the time to get their logic right, they'd make the effort to weigh arguments and reason theough them... but after that, they'd realize they were wrong.

    • @SysterYster
      @SysterYster Před 2 měsíci +3

      Even when they do, they still look at their own proof of a spherical earth, then they say: "This is wrong, the earth is flat." They don't care about proof. They just want attention.

    • @Robert08010
      @Robert08010 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Oh, no... They're far too smart to get confused by all that "math" stuff. It just gets in the way of what they "know".

  • @fepeerreview3150
    @fepeerreview3150 Před 2 měsíci +9

    0:40 Great title and you're on a roll!
    I'm going to jump in and say that I've found, after 4 years of exposure to CZcams's Flat Earth "community", that they are profoundly, deeply shallow. Attempting a deep dive into Flat Earth is like cliff diving into a puddle. Not a good idea.

  • @critthought2866
    @critthought2866 Před 2 měsíci +10

    Thank you for pointing out that flat-earthers are really more properly globe-deniers, as that's where their efforts are. And also for showing that they don't understand hypothesis testing. (disproving the globe in no way proves the earth is flat)

    • @noinfo9130
      @noinfo9130 Před 2 měsíci

      i believe the correct term now is 'hesitant' (because thats what you call someone who told you 'no' now)
      sorry im just laughing at the crap people pick and choose to call a crazy conspiracy theory while using the exact same logic flat earthers do to justify a bunch of other absolute unscientific crap that is only believed because media says its real. y'all want to see reality for what it actually is, start applying the logic you apply to flat earthers, to literally everything else you read or hear from any authority or big business.
      i mean for a start, its kind of hard to take someone talking about the difference between reality and feelings with a pink blue and white flag on the desk very seriously. people pick and choose what science they believe or dont all the time.

    • @critthought2866
      @critthought2866 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@noinfo9130 Why did you address that to me? I literally wrote nothing about any of that. If you want to address planarwalk, send a message directly to him. Or address what I actually wrote.

  • @EmeraldLavigne
    @EmeraldLavigne Před 2 měsíci +17

    All the serious Flat Earthers have moved on to Qanon

    • @germancomment2244
      @germancomment2244 Před 2 měsíci +4

      That's actually a revolving door. But I like the foldable ideas video too. 😊

    • @Starhawke_Gaming
      @Starhawke_Gaming Před 2 měsíci +4

      @Emerald - "serious" and "Flat Earthers" is an oxymoron 😅

    • @fakeaname
      @fakeaname Před 2 měsíci +2

      They’ve come back

    • @noinfo9130
      @noinfo9130 Před 2 měsíci

      and came back because too much 'qanon' stuff actually happened. they prefer nonsensical harmless stuff. not warnings about upcoming medical experiments and democrats stealing elections.

  • @karlgunterwunsch1950
    @karlgunterwunsch1950 Před 2 měsíci +12

    They can't be taken seriously because it doesn't suffice to say "nah ah, this doesn't work like that" but they need to say "nah ah, this does work like this instead" - thus they need to provide a verifiable answer to all the phenomena you can observe and should observe if the earth is flat, the sun is 3000 miles over us, or 30000 miles, how lunar and solar eclipses work - and calculate them in advance so that their claim can be verified.
    What they don't realise is that almost all of our current technology is derivative of the physics they claim "nah ah, no gravity, electro magnetism it is (what about magnetic materials then)" down to the combustion motors their vehicles propel.

  • @fepeerreview3150
    @fepeerreview3150 Před 2 měsíci +11

    Sorry. I can't go to Antarctica. I'm washing my hair that day.

    • @CD_Character
      @CD_Character Před 2 měsíci +3

      Like the Flerf who had his brain washed. Now, he can't do a thing with it.

  • @5peciesunkn0wn
    @5peciesunkn0wn Před 2 měsíci +17

    Something fun some people did was measure how far away the sun would have to be, at sea level, to not see the light of the sun anymore due to all the crap in the atmosphere. And the numbers they got was...900km. So 900km is technically the limit you should visually be able to see anything at sea level. And...we don't see anywhere near that distance at sea level. And radar doesn't care about what visual light can't get through, and radar can't see that far along the surface of the Earth either. In fact, radar can...see the horizon. Almost as if there's something reflecting radar waves back to the radar, and then suddenly not. Like a cliff. Or something curving *away* from the radar's emitter... In a full 360 degrees when out at sea. What shape curves away in a full 360 degrees...? Oh right. A sphere.
    And then they try to claim that, because we've got wavelengths of radar and radio that bounce off the atmosphere at different heights, which technically allow us to see over the horizon, the Earth is flat. Because why the hell wouldn't we look for ways to *see over the horizon* if the Earth was flat? You know. The horizon that wouldn't actually exist on a flat earth as a distinct line...

    • @randycampbell6307
      @randycampbell6307 Před 2 měsíci +3

      One of my favorite arguments. (Comes from being an AWACS radar tech :) )

    • @5peciesunkn0wn
      @5peciesunkn0wn Před 2 měsíci +3

      @@randycampbell6307 mine too. Only one flerf has actually answered my questioning about radar ranges along the surface lol.

    • @randycampbell6307
      @randycampbell6307 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@5peciesunkn0wn I'm surprised they had an "answer" at all. Most of them just ignore the whole thing. Curious, what was his answer?

    • @5peciesunkn0wn
      @5peciesunkn0wn Před 2 měsíci

      @@randycampbell6307 that because we can bounce radar off the atmosphere using specific wavelengths, the earth is flat because there "is over the horizon radar and radio"

    • @randycampbell6307
      @randycampbell6307 Před 2 měsíci +2

      @@5peciesunkn0wn Ah, yep got that one the AWACS too. Of course they don't seem to actually "understand" the meaning of "over the horizon" :)

  • @JohnnysCafe_
    @JohnnysCafe_ Před 2 měsíci +2

    Planarwalk just gave the best description of flat earth i have heard.

  • @ondrejzacek9243
    @ondrejzacek9243 Před 2 měsíci +24

    Love that reference to V-Sauce at 2:18 "or does it?"😂

  • @riluna3695
    @riluna3695 Před 2 měsíci +9

    While some misunderstandings definitely come from overreliance on imperfect senses and overall "vibes", I've noticed a lot of them come from a hyper-shallow understanding of complex explanations. People hear "Survival of the Fittest" and assume that only THE fittest survives. They also insert their own intuited definition of "fittest", which is usually "strongest".
    They hear that creatures evolve and assume that the creatures themselves are trying their best to become better, by growing wings and such all by themselves, instead of listening to what's actually being claimed, that changes only occur when a creature is born, and they just use what they're born with to do the best they can to survive. Y'know, exactly like what happens in the modern day all around us.
    It's difficult to do anything about this, because the mind that behaves this way is usually looking for the simplest possible explanation to begin with, arbitrarily deciding that simpler means better and more accurate, when it REALLY doesn't. Trying to explain things in complex detail is just going to leave them hearing a bare fraction of what you're saying and coming to some new misunderstanding. You almost have to invent better summaries of what these things mean, though who knows if even that would help. When someone gets deep enough into an idea, and has fought enough people on that idea, it becomes something they fiercely defend, and they'll get (verbally) violent over it if pushed.
    Human nature really leaves us woefully underprepared to face the world in any but the simplest ways...

    • @theultimatereductionist7592
      @theultimatereductionist7592 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Stories are fucking trivially easy to consume. Mathematical models are hard. They require work.
      Therefore, cuntservatives (pure selfish laziness) hate mathematical models.

  • @BadFoodBlog
    @BadFoodBlog Před 2 měsíci +4

    Issue is you can’t argue with stupid because stupid will never know it is wrong!

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 Před 2 měsíci +2

      Flat earthers are a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

  • @Othawaii
    @Othawaii Před 2 měsíci +7

    And i can't take YOU serious until you fix that broken B-key!

    • @filippofittipaldi8050
      @filippofittipaldi8050 Před 2 měsíci +1

      I wouldn't go that far, but that B key is totally F'd up.

    • @nzbeeman
      @nzbeeman Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@filippofittipaldi8050 today was the first time that I noticed it, mist go back and see when it wasn't broken
      Looks to be around 3 years ago

    • @nonyabusiness3619
      @nonyabusiness3619 Před 2 měsíci


  • @legion162
    @legion162 Před 2 měsíci +53

    The earth used to be flat, then people got educated, conducted experiments and discovered the earth is a globe.

    • @dawnmcauley6411
      @dawnmcauley6411 Před 2 měsíci +14

      Ancient peoples actually mostly believed that Earth to be round (for those that made positive claims about it's shape anyway,) particularly those with the sun as strong cultural significance.

    • @legion162
      @legion162 Před 2 měsíci +6

      @@dawnmcauley6411 take this with a pinch of salt, because I'm not certain absolutely certain, but I'm sure that in the olden day's as in pre BC most people weren't educated and couldn't give a toss on the shape 🤣🤣
      I think its was 3rd and 2nd century BC that writings started appearing between philosophers and mathematician's about the size and shape of the earth, that suggests (wrongly or rightly) to me that before the period the shape of the earth wasn't certain to be a globe, then again it could be because older manuscripts don't exist anymore

    • @rebirth_mishap
      @rebirth_mishap Před 2 měsíci +10

      Earth never used to be flat

    • @freddan6fly
      @freddan6fly Před 2 měsíci +9

      3000 years ago the field of mathematics called geometry was started. At that time the Babylonians who started that field of mathematics knew the shape of the globe.
      Geometry is an ancient Greek word meaning "measuring the earth".

    • @dawnmcauley6411
      @dawnmcauley6411 Před 2 měsíci +6

      @@legion162 I wouldn't trust the average person *today* to get most scientific facts completely accurate. When I say "ancients peoples knew the Earth was round," I'm specifically referring to the individuals which would make positive claims about the shape of the Earth and they'd have the same data we have to work with (obviously obtained in a different manner but that's a digression.) That's the point.

  • @ElysiaWhitemoonOmega
    @ElysiaWhitemoonOmega Před 2 měsíci +3

    but that works with alot of things "if you have to lie to get your point across, you dont have a point'

  • @paradigmbuster
    @paradigmbuster Před 2 měsíci +4

    The only thing flat are some of the notes on that piano.

    • @CD_Character
      @CD_Character Před 2 měsíci +3

      Well, you better C Sharp or you could B Flat !
      That's just A Minor joke. No need to feel Diminished.
      Anyway, music theory is "just a theory". Right ?

    • @BreakYourBubble
      @BreakYourBubble Před 2 měsíci


  • @powerpc6037
    @powerpc6037 Před 2 měsíci +3

    You don't need to go anywhere to disprove flat earth. Just take a sunset and watch the sun go below the horizon every evening. In flat earth models, the sun is going in a circle about 3000km (or miles) above the flat disc. Even when you would be standing at the edge of the disc and the sun is at the opposite side of the disc, it's still 3000km high in the sky. But in reality, the sun goes below the horizon and even disappears completely, lighting up the clouds from underneath. Therefore, the earth cannot be flat. Something that's high in the sky will never appear to go down until it vanishes.
    Or just take pictures every minute of the stars moving across the sky and you'll also see that they show the earth rotating when you put all pictures and make a video from them.

  • @chrisconnors7418
    @chrisconnors7418 Před 2 měsíci +2

    A scientific theory will be discarded when a new theory explains all of the observed phenomena the old theory did, AND does a better job of it while also answering a few more things the old one didn’t.
    So, FE need to incorporate everything that gravity and a rotating orbiting round earth explains into one coherent model that makes better predictions than our current model.

  • @petergaskin1811
    @petergaskin1811 Před 2 měsíci +2

    How can anyone take flerfers seriously? They have no coherent model that can be investigated seriously. They have no map of the flat earth drawn to any scale capable of being interrogated in order to question anything. They have no consistent model of the size and height of the Sun and Moon or of how these bodies manage to hover above the flat surface of the Earth. Neither can they explain how the Sun manages to light only one half of the disc at any time with the other half being completely dark without anyone being able to see the sun at night. In other words, they have exactly nothing. Nothing. "Flat Earth" is a bad, unfunny joke.

  • @Stealthmodeactivated-h8w
    @Stealthmodeactivated-h8w Před 2 měsíci +4

    Radio propagation proves the globe

    @NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ Před 2 měsíci +3

    "I don't feel the earth spin" ... well I don't feel gravity, I don't feel a constant force pressing down on me. Does that mean gravity is not real either?

    • @tezzerii
      @tezzerii Před 2 měsíci +3

      A lot of flat earthers don't believe in gravity either.

    • @tornagawn
      @tornagawn Před 2 měsíci +4

      One cannot believe in gravity if one thinks the earth is flat…the physics would not work, everyone would experience a greater force of attraction to the centre.
      At ‘the never seen edge’ you’d have to be close to horizontal with reference to the force of flat earth gravity (accepting this is impossible as the mass would already have formed a spherical mass) 8:11

  • @whoviating
    @whoviating Před 2 měsíci +2

    My challenge to flerfs remains what it has long been: You want to be taken seriously? Give me a model, a single, internally-consistent model that explains everything the "globe model" does. The seasons, both the apparent motion and position of the Sun, Moon, and stars both daily and across the year, solar and lunar eclipses, the relation of the visible constellations to latitude, the Coriolis Effect, everything.
    And by the way, if there is a North Pole, where is the South Pole on a flat Earth? What about compasses? If there is a north magnetic pole, there must be a south magnetic pole. Where is it? Or are compasses more NASA fakery?
    Do that, make that model, and you could have something worth talking about. Until then, you got nothin'.

  • @corranhorn85
    @corranhorn85 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I love the tennis ball thing, because what you should really do is spin it at a rate of one revolution over 24 hours.

    • @themobiusfunction
      @themobiusfunction Před měsícem

      and do it in outer space so that Earth's gravity is not involved.

  • @lordlordingtonofawesomeshire
    @lordlordingtonofawesomeshire Před 2 měsíci +2

    The only question this video leaves me with is - Which MTG card is that sitting on the keyboard?

  • @nikolaihenke8440
    @nikolaihenke8440 Před 2 měsíci

    i just love your delivery and the backdrop

  • @happyfarang
    @happyfarang Před 2 měsíci +3

    "i am god" is un-falsifiable. "The earth is flat" is very falsifiable. The way the sun move over the sky. Gravity. Physics. The universe. Sea navigation. The night sky. Etc. etc. etc. Just because they don't understand it doesn't mean it's un-falsifiable. I am God, by the way 😅

    • @crooker2
      @crooker2 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Flat earthers (the dedicated ones) have answers to the common arguments.
      But none of them will be able to explain the 24 sun they will experience in December when they perform the "final experiment".

    • @WillyPhonken
      @WillyPhonken Před 2 měsíci +1

      I shall worship you.

    • @boekjar
      @boekjar Před 2 měsíci +2

      ​@@crooker2They're sure working on it, with their Dome Reflections or their Coffee Cup Caustic.

  • @st.anselmsfire3547
    @st.anselmsfire3547 Před 2 měsíci +3

    Their need to lie always makes me wonder if they actually believe it themselves. Same with Young Earth Creationists

  • @RustyWalker
    @RustyWalker Před 2 měsíci +1

    It's worth noting when the flerth arguments appeal to an explanation that is just wrong.
    Perspective does not make anything disappear bottom first, and *only* bottom first.
    The Rayleigh Criterion does not apply if you can still the superstructure clearly. The hull will still be above that criteria which is why no flerth will ever actually calculate it and show their working.
    And for good photography that is minimally affected by refraction, you can't zoom it back.
    We checked.

  • @timothy8428
    @timothy8428 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Flat Earth is, after all, a very juvenile idea.

  • @bobblum5973
    @bobblum5973 Před 2 měsíci +1

    "Well, I can't prove Earth is flat, but I'm 1000% certain it's _not_ a GLOBE!"
    - _The vast majority of Flat Earth believers._

  • @Slikx666
    @Slikx666 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I'd like a truth drug to be given to all flatearthers and have them answer a question.
    Q1. Do you really believe that the earth is flat?
    This will let us know how many people have been tricked into believing it.
    Q2. Are you talking about the earth being flat just to make money?
    This will let us know who the scum are and hopefully have them delt with by the law.
    Q3. Are you sorry for misleading people?
    If they answer no then they have no place in society.

  • @rayceeya8659
    @rayceeya8659 Před 2 měsíci +1

    He's an experiment for a flerf. Find a skyscraper. Put the flerf in the elevator. Pick a random floor and see if the flerf can guess which floor he's on after going up or down. If they're so sensitive to motion they should be able to tell right? You can't feel constant velocity. We are moving at 5000mph on the surface of the earth but out acceleration is ZERO. Our bodies can only feel acceleration, we can't feel velocity.

    • @helmuttrzoska4572
      @helmuttrzoska4572 Před 2 měsíci +1

      Not one of the flat earthers took a ride on a train. Drinking coffe while running with 100 miles per hour.

  • @thylacoleonkennedy7
    @thylacoleonkennedy7 Před 2 měsíci +3

    6:35 Creationists lie like their lives depend on it, and in the case of people like Andrew Snelling and Nathaniel Jeanson their _livelihoods_ definitely do.

  • @roucouk18
    @roucouk18 Před 2 měsíci +2

    Flefs are by definition unwilling to do the work. I think some of them are just happy to be in some counter-culture group that claims to be smarter than all those educated sheep. Maybe they weren't athletic enough to get into sports and not smart enough to get into college. Maybe it's just a lack of motivation to be in either group. Those that do show motivation and try experiments get the maths wrong and their interpretation of the data is, to put it mildly, sub-par. Once somebody points out the flaws in their experiment, they prefer to attack the person rather than reexamine their data.

  • @fakecrusader
    @fakecrusader Před 2 měsíci +2

    Too many people equate "not this" to be "that". They don't have the imagination to think of alternatives.

    • @rikk319
      @rikk319 Před 2 měsíci

      Right. Like if I flip a coin and cover it before I see what it is, and my friend says, "Do you think it is heads?" and I say, "I don't know." Then he says, "Oh, so you think it's tails!" No, I said I don't know--that means I'm not sure if it is heads OR tails. I'm withholding judgement until I have more data.

  • @OnASeasideMission
    @OnASeasideMission Před 2 měsíci +1

    Hey PW, look into the theory and practice of gravitometry.
    With particular reference to the correction for latitude.
    Where 'flat earth' is concerned, it's the Tsarina Bomb.

  • @tzvikrasner6073
    @tzvikrasner6073 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Frankly, I think you can blame the modern flat earth movement (and, honestly, most conspiracy movements nowadays) on Andrew Niccol and Peter Weir. Their 1998 film The Truman Show seems to be almost ground zero for a lot of flerf beliefs.

  • @trashaimgamer7822
    @trashaimgamer7822 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I'm not even a serious person and I still recognize how ridiculous the flat earth phantasy is...
    Also I am God. Stop impersonating me.

  • @getahanddown
    @getahanddown Před 2 měsíci +1

    I recon Jeran is legit interested but knows if he goes alone he'll just be shut out of FE

  • @eyevou
    @eyevou Před 2 měsíci +1

    There is value in holding skeptical viewpoints to verified and tested theories, the scientific method is there for a reason, but when you deny the results of your own testing that's where things go off the rails. We have been verifying things that can't be seen for hundreds of years. Proposing alternative solutions is valuable but you have to go where the science actually takes you.

  • @Isolder74
    @Isolder74 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Jeran is trying to pretend to look reasonable but he's not going and he's clearly trying to think of an excuse.

  • @Ianshandle999
    @Ianshandle999 Před 2 měsíci +2

    The smart ones are grifters, the rest are just thick…

  • @G-Forces
    @G-Forces Před 2 měsíci +2

    I'm ready for the holy war between the followers of the goddess's Planarwalk and AliceinWonder1and

  • @tf8327
    @tf8327 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Even if 99.9% of the people on earth would believe the earth is flat, it would not make the earth flat. It would only mean there are 7.992.000.000 people on globe earth, that believe they are on a flat earth. Believe does not change the shape of the earth.

    • @infinitysplitda456
      @infinitysplitda456 Před 2 měsíci

      Sir, most flat earhers OBSERVE a flat earth. They don't believe in it. When you can see objects hundreds of miles away that should be hidden behind a geometric curve there is not much belief involved. Take a plane trip and see the horizon stay at eye level at every height.
      Observable, measurable, and repeatable. Welcome to science. Welcome to flat earth

  • @MaxCareyPlus
    @MaxCareyPlus Před 2 měsíci +1

    I'd posit that both flat earth and young-earth creationism are falsifiable by other means, though.

  • @happyhippo4664
    @happyhippo4664 Před 2 měsíci +1

    I am more likely to believe in leprechauns then to believe the earth is flat. I have 3 college degrees in engineering. WTH - I never got my NASA paycheck.

  • @thunderflare59
    @thunderflare59 Před 2 měsíci

    Even Alex Jones doesn't take flat earth seriously. Let that sink in.

  • @billbrenne5475
    @billbrenne5475 Před 2 měsíci +1

    It isnt taken seriously by flat-earthers.

  • @SysterYster
    @SysterYster Před 2 měsíci +1

    Another thing they like to do, that's so stupid it's funny, is to pour water on a football and expect it to stay there... while standing here on earth, the obviously much larger ball. XD

  • @almitrahopkins1873
    @almitrahopkins1873 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Your senses are amazing. You are standing on a globe spinning while it hurtles through space at speeds you couldn’t achieve on the Earth, without getting dizzy. That is some Grade-A filtering of sensory input and you do it without any effort whatsoever.
    The reason flat Earth exists as a belief is because it scares the hell out of the flat-earthers to imagine that everything they have ever known is hurtling through space at speeds they can’t even fathom towards a destination that will take billions of years to reach. It’s like standing on a skyscraper and looking down, but on a scale that exceeds everything they can wrap their tiny brains around.

    • @Diviance
      @Diviance Před 2 měsíci

      "Your senses are amazing. You are standing on a globe spinning while it hurtles through space at speeds you couldn’t achieve on the Earth, without getting dizzy. That is some Grade-A filtering of sensory input and you do it without any effort whatsoever. "
      *...do you get dizzy when you walk around a train going at its cruising speed? Or an airplane?*
      *Of course not. Because you don't feel the motion at that point.*

    • @violetfactorial6806
      @violetfactorial6806 Před 2 měsíci

      Speed is relative, our senses aren't "filtering" out any input, we are moving in the same frame of reference so our relative speed is zero.
      There is some acceleration from the rotation of the earth which we could theoretically feel if we were sensitive enough to it, but the earth's rotation is very slow (one complete rotation per 24 hours). It's so negligible that we can't notice it without setting up extremely sensitive experiments, like large pendulums. Our internal "accelerometer" (the vestibular system) isn't sensitive enough.
      If you doubt this, try an experiment - sit on an office chair that can freely rotate, blindfolded in a quiet room (so there's no visual or auditory signals that your brain can latch onto for orientation). Have a friend rotate you very slowly - do a complete rotation in 5 minutes. See if you can sense this rotation (you can't). Note that this is nearly 300 times faster than the earth's rotation.

  • @Puremindgames
    @Puremindgames Před 2 měsíci +1

    The Final Experiment, was doomed from the start, the free trip being for a high level flat earth influencer while logical from a 'tell your people' and financial stand point, since no one is listening to a random flat earther they've never heard of or seen, telling them they were wrong all along, they're just gonna get called a plant(like they do with converts, who not one day before was one of their favourite youtubers) and unfortunatlly the influencer was never going to volunteer and if one did(I dunno maybe the planets aligned into a pentagram or something) they still ain't telling their audience what happened.

  • @russellarson4690
    @russellarson4690 Před 2 měsíci

    You look amazing and I hope you feel amazing. You are an inspiration, thank you.

  • @michaeldoherty5415
    @michaeldoherty5415 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Our particular senses are not at all useful in deducing big conceptual ideas. They’re useful for hunting and avoiding predators. They’re useful for survival and procreation. Developing tools like language, writing, maths, microscopes, telescopes, which go beyond the capabilities of our senses is how we tackle the big ideas. The fact that flat Earthers demand to use their objectively faulty senses to solve those big ideas is really all we need to know about them.

  • @c.augustin
    @c.augustin Před 2 měsíci +2

    The problem is: Flerfs and YECs *are* taken seriously enough to respond to their nonsense and trying to show that it's the nonsense it clearly is. Well, just showing that they're wrong would be okay, if just done once. Or maybe twice (if a new "argument" shows up). But just "debating" them gives them too much credit. Still, I know, it's just too entertaining to do it … 😁

  • @zachreads
    @zachreads Před 2 měsíci +1

    I'd like a video on the channel "Spiritual Warroir Magestry", his videos on "family" are queerphobic and his videos on"fearing god" are also unhinged

  • @user-tr3kx8bs5m
    @user-tr3kx8bs5m Před 2 měsíci +2

    Sure round planets round moon round sun but flat earth.makes sense

  • @rinkuraku5251
    @rinkuraku5251 Před 2 měsíci +7

    Today I learned God is trans. This checks out.

  • @Hamokk
    @Hamokk Před 2 měsíci +3

    Hello sister Planar. Found you when you were featuring with Alice. It's nice to see and hear more trans women who are of scientistic mind.

  • @michaelbaynham5107
    @michaelbaynham5107 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Advice to flat earthers: Take a flight to Australia, preferably southern Australia, somewhere like Sydney or Canberra. Look up on a dark clear night and you will see that most of the constellations are different to the ones you see at home, they are also upside-down, even though you are stood upright. If you take more notice you will see that the sky is rotating in the opposite direction, (it isn't really, it's because you are now upside-down).

    • @infinitysplitda456
      @infinitysplitda456 Před 2 měsíci

      Sir, on those flights the horizon stays at eye level. We can see mountains hundreds of miles away...at eye level. That does not work on your globe with a specific radius of 3,959 miles. I suggest conduct your experiments to prove or falsify the R value for your glove and THEN worry about the position of lights in the sky. We typically don't look at the shape or position of lights on the ceiling to determine the shape of the floor we are standing on.

    • @michaelbaynham5107
      @michaelbaynham5107 Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@infinitysplitda456 I don't care how you get there. Go by boat if you want. As long as you go. And the lights are stars in the sky, not on the ceiling.

  • @GrumpyMunkyGameDesign
    @GrumpyMunkyGameDesign Před 2 měsíci +2

    bro you dont gotta explain why flat earthers will never be taken seriously, they BELIEVE IN A FLAT EARTH, its kinda self explanatory... Its like why no one takes people who declare gravity non existant, the clues in the title

    • @markmacfarlane3169
      @markmacfarlane3169 Před 2 měsíci

      You can't call him bro as he's decided to not be male anymore using the power of his imagination. Did you not see the coming out video?

  • @ScootsLounge
    @ScootsLounge Před 2 měsíci

    The fucking VSauce sting got me lmao

  • @SecondaryHomunculus
    @SecondaryHomunculus Před 2 měsíci +2

    No one ever talks about Inverted Sphere Earth.

  • @jeffknight904
    @jeffknight904 Před 2 měsíci +2

    If the Earth was flat, then Australia and New Zealand wouldn't be down under - and everyone knows that they are - so, globe case rested forever.

  • @ericchin739
    @ericchin739 Před 2 měsíci

    You're awesome!!
    And looking fabulous lately!

  • @jaredgreen2363
    @jaredgreen2363 Před 2 měsíci

    To be specific they are hostile to the prospect of doing math unless they can intentionally get it wrong in their favor.

  • @jameslyddall
    @jameslyddall Před 2 měsíci +1

    Flat earth can’t be taken seriously. Yes just look at Nathan Thompson

  • @balthizarlucienclan
    @balthizarlucienclan Před 2 měsíci

    Off topic question; why is baphy’s forehead and horns covered?

  • @aagloworks
    @aagloworks Před 2 měsíci

    To disprove flat earth,you don't have to go to antarctica. Sydney is far south enough to see, that the sun appears to circle around the south pole (instead of north pole).

  • @TheStevecas9860
    @TheStevecas9860 Před 2 měsíci

    @Planarwalk Excellent summation!

  • @rini6
    @rini6 Před 2 měsíci

    Since 2015 I have realized that I have grossly overestimated the wisdom and knowledge of the average person

  • @Shaddymaze
    @Shaddymaze Před 2 měsíci

    The Magic the Gathering card is Corpse Hauler, for the curious.

  • @Kim_Miller
    @Kim_Miller Před 2 měsíci

    I'd like to see a video on fixing that B key. Flatten it out, Planarwalk, it's trying to go over the horizon.

  • @chrisdurhammusicchannel
    @chrisdurhammusicchannel Před 2 měsíci

    It's funny. I usually say, "SERIOUSLY??????" 🤦whenever Flat Earthers say things, but I think that's the opposite of taking them seriously. Init? 🤔

  • @martinbaxter4783
    @martinbaxter4783 Před 2 měsíci

    Yes. Flerfdom *is* rising.
    Just like that floater in the bowl. (Yes. I went there. Photos of the trip will be on my IG.)

  • @featheredskeptic1301
    @featheredskeptic1301 Před 2 měsíci +1

    They can just go anywhere in the southern hemisphere and observe the rotation of the stars through the night. As long as it's clear weather it would be possible to prove that these stars don't rotate around Polaris. Therefore the supposed glass lid above the Earth pizza can't work they way they want it to do so. The simplest explanation is that the Earth is not flat, is a globe.

  • @WilliamRWarrenJr
    @WilliamRWarrenJr Před 2 měsíci

    I don't have any problem with it.
    I drink, I get drunk, the earth rotates 90° from perpendicular ... No problem!

  • @terratorment2940
    @terratorment2940 Před 2 měsíci

    The reason: it's manifestly absurd

  • @AshNonokPlays
    @AshNonokPlays Před 2 měsíci +1

    How I wish we lived in a simulation, so I can unplugged this flerfs!😂

  • @bosoerjadi2838
    @bosoerjadi2838 Před 2 měsíci

    I'll take them seriously once they'd manage to bring their own Earth observation satellite into orbit.

  • @censorsstarve
    @censorsstarve Před 2 měsíci

    What MTG card is that? I can't quite make it out.

  • @jamesphillips2285
    @jamesphillips2285 Před 2 měsíci

    I had to look up "ringwoodite" to make sure that the auto-generated captions and I did not mishear.

  • @alexiachimciuc3199
    @alexiachimciuc3199 Před 2 měsíci +3

    The flat earth will never be taken seriously because most of the people on the planet aren't from US or UK 😊 ( does Canada have flatearthers??)

    • @RealJiffyCones
      @RealJiffyCones Před 2 měsíci +1

      Mikey Smith is a Canadian Flerf.

    • @alexiachimciuc3199
      @alexiachimciuc3199 Před 2 měsíci

      @@RealJiffyCones 👍 How about Australia??

    • @RealJiffyCones
      @RealJiffyCones Před 2 měsíci +1

      @@alexiachimciuc3199 Mitchell from Austrailia and Iron Horse(I think).

    • @alexiachimciuc3199
      @alexiachimciuc3199 Před 2 měsíci

      @@RealJiffyCones so the entire anglo-saxon world is contaminated 😆

    • @RealJiffyCones
      @RealJiffyCones Před 2 měsíci

      @@alexiachimciuc3199 The entire world is. SOM from Africa, some Chinese man who "proved" flat earth with a bowl and some sausage rice...Stupidity is global, unfortunately.

  • @123123lad
    @123123lad Před 2 měsíci

    What does bottom first have to do with anything. Not a question

  • @annal3708
    @annal3708 Před 2 měsíci +1

    Hail Planarwalk! I saw your subtle message and instantly realised who God is. And to flesh out an earlier statement in the comment sections I am glad that God is trans which is the only way God could have created so many different humans.😂❤

  • @OlivierGabin
    @OlivierGabin Před 2 měsíci +3

    i think Flat Earth has always been a complete joke from the start, ans still is. You only have idiots and grifters who takes it seriously.